Astm c1090
Astm c1090
Astm c1090
Copyright © ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959, United States.
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C 1090 – 01 (2005)e1
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Apr 16 08:20:43 EDT 2009
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C 1090 – 01 (2005)e1
NOTE 6—If the grout contains fine aggregate, the mixing procedure for but not to more than half the height of the cylinder. Gather and
mortar is applicable; if it does not, that for paste is applicable. tie the plastic bag just above the plunger and bridge.
6.3 Cast the sample and lock the glass plate, micrometer 8.2.3 Subsequent Storage—If after 28-days storage, as pre-
bridge, top plate, plunger, and weight into position within 4 viously described, it is desired to observe height change while
min after completion of mixing. Complete the initial measure- allowing some drying or carbonation, or both, to occur, remove
ments within 3 min after completion of these operations. the specimen from the moist room, or from being protected by
6.4 If it is required or desired to cast the specimen after a the plastic bag and damp towels, exposed to air at 50 6 4 %
longer holding period, continue mixing of either the whole or relative humidity and at the same temperature at which the test
remaining portion, as appropriate, at slow speed for the was previously maintained.
specified time and the sample cast, apparatus locked, and take
initial measurements within 3 min after completion of these 9. Procedure
operations. 9.1 Place the apparatus on a smooth, horizontal surface,
which is free of vibration or disturbance. Remove the top of the
7. Preparation of Apparatus bridge after it has been pre-leveled parallel to the top of the
7.1 Coat the exterior seams of the cylinder mold and the mold rim by using the four lower nuts.
exterior joint between the mold and the base plate with melted 9.2 Determine consistency in accordance with Test Method
paraffin wax. Coat the interior of the cylinder mold and base C 827. Consider mixtures having a flow of less than 100 % as
plate lightly with mineral oil (Note 7). Attach the mold to the “stiff plastic;” those having flows between 100 and 125 % are
micrometer bridge. considered “plastic.” A “flowable” mixture shall have a flow
between 125 and 145 % when tested in accordance with Test
NOTE 7—The exterior of the mold and the base plate may be coated Method C 827, but not less than 30 s when tested in accordance
with paraffin wax to facilitate cleanup after completion of the test.
with Test Method C 939. A “fluid” mixture shall have a flow of
8. Conditioning 10 to 30 s when tested in accordance with Test Method C 939.
9.3 When testing a material that does not flow easily into the
8.1 Keep the air temperature at 23 6 2 °C (73 6 3 °F), and
mold, fill by using three equal layers, rod each layer 15 times
a relative humidity of not less than 50 %. Store the test
with the tamping rod. When testing materials that flow easily
specimen at a temperature of 23 6 2 °C for the duration of the
into the mold, fill the mold and tap the side of the mold lightly
test, unless otherwise specified. When it is desired to test the
three times with the tamping rod. Use sufficient material so that
height change of material that is permitted to be used in the
after consolidation the mold is slightly overfilled.
field at temperatures either below or above 23 6 2 °C, use such
9.4 Carefully place the coated surface of the glass plate on
other temperatures controlled to 62 °C (3 °F) throughout
top of the test specimen as follows: Hold the plate, coated side
instead of 23 6 2 °C. Record the temperature of the mixing
down, with the index finger placed in the center and the thumb
water, other materials, and of the mixture immediately after
and other fingers on two opposite edges. Bring the plate, held
mixing is completed. Store the height-change apparatus in air
at an angle of approximately 45°, to the beveled edge of the
at the desired test storage temperature within 62 °C before
cylinder mold at a point 12 mm (1⁄2 in.) from the lower edge of
casting the specimen.
the plate. Using this contact point as a fixed hinge, lower the
8.2 Protect the test specimen from loss of moisture, absorp-
plate in a single motion until the excess material is extruded
tion of moisture, or reaction with carbon dioxide for the
and full contact with the rim is established. Neither slide nor
duration of the test. Store the specimen in the moist room or in
use the glass plate in a screeding motion, as this will either
laboratory air described as follows: Under either condition, the
smear the material on the glass or cover voids, thus making
specimen shall remain protected at all times during the test for
their detection at this time difficult. After placing the glass
28 days except during removal of the glass plate and the taking
plate, maintain contact between the plate and the rim until the
of measurements.
plunger and weight have been placed.
8.2.1 Moist Room Storage—Immediately after taking the
9.4.1 Quickly examine the grout surface through the glass
initial measurements, cover the plunger and bridge apparatus
plate for voids. If there is an area larger than 3.2 mm (1⁄8 in.) in
with a plastic bag previously fitted and cut to a length that
diameter which lacks contact with the plate, discard the entire
extends downward to the midpoint of the specimen mold to
test specimen (Note 8).
prevent water from dripping on the bridge, glass plate, or
specimen. Then carefully place the specimen in a moist room NOTE 8—In order to keep rejected test specimens to a minimum,
or moist cabinet meeting the requirements of Specification operators conducting this operation for the first time have found it helpful
C 511. to practice several times placing the plate on a cylinder filled with an
easily available plain mortar before starting the test.
8.2.2 Laboratory Air Storage—Prior to casting the test
specimen, place the entire apparatus in a prefitted plastic bag 9.5 Immediately after placing the glass plate, place the
just large enough to be gathered and tied above the plunger and preleveled top plate of the micrometer bridge in position,
bridge. Roll down or collapse the bag so as not to interfere with tighten wing nuts, and lower the plunger of the hold-down
the casting operation. Immediately after taking the initial device until it makes contact with the top surface of the glass
measurement, place a damp, but not dripping, towel around the plate. To ensure firm contact between the plunger and the plate,
outside of the lower portion of the four posts supporting the place a 1.5-kg (3-lb) mass on the top of the plunger prior to the
bridge, inside the plastic bag. The towel shall extend upward, tightening of the setscrew of the plunger. Following the
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Apr 16 08:20:43 EDT 2009
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Laurentian University pursuant to License Agreement. No further reproductions authorized.
C 1090 – 01 (2005)e1
tightening of the setscrew, remove the mass and immediately V2 = average of at least three-micrometer depth gage
insert the depth micrometer shaft through the four holes located readings at test age, mm (in.).
on the top plate of the bridge until the finger rests are in full
contact with it. Turn the shaft down and determine four initial 11. Report
measurements from this surface to the top surface of the glass 11.1 Report the calculated height change (either positive or
plate covering the cylinder mold. Make measurements to the negative) at each test age. Also report the temperature and
nearest 0.02 mm (0.001 in.). Calculate the average; do not relative humidity at which the tests were performed, mixture
round the numerical value. While the shaft is still touching the proportions (if not prepackaged), as-mixed temperature, and
glass plate, use a glass marker to make a circle around the consistency. Also report any deviations from the provisions
contact areas as the points at which later plate-thickness given herein.
measurements will be taken. 12. Precision and Bias
9.6 Release the plunger and remove the glass plate from the 12.1 Precision—Based on an analysis of results of coopera-
top of the test specimen 24 6 1⁄2 h after starting the mixing. tive tests of three materials tested at two consistencies, stored
9.7 Immediately after removal, measure the thickness of the at two storage conditions, it was concluded that separate
glass plate at the points of contact between the glass plate and precision statements are needed for flowable and fluid mix-
the micrometer depth gage and record to the nearest 0.02 mm tures.
(0.001 in.). 12.1.1 Flowable Mixtures—The single-operator standard
9.8 At ages of 24 6 1⁄2 h, 3 days 6 1 h, 14 days 6 6 h, and deviation has been found to be 0.07 % (Note 9). This does not
28 days 6 12 h, measured from the time of contact of the dry vary with test age (up to 28 days) or with expansion (over the
materials and the mixing water, take four measurements range from 0.02 to 0.43 %). Therefore, results from two
directly to the top of the test specimen at the gage points. If the properly conducted tests by the same operator on the same
rod end of the depth micrometer either contacts the specimen material should not differ by more than 0.196 % (Note 9).
surface within a bubble that has formed after placing the glass The multilaboratory standard deviation has been
plate or breaks through the surface of a hidden bubble or other found to be 0.08 % (Note 9). This does not vary with test age
placing defect, discard the reading at that point. If less than (up to 28 days) or with expansion (over the range from 0.02 to
three valid gage points remain, discard the test specimen. 0.43 %). Therefore, results of two properly conducted tests on
Measurements may be continued for additional specified peri- the same material in two laboratories should not differ by more
ods of time. Calculate the average; do not round the numerical than 0.216 % (Note 9).
value. 12.1.2 Fluid Mixtures—The single-operator standard devia-
tion has been found to be 0.11 % (Note 9). This does not vary
9.9 On completion of measurements, carefully strip the test
with test age (up to 28 days) or with expansion (over the range
specimen and make careful visual examination of the cylindri-
from 0.11 to 0.33 %). Therefore, results of two properly
cal surface. Discard measurements made on a specimen that is
conducted tests by the same operator on the same material
cracked or otherwise manifestly faulty.
should not differ by more than 0.3255 % (Note 9). The multilaboratory standard deviation has been
10. Calculation
found to be 0.11 % (Note 9). This does not vary with test age
10.1 To determine V1, correct the initial measurements by (up to 28 days) or with expansion (up to 0.43 %). Therefore,
adding the thickness of the glass plate measured at each results of two properly conducted tests on the same material in
corresponding contact point. Calculate the height change in two laboratories should not differ by more than 0.30 % (Note
percent for each age to the nearest 0.01 %, using non-rounded 9).
values for V1 and V2 as follows: NOTE 9—These numbers represent, respectively, the (1s) and (d2s)
V 1 2 V2 limits as described in Practice C 670.
V5 H 3 100 (1)
12.2 Bias—No statement on bias is being made because
there is no accepted reference material suitable for determining
V = height change, %, the bias in this test method.
V1 = average of at least three adjusted micrometer depth 13. Keywords
gage readings at beginning of test, mm (in.), 13.1 grout; height change; hydraulic cement; nonshrink
H = height, 152-mm (6-in.), and
Copyright by ASTM Int'l (all rights reserved); Thu Apr 16 08:20:43 EDT 2009
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C 1090 – 01 (2005)e1
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This standard is copyrighted by ASTM International, 100 Barr Harbor Drive, PO Box C700, West Conshohocken, PA 19428-2959,
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