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Letter To The Editor: Iliac Arteries and Peripheral Artery Disease

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Letter to the Editor

Thinking Beyond the Box: Preparing ILIAC ARTERIES AND PERIPHERAL

for the End of COVID-19 Outbreak in ARTERY DISEASE
a Vascular Surgery Department
Most of these patients can be treated as outpatient proced-
On February 11, 2020, the World Health Organization ures, but care must be taken to identify the patient at risk
declared the COVID-19 outbreak a pandemic, and since of complications. To plan interventions for peripheral ar-
then, there has been a race against the clock to readjust tery disease patients, preoperatory examinations must be
health care systems, to limit the spread, to find a treat- scheduled: Ultrasound examinations to evaluate the
ment, or to develop a vaccine. permeability, venous cartography for bypasses, and angi-
Hospitals have reorganized their activity to protect ography for below the knee pathologies.7 The necessity
health care providers and have suspended elective cases. of balloon and stents will increase after the end of the
Guidelines prioritizing vascular intervention during the outbreak and device companies may not be able to keep
outbreak were elaborated by the scientific societies.1e3 up with orders.
In a recent letter to editor, JJ Ng et al.4 showed that
more than 90% of the vascular units had suspended or
scaled down elective cases. HEMODIALYSIS ACCESSES
Our department reduced the medical staff to the mini-
Most hemodialysis access was not postponed but other pa-
mum necessary to perform emergency interventions and
tients will need follow-up and reinterventions and must
all other procedures were canceled after careful revision.
be considered in the future operating schedule.
Here, we present our point of view regarding the prep-
aration needed of a vascular unit for the end of COVID-19
crisis. The extrapolation can help other units to find the
best way to organize and to foresee upcoming events.
Most clinical trials were temporarily stopped and follow-
up visits must be organized as soon as possible.

For EVAR and TEVAR, preparation is needed to re-
evaluate the cases that are fit for outpatient procedures5 The use of operating theaters must be prepared in
and re-evaluate the priority according to the risk of conjunction with other surgical units. For inpatient capac-
rupture and the need of postprocedural intensive care. ity, a network of rehabilitation centers, home-care nurses,
For FEVAR procedures and other custom-made prosthe- and telemedicine8 must be organized to ensure an optimal
ses that are already manufactured, attention must be inflow and outflow of patients. Vascular patients must not
paid to ensure that CT scans are not older than 6 months. become collateral damage of COVID-19; continuity of
follow-up is key. The current crisis is unexpected and
unique and we need to find solutions, be innovative,
and hope for the best and prepare for the worst.
Calin Gheorghe Precup
An ultrasound examination must be provided followed by Service de chirurgie vasculaire et endovasculaire
a medical visit after the lockdown is lifted to confirm Etablissement Edouard Herriot
permeability, mostly for tight lesions, to ensure usual Hospices Civils de Lyon
follow-up and to prepare the further interventions if Lyon, France
Marine Bordet
Patrick Lermusiaux
Antoine Millon
Service de chirurgie vasculaire et endovasculaire
Ann Vasc Surg 2020; -: 1–2
Etablissement Edouard Herriot
Ó 2020 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. Hospices Civils de Lyon
Published online: --,- Lyon, France

2 Letter to the Editor Annals of Vascular Surgery

Universite Claude Bernard Lyon 1 https://vascularnews.com/vascular-society-issues-guidance

Lyon, France -on-covid-19-and-vascular-surgery/. Accessed March 24, 2020.
4. Ng JJ, Ho P, Dharmaraj RB, et al. The global impact of
Nellie Della Schiava COVID-19 on vascular surgical services. J Vasc Surg 2020.
Service de chirurgie vasculaire et endovasculaire 5. Wanhainen A, Verzini F, Van Herzeele I, et al. Editor’s Choice
Etablissement Edouard Herriot - European Society for Vascular Surgery (ESVS) 2019 clinical
Hospices Civils de Lyon practice guidelines on the management of abdominal aorto-
Lyon, France iliac artery aneurysms. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2019;57:
E-mail: calin-gheorghe.precup@chu-lyon.fr 8e93.
6. Naylor AR, Ricco JB, de Borst GJ, et al. Management of
atherosclerotic carotid and vertebral artery disease: 2017
REFERENCES clinical practice guidelines of the European Society for
Vascular Surgery (ESVS). Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg
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7. Conte MS, Bradbury AW, Kolh P, et al. Global vascular
Wuhan, China. Anesthesiology 2020;132:1339e45.
guidelines on the management of chronic limb-
2. Ueda M, Martins R, Hendrie PC, et al. Managing cancer care
threatening ischemia. Eur J Vasc Endovasc Surg 2019;58:
during the COVID-19 pandemic: agility and collaboration to-
ward a common goal. J Natl Compr Canc Netw 2020;20:1e4.
8. Hollander JE, Carr BG. Virtually perfect? Telemedicine for
3. Vascular Society issues guidance on COVID-19 and vascular sur-
COVID-19. N Engl J Med 2020;382:1679e81.
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