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Name: Maab Ahmed Class: S.E. ROLL # 058 Subject: Islamiat Submitted To: Miss Rahat Bhatti Ned University of Eng & Technology

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ROLL # 058





 Family, society and ultimately the whole of mankind is treated by Islam on an ethical basis.
 Differentiation in gender is neither a credit nor a drawback for men or women.

 Therefore, when we talk about status of woman in Islam it should not lead us to think that
Islam has no specific guidelines, limitations, responsibilities or obligations for men.

 What makes one valuable and respectable in the eyes of Allah, the Creator of mankind and
the universe, is neither one's prosperity, position, intelligence, physical strength nor beauty,
but only one's God-consciousness and awareness.

Historical perspectives of Women

 Indian women
 Athenian women
 Roman women
 English women

Indian women

Describing the status of the Indian woman, Encyclopedia Britannica states:

“In India, subjection was a cardinal principle. Day and night women must be held by their
protectors in a state of dependence. The rule of inheritance was agnatic, that is descent
traced through males to the exclusion of females.”

In Hindu scriptures, the description of a good wife is as follows: “a woman, whose mind,
speech and body are kept in subjection, acquires high renown in this world, and, in the next,
the same abode with her husband.”

Athenian women

Athenian women were always minors, subject to some male - to their father, to their brother, or
to some of their male kin.

Her consent in marriage was not generally thought to be necessary and "she was obliged to
submit to the wishes of her parents, and receive from them her husband and her lord, even
though he were stranger to her."


Roman women were minors in the society

In the Encyclopedia Britannica a summary of the legal status of women in the Roman civilization:

“In Roman Law a woman was even in historic times completely dependent. If married, she and
her property passed into the power of her husband . . . the wife was the purchased property of
her husband, and like a slave acquired only for his benefit. A woman could not exercise any civil
or public office . She could not be a witness, surety, tutor, or guardian; she could not adopt or be
adopted, or make will or contract.”

According to the English Common Law:

 ...all real property which a wife held at the time of a marriage became a possession of her
 He was entitled to the rent from the land and to any profit which might be made from
operating the estate during the joint life of the spouses.

 As time passed, the English courts devised means to forbid a husband's transferring real
property without the consent of his wife, but he still retained the right to manage it and to
receive the money which it produced. As to a wife's personal property, the husband's power
was complete. He had the right to spend it as he saw fit.

Only by the late nineteenth Century did the situation start to improve. "By a series of acts
starting with the Married women's Property Act in 1870, amended in 1882 and 1887, married
women achieved the right to own property and to enter contracts on a par with spinsters,
widows, and divorcees."

Misconceptions about Women in Islam:

 Muslim women are slaves to their husbands/ inferior to them

 Women are forced by their husbands to cover

 Women are backward

 Women are oppressed in Islam

 Women are completely devoid of spiritual, social, economic or political rights

Women in Islam

In the midst of the darkness that surrounded the world, the divine revelation echoed in the wide
desert of Arabia with a fresh, noble, and universal message to humanity:

He (God) it is who did create you from a single soul and therefrom did create his mate,
that he might dwell with her (in love)...(Qur'an 7:189)

And Allah has given you mates of your own nature, and has given you from your mates,
children and grandchildren, and has made provision of good things for you… (Qur'an


 The spiritual aspect

 The economic aspect

 The social aspect

 The political and legal aspect

The Spiritual Aspect

Women have the same human spiritual nature as men

“"Every soul will be (held) in pledge for its deeds" (Qur'an 74:38). It also states:

...So their Lord accepted their prayers, (saying): I will not suffer to be lost the work of any of
you whether male or female. You proceed one from another ...(Qur'an 3: 195).

Whoever works righteousness, man or woman, and has faith, verily to him will We give a new
life that is good and pure, and We will bestow on such their reward according to the their
actions. (Qur'an16:97, see also 4:124).

Religious obligations and rewards:

• In terms of religious obligations, such as the Daily Prayers, Fasting, Zakat, and
Pilgrimage, woman is no different from man

“If any do deeds of righteousness, be they male or female, and have faith, they will enter
paradise and not the least injustice will be done to them.” (Quran 4:124)

Lo! Men who surrender unto Allah, and women who surrender, and men who believe and
women who believe, and men who obey and women who obey, and men who speak the
truth and women who speak the truth …and men who are humble and women who are
humble, and men who give alms and women who give alms, and men who fast and
women who fast, and men who guard their modesty and women who guard (their
modesty), and men who remember Allah and women who remember-Allah hath prepared
for them forgiveness and a vast reward. (33:35).

• In some cases, woman has certain advantages over man

The Social Aspect

As a child and an adolescent

• Despite the social acceptance of female infanticide among some Arabian tribes, the
Quran forbade this custom, and considered it a crime like any other murder.
"And when the female (infant) buried alive - is questioned, for what crime she was killed."
(Qur'an 81:8-9).

• Criticizing the attitudes of such parents who reject their female children, the Qur'an
When news is brought to one of them, of (the Birth of) a female (child), his face darkens
and he is filled with inward grief! With shame does he hide himself from his people
because of the bad news he has had! Shall he retain her on (sufferance) and contempt,
or bury her in the dust? Ah! What an evil (choice) they decide on? (Qur'an 16: 58-59).

• Among the sayings of Prophet Muhammad in this regard are the following:

Whosoever has a daughter and he does not bury her alive, does not insult her, and does
not favor his son over her, God will enter him into Paradise. (Ibn Hanbal, No. 1957).

Whosoever supports two daughters till they mature, he and I will come in the day of
judgment as this (and he pointed with his two fingers held together).

Right to education:

• The right of females to seek knowledge is not different from that of males
Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:
"Seeking knowledge is mandatory for every Muslim". (AlBayhaqi)
• The Quran repeatedly commands all readers to read, to recite, to think, to contemplate,
as well as to learn from the signs of Allah.
• In fact, the very first revelation to Prophet Muhammad (PBUH)) was concerned with
• Lectures of the Prophet were attended by audiences of both men and women

• By the time of the Prophet's death, there were many women scholars.

As a wife:

• The Qur'an clearly indicates that marriage is sharing between the two halves of the
society, and that its objectives, besides perpetuating human life, are emotional well-being
and spiritual harmony. Its bases are love and mercy.

“And among His Signs is this, that He created for you mates from among yourselves that you
may dwell in tranquility with them, and He has put love and mercy between your (hearts);
verily in that are signs for those who reflect.” (Quran 30:21)

Rights pertaining to marriage in Islam:

• The female has the right to accept or reject marriage proposals

• Her consent is a prerequisite to the validity of the marital contract, according to the
Prophet's teachings

• Right to retain her family name

• Right to a separate home

• Full right to her Mahr – marital gift

• Right to be satisfied by her husband

• The husband is responsible for the maintenance, protection, and overall leadership of the
family, within the framework of consultation and kindness.

• Right to divorce her husband

The Qur'an states:

"...But consort with them in kindness, for if you hate them it may happen that you hate a
thing wherein God has placed much good." (Qur'an 4: l9).

Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) said:

“The most perfect believers are the best in conduct and best of you are those who are
best to their wives.”

Prophet (peace be upon him) instructed Muslims regarding women,

“I commend you to be kind to women.”

Under no circumstances does the Quran encourage, allow, or condone family

violence or physical abuse

The Economic Aspect of Women In WEST:

• In the 19th century European women did not have the right to own their own

• In Britain, perhaps the first country to give women some property rights, laws were
passed in the 1860's known as "Married Women Property Act."

• In Germany the wife was denied any control over her property until 1922 by civil
The Economic Aspect According To Islam

Islam provides a woman with:

• Right to possess personal property- buy, sell, mortgage, lease without anyone’s
permission being required.

"Whatever men earn, they have a share of that and whatever women earn, they
have a share in that." (Qur'an 4:31)

In Islam the wife’s property and earnings are under her full control and for her use alone.
No matter how rich the wife might be, she is not obliged to act as a co-provider unless
she herself voluntarily chooses to do so.

• Right to seek Employment

• Right to Inheritance laws

• Financial security

The Political Aspect


Islam provides a woman with:

• Right to vote

• Participation in political affairs

• Women can be in leadership positions

• Participation in public affairs

- During the Caliphate of Omar Ibn al-Khattab, a woman argued with him in the mosque,
proved her point, and caused him to declare in the presence of people: “The woman is
right and Omar is wrong.”
Rights of Women in Islam

• Equality of reward for their deeds

• The right and duty to obtain education

• The right to obtain provisions from her father or brothers until she gets married

• The right to have their own independent property

• The right to provisions from the husband for all her needs and more.

• The right to work to earn money if they need it or want it

• The right to keep all her own money

• The right to express their opinion and be heard

• The right to negotiate marriage terms of her choice

• The right to obtain divorce from her husband

• The right to have custody of their children after divorce

• And more…

Even with such distorted image of women in Islam in the West it is worth
mentioning that:

• The history of Muslims is rich with women of great achievements in all walks of life from
as early as the seventh century (B.C.)

• Out of every 5 Muslim reverts, 4 are women!

• The status which women reached in the west was achieved through a long struggle and
sacrifice on woman’s part and only when society needed her contribution and work,
during the two world wars, and due to the escalation of technological change.

• In the case of Islam such compassionate and dignified status was decreed more than 14
centuries ago, not because it reflects the environment of the seventh century, nor under
the threat or pressure of women and their organizations, but rather because of its intrinsic
Islamic Dress

Both women and men are expected to dress in a way, which is modest and dignified.

• Men and women are required to dress and appear different from each other to maintain
their identity
The Prophet cursed the men who appeared like women and the women who appeared
like men

• The traditions of male and female dress found in some Muslim countries are often
expression of local customs.

• "Say to the believing men that they should lower their gaze and guard their
modesty......And say to the believing women that they should lower their gaze and guard
their modesty; that they should not display their beauty and ornaments except what
ordinarily appear thereof; that they should draw their veils over their bosoms...."

Islamic Dress for Women

• In reference to women, the Quran and the Hadiths have mandated various rules in
regards to behavior and appearance

• This was not to restrict women, but to provide a virtuous society where sexual attraction
is not the main obsession

• The Muslim woman is not forced to display herself to be accepted in the society.

• She does not lower herself into competition with other women, using her body as a lure.

• She is not a slave to the societal trends

What is Hijaab?

• The word itself comes from the Arabic word "hajaba" meaning to conceal or hide from
• Hijaab is the modest covering of the head and body of Muslim women.

• Clothing is only one facet of hijab. It is also behavior, manner, and speech. Women
who wear the hijab do not find it inhibiting, impractical, or interfering.

Why wear hijaab?

• Because Allah, Their creator ordered them to

"O Prophet, tell your wives and daughters and the believing women to draw their outer
garments around them (when they go out or are among men). That is better in order that
they may be known (to be Muslims) and not annoyed..." (Qur'an 33:59)

Benefits of Hijaab

• She pleases her Lord and earns blessings from wearing it

• Purifies her heart and mind

• Attains nobility

• Protects her honor

• By covering her beauty, she is evaluated for her intelligence and skills instead of looks
and sexuality

• Many women who cover are filled with dignity and self-esteem and are happy to be
identified as a Muslim woman.

• Defines her femininity

• Beautifies her inner and outer appearance

• Expresses her independence and she feels liberated.

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