Asme Sa-358
Asme Sa-358
Asme Sa-358
A03 (Identical to ASTM Specification A 358 /A 358M-95a⑀1 except for clarified heat treatment requirements for the H grade stainless
steels and S30815 in 5.3.1, editorial differences in Table 1, deletion of reference to in 5.1.1 and deletion of and A grain size requirement for H grade stainless steels has been added as 5.1.2. A requirement for ASME Stamping has
been added and additional requirement apply as shown in the subtitle of the specification.)
All products furnished under this SA specification are intended for application under the rules of Section III
or Section VIII-1 of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code. Manufacture of such products is limited to
manufacturers who hold the appropriate ASME Certificate of Authorization and Code Symbol Stamp. In addition
to conforming to this specification, the manufacturer shall meet all applicable requirements of Section III or
Section VIII-1 if applicable of the Code. The plate used to fabricate the pipe shall conform to SA-240. The
joints shall be full penetration butt welds as obtained by double welding or by other means which will obtain
the same quality of deposited and weld metal on the inside and outside. Welds using metal backing strips which
remain in place are excluded. The product is subject to all requirements of Section III or Section VIII-1 if
applicable of the Code including welding, heat treatment, nondestructive examination, authorized inspection at
the point of manufacture, and application of the Code Symbol Stamp.
The applicable ASME Partial Data Report Form signed by an Authorized Inspector and a certified mill test
report shall be furnished for each lot of pipe. The term “lot” applies to all pipe of the same mill heat of material
and wall thickness which is heat treated in one furnace charge. For pipe that is not heat treated, or that is heat
treated in a continuous furnace, a lot shall consist of each 200 ft (61 m) or fraction thereof of all pipe of the
same mill heat material and wall thickness subjected to the same heat treatment. For pipe that is heat treated
in a batch-type furnace that is automatically controlled within a 50°F range and is equipped with recording
pyrometers so that the heating records are available, a lot may be defined the same as for continuous furnaces.
Each length of pipe shall be marked in such a manner as to identify each such piece with the lot and the certified
mill test report.
1. Scope 1.3.2 Class 2 — Pipe shall be double welded by
processes employing filler metal in all passes. No
1.1 This specification covers electric-fusion-welded
radiography is required.
austenitic chromium-nickel alloy steel pipe suitable for
corrosive or high-temperature service, or both. 1.3.3 Class 3 — Pipe shall be single welded by
processes employing filler metal in all passes and shall
NOTE 1 — The dimensionless designator NPS (nominal pipe size)
has been substituted in this standard for such traditional terms as be completely radiographed.
“nominal diameter,” “size,” and “nominal size.”
1.3.4 Class 4 — Same as Class 3 except that the
1.2 This specification covers nineteen grades of alloy weld pass exposed to the inside pipe surface may be
steel as indicated in Table 1 The selection of the proper made without the addition of filler metal (see
alloy and requirements for heat treatment shall be at and
the discretion of the purchaser, dependent on the service
conditions to be encountered. 1.3.5 Class 5 — Pipe shall be double welded by
processes employing filler metal in all passes and shall
1.3 Five classes of pipe are covered as follows: be spot radiographed.
1.3.1 Class 1 — Pipe shall be double welded by 1.4 Supplementary requirements covering provisions
processes employing filler metal in all passes and shall ranging from additional testing to formalized procedures
be completely radiographed. for manufacturing practice are provided. Supplementary
SA-358/SA-358M 2001 SECTION II For Class 4 pipe, the weld surface ex- DELETED A03
posed inside the pipe may result from a single pass
made from the inside of the pipe without the addition 5.4 A solution annealing temperature above 1950°F
of filler metal. [1065°C] may impair the resistance to intergranular
corrosion after subsequent exposure to sensitizing condi- All single-welded pipe shall be com- tions in Grades 321, 347, and 348. When specified by
pletely radiographed. the purchaser, a lower temperature stabilization or re-
solution anneal shall be used subsequent to the initial
5.2.3 The weld surface on either side of the weld
high temperature solution anneal (see Supplementary
may be flush with the base plate or may have a
Requirement S5).
reasonably uniform crown, not to exceed 1⁄8 in. [3
mm]. Any weld reinforcement may be removed at the
manufacturer’s option or by agreement between the
manufacturer and purchaser. The contour of the rein- 6. Chemical Composition
forcement should be reasonably smooth and free from
irregularities. The deposited metal shall be fused uni- 6.1 The chemical composition of the plate shall
formly into the plate surface. No concavity of contour conform to the requirements of the applicable specifica-
is permitted unless the resulting thickness of weld metal tion and grade listed in Specification A 240.
is equal to or greater than the minimum thickness of
the adjacent base metal. 6.2 Unless otherwise specified in the purchase order,
the chemical composition of the welding filler metal
5.2.4 Weld defects shall be repaired by removal shall conform to the requirements of the applicable
to sound metal and rewelding. Subsequent heat treatment AWS specification for the corresponding grade shown
and examination (that is, visual, radiographic, and dye in Table 1, except that for 304N, 304LN, 316N, 316LN,
penetrant) shall be as required on the original welds. and S30815, the nitrogen and cerium contents shall
be within the range specified for these materials in depth is greater than 1⁄4 of the thickness, shall be
Specification A 240. The method of analysis for nitrogen pressure tested or repressure tested after repair and
and cerium shall be a matter of agreement between the pur- heat treatment (if any). Repair welds shall also be
chaser and manufacturer. Grades with no filler metal classi- examined by suitable nondestructive examination tech-
fication indicated shall be welded with filler metals produc- niques, including any techniques specifically required
ing deposited weld metal having a composition in of the primary weld.
accordance with the chemical composition specified for
the plate. The purchaser may choose a higher-alloy filler 8.4 The pipe shall be free of scale and contaminating
metal when needed for corrosion resistance. iron particles. Pickling, blasting or surface finishing is not
mandatory when pipe is bright annealed. The purchaser
may request that a passivating treatment be applied.
7. Permissible Variations in Dimensions
7.1 Permissible Variations — The dimensions at any
point in a length of pipe shall not exceed the following: 9. Heat Analysis
7.1.1 Outside Diameter — Based on circumferential 9.1 An analysis of each heat of steel shall be made
measurement, ±0.5% of the specified outside diameter. by the plate manufacturer to determine the percentages
7.1.2 Out-of-Roundness — Difference between ma- of the elements prescribed in Specification A 240. This
jor and minor outside diameters, 1%. analysis shall be made from a test ingot taken during
the pouring of the heat. The chemical composition thus
7.1.3 Alignment — Using a 10-ft or 3-m straight- determined shall conform to the requirements prescribed
edge placed so that both ends are in contact with the in Specification A 240.
pipe, 1⁄8 in. [3 mm].
7.1.4 Thickness — The minimum wall thickness
at any point in the pipe shall not be more than 0.01
10. Product Analysis
in. [0.3 mm] under the nominal thickness.
10.1 For each lot of 500 ft [150m] of pipe or fraction
thereof, analysis shall be made by the manufacturer
8. Workmanship, Finish, and Appearance from the finished pipe of the plate and of the weld
deposit. Drillings for analysis may be taken from the
8.1 The finished pipe shall have a workmanlike mechanical test specimens. The results of these analyses
finish. shall be reported to the purchaser or the purchaser’s
8.2 Repair of Plate Defects by Machining or Grind- representative, and shall conform to the requirements
ing — Pipe showing slivers may be machined or ground of Section 6, subject to the product analysis tolerances
inside or outside to a depth which shall ensure the of Table 1 in Specification A 480 /A 480M.
removal of all included scale and slivers, providing
10.2 If the analysis of one of the tests specified in
the wall thickness is not reduced below the specified
10.1 does not conform to the requirements specified
minimum wall thickness. Machining or grinding shall
in Section 6, analyses shall be made on additional pipe
follow inspection of the pipe as rolled, and shall be
of double the original number from the same lot, each
followed by supplementary visual inspection.
of which shall conform to the requirements specified.
8.3 Repair of Plate Defects by Welding — Defects
which violate minimum wall thickness may be repaired
by welding, but only with the approval of the purchaser.
Areas shall be suitably prepared for welding with tightly 11. Tensile Requirements
closed defects removed by grinding. Open, clean defects, 11.1 The plate used in making the pipe shall conform
such as pits or impressions, may require no preparation. to the requirements as to tensile properties of the applicable
All welders, welding operators, and weld procedures specifications listed in Table 1 Tension tests made by the
shall be qualified to the ASME Boiler and Pressure plate manufacturer shall qualify the plate material.
Vessel Code, Section IX. Unless the purchaser specifies
otherwise, pipe required to be heat treated under the 11.2 The transverse tension test taken across the welded
provisions of 5.3, shall be heat treated or reheat treated joint specimen shall have a tensile strength not less than
following repair welding. Repaired lengths, where repair the specified minimum tensile strength of the plate.
SA-358 /SA-358M 2001 SECTION II
12. Transverse Guided-Bend Weld Tests For thicknesses over 11⁄4 in. [32 mm],
multiple specimens shall be cut through the full thickness
12.1 Two bend test specimens shall be taken trans-
of the weld with their centers parallel to the material surface
versely from the pipe. Except as provided in 12.2, one
and not over 1 in. [25 mm] apart. The centers of the speci-
shall be subject to a face guided-bend test and the second
mens adjacent to material surfaces shall not exceed 5⁄8 in.
to a root guided-bend test. One specimen shall be bent with
[16 mm] from the surface.
the inside surface of the pipe against the plunger, and the
other with the outside surface against the plunger. 13.4 The test specimens shall not be cut from the
pipe or test plate until after final heat treatment.
12.2 For wall thicknesses over 3⁄8 in. [9.5 mm]
but less than 3⁄4 in. [19 mm] side-bend tests may be made
instead of the face and root-bend tests. For specified wall
14. Mechanical Tests Required
thicknesses 3⁄4 in. [19 mm] and over, both specimens shall
be subjected to the side-bend tests. Side-bend specimens 14.1 Transverse Tension Test — One test shall be
shall be bent so that one of the side surfaces becomes the made to represent each lot (see Note 2) of finished pipe.
convex surface of the bend specimen.
NOTE 2 — The term “lot” applies to all pipe of the same grade (may
12.3 The bend test shall be acceptable if no cracks include more than one heat of steel) within a 3⁄16 in. [4.7 mm] range of
thickness and welded to the same weld procedure, and when heat treated,
or other defects exceeding 1⁄8 in. [3 mm] in any direction done so to the same heat-treating procedure and in the same furnace. The
be present in the weld metal or between the weld and maximum lot size shall be 200 linear ft [60 m] of pipe.
the pipe metal after bending. Cracks which originate
14.2 Transverse Guided-Bend Weld Test — One test
along the edges of the specimen during testing, and
(two specimens) shall be made to represent each lot
that are less than 1⁄4 in. [6.5 mm] measured in any
(Note 2) of finished pipe.
direction shall not be considered.
14.3 Hydrostatic Test — Each length of pipe shall A02
13. Test Specimens and Methods of Testing be subjected to a hydrostatic test in accordance with
13.1 Transverse tension and bend test specimens Specification A 530 /A 530M, unless specifically ex-
shall be taken from the end of the finished pipe; the empted under the provision of 14.4 Pressure shall be
transverse tension and bend test specimens shall be held for a sufficient time to permit the inspector to
flattened cold before final machining to size. examine the entire length of the welded seam.
13.2 As an alternative to the requirements of 13.1, 14.4 The purchaser, with the agreement of the manu-
the test specimens may be taken from a test plate of facturer, may complete the hydrostatic test requirement
the same material as the pipe, which is attached to with the system pressure test, which may be lower or
the end of the cylinder and welded as a prolongation higher than the specification test pressure, but in no
of the pipe longitudinal seam. case shall the test pressure be lower than the system
design pressure. Each length of pipe furnished without
13.3 Tension test specimens shall be made in accord- the completed manufacturer’s hydrostatic test shall in-
ance with Section IX, Part QW, Paragraph QW-150 clude with the mandatory marking the letters “NH”.
of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code and
shall be one of the types shown in QW-462.1 of
that code. 15. Radiographic Examination
13.3.1 Reduced-section specimens conforming to 15.1 For Classes 1, 3, and 4 pipe, all welded joints
the requirements given in QW-462.1(b) may be used shall be completely examined by radiography.
for tension tests on all thicknesses of pipe having
outside diameter greater than 3 in. [76 mm]. 15.2 For Class 5 pipe, the welded joints shall be
spot radiographed to the extent of not less than 12 in.
13.3.2 Turned specimens conforming to the require- [300 mm] of radiograph per 50 ft [15 m] of weld.
ments of QW-462.1(d) may be used for tension tests.
15.3 For Classes 1, 3, and 4 pipe, radiographic If turned specimens are used as given examination shall be in accordance with the require-
in and, one complete set shall be ments of the ASME Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code,
made for each required tension test. Section VIII, latest edition, Paragraph UW-51. For thicknesses to and including 11⁄4 15.4 For Class 5 pipe, radiographic examination shall
in. [32 mm], a single turned specimen may be used. be in accordance with the requirements of the ASME
Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code, Section VIII, Division pipe shall include the plate material designations as
1, latest edition, Paragraph UW-52. shown in Table 1, the marking requirements of 5.3
and 14.4, and Class 1, 2, 3, or 4, as appropriate (see 1.3).
15.5 Radiographic examination may be performed
prior to heat treatment. 17.2 Bar Coding—In addition to the requirements
in 17.1 bar coding is acceptable as a supplementary
identification method. Bar coding should be consistent
16. Lengths with the Automotive Industry Action Group (AIAG)
standard prepared by the Primary Metals Subcommittee
16.1 Circumferentially welded joints of the same of the AIAG Bar Code Project Team.
quality as the longitudinal joints shall be permitted by
agreement between the manufacturer and the purchaser.
18. Keywords
18.1 arc welded steel pipe; austenitic stainless steel;
17. Product Marking
chromium-nickel steel; fusion welded steel pipe; high
17.1 In addition to the marking prescribed in Specifi- temperature application; steel pipe; temperature service
cation A 530/A 530M, the markings on each length of applications, high; welded steel pipe.
One or more of the following supplementary requirements shall apply only when
specified in the purchase order. The purchaser may specify a different frequency
of test or analysis than is provided in the supplementary requirement. Subject to
agreement between the purchaser and manufacturer, retest and retreatment provisions
of these supplementary requirements may also be modified.
S1. Product Analysis method; number and location of test sites; and ferrite
control limits) shall be a matter for agreement between
S1.1 Product analysis shall be made on each length
the purchaser and the manufacturer.
of pipe. Individual lengths failing to conform to the
chemical composition requirements shall be rejected.
S5. Stabilizing Heat Treatment
S2. Tension and Bend Tests S5.1 Subsequent to the heat treatment required in
S2.1 Tension tests (Section 11) and bend tests (Sec- 5.3, Grades 321, 347, and 348 shall be given a stabiliza-
tion 12) shall be made on specimens to represent each tion heat treatment at a temperature lower than that
length of pipe. Failure of any test specimen to meet used for the initial solution annealing heat treatment.
the requirements shall be cause for the rejection of the The temperature of stabilization heat treatment shall
pipe length represented. be at a temperature as agreed upon between the pur-
chaser and vendor.
S3. Penetrant Oil and Powder Examination S6. Intergranular Corrosion Test
S3.1 All welded joints shall be subjected to examina- S6.1 When specified, material shall pass intergranular
tion by a penetrant oil and powder method. The details corrosion tests conducted by the manufacturer in accord-
of the method and the disposition of flaws detected ance with Practices A 262, Practice E.
shall be a matter for agreement between the purchaser
and the manufacturer.
NOTE 3 — Practice E requires testing on the sensitized condition
for low carbon or stabilized grades, and on the as-shipped condition
for other grades.
S4. Ferrite Control in Weld Deposits
S4.1 The ferrite content of the deposited weld metal S6.2 A stabilization heat treatment in accordance
in any length of pipe may be determined. The procedural with Supplementary Requirement S5 may be necessary
details pertaining to this subject (that is, welding; plate and is permitted in order to meet this requirement for
and weld deposit chemistry; testing equipment and the grades containing titanium or columbium.
Filler Metal Classification and UNS Designation [Note (1)] for Applicable [Note (2)] AWS Specification
ASTM Plate A5.4 A5.9 A5.11 A5.14 A5.22 A5.30
UNS Material, Specification No.
Grade Designation Type and Grade Class. UNS Class. UNS Class. UNS Class. UNS Class. UNS Class. UNS
304 S30400 304 A 240 Type 304 E308 W30810 ER308 W30840 . .. ... ... ... E308T W30831 IN308 S30880
304L S30403 304L A 240 Type 304 E308L W30813 ER308L S30883 ... ... ... ... E308LT W30835 IN308L S30883
304N S30451 304N A 240 Type 304N E308 W30810 ER308 ... ... ... ... E308T W30831 IN308 S30880
304LN S30453 304LN A 240 Type 304LN E308L W30813 ER308L W30843 ... ... ... ... W308LT W30835 IN308L S30883
304H S30409 304H A 240 Type 304H E308H W30810 ER308 S30880 ... ... ... ... E308T W30831 IN308 S30880
309Cb S30940 309Cb A 240, Type 309Cb E309Cb ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
309S S30908 309S A 240, Type 309S ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
310Cb S31040 310Cb A 240, Type 310Cb E310Cb ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
310S S31008 310S A 240, Type 310S ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
316 S31600 316 A 240 Type 316 E316 W31610 ER316 S31680 ... ... ... ... E316T W31631 IN316 S31680
316L S31603 316L A 240 Type 316L E316L W31613 ER316L W31643 ... ... ... ... E316LT W31635 IN316L S31683
316N S31651 316N A 240 Type 316N E316 W31610 ER316 ... ... ... ... E316T W31631 IN316 S31680
316LN S31653 316LN A 240 Type 316LN E316L W31613 ER316L ... ... ... ... E316LT W31635 IN316L S31683
316H S31609 316H A 240 Type 316H E316H W31610 ER316H W31640 ... ... ... ... E316T W31631 IN316 S31680
321 S32100 321 A 240 Type 321 E347 W34710 ER321 W32140 ... ... ... ... E347T W34733 IN348 S34780
ER347 冦 S34780
347 S34700 347 A 240 Type 347 E347 W34710 ER347 ... ... ... ... E347T W34733 IN348 S34780
348 S34800 348 A 240 Type 348 E347 W34710 ER347 W34740 ... ... ... ... E347T W34733 IN348 S34780
XM-19 S20910 XM-19 A 240 Type XM-19 E209 W32210 ER209 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
XM-29 S24000 XM-29 A 240 Type XM-29 E240 W32410 ER240 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... S31254 ... A 240 S31254 ... ... ... ... ENiCrMo-3 W86112 ERNiCrMo-3 N06625 ... ... ... ...
... S30815 ... A 240 S30815 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... S31725 ... A 240 S31725 ... ... ... ... ENiCrMo-3 W86112 ERNiCrMo-3 N06625 ... ... ... ...
... S31726 ... A 240 S31726 ... ... ... ... ENiCrMo-3 W86112 ERNiCrMo-3 N06625 ... ... ... ...
S30600 A 240 S30600
... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
[Note (3)] [Note (3)]
... S34565 ... A 240 S24565 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... S30415 ... A 240 S30415 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... S32654 ... A 240 S32654 ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ... ...
... N08367 ... A 240 N08367 ... ... ... ... ENiCrMo-3 W86112 ERNiCrMo-3 N06625 ... ... ... ...
(1) New designation established in accordance with ASTM E 527 and SAE J1086, Practice for Numbering Metals and Alloys (UNS).
(2) Choice of American Welding Society specification depends on the welding process used.
(3) In previous editions, S30600 was incorrectly shown as S01815.