WSDOT Errata To FOP For AASHTO T 335: Determining The Percentage of Fracture in Coarse Aggregate
WSDOT Errata To FOP For AASHTO T 335: Determining The Percentage of Fracture in Coarse Aggregate
WSDOT Errata To FOP For AASHTO T 335: Determining The Percentage of Fracture in Coarse Aggregate
WAQTC FOP for AASHTO T 335 has been adopted by WSDOT with the following changes:
Table 1 Sample Size Method 1 (Combined Sieve Fracture) – Shall conform to the following table and
nominal maximum size definition.
Sample Size
Method 1 (Combined Sieve Fracture)
Minimum Cumulative
Sample Mass
Nominal Retained on 4.75 mm
Maximum Size* (No. 4) Sieve
mm (in.) g (lb)
37.5 (1 1/2) 2500 (6)
25.0 (1) 1500 (3.5
19.0 (3/4) 1000 (2.5)
12.5 (1/2) 700 (1.5)
9.5 (3/8) 400 (0.9)
4.75 (No. 4) 200 (0.4)
*For Aggregate, the nominal maximum size sieve is the largest standard sieve opening listed in the
applicable specification upon which more than 1-percent of the material by weight is permitted to
be retained. For concrete aggregate, the nominal maximum size sieve is the smallest standard sieve
opening through which the entire amount of aggregate is permitted to pass.
This procedure covers the determination of the percentage, by mass, of a coarse aggregate
(CA) sample that consists of fractured particles meeting specified requirements in accordance
with AASHTO T 335-09.
In this FOP, a sample of aggregate is screened on the sieve separating CA and fine aggregate
(FA). This sieve will be identified in the agency’s specifications but might be the 4.75 mm
(No. 4) sieve. CA particles are visually evaluated to determine conformance to the specified
fractured criteria. The percentage of conforming particles, by mass, is calculated for
comparison to the specifications.
Balance or scale: Capacity sufficient for the principal sample mass, accurate to
0.1 percent of the sample mass or readable to 0.1 g and meeting the requirements of
Sieves: Meeting requirements of the FOP for AASHTO T 27/T 11.
Splitter: Meeting the requirements of FOP for AASHTO R 76.
1. Fractured criteria: The specified requirement for fractured particles determined by each
2. Fractured face: An angular, rough, or broken surface of an aggregate particle created by
crushing or by other means. A face is considered a “fractured face” whenever one-half or
more of the projected area, when viewed normal to that face, is fractured with sharp and
well-defined edges. This excludes small nicks.
3. Fractured particle: A particle of aggregate having at least the minimum number of
fractured faces specified. (This is usually one or two.)
b. Sieve the sample in accordance with the FOP for AASHTO T 27/ T 11 over
the 4.75 mm (No. 4) sieve, or the appropriate sieve listed in the agency’s
specifications for this material.
Note 1: Where necessary, wash the sample over the sieve designated for the determination of fractured
particles to remove any remaining fine material, and dry to a constant mass in accordance with the
FOP for AASHTO T 255.
c. Reduce the sample using Method A – Mechanical Splitter, in accordance with
the FOP for AASHTO R 76, to the appropriate test size. This test size should
be slightly larger than shown in Table 1, to account for loss of fines through
washing if necessary.
Sample Size
Method 1 (Combined Sieve Fracture)
Minimum Cumulative
Nominal Sample Mass
Maximum Size* Retained on 4.75 mm
mm (in.) (No. 4) Sieve
g (lb)
37.5 (1 1/2) 2500 (6)
25.0 (1) 1500 (3.5
19.0 (3/4) 1000 (2.5)
12.5 (1/2) 700 (1.5)
9.5 (3/8) 400 (0.9)
4.75 (No. 4) 200 (0.4)
* One sieve larger than the first sieve to retain more than 10 percent of the material using an agency
specified set of sieves based on cumulative percent retained. Where large gaps in specification sieves exist,
intermediate sieve(s) may be inserted to determine nominal maximum size.
4. Method 2 – Individual Sieve Fracture Determination
a. Dry and cool the sample, if necessary, to sufficiently to obtain a clean separation of
FA and CA material in the sieving operation. A washed sample from the gradation
determination (the FOP for AASHTO T 27/T 11) may be used.
b. If not, sieve the sample in accordance with the FOP for AASHTO T 27 over the
sieves listed in the specifications for this material.
Note 2: If overload (buffer) sieves are used the material from that sieve must be added to the next
specification sieve.
c. The size of test sample for each sieve shall meet the minimum size shown in Table 2.
Utilize the total retained sieve mass or select a representative portion from each sieve
mass by splitting or quartering in accordance with the FOP for AASHTO R 76.
Note 3: Where necessary, wash the sample over the sieves designated for the determination of fractured
particles to remove any remaining fine material, and dry to a constant mass in accordance with the
FOP for AASHTO T 255.
Sample Size
Method 2 (Individual Sieve Fracture)
Minimum Sample
Sieve Size Mass
mm (in.) g (lb)
31.5 (1 1/4) 1500 (3.5)
25.0 (1) 1000 (2.2)
19.0 (3/4) 700 (1.5)
16.0 (5/8) 500 (1.0)
12.5 (1/2) 300 (0.7)
9.5 (3/8) 200 (0.5)
6.3 (1/4) 100 (0.2)
4.75 (No. 4) 100 (0.2)
2.36 (No. 8) 25 (0.1)
2.00 (No. 10) 25 (0.1)
Note 4: If fracture is determined on a sample obtained for gradation, use the mass retained on the individual
sieves, even if it is less than the minimum listed in Table 2. If less than 5 percent of the total mass is
retained on a single specification sieve, include that material on the next smaller specification sieve. If
a smaller specification sieve does not exist, this material shall not be included in the fracture
1. After cooling, spread the dried sample on a clean, flat surface.
2. Examine each particle face and determine if the particle meets the fractured criteria.
3. Separate the sample into three categories:
Fractured particles meeting the criteria
Particles not meeting the criteria
Questionable or borderline particles
4. Determine the dry mass of particles in each category to the nearest 0.1 g.
5. Calculate the percent questionable particles to the nearest 1 percent.
6. Re-sort the questionable particles when more than 15 percent is present. Continue sorting
until there is no more than 15 percent in the questionable category.
7. Calculate the percent fractured particles meeting criteria to nearest 0.1 percent. Report to
1 percent.
Calculate the percent questionable particles to the nearest 1 percent using the following
%𝑄𝑄 � � 100
� � 𝑄𝑄 � �
%Q = Percent of questionable particles
F = Mass of fractured particles
Q = Mass of questionable or borderline particles
N = Mass of unfractured particles
97.6 𝑔𝑔
%𝑄𝑄 � � 100 � 9%
632.6 𝑔𝑔 � 97.6 𝑔𝑔 � 352.6 𝑔𝑔
F = 632.6 g
Q = 97.6 g
N = 352.6 g
Calculate the percent fractured particles to the nearest 0.1 percent using the following
P� 2 � 100
� � 𝑄𝑄 � �
P = Percent of fractured particles
F = Mass of fractured particles
Q = Mass of questionable particles
N = Mass of unfractured particles
97.6 𝑔𝑔
� 632.6 g
P� 2 � 100 � 62.9% Report 63%
632.6 𝑔𝑔 � 97.6 𝑔𝑔 � 352.6 𝑔𝑔
F = 632.6 g
Q = 97.6 g
N = 352.6 g
On forms approved by the agency
Sample ID
Fractured particles to the nearest 1 percent.