What Seems To Be The Problem
What Seems To Be The Problem
What Seems To Be The Problem
9 Correct the mistakes with the adverbs in these
1,.1sTENING sentences.
O[D You are going to hear two conversations in
4 a hospital. Work in pairs. Look at the questions I have been under a lot of stress because I've been
working so hardly.
asked in each conversation and discuss what you
think is wrong with the patients. Then listen and 2 Have you had any of these symptoms previous?
check your ideas. 3 You shouldn 't go to bed so lately. You need to get
some rest.
conversation 1
4 Open your mouth widely and say 'ahhh'.
· Can you put any weight on it at all?
5 It was my fault it happened. I was incredible stupid .
2 How did you do it?
6 Never should you leave pills where children can
3 How long will I have to wait for the X-ray?
reach them easy.
4 Are you on any medication?
7 Can you just say it again slowlier, please?
s Have you ever had any adverse reactions to any
8 It doesn't hurt. I can feel it hardly.
Conversation 2
6 What seems to be the problem?
7 How long have you been like this?
8 Any diarrhoea? Short questions wit h any
9 Has he been able to drink anything? We often shorten question s w ith any, especially w hen they
fo llow other related questions.
10 Does it hurt?_And here?
Have you ever had any adverse reactions to any
s a&I Listen again. Note down the answers to the painkillers? .. Any adverse re actions to p ainkillers?
questions. Do you have any questions? .. Any questions?
6 Work in pairs. Look at Track 69 on page 211 and
practise reading the conversations. 10 Match the two parts of the questions.
1 Any pain a for_the weekend?
GRAMMAR 2 Any symptoms b you wa nt t o know?
3 Any idea C apart from the coug h'
4 Any questions d what it is, doctor?
Adverbs 5 A nything else e want to help me?
We can use adverbs to add information to verbs and show
the way things happen, how frequently they happen or 6 Anyone w hen I press he re?
when they happen . We also use adverbs to show our 7 A ny plans g from Frank recently?
opi nion or attitude about something we're saying.
8 Any news h before you go?
7 Complete the sentences from the conversations 11 Write your own endings for the first halves of
with these adverbs . the questions 1-8 in Exercise 10 . Then work
in pairs. Practise asking and answering the
quite bad ly hard ly lately hard questions.
hopefully fast long really
first A: A ny p ain when you stand on it?