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Code 55- Building and Other Construction Workers Act, 1996

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Code 55- Human

Management Part

Code 55- Industrial (0-1) Which of the following is false relating to the conditions prescribed for registration of building, workers as beneficiaries
Relations under the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and conditions of Service) Act, 1996?

Code 55- A person employed to do any clerical or technical work for hire or reward in connection with building or other
Organizational (a) construction work.
behavior (b) A building worker who has completed eighteen years of age, but has not completed sixty years of age.
(c) A building workers who has been engaged for not less than ninety days during theproceeding twelve months.
Code 55- Labour
Market and (d) A building worker who has been engaged for more than one hundred days in a calendar year.
Unemployment Your Response: a
Correct Answer : D
Code 55- Legal
Framework EXP:
The Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of
Services) Act, 1996 was enacted with a View to regulating the wages, working conditions, safety and
Code 55- 5 Full-
health, welfare measures etc. of these workers. For registration of worker as beneficiary, it is
Length Papers for mandated that every building worker who has completed 18 years of age, but has not completed 60
June 2020 years of age, and who has been engaged in any building or other construction work for not less than
90 days during the preceding 12 months shall be eligible for registration as beneficiary under this
Paper- I (Mock Test Act.
for Jun 2020)

Paper-1 Jun 2019 and (0-2) Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Services) Act, 1996 applies to
every establishment employing or more workers
Dec 2019 Papers

Paper-1 Reading
(a) 20
Comprehension (b) 15
(e) 10
Paper-1 People and
Environment (d) 50
Your Response: a
Paper-1 Data
Correct Answer : C
Section 1(4),this act applies to every establishment which employs or had employed 10 or more
Paper-1 Information
building workers in any building or other construction work, on any day of the preceding 12 months.
and Communication
(0-3) Which of the following is not true regarding the members of Central Advisory Committee constituted by Central
Government under the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of
Services) Act, 1996?

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Paper-1 Research (a) a chairperson to be appointed by the Central Government
Aptitude (b) 3 members of Parliament, of whom 2 shall be elected by the House of People and 1 by the Council of States
Paper-1 Higher M the Director-General—member
Education other members, not exceeding 20 but not less than 12, nominated by Central Government representing the
(d) employers and building workers only.
Your Response : d
Correct Answer : D
Paper-1 Logical
Section 3, The Central Advisory Committee shall consist of—
(a) a Chairperson to be appointed by the Central Government;
Paper-1 Mathematical
(b) 3 Members of Parliament of whom 2 shall be elected by the House of the People and 1 by the
. Reasoning Council of States—members;

Paper-1 Teaching
(c) the Director-General—member, ex officio;

Aptitude (d) such number of other members, not exceeding 13 but not less than 9, as the Central
Government may nominate to represent the employers, building workers, associations of
architects, engineers, accident insurance institutions and any other interests which, in the
opinion of the Central Government, ought to be represented on the Central Advisory Committee

(Q-4) Under the Building and other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Services) Act,
1996, what is the minimum number of female building workers ordinarily to be employed so that an employer is bound
to provide a creche?

(a) TWenty
(b) Fifty
(c) One hundred

(d) One hundred and fifty

Your Response : b
Correct Answer : B
Section 35- Creches —
(1) In every place wherein, more than 50 female building workers are ordinarily
employed, there shall be provided and maintained a suitable room or rooms for the use of children
under the age of six years of such female workers.
(2) Such rooms shall—
(a) provide adequate accommodation;
(b) be adequately lighted and ventilated;
(c) be maintained in a clean and sanitary condition;
(d) be under the charge of women trained in the care of children and infants.

(0-5) ‘Safety committee’ is mandatory under the Building and other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and
Conditions of Services) Act, 1996, if a prescribed minimum number of building workers are ordinarily employed. What
is this minimum number?

(a) One hundred

(b) Two hundreds
(c) Four hundreds
(a) Five hundreds
Your Response : d
Correct Answer : D
Section 38 - Safety Committee and Safety Officers -
(1) In every establishment wherein 500 or more building workers are ordinarily employed, the
employer shall constitute a Safety Committee
consisting of such number of representatives o f the employer and the building workers as may be
prescribed by the State Government: Provided that the number of persons representing the workers,
shall, in no case, be less than the persons representing the employer.
(2) In every establishment referred to in sub-section (1), the employer shall also appoint a Safety
Officer who shall possess such qualifications and perform such duties as may be prescribed.

(0-6) Which of the following is / are included in the definition of “building or other construction work” under the Building
and other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Services) Act, 1996?
1. Construction and alteration
2. Demolition
3. Mining and quarrying
4. Plantation
Select the correct answer using the code given below:

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(a) 1 and 3

(b) 1 and 2

(C) 1 only

(0') 3 and 4
Your Response : b
Correct Answer : B

Exp: Section 2(d)- the definition of “building or other construction work” includes the following:
1) construction,
2) alteration,
3) repairs,
4) maintenance or
5) demolition, of/or,
in relation to, buildings, streets, roads, railways, tramways, airfields, irrigation, drainage,
embankment and navigation works, flood control works (including storm water drainage works),
generation, transmission and distribution of power, water works (including channels for distribution
of water), oil and gas installations, electric lines, wireless, radio, television, telephone, telegraph and
overseas communications, dams, canals, reservoirs, watercourses, tunnels, bridges, Viaducts,
aqueducts, pipelines, towers, cooling towers, transmission towers and such other work as may be
specified in this behalf by the appropriate Government, by notification but does not include any
building or other construction work to which the provisions of the Factories Act, 1948 (63 of 1948),
or the Mines Act, 1952 (35 of 1952), apply.

(0-7) Under the Building and other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Services) Act,
1996, who among the following is appointed as an ex-officio member to the State Building and other Construction
Workers Advisory Committee?

(a) Secretary,Labour and Employment

(b) The Chief Inspector
(c) JointLabour Commissioner
(d) DeputyLabour Commissioner
Your Response : b
Correct Answer : B
Section 3 - The Central Advisory Committee shall consist of —
(a) a Chairperson to be appointed by the Central Government;
(b) three Members of Parliament of whom two shall be elected by the House of the People and one
by the Council of States—members;
(c) the Director-General—member, ex officio;
((1) such number of other members, not exceeding thirteen but not less than nine, as the Central
Government may nominate to represent the employers, building workers, associations of architects,
engineers, accident insurance institutions and any other interests which, in the opinion of the Central
Government, ought to be represented on the Central Advisory Committee.

Section 4 - The State Advisory Committee shall consist of —

(a) a Chairperson to be appointed by the State Government;
(b) two members of the State Legislature to be elected from the State Legislature—members;
(c) a member to be nominated by the Central Government;
((1) the Chief Inspector—member, ex officio;
(e) such number of other members, not exceeding eleven, but not less than seven, as the State
Government may nominate to represent the employers, building workers, associations of architects,
engineers, accident insurance institutions and any other interests which, in the opinion of the State
Government, ought to be represented on the State Advisory Committee.

Section 5 - Expert committees —

(a) The appropriate Government may constitute one or more expert committees consisting of
persons specially qualified in building or other construction work for advising that Government for
making rules under this Act.
(b) The members of the expert committee shall be paid such fees and allowances for attending the
meetings of the committee as may be prescribed:
Provided that no fee or allowances shall be payable to a member who is an officer of Government or
of anybody corporate established by or under any law for the time being in force.

(0-8) Under the Building and other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Services) Act,
1996, in order to be eligible for registration as beneficiary of the Building and other Construction Workers Welfare
Fund, a worker must have been engaged in building and other construction work during the preceding 12 months for
at least:

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(a) 30 days

(b) 60 days

(0) 90 days

(d) 180 days

Your Response : c
Correct Answer : C

Exp: Section 12 - Registration of building workers as beneficiaries —Every building worker who has
completed 18 years of age, but has not completed 60 years of age, and who has been engaged in
any building or other construction work for not less than 90 days during the preceding twelve
months shall be eligible for registration as a beneficiary under this Act.

(Q9) Under the rules of the Building and other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of
Services) Act, 1996, what is the maximum weight which an adult woman is permitted to carry overhead?

(3) 50 kg

(b) 40 kg

(0) 30 kg

(d) 25kg
Your Response :
Correct Answer : C
Exp: A s per Section 38 of the The Building and Other Construction Workers' (Regulation of
Employment and Conditions of Service) Central Rules, 1998, An employer shall ensure at a
construction site of a building or other construction work that no building worker lifts by hand or
carries overhead or over his back or shoulders any material, article, tool or appliances exceeding in
weight the maximum limits set out in the following table — Maximum Weight Load for :
i) Adult man - 55 kg
ii) Adult woman - 30 kg
iii) Adolescent male - 30 kg
iv) Adolescent female - 20 kg
unless aided by any other building worker or a mechanical device.

(NOTE- do not confuse it with Building and other Construction Workers (Regulation of
Employment and Conditions of Services) Act, 1996. Both the Acts are same, but the Central is more
detailed and thus its sections vary)

(0-10) Which one of the following is NOT a statutory provision under the Building and Other Construction Workers
(Regulation of Employment and Conditions of Service) Act 1996?

(a) Drinking water

(b) Accommodation
(c) Latrines and urinals
(d) Rest rooms and lunch rooms
Your Response : b
Correct Answer: D
As per Chapter VI of this Act, following provisions are statutory in nature:
a) Drinking Water- employer shall make in every place where building or other construction work
is in progress, effective arrangements to provide and maintain at suitable points conveniently
situated for all persons employed therein, a sufficient supply of wholesome drinking water

b) Latrines and Urinals - In every place where building or other construction work is carried on,
the employer shall provide sufficient latrine and urinal accommodation and they shall be so
conveniently situated as may be accessible to the building workers at all times while they are in
such place.
Provided that it shall not be necessary to provide separate urinals in any place where less than
50 persons are employed or where the latrines are connected to a water-borne sewage system.

c) Accommodation - ( l ) The employer shall provide, free of charges and within the work site or as
near to it as may be possible, temporary living accommodation to all building workers employed by
him for such period as the building or other construction work is in progress.
(2) The temporary accommodation provided shall have separate cooking place, bathing, washing
and lavatory facilities.
(3) As soon as may be, after the building or other construction work is over, the employer shall, at
his own cost, cause removal or demolition of the temporary structures erected by him for the
purpose of providing living accommodation, cooking place or other facilities to the building
workers and restore the ground in good level and clean condition.
(4) In case an employer is given any land by a Municipal Board or any other local authority for the
purposes of providing temporary accommodation for the building workers under this section, he

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shall, as soon as may be after the construction work is over, return the possession of such land in
the same condition in which he received the same.
(1) Creches - In every place wherein, more than 50 female building workers are ordinarily
employed, there shall be provided and maintained a suitable room or rooms for the use of children
under the age of 6 years of such female workers

e) First aid - employer shall provide in all the places where building or other construction
work is carried on first-aid facilities

t) Canteens- wherein not less than 250 building workers are ordinarily employed

(0-11) Under the provisions of the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of
Service) Act 1996, the employer of an establishment has to appoint a Safety Officer if there are:

(a) five hundred or more building workers.

(b) two hundred and fifty or more building workers.
(6) three hundred or more building workers.
(d) one hundred or more building workers.
Your Response : a

Correct Answer : A

Exp: Section 38 - Safety Committee and Safety Officers -

(1) In every establishment wherein 500 or more building workers are ordinarily employed, the
employer shall constitute a Safety Committee
consisting of such number of representatives of the employer and the building workers as may be
prescribed by the State Government: Provided that the number of persons representing the workers,
shall, in no case, be less than the persons representing the employer.
(2) In every establishment referred to in sub-section (1), the employer shall also appoint a Safety
Officer who shall possess such qualifications and perform such duties as may be prescribed.

(0-12) Under the provisions of the Building and Other Construction Workers (Regulation of Employment and Conditions of
Service) Act 1996, a building worker who has been registered as a beneficiary can contribute to the Fund created
under the Act till he attains the age of:

(a) Sixty two years.

(b) Sixty years.

(C) Fifty eight years.

(d) Sixty five years.

Your Response : b
Correct Answer: B

Exp: Section 12 - Registration of building workers as beneficiaries —Every building worker who has
completed 18 years of age, but has not completed 60 years of age, and who has been engaged in
any building or other construction work for not less than 90 days during the preceding twelve
months shall be eligible for registration as a beneficiary under this Act.

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