Letter To The Editor: Iliac Arteries and Peripheral Artery Disease
Letter To The Editor: Iliac Arteries and Peripheral Artery Disease
Letter To The Editor: Iliac Arteries and Peripheral Artery Disease
For EVAR and TEVAR, preparation is needed to re-
evaluate the cases that are fit for outpatient procedures5 The use of operating theaters must be prepared in
and re-evaluate the priority according to the risk of conjunction with other surgical units. For inpatient capac-
rupture and the need of postprocedural intensive care. ity, a network of rehabilitation centers, home-care nurses,
For FEVAR procedures and other custom-made prosthe- and telemedicine8 must be organized to ensure an optimal
ses that are already manufactured, attention must be inflow and outflow of patients. Vascular patients must not
paid to ensure that CT scans are not older than 6 months. become collateral damage of COVID-19; continuity of
follow-up is key. The current crisis is unexpected and
unique and we need to find solutions, be innovative,
and hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Calin Gheorghe Precup
An ultrasound examination must be provided followed by Service de chirurgie vasculaire et endovasculaire
a medical visit after the lockdown is lifted to confirm Etablissement Edouard Herriot
permeability, mostly for tight lesions, to ensure usual Hospices Civils de Lyon
follow-up and to prepare the further interventions if Lyon, France
Marine Bordet
Patrick Lermusiaux
Antoine Millon
Service de chirurgie vasculaire et endovasculaire
Ann Vasc Surg 2020; -: 1–2
Etablissement Edouard Herriot
Ó 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Hospices Civils de Lyon
Published online: --,- Lyon, France
2 Letter to the Editor Annals of Vascular Surgery