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RIL Eastern Orthodox

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Religion In Life Program

Eastern Orthodox Church

Published for the Church by Scouts Canada

Religion in Life Program Stage 1 — Grey Border (about 7–8–9)

Stage 2 — Green Border (about 10–11–12)
Membership in Scouts Canada is open to all who wish to
make the promise, regardless of race, colour or creed. Stage 3 — Blue Border (about 13–14–15)
The purpose of the Scout program is to assist children Stage 4 — Red Border (15+)
in character development by encouraging them to be
responsible citizens of their country. An important Candidates may start at any stage appropriate to their
part of the program is to assist in the spiritual growth age and capabilities. Only one emblem — the latest
of each child and to encourage them to participate stage earned is worn.
actively in their own religious community. Scouts
Canada upholds the principle that specific religious Where Obtainable
instruction is the responsibility of parents and religious The emblem may be obtained through regular badge
authorities. channels.
The Emblem Where Worn
The Christian Religion in Life emblem consists of a See Scouts Canada By-Law, Policies and Procedures.
great circle, the symbol of eternity. In the circle are
the first and last letters of the Greek Alphabet, Alpha Stage 1
and Omega, a symbol of God, and a reminder that the
worship and service of God form an essential part of 1. Explain the basic Christian belief in God.
life from beginning to end. 2. Demonstrate the correct method of making the
sign of the cross and explain the significance of
Requirements each movement.
The requirements for the program differ in each faith 3. Repeat from memory your Promise.
and denomination and are prepared nationally by the
churches or religious bodies to suit their particular 4. Explain why we should pray and how we should
needs. pray.
Instruction Stage 2
It is the responsibility of the group/section committee 1. Name and explain the Ten Commandments.
and leadership team to arrange for instruction of
candidates with the candidate’s own spiritual leader 2. What is a Sacrament?
or appointee. 3. How many Sacraments in the Eastern Orthodox
4. Participation in the choir.
Presentation of the emblem is made by the candidate’s
spiritual advisor and can form an impressive part of a 5. What is the greatest Holy Day in the Eastern
regular Scout meeting, a church service, or a special Orthodox Church? Explain why it is so.
evening for parents/guardians.

The Religion in Life program is in four progressive
stages, colour-coded and adapted to the age groups
Stage 3 Caring for church lawns and shrubbery.
1. Name and explain the services of the Eastern Help to construct and paint scenery for plays presented
Orthodox Church. by the parish.
2. Why are we called Eastern Orthodox Church? Assist in editing and printing church papers, bulletins
and youth publications.
3. Recite from memory the Nicene
Constantinopolitan Creed or Symbol of Faith. Direct traffic, assist older persons and children to cross
busy streets at church gatherings.
4. Repeat the five things necessary for a good
confession and describe the proper method of Serve with auto patrols in charge of parking.
going to confession. Other service projects of a similar nature and standard
5. Give evidence of possessing a Bible and a may be submitted if approved by the priest.
prayer book, approved by the diocese to which
you belong. Resources
6. Sketch and identify the interior of an Eastern Religion in Life Program — Filmslide series.
Orthodox Church indicating the three principal Let’s Celebrate — A book of spiritual ideas for Scouting.
parts. Indicate on the sketch the position of the
Iconostasis. Role of the Chaplain — Pamphlet.

Stage 4 Your leader or spiritual advisor will be able to

recommend other useful resources.
1. Identify the different vestments and articles
used during the divine liturgy.
2. Indicate on a map the countries in which there
are churches of the Eastern Orthodox Church.
3. Know the name of your Bishop in Canada and
where the Episcopal seat is located.
4. Select two acceptable service projects to be
fulfilled within a period of four months.

Acceptable Service Projects

Serve as altar person. Assist altar guild.
Distribute church bulletins or other literature at
church gatherings.
Collection and distribution of articles of clothing and
food at Thanksgiving and Christmas time or in times of
disaster to the needy of the parish.
Doing errands for the several church organizations,
women’s auxiliaries, etc.
Singing in the choir.
Repairing parish property and equipment.
Decorating parish property for special occasions.
Preparing posters and announcements for parish
Repairing song books.
Serving at parish dinners and assisting in the kitchen. © Scouts Canada 2020

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