RIL Eastern Orthodox
RIL Eastern Orthodox
RIL Eastern Orthodox
The Religion in Life program is in four progressive
stages, colour-coded and adapted to the age groups
Stage 3 Caring for church lawns and shrubbery.
1. Name and explain the services of the Eastern Help to construct and paint scenery for plays presented
Orthodox Church. by the parish.
2. Why are we called Eastern Orthodox Church? Assist in editing and printing church papers, bulletins
and youth publications.
3. Recite from memory the Nicene
Constantinopolitan Creed or Symbol of Faith. Direct traffic, assist older persons and children to cross
busy streets at church gatherings.
4. Repeat the five things necessary for a good
confession and describe the proper method of Serve with auto patrols in charge of parking.
going to confession. Other service projects of a similar nature and standard
5. Give evidence of possessing a Bible and a may be submitted if approved by the priest.
prayer book, approved by the diocese to which
you belong. Resources
6. Sketch and identify the interior of an Eastern Religion in Life Program — Filmslide series.
Orthodox Church indicating the three principal Let’s Celebrate — A book of spiritual ideas for Scouting.
parts. Indicate on the sketch the position of the
Iconostasis. Role of the Chaplain — Pamphlet.