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Cutback Asphalt (Rapid-Curing Type) : Aashlo

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Standard Specification for

Cutback Asphalt
(Rapid-Curing Type)

AASHTO Designation: M 81-92 (2012)

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials
444 North Capitol Street N.W., Suite 249
Washington, D.C. 20001

Copy rig ht Am e rl~n A$soci~tion ofSrnle Highway arid Transportalioo Officials Order Number. 02075033
Provided by IHS under license with AASHTO So(l to:.oJ=NOR NORME ETRANGERES [048289110587] - VPCDNE@AFNORORG,
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Standard Specification for

Cutback Asphalt (Rapid-Curing Type)

AASHTO Designation: M 81-92 (2012)


1.1. This specification covers liquid petroleum products, produced by fluxing an asphalt base
with suitable petroleum distillates, to be used in the treatment of road surfaces.

1.2. The values stated in SI units are to be regarded as the standard.


2.1. The cutback asphalt shall show no separation or curdling prior to use and shall not foam when
heated to the application temperature.


3.1. Cutback asphalt ofthe grade designated shall conform to the requirements shown in Table 1.


4.1. Sampling and testing cutback asphalt (rapid·curing type) shall be in accordance with the following
AASHTO and ASTM standards:
• R 66, Sampling Asphalt Materials
• T 44, Solubility of Bituminous Materials
• T 49, Penetration of Bituminous Materials
• T 51, Ductility of Asphalt Materials
• T 72, Saybolt Viscosity
• T 78. Distillation of Cutback Asphalt Products
• T 79, Flash Point with Tag Open-Cup Apparatus for Use with Material Having a Flash Point
Less Than 93'C (200'P)
• T 102, Spot Test of Asphaltic Materials
• T 201, Kinematic Viscosity of Asphalts (Bitumens)
• T 202, Viscosity of Asphalts by Vacuum Capillary Viscometer
• ASTM D95, Standard Test Method for Water in Petroleum Products and Bituminous
Materials by Distillation

TS-2a M 81·1 AASHTO

C~right American Ass.oclation ?fState Highway and Trarrsportaion rn&iiilkl15 by the ~merican Associati~n 0: Sla.toie~~¥~ambTransportation Officials.
~::~~~~ ~:tw~~~: ;:r~~!!n~ouI license from IHS All fights reserved. DuplICation ~~~~WaM~~~§~l!~2891105871- VPCDNE@AFNOR.ORG.
Table 1-Minimum and Maximum Cutback Asphalt Grade Requirements
RC-70 RC-250 RC-800 RC-3000
Min Max Min Max Min Max Min Max
Kinematic viscosity at 60°C (140DF),
mm2/s~ 70 140 250 500 800 1600 3000 6000
Flash point (tag open-cup), DC (OP) 27 (80) 27 (80) 27(80)
Water, % 0.2 0.2 0.2 0.2
Distillation test:
Distillation, percentage by volume oftotaJ
distillate to 360°C (680 DP)
to 190°C (3WF) 10
to 225°C (437°F) 50 35 15
to 260°C (500°F) 70 60 45 25
to 315°C (600 D P) 85 80 75 70
Residue from distillation to 360°C (680°F),
volume percentage of sample by difference 55 65 75 80
Tests on residue from distillation:
Absolute viscosity at 6O°C (140°F), 60 240 60 240 60 240 60 240
Pa-s (Pi (600) (2400) (600) (2400) (600) (2400) (600) (2400)
Ductility, 5 em/min at 25°C (77°F), em 100 100 100 100
Solubility in trichloroethylene, % 99.0 99.0 99.0 99.0
Spot test" with:
Standard naphtha Negative for all gmdes
Naphtha-xylene solvent, % xylene Negative for all gmdes
Heptane-xylene solvent, % xylene Negative for all grades
As an alternate, Saybolt-Furol viscosities may be specified as follows:
Grade RC-70--Furol viscosity at SO"C (122°F)---60 to 120 s.
Grade RC-2SO--Furol viscosity at 60°C (140°F)-125 to 2S0 s.
Grade RC-SOO--Furol viscosity at S2.2°C (lSO°F}-IOO to 200 s.
Grade RC-3000-Furol viscosity at S2.2°C (lSO°F}-300 to 600 s.
In lieu of viscosity of the residue, the specifYing agency, at its option, can specify penetration at 100 g, S s at 2SoC (77°F) of SO to 120 for Grades RC-70,
RC-2S0, RC-SOO, and RC-3000. However, in no case will both viscosity and penetration be required.
Tbe use of the spot test is optional. When specified, indicate whether the standard naphtha solvent, napbtha-xylene solvent, or heptane-xylene solvent will be
used in determining compliance with the requiremc:nt, and also, in tbe case of the xylene solvents, the percentage of xylene to be llsed.

TS-2"· M 81-2 AASHTO

Copyright American Assodatioo 01 State HiJlhway and Tran.port~tjon oi!tiilO 15 by the American Association of Stattfe[frl~!ll~2L'R(hTransportation Officials.
:;:;~~~~ :!,r!:.,~:;~~":~~~ut Icense from IHS All rights reserved. Duplication ~~fi'M~gmp.~289110587J VPCDNE@AFNOR.ORG, -

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