Applying The Levels of Conceptual Interoperability Model in Suppo
Applying The Levels of Conceptual Interoperability Model in Suppo
Applying The Levels of Conceptual Interoperability Model in Suppo
Saikou Y. Diallo
Old Dominion University,
Charles D. Turnitsa
Old Dominion University,
Repository Citation
Tolk, Andreas; Diallo, Saikou Y.; and Turnitsa, Charles D., "Applying the Levels of Conceptual Interoperability Model in Support of
Integratability, Interoperability, and Composability for System-of-Systems Engineering" (2007). Modeling, Simulation & Visualization
Engineering Faculty Publications. 27.
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Applying the Levels of Conceptual Interoperability Model
in Support of Integratability, Interoperability, and Composability
for System-of-Systems Engineering
It should be pointed out that these layers of operations are still • Models act as the basis for creating suitable information
driven by implementations of agile systems that should be de- systems that support the process. The model comprises
scribed in order to enable intelligent software agents to evalu- descriptions of process that can be used to identify neces-
ate their applicability to support a decision and their compos- sary support. Furthermore, the sub-processes already sup-
ability with other solutions. As such, it is a typical bottom-up ported by IT in the various participating organizations are
approach. The objective is to generate a usable and sufficient displayed. This includes systems’ interfaces as well as
description based on data and metadata supporting the compo- their information capability that is available information
that can be delivered to other systems as well as suitable
information that can be computed to deliver new insights.
Some early alternatives distinguish furthermore between Therefore, the model puts the various existing systems
hardware level and communication level when analyzing the into their place within the federated system of systems
domains of technical interoperability. supporting the overarching operations and also serves as
Methods that enable such interoperability can be the requirement driver for additional IT support.
(documented) open source, reference implementations, or
adequate documentation, such as complete UML models or • Models can be used to improve the current structure and
DEVS models [17]. Tolk and Muguira [18] proposed an operation. By creating a common description of the over-
initial framework based on the LCIM merging several all operation, participating organizations and supporting
engineering approaches, including UML and DEVS, to systems, redundancies as well as bottlenecks become ob-
insure consistent interoperation of services.
Therefore, the first step of phase 1 entails identification of the Federated Databases
organizations that will participate in satisfying a particular Taken as the model for federating ontological representations,
operation. This involves not only each organization, but also an we take the approach of federated databases [33]. This ap-
understanding of what each organization is contributing to the proach is applicable when there is a requirement for an outside
operation, as well as what systems the organization has to sup- system to access a single data model that is representative of a
port that contribution. The second step in this top-down ap- merging of a number of distinct data models.
proach is to construct a conceptual model of how each of the
contributing organizations will make their contribution to the Within the world of databases, this idea of created a merged
operation being discussed. Such a model will be based upon the database, based on merged data models, while allowing the
doctrine of the contributing organizations. This model is based original components to remain distinct and intact has been
on the different modeling strengths described above, as it can accepted for some time: federated databases. The objective of
result in not only a picture of what is expected to happen, but such a data federation is to merge different data sources, which
also provides a basis for showing how the different processes are – and remain – distributed, heterogeneous, and autono-
will interact with each other. This model is a conceptual model. mous.
Standard methods of systems engineering can be used in sup-
port of this task. The third and final step of phase 1 is the iden- In order to meet this objective, Sheth and Larson introduce a
tification of information exchange events between the proc- new five level architecture [33], shown in Figure 2. Every ap-
esses. While the second step resulted in conceptual models of plication has its own data view, the external schema. They are
all processes supported by each participating organization, we based however, on a so-called “federated schema” being the
are now looking at the new overarching and common processes common “data exchange” data model for all participants. Dif-
in support of the overall enterprise. In this process, the analysts ferent from the conceptual schema of distributed homogeneous
identify the conceptual data domains and data element concepts data bases, the federated schema only comprises the shared
needed to describe the information exchange necessary be- data elements, and doesn’t deal with all details of the local
tween the processes on the conceptual level. autonomous data bases.
Component Schema Component Schema • Understandability – The federate schema must be logical
and well documented (including semantics as well as
Local Schema Local Schema sources, constraints, mappings, etc.) to facilitate the work
of the users, as well as of the database administrators.
An effort in showing how federated ontologies may be con- System-to-system interoperability requires exchange of data,
structed is presented in [36]. The approach described there is and that data (in order to move past what the LCIM refers to as
based on a series of source documents that may be relevant to Level 1) must have a syntactic form. Further, to proceed to
several (two or more) ontologies. The principles of Formal even higher levels of conceptual interoperability, semantics are
Concept Analysis are applied to produce a merged structure of required of the data interchange. In both cases, and for further
concepts from both ontologies, and then an algorithm extension, a rule set, or grammar, is required to control the
(TITANIC) is applied to reduce that combined structure to a syntax and semantics of the data exchanged. But the data
manageable new, merged ontology. within a system undergoes certain operations defined by that
system. A set of rules defining the syntax and semantics of
Ontological Entities those operations is also required.
In order to access the conceptualization that an ontology is a
formal specification of, it is necessary to break that specifica- The existence of an taxonomical model that systems can refer-
tion up into accessible components. The first three types of ence allows for the specific identification of entities referred to
components that are discussed are entities, relations and rules. during system-to-system communications [30]. A set of rules
Entities and relations are quite familiar to the data modeling can provide for a semantically meaningful method for com-
community, and also appear within most modern ontological bining those entities into communications that satisfy the sys-
engineering theories. Rules, however, are an additional compo- tem-to-system communications supporting interoperability up
nent that assists with the ontology model being useful to sys- to the semantic level. Internal relations identified among the
tems, and will be described here in more detail. A fourth com- entities of a system’s data model even allow, in effect, infer-
ponent, concepts, is essential to the other component types and ence to be made within the interoperability supporting data
will be addressed in its own section, below. exchanges between systems 3 . What is still missing from our
ontology, although it was mentioned several times above, is the
As this paper is addressing ontology of information systems, specific characterization of our entities. This characterization
and more specifically, ontology for the purpose of assisting provides for definition of our entities, and also allows for the
interoperability between information systems, entities become application of the relations and rules defined above. Primitives
quite easy to define. As they are revealed in [27], it can be seen of meaning, which are exhibited by entities, provide this char-
that they are easy to recognize within a model. Entities are the acterization.
exchangeable symbols (words, data elements, etc) that repre-
sent the things of which our systems can address. Things are Primitives of Meaning: Atomic Elements of Understanding
further defined as being not only physical things, but also eve- Primitives of meaning, or just “primitives”, are the basis for
rything, which can be addressed by systems (things, both giving entities definition and characterization. They are the
physical and otherwise; phenomena, including both processes most difficult component of the ontology to define. They are
and events; modifiers for both of these). also often difficult to see within the entities that exhibit them. It
PRIMITIVES OF MEANING meration of rules and relations reveals the inferred meanings of
Entity A
A1 A1
those entities, and the operation up on those entities within the
A2 A2 system, thus revealing what may be needed in support from a
foreign system to fully support interoperability to the semantic
Entity B
B1 B1
level, and perhaps to move beyond.
B2 B2
C1 The existence of the revealed apparent ontology is itself useful
Entity C
C2 for future developments of interfaces and evaluation of the
soundness of combining the system with others. There is also
value, however, in the process of revealing the apparent ontol-
ogy, as it assists with evaluating the internal rules, the relations,
and the entities of the system being investigated.
A1 B1 C1 A2 B2 C2
Entity 1 Entity 2 The result of this phase is an ontological description of the
information exchange model derived from the common con-
ceptual model. This is more than just a data model. The onto-
Figure 3: Primitives of Meaning logical representation formally specifies the concepts regarding
their property meanings (syntax and semantics), the contexts in
which they are exchanged (pragmatics), and the business rules
Apparent Ontologies defined by Interface Specifications that need to be applied in form of axioms.
By looking at the agreed to interface specification (which have
been identified as a source for external rules, for the purposes
of the ontology definition), we can help to understand the ap-
parent ontology of a system supporting the interface. The proc-
Our application example is rooted in the idea to generate a In practice, this effort has some limitations if using a common
common language between operational entities, simulated enti- information exchange data model that is already established for
ties, and robots operating in the same application domain to operational use to exchange data between real system, as such a
generate orders and plans from planning organizations to the model usually already comes with in intended business logic to
executing entities as well as to generate reports contributing to support. In other words, we already have a couple of business
the awareness of the current developments from these entities objects that comprise more than concepts. The developer is
to the planning organization. The underlying application is the faced with mandatory fields that may be only of tangential
international Coalition Battle Management Language (C-BML) interest for his application. 4 In a perfect world, such business
effort discussed by Sudnikovich et al. [42]. Tolk et al. [43] objects are exclusively defined via rules. In practice, estab-
describe the technique used to implement the ideas. lished information exchange data models can still be applied to
model the necessary concepts as long as it is possible to insert,
The different levels of interoperability are supported by the update, and access concepts individually via atomic web ser-
application of complementary standards and processes. vices.