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Name: Dhrivesh Order ID: 2279487


Age/Gender: 34 Y/Male Registration Date: 27/Dec/2020 03:51PM

Patient ID: 012012270760 Collection Date: 27/Dec/2020 11:19AM
Barcode ID: a2998053 Sample Receive Date: 27/Dec/2020 04:57PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Final
SampleType: Whole Blood Report Date: 27/Dec/2020 08:08PM

Comprehensive Full Body Check
Test Name Result Unit Bio Ref.Interval Method

Complete Blood Count

Hemoglobin 13.8 g/dL 13.0 - 17.0 Cyanide-free SLS-
RBC 4.62 mili/cu.mm 4.5 - 5.5 DC Impedence Method
PCV 44.1 % 40 - 54 Calculated
MCV 95.5 fL 83 - 101 Calculated
MCH 29.9 pg 27 - 32 Calculated
MCHC 31.30 g/dL 32 - 35 Calculated
RDW-SD 48.70 fL 39 - 46 Electronic Impendance
RDW-CV 13.70 % 11.6 - 14.0 Calculated
Total Leucocyte Count 9.9 10^3/µI 4 - 10 Flowcytometery/Microscopic
Differential Leucocyte Count
Neutrophils 64 % 40 - 80 Flowcytometery/Microscopic
Lymphocytes 26 % 20 - 40 Flowcytometery/Microscopic
Monocytes 8 % 2 - 10 Flowcytometery/Microscopic
Eosinophils 2 % 1-6 Flowcytometery/Microscopic
Basophils 0 % 0-2 Flowcytometery/Microscopic
Immature Granulocyte Count 0 % Flowcytometery/Microscopic
Absolute Leucocyte Count
Absolute Neutrophil Count 6.34 10^3/µI 2.0 - 7.0 Calculated
Absolute Lymphocyte Count 2.57 10^3/µI 1.0 - 3.0 Calculated
Absolute Monocyte Count 0.79 10^3/µI 0.2 - 1.0 Calculated
Absolute Eosinophil Count 0.2 10^3/µI 0.02 - 0.50 Calculated
Absolute Basophil Count 0 10^3/µI 0.0 - 0.10 Calculated
Absolute Immature Granulocyte Count 0 10^3/µI Calculated
Platelet Count 220 10^3/µI 150 - 410 Microscopic
MPV 14.6 fL Calculated
PDW 23.60 fL Calculated

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Page 1 of 17
Name: Dhrivesh Order ID: 2279487

Age/Gender: 34 Y/Male Registration Date: 27/Dec/2020 03:51PM

Patient ID: 012012270760 Collection Date: 27/Dec/2020 11:19AM
Barcode ID: a2998053 Sample Receive Date: 27/Dec/2020 04:57PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Final
SampleType: HEM2 Report Date: 27/Dec/2020 08:08PM

Comprehensive Full Body Check
Test Name Result Unit Bio Ref.Interval Method

Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate 31 mm/hour <=10 Modified Westergren at

ESR measurement by the conventional method of Westergren, suggested by the International Committee for Standardization in Hematology as the standard procedure,
provides an index of progress of the disease and is widely used in clinical practice as an indicator of inflammation, infection, trauma, or malignant diseases. ESR is
specifically indicated for certain conditions: to monitor rheumatoid arthritis, tuberculosis, and systemic lupus erythematosis; and to diagnose and monitor giant cell arteritis
and polymyalgia rheumatica. An elevated ESR may also be associated with many other conditions, including autoimmune disease, anemia, infection, and malignancy.
Although a normal ESR cannot be taken to exclude the presence of organic disease, its rate is dependent on various physiologic and pathologic factors, In polycythemia, the
mass of the red blood cells increases which cause the decrease of ESR. In Anemia, the mass of the red cells decreases which cause the increase of ESR. In other
words, Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate is indirectly proportional to ratio between mass of the red cells and plasma.The most important component influencing ESR is the
composition of plasma. High level of C-Reactive Protein, fibrinogen, haptoglobin, a1-antitrypsin, ceruloplasmin and immunoglobulins causes the elevation of Erythrocyte
Sedimentation Rate.
Technical Issues: Elevation in room temperature also affects the Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate. Moving tube in sloping position, length and calibre of the tube also
affect Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate.
Drugs that may cause increase ESR levels include: dextran, methyldopa, oral contraceptives, penicillamine, procainamide, theophylline, and Vitamin A. Drugs that may
cause decrease levels include: aspirin, cortisone, and quinine

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Page 2 of 17
Name: Dhrivesh Order ID: 2279487

Age/Gender: 34 Y/Male Registration Date: 27/Dec/2020 03:51PM

Patient ID: 012012270760 Collection Date: 27/Dec/2020 11:19AM
Barcode ID: a2998053 Sample Receive Date: 27/Dec/2020 04:57PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Final
SampleType: Whole Blood Report Date: 27/Dec/2020 08:08PM

Comprehensive Full Body Check

Peripheral Smear Examination

RBC- Predominantly Normocytic Normochromic.

WBC - Normal leucocyte count and morphology.

PLATELETS - Adequate on the smear.

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Page 3 of 17
Name: Dhrivesh Order ID: 2279487

Age/Gender: 34 Y/Male Registration Date: 27/Dec/2020 03:51PM

Patient ID: 012012270760 Collection Date: 27/Dec/2020 11:19AM
Barcode ID: a2998055 Sample Receive Date: 27/Dec/2020 05:00PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Final
SampleType: Urine Report Date: 27/Dec/2020 09:45PM

Comprehensive Full Body Check
Test Name Result Unit Bio Ref.Interval Method

Microalbumin/Creatinine Ratio.
Microalbumin 5.00 mg/L <20 Turbidimetric
Urinary Creatinine 0.97 g/L 0.2 - 3.7 Kinetic Alkaline Picrate
Microalbumin/Creatinine Ratio 5.15 Calculated

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Page 4 of 17
Name: Dhrivesh Order ID: 2279487

Age/Gender: 34 Y/Male Registration Date: 27/Dec/2020 03:51PM

Patient ID: 012012270760 Collection Date: 27/Dec/2020 11:19AM
Barcode ID: a2998054 Sample Receive Date: 27/Dec/2020 04:57PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Final
SampleType: Plasma Report Date: 27/Dec/2020 09:15PM

Comprehensive Full Body Check
Test Name Result Unit Bio Ref.Interval Method

Glucose - Fasting Blood 83 mg/dl 74 - 106 GOD POD

American Diabetes associations reference range,

Normal <100 mg/dl

Impaired Fasting 100-125 mg/dl
Diabetes >=126 mg/dl

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Page 5 of 17
Name: Dhrivesh Order ID: 2279487

Age/Gender: 34 Y/Male Registration Date: 27/Dec/2020 03:51PM

Patient ID: 012012270760 Collection Date: 27/Dec/2020 11:19AM
Barcode ID: a2998053 Sample Receive Date: 27/Dec/2020 04:57PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Final
SampleType: Whole Blood Report Date: 27/Dec/2020 09:45PM

Comprehensive Full Body Check
Test Name Result Unit Bio Ref.Interval Method

Glycosylated Hemoglobin (HbA1c) 5.2 % 4-6 HPLC - Cation Exchange

As per American Diabetes Association (ADA)

Reference Group HbA1c in %

Non diabetic adults >=18 years <5.7
At risk (Prediabetes) 5.7 - 6.4
Diagnosing Diabetes >=6.5
Age> 19 years
Goal of therapy: <7.0
Action suggested: >8.0

Age <19 years

Therapeutic goals for glycemic control Goal of therapy: <7.5


1. Since HbA1c reflects long term fluctuations in the blood glucose concentration, a diabetic patient who is recently under good control may still have a high concentration of
HbA1c. Converse is true for a diabetic previously under good control but now poorly controlled.
2. Target goals of < 7.0 % may be beneficial in patients with short duration of diabetes, long life expectancy and no significant cardiovascular disease. In patients with
significant complications of diabetes, limited life expectancy or extensive co-morbid conditions, targeting a goal of < 7.0 % may not be appropriate.

Average Blood Glucose 102.54 mg/dl Mentioned below Calculated

Range for Average Blood Glucose:

Excellent Control 90 – 120 mg/dl

Good Control 121 – 150 mg/dl
Average 151 – 180 mg/dl
Action Suggested 181 – 210 mg/dl
Panic Value >=211 mg/dl

Average Blood Glucose is a calculated parameter from HbA1c value and it indicates average glucose over the past 3 months.

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Page 6 of 17
Name: Dhrivesh Order ID: 2279487

Age/Gender: 34 Y/Male Registration Date: 27/Dec/2020 03:51PM

Patient ID: 012012270760 Collection Date: 27/Dec/2020 11:19AM
Barcode ID: a2998051 Sample Receive Date: 27/Dec/2020 04:56PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Final
SampleType: Serum Report Date: 27/Dec/2020 09:15PM

Comprehensive Full Body Check
Test Name Result Unit Bio Ref.Interval Method

Iron Deficiency Profile

Iron Serum 57.0 µg/dL 65-175 Ferene
Total Iron Binding Capacity ( TIBC) 256.14 ug/dL 134 - 415 Calculated
Transferrin 161.9 mg/dl 200 - 360 Calculated
Transferrin Saturation 22.25 % 16 - 50 Calculated
Serum iron measures the amount of ferric iron (Fe3+) bound mainly to serum transferrin but does not include the divalent iron contained in serum as hemoglobin. Serum iron
concentration is decreased in people with iron-deficiency anemia and chronic inflammatory disorders. Elevated concentrations of serum iron occur in iron-loading disorders
such as hemochromatosis. Serum iron alone is unreliable due to considerable physiologic diurnal variation in the results with highest values in the morning and lowest values
in the evening as well as variation in response to iron therapy. Therefore, serum iron results should always be interpreted in the context of other studies.

TIBC is a measurement of serum transferrin after saturation of all available binding sites with iron. TIBC quantitatively measures serum transferrin and can be useful in
diagnosis of iron deficiency anemia, iron overload and chronic inflammatory disorders. Increased levels of TIBC suggest that total iron body stores are low, increased
concentrations may be a sign of iron deficiency anemia, polycythemia vera, and may occur during the third trimester of pregnancy. Decreased levels of TIBC may indicate
anemia of chronic disease such as hemolytic anemia, hemochromatosis, chronic liver disease, hypoproteinemia, malnutrition, pernicious anemia, and sickle cell anemia.

Transferrin, a β-globulin, synthesized in liver, is the principal protein responsible for iron transport. Transferrin transports ferric ions from the iron stores of intracellular or
mucosal ferritin to bone marrow where erythrocyte precursors and other cells have transferrin surface receptors.Transferrin is responsible for 50% to 70% of the iron
binding capacity of serum. Since other proteins may bind iron, transferrin concentration correlates with, but is not identical to TIBC.
Indications for transferrin quantitation include: screening for nutritional status; differential diagnosis of anemia; and monitoring anemia treatment. Iron deficiency and iron
overload are best diagnosed using a combination of iron, transferrin, and ferritin determinations. Decreased levels of transferrin are associated with conditions involving
chronic liver disease, malnutrition, nephrotic syndrome, protein-losing enteropathies, iron overload or hereditary hemochromatosis, and congenital atransferrinemia.
Elevated levels of transferrin are associated with iron deficiency anemia where elevated transferrin often precedes the appearance of anemia by days to months. Transferrin
levels are also elevated with increased estrogen due to pregnancy, oral contraceptives, etc.

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Page 7 of 17
Name: Dhrivesh Order ID: 2279487

Age/Gender: 34 Y/Male Registration Date: 27/Dec/2020 03:51PM

Patient ID: 012012270760 Collection Date: 27/Dec/2020 11:19AM
Barcode ID: a2998051 Sample Receive Date: 27/Dec/2020 04:56PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Final
SampleType: Serum Report Date: 27/Dec/2020 10:37PM

Comprehensive Full Body Check
Test Name Result Unit Bio Ref.Interval Method

Lipid Profile
Cholesterol 222 mg/dl Desirable <200, CHOD-PAP
Borderline High 200 - 239,
High >=240
Triglycerides 448 mg/dl Normal: <161, GPO
Borderline:161 - 199,
Very High: >499
HDL Cholesterol 44 mg/dl 35.3-79.5 PVS-PEGME
LDL Cholesterol 140 mg/dl Desirable: <100 Liquid Selective
Above desirable: 100 - 129 Detergent
Borderline high : 130 - 159
High : 160 - 189
Very high : >=190
In all adults (>=20 years of age), a fasting lipoprotein profile should be obtained at least every 5 years. The measurement and monitoring of atherogenic cholesterol levels
remain an important part of a comprehensive ASCVD prevention strategy. An elevated level of cholesterol carried by circulating apolipoprotein B-containing lipoproteins
(non–high-density lipoprotein cholesterol and low-density lipoprotein cholesterol [LDL-C], termed atherogenic cholesterol) is a root cause of atherosclerosis, the key
underlying process contributing to most clinical atherosclerotic cardiovascular disease (ASCVD) events.
Reducing elevated levels of atherogenic cholesterol will lower ASCVD risk in proportion to the extent that atherogenic cholesterol is reduced. This benefit is presumed to
result from atherogenic cholesterol lowering through multiple modalities, including lifestyle and drug therapies.
Atherosclerosis is a process that often begins early in life and progresses for decades before resulting a clinical ASCVD event. Therefore, both intermediate-term and long-
term or lifetime risk should be considered when assessing the potential benefits and hazards of risk-reduction therapies.
Nonlipid ASCVD risk factors should also be managed appropriately, particularly high blood pressure, cigarette smoking, and diabetes mellitus.
Since triglycerides are more than 400mg/dl, LDL has been rechecked by Direct LDL method.

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Page 8 of 17
Name: Dhrivesh Order ID: 2279487

Age/Gender: 34 Y/Male Registration Date: 27/Dec/2020 03:51PM

Patient ID: 012012270760 Collection Date: 27/Dec/2020 11:19AM
Barcode ID: a2998051 Sample Receive Date: 27/Dec/2020 04:56PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Final
SampleType: Serum Report Date: 27/Dec/2020 09:15PM

Comprehensive Full Body Check
Test Name Result Unit Bio Ref.Interval Method

Liver Function Test

Bilirubin-Total 0.6 mg/dL 0 - 2.0 Diazo
Bilirubin-Direct 0.2 mg/dl 0 - 0.4 Diazo
Bilirubin-Indirect 0.4 mg/dl 0 - 1.8 Calculated
Protein, Total 6.4 g/dl 6.4 - 8.3 Biuret
Albumin 4.1 g/dl 3.5-5.2 BCG
Globulin 2.3 g/dl 1.8 - 3.6 Calculated
A/G Ratio 1.8 Ratio Calculated
Aspartate Aminotransferase (SGOT) 33 U/L 0 - 35 IFCC without Pyridoxal
Alanine Transaminase (SGPT) 60 U/L 0-45 IFCC without Pyridoxal
SGOT/SGPT 0.55 Ratio Calculated
Alkaline Phosphatase 88 U/L 53-128 AMP
Gamma Glutamyltransferase (GGT) 28 U/L 0-55 GCNA
LFTS are based upon measurements of substances released from damaged hepatic cells into the blood that gives idea of the Existence, Extent and Type of Liver damage.
- Acute Hepatocellular damage: ALT & AST levels are sensitive index of hepatocellular damage
- Obstruction to the biliary tract,Cholestasis and blockage of bile flow:
1) Serum Total Bilirubin concentration 2) Serum Alkaline Phosphatase (ALP) activity 3) Gamma Glutamyl Transpeptidase (GGTP) 4) 5`-Nucleotidase
- Chronic liver disease: Serum Albumin concentration
Bilirubin results from the enzymatic breakdown of heme. Jaundice is a yellowish discoloration of the skin and mucous membranes caused by hyperbilirubinemia.
Pre-hepatic or hemolytic jaundice - Abnormal red cells, antibodies,drugs and toxins,Hemoglobinopathies, Gilbert’s syndrome, Crigler-Najjar syndrome
Hepatic or Hepatocellular jaundice-Viral hepatitis,toxic hepatitis, intrahepatic cholestasis
Post-hepatic jaundice -Extrahepatic cholestasis, gallstones, tumors of the bile duct, carcinoma of pancreas
In viral hepatitis and other forms of liver disease associated with acute hepatic necrosis, serum AST and ALT concentrations are elevated even before the clinical signs and
symptoms of disease appear. ALT is the more liver-specific enzyme and elevations of ALT activity persist longer than AST activity. Peak values of aminotransferase
activity occur between the seventh and twelfth days. Activities then gradually decrease, reaching normal activities by the third to fifth week. Peak activities bear no
relationship to prognosis and may fall with worsening of the patient's condition.
Aminotransferase activities observed in cirrhosis vary with the status of the cirrhotic process and range from the upper reference limit to four to five times higher, with an
AST/ALT ratio greater than 1. The ratio's elevation can reflect the grade of fibrosis in these patients. Slight or moderate elevations of both AST and ALT activities have
been observed after administration of various medications and chronic hepatic injury such as (1) hemochromatosis, (2) Wilson disease, (3) autoimmune hepatitis, (4)
primary biliary cirrhosis, (5) sclerosing cholangitis, and (6) a1-antitrypsin deficiency. AST activity also is increased in acute myocardial infarction, progressive muscular
dystrophy and dermatomyositis, reaching concentrations up to eight times the upper reference limit.Slight to moderate AST elevations are noted in hemolytic disease.
GGT is a sensitive indicator of the presence of hepatobiliary disease, being elevated in most subjects with liver disease regardless of cause. Increased concentrations of the
enzyme are also found in serum of subjects receiving anticonvulsant drugs, such as phenytoin and phenobarbital.

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Page 9 of 17
Name: Dhrivesh Order ID: 2279487

Age/Gender: 34 Y/Male Registration Date: 27/Dec/2020 03:51PM

Patient ID: 012012270760 Collection Date: 27/Dec/2020 11:19AM
Barcode ID: a2998051 Sample Receive Date: 27/Dec/2020 04:56PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Final
SampleType: Serum Report Date: 27/Dec/2020 09:15PM

Comprehensive Full Body Check
Test Name Result Unit Bio Ref.Interval Method

Sodium 139 mmol/l 135 - 145 Direct ISE

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Page 10 of 17
Name: Dhrivesh Order ID: 2279487

Age/Gender: 34 Y/Male Registration Date: 27/Dec/2020 03:51PM

Patient ID: 012012270760 Collection Date: 27/Dec/2020 11:19AM
Barcode ID: a2998055 Sample Receive Date: 27/Dec/2020 05:00PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Final
SampleType: Urine Report Date: 27/Dec/2020 09:45PM

Comprehensive Full Body Check
Test Name Result Unit Bio Ref.Interval Method

Urine Sodium 44 mmol/L 40 - 220 Indirect ISE

Urine Potassium 48.60 mmol/L 25 - 125 Indirect ISE
Urine Chloride 78.00 mmol/L 110 - 250 indirect ISE

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Page 11 of 17
Name: Dhrivesh Order ID: 2279487

Age/Gender: 34 Y/Male Registration Date: 27/Dec/2020 03:51PM

Patient ID: 012012270760 Collection Date: 27/Dec/2020 11:19AM
Barcode ID: a2998051 Sample Receive Date: 27/Dec/2020 04:56PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Final
SampleType: Serum Report Date: 27/Dec/2020 09:15PM

Comprehensive Full Body Check
Test Name Result Unit Bio Ref.Interval Method

Amylase 47 U/L 25-125 CNPG3 Substrate

Chloride 101 mmol/L 98 - 107 Direct ISE

Kidney Panel
Blood Urea Nitrogen 4.70 mg/dL 8.9 - 20.6 Urease
Creatinine 0.74 mg/dl 0.7-1.3 Enzymatic
BUN/Creatinine Ratio 6.4 Ratio Calculated
Calcium 9.4 mg/dl 8.6 - 10.2 ARSENAZO
Uric Acid 8.4 mg/dl 3.5 - 7.2 Uricase-POD

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Page 12 of 17
Name: Dhrivesh Order ID: 2279487

Age/Gender: 34 Y/Male Registration Date: 27/Dec/2020 03:51PM

Patient ID: 012012270760 Collection Date: 27/Dec/2020 11:19AM
Barcode ID: a2998051 Sample Receive Date: 27/Dec/2020 04:56PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Final
SampleType: Serum Report Date: 27/Dec/2020 06:24PM

Comprehensive Full Body Check
Test Name Result Unit Bio Ref.Interval Method

Thyroid Profile
T3, Total 125.53 ng/dl 70 - 204 CLIA
T4, Total 10.0 µg/dl 5.5 - 11.0 CLIA
Thyroid Stimulating Hormone - ULTRA 3.29 uIU/ml 0.55 - 4.78 CLIA
Thyroid dysfunction is common in the general population and Laboratory tests are essential for the accurate diagnosis and cost-effective monitoring of thyroid dysfunction.
TSH is now firmly established as the first-line thyroid function test to assess thyroid status for most clinical conditions. Interpretation of the results of thyroid function tests
is facilitated by an understanding of thyroid hormone physiology, especially the normal inverse relationship between free T4 and TSH concentrations.Changes in thyroid
status are normally associated with concordant changes in T3,T4 and TSH concentrations (e.g. raised T4 and T3 with suppressed TSH in thyrotoxicosis; low T4 and T3 with
elevated TSH in hypothyroidism). An abnormal TSH requires further investigation, including measurement of free T4 . In most clinical situations involving discordant FT4
and TSH results, the TSH test usually yields the most diagnostically reliable result, provided that the patient is not receiving medications that directly inhibit TSH secretion,
and there are no conditions affecting the pituitary-thyroid axis.. Using TSH as a single criterion has been shown to accurately classify the thyroid state of a patient in over
95% of cases. Non-thyroidal illness (NTI), pituitary disease and various drugs can all affect the axis and cause discrepancies between TSH levels, thyroid hormone levels and
the clinical state. Measurement of the TSH level is indicated for patients with symptoms suggestive of thyroid dysfunction, reduced bone mineral density, dyslipidaemia,
depression, or atrial fibrillation.
Total T4 measures the total amount of thyroxine circulating in the bloodstream. Indications:Used to make diagnosis of underactive or overactive thyroid when TSH is
abnormal • Used with TSH for monitoring patients with Graves’ disease • Newborn screening test for hypothyroidism • Fairly accurate in patients with no protein
abnormalities and not pregnant Free T4 measures the available, unbound amount of thyroxine in the bloodstream.
Free T4 is critical for evaluating patients with hypothalamic-pituitary disease. It is also useful for evaluating the response to levothyroxine in cases of poor compliance and
in the first months of treating patients with chronic, severe hypothyroidism.
The total T3 test measures the total amount of triiodothyronine circulating in the bloodstream. Free T3 measures the free, unbound levels of the hormone triiodothyronine
available for use by the body.Total T3 measurements, however, should be performedIn patients suspected of having T3 thyrotoxicosis and in patients taking drugs that
inhibit the peripheral conversion of T4 to T3 (such as dexamethasone, propranolol, propylthiouracil, amiodarone, and iodine-containing contrast media)
Maternal hypothyroidism causes adverse effects on fetal psychomotor development, highlighting the significance of evaluating thyroid function during pregnancy.Tests
should be performed pre-pregnancy or in the first trimester with TSH tests that can detect mild thyroid failure. During pregnancy, the total levels of T3 and T4 are high
because of increased TBG, and free T4 levels may slightly increase during the first trimester but will subsequently decline in the second and third trimesters.
In addition to the pre-analytical factors, potential analytical factors that interfere with the thyroid function tests assays such as heterophilic antibodies and autoantibodies,
may lead to discordant thyroid function test results. The optimal use of thyroid function tests should be patient-specific and depends on the patient’s specific thyroid
disease, the stage of the disease and co-existing medical conditions. Results should be interpreted in the appropriate clinical context of the individual patient with good
communication between clinicians and the requesting test laboratory.

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Page 13 of 17
Name: Dhrivesh Order ID: 2279487
Age/Gender: 34 Y/Male Registration Date: 27/Dec/2020 03:51PM
Patient ID: 012012270760 Collection Date: 27/Dec/2020 11:19AM
Barcode ID: a2998051 Sample Receive Date: 27/Dec/2020 04:56PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Final
SampleType: Serum Report Date: 27/Dec/2020 06:24PM

Comprehensive Full Body Check
Test Name Result Unit Bio Ref.Interval Method
Vitamin D (25-OH) 13.51 ng/ml Deficiency:< 20, CLIA
Sufficiency:30 - 100,
Toxicity possible:> 100
Vitamin D may be acquired by exposure of skin to sunlight or ingestion of foods containing vitamin D or its metabolites. Vitamin D levels are best determined by
measurement of 25 Hydroxy Vitamin D, as it is the major circulating form in blood and has longer half life (2-3 weeks) than 1,25 Dihydroxy Vitamin D (5-8 hrs).
Decreased Vitamin D 25(OH)D are due to:
1. Inadequate exposure to sunlight
2. Inadequate dietary Vitamin D
3. Severe hepatocellular disease
4. Vitamin D Malabsorption
5. Drugs (anticonvulsants)
6. Nephrotic syndrome (increased loss)

Vitamin D deficiency results in abnormalities in calcium, phosphorus, and bone metabolism, producing rickets in children and osteomalacia in adults. Insufficient levels of
Vitamin D leads to an increased risk of developing non-skeletal pathologies such as cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabetes, autoimmune diseases and infectious diseases.

Vitamin B12 547.0 pg/ml 211 - 911 CLIA

Serum vitamin B-12 concentrations are measured to assess its deficiency in patients presenting with haematolological, neurological, and neuropsychiatric abnormalities.Early
diagnosis of vitamin B12 deficiency is advisable because neurological symptoms may be irreversible and often occur before or without hematological manifestations.
A low intake of vitamin B12, malabsorption, pernicious anemia, gastrointestinal disorders and certain medicines should be considered in the diagnosis of vitamin
B12 deficiency.
Most common cause of vitamin B12 deficiency is pernicious anemia, an autoimmune disease in which chronic atrophic gastritis results from antibodies to gastric parietal
cells and Intrinsic Factor, directed against gastric parietal cell H+/K+ATPase. Pernicious anemia may also occur in children because of either failure of IF secretion or
secretion of biologically inactive IF.
Laboratory evaluation of Vitamin B12 deficiency includes : measurement of serum vitamin B12 (cobalamin) concentrations, measurement of methylmalonic acid and
homocysteine in patients with low normal vitamin B12 levels, and antibodies to intrinsic factor for the diagnosis of pernicious anemia. In patients with anemia, the
peripheral blood smear should be examined for macrocytic red blood cells (MCV >100 fl) and hypersegmented neutrophils. Serum vitamin B12 concentrations commonly
fall during pregnancy, but these patients do not exhibit hematologic evidence of deficiency.
High levels of intrinsic factor blocking antibodies may cause spuriously high values for vitamin B12 with some immunoassays. Testing for the presence of IF-blocking
antibodies is recommended if vitamin B12 results do not support clinical impression. Serum concentrations of homocysteine and methylmalonic acid are elevated in
functional vitamin B12 deficiency due to a decreased rate of metabolism.

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Page 14 of 17
Name: Dhrivesh Order ID: 2279487

Age/Gender: 34 Y/Male Registration Date: 27/Dec/2020 03:51PM

Patient ID: 012012270760 Collection Date: 27/Dec/2020 11:19AM
Barcode ID: a2998051 Sample Receive Date: 27/Dec/2020 04:56PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Final
SampleType: Serum Report Date: 27/Dec/2020 05:46PM

Comprehensive Full Body Check
Test Name Result Unit Bio Ref.Interval Method

Hepatitis Bs (Surface) Antigen NON REACTIVE Non - Reactive Immunochromatographic

Infection with HBV results in a wide spectrum of acute and chronic liver diseases that may lead to cirrhosis and hepatocellular carcinoma. Hepatitis B surface antigen
(HBsAg), derived from the viral envelope, is the first antigen to appear following infection and can be detected serologically as an aid in the laboratory diagnosis of acute
HBV infection. Rapid tests are qualitative tests based on immunochromatographic techniques for lateral association of monoclonal and polyclonal antibodies specific for

Note: This is a screening test. If positive, further Confirmation by HBsAg Quantitative is advised

Rheumatoid Factor-Qualitative NON REACTIVE Non Reactive Latex Agglutination

Rheumatoid Factor are autoantibodies directed against the Fc fragment of the human IgG.The formation of immune complex in the joint space leads to the activation of
complement and destructive inflammation, causing rheumatoid arthritis.The determination of Rheumatoid Factor is most commonly used not only for the screening of
rheumatoid arthritis but also assists in the prognosis of the disease and in the monitoring of therapeutic response.

Note: This is a screening test. If positive, further Confirmation by rheumatoid factor quantitative is advised.

C-Reactive Protein (Qualitative) NON REACTIVE Non-Reactive Latex Agglutination

C-reactive protein (CRP) is an acute-phase protein synthesized in the liver that serves as an early marker of inflammation or infection making it a useful marker for
monitoring disease activity.Small increases in serum levels of CRP can often be detected before any clinical features become apparent.
During infectious or inflammatory disease states, CRP levels rise rapidly within the first 6 to 8 hours and peak reaches after 48 hours.
CRP levels are unaffected by anaemia, protein levels, red blood cell shape or patient age or sex.
However, in women, CRP concentrations tend to be higher late in pregnancy.
Concentrations in plasma usually rise dramatically after
(1) myocardial infarction (2) stress (3) trauma (4) infection (5) inflammation (6) surgery
(7) neoplastic proliferation.
Determination of CRP is clinically useful for
(1) screening for organic disease;
(2) assessment of the activity of inflammatory disease;
(3) detection of intercurrent infections in systemic lupus erythematosus (SLE), in leukemia, or after surgery (secondary rise in plasma concentration)
(4) management of neonatal septicemia and meningitis, when specimen collections for bacteriological investigations may be difficult.
The utility of measuring CRP as a risk factor for cardiovascular disease has led to the development of high-sensitivity CRP (hs-CRP) assays sensitive to 0.5–10 mg/L to
detect lower levels of CRP.
CRP is a more sensitive and more reliable indicator of acute inflammatory processes than the erythrocyte sedimentation rate (ESR) and leukocyte count. Blood CRP levels
rise more rapidly than ESR and after the disease has subsided, CRP values rapidly fall and reach within normal limits often days before ESR has returned to normal.
Note: This is a screening test. If positive, further Confirmation by CRP quantitative is advised.

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Page 15 of 17
Name: Dhrivesh Order ID: 2279487

Age/Gender: 34 Y/Male Registration Date: 27/Dec/2020 03:51PM

Patient ID: 012012270760 Collection Date: 27/Dec/2020 11:19AM
Barcode ID: a2998055 Sample Receive Date: 27/Dec/2020 05:00PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Final
SampleType: Urine Report Date: 27/Dec/2020 09:34PM

Comprehensive Full Body Check
Test Name Result Unit Bio Ref.Interval Method

Urine Albumin NEGATIVE Negative Acid Base Indicator

Kindly correlate clinically

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Name: Dhrivesh Order ID: 2279487

Age/Gender: 34 Y/Male Registration Date: 27/Dec/2020 03:51PM

Patient ID: 012012270760 Collection Date: 27/Dec/2020 11:19AM
Barcode ID: a2998055 Sample Receive Date: 27/Dec/2020 05:00PM
Referred By: Self Report Status: Final
SampleType: Urine Report Date: 27/Dec/2020 09:34PM

Comprehensive Full Body Check
Test Name Result Unit Bio Ref.Interval Method

Urine Routine & Microscopy

Colour PALE YELLOW Pale Yellow Manual
Specific gravity 1.020 1.005 - 1.030 pKa change
Appearance CLEAR Clear Manual
Ph 6.00 5.0 - 8.5 Double Indicator
Urobilinogen NORMAL Normal Azo Dye
Leucocytes NEGATIVE Negative Microscopy
Urine protein NEGATIVE Negative Acid Base Indicator
Ketones NEGATIVE Negative Acetoacetic Acid
Nitrite NEGATIVE Negative Sulbhanilamide Diazo
Urine Glucose NEGATIVE Negative Benedict test
Bile pigments NEGATIVE Negative Fouchet Reagent
Blood NEGATIVE Negative Microscopy
Bile salts NEGATIVE Negative Hays sulphur
Epithelial cells 1-2 0 - 5/HPF Microscopy
Urine RBC NIL Nil Microscopy
Pus cells 2-3 0 - 5/HPF Microscopy
Casts NIL Nil Microscopy
Crystals NIL Nil Microscopy
Budding yeast cells NIL Nil Microscopy
Bacteria NIL Nil Microscopy

*** End Of Report ***

Kindly correlate clinically

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