40 Hadeeth of Mullah Ali Qari
40 Hadeeth of Mullah Ali Qari
40 Hadeeth of Mullah Ali Qari
فؾشقخ ّ
مل ظع نن شؾطنن لفؼنري
لدتورم 0101هـ 0111 /م
Second Print 2019
By al-Tanzīl Institute of Quranic Sciences
Cape Town
Western Cape
South Africa
Contents 3
Foreword 4
System of Transliteration 5
While Allah and His Messenger deems the study of any aspect of the
Quran as immensely meritorious, and of the greatest acts of worship,
intellectualism calls for a rational analysis of many aspects of religion,
trivialising essentials of Islam, like the study of Quranic recitation, for
It is therefore a prerequisite and necessity for those memorising and
studying the Quran to recognise the stature, duty and role that Allah has
placed upon them. Booklets like the 40 Hadīth of Mullā ʿAli al-Qārī are
invaluable inclusions to the curriculum of any individual memorising or
studying the Quran, as a reminder of the responsibilities placed upon
them after being uniquely selected to undertake the auspicious endeavour
of studying the Quran.
This work serves as a complementary text to Fatḥ al-Karīm of Sheikh ʿAli
al-Ḍabbāʿ, which mainly deals with etiquette of one’s approach to the
Quran, etiquette of its reciter, student towards his teacher and that of a
teacher towards his student, and so forth. The work at hand is a
translation solely dedicated to the virtues attached to the Quran in order
to encourage us – students, scholars and laymen alike – not only to read
and memorise the Quran, but also as encouragement to engage in a
comprehensive study of the Quran as well as its implementation.
Nr Arabic English Nr Arabic English
1 أ ʾ 17 ظ ṭḥ
2 ب b 18 ع ʿ
3 ت t 19 غ gh
4 ث th 20 ف f
5 ج j 21 ق q
6 ح ḥ 22 ك k
7 خ kh 23 ل l
8 د d 24 م m
9 ذ dh 25 ن n
10 ر r 26 ه h
11 ز z 27 و w
12 س s 28 ي y
13 ش sh 29 َا ā
14 ص ṣ 30 َي ī
15 ض ḍ 31 َو ū
16 ط ṭ 32 َأي ay
33 َأو ou
The ‚al‛ of the Arabic lām al-taʿrīf is occasionally omitted to maintain flow of the English.
Mullā ʿAli al-Qārī
He is Nūr al-Dīn Abū al-Ḥasan ʿAli ibn Sulṭān Muḥammad al-Qārī al-
Harawī al-Makkī. He was born in the city known as Hirah, situated in
Khurasan, better known as Afghanistan in the year 930 AH. He
memorised the Qurʾān as well as mastered the science of Tajwīd under
the guidance of al-Muqriʾ Muʿīn al-Dīn ibn al-Ḥāfiṭḥ Zayn al-Dīn al-
Harawī. He also studied under numerous scholars that were based in
Hirah. Thereafter, he travelled to Mecca and studied under the guidance
of Aḥmad ibn Ḥajar al-Haytamī. He decided to remain in Mecca where
he taught until his demise in the month of Shawwāl 1014 AH/1606 CE.1
Mulla ʿAli al-Qārī was a prolific Ḥanafī scholar2, a master in the field of
Ḥadīth, Qurʾānic exegesis, Qirāʾāt, history and Tasawwuf. He was given
the title of ‚al-Qārī‛3, which means ‚the reciter or teacher‛ due to his
proficiency in the science of Qirāʾāt. He was also a famous calligrapher
who wrote a copy of the Qurʾān every year.
There is difference of opinion among scholars with regard to the demise of Mullā
ʿAli al-Qārī. According to some he died in the year 1010 AH or 1016 AH, while
others say that he died in 1044 AH. However, the correct opinion is that he passed
away in 1014 AH and was buried in Maqbarah al-Maʿlah.
Risālat al-Basmalah, pg. 35. Mullā ʿAli al-Qārī explicitly refers to himself as being a
At times he would refer to himself as ‚al-Muqrī‛ – the teacher – instead of al-
1) Aḥmad ibn Ḥajar al-Haytamī4
2) ʿAli al-Muttaqī al-Hindī5
3) ʿAṭiyyah al-Sulamī6
4) Mīr Kalan7
5) ʿAbd Allah al-Sindī8
6) Quṭb al-Dīn al-Makkī9
He is Shihāb al-Dīn Abū al-ʿAbbās Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad ibn ʿAli ibn
Muḥammad ibn ʿAli ibn Ḥajar al-Haytamī al-Shāfiʿī, died 973 AH. He was a student
of Shaykh al-Islām Zakariyyā al-Anṣārī (d. 925 AH), Shihāb al-Dīn al-Ramlī (d. 923
AH) and Abū al-Ḥasan al-Bakrī. See Shadharāt al-Dhahab, Vol. 8, pg. 123/134.
He is the famous author of Kanz al-ʿUmmāl fī Sunan al-Aqwal wa al-Afʿāl, ʿAlāʾ al-
Dīn ʿAli ibn Ḥusām al-Dīn al-Hindī (d. 975 AH). Shadharāt al-Dhahab, Vol. 8, pg.
He is Zayn al-Dīn ʿAṭiyyah ibn ʿAli ibn Ḥasan al-Sulamī al-Shāfiʿī (d. 982 AH). Al-
Aʿlām, Vol. 4, pg. 238.
He is Muḥammad Saʿīd al-Ḥanafī (d. 983 AH). Al-Munjid fī al-Aʿlām, pg. 53.
He is ʿAbd Allah al-Sindī al-Makkī al-Ḥanafī (d. 984 AH). He too was a student of
Ibn Ḥajar al-Haytamī. Al-Haytamī would consult with him regarding matters of
Arabic grammar (Naḥw). Shadharāt al-Dhahab, Vol.8, pg. 403.
He is Muḥammad ibn ʿAlāʾ al-Dīn Aḥmad ibn Muḥammad Quṭb al-Dīn al-
Nahrawālī al-Hindī al-Makkī al-Ḥanafī, famously known as al-Quṭbī (d. 990 AH).
Shadharāt al-Dhahab, Vol.8, pg 420. Al-Badr al-Ṭāliʿ, Vol. 2 pg. 57.
1) ʿAbd al-Qādir al-Ṭabarī11
2) ʿAbd al-Raḥmān al-Murshidī12
3) Muḥammad ibn Farrūkh al-Murawī13
Literary works:14
1) Anwār al-Qurʾān wa Asrār al-Furqān
2) Al-Bayyināt fī Bayān al-Āyāt
3) Takhrīj Qirāʾāt al-Bayḍāwī
4) Ḥāshiyat al-Jamālayn ʿalā Tafsīr al-Jalālayn
Mullā ʿAli al-Qārī had many students, but it is uncertain whether he had any
students in his hometown. Most of his students studied under him when he was in
He is ʿAbd al-Qādir ibn Muḥammad ibn Yaḥyā al-Ḥusaynī al-Ṭabarī al-Shāfiʿī al-
Makkī, died 1033AH. Al-Badr al-Ṭāliʿ, Vol. 2 pg. 57. He was known as Imām al-
Aʾimmat al-Ḥijāz – the leading scholar in all of Ḥijāz. Khulāṣat al-Athar, Vol. 2 pp.
457-464. Hadiyyat al-ʿĀrifīn, Vol. 2 pg. 166.
He is ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn ʿĪsā ibn Murshid al-ʿUmarī al-Murshidī al-Makkī al-
Ḥanafī. He was a Mufti of the Ḥanafiyyah. He died of asphyxiation on the eve of
Jumuʿah on 11 Dhū al-Ḥijjah, 1037 AH. Khulāṣat al-Athar, Vol. 2 pg. 369.
He is Abū ʿAbd Allah Muḥammad ibn ʿAbd al-ʿAṭḥīm al-Makkī al-Ḥanafī ibn al-
Maqdisī al-Mīrūz al-Mullā Farrūkh ibn ʿAbd al-Muḥsin al-Rumī al-Mūrawī. He was
an Imam of the Ḥanafī Maqam as well as a Khaṭīb in Masjid al-Ḥarām (d. 1061
AH). Hadiyyat al-ʿĀrifīn, Vol. 3, pg. 312.
His literary works exceed more than 100. Those listed here are a few written in
the field of the Qurʾān.
5) Sharḥ al-Shāṭibiyyah
6) Al-Ḍābiṭiyyah li al-Shāṭibiyyat al-Lāmiyyah
7) Fayḍ al-Muʿīn ʿalā Jamʿ al-Arbaʿīn fī Faḍl al-Qurʾān al-Mubīn
8) Al-Minaḥ al-Fikriyyah fī Sharḥ al-Muqaddimat al-Jazariyyah
9) Al-Hibat al-Saniyyat al-ʿAliyyah ʿalā Abyāt al-Shāṭibiyyat al-
Sanad for the Transmission of this Forty Ḥadīth Booklet
رب زدين عل ًام يا كريم
لحلؿد هلل لفذي أكزل لفػرؿنن ،وكزل لفؼرآن ،وأكعم ظؾقـن ننإليامن ،وأتم فـن ننإلحسنن.
ولفصلة ولفسلم لألمتنن لألـؿلن ظذ شقد لخلؾق ،وشـد لحلق حمؿد نن ظبد لهلل من
نـي ظدكنن ،وظذ آفه لفؽرلم ،وأصحننه لفػخنم ذم ـل زمنن ومؽنن.
أمن نعد ،ؾقؼول خندم ـتنب لهلل لفؼديم ،وحديث كبقه لفؽريم ،لدحتنج إػ نر رنه
لفبنري ظع نن شؾطنن حمؿد لفؼنري:
هذه أرنعون حديثن ذم ؾضنئل لفؼرآن ،ومن تله ظذ وجه لإلحسنن نؼدر لإلمؽنن.
احلديث األول
ؾعن ظثامن نن ظػنن ريض لهلل تعنػ ظـه ،ظن لفـبي ؿنل» :خرـم من تعؾم
لفؼرآن وظؾؿه«.
-روله أمحد ،وأصحنب لفؽتب لفستة.
وذم رولية ٓنن منجه ظن شعد ،وفػظه» :خقنرـم«.
O My Lord, Most Gracious, increase me in knowledge
All praise be to Allah, the One who revealed the Criterion and sent down
the Qurʾān, the One who blessed us with belief, who completed
beneficence for us. May his most complete peace and blessings be upon
the master of all creation, the chain of the truth – Muḥammad, the son
of ʿAbd Allah, from the tribe of ʿAdnān – upon his noble family as well
as his illustrious Companions in every era and abode.
Thereafter, says the one who is the servant of the everlasting Book of
Allah, as well as the Tradition of His Noble Prophet, the one who is
dependent on the grace of his Lord – The Creator – ʿAli ibn Sulṭān
Muḥammad al-Qārī:
These are forty ḥadīth on the virtues of the Qurʾān for those who recite it
with sincerity and to the best of their ability.
Ḥadīth 1
It has been reported on the authority of ʿUthmān ibn ʿAffān that the
Prophet said: ‚The best of you is he who learns the Qurʾān and
teaches it.‛ – related by Aḥmad and the authors’ of the six canonical
Ḥadīth books.
Ibn Mājah narrates a variation to the text on the authority of Saʿd with
the wording: ‚The choicest among you.‛
وروله لنن أيب دولد ظن لنن مسعود ،وفػظه» :خقنرـم من ؿرأ لفؼرآن وأؿرأه«.
احلديث الثاين
وظن ظبد لهلل نن مسعود ريض لهلل تعنػ ظـه ؿنل :ؿنل رشول لهلل » :من ؿرأ حرؾ ًن
من ـتنب لهلل ،ؾؾه نه حسـة ،ولحلسـة نعؼ أمثنهلن ٓ ،أؿو ل (لمل) حرف ،وفؽن ،أفف
حرف ،وٓم حرف ،ومقم حرف«.
-روله لفسمذي ،ؿنل :حديث حسن صحقح.
احلديث الثالث
وظن ظؿر نن لخلطنب ريض لهلل تعنػ ظـه ،أن لفـبي ؿنل» :إن لهلل تعنػ يرؾع هبذل
لفؽتنب أؿولم ًن ،ويضع نه آخرين«.
-روله مسؾم ،ولنن منجه.
احلديث الرابع
وظن أيب شعقد لخلدري ؿنل :ؿنل رشول لهلل » :يؼول لفرب تبنرك وتعنػ :من
صغؾه لفؼرآن ظن ذـري ،ومسلفتي ،أظطقته أؾضل من أظطي لفسنئؾغ.
Ibn Abī Dāwūd narrates a variation to the text on the authority of Ibn
Masʿūd with the wording: ‚The choicest amongst you is he who
recites the Qurʾān and teaches its recitation.‛
Ḥadīth 2
It has been reported on the authority of ʿAbd Allah ibn Masʿūd that
the Messenger of Allah said: ‚Whoever recites one letter of the book
of Allah will receive a reward, and one reward is equal to tenfold (the like
thereof). I do not say that Alif Lām Mīm ) (الـمis one letter, but rather,
that Alif is a letter, Lām is a letter and Mīm is a letter.‛ – related by al-
Tirmidhī. He deems the ḥadīth to be ḥasan, ṣaḥīḥ.
Ḥadīth 3
It has been reported on the authority of ʿUmar ibn Khaṭṭāb that
Prophet said: ‚Indeed Allah elevates a nation via this book and
belittles others through it.‛ – related by Muslim and Ibn Mājah.
Ḥadīth 4
It has been reported on the authority of Abū Saʿīd al-Khudrī that the
Messenger of Allah said: ‚The Lord – the Blessed and the Sublime –
says: ‘Whoever the Qurʾān preoccupies from My remembrance and My
supplication, I will give him better than that which I have given to those
who ask.’‛
وؾضل ـلم لهلل تعنػ ظذ شنئر لفؽلم ،ـػضل لهلل تعنػ ظذ خؾؼه«.
-روله لفسمذي ،وؿنل :حسن ؽريب.
احلديث اخلامس
وظن أيب موشى لألصعري ريض لهلل تعنػ ظـه ؿنل :ؿنل رشول لهلل » :مثل
لدممن لفذي يؼرأ لفؼرآن ـؿثل لألترجة ،رحيفن ضقب ،وضعؿفن ضقب ،ومثل لدممن
لفذي ٓ يؼرأ لفؼرآن ـؿثل لفتؿرة ٓ ريح هلن ،وضعؿفن حؾو ،ومثل لدـنؾق لفذي يؼرأ
لفؼرآن ـؿثل لفرحينكة ،رحيفن ضقب ،وضعؿفن مر ،ومثل لدـنؾق لفذي ٓ يؼرأ لفؼرآن
ـؿثل لحلـظؾة فقس هلن ريح وضعؿفن مر«.
وذم رولية» :مثل لفػنجر« ندل »لدـنؾق«.
-روله أمحد ،ولفبخنري ،ومسؾم ،وأنو دلود ،ولفسمذي ،ولفـسنئي ،ولنن منجه.
The superiority of the speech of Allah over all other speeches is like the
superiority of Allah over His creation.’‛ – related by al-Tirmidhī who
says the ḥadīth is ḥasan, gharīb.
Ḥadīth 5
It has been reported on the authority of Abū Mūsā al-Ashʿarī that the
Messenger of Allah said: ‚The similitude of a believer who recites the
Qurʾān is like a citron15, its smell is fragrant and its taste is sweet. The
similitude of a believer who does not recite the Qur’ān is like a date16, it
bears no smell yet its taste is sweet. The similitude of a hypocrite who
recites the Qurʾān is like basil17, its smell is fragrant but its taste is bitter.
The similitude of a hypocrite who does not recite the Qurʾān is like
colocynth18, it bears no smell and its taste is bitter.‛
In a variation: ‚The similitude of a transgressor‛ is a substitute for (the
word) ‚hypocrite‛. – related by Aḥmad, al-Bukhari, Muslim, Abū
Dāwūd, al-Tirmidhī, al-Nasāʾī and Ibn Mājah.
Examples of citron, or citrus fruit, would be an orange, naartjie, lemon etc.
Tamar is dried dates whereas ‚ruṭab‛ is considered as being fresh dates.
It is a herb from the family of mints. Other common names for it include Thai
basil and sweet basil.
It resembles a watermelon vine, but bears small, hard fruits with a bitter pulp.
Other common names for it include bitter apple, bitter cucumber, desert gourd and
wild gourd. It is native to the Mediterranean Basin, Asia and Turkey, in the region
of Izmir, Nubia and Trieste.
احلديث السادس
وظن أكس ريض لهلل تعنػ ظـه ؿنل :ؿنل رشول لهلل صذ لهلل ظؾقه وشؾم» :مثل
لدممن لفذي يؼرأ لفؼرآن ،ـؿثل لألترجة رحيفن ضقب ،وضعؿفن ضقب ،ومثل لدممن
لفذي ٓ يؼرأ لفؼرآن ،ـؿثل لفتؿرة ٓ ريح هلن ،وضعؿفن ضقب ،ومثل لفػنجر لفذي
يؼرأ لفؼرآن ـؿثل لفرحينكة رحيفن ضقب ،وضعؿفن مر ،ومثل لفػنجر لفذي ٓ يؼرأ
لفؼرآن ،ـؿثل لحلـظؾة ضعؿفن مر ،وٓ ريح هلن ،ومثل لجلؾقس لفصنفح ،ـؿثل
صنحب لدسك ،إن مل يصبك مـه يشء أصننك من رحيه ،ومثل لجلؾقس لفسوء ،ـؿثل
صنحب لفؽر ،إن مل يصبك من شولده ،أصننك من دخنكه«.
-روله أنو دلود.
احلديث السابع
وظن ظنئشة ريض لهلل تعنػ ظـفن ،ؿنفت :ؿنل رشول لهلل » :لدنهر ننفؼرآن مع
لفسػرة لفؽرلم لفزرة ،ولفذي يؼرأ لفؼرآن ،ويتتعتع ؾقه ،وهو ظؾقه صنق ،ؾؾه
وذم رولية» :لفذي يؼرأ لفؼرآن ،وهو يشتد ظؾقه فه أجرلن«.
-روله لفبخنري ،ومسؾم ،ولفؾػظ فه .وأنو دلود ،ولفسمذي ،ولفـسنئي ،ولنن منجه.
Ḥadīth 6
It has been reported on the authority of Anas that the Messenger of
Allah said: ‚The similitude of a believer who recites the Qurʾān is like
a citron, its smell is fragrant and its taste is sweet. The similitude of a
believer who does not recite the Qurʾān is like a date, it bears no smell
yet its taste is sweet. The similitude of a transgressor who recites the
Qurʾān is like basil, its smell is fragrant but its taste is bitter. The
similitude of a transgressor who does not recite the Qurʾān is like
colocynth, it bears no smell and its taste is bitter. The example of
righteous company is like a trader of musk; if you receive none of the
musk itself, at least you’d be affected by its scent. The example of bad
company is like a blacksmith (who uses the bellow), if you are not
afflicted by its black soot, you will be affected by its smoke.‛ – related by
Abū Dāwūd.
Ḥadīth 7
It has been reported on the authority of ʿĀʾishah K that the Prophet
said: ‚The expert reciter of the Qurʾān will be among the noble and
obedient scribes (the angels), and he who stammers whilst it is difficult
upon him, for him will be two rewards.‛
In a variation: ‚The one who recites the Qurʾān whilst it is hard upon
him, for him will be two rewards.‛ – related by al-Bukhārī, Muslim, Abū
Dāwūd, al-Tirmidhī, al-Nasāʾī and Ibn Mājah.
احلديث الثامن
وظن أيب ذر ريض لهلل تعنػ ظـه ؿنل» :ؿؾت :ين رشول لهلل أوصـي :ؿنل :ظؾقك
نتؼوى لهلل .ؾنهنن رأس لألمر ـؾه .ؿؾت :ين رشول لهلل زدين .ؿنل :ظؾقك نتلوة
لفؼرآن ،ؾنكه كور فك ذم لألرض ،وكور فك ذم لفسامء«.
-روله لنن حبنن ،وصححه ذم حديث ضويل.
وروله لنن لفرضيس ،وأنو يعذ ظن أيب شعقد» :ظؾقك نتؼوى لهلل ،ؾنهنن مجنع ـل
خر ،وظؾقك نذـر لهلل ،وتلوة لفؼرآن ،ؾنكه كور فك ذم لألرض ،وذـر فك ذم لفسامء،
ولخزن فسنكك إٓ من خر ،ؾنكك نذفك تغؾب لفشقطنن«.
احلديث التاسع
وظن جننر ريض لهلل تعنػ ظـه ،ظن لفـبي ؿنل» :لفؼرآن صنؾع مشػع ،ومنحل
مصدق ،من جعؾه أمنمه ؿنده إػ لجلـة ،ومن جعؾه خؾف طفره شنؿه إػ لفـنر«.
-روله لنن حبنن ذم صحقحه ،ولفبقفؼي ذم صعبه ظـه ،ولفبقفؼي ظن لنن مسعود.
Ḥadīth 8
It has been reported on the authority of Abū Dharr who said: ‚I said:
O Messenger of Allah , advise me. He said: Be conscious of Allah, for
it is the core of all matters. I said: O Messenger of Allah , give me
more (advice). He said: Recite the Qurʾān, for indeed it will be a light for
you on the earth and a light for you in the heavens.‛ – related by Ibn
Ḥibbān in a lengthy ḥadīth. He deemed it ṣaḥīḥ.
Ibn al-Ḍurays and Abū Yaʿlā narrates it via the authority of Abū Saʿīd:
‚Be conscious of Allah, for surely it is the gatherer of all good, ascribe
yourself to the remembrance of Allah and the recitation of the Qurʾān,
for it will be a light for you on earth and a tribute for you in the heavens.
Limit your tongue to only speak good, for through this (act) you will
overpower Shayṭān.‛
Ḥadīth 9
It has been reported on the authority of Jābir that the Prophet
said: ‚The Qurʾān is an intercessor whose intercession is well received,
and a disputant whose dispute is upheld; whoever places it infront of
him, it will guide him to Paradise and whoever places it behind his back,
it will drive him to the fire.‛ – related by Ibn Ḥibbān in his Ṣaḥīḥ and
al-Bayhaqī in his Shuʿab though al-Bayhaqī transmits it via the authority
of Ibn Masʿūd.
احلديث العارش
وظن أيب أمنمة لفبنهع ريض لهلل تعنػ ظـه ؿنل :شؿعت رشول لهلل يؼول:
»لؿرأول لفؼرآن ،ؾنكه يليت يوم لفؼقنمة صػقع ًن ألصحننه.« ..لحلديث.
-روله مسؾم.
Ḥadīth 10
It has been reported on the authority of Abū Umāmah al-Bāhilī who
said: ‚I heard the Messenger of Allah saying: Recite the Qurʾān, for it
will come as an intercessor for its companion on the Day of
Judgement…‛ – related by Muslim.
Ḥadīth 11
Sahl ibn Muʿādh al-Juhanī reports on the authority of his father
that the Messenger of Allah said: ‚Whoever reads the Qurʾān and
practices upon it, Allah will make his parents wear a crown on the day of
Resurrection, it’s light will be brighter than the rays of the sun contained
in the houses of the temporary world – if this were possible – so what
are your thoughts regarding the one who acted upon this?.‛ – related by
Abū Dāwūd and al-Ḥākim; al-Ḥākim deemed it’s isnād to be ṣaḥīḥ.
Ḥadīth 12
It has been reported on the authority of Abū Buraydah that the
Messenger of Allah said: ‚Whoever recites the Qurʾān, studies it and
practices upon it, Allah will make his parents wear a crown on the day of
Resurrection, it’s radiance will be like the rays of the sun and He will
clothe his parents in two robes the like of which does not exist in this
world. Both of them will say: Why have we been clothed like this? It will
be said: Because of your child’s hold of the Qurʾān.‛
-روله لحلنـم ،وؿنل صحقح ظذ رشط مسؾم.
– related by al-Ḥākim, he has deemed the ḥadīth to be ṣaḥīḥ according to
the criteria set by Muslim.
Ḥadīth 13
It has been reported on the authority of Abū Hurayrah that the
Messenger of Allah said: ‚The companion of the Qur’ān will come
on the day of Resurrection and the Qurʾān will say: O my Lord, endow
him, so he will be made to wear a crown of honour. And it will say: O
my Lord, increase him. Thus he will be endowed with robes of honour.
And it will say, O my Lord, be pleased with him and He will be pleased
with him. It will be said: Read and ascend in rank, and he will increase
with every verse with a reward.‛ – related by al-Tirmidhī. He has deemed
the ḥadīth to be ḥasan. It is also related by Ibn Khuzaymah and al-
Ḥākim; al-Ḥākim has deemed it’s isnād to be ṣaḥīḥ.
Ḥadīth 14
It has been reported on the authority of ʿAbd Allah Ibn ʿAmr Ibn al-ʿĀṣ
that the Messenger of Allah said: ‚It will be said to the
companion of the Qurʾān: read and ascend in rank, recite pacingly as you
used to recite in this world, for indeed your abode will be at the last
verse you recite.‛ – related by al-Tirmidhī, Abū Dāwūd, Ibn Mājah and
Ibn Ḥibbān in his Ṣaḥīḥ. Al-Tirmidhī states: the ḥadīth is ḥasan, ṣaḥīḥ.
احلديث اخلامس عرش
وظن لنن ظؿر ريض لهلل تعنػ ظـفام ؿنل :ؿنل رشول لهلل ٓ» :حسد إٓ ظذ
لثـتغ :رجل آتنه لهلل هذللفؽتنب ،ؾؼنم نه آكنء لفؾقل ،وآكنء لفـفنر .ورجل أظطنه لهلل
تعنػ منٓ ،ؾتصدق نه آكنء لفؾقل ،وآكنء لفـفنر«.
-روله لفبخنري ومسؾم.
Ḥadīth 15
It has been reported on the authority of Ibn ʿUmar that the
Messenger of Allah said: ‚There is no envy except upon two (types of
people): a man to whom Allah has bestowed this book, thus he recites it
during the night as well as during the day; and a man whom Allah has
blessed with wealth, thus he spends it in charity throughout the night
and day.‛ – related by al-Bukhārī and Muslim.
Ḥadīth 16
It has been reported on the authority of Abū Hurayrah that the
Messenger of Allah said: ‚There is no envy except in two (types of
people): a man whom He teaches the Qurʾān, thus he recites it for hours
during the day and night to the extent that his neighbour hears him and
says: O how I wish I was given similar to that which he was given, then I
would do similar to that which he is doing; and a man whom Allah has
given wealth, thus he disperses it in doing good to the extent that a man
would say: O how I wish I was given similar to that which he was given,
then I would do similar to that which he is doing.‛ – related by al-
احلديث السابع عرش
وظن لنن ظؿر ريض لهلل تعنػ ظـفام ؿنل :ؿنل رشول لهلل » :ثلثة ٓ هيوهلم لفػزع
لألـز ،وٓ يـنهلم لحلسنب ،هم ظذ ـثقب من مسك حتى يػرغ من حسنب لخللئق:
رجل ؿرأ لفؼرآن لنتغنء وجه لهلل تعنػ ،وأم نه ؿوم ًن ،وهم رلضون .ودلع يدظو إػ
لفصلة لنتغنء وجه لهلل ظز وجل .وظبد أحسن نقـه ،ونغ رنه ،وؾقام نقـه ونغ
-روله لفطزلين ذم لألوشط ،ولفصغر ننشـند ٓ نلس نه ،وذم لفؽبر كحوه ،وزلد ذم
أوفه :ؿنل لنن ظؿر :فو مل أشؿعه من رشول لهلل إٓ مرة ،ومرة ،حتى ظد شبع مرلت
ٓ حدثت نه .وفػظ لفؽبر ظذ من ذم لجلنمع لفصغر» :ثلثة ظذ ـثبنن لدسك يوم
لفؼقنمة ٓ ،هيوهلم لفػزع ،وٓ يػزظون حتى يػرغ لفـنس :رجل تعؾم لفؼرآن ،ؾؼنم نه
يطؾب وجه لهلل ،ورجل كندى ذم ـل يوم وفقؾة مخس صؾولت يطؾب وجه لهلل ومن
ظـده ،وممؾوك مل يؿـعه رق لفدكقن ظن ضنظة رنه«.
Ḥadīth 17
It has been reported on the authority of Ibn ʿUmar that the
Messenger of Allah said: ‚There are three individuals who will have
no fear of the great terror (Day of Judgment) and neither will reckoning
be conferred upon them. They will be on dunes of musk until the
reckoning of the rest of creation has been completed: a man who recited
the Qurʾān for the sake of Allah, lead his community in prayer with it
whilst they were pleased with him; a caller who called towards prayer,
thereby seeking the pleasure of Allah, the Mighty and the Majestic; and a
slave who excelled in his relationship with his Lord and in his
relationship with that of his subordinates.‛ – related by al-Ṭabarānī in al-
Ousaṭ and in al-Ṣaghīr with an isnād of which he states ‚there is no
problem with it‛. He related similar to this in al-Kabīr and adds to its
start: Ibn ʿUmar said: ‚Had I not heard this ḥadīth on one occasion and
another occasion, until he counted seven times, I would not have
transmitted this ḥadīth. The wording in al-Kabīr is similar to in al-Jāmiʿ
al-Ṣaghīr: ‚There are three individuals who will be on dunes of musk on
the Day of Judgment, they will have no fear of the panic, nor will they be
terrified, until the people (have been taken to task): a man who learnt the
Qurʾān and then upholds it, seeking thereby the pleasure of Allah; a man
who calls every day and night to the five prayers, seeking thereby the
pleasure of Allah and whatever bounties are by Him; and a slave whose
condition as a slave in the world did not prevent him from the obedience
of his Lord.‛
احلديث الثامن عرش
وظن أيب هريرة ريض لهلل تعنػ ظـه ؿنل» :نعث رشول لهلل صذ لهلل تعنػ ظؾقه
وشؾم نعث ًن ،وهم ذو ظدد ،ؾنشتؼرأهم ،ؾنشتؼرأ ـل رجل مـفم -يعـي من معه من
لفؼرآن -ؾلتى ظذ رجل من أحدثفم شـ ًن ،ؾؼنل :من معك ين ؾلن؟ ؿنل :معي ـذل،
وـذل ،وشورة لفبؼرة .ؿنل :أمعك شورة لفبؼرة؟ ؿنل :كعم .ؾؼنل :لذهب ،ؾلكت
أمرهم .ؾؼنل رجل من أرشلؾفم :ولهلل من مـعـي أن أتعؾم لفبؼرة إٓ خشقة أٓ أؿوم
هبن .ؾؼنل رشول لهلل :تعؾؿول لفؼرآن ،ولؿرأوه ،ؾنن مثل لفؼرآن دن تعؾؿه ،ؾؼرأه،
وؿنم نه ـؿثل جرلب حمشو مسؽ ًن ،يػوح رحيه ذم ـل مؽنن ،ومثل من تعؾؿه ،ؾرؿد،
وهو ذم جوؾه ـؿثل جرلب أوـي ظذ مسك«.
-روله لفسمذي ،ولفؾػظ فه ،وؿنل :حديث حسن ،ولنن منجه خمتك ًل ولنن حبنن
ذم صحقحه.
Ḥadīth 18
It has been reported on the authority of Abū Hurayrah that the
Messenger of Allah dispatched a delegation of considerable number.
He sought to hear each one of them recite what they had memorised of
the Qurʾān. He came across one individual who was among the youngest
of them and he said: ‚O so and so, what do you possess of the Qurʾān?
He replied: I possess such and such, including Sūrat al-Baqarah. He
inquired: do you possess Sūrat al-Baqarah? He replied: Yes. He said: Go,
for indeed you are their leader. A man of nobility from amongst them
said: By Allah, nothing prevented me from learning al-Baqarah except
that I feared that I would not be able to uphold it. The Messenger of
Allah said: Learn the Qurʾān and recite it, for the example of the
Qurʾān and that person who learns it, then recites it and stands with it
(in prayer), is like an open bag filled with musk, it’s fragrance spreads
everywhere; and the example of one who has learnt it and sleeps whilst it
is in his heart, is like a closed bag of musk.‛ – related by al-Tirmidhī,
who states the ḥadīth is ḥasan, by Ibn Mājah in brief and Ibn Ḥibbān in
his Ṣaḥīḥ.
Ḥadīth 19
It has been reported on the authority of ʿAbd Allah ibn ʿAmr that the
Messenger of Allah said: ‚Whoever recites the Qurʾān has secured
prophethood in his chest, except that he has not received revelation.
ٓ يـبغي فصنحب لفؼرآن أن جيد مع من جد ،وٓ جيفل مع من جفل ،وذم جوؾه
ـلم لهلل تعنػ«.
-روله لحلنـم ،وؿنل :صحقح لإلشـند.
احلديث العرشون
وظـه ،ؿنل :ؿنل رشول لهلل صذ لهلل تعنػ ظؾقه وشؾم» :لفصقنم ،ولفؼرآن يشػعنن
فؾعبد ،يؼول لفصقنم :رب إين مـعته لفطعنم ،ولفؼلب ننفـفنر ،ؾشػعـي ؾقه -ويؼول
لفؼرآن :مـعته لفـوم ننفؾقل ،ؾشػعـي ؾقه -ؾقشػعنن«.
-روله أمحد ولنن أيب لفدكقن ذم ـتنب لجلوع ،ولفطزلين ذم لفؽبر ،ولحلنـم ،ولفؾػظ
فه ،وؿنل :صحقح ظذ رشط مسؾم.
It is not befitting for the companion of the Qurʾān to be indignant with
those in anger nor indulge in ignorance with those who are ignorant
whilst the speech of Allah is embedded in his heart.‛ – related by al-
Ḥākim and he says the isnād is ṣaḥīḥ.
Ḥadīth 20
It has been reported by him (ʿAbd Allah ibn ʿAmr) as well that the
Messenger of Allah said: ‚Fasting and the Qurʾān will intercede for
the slave. Fasting will say: O my Lord, I prevented him from food and
drink during the day so let me intercede for him. The Qurʾān will say: I
deprived him of sleep at night, so let me intercede for him, thus both of
them will intercede.‛ – related by Aḥmad, Ibn Abī al-Dunyā in Kitāb al-
Jūʿ (the chapter of hunger), al-Ṭabarānī in al-Kabīr and al-Ḥākim. The
wording is as related by him (al-Ḥākim) who says the ḥadīth is ṣaḥīḥ
according to the criteria set by Muslim.
Ḥadīth 21
It has been reported on the authority of Abū Dharr that the
Messenger of Allah said: ‚Indeed you cannot return to Allah with
anything better than that which came from Him, that is the Qurʾān,
which manifested from Him.‛ – related by al-Ḥākim who has
authenticated this ḥadīth. Also related by Abū Dāwūd in his Marāsil.
احلديث الثاين والعرشون
وظن أكس ريض لهلل تعنػ ظـه ؿنل :ؿنل رشول لهلل » :إن هلل أهؾغ من لفـنس.
ؿنفول :من هم ين رشول لهلل؟ ؿنل :أهل لفؼرآن هم أهل لهلل ،وخنصته«.
-روله لفـسنئي ،ولنن منجه ،ولحلنـم ،وصححه لدـذري.
Ḥadīth 22
It has been reported on the authority of Anas that the Messenger of
Allah said: ‚Indeed from amongst man there are those who are the
family of Allah. They asked: who are they, O Messenger of Allah? He
answered: The people of the Qurʾān are the family of Allah and His
favoured ones.‛ – related by al-Nasāʾī, Ibn Mājah and al-Ḥākim. Al-
Mundhiri deems the ḥādith to be ṣaḥīḥ.
Ḥadīth 23
It has been reported by Ibn ʿAbbās L that the Messenger of Allah
said: ‚Whoever recites the Qurʾān will not be brought back to miserable
old age, and this relates to His word: ‘Then we will reduce him to the
lowest of the low, except those who believe.’ He said: except (those who
believe are) those who recited the Qurʾān.‛ – related by al-Ḥākim who
says it’s isnād is ṣaḥīḥ.
Ḥadīth 24
It has been reported on the authority of Ibn ʿAbbās that the
Messenger of Allah said: ‚The most noble of my nation are the
bearers of the Qurʾān and the companions of the night.‛ – related by al-
Bayhaqī in Shuʿab al-Īmān and Ibn Abī al-Dunyā.
احلديث اخلامس والعرشون
وظن ظبد لفرمحن نن صبل لألكصنري ريض لهلل تعنػ ظـه ،أن لفـبي ؿنل» :لؿرأول
لفؼرآن ،ولظؿؾول نه ،وٓ دمػول ظـه ،وٓ تغؾول ؾقه ،وٓ تلـؾول نه ،وٓ تستؽثرول نه«.
-روله أمحد ،وأنو يعذ ،ولفطزلين ،ولفبقفؼي.
Ḥadīth 25
It is been reported on the authority of ʿAbd al-Raḥmān ibn Shibl al-
Anṣārī that the Prophet said: ‚Recite the Qurʾān, act upon it, do
not neglect it, nor be excessive in it, nor eat through it and do not
demand excessively through it.‛ – related by Aḥmad, Abū Yaʿlā, al-
Ṭabarānī and al-Bayhaqī.
Ḥadīth 26
It has been reported on the authority of ʿImrān ibn Ḥusayn that he
passed by a reciter who was busy reciting, thereafter he would ask
(seeking to be remunerated). He remarked: innā lillah wa innā ilayhi
rājiʿūn. Then he said: ‚I heard the Messenger of Allah saying:
Whoever recites the Qurʾān, so let him ask Allah through it (the Qurʾān)
for indeed soon there will come a people who will recite the Qurʾān and
they will ask the people with it.‛ – related by al-Tirmidhī who said the
ḥadīth is ḥasan.
Ḥadīth 27
It has been reported on the authority of Abū Hurayrah that the
Messenger of Allah said: ‚He who does not intone the Qurʾān is not
from amongst us.‛ – realted by al-Bukhārī, Aḥmad, Abū Dāwūd, Ibn
Ḥibbān and al-Ḥākim on the authority of Saʿd. Most scholars have said:
it means one who does not beautify his voice. Some have said that it
means to have no need for anything besides it (the Qurʾān).
احلديث الثامن والعرشون
وظن نريدة ريض لهلل تعنػ ظـه ؿنل :ؿنل رشول لهلل » :من ؿرأ لفؼرآن يتلـل نه
لفـنس ،جنء يوم لفؼقنمة ووجفه ظظم فقس ظؾقه حلم«.
-روله لفبقفؼي.
احلديث الثالثون
وظن أوس نن أيب أوس لفثؼػي مرؾوظ ًن» :ؿرلءة لفرجل لفؼرآن ذم ؽر لدصحف أفف
درجة ،وؿرلءته ذم لدصحف تضنظف ظذ ذفك إػ أفػي درجة«.
-روله لفطزلين ،ولفبقفؼي.
Ḥadīth 28
It has been reported on the authority of Buraydah that the Prophet
said: ‚Whoever recites the Qurʾān seeking with it provision from the
people, he will come on the day of Resurrection whilst his face will be
skeletal, void of flesh.‛ – related by al-Bayhaqī.
Ḥadīth 29
It has been reported on the authority of ʿĀʾishah K that he said:
‚The recitation of the Qurʾān in Prayer is superior than it’s recitation out
of Prayer; the recitation of the Qurʾān out of Prayer is superior to al-
tasbīḥ (saying subḥān Allah) and al--Takbir (saying Allah Akbar). Tasbīḥ
is superior to charity and charity is superior to fasting, whilst fasting is a
protective shield against the fire.‛ – related by al-Dāraquṭnī in al-Ifrād
and al-Bayhaqī in Shuʿab al-Īmān.
Ḥadīth 30
It has been reported on the authority of Uways ibn Abī Uways al-Thaqafī
– marfūʿan – that the Prophet said: ‚The recitation of an individual
not from a muṣḥaf merits one thousand rewards, whilst reciting from a
muṣḥaf is multiplied up until two thousand rewards.‛ – related by al-
Ṭabarānī and al-Bayhaqī.
احلديث احلادي والثالثون
وظن لنن ظؿرو ريض لهلل ظـفام مرؾوظ ًن» :لؿرإ لفؼرآن ذم ـل صفر ،لؿرأه ذم ظؼين
فقؾة ،لؿرأه ذم ظؼ ،لؿرأه ذم شبع ،وٓ تزد ظذ ذفك«.
-روله لفشقخنن ،وأنو دلود.
Ḥadīth 31
It has been reported on the authority of Ibn ʿAmr L – marfūʿan – that
the Messenger of Allah said: ‚Recite the (entire) Qurʾān every
month, recite it in twenty nights, recite it in ten or seven (days), and do
not exceed that.‛ – related by Shaykhān and Abū Dāwūd.
Ḥadīth 32
It has been reported on the authority of Ibn ʿAmr L that the
Messenger of Allah said: ‚Recite the Qurʾān for as long as it prevents
you, for if it does not prevent you, then you have not really read it.‛ –
related by al-Daylamī in Musnad al-Firdous.
Ḥadīth 33
It has been reported on the authority of Buraydah that the Messenger
of Allah said: ‚Recite the Qurʾān with sadness for indeed it was
revealed with sadness.‛ – related by Abū Yaʿlā, al-Ṭabarānī in al-Ousaṭ
and Abū Naʿīm in al-Ḥilyah.
Ḥadīth 34
It has been reported on the authority of Jundub that the Messenger of
Allah said: ‚Recite the Qurʾān for as long as your hearts are united
upon it; and if you differ regarding it, then leave it.‛
-روله أمحد ،ولفشقخنن ،ولفـسنئي.
– related by Aḥmad, al-Shaykhān and al-Nasāʾī.
Ḥadīth 35
It has been reported on the authority of Abū Umāmah that the
Prophet said: ‚Recite the Qurʾān for indeed Allah Most High will not
punish a heart that has preserved the Qurʾān.‛ – related by Tamām.
Ḥadīth 36
It has been reported on the authority of Anas that the Messenger of
Allah said: ‚The Qurʾān is wealth that will not be followed by
poverty and there is no wealth besides it.‛ – related by Abū Yaʿlā.
Ḥadīth 37
It has been reported on the authority of ʿUmar that the Messenger of
Allah said: ‚The Qurʾān has one million twenty seven thousand
letters; thus, whoever reads it patiently and steadfastly, there will be for
him a wife from the wide eyed houris with every letter (recited).‛ –
related by al-Ṭabarānī in al-Ousaṭ.
احلديث الثامن والثالثون
وظن رجل ،ظن لفـبي ؿنل» :لفؼرآن هو لفـور لدبغ ،ولفذـر لحلؽقم ،ولفكلط
-روله لفبقفؼي.
احلديث األربعون
وظن أكس ريض لهلل تعنػ ظـه أن رشول لهلل ؿنل» :أهل لفؼرآن ظرؾنء أهل
-روله لفضقنء.
ؿنل لدصـف رمحه لهلل تعنػ( :تم أحنديث لألرنعغ ،ولهلل حسبي ،وكعم لدعغ).
Ḥadīth 38
An individual reports that the Prophet said: ‚The Qurʾān is the
manifest light, the wise reminder and the straight path.‛ – related by al-
Ḥadīth 39
It has been reported on the authority of ʿAli that the Messenger of
Allah said: ‚The Qurʾān is an elixir.‛ – related by al-Quḍāʿī.
Ḥadīth 40
It has been reported on the authority of Anas that the Messenger of
Allah said: ‚The people of the Qurʾān will be the leaders of the
people in Paradise.‛ – related by al-Ḍiyāʾ.
The author – may Allah Most High have mercy upon him – says: ‚The
forty ḥadīth are completed. Allah is sufficient for me and the best of
احلهس هلل اذلي نو علييا ةيعهث اإلسياد ،والصالة والسالم ىلع أرشف
العتاد ،ونو حتعً ةإخسان إىل يَم امليعاد ،وبعس
قس جاء/جائج إيل:
وسهع يلع "فيض املعني ىلع مجع األربعني يف فضل القرآن املبني"
للضيذ اإلنام العالنث ىَر ادليو يلع ةو سلطان حمهس القاري اهلروي
ذم امليك املعروف ةـ :مال يلع القاري.
(ح) وأرويً أيضا عو صييخ املقرئ صالح ادليو احلسين اتلجاين ،عو
جسه أيب طالب احلسين اتلجاين ،عو الضيذ عتس اهلل درويش السكري،
عو الَجيً الكزبري.
(ح) وأىلع نيً :صييخ املقرئ صالح ادليو احلسين اتلجاين ،عو الضيذ
عتس ابلاطو ةو عتس املجيب ةو كريان املراكيش ،عو الَجيً
الكزبري ،عو صالح ةو حمهس ةو ىَح الفالىِـي ،عو حمهس ةو حمهس
ََ َ ا
الََلحِـي ،وٌَ إجازة ةَاسطث ةو ِسيث الفالين ،عو َم ََْل َي الرشيف
وادله يف صغره عو املؤلف مال يلع ةو سلطان القاري.
حاريذ اتلدرير: