5E Learning Plan in Science 3: Engage
5E Learning Plan in Science 3: Engage
5E Learning Plan in Science 3: Engage
Content Standard The learners should be able to demonstrate understanding of the parts and functions of
animals and importance to humans.
Performance Standard The learners should be able to enumerate ways of grouping animals based on their structure
and importance.
Learning Competency The learners should be able to identify the parts and functions of animals.
Learning Objectives At the end of the activity, the pupils should be able to:
1. identify the parts and function of the animals
2. group animals according to their body structure.
3. appreciate the role of this animals in our lives
Subject Matter and https://www.educationquizzes.com/ks1/science/animals-parts-of-animal-bodies/
References https://quizizz.com/admin/quiz/5cb22e87c6d1d0001af7a276/animal-structures-and-
1. What are the animals that live in water?
2. Why can these animals survive in water?
3. What are the body structure of animals that help them live in water?
Group Tasks (Differentiated Activities)
1. Setting of Standards
❖ Observation Checklist/Rubrics in Performing the Activity
• Every group will go to the different stations to perform the activity and record
their observations.
Problem: “Aquatic Animals’ Body Part and Functions”
Instruction: Move to your assigned station, and perform the task given to you. Record your
answers on the given activity sheet. You are given 10 minutes to finish the task. Prepare to
present your answers after your activity.
Mini Aquarium with different animals manila paper/cartolina
handlens / laptop, aquarium paper tape
1. Perform the tasks assigned to your group.
2. Compare these animals as to their body covering, body part use for breathing and
for moving.
3. Record your observations and answer the questions below.
4. Answer the questions
a. What are the animals that live in water?
b. Why can these animals survive in water?
c. What are the body parts/structure of water animals that help them live in
d. How do they use these parts in order to survive or adapt on their habitat?
Station Group Tasks
Station 1 Explorer Group Watch It
The teacher will check, explain, process and supplement the lesson presented by the
learners on the parts and functions of aquatic/water animals. (Power Point
Presentation PPT and Video Clip)
Explain Questions:
1. What are the animals that lives under water?
2. What body structure help them live in water?
3. How do these body parts help them survive in water?
4. Why are these parts important?
5. How do they use these parts in order to survive on their habitat?
6. How do these animals help in our daily living?
Challenge Time!
Tasks: Answer the questions correctly.
1. Which of the following part for animals like fish that helps them breathe
a. gill c. swim bladder
b. lungs d. scale
2. Some animals live in shells. Why do they live in shells?
a. so they are safe c. so they can see better
b. so they can hear better d. so they can eat