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2021-04-01 St. Mary's County Times

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St. Mary's
County Times


Next Year It's Back to

2 The County Times Thursday, April 1, 2021



St. Mary’s County boasts a healthy population of Bald Eagles.



The St. Mary’s County Public
PAX RIVER 21 School System is planning on a full
return to classes next school year.
County man seeks community’s help.




County Times
P.O. Box 250 • Hollywood, Maryland 20636

IN THE MAIL? St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County



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Thursday, April 1, 2021 The County Times Local News 3

Brewster Warns of New COVID-19 Surge

By Guy Leonard ages of 65 and 74 have been vac-
Staff Writer cinated; about 72 percent of resi-
The rate of new COVID-19 cases dents over the age of 75 have been
continues to rise here in St. Mary’s, vaccinated.
Dr. Meena Brewster, the county There is also evidence that the
health officer said this week. current vaccines can be more effec-
New, weekly COVID-19 cases tive against some of the new vari-
dropped from a pandemic high of ants of the COVID-19 virus that
433 in late December precipitously have been shown to be more infec-
to a weekly low of 74 by the first tious, Brewster said.
week of March. Also, those who have already had
However, those new, weekly cas- COVID-19 and been vaccinated
es have begun to rise significantly seem to have “pretty strong” resis-
with 110 new cases the week of tance to the disease, Brewster said.
March 14 and 135 new cases by the Once someone receives their first
week beginning March 21. shot of either the Moderna or Phiz-
“These… are the troubling signs er vaccine, evidence suggests that
of us entering another surge,” it begins to provide much greater
Brewster told the Commissioners immunity against the virus – up to
of St. Mary’s County as they met 80 percent.
March 30 as the county Board of By the second dosage, Brewster
Health. said, resistance to the virus usually
“We really need our public to attains a rate of over 90 percent.
continue to mask, practice social St. Mary’s County is also one
distancing and get vaccinated.” step ahead of the state, Brewster
Hospitalizations are declining, said, and is already in Phase 2C of
though, Brewster said, and this is vaccinations; this means that any
likely largely due to high vaccina- resident above 55 years old can get
tion rates of the population aged 65 a vaccine as well as anyone 16 and
and older. older with a disability and anyone
“This is good news,” she said. aged 16 to 54 with eligible medical
According to the latest county conditions is also eligible.
health department data, roughly 78 guyleonard@countytimes.net
percent of residents between the

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4 Local News The County Times Thursday, April 1, 2021


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It's fast, free, and easy to register for BTWD at
or by calling (800) 745-RIDE Bald eagle photographed in southern St. Mary's County
By Guy Leonard they sat on the eggs to incubate them.
Staff Writer The shells were weakened by a por-


Register free at Visit biketoworkmetrodc.org for pit stop locations and times.
*T-Shirts available at pit stops to first 15,000 registrants.
Once on the endangered species list, tion of DDT’s chemical composition,
More than 90 pit stops in D.C., Maryland, and Virginia! the American Bald Eagle has made a Eberly said, and the adults would inad-
Staggered hours and a strict COVID policy will be in place.
#BTWD2021 Bike to Work Day is funded by DDOT, MDOT, VDOT, and USDOT.
2021 stunning comeback and is most abun- vertently crush them.
dant in the Chesapeake Bay area in the This led to virtually no reproduction


continental United States, according to of the species regionally.
the conservationists who have watched But their recovery is a major success
their progress. story, he said, with at least 1,400 nesting

And St. Mary’s County plays no small pairs in Maryland.
part in providing habitat for the national “They are really expanding and doing
bird to not just survive but thrive. well,” Eberly said. “They’re experienc-
Chris Eberly, with the Maryland Bird ing a pretty huge growth curve.”
Between 10:00 am to 5:00 pm Conservation Partnership (MBCP), said Gwen Brewer, science program man-
the Bald Eagle is abundant in Southern ager for the Department of Natural Re-
Maryland and in St. Mary’s. sources (DNR) Wildlife and Heritage
“Eagles tend to nest close to the water, Service, said other improvements to the
that’s where their [preferred] food is,” local habitat have also helped the eagles
Eberly said. “The Potomac and Patuxent flourish.
rivers and Chesapeake Bay, those are “With taller trees and doing a better
key areas where you’ll find the highest job of cleaning up our waterways, that
density of eagles’ nests.” gives them more places to nest and it’s a
According to the MBCP, there are nicer food base,” Brewer told The Coun-
about 40 to 50 nesting pairs of Bald ty Times.
Eagles in Southern Maryland with 16 Also, the eagles do not seem to be
known nesting pairs in St. Mary’s. bothered by being in close proximity to
All but four of those are monitored by humans.
volunteers working with MBCP. “They seem to adapt well to that,”
Eberly said there are almost certainly Brewer said. “Many don’t have a prob-
more. lem being close to people.
“I would guess there are five to 10 “They’re quite tolerant.”
more we haven’t documented,” said DNR scientists have stopped monitor-
Eberly. ing the progress of the eagle population
Most of the nests in St. Mary’s that since they made a strong recovery in
have been identified were found near about 2005, Brewer said, and have since
roads or highways; many places in the come to rely on citizen volunteers, such
county where Bald Eagles might choose as those with the MBCP, to help track
to nest are in areas close to water where the health and progress of the birds.
they are far more difficult to access. More volunteers to do the sometimes-
In the mid-1970s their population was arduous work are always needed.
critical, with only about 44 nesting pairs
“They’re a valuable source of infor-
known in Maryland, Eberly said. mation for us,” Brewer said. “People get
This was the result of the proliferation excited about seeing eagles.
George Clark, Tri-County Council for Southern Maryland of the pesticide DDT, which entered into “With trees not having all their leaves
gclark@tccsmd.org 301-643-7257 the food supply of the eagles and when it’s a good time to try and spot them be-
ingested affected the ability of their eggs cause their nests are massive.”
Bike Doctor, bikedrwaldorf@aol.com 301-932-9980 to withstand the pressure of the birds as guyleonard@countytimes.net
Thursday, April 1, 2021 The County Times Local News 5

Commissioner Election
The Bloomin Best
Bill Gets Senate Hearing “For Your Easter Flower & Gifts”
By Guy Leonard supporters; they also said the in-
Staff Writer trusion into the affairs of other EASTER SUNDAY 9AM - 3PM
Del. Brian Crosby (D-Dist. 29B) counties was unwelcome.
continued to defend his bill that “I struggle to understand how
would compel counties which someone in another county can tell
elect their commissioners at-large Queen Anne’s County, with a pop-
to change to selecting them on the ulation of just 50,000 people, that
basis of districts only, this time voting at large is bad for Queen
in the Senate’s Health, Education Anne’s County,” said Jim Moran,
and Environmental Affairs Com- at large delegate for Queen Anne’s Mixed Baskets & Color Bowls Potted Easter Lilies
mittee hearing of March 23. County. Spring Blooming Great for Spring celebrations
The bill remains in that commit- Moran said an African Ameri-
tee as of March 30 and no votes can has been elected to the county
have been taken, according to the commissioner board there and the
Maryland General Assembly’s current president of the school
records. board in Queen Anne’s is black.
Crosby continued to argue that “We have a population of less
electing commissioners at large, than 10 percent African Ameri-
as they are in St. Mary’s, Cal- cans; does that mean were not in- Rhododendron 1 Qt. Perennials
vert and several counties on the cluding them?” Moran asked. May Colors to choose from Many early season perennials
Eastern Shore, dilutes the votes “What happens if you vote by
of people living in a certain dis- district and you don’t get the out-
trict who have a vested interest come that you’re looking for?”
in electing someone to focus on Moran said. “What if you don’t
those particular interests. get African Americans elected or
The bill would also change the you don’t switch the seat from Re-
way boards of education are elect- publican to Democrat? Do we re-
ed in those at-large counties. draw the districting lines?” Dogwoods
“This bill is about fairness,
Calvert commissioner board Pink, white and red flowering
equality and diversity,” Crosby president Buddy Hance opposed Traditional and New Encore Varieties
said in the virtual hearing. “It sim- the bill.
ply improves democracy at the lo- “We’ve had minority commis-
cal level by instituting in-district sioners in the past and we current-
voting and ends a discriminatory ly have minority members of the
and anti-democratic policy that board of education.
has historically prevented minor- “We have minorities dispersed
ity political factions from engag- all over the county.” Hance said.
ing in the political process.” “I could argue that going to dis- Boston Ferns New Hardy Drift
At-large voting, Crosby said, trict voting could harm minority Huge Beautiful Plants Dwarf Shrub Rose
had its roots in Jim Crow laws that [candidates] so that all minorities
were used to disadvantage and could not join together to support
discourage African-American, that individual.”
minority or minority ideologies St. Mary’s commissioner presi-
from being represented; this did dent James “Randy” Guy testified
not mean those elected under this that at least one commissioner had
system were racist, however. run unopposed and that changing
Ellen Kohl, a professor of envi- the voting method in the could not Hardy Outdoor Hydrangeas Pansies & Violas
ronmental studies, specializing in result in electing a candidate who Landscape Size Add Instant Color 3 1/2” Pots
human geography, at St. Mary’s did not run.
College of Maryland, testified in “Our system is not broken, and
support of Crosby’s bill. we do not intend to be told how to
She said at-large voting methods restructure it,” Guy testified.
“are a second-generation barrier “There have been no competing
to voting, what some have called candidates to support the allega-
Jim Crow 2.0.” tions of disenfranchisement.”
“These direct structural bar- During the hearing, Crosby said
riers rose when direct forms of
Flowering Cherry Trees Miss Kim Lilac
that he had not counted on the bill
voter disenfranchisement such as being controversial. Kwanzan, Yoshino and Weeping Varieties Fragrant Blue Flowers
all-white primaries, poll taxes and “To be honest, when I put this
[literacy tests] … were ruled un-
bill in, I didn’t expect it to get
constitutional,” Kohl said. the political attention that it got,” • Yearly Lawn Care • Spring & Summer
Opponents of the bill doubted Crosby said. Hardscape & Landscape Projects.
that it would achieve the ends de- guyleonard@countytimes.net
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6 Local News The County Times Thursday, April 1, 2021
Thursday, April 1, 2021 The County Times Local News 7

Funding Transfer From Charlotte Hall Veterans

Home Passes House
By Guy Leonard pandemic.
Staff Writer Del. Keith Haynes (D-Baltimore
Del. Matt Morgan (R-Dist. 29) led City) argued that the transfer of the
an unsuccessful effort on the f loor of $1 million would not hamper the op-
the House of Delegates this week to erations of the facility.
stop the transfer of $1 million from “This is what we call in the budget
the Charlotte Hall Veterans Home, committees a fund swap,” Haynes
the only such facility in the state. said. “It is not a cut.”
Morgan quoted the finance direc- Haynes said one contractor compa-
tor working for Maryland Secretary ny provides the patient care at Char-
of Veterans Affairs George Owings, lotte Hall Veterans Home, which
who opposed the transfer, during bills the state about $3 million each
f loor debate. year for their services.
“One million dollars is a full third This year, the veterans home re-
of the money in this… fund that the ceived an additional $4.2 million in
money is being transferred from,” CARES Act money from the federal
Morgan said. “It’s $1 million that we government as well as $2 million
will not be able to invest in COVID more in funding from U.S. Depart- County) said the state’s only veter- because of that success.
mitigation, parking lot improve- ment of Health and Human Services, ans’ home shone above others be- “We say we want to give our vet-
ments and upgrading equipment at Haynes said. cause it did not have the same loss of erans something, but now… we’re
the end of life.” “They have a fund balance way be- life as similar facilities. going to take this money away from
The statement noted that Owings yond what they normally have,” the Impallaria said he has a loved one them,” Impallaria said.
had previously opposed this transfer Baltimore delegate said of the veter- residing there. “That place needs to be bigger; we
in other hearings in his testimony. ans’ home’s finances. “They’ve done a stellar job of need more places like that. We don’t
“They’re really doing God’s work, Recapturing the state’s $1 million treating our veterans in the best way need to be cutting their funding.”
these people have done so much for and putting it back into the general they can be treated,” Impallaria said. Though there was opposition to the
our country,” Morgan said of the fund would relieve budgetary pres- He said the money was being taken funding removal, the motion passed.
importance of the care given to vet- sure, Haynes said, because federal away because the Charlotte Hall fa- The funding may still be restored
erans at the facility, which has suf- dollars were there to replace it. cility was successful in dealing with when it goes to debate in the Senate.
fered heavily from the COVID-19 Del. Rick Impallaria (R-Baltimore COVID and got the federal money guyleonard@countytimes.net

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8 Local News The County Times Thursday, April 1, 2021

County Budget Moves to Public Hearing on Split Vote

By Guy Leonard lion going into commissioners’ re-
Staff Writer serves with so many other needs,”
The county’s fiscal 2022 operating said Commissioner Eric Colvin, who
budget will go to public hearing on voted against the budget.
April 27 with substantial increases Commissioner Mike Hewitt voted
in revenue from both property and to take the budget to public hearing
income taxes despite economic de- but said he did not support the bud-
clines due to COVID-19, leaving get as written.
some commissioners concerned that “I don’t support hiring 90 new
those impacts may be felt in later people,” Hewitt said. “The good
budgets. news is we have a lot of money but
The proposed budget, which was there are still so many unknowns
approved on a 3-to-2 vote, had a to- going on.
tal of $293 million in revenue, rep- “I still believe small business is
resenting a 15.7 percent increase in hurting… this f lood of federal and
revenues collected from the current now state money coming in is a good
fiscal 2021 budget, or an extra $39.8 thing but the tide’s going to go down
million. on that.”
But a full $21 million of total rev- Jeanett Cudmore, chief financial
enues was from federal funds in the officer, said her budget projections
American Rescue Grant awarded to showed an increase in revenue each
the county. St. Mary's County's Department of Finance Chief Financial Officer Jeannett Cudmore year by 7 percent, but Hewitt re-
The two largest portions of the mained concerned with so many new
budget, public schools and the St. budget of $109 million. gency medical technicians (EMTs) expenses with additional employees.
Mary’s County Sheriff’s Office both The total school system budget, and paramedics. “I’m hoping I’m wrong and you’re
received substantial increases; the including federal and state funding, The county’s information technol- right,” Hewitt told Cudmore.
sheriff’s budget received an addi- totaled $233.5 million in the fiscal ogy, public works and transporta- Commissioner John O’Connor
tional $5.9 million for a total alloca- 2022 proposed budget. tion departments also received new also voted against the budget, noting
tion of $54.2 million. The proposed budget represents a employees as did the sheriff’s office he agreed with Colvin’s assessment
The St. Mary’s County Board of vast increase in hiring at the county with 36 new positions to include that “expenses were not guaranteed”
Education received an additional government level of about 90 new eight new deputies and 20 new cor- and that there had been money allo-
$2.7 million for a total of $112 mil- positions; the most increases were rections officers. cated in budgets passed that had not
lion for their county allocation over for the planned, new county animal “Right now I can’t support the been spent.
their base allocation in this year’s shelter and the hiring of paid emer- recommended budget with $2.6 mil- guyleonard@countytimes.net

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Thursday, April 1, 2021 The County Times Local News 9

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10 Local News The County Times Thursday, April 1, 2021

Man Sentenced for Fatal Unemployment Insurance

Park Hall Shooting Scams On the Rise
The Maryland Department of State CON password over e-mail.
By Guy Leonard and he believed the Police and the Maryland Department All e-mails from legitimate MDUI
Staff Writer gun to be empty,” of Labor are warning the public of an staff will come from a @maryland.gov
A Park Hall man who shot and killed his charging docu- increase in unemployment insurance re- e-mail address.
friend last year was sentenced to 10 years in ments read. “He lated fraud cases and other scams being Do not provide any sensitive informa-
state prison on March 29 in St. Mary’s Coun- began to pull the reported in the region. tion related to your Maryland unemploy-
ty Circuit Court. trigger. In recent months, investigators have ment insurance claim by e-mail unless it
Brian Lee Chaney, now 19, pleaded guilty “He pulled the been contacted regarding a wide variety is to a @maryland.gov e-mail address.
to one county of first-degree assault in De- trigger three times, of schemes targeting individuals, vul- Avoid scams on social media
cember; prosecutors did not prosecute him the first two times nerable populations, charities and local, Please be aware of pages and scam-
on the most serious charges of second-de- Brian Lee Chaney
nothing happened; state and national government agencies. mers on social media pretending to be
gree murder, involuntary man slaughter or the third time the Most recently, this included a scheme the Maryland Department of Labor.
on two other counts of second-degree assault gun went off.” where random citizens received multi- Scammers are replicating the Maryland
or the use of a firearm in a violent crime. After the gun fired, Sullivan told Chaney ple unemployment insurance debit cards Department of Labor’s social media
The victim was Jordan Sullivan, 24. that he had just shot him, court papers stated, that they never applied for from the state pages, directly messaging claimants,
According to court papers after the shoot- and the victim lifted his shirt to reveal the and even from other states. and attempting to steal their identity by
ing, Chaney told deputies that Sullivan had gunshot wound he had sustained in his chest. Another recent fraud involved gift asking for their personal information.
come over to his house to “hang out” and “The victim walked into the living room cards, which primarily targeted the el- These pages are particularly targeting
while the victim was there Chaney began to and collapsed on the floor,” charging docu- derly population. Most often, consumers members of unemployment groups on
play with a handgun while both were in the ments stated. were told that they needed to purchase Facebook.
kitchen of Chaney’s apartment. Chaney, court papers stated, attempted to gift cards to use as payments for a gov- Fraudulent pages may look similar,
Chaney told police that he had unloaded help his friend and called 911 to report the ernment agency bill, a ransom, a utility but are newly created, do not have a
the handgun, a revolver that had a six-shot shooting; during the emergency call deputies bill, tech support, or to avoid an arrest. lengthy history of posts, spelled differ-
capacity, before he started playing with it, said they heard Chaney tell someone else in- The reasons they presented varied, but ently (often with typos), and not verified
charging documents stated, though he told side the home that he had just shot the victim. they always came back to the idea that with a blue check mark. “Maryland de-
police that he had a total of seven rounds for The weapon was a .22 caliber revolver, ac- a consumer must go to a retail outlet, partment of labour” is an example of a
the revolver. cording to police. purchase physical gift cards, and then fraudulent page that looks similar, but is
Chaney was sitting down while he was Police said that, according to witnesses, provide the PIN numbers on the cards spelled differently. If you find a fraudu-
playing with the revolver, charging docu- the victim and shooter “were very good to the scammer. Reports suggest scam- lent page, please report it to the social
ments stated, and Sullivan was standing in friends.” mers favored certain brands of gift cards media platform immediately and DO
front of him. guyleonard@countytimes.net and those changed over time. NOT respond to their messages.
“[Chaney] counted six bullets on the table Additional trending frauds include Links to the Maryland Department
ones that target Medicare recipients, lot- of Labor’s official government agency
teries, banks, charities, those seeking social media pages can be found below:
COVID-19 vaccinations and ones that Facebook – Maryland Department of
claimed were connected to the Census. Labor
Despite the variety of frauds out there, Twitter – @MD_Labor
there are simple steps everyone can take LinkedIn – Maryland Department of
to minimize their chances of becoming Labor
a victim. When should you report identity theft
Avoid unemployment insurance to the police?
scams When your bank or other business re-
The Maryland State Police and the quires you to make a report.
Maryland Department of Labor have You know the person who stole your
been alerted to a number of potential identity.
scam operations that are attempting to Make the report to your local police
prey on unemployment insurance claim- department or state police barrack.
ants. To help you distinguish between Tips to protect yourself from scams
legitimate assistance from Maryland in general:
Division of Unemployment Insurance • Do not give out your personal infor-
(MDUI) staff and fraudulent assistance mation to someone you do not know.
from a potential scammer, please re- • Store personal information in a safe
member the following: place.
MDUI will never request or require • Do not carry your social security
payment for assistance with unemploy- card in your wallet.
ment insurance, especially not through • Collect mail every day and put a
apps like Venmo or Cashapp. hold on it during extended travel.
MDUI staff will not provide assis- • Use security features on your smart-
tance to claimants through direct mes- phone and computer.
sage on social media platforms like • Use complex passwords.
Facebook, Twitter, or LinkedIn. • Do not use gift cards to pay the IRS
MDUI will never arrange for an ad- or Social Security, tech support, a fami-
judication or fact-finding interview over ly member in trouble, ransom or to avoid
any teleconferencing platform, such arrest or deportation or to prevent your
as Zoom, BlueJeans, Google Hangout utilities from being turned off.
Meets, or Skype. Use this link to help report fraud that
MDUI does not provide assistance is not reported to the police:
through text message and will not send https://www.dllr.state.md.us/employ-
any links asking a claimant to verify ment/uistopfraud.shtml
their account through text. https://reportfraud.ftc.gov/#/
MDUI will never ask for your bank If you suspect a fraud, contact your
account number or credit card number local police department. You may also
over e-mail. report unemployment fraud by visiting
MDUI will never request your BEA- MDunemployment.com.
Thursday, April 1, 2021 The County Times Local News 11

My Dad is a Humble Man SMECO Nominating

Committee to Meet Southern Maryland Electric Coopera- reviewed by the nominating committee,
tive’s (SMECO) Board of Directors has completed candidate applications should
appointed 10 members to the 2021 Nom- be submitted online by 4 p.m., Friday,
inating Committee scheduled to meet on May 7, 2021.
Wednesday, May 12, 2021, at SMECO’s In addition to nominations made by
headquarters in Hughesville or via tele- the committee, any 15 or more SMECO
conference. The committee will select members acting together may make
a slate of candidates for the five Board other nominations by petition. Members
positions to be elected this year. Elec- running by petition should complete and
tions will be held to fill one position in submit a Board of Directors Candidate
Calvert/Anne Arundel counties, two po- Application by 4 p.m., Friday, May 28,
sitions in Charles County, and two posi- 2021. The application and candidate ma-
tions in St. Mary’s County. terials are located on SMECO’s website
The 2021 Nominating Committee at smeco.coop/annualmeeting.
members follow: SMECO’s Annual Meeting will be
• Calvert County: Kimberly Freeland, held Thursday, August 26, 2021; howev-
Prince Frederick; and Terence N. Gib- er, the election will be conducted by mail
son, Prince Frederick. and online. Co-op members will receive
• Charles County: Joseph L. Gardiner ballots in the mail. Members may vote
Jr., La Plata; Edward Holland III, Wal- online or return their completed bal-
dorf; and William B. Young Jr., Waldorf. lots by mail prior to the Annual Meet-
• Prince George’s County: Charles E. ing. Election results will be announced
By Lauren Norris knew that this was our only hope. We Clagett, Accokeek; and Ernest H. Riess, at the meeting, but no voting will occur
I threw on a pair of jeans, grabbed my had dad transferred to NIH as fast as we Brandywine. on-site.
keys, and ran out the door. could, and a week before his 70th birth- • St. Mary’s County: Edith M. Bell, Selection of the Nominating Com-
On the drive to MedStar St. Mary’s day he was admitted for the clinical tri- Chaptico; George A. Brown, Loveville; mittee members is in compliance with
Hospital from my apartment in Bal- al. Thankfully after he participated in 15 and Catherine Brenda Coates, Lexing- SMECO’s bylaws. For more information
timore, the last words I heard on the weeks of an experimental chemotherapy ton Park. regarding the committee, nominations,
phone with my dad were playing in my treatment he was deemed to be in com- SMECO members interested in being and qualifications of directors, refer to
head on repeat. He called me because he plete remission. Unfortunately, during nominated should complete a Board of Article IV, Sections 4.02 and 4.03, of
was disoriented, confused, and waiting his final treatment he began experienc- Directors Candidate Application, which SMECO’s bylaws. Bylaws may be ob-
in the Emergency Department after hav- ing lower body numbness, and eventu- may be accessed and submitted online tained from a SMECO office or online at
ing a CT scan at the recommendation of ally lost all feeling below his waist. The at smeco.coop/annualmeeting. To be www.smeco.coop.
his doctor. I urged him to stop someone treatment that saved his life had para-
in the hallway and ask them what was lyzed him.
going on. When he did, the frantic ra- NIH discharged dad to an acute reha- 1

diology tech reported, “We think you’re bilitation facility where we hoped that
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having a stroke.” That’s all I could hear he would regain the feeling in his lower
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you’re having a stroke.” exhibiting decreased function of his left


When I arrived at the hospital, nurses arm and increased confusion. An MRI

stopped me at the entrance to take my
temperature and ensure I had a mask -
it was March 26, 2020, the very begin-
then revealed new lesions on his brain.
The lymphoma had returned.
We rushed dad back to NIH where

& Heathe

ning of what we now know as the CO- they quickly put him on a radiation
VID-19 pandemic. After being cleared treatment. He received radiation as an

L oca l
I walked in and went up to the hospital inpatient every weekday from Thanks-
bed in dad’s room and grabbed his hand. giving to Christmas. Since then, dad has
I asked what was going on, and through been deemed cancer free. He continues

tear filled eyes he shared that the CT to reside in a rehabilitation facility and is
scan had revealed a mass in his brain. working tirelessly day in and day out to hools ll
te Sc
We cried together. regain his strength, rebuild his muscles, Privaning for F
Plan ester

de in Se
The doctors and nurses had already and ultimately walk again. However, as t Ma urder
Arresmpted M
a in Atte
prepared dad’s transfer to MedStar you can imagine, this is extremely hard COVID
-19 Pply

Georgetown University Hospital where work mentally, emotionally, and physi- Sh


he underwent a craniotomy the follow- cally, not to mention the stress of the
ing day. It revealed a soft tumor in his financial burden created by the cost of
right frontal lobe. About two weeks later this care.
dad was diagnosed with Primary CNS My dad, Danny Norris, is a humble
Diffuse Large B Cell Lymphoma and man. He is honest, loving, gregarious,
the day after his diagnosis he began his generous, and the best story teller I’ve
first chemotherapy treatment. ever met. He grew up in Leonardtown
The next several months were a blur. and attended Leonard Hall before grad-
While we (and the rest of the world) uating from Chopticon High School. He
were living through and attempting to has served our community in countless
navigate a global pandemic, dad was ways through volunteerism and philan-
spending weeks at a time in the hospital thropy. Dad is the embodiment of every-
for treatment. thing good about St. Mary’s County and
After 10 long weeks of rigorous che- he is on the road to recovery.
motherapy at MedStar Georgetown, the Please consider making a donation to
tumor in dad’s brain was in fact grow- dad’s GoFundMe http://gf.me/u/zn62qh
ing. We were informed by dad’s treat- which will be used to cover his medi-
ment team of a clinical trial at the Na- cal expenses and ongoing rehabilitation ALWAYS FREE IN PRINT AND ONLINE
tional Institutes of Health (NIH) and needs.
12 InCops & Courts
Our Community The County Times Thursday, April 1, 2021


Wanted for Escape- Anthony victim in the
In the Circuit Court for St. Mary’s County, Maryland Yorke head, knocking
The St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s the victim to
Case No.: C-18-FM-21-137 Office is seeking information on the the ground. The
Notice (Adult) whereabouts of Anthony Michael suspect contin-
Yorke, age 29 of ued to assault
The above Petitioner has filed a Petition for Change of Name in which Charlotte Hall. the victim while
he/she seeks to change his/her name of a minor from CRISTEN GAIL DALTON
Yorke is wanted on the ground.
to CRISTEN GAIL YEARICK. The petitioner is seeking a name change
because: Divorce for the charge of The suspect Suspect
escape for fail- then f led in a
Any person may file an objection to the Petition on or before the ing to report to silver sedan.
05/07/2021. The objection must be supported by an affidavit (written statement the St. Mary’s Anyone with information about the
confirmed by oath or affirmation) and served on the petitioner (Maryland Rule County Deten- identity of the suspect or this inci-
1-321). If no timely objection is filed, the court may issue a default judgement or tion and Reha- dent is asked to call DFC Carl Ball
grant the name change. Anthony Yorke
bilitation Cen- at 301-475-4200, ext. 78131 or email
ter, to begin his carl.ball@stmarysmd.com. Case #
incarceration for the original charge 16419-21
Debra J. Burch,
Clerk of Court for of driving on a suspended license Citizens may remain anonymous
St. Mary’s County Maryland and privilege. Yorke is a white male, and contact Crime Solvers at 301-
5’11” and weighs 180 pounds with 475-3333, or text a tip to “TIP239”
brown hair and blue eyes. plus their message to “CRIMES”

If you would like to place a

Anyone with information on the (274637). Through the Crime Solv-
whereabouts of Anthony Michael ers Program tipsters are eligible for
Yorke is asked to contact Detective an award of up to $1,000 for infor-

LEGAL NOTICE contact Tyler Payne at (301) 475-4200 ex-

tension 78010 or by email at Tyler.
mation about a crime in St. Mary’s
County that leads to an arrest or
Payne@stmarysmd.com. indictment.
AlDaileyCountytimes@gmail.com Citizens may remain anonymous
and contact Crime Solvers at (301)
Theft/Resisting Arrest-
On March 17, 2021, Cpl. Beishline
475-3333, or text a tip to “TIP239” responded to 21800 block of Shan-
plus their message to “CRIMES” gri La Drive in Lexington Park, for
(274637). Through the Crime Solv- the reported theft/property damage.
ers Program tipsters are eligible for Investigation determined William
an award of up to $1,000 for infor- Andrew Krell,

Philip H. Dorsey III

mation about a crime in St. Mary’s age 34 of New-
County that leads to an arrest or burg, broke and

Attorney at Law
indictment. removed the
For official news and information, victim's vehicle's
follow the St. Mary’s County Sher- antenna. The
iff’s Office on Twitter @firstsheriff. victim's vehicle
Assault Suspect Sought was damaged
The St. Mary’s County Sheriff’s during the theft.
Office is seeking the identity of the Krell pulled William Krell
person shown in an assault investi- away from Cpl.
gation. On Friday, March 26, 2021 Beishline after being advised he was
at 10:40 pm, the suspect entered the under arrest, and began causing a
Charlotte Hall Wawa store and while disturbance and yelling profanities.
inside confronted the victim. As the Krell was taken into custody and
suspect left the store, he told the vic- charged with Theft, Malicious De-
-Serious Personal Injury Cases- tim he would be outside waiting. The
suspect then approached the victim
struction of Property, Resisting Ar-
rest and Fail to Obey Lawful Order.
at the fuel pump and punched the

LEONARDTOWN: 301-475-5000 Editor’s Note:

TOLL FREE: 1-800-660-3493 The above arrests are not an indication of
guilt or innocence as the cases have not been
EMAIL: phild@dorseylaw.net adjudicated.

Thursday, April 1, 2021 The County Times In Our Community 13

Clements Gas Station Five Quilts of Valor

Seeking $64k Lotto Winner

A FAST PLAY Home Run Riches big winners to sign the backs of their
player won the first progressive jackpot tickets immediately and put them in a
of the game Friday night, rounding the safe location. Winners typically get 182
bases for a $64,708 prize. Meanwhile, days from the date of the drawing to
another player is $50,000 richer after claim prizes. However, the Lottery has
the Bonus Match 5 drawing that same temporarily extended claiming dead-
evening! lines due to Maryland’s COVID-19
The March 26 winners found Lottery state of emergency.
luck at two different retailers. Selling The big winners can claim their
the progressive jackpot-winning Home prizes by mail, in person by appoint-
Run Riches ticket was St. Mary’s Gas ment or by dropping off the claim form
Station in Clements, while White Oak and winning ticket at Maryland Lottery
Convenience Store in Silver Spring headquarters, 1800 Washington Blvd.,
sold the top-prize winning Bonus Baltimore. Winners of smaller prizes
Match 5 ticket. can claim them by mail, at Lottery Five military veterans were awarded with Quilts of Valor by PAX Sound of Free-
The Home Run Riches ticket went retailers, at casinos or by appointment dom at the Thrivent Financial Offices of Matt Budde in Lexington Park on March
on sale March 8 and has a progres- at Lottery headquarters. Get details 27.  The recipients were, (l to ri)  Gregg Dorgan (Navy - 11 years), Mabel Cooper
sive jackpot that starts at $40,000. The on how to claim by mail here, how to (Navy - 4 years), Gary Morgan (Navy - 11 years), Levi Uffens (Navy - 10 years),
progressive jackpot increases with schedule an appointment here, via the and Charles Dorsey (Army - 20 years).
each ticket sold until a player buys a dropbox here (see last paragraph) and

jackpot-winning ticket. This exciting at Lottery retailers and casinos here.
game can make players home-run rich, Both Lottery retailers can celebrate,
too, through its familiar Contestant of too, because they earn bonuses for
the Game second-chance promotion. their lucky sales. St. Mary’s Gas Sta-
Players have another 19 progressive tion located at 23950 Colton Point
jackpots to chase in this FAST PLAY Road in Clements earns a $647 bonus
game. for selling a jackpot-winning FAST
The lucky Bonus Match 5 player
won the 14th top of 2021 in the nightly
PLAY ticket – equal to 1% of the jack-
pot prize. White Oak Convenience OF THE WEEK
game. The winning numbers in the Store located at 11407 Lockwood Drive
March 26 drawing were 30, 33, 34, 36
and 38; the Bonus Ball was 7.
Lottery officials encourage the two
in Silver Spring earns a $500 bonus
for selling a top-prize winning Bonus
Match 5 ticket.
Volunteers Sought for
A cat purring in your lap
Is more healing than any drug.
The vibrations you receive
Are pure Love and Contentment.

Property Tax Assessment

St. Francis of Assisi

Hello there, my name is Dedee. One look at my BEAUTIFUL,TOO

Appeals Board
SWEET face will tell you I’m a RESERVED GIRL that enjoys gentle
handling. My wonderful buddies here at TCAS say if you want to
become my best friend, give me a scratch on the back and you will
win me over! I’m ONLY A YEAR OLD with my whole life ahead of
The Commissioners of St. signed to the board for hearing. me and I would LOVE to be part of a FUREVER FAMILY. I would do
Mary’s County are seeking inter- This jurisdiction includes but is best in a quiet home with other kitties. To schedule an appointment
ested citizens to fill three vacan- not limited to appeals concerning to meet me ASAP, email animalshelter@charlescountymd.gov today!
cies on the local Property Tax local tax credits, local taxes and BE MY MIRACLE AND PLEASE CHOOSE ME! When you choose to
Assessment Appeals Board. special taxing areas (Code Tax - adopt from TCAS, you are literally saving a life.
The Property Tax Assessment Property Article, Title 3).
Appeals Board has jurisdiction All interested candidates should
over all appeals in its area con- apply directly through the Gover- To see more of my amazing friends
cerning property tax assessments, nor’s office at: https://govappoint- also available for adoption, “like” us
the Home Owners' Tax Credit ments.maryland.gov/ . Applica- on Facebook @ Tri-County Animal
Program, the Renters' Tax Credit tions are due by April 30, 2021. Shelter Southern MD or view us
Program, the Agricultural Land For assistance or more informa- on our website at https://www.
Preservation Easement Program, tion, please contact Diane Gleiss- charlescountymd.gov/services/animal-
and other local tax matters as- ner at 301-475-4200, ext. 1707. care-control/tri-county-animal-shelter
14 In Our Community The County Times Thursday, April 1, 2021

North End Gallery Hosts Junior Science and

Free Art Classes For Humanities Symposium
Leonardtown Learn & Share
North End Gallery, located on
Fenwick Street in Leonardtown,
Awardees Named
is a co-op Gallery that has been in
existence for over 35 years. Fea-
turing 31 member artists who are
rich in experience and knowledge
gained from a commitment to their
Leonardtown is proud to an-
nounce that it is partnering with
North End Gallery to offer a series
of informative and dynamic art
classes for the Leonardtown Learn
& Share online platform. The
North End Gallery Learn & Share
Series, funded in part by the St.
Mary’s County Arts Council, will
offer FREE art classes taught by ative process of painting provides
gallery members. Example classes a wonderful dimension to my life
include oil painting, watercolor, and I recommend it to anyone!”,
pastels, pottery, mosaics and more. says Polly.
The series premieres on Monday, The North End Gallery Learn &
April 5, 2021 with a Still Life Oil Share Classes premiere on Monday,
Painting Class taught by Gallery April 5, 2021 at 11 AM. Tune in at
Member, Polly Lange. Polly has ww w.VisitLeonardtownMD.com /
been a member of North End Gal- The Patuxent Partnership (TPP) essential to the growth and develop-
NorthEndGallery or at the Town of and our partners the Naval Air ment and security of our nation.”
lery since 2014 and offers over 15 Leonardtown Facebook Page.
years experience. Polly currently Warfare Center Aircraft Division The students, from High Schools
For more information and sched- (NAWCAD), and St. Mary’s College across Maryland, also heard from
paints with oils, although she has uling for the North End Gallery
experience in pen-and-ink, water- of Maryland (SMCM) are pleased several distinguished NAWCAD
Learn & Share Series, visit www. to announce that that the virtual speakers, Mr. Andrew Koch and Ms.
color, pastel and collage media. VisitLeonardtownMD.com or con-
Her focus is on still life and land- MD Regional JSHS competition on Elizabeth Michelbrink, and Ms. Glo-
tact brandy.blackstone@leonard- March 15th & 16th, 2021 has been ry D. Sebulime, a 2nd year student
scape art. townmd.gov.
In her Oil Painting classes for the completed and the winners have at the College of Southern Maryland
For more information on the Gal- been announced. (CSM) where she is pursuing an As-
North End Gallery Learn & Share lery and the member artists, visit
Series, Polly plans to provide the We would like to congratulate all sociate Degree in Electrical Engi-
www.NorthEndGallery.com or 20-student finalist for their excellent neering. She plans on transferring to
basics of painting with oils while contact bpoulin20764@gmail.com.
performing a complete demonstra- oral and poster presentations. The the University of Maryland College
tion, from start to finish. “The cre- depth of their research, knowledge- Park - Southern Maryland Engineer-

St. Mary’s County

able demonstrations, excellent mod- ing Program to earn her Bachelor’s
eling, their collaboration with teach- degree in Electrical Engineering.
ers, mentors, research labs, and the The Maryland Regional JSHS Fi-
diversity of the topics chosen, was nalist Awards includes the following

Schedule for Good Friday

outstanding. scholarship recognition:
Colonel Tyler R. Schaff, Com- • 1st Place: Abar Sheikh - oral
mander of the 316th Wing and in- presentation- $2000 undergraduate

& Easter Weekend

stallation commander for Joint Base tuition scholarship
Andrews-Naval Air Facility Wash- • 2nd Place: Boaz Yoo - oral pre-
ington, MD was the keynote speaker sentation- $1500 undergraduate tu-
and emphasized the importance of ition scholarship
All St. Mary’s County Govern- more information. STEAM -M (Medical) studies, en- • 3rd Place: Lauren Choi - oral
ment administrative offices will All Senior Activity Centers couraging students along that path. presentation- $1000 undergraduate
be closed Friday, April 2, 2021, (Garvey, Loff ler and Northern) Ms. Bonnie M. Green, Executive tuition scholarship
in observance of Good Friday. remain closed due to COVID-19 Director, The Patuxent Partnership, • 4th Place: Hannah Skwarek - oral
All county government admin- precautions. reiterated the same in her introduc- presentation- certificate recognition
istrative offices will reopen for The St. Mary’s Transit Sys- tion: “We continue to encourage • 5th Place: Juni Polansky - post-
normal business hours Monday, tem (STS) and ADA Paratransit all students on their path of STEM er board presentation- certificate
April 5, 2021. Program will operate on the Sat- learning and we wish them all the recognition
The St. Andrews Landfill and urday schedule on Good Friday, best for their future endeavors. We These students will compete in the
six (6) Convenience Centers will April 2. The Statewide Special- hope these MD JSHS students will National JSHS Symposium in late
be open during regular hours Fri- ized Transportation Assistance consider STEM careers with the April.
day, April 2, but will be closed Program (SSTAP) will not oper- DOD community, where they will be
Easter Sunday, April 4. The land- ate on Good Friday, April 2.
fill and convenience centers will St. Clement's Island Museum,
resume regular operations Mon- Piney Point Lighthouse Museum
day, April 5.
All three St. Mary’s County
Library branches (Charlotte
and the Old Jail Museum will be
open for visitors from 10 a.m. to
5 p.m. Friday, Saturday and Eas-
Hall, Leonardtown and Lexing- ter Sunday, April 2-4.
ton Park) will be open and will For information on county gov-
operate under normal schedules. ernment operations, please visit ON NEWSSTANDS EVERY THURSDAY & ONLINE AT COUNTYTIMES.NET County Times
St. Mary’s County ● Calvert County

Please visit www.stmalib.org for www.stmarysmd.com.

Thursday, April 1, 2021 The County Times Feature 15

Smith: Schools Back To Normal Next Year

By Guy Leonard
Staff Writer
Dr. J. Scott Smith, Superintendent
for St. Mary’s County Public Schools,
said he will not force teachers and
students to endure next school year
what they had to this year; the virtual
learning, the hybrid return to school,
the shutdowns of the school system
and all because of the COVID-19
“This [the current status of hybrid
learning] will end and we will be
coming back,” Smith said. “We’re not
planning this again; we’re not doing
this again.
“For the 2021-2022 school year
we’re going to be normal – we’re go-
ing to be normal.”
Buses will be full, Smith said, as
will be classrooms and cafeterias,
though students and staff alike should
prepare for the likely continuation of
strict sanitation practices.
This includes wearing masks and
washing hands frequently.
“I will never ask again of a St.
Mary’s County school teacher what
has been asked of a St. Mary’s Coun- not have something happen is really normal. an approved plan to proceed with
ty school teacher this year,” Smith quite a testament to the work they’ve The new guidance suggests just prom celebrations, while Chopticon
said. been doing.” three feet between students and High School’s plan is under review
The challenges, technically and School Board Chair Karin Bailey teachers in elementary school class- by the St. Mary’s County Health De-
methodically, of teaching children said the school system, working in rooms; three feet of social distancing partment, Smith said.
in a hybrid fashion were too great, close concert with the health depart- is also acceptable when there is uni- “One thing we can look forward
despite the herculean effort teachers ment, would assess whether a full versal use of face masks and trans- to is that there will be proms in the
have put forth, Smith said. return to in-person next school year mission of the virus is low. month of May for our seniors,” Smith
Options for virtual learning would was warranted. The CDC still cautions that six feet said.
still exist, he said, but things must “I think we’re going to see how it of social distancing is needed in sec- Graduation ceremonies will also
go back to the way they were for the goes,” Bailey said. “But it’s some- ondary schools where classes change take place in June, the superinten-
vast majority before the advent of thing we have to plan for.” throughout the day and in cafeterias dent said, but in what form was
COVID-19. Smith’s declaration came just where students are eating as well as undetermined.
“Next year’s going to be normal,” weeks after the school system re- in other common areas and between “The first week of June we are go-
Smith said. “We need to get kids back leased information showing that stu- adults and students. ing to have commencement exercises
in school.” dents had been failing in at least one “That’s really important,” said for our seniors,” Smith said. “I can’t
Smith made his proclamation at the of their coursers for the second mark- Smith. “That means we can bring tell you exactly what they will be.
March 24 Board of Education meet- ing period at a rate sometimes three more elementary-aged children back “But I can tell you seniors at Chop-
ing after sharing preliminary data times than normal. into the building.” ticon will graduate on Wednesday,
which showed transmission of the This stressed the critical need to The new guidance from the CDC, June 2, seniors at Leonardtown High
virus among students who had re- get children back into school – at released March 16, was what the School will graduate on Thursday,
turned to class in the hybrid model least on a hybrid model – to ensure school system had been hoping for, June 3 and Great Mills High School
was extremely low. quality of instruction. Smith said, particularly since it will seniors will graduate on Friday, June
“We’ve had over 13,000 students in “We need to work on getting these allow for the creation of new cohort 4,” said Smith. “We will do the very
classrooms and 2,300 employees… kids caught up,” Bailey said. of students who will be returning to most we can, given the opportunities
the first week we had four students Despite the increased failure rate, school Monday through Thursdays we have.”
test positive, the second week we had the school system has been able to get for both of the hybrid “A” and “B” Smith said his counterparts had
three students test positive and last about 75 percent of its total student days. already beseeched Gov. Larry Ho-
week we didn’t have any students test population back into hybrid learning, Starting April 12, about a week af- gan to notify them of the possibility
positive,” Smith said. “We had peo- she said, which was a good indication ter the return from Spring Break, stu- of special dispensation for allowing
ple who were staying home, learning that returning to normal was a pos- dents with individual education pro- thousands of parents and students
virtual, who tested positive.” sibility with the right health metrics. grams (IEPs), those for whom Eng- into graduation settings at a time, if
Smith said the safest place for stu- “I think people are very encour- lish is not their first language, home- health conditions were favorable by
dents was in a St. Mary’s County pub- aged with what we’ve accomplished,” less students and those students who the summer.
lic school, since there was evidence Bailey said. “I’m hopeful, I’m very are failing courses, will be included Otherwise, students would have to
to show that students who stayed in hopeful.” in the new Group AB, as Smith re- be divided into small groups from
a virtual setting had more chance of Recent news that vaccines might ferred to it. each high school and be allowed to
becoming infected, not less. soon be available for young people The return of those students to collect their diplomas throughout an
But this was probably because the under the age of 16 also gave her en- classroom instruction is voluntary, entire day of ceremonies, with their
students who were supposed to be couragement that a full return might Smith said. parents in attendance.
staying home, were not strictly doing be possible, said Bailey. “That is the best we can do right No school board member took is-
so, Smith said. The U.S. Center for Disease Con- now based on what the CDC has sue with Smith’s proclamation at the
“We’re not seeing a great deal of trol’s recently released new guidance shared with us,” Smith said. board meeting.
transmission going on there,” Smith on social distancing recommenda- Student life also appears to be re- “Next school year it’ll be business
said of the classroom environment, tions has also given Smith and the turning to normal in other ways. as usual,” said Board Member Jim
praising efforts of students and staff school system hope for finally bring- Two of the county’s high schools – Davis.
alike to stay healthy. “To have this ing the school experience back to Great Mills and Leonardtown – have guyleonard@countytimes.net
many kids together learning and
16 The County Times Thursday, April 1, 2021

of Southern Maryland Feature

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Thursday, April 1, 2021 The County Times 17

Get Your Easter Goodies Here! Easter Sunday Specials
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Homemade Country Sausage Western Omelete Special $13.99
Double Yolk Eggs • Stuffed Hams Pancake Special $10.99
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Homemade Pies • Baked Goods Feature
Chicken Marsala Special $21.99
Crab Benedict Special $22.99
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30385 Three Notch Road • Charlotte Hall, Maryland 20622
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Monday - Saturday:
4pm to 9pm
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Happy Easter
From Our Family to Yours
The County Times
18 The County Times Thursday, April 1, 2021

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Super Late Model Class Sponsor

Thursday, April 1, 2021 The County Times
Education 19
21, 20

CSM Earns Top U.S. Ranking

The C
T imes


Cited for Degree and Program

S taycatio
Guide n
College of Southern Maryland (CSM)
has been awarded top ranking status for
its Associate of Science in Business Ad-
ministration Degree and Allied Health at A
programs by Intelligent.com. re Y
CSM was listed among thousands of Sum ur Plans
mer? This
public institutions in the nation, and the
comprehensive research guide is based
on an assessment of 2,277 accredited analyzed thousands of schools with
colleges and universities. Each program comparable programs on a scale of 0 to
is evaluated based on curriculum qual- 100, with College of Southern Maryland
ity, graduation rate, reputation, and making it to the final list for two De-
post-graduate employment before being gree Programs. The methodology uses
included in the education resource guide an algorithm that collects and analyzes
on the best public institution programs multiple rankings into one score to eas-
for 2021  ily compare each university’s degree
CSM has been recognized for the fol- program.
lowing programs: About Intelligent.com
Associate in Business Administration Intelligent.com provides unbiased re-
Degree Programs | 11th in the nation

search to help students make informed
https://www.intelligent.com/best- decisions about higher education pro-
associate-in-business-administration- grams. The website offers curated
degree-programs/ guides which include the best degree
Colleges in Maryland | 29th for Allied programs as well as information about
Health programs financial aid, internships and even

St. Mary’s News

h t t p s : // w w w. i n t e l l i g e n t . c o m / study strategies. With comprehensive,
best-colleges-in-maryland/ user-friendly guides and hundreds of
The 2021 rankings are calculated program rankings, Intelligent.com is a
through a unique scoring system which
includes student engagement, poten-
tial return on investment, and leading
trusted source among students and pro-
spective students. To learn more, please
visit https://www.intelligent.com/.
In Print & Online
third-party evaluations. Intelligent.com Press Release from CSM. 

Meet Maryland Author John all of us, and the business case for
brands to embrace the 3-Win mind-
Balkam set and methodology. Register with
John Balkam, author, social entre- a.m. Siblings welcome; please register
an email address on www.stmalib.org
preneur, and sports marketing profes-
to receive the link to the Zoom meet- Art with Jamie Naluai: Wel- once per family group on www.stmalib.
sional will be joining us to talk about his come Spring org. Rain date: Apr 24. This activity will
ing the day before the event. Copies
book "3-Win Sponsorship: The Next Paint a spring scene in acrylic on take place on the State House lawn,
of Balkam's books will be available for
Generation of Sports & Entertainment wood with local artist Jamie Naluai on which is a grassy area. Participants
purchase at White Rabbit Bookstore in
Marketing" on Monday, April 12 from 7 Thursday, April 8 from 3:30 – 5:30 p.m. should park at the State House parking
California, MD
– 8 p.m. As a public speaker and the Find a list of recommended materials area and follow the signs to storytime,
founder of Third Win Group, John's to follow along and register on www.st- bring blankets or chairs for comfort,
primary goal is to connect activist ath- STEM Fun: Art Machines and follow social distancing practices
STEM Fun: Art Machines will be held malib.org. Jamie Naluai is a local artist
letes and artists to brand marketing based in Southern Maryland who cre- during the event. This outdoor event
teams interested in taking a stand on Tuesday, April 13 from 6:30 – 7:15 p.m. is weather-dependent; in case of bad
Learn about levers and fulcra as you ates murals, faux finishes, and trompe
social and environmental issues. In l'oeil of all sizes in Maryland and the weather it will be postponed or can-
3-Win Sponsorship, he points out the engineer three sculptures that are de- celled. Masks are encouraged during
signed to move. Register to reserve a greater Washington D.C. area.
impact that sports and entertainment the outdoor storytime, and required
sponsorships have had on our society supply kit and receive the link to the live to enter any Historic St. Mary's City
in the past, and the reasons why ath- Zoom event with STEM coaches from Outdoor Storytime at Histor- buildings. Storytime attendance is free;
letes, artists, and entertainers will con- FutureMakers. Register once per child ic St. Mary's City families wishing to explore the grounds
tinue to influence social issues in the needing a supply kit on www.stmalib. Stories, songs, and activities for chil- afterward should plan to visit the Gift
future. Join us as John explains the 5 org; kits will be available for pickup dren with their adult caregivers, in the Shop to purchase admission after
principles behind a 3-win sponsorship, beginning Thursday, April 8. The live great outdoors at Historic St. Mary’s 10am.
how a Win-Win-Win mentality benefits program will also be recorded for later City on Saturday, April 17 from 9 – 9:30
20 Education The County Times Thursday, April 1, 2021

‘Getting Southern Maryland Back to Work’ Progress Cited

Program Helps Businesses, Citizens with Workforce Challenges
The progress made by the regional ef- actually respond to immediate pain points,” Maryland can help workers who plan to gram and professional development path-
fort aimed at ‘Getting Southern Maryland was very important, according to Flowers- return to their former employer as well as way which would assist our local employers
Back to Work’ is the latest topic of “Inside Fields. “So it was important for us to engage those who are looking to change careers with recruitment and retention of valuable
Your County Government,” a podcast that as many individuals as possible to ask the by offering free and unlimited access frontline caregivers by relieving the burden
brings an inside look at the people and question, first and foremost, ‘what do you to more than 5,000 high-quality online of new employee training and existing em-
events that shape Charles County and the need?’ Second [was] to educate them about training courses for 180 days. Whether ployee professional development from the
Southern Maryland Region. During the the capacity we have to respond to work- they are looking for a first job, a new job or employer and moving it to the college.”
podcast, host Brent Huber was joined by force needs. Also engaging our K through to advance in their chosen field, residents Additionally, CSM added COVID-
College of Southern Maryland (CSM) As- 12 and our economic development partners can take advantage of this service to reach 19-specific educational materials and skills
sociate Vice-President of Continuing Edu- in those conversations so that we are ensur- their career goals. The platform also offers to all its allied health course content to
cation and Workforce Development Ellen ing that the full spectrum of people entering business services to assist with recruitment, prepare students with the information and
Flowers-Fields and Ruthy Davis, director the workforce – whether you’re just com- hiring and internal training. skills necessary to safely deliver patient
of Regional Workforce and Business De- ing out of high school, or whether you are Approximately 7,500 unemployed South- care in the community.
velopment for the Tri-County Council for in a GED program or whether, as Ruthy ern Maryland residents receive weekly out- In the fall of 2020, CSM also launched
Southern Maryland (TCCSMD) to discuss said, you’re are a career changer – that the reach providing relevant information and educational/career pathways in several
the significant headway being made to cre- conversations were happening across the useful resources. healthcare areas. Continuing Education
ate transparent, accessible and coordinated full spectrum of the workforce. More im- Industry Engagement students completing CSM’s Certified Clini-
pathways to skills upgrade training and re- portantly was having the conversations that To date, more than 240 industry and cal Medical Assistant can earn credit for
employment for individuals who became we are here to help this economy reposition community leaders have convened through courses in the academic certificate/degree
unemployed or underemployed as a result itself. That is the work we have been doing.” this initiative to discuss solutions to COVID program – allowing an individual to earn
of the pandemic. “Our road to recovery actually moves impacts on existing and future workforce an entry-level industry credential in a con-
CSM and TCCSMD partnered to launch through CSM and the Tri-County Council needs (in collaboration with TCCSMD). densed period of time, gain employment,
the Getting Southern Maryland Back to at bringing together the businesses and then Getting Southern Maryland Back to and continue an educational pathway (while
Work effort one year ago when the nation’s training the people to help recover us eco- Work delivered customized employer-spe- working in the industry) to earn an academ-
business shutdowns began. nomically,” said Huber as he heard details cific workforce and professional develop- ic certificate/degree that will increase earn-
“This all started with a compelling con- of the many results already provided by the ment training for 26 regional employers, ing potential on the job.
versation between Ruthy and I immediately initiative. supporting 734 incumbent workers gaining Nine individuals were awarded federal
following the shutdowns back in March of To identify issues and leverage prog- skills upgrade training in areas from lead- Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act
2020,” said Flowers-Fields of her and Da- ress, Flowers-Field and Davis held virtual ership development, technology skills, CO- (WIOA) funding to support their education
vis’ partnership. “We talked about the very Town Halls meetings with leaders from VID safety to employee wellness and more. and attainment of an industry recognized
important role that we play in supporting healthcare, retail/hospitality, construction A regional virtual hiring event held in credential in the healthcare industry.   
our regional economy in terms of connect- and IT/professional services industries – September 2020 connected 64 hiring em-   Meeting the needs of the IT/Profes-
ing people with jobs and providing skills all considered essential trades during the ployers with 952 individuals seeking em- sional services community
training.” Recognizing the foreshadowing pandemic and all largely reshaped by CO- ployment and resulted in 52 confirmed The needs of the IT community are be-
impact of prolonged shutdowns, the pair VID-19. A snapshot of results include:  hires. ing met at CSM through offering multiple
moved quickly “to align the federal, state Workforce Preparation Fifty customized recruitments were held different scheduling options; daytime,
and local resources that we each receive so Equity & Access in Instructional Delivery for 44 employers and 127 individuals were week-long accelerated courses and evening,
that we could respond to business needs, During the pandemic, more than 90 per- hired as a result. multi-week exam prep courses for the most
help individuals being laid off and get in cent of CSM instructional learning was Meeting the needs of the construction in-demand certifications. Courses include
front of some of the emerging trends,” she switched to web based, Real Time Technol- industry computer systems support (A+), networking
added, “and from that conversation, the ogy or hybrid learning modalities allowing In response to the regional needs of the (Network+) (CCNA), security (Security+)
Getting Southern Maryland Back to Work existing students to continue their studies construction industry and to assist the K-12 (CEH) (CISSP), cloud security (CCSP), and
Initiative was launched.” and providing new students access. public school CTE programs, CSM entered software development security (CSSLP).
Davis pointed out that she and Flowers- Aligned workforce training efforts with into an agreement with Independent Elec- The needs of the professional services
Fields had long been partners in local work- those of the Workforce Development Board trical Contractors (IEC) last fall, according community are being met through offer-
force development and they knew early on with the goal of meeting the needs of dis- to Flowers-Fields. This agreement focuses ing both contract training and open enroll-
that every business and citizen in Southern advantaged populations in the community. on early entry into formal apprenticeships ment courses in leadership, supervision
Maryland would become a stakeholder in From March – December 2020, 28 indi- through the delivery of an Electrical Pre- and management, soft skills, and project
the effort. viduals were awarded nearly $106,000 in Apprenticeship training program. This management.
“Our local businesses … immediately federal Workforce Innovation & Opportu- 200-hour Pre-Apprenticeship Electrical To help students realize their education
needed help to sustain and continue to oper- nity Act (WIOA) funding to support their Helper Hybrid training program provides and career potential, CSM has developed
ate and grow and thrive in the midst of the education and attainment of an industry classroom, skill lab and online instruction Guided Pathways to also provide its stu-
pandemic shutdowns,” Davis said. “Second recognized credential.  preparing participants to enter full-time dents with academic credit for continuing
[were] our citizens. Now there are citizens In 2020, CSM conferred 1,426 certifi- employment as an electrical helper and en- education courses and recognized industry
who are unemployed or under-employed cates and associate degree graduates, try into formal apprenticeship training to credentials.
as a result of the pandemic. There are citi- CSM delivered workforce and continu- become an electrician. “For example, a student completing the
zens – who data shows us from previous ing education training to 4,298 individuals. In addition, Flowers-Fields said the first workforce course CIT 5020 A+ Exam Prep
economic upheavals – are going to want Of those, 3,458 enrolled in courses leading cohort with Charles County Public Schools and earning the CompTIA certification can
to be career changers at this point. We saw to an industry recognized certification or is scheduled to begin training in early 2021. receive academic credit for the academic
this after 9/11, when some first respond- credential. While many are still enrolled, Ten individuals were awarded federal ITS 1050 Computing Essentials course in
ers wanted to get out of that business and 290 students completed workforce training Workforce Innovation & Opportunity Act the AAS degree program,” Flowers-Fields
people who weren’t first responders said “I certificates by the end of December 2020. (WIOA) funding to support their education explained.
want in [that career].” The highest number of completers were and attainment of an industry recognized In addition, nine individuals were award-
Another compelling issue, according in Electrical Helper and Certified Nurs- credential in the construction industry.  ed federal Workforce Innovation & Oppor-
to Flowers-Fields, is that many resources ing Assistant/Geriatric Nursing Assistant Meeting the needs of the healthcare tunity Act (WIOA) funding to support their
are available to businesses and individuals providing a skilled and readily available community education and attainment of an industry
within the community but very often they workforce. “One of the hardest hit industries dur- recognized credential in the IT/Professional
either are unaware of them, or uncertain as SkillUp© Southern Maryland was ing this pandemic has been our healthcare Services industry.
to whether or not the services are actually procured providing an online training providers, specifically our local/regional For more information about the Getting
available to them. platform to upskill our local workforce and Developmental Disability Administration Southern Maryland Back to Work Initia-
“So being able to communicate to the increase the pool of qualified candidates (DDA) providers,” said Flowers-Fields. tive, or to listen/view the Town Hall meet-
community and through the community to support our existing and potential local “CSM and representatives of local DDA ings, visit online at https://tccsmd.org/
about the availability of the resources, and businesses. Accessible 24/7 from anywhere providers have been meeting to discuss the backtowork/.
to make sure the services we are providing, with internet access, SkillUp® Southern development of a standardized training pro- Press Release from CSM.
The County Times PAX River 21

Thursday, April 1, 2021

Patuxent River
Naval Air Station N e
NAVAIR Names 2020 Sailor of the Year
OS1 Ashley C. Clines, lead petty of- Clines was one of three nominees se- Class Petty Officer Association. away from this incredible achievement.”
ficer assigned to the range department of lected for NAVAIR Sailor of the Year “Across all of NAVAIR, there are al- Clines will go on to compete for the
Air Test and Evaluation Squadron (VX) honors. AWFI Ryan Greer, assigned to most 45,000 civilians … and for many Vice Chief of Naval Operations Shore
30, was named the Naval Air Systems VX-20 as the Command Career Coun- of our civilians, the Sailors that they see Activities Sailor of the Year.
Command (NAVAIR) 2020 Sailor of the selor and representing NAWCAD, and on a day-to-day basis are how they in- “Each of our Sailors here today is
Year during a virtual ceremony March AD1 David Schrum, representing NA- terpret the Navy to be, and when they among the finest in our Navy,” said
29. VAIR Headquarters as a Safety Coordi- see you all, they come away with such Command Master Chief for NAVAIR
Clines, representing Naval Air War- nator, were the other nominees. a positive image of what the Navy can Todd Anselm. “They have not only met
fare Center Weapons Division (NAWC- From October 2019 to September be and what the Navy is all about,” said but exceeded all expectations set forth
WD), received the honor virtually at Na- 2020, Greer led a team of seven com- Vice Adm. G. Dean Peters, presenting for First Class Petty Officers. They de-
val Air Station Point Mugu, California. mand career development members his comments during the virtual event. mand excellence and accuracy from
Prior to her assignment at VX-30, in enhancing the careers of 63 Sailors “It encourages them even more to apply themselves and the teams they lead.
Clines served as an Operations Special- by completing 48 career development their energy and their resources to mak- They set and maintain the highest of
ist aboard USS Lassen (DDG 82) and boards, 38 CY applications 13 career ing Naval Aviation the best that it can standards, executing the right things at
USS John Paul Jones (DDG 53). She transition counseling sessions and 17 be. the right time for the right reasons. They
joined the Navy in 2011. re-enlistments. “If you are the Sailor of the Year in expertly train and mentor their Sailors
“Thank you for my God, Lord and While serving as requirement advi- your organization, that means that you and are visibly loyal to the Navy and the
Savior, my family, the board members sory management group analyst lead are the best of the best; you have gone NAVAIR team. They understand that
that believed in me and gave me this op- for NAVAIR HQ, from October 2019 above and beyond. In our particular or- honor, courage and commitment are
portunity, and my chain of command to March 2021, Schrum’s leadership fa- ganization, that means that you have had more than just words.”
here at VX-30 which is absolutely phe- cilitated three major aircraft software to learn new skills in addition to what “You have distinguished yourselves
nomenal in pushing me, as well as my updates resulting in an 8 percent de- many of those in the Fleet would be not only here today, but before all of
past and present leaders and the men- crease in down aircraft and a projected graded against. your shipmates in your command and
tors that I have had that pushed me to savings of 25,000 manhours per year. “I’m sorry that we can’t do this in per- the Navy,” Anselm said. “We know you
get here, because, honestly, I would not His leadership was also the catalyst to son. It is a privilege for me to be able will continue to serve the Navy and your
be in this position if I did not have all successfully executing his duties as the meet you all at these type of events and country with Honor, Courage, Commit-
of those people to support me,” Clines Navy Urinalysis Program Coordinator to formally recognize you. However, ment and Respect, and we all look for-
said. and serving as the treasurer for the First [doing the event virtually] takes nothing ward to your continued success.”
22 Sports & Entertainment The County Times Thursday, April 1, 2021

St. Mary’s College Presents Seahawks Fall in Final

Original Production Match of Spring
Deals with Healing During COVID The St. Mary's College of Maryland
volleyball team (0-4, 0-0 C2C) traveled
“Checking In,” an original theater healing that works for everyone, the to the Knights of Neumann University
piece on the powers of healing dur- acts of storytelling and of listening (2-2, 0-0 AEC) Friday evening (Mar.
ing a COVID-19 lockdown, opens have power. 25). The Seahawks dropped the match
with a recorded Zoom performance “Checking In” continues profes- to the Knights by a final score of 3-2.
on Thursday, April 15 at 7:30 p.m. sor Steiger’s collaborative work St. Mary's College - 2 Neumann
Presented by the St. Mary’s Col- with students and local community University - 3
lege of Maryland Theater, Film and members on subjects of race, gen- How It Happened
Media Studies, the show performs der, class and social justice, begun • The Seahawks came out hot and
through Sunday, April 18, with a fi- with “Beyond the Sunset” and the and fired out to a 15-10 lead over the
nal matinee performance at 2 p.m. 10-minute play festival of stu- Knights. The two teams split the next 10
“Checking In” evolved from col- dent-written plays, “Humanizing points until the Seahawks found them-
laborative work between students Histories.”  would go the way of the Knights as they
selves up 20-15. From there St. Mary's claimed the win 15-11.
in Assistant Professor of Theater Access to the recorded Zoom per- College won five of the next six points
Amy Steiger’s fall 2020 course on formance is by ticket registration Inside the Box Score
and took the first set 25-16. • Meghan Stevens finished her season
devising community-based theater through Eventbrite at https://www. • The second set was also very com-
and the St. Mary’s local commu- eventbrite.com /e/146999614805. like she started it by once again leading
petitive as the two were tied early on the Seahawks offensively with 14 kills
nity. Based on interviews students Registration is required; perfor- at 6-6. Both teams traded points until
conducted with community mem- mances are free. The first 10 patrons and Chanel Lucas was second with 12.
Neumann was up 19-17 and they would • Nicole Gibson had a huge night as
bers on subjects of race, gender and for each performance who regis- extend that lead into a 25-22 second set
healing, a play took shape that fo- ter for tickets will receive a "care she tallied 33 assists.
win. • Lucas, Erin Krauss and Katelyn
cused on a group of people forced package" to make the Zoom perfor- • Neumann jumped out to a 13-3 lead
into lockdown in a medical waiting mance an interactive experience. Kluh all lead in blocks by contributing
in the third and never looked back, tak- three each.
room. To keep themselves occu- “Checking In” performs at 7:30 ing the set 25-13.
pied, they share stories about their p.m. from April 15-17, with a mati- • Stevens also led the Seahawks in
• Neumann took a 1-0 lead in the digs with 21 and Nicole Gibson was
lives. As they transform the waiting nee performance at 2 p.m. on Sun- fourth and that would be the only time
room into a place for creativity and day, April 18.  right behind her with 16.
the entire set that they would be ahead. Up Next for the Seahawks
community, the group discovers Press Release from St. Mary’s Col- St. Mary's College won the next six
that while there is no single path to lege of Maryland • This concludes the Seahawks 2021
points after going down 1-0 to be up 6-1

Men's Soccer Concludes

Spring season.
and cruised on to a 25-18 fourth set win. Press Release from SMCM
• The fifth and final set of the day

2021 Spring Season Seahawks Edged by

Shorewomen in Season
Finale The St. Mary's College of Mary-
land women's soccer team hosted
the Washington College Shore-
women on Sunday (Mar. 28) af-
ternoon in an exhibition contest.
The Seahawks were edged 1-0 in
their season finale.
St. Mary's College - 0, Wash-
ington College - 1
How It Happened
• The Seahawks were held
The St. Mary's College of Maryland • Both the Seahawks and Sea Gulls scoreless throughout the contest
men's soccer team hosted the Salisbury picked up the pace in the final half of and struggled to find legitimate
University Sea Gulls on Friday (Mar. play as both squads fired off seven shots Washington College earned one
scoring chances in the first half. corner kick each.
26) in Coast-To-Coast Athletic Confer- apiece. St. Mary's College finished the St. Mary's College fired off four
ence action. The Seahawks played to a frame with four corner kicks compared Inside the Box Score
shots and earned one corner kick, • Tazza recorded a team-high
0-0 draw to conclude their 2021 spring to the Sea Gulls one. In all, the Se- but couldn't convert for a score.
season. ahawks placed four shots on goal com- three shots, while Baker added
The Shorewomen tallied 10 shots two. The Seahawks did not have
St. Mary's College - 0, Salisbury pared to Salisbury's three in the game. in the first frame of play and
University - 0 Inside the Box Score a player from their team in goal.
scored on one of them in the 32nd Washington College goalkeepers
How It Happened • Isaac Ekobo led the Seahawks with minute.
• The first half of action was scoreless four shots. Roshawn Panton added three split time in goal for St. Mary's
• The second half of action was College.
and both squads struggled to find legiti- on the night. Liam Delone-Bellsey and competitive and had both the Se-
mate scoring chances. Salisbury held the Matthew Kopsidas split time in goal this • The Shorewomen received
ahawks and Shoremen tally five their game-winning goal from El-
slight advantage in shots (4-3) and both evening. Kopsidas collected three saves. shots each. Megan Tazza, Lauren
teams earned one corner kick each. The Up Next for the Seahawks len Daly.
Baker, Haley Bullis, and Madi- Up Next for the Seahawks
first half of play was also chippy as three • This concludes the 2021 spring sea- son Webb recorded shots for the
yellow cards were handed out. Two were son for the St. Mary's College of Mary- • This concludes the 2021 spring
Seahawks in the second half but season for the Seahawks.
charged to the Seahawks, while one was land men's soccer team. couldn't manage to find the back
handed to the Sea Gulls. Press Release from SMCM. of the net. St. Mary's College and
Thursday, April 1, 2021 The County Times Contributing Writers 23

Love Letter
Everything is blooming and propa-
gating, pollen is flying, and suddenly
Eastertide is upon us. Luckily, my
younger son Ryan and his two little
By Ronald N. Guy Jr. has introduced your flaws. Perfect boys, two of our cute little grandsons,
Contributing Writer you are not, even if my early draw- spent most of the day last Saturday
To my always: ings were. The air of purity you’ve with us, and I had a master plan in
A blank piece of poster board always maintained – it’s about the mind. Ryan knows there is always
foretold your annual arrival. One al- kids! - has eroded to such a point of something his mother will need help
ways seemed to show up just before pure fiction now. Of course, given with, and this time it was for him to
the break of spring. Whether it was recent events, alternate realities are take the other half of my album collec-
requested or mom just knew that it apparently in vogue. both fairy/gnome areas, even going as
tion from the 60s and 70s (my oldest
was time, my memory can’t defini- Amateur athletes are the core of far as to replace all the old moss on the
son already has the first half in safe-
tively say. Rolled out on the table, your beauty. And yet, those respon- bottom of the firepit fairy home in the
keeping) which was in a crate under
carefully pinned down in each sible for your fabulous show are the paths with fresh new neon green moss
the steps home with him. Naturally,
corner and surrounded by all the only stakeholders failing to benefit before replacing all the items.
and conveniently, that also meant
necessary equipment - a yardstick, from the swollen revenue stream I really think the highlight of their
that Ryan would have to take all the
ruler, pencil and pen – it didn’t look created by your broad appeal. How day was going for a ride with Grand-
Rubbermaid boxes containing all my
like much more than lame school long will this charade continue? pop in our ’65 Mustang, especially
Easter paraphernalia that I needed out
project. But with your inspiration, There is talk of compensation. since Saturday was a beautiful, though
to get to the albums. Was this wrong
I knew, like a blooming spring, a Even reparations. And what of the a bit windy, day. I know I always look
of me? I don’t think so, I believe this
magical and essential transforma- disgraceful inequity between the forward to spring through fall when
is a mother’s hard-won, hard-earned
tion was in the offing. men’s and women’s games, a gap we can cruise around or head over
moral right.
To properly capture your beau- willfully perpetuated by your gov- to local wineries in the Mustang. We
It was all well and good getting that
ty, the poster board was divided erning body? even did an impromptu cookout of
dusty gray crate of albums out from
into four identical quadrants. Each We missed our date last March, some freezer burned hot dogs and over
under the steps and somehow not hav-
quadrant contained five columns another sacred tradition claimed frozen buns on the grill which was not
ing to take out all the Christmas and
consisting of 16, eight, four, two by COVID. The time apart should as satisfying. All buns left in the freez-
Halloween boxes, but the real work is
and one line, respectively. After have made your presence all the er were thrown out after that. But these
that we had to clean each album cover
reaching the last single line, the more special this spring, but alas, are things I hope they will remember;
after 20 years of dust and mold from
quadrant had to connect with the your brackets arrived with a dash crazy, fun days with Grandma and
being there. I used one of those pack-
one above or below to form one last of guilt. This year was always Grandpop. Sometimes a little smid-
ages of disinfecting hand wipes and
line. The quadrants had to be sym- certain to happen – or at least at- geon of worry creeps up on me when
got to work at the basement worktable.
metrical, the column lines had to tempted. The machine – athletic I think that I was the same age as 8
Ryan placed a small stack of albums
be of equal length and the final line department coffers, big money year old Liam when I lost my beloved
next to me and I would wipe them
drawn from the two merged quad- coaches and hungry television net- Grandma (Ma), and exactly Carson’s
down inside and outside, hand it to
rants on the left and right of the works – demanded it. And so, the age of 6 when I lost my grandfather
Ryan who would dry them and so on.
poster board had to meet precisely amateur athletes played. Some got (Pa). I keep telling myself that I have a
What may have taken us a little lon-
in the middle. There was no room sick. Many games were cancelled. lot of years left and that being 59 or 60
ger was me looking at my treasured
for close or good enough. This ex- But an irregular regular season was in the 1960s seemed to be much older
albums and telling Ryan about which
ercise demanded my best – because completed and a chosen few squads than how people live life today.
songs were my favorites, stories about
you, my love, deserved it. were sent to various gyms in Indi- This was such a treasured Saturday;
the bands, and remembrances of con-
Once the structure was complete, ana to play this thing out and de- I look forward to many more with our
certs for nearly all of the bands. It was
names were carefully written on clare a champion – for good or ill, kids and grandkids. And just when I
a treasured time for me, and the great-
each line in the first column of four as Hunter S. Thompson would have sat back that evening thinking what
est treasure was now sharing those
quadrants and the masterpiece was surmised. a fine day it had been, I started to re-
stories with my son who loves music,
displayed proudly…regally even… Business. Dirty. Business. ceive video texts from Ryan who was
and the music from my time, as much
on the wall next to cherished pho- But enough of that, dear. Perfect at home listening to some of my fa-
as I do. It makes me so happy that both
tos and our family’s coat of arms is a fool’s illusion; basketball sim- vorite albums on a turntable he picked
my sons appreciate my, and my broth-
- you mingled with this important ply imitates life. Your warts will up some time ago. Tears came as I
ers’ old albums, and will listen to and
company flawlessly. Over the next work themselves out. It all pales in listened to the excerpts he played from
care for them. We also found that the
several weeks we faithfully tracked comparison to our electric moments Jimi Hendrix’s Axis Bold as Love
dusty gray crate was actually a light
your progress until all lines were – those childhood bracket builds, album; one with beautiful soft ballads
blue crate once Ryan hosed it off.
filled and a champion was crowned. trips to D.C. and Charlotte for re- and poetry, and then a few from Dan
My little grandsons, Liam and Car-
This was my original version of gional games and so many gather- Fogelberg and Deep Purple. My heart
son most likely enjoyed Grandma’s
“bracketology.” ings with you, a few friends and was full. Now, I look forward to anoth-
plan for them which was to spruce up
Many years have passed now. We lots of frothy beverages. Now I am er outside Easter day of Easter baskets,
the two fairy gardens for spring with
have both aged, you more graceful- even completing virtual brackets egg hunts, and getting as close to our
a little weeding so they could add all
ly than me, and my youthful poster with my kids (alas, no poster board family as possible and wonder if my
the little fairy garden items I had built
board projects have transitioned to requests). It has been an amazing heart will just burst in happiness that
up through the winter. The fairies have
printouts and now, like so much in journey, my dear friend. day. I wish for you an Easter/Passover
now asked for me to be on an episode
life, to the virtual realm. Ah, but I love you, March Madness. that is bursting in joy and happiness
of Hoarders because they have so
my love for you is neither defined P.S.: Don’t leave me hanging as well.
much furniture and other items crowd-
nor bound by form. Still, our rela- again. While we all learned to live To each new day’s adventure,
ing them. Good thing they can fly. The
tionship has evolved. No more am without last year, let’s not make it Shelby
little gnome people aren’t so lucky, I
I fueled by blind passion. Age has a habit. Please send you comments or ideas
wonder if they are like Leprechauns
increased my realism and cynicism, Send comments to Ronald- to: shelbys.wanderings@yahoo.com or
and can disappear when they want to.
and our consistent acquaintance GuyJr@gmail.com find me on Facebook
Liam and Carson did a great job on
24 Calendar The County Times Thursday, April 1, 2021

St. Mary's Calendar To submit your event listing to go in our Community Calendar, please email timescalendar@countytimes.net with the listing details by 12 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication.

Thursday, April 1 Sunday April 4 museums to you while we all keep our
social distance. Join us every week for
weekly sessions, followed by monthly
sessions for ongoing support from a
Tobacco Cessation Program Easter Sunrise Service short videos featuring everything from lifestyle coach. Register at www.smchd.
The Tobacco Cessation Program is Lighthouse at Calvert Marine Mu- the quirky to the fascinating - tune in! org/dpp.
free and that takes place over the course seum; 6:30 a.m. We have several episodes in the playlist!
of 8 weeks (weekly 1 hour sessions). Conducted by Shepherd of the Bay Facebook.com/SCIMuseum Ongoing
Participants learn behavioral modifica- Lutheran Church in Lusby. Masks Scratch-Off Fundraiser Raffle
tions, stress management, and other and social distancing required. All are DAV Assistance Program
PRIZE; $250 Scratch-Offs & $100
techniques to help them quit using to- welcome. St. Mary’s Square ReStore; 8:30 a.m.
Cash; $5.00 Per Ticket – (MUST BE
bacco products. Next Series: Thursdays, - 1:30 p.m.
February 4, 2021 – April 15, 2021 from Tuesday, April 6 Veterans - do you have a service-
chase in Person: *At SDVFD & RS, Val-
1:00 – 2:00 p.m. connected disability? Did you receive an
Grief Support Group ley Lee - Wednesday (630pm - 830pm);
Learn more or register at: www. injury while on active duty and are now
Calvary Chapel; 7 p.m. *At Dyson's Lumber, Great Mills
smchd.org/tobacco filing for disability through the Veterans
Help and encouragement after the - Saturdays (8am-2pm); or *At WEIS,
Administration (VA)? The Disabled
death of a spouse, child, family mem- Callaway – Sundays (9am-1pm); For
Diabetes Prevention Program American Veterans organization is here
ber, or friend. The support group meets more information contact: Robin Dove
The Diabetes Prevention Program to assist you with those VA forms at no
weekly. You are welcome to begin at- (240)577-0270, Drawing: Tuesday, May
helps participants establish and stick cost to you. These men and women (who
tending at any point. You’ll find it to be 18, 2021@ SDVFDRS Auxiliary Meet-
with positive lifestyle changes, such as are disabled veterans) are volunteers
a warm, caring environment and will ing; Winner need not be present to win!
healthy eating habits, physical activity who ensure you are placing the proper
come to see your group as an “oasis” on information in the proper blocks and
and positive stress management, which COVID-19 Appointment-Free
your long journey through grief. For advise you on common mistakes that are
can prevent or delay the onset of Type 2 Testing
more information call the church office made on these VA forms. Their spaces
diabetes. This free program includes 16 Lexington Park Office:
and leave a message at 301-645-0660 or are toward the rear of the building on the
weekly sessions, followed by monthly Tuesday and Thursday from 8:00 a.m.
email us at admin@ccsomd.com. left side. Stop by
sessions for ongoing support from a – 7:00 p.m.
lifestyle coach. Register at www.smchd. and see if we can be of assistance to
Science for Citizens Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from
org/dpp. you. No appointment necessary.
Virtual; 7 p.m. 8:00 a.m. – 12:00 p.m.
Friday, April 2 Presented by Dr. Victor Kennedy.
In 1940, H.L. Mencken referred to
Thursday, April 8 46035 Signature Lane, Lexington
Park (co-located with U-Haul Moving &
Beth Israel Synagogue Shabbat Ser- the Chesapeake Bay as "the immense Tobacco Cessation Program Storage)
vices Online protein factory." In the late 1800s, its The Tobacco Cessation Program is For assistance or accommodations,
7 p.m. - 8 p.m. oyster and shad fisheries led the world free and that takes place over the course call ahead to (301) 862-1680
Shabbat evening services are being in harvests and economic value. Wa- of 8 weeks (weekly 1 hour sessions). Leonardtown Office:
held online due to COVID19. Beth Israel terfowl rafts covered miles of its winter Participants learn behavioral modifica- Monday – Friday from 8:00 a.m. –
Synagogue will hold online services surface. Sturgeon and terrapins were tions, stress management, and other 12:00 p.m.
EVERY FRIDAY at 7 PM. Check our everywhere. Dr. Vic Kennedy, author techniques to help them quit using to- 21580 Peabody Street, Leonardtown
website calendar (bethisraelmd.weebly. of Shifting Baselines in the Chesapeake bacco products. Next Series: Thursdays, For assistance or accommodations,
com/calendar.html) for event details. Bay, will use eyewitness reports by February 4, 2021 – April 15, 2021 from call ahead to (301) 475-4330
early colonists, newspaper articles, and 1:00 – 2:00 p.m. SMCHD COVID-19 Testing:
Saturday, April 3 management reports from the 1800s to Learn more or register at: www. Walk up for testing, parking is
describe a cornucopia that we can now smchd.org/tobacco available
Stuffed Ham Easter Sale Appointment-free
only imagine.
Hollywood VFD; 10 a.m. - noon Diabetes Prevention Program No doctor’s order needed
Stuffed Ham Sale: $13.00 per pound.
Pre-orders only. Pick up from 10-noon Wednesday, April 7 The Diabetes Prevention Program Free of Charge (no out-of-pocket cost,
helps participants establish and stick co-payment, co-insurance, etc.)
in the Social Hall. ONLY 150 pounds Wayback Wednesdays with positive lifestyle changes, such as Bring health insurance information
will be available for sale. Once this We hope you're loving our weekly healthy eating habits, physical activity and identification, if possible – Un-
is gone NO additional orders will be video series showing some of the stories and positive stress management, which insured community members are
accepted. that make St. Mary’s County’s history so can prevent or delay the onset of Type 2 welcome.
unique and interesting. We thought this diabetes. This free program includes 16
would be a fun way to bring our closed

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mind, & make new friends in the forums,
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Calvert, and St. Mary’s Counties www.somd.com
Thursday, April 1, 2021 The County Times Calendar 25

St. Mary’s Department of Aging & Human Services

Programs and Activities Loffler Senior Activity Center 301-475-4200, ext. 71658
Garvey Senior Activity Center, 301-475-4200, ext. 71050
Northern Senior Activity Center, 301-475-4002, ext. 73101
Visit www.stmarysmd.com/aging for the most up-to date information
Brought to you by the Commissioners of St. Mary’s County: James R. Guy, President; Michael L. Hewitt; Eric Colvin; Todd B. Morgan; John E. O’Connor; and the Department of Aging & Human

Videos from Aging & Human as marigold or zinnia) and your 911 Memorial Tour
Services Current Events Session on Zoom herbs. Size can be anywhere from Join us April 28, 2021 at Noon
The Department of Aging & Hu- Do you want to discuss today’s 4-25 square feet. Can be annuals, for a virtual tour of the 911 Memo-
man Services is proud to announce topics with others? There’s a lot perennials or mixed. Can use pots rial. This 45 minute live virtual
our brand new Virtual Senior Ac- going on! This was a popular meet- (10” deep) if you don’t have a yard tour via Zoom will explore the de-
tivity Center and YouTube page! ing at the Loffler Senior Activity to put a garden in. E-mail Shellie at sign and history of the outdoor Me-
Go to https://www.stmarysmd. Center before COVID happened. Sheila.Graziano@stmarysmd.com morial, highlighting the stories of
com/aging/virtual-senior-center/ or Now that people are getting ac- to let her know you are participat- those affected by the attack. Fund-
www.youtube.com, keyword SMC customed to using Zoom, we think ing or to learn more about the pro- ing for this event is being provided
Aging & Human Services, to see this is a good time to start meeting gram. Reveal Day will be April 14 by the MD Department of Aging
what we have for you! There are again. We will hold these discus- from 1-3 p.m. at the Loffler Senior Senior Center Operating Funds
more videos coming soon! sions on the 2nd and 4th Mondays Activity Center (or you can send a Grant and will be offered free of
of the month at 10 a.m. The first picture of you and your project to charge for up to 100 participants.
Scattergories- it’s back with a one is scheduled for April 12. You Shellie). Pre-registration is required by e-
new day and time! do NOT need to have a Zoom ac- mailing Shellie Graziano at Sheila.
Fridays March 26; April 9, 23, 1 count to attend, you only need Virtual Performance with Rear- Graziano@stmarysmd.com .
p.m. via Zoom to have access to the internet via view Mirror
Candice and Shellie will again computer, laptop or phone and Join us on Zoom April 21, 2021 Community Shred Day & Medi-
be hosting Scattergories two times an e-mail account so that we can from 1-2 p.m. for a free virtual cation Collection
a month on 2nd and 4th Fridays send you the link, which you will performance with Rearview Mir- The Department of Aging &
at 1 p.m.! This game requires receive in a reminder notice before ror. This oldies cover duo has pro- Human Services is proud to part-
paper, pencil and computer or the meeting. Contact Sheila.Gra- vided entertainment for many of ner with the St. Mary’s County
smart phone to connect with us ziano@stmarysmd.com to sign up the luncheons at our senior activity Sheriff’s Office, the St. Mary’s
on ZOOM. The rules are easy, but for the first session. centers over the years. Their lineup County Health Department, and
the categories can be challenging. includes a blend of rock and roll, the Department of Public Works &
If you like thinking up things that Independent Project Clubs R&B, pop, country and more, cov- Transportation to host a Commu-
start with a specific letter while ASSIGNMENTS FOR APRIL 14 ering many of your favorite artists. nity Shred Day & Medication Col-
competing against a timer and oth- Sewing Club: Make cloth napkins This event will be provided free of lection on Saturday, May 15, from
er players, then this is for you! To Set of 12- Bonus Table Runner. charge thanks to the MD Depart- 9 a.m.-1 p.m., at the governmental
get in on the game, e-mail Candice. Suggestion: Make it early using ment of Aging Senior Center Oper- center in Leonardtown! For more
Nelson@stmarysmd.com. She will spring colors and use it for your ating Funds Grant. Pre-registration information, contact Sarah Miller
e-mail you the link on the morning Easter table is required by e-mailing Shellie at sarah.miller@stmarysmd.com or
of play. Players will be admitted Garden Club: Draw design of Graziano at Sheila.Graziano@st- 301-475-4200, ext. 1073.
starting at 12:50 p.m. so that the small flower & herb garden plan. marysmd.com .
game can begin on time. Include two seeding flowers (such

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26 Obituaries The County Times Thursday, April 1, 2021

Major Gerry I. Greenwell hona, Presley and Maison); nieces and ing a surgery and spent much of her time doing her
nephews, Denny, Dawn, Ryan, Kaitlyn compounded by ‘yard work’ in the sun, and keeping the
Retired Army and Martha; many friends, especially many years of birds fed. She loved to watch football
Major Gerry Ig- long time friend Wolf Brother Ray Cam- battling demen- while drinking a cold beer and was an
natius Greenwell, eron; and special pets, Snowflake and tia. She was born avid Baltimore Ravens fan. She loved
72, departed this Gonja. October 09, 1934 her doll collection and shared that love
world on March Funeral services for Gerry will be in Washington, with her granddaughters. She had an
27, 2021, to be conducted at 7:00 PM Thursday, April 1, DC. She was pre- exceptionally great love for all animals.
with His Lord 2021 in the East Chapel of Appalachian ceded in death by Her favorite wild animal being the el-
and Savior, Jesus Funeral Home, 800 E. Watauga Avenue, her mother Hazel ephant and she supported wilderness
Christ. He was Johnson City with Pastors Jim Furches, Eunice Gaylor, her father William Eu- preservation and the reduction of hu-
born on August 30, 1948, in Leonard- David Dugger and David Vanhoy offici- gene Mulloy Sr., her siblings Nancy Lee man impact on the environment. She
town, Maryland. He spent the first 21 ating. The family will receive friends at (Mulloy) Borland and William Eugene cared for many dogs, cats, birds, rab-
years of his life in Southern Maryland the funeral home from 5:00 PM until the Mulloy Jr. bits, gerbils, turtles, and fish over the
where he learned to work hard and play service hour. Graveside service will be She is survived by her two daughters years. She also cared for the many feral
hard under the guise of good strong held at 11:00 AM Friday, April 2, 2021 Nancy Lynn (White) Szewczyk (Jay) cats that would take up residence under
parents. On the day before he turned in the Sugar Grove Cemetery, 925 Sugar of Great Mills, MD, and Sharon Leigh her shed. The last animal she cared for
21, he received his draft notice into the Grove Road, Butler, TN 37640. Pallbear- (White) Hancock (Dale) of Dunkirk, was her beloved cat Baby. Baby kept
Army. What a birthday present! But it ers will be selected from the family and MD, her three grand-daughters Jamie her company, provided love, happiness,
turned out to be the best thing that ever friends. For those attending this service Leigh Szewczyk (Jame girl) of Hurri- and security in the last years of her life
happened to him. During his 21 years you are asked to meet at the cemetery by cane, WV, Alexandra Lynn Szewczyk while she lived with knowing she was
of military service, he had many good 10:50 AM. In lieu of flowers the family (Allie) of Baltimore, MD, and Christina losing her memories to dementia. She
stateside tours of duty, two overseas suggests that contributions be made in Marie Szewczyk (Tina baby) of Great loved her friends and still maintained
tours in Korea, and spent a short while Gerry’s name to the Disabled American Mills, MD, several nieces, nephews, relationships with some that went as far
in Germany. He retired in 1993 at the Veterans, Washington County Chapter and great nieces and nephews. She is back as high school. More than anything
rank of Major. Gerry was a member of 9, 407 E. Market Street, Johnson City, also survived by her half-brother James else in her life, she loved her family.
New Vision Church of God, Johnson TN 37601. (Tony) P. Hutchison Jr. of Leonardtown, Despite the dementia, she remembered
City, Tennessee. Condolences may be made online at MD. and asked about each family member or
He was preceded in death by his par- www.wadugger.com. Arrangements by She graduated from Anacostia High friend by name, recognized their voice
ents, Nace and Laura Greenwell, grand- Woodall-Anderson and Dugger Funeral School in 1953 and later settled on on the phone, or their face; whether in a
parents, many aunts and uncles, two Home, 108 W. Watauga Avenue, John- Brown Station Road in Upper Marlboro, picture that was sent in a Christmas card
stepsons, Richard and Regan Garland; son City. 423-928-2245 Maryland in 1960 where she raised her or when they came to visit her. Her love
several friends, and a special Pastor, the two daughters born in 1961 and 1966 for the people in her life never allowed
Reverend Russell Ward. Shirley Ann Mulloy keeping them involved in many activi- for her debilitating disease to take her
Those left to cherish his memory are ties such as majorettes, dance, piano, memory of them away from her – she
the love of his life, his wife Margo; his Shirley Ann Mulloy, 86, of Upper horseback riding, and 4-H. She lived refused to lose that battle.
daughter Margo Ann; a son Gerry Jr.; Marlboro, Maryland passed away on there until 2017 when she moved to A graveside committal service will be
four siblings (Janet, Danny, Sharon, and Friday March 26, 2021 in Leonardtown, Leonardtown, Maryland to be closer to held on Thursday April 01, 2021 at 11:00
Lisa); four grandchildren (Solomon, Al- Maryland from complications follow- family. at National Memorial Park, 7482 Lee
After graduation she took a job as a Hwy., Falls Church, VA 22042.

legal secretary for the United States Contributions may be made to the Al-
Tax Court Division of the Department zheimer’s Association at www.alz.org
of Justice. During her tenure with the or 225 N. Michigan Ave., Fl. 17, Chi-
Tax Division of the Department of Jus- cago, IL 60601, her daughter Sharon’s
tice she received numerous awards to horse rescue Lilly Pond Foal Rescue at
include two Meritorious Awards, and 3655 Ferry Landing Rd, Dunkirk, MD
an Outstanding Secretary of the Tax 20754, or the St. Mary’s Animal Wel-
Our Family 
Life Celebration Homes &

Division in 1981 for the superior perfor- fare League (SMAWL) at www.smawl.
Serving Yours
mance of her duties. Her tenure with the org or P.O. Box 1232, Leonardtown, MD
Department of Justice was composed of 20650.
Traditional Funerals, Cremation Services, two parts as she briefly chose to remain Condolences may be made to the fam-
Memorial Packages & Pre-need Services Provided at home with her children when her sec- ily at www.mgfh.com.
ond daughter was born spending some Arrangements provided by the Mat-
of this time volunteering for her church. tingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A. &
Once both girls were attending school, Crematory Leonardtown, MD.
she worked as a Special Education Aide
for grades K-12. After her youngest Adoracion A. Cayanan
daughter completed elementary school,
Adoracion A.
Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A.

22955 Hollywood Road she returned to federal service until

she retired from the United States Tax Cayanan, “Do-
Leonardtown, MD 20650 Court Department of Justice with 32 rie”, 74, of Lex-
301-475-5588 years of service on October 3, 1992. She ington Park,
thoroughly enjoyed her time with the MD, formerly
Department of Justice and made many from the Phil-
lifelong friends over the years. ippines passed
Upon retirement from federal service, away on March,
she attended Washington Bible College 27th, 2021 at her
and graduated with an Adult Educa- residence. Dorie was born on November
22nd, 1946 to the late Severo Acosta,
Brinsfield Funeral Home, P.A.

30195 Three Notch Road tion Program certificate in 1997, while

simultaneously working at a child day and Francisca Z. Acosta in Batangas
Charlotte Hall, MD 20622 care facility. The last job she held before City, Philippines.
301-472-4400 fully retiring was with Pat’s Hallmark Dorie is survived by her husband
in Bowie, Maryland. She very much Florencio Cayanan whom she married
enjoyed working at Hallmark and be- on August 24th 1972, in La Plata, MD.
came an avid beanie baby and Hallmark She is survived by her daughter Jane A.
Christmas ornament collector. Fam- Cayanan, of Baltimore, MD. Along with
ily and friends always knew they could her siblings, Antonio Acosta of Great
Family owned and operated for two generations

count on a Hallmark gift from her for all Mills, MD, Teresita Acosta of Great
of life’s special occasions. Mills, MD, and Zenaida A. Delmore of
www.brinsfieldfuneral.com She loved to be outside with nature Great Mills, MD.
She graduated from Batangas High
Thursday, April 1, 2021 The County Times Obituaries 27
School in 1962 where she then enrolled baseball teams. He played as a youth, March 9, 1952 and Michael Gill(Carol) of Wakefield,
to Golden Gate College in the Philip- as an adult, and later in life as a man- in Leonardtown, MA.
pines. Dorie graduated from the Golden ager. He was particularly proud to have MD she was the He graduated from Don Bosco Tech-
Gate College in 1964 and earned her managed the St. Mary’s County Men’s daughter to the nical High School in Boston, MA in
Bachelor’s Degree in Education. In 1969, Senior Olympics Team. His dedication late Rose Grabis 1966. Jim graduated from Northereast-
she moved to the United States from the to the sport and continued involvement and James Clyde ern University in 1971 with a Bachelor
Philippines where she became a school with the baseball/softball teams in the Raley. Gloria was of Science in Electrical Engineering.
teacher for the St. Mary’s County Public County led to his induction as a member the loving wife of He moved from Boston, MA to St.
Schools. Retiring in June, 2011 after 42 of the St. Mary’s County Softball Hall the late Clements Mary’s County, MD in 1971.
years. of Fame. And, how about those Orioles! “Dagger” William Copsey, Jr. whom Jim worked as a civilian employee
The family will receive friends Thurs- They were his favorite (and not so favor- she married on March 21, 1969 at Im- of the navy from 1971 to 2009, for 38
day April 8th, 2021 from 9:00 AM – ite, depending on the day) team, and he maculate Conception Church in Me- years. Most recently he worked part
10:00 AM at Immaculate Heart of Mary could give you a play by play descrip- chanicsville, MD. Dagger preceded her time as a contractor for PAE Systems
Catholic Church in Lexington Park, MD tion of every game. in death on June 25, 2002. Gloria is sur- as a contractor from 2009 to February
where a Mass of Christian Burial will Hunting was another past time. He vived by her children Crystal Copsey of 2021 for 12 years.
be held at 10:00AM with father Daniel was a terrific shot, bagging many a bird, Mechanicsville, MD and Clements Wil- Jim enjoyed gardening, traveling,
Gallaugher officiating. Interment will rabbit, or squirrel for dinner. But, as the liam Copsey III of Mechanicsville, MD, reading, drinking fine wine and eating
be private. Serving as pallbearers will years went on and the quail faded, he 4 grandchildren, and 3 great grandchil- too many potato chips.
be Edwin Delmoro, Benjamin Cayanan, found his true passion. CARDS! Any dren. She is also survived by her sib- Contributions may be made to Father
Antonio Acosta, Edwinson Delmoro, game, any time. He loved playing rum- lings John Raley (Hilda) of Weirton, Edward J. Flanagan Boystown 1410
Ricardo Cayanan, and Jason Roof. my, pitch, poker, even solitaire. He was WV, Sylvia Scumaci of Florida, and Crawford St boys Town, NE 68010 and
Condolences may be made to the fam- a member of the Mechanicsville Moose Rick Raley (Bertha) of Chaptico, MD. Society of St. Vincent de Paul 66 prog-
ily at www.mgfh.com. Lodge and enjoyed participating in the Gloria was a lifelong resident of St. ress Parkway Maryland Heights, MO
Arrangements provided by the Mat- weekly pitch games. He played cards Mary’s County, she graduated from 63043.
tingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A. & with family and friends, hosted his own Chopticon High School. Gloria and Condolences to the family can be
Crematory Leonardtown, MD. semi-annual pitch tournaments, played Dagger owned and operated Copsey’s made at www.mgfh.com.
poker in Las Vegas, Atlantic City and Seafood in Mechanicsville, MD for 35 Arrangements provided by the Mat-
James Thomas Tennyson Dover Downs, and is probably playing years. She was employed by Dr. Luke tingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A. &
cards in Heaven right now. Morgan, DDS Associates as a recep- Crematory Leonardtown, MD.
James Thom- Jim Tom was a humble man. He tionist, retiring in 2019.
as Tennyson, served on the Democratic Central Com- She was a wonderful cook. Everyone Delores Ann MacRae Greer
“JimTom”,94, of mittee, in his early days, and continued enjoyed her famous crab cakes, shrimp
Mechanicsville, to believe that taking the time to listen salad, and stuffed ham. Delores Ann
MD, passed away and having a kind word for everyone, Gloria played softball for the Sun- MacRae Greer
peacefully at his was an important part of the moral char- shine Girls, Anderson’s Bar, Millers, went on to
home, surround- acter of St. Mary’s County. He dreamed and Pennies. She received the St. Mary’s the Kingdom
ed by his loving big things, built beautiful homes, and County Women’s Softball League Hall of Heaven on
wife and fam- brought joy to so many people. Leon- of Fame award on October 30, 1999. She 3/18/2021. She
ily, on March 23, ardo da Vinci once said “As a well spent enjoyed playing volleyball, watching was born on
2021. day brings happy sleep, so life well used softball games, and playing the lottery. Sept 18, 1936 in
Jim Tom lived his entire life in St. brings happy death”. Jim Tom spent Gloria made friends where ever she Crossnore, NC to
Mary’s County. He was born on Janu- each and every day on earth to the full- went and always looked out for every- the late Athena Aldridge MacRae Dur-
ary 5, 1927, to the late Ira Francis and est. He slept well, and will continue to one. She loved spending time with fam- ham and Dennis Murdock MacRae. She
Mary Alberta Guy Tennyson of Cle- slumber peacefully and happily in the ily and grandchildren. married her high school sweetheart Jack
ments, MD. afterlife. Gloria was a daughter, sister, wife, E. Greer on Aug. 16, 1952 and together
Jim Tom is survived by his wife, The family will receive relatives and mother, aunt, and grandmother. She they had 4 children. Jack passed in 2018
Marion Cecil Tennyson, whom he mar- friends on Monday, April 5, 2021, from will be dearly missed and always prior to their 65th wedding anniversary!
ried on August 22, 1953, at Holy Face 9:00 to 10:00 AM in the Mattingley- remembered. Shortly after Jack graduated from
Church in Great Mills, MD, and his sev- Gardiner Funeral Home, Leonardtown, Condolences to the family can be Army Specialized Training in Fort Ben-
en children, Joe Mike Tennyson (Kim MD. A Mass of Christian Burial will be made at www.mgfh.com. ning, GA, they moved with their two
Newton), Carolyn Berger (Tom), Rosella held at 10:30 AM in St. Joseph’s Catho- Arrangements provided by the Mat- young daughters (Debbie & Marsha) to
Nicolet (Buddy), Barbara Lacey (Bill), lic Church in Morganza, MD. Interment tingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A. & Japan where they lived for 2 years. From
Kelly Goldsborough (Chris), Francis will follow at Queen of Peace Catholic Crematory Leonardtown, MD. there, they moved to Honolulu, HI for
Tennyson (Lisa), and Patrick Tenny- Cemetery. 5 years and had their son (Mike). After
son (Ellie). He had 18 grandchildren, Serving as Pallbearers will be his James “Jim” Edward Gill, Jr accepting a position at Lockheed Mar-
14 great grandchildren and numerous grandsons; Jason Beavers, JD Ten- tin in Operations/Security in Marietta,
nieces and nephews. He was preceded nyson, Ryan Goldsborough, Daniel James “Jim” GA they had their 4th child (Kim). They
in death by his granddaughter, Lee Lee Berger, Christopher Tennyson, Joseph Edward Gill, decided to relocate to St. Mary’s County
Massey. He always bragged that he had Tennyson and Kyle Nicolet. Honorary Jr.,72of Califor- Maryland where Jack owned Mark IV
the best family in St. Mary’s County. Pallbearers will be Alvin Tippett, Mike nia, MD formerly Associates Real Estate and Appraising
Jim Tom grew up on a farm. He Burroughs, Jennings Anderson, Bo from Boston, MA and made this their home for 49 years.
learned early in life that hard work and Tennyson, Joe Johnson, Zack Wood, Dr. passed away on Delores obtained a certification in
dedication yielded many benefits. He John Roach, Tony Adams, Jackie Alvey, March 19, 2021 Respiratory Therapy and she held a po-
grew tobacco, as many of the locals did and all his fellow card players. in Clinton, MD. sition at Kennestone Hospital, Marietta
“back in the day”. But, with a grow- In lieu of flowers, donations may be He was born on Ga for several years. When they relo-
ing family the need arose to broaden made to; St. Joseph Catholic Church, September 17, cated to MD she worked at the family-
his work resume. He was handy with Morganza, MD, Mechanicsville Rescue 1948 in Boston, MA and was the son of owned business Patuxent Motors, and
a hammer and a saw, so carpentry was Squad, Mechanicsville, MD, or Hospice the late Mary Corrine “Dolly Drennan then became Jacks personal assistant for
a logical choice. He worked for many of St. Mary’s County, Callaway, MD. Gill and James Edward Gill, Sr. Jim was many years. She began working at BAE
years in the building industry in Charles Condolences may be made to the fam- the loving husband of Hilary June Gill, Systems and retired from there after 26
and St. Mary’s Counties, eventually ily at www.mgfh.com. whom he married on June 2, 2012 in years when she was 73 years young! She
starting his own company building cus- Arrangements provided by the Mat- Trinity Church St Mary’s City, MD. Jim and Jack delivered meals-on-wheels ev-
tom homes. Farming was still an impor- tingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A. & is survived by his children Jocelyn Gill ery week throughout the county for 13
tant part of his life, and until the day he Crematory Leonardtown, MD. Fitzgibbons of North Andover, MA, years and became friends with many
passed away, he was making plans for James M. Gill of North Andover, MA, local families often buying Christmas
the spring garden. Gloria “Glo” Rose Copsey Step children Stephanie Allers of Cali- gifts or ‘just a little something extra.’
Jim Tom loved sports, as a player and fornia, MD, Travis Allers of Lexington Delores could always be found in the
a fan. But his favorite sport was base- Gloria “Glo” Rose Copsey, 69, of Park, MD, 2 grandchildren and 1 step kitchen and was known to burst in to
ball. He was instrumental in organiz- Mechanicsville, MD passed away on grandchild. Along with his siblings Ro- clogging or singing gospel songs. She
ing the first St. Mary’s County youth March 22, 2021 in her home. Born on berta Ward (Thomas) of Woodbury, NJ had a beautiful singing voice and would
28 Obituaries The County Times Thursday, April 1, 2021
often harmonize with her sister Glenda. Bookkeeper and Receiver in the grocery tion (ASA); a Sportsmanship award re- Bill married in 1954, had their first child,
She was faithful to her Lord and Sav- store business, which provided her the cipient; and a member of the Maryland Roy, in 1955 and second child Wendy,
ior and even through the struggles of opportunity to comfortably retire at the State Softball Hall of Fame. Some of her in 1957, and celebrated over 63 wonder-
dementia, she could recite her favorite age of 62 years. She enjoyed her last re- favorite past times were playing domi- ful years together before his passing on
spiritual poem, sing hymns and read her tirement years spending time with fam- nos and card games, having lunch with March 24 (his birthday) in 2017.
daily devotionals. ily and friends, along with her passion Friends, especially her “BFF” and high Joan was an iconic figure for women
Delores loved to travel and with her of watching baseball, hockey, and QVC school groups. of her generation in that she worked as
best friend Peggy McWilliams, togeth- network. In addition to her husband, Aggie is a secretary and elementary school bus
er they traveled to Ireland, Scotland, Betty Ann was a dedicated mother survived by her children, Patrick An- driver to help put her husband through
Canada, New York, Wyoming, Mon- and grandmother first and foremost. She thony “Tony” Wilkinson (Marcia) of college while raising two children.  She
tana, Illinois, Tennessee and California, treasured her children and grandchil- Mechanicsville, MD and Phyllis Delo- was employed for many years by SBS
among other states. She also traveled to dren while embracing every moment res “Lorie” Clarke (Ken) of St. Inigoes, using her secretarial skills in the begin-
the Bahamas and Hawaii (several times) with them. She especially loved her role MD, and her step-children Connie Phil- ning, then promoted to Technical Docu-
over the years; the last time being her & as Maw Maw and Grandma Betty. She lips (Karl) of Frederick, MD; Rebecca ment Editor before her retirement with
Jacks 60th wedding anniversary. was a kind and giving person who al- (Becky) Owens Wathen (Johnny) of St. MCI as Executive Editor (now Verizon)
She is survived by her children and ways made people around her welcome. Inigoes, MD; and Bradley Owens of after being relocated to Plano, Texas, in
her youngest brother Dwight Mac- When not spending time with family, Lexington Park, MD.  She is also sur- 2002.  Joan and Bill were then moved
Rae (Georgia) of Leonardtown and Betty Ann enjoyed the QVC network, vived by 7 grandchildren and 8 great back to Southern MD by her family in
11 grandchildren: Monique Rampley, as well as others who received her QVC grandchildren.  In addition to her par- 2014.
Deborah, Josh; Jackie & Nikki (Gon- gifts. As previously mentioned, when ents she was preceded in death by her Joan loved motorcycles (of which she
zalez) Airhart; Courtney, David & Jor- not looking for the next QVC deal, she first husband John Phillip Wilkinson, drove herself for many years) and boat-
dan Greer; Tori, Kami (McFadden) & enjoyed watching the rooting for her fa- her brother Edward Windsor Healy, her ing on the “Dream Weaver,”  a 32-foot
Alli Lynch. Great-Grandchildren Ava vorite baseball and hockey teams, as she step children Kay Owens and Caroll Marinette FBMY, which they received
Airhart and Nathaniel & Elliana Lynch. was an avid Washington National and Owens. in 1985 after her devastating motorcycle
She was predeceased by her grand- Washington Capitals fan. Along with Family will receive friends for Ag- accident in 1984.  They shipped Dream
daughter Amber Rampley and great- birdwatching, going to the beach and gie’s Life Celebration on Wednesday, Weaver to Lake Texoma in 2002 within
grandson Israel Greer. spending time with family. April 7, 2021 from 5:00 to 8:00 p.m. bird’s eye view of Ross Perot’s estate.
Moms celebration of life will be held The family will receive friends on with prayers at 7:00 p.m., at St. Mi- Joan is survived by her children,
in Elk Park, NC and her ashes (dads Tuesday, April 6, 2021 from 9:00 Am chael’s Catholic Church, 16566 Three Wendy Weaver of Hollywood, MD;
were too), will be distributed over the to 10:00 Am in the Mattingley-Gardiner Notch Road, Ridge, MD 20680. A Mass William “Roy” Weaver of Berryville,
Elk River Falls where she and dad had Funeral Home Leonardtown, MD. A of Christian Burial will be celebrated on VA;  her grandchildren, Joseph (Joey)
their first date nearly 70 years ago! Funeral Service will follow at 10:00 AM Thursday, April 8, 2021 at 11:00 a.m. Roy Weaver and Kelley Lanelle Weav-
Condolences to the family can be in the Funeral Home Chapel with Dea- at St. Michael’s Church. Interment will er;  Linda Hatcher, her sister; her close
made at www.mgfh.com. con Joe Lloyd officiating. Interment will follow in the church cemetery. friend and caretaker of seven years,
Arrangements provided by the Mat- be private. Pallbearers will be Doug Clarke, Greg Cheryl Morasch and extended family
tingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A. & Condolences can be made to the fam- Wilkinson, John Healy, Michael Joseph, and friends.  She is preceded in death by
Crematory Leonardtown, MD. ily at www.mgfh.com. Chris Sullivan, and Randy Chandler.  her parents, husband, and step-mother,
In remembrance of mom, donations Arrangements provided by the Mat- Honorary Pallbearers will be Caroll Catherine Oyster Burrell.
can be made to Hospice House of Cal- tingley-Gardiner Funeral Home, P.A. & Phillips, JW Wathen, Cody Owens and Family requests memorial contribu-
laway or St. Jude. Crematory Leonardtown, MD. the Ridge Volunteer Fire Department tions be made in Joan’s memory to the
Please keep Elizabeth Ann “Betty Ladies Auxiliary. USO www.uso.org
Elizabeth “Betty” Ann Ann Grindstaff in your prayers. Memorial contributions may be made Condolences to the family may be
to Ridge Volunteer Fire Department made at www.brinsfieldfuneral.com.
Grindstaff Mary Agnes (Aggie) Owens Auxiliary, P.O. Box 520, Ridge, MD Arrangements
Elizabeth 20680 or St. Mary’s Ryken High School, by the Brinsfield
Mary Agnes 22600 Camp Calvert Road, Leonard- Funeral Home, P.
“Betty” Ann (Aggie) Owens,
Grindstaff,73, of town, MD 20650. A.
80, of St. Inigoes, Condolences to the family may be
Great Mills, MD MD passed away Kenneth
formerly from made at www.brinsfieldfuneral.com.
on March 26, Arrangements by the Brinsfield Fu-
Clements, MD 2021 at MedStar neral Home, P.A. “Kenny”
passed away un- St. Mary’s Hospi-
expectantly on tal, Leonardtown, Joan Burrell Weaver Eugene
March 15, 2021 MD.  Aggie was
in Leonardtown, born on Novem- Joan Burrell Mills, Sr.
MD. She was born on May 13, 1947, ber 10, 1940 in Washington, DC to the Weaver, 88, of
and was the loving daughter of the late Kenneth “Kenny” Eugene Mills,
late John Edward Healy and Agnes Em- California, MD
Mary Quade and Roy Quade. Betty is Sr., 74, of Charlotte Hall, MD passed
ily Hurry. (formerly of Vi-
survived by her husband Dwight Grind- away peacefully on March 24, 2021 at
Aggie married Robert Lee Owens enna, VA) passed
staff whom she married on September his home. He was born on January 24,
on January 18, 1986 at First Friendship away peacefully
4, 2004 in Leonardtown,MD. She is 1947 in Frederick, Maryland to the late,
Church, Ridge, MD. They enjoyed trav- on March 23,
the loving and devoted mother of Guy James Fred Mills, Jr. and Mary Eliza-
eling, winters in Florida, dancing, and 2021.  She was
A. Lawrence (Monique) of Leonard- beth (Page) Mills.
cheering on the Washington Nationals. born on Febru-
town, MD, and Bonnie L. Readmond Kenny married the love of his life,
She was the Executive Secretary at St. ary 3, 1933 in Washington D.C., to  the
of Ruther Glen, VA. Cherished husband Jeannette, in June, 1979 and together
Mary’s Ryken High School for 30 years late Donald W. Burrell and Ruth Morris they spent thirty-four (34) wonderful
David Grindstafff of Great Mills, MD. retiring in 2000.  Aggie was a member Tabor.
Adored Grandma Betty of Kiley Law- years of marriage until her untimely
of St. Michael’s Catholic Church, Ridge, At the young age of 18, she volun- passing in December, 2013.  He worked
rence, Bowen Lawrence, and Murphy MD and was involved in various orga- teered as a “junior hostess” for the USO
Lawrence and the affectionate Maw as a Supply Rep. for the DoD in Pax
nizations in which she volunteered her for returning veterans.  She also gradu- River until his retirement.
Maw of Lacey Readmond. Dear sister time including being a member of the ated from the prestigious (now defunct)
of David Quade and wife Patsy of Cle- A strong man with a kind word for all,
Ridge Volunteer Fire Department La- Washington School for Secretaries in he was the patriarch of his adoring fam-
ments, MD, Jimmy Quade of Clements, dies Auxiliary, the Ladies of Charity, 1952. In 1953 she met the love of her life,
MD and Bobby Quade and wife Margie ily. Kenny never liked to sit around idly
and the Margaret Brent High School Bill “Coach” Weaver after being intro- and would tinker around his workshop
of Leonardtown, MD. Also lovingly Alumni.  Aggie was very active in St. duced at a party through a friend at the
survived by many nieces and nephews. for hours on end. He enjoyed working
Mary’s County and Maryland State infamous “Bayou” in Georgetown, DC.  on model trucks, cars and ships. His at-
Betty Ann was born and raised on a softball.  She was the president of the Her friend mentioned he was a “football
farm in Clements, MD. She was edu- tention to the smallest detail made his
St. Mary’s County Women’s Softball player” at George Washington Univer- models true works of art. When the
cated at Holy Angels-Sacred Heart and League; a founder, officer and member sity.  She went to see him at a game and
Margaret Brent Schools. Betty Ann was weather was nice, he could be found
of the St. Mary’s County Softball Hall of was so impressed by how good he was, outside working in his garden. A green
a hard worker and utilized that strong Fame; a Maryland State Commissioner they began dating.  The rest is history! 
work ethic for several years as a Head thumb gave him the ability to produce
for the American Softball Associa- After a whirlwind romance, Joan and bountiful produce and vibrant colors all
Thursday, April 1, 2021 The County Times Obituaries 29
seasons long. love for hobbies and the outdoors. He

Above all, Kenny loved spending time enjoyed coaching youth soccer and gar-
with his family and friends. His children dening. He is a member of St. John Par-
and grandchildren were his purpose for ish, Hollywood, MD.

life. His presence may be gone, but his He is survived by his wife, Shirley
legacy will live on in the bright smiles, Ann Brown Combs who he married
sweet laughter and sparkling eyes of his on September 25, 1965 at Immacu-

family. He is now reunited in heaven late Heart of Mary, in Lexington Park,
with his beloved Jeannette and together MD, his children, Raymond Combs, Jr.,
they are proud of their family and smil- Shirley Quinan, Albert Wayne Combs,
ing down upon them.   Teresa Hoblitzell, and Thomas Combs,
Kenny is survived by his children, and his grandchildren, Nicholas Combs, Contributing Writer:
Kenneth Eugene Mills, Jr. (Kandi) of Christina Combs, Chystallyn Combs,
Davidsonville, MD, Eric Allen Mills Catherine Combs, Jehanette Combs, Lynda J. Striegel
of Charlotte Hall, MD, Mary Elizabeth Rosanna Combs, Kathleen Combs,
Guevarez (Rico) of Jacksonville, FL, Emma Combs, Tristan Combs, Kyrsten A refresher while you are over a ten year period, poten-
Kathryn Shirley Mills of Baltimore, MD Quinan-Miller, Garrett Quinan, and preparing your taxes for 2020: tially resulting in income tax
and Elizabeth A. Mills of Baltimore, Kendalyn Quinan. He is preceded in The SECURE Act, the on much larger amounts re-
MD; grandchildren, Dustin, Mikenna, death by his sister, Carol Lee Combs, his “Setting Every Community quired to be withdrawn. For
Brooke, Brent, Katarina, Grace, Juan- father, Albert Combs, and his mother, Up for Retirement Enhance- deaths in 2020 and later, all
ita, Julianna, Annie, Joseph, Mariano Jane Grim Combs.
and great-grand-daughter, Bailey. He is Condolences to the family may be
ment Act” was passed into IRAs must be distributed in
also survived by siblings, Richard Mills made at www.brinsfieldfuneral.com law effective January 1, 2020. full by the tenth calendar year
(Donna) of Pittsville, MD, Bruce Yok- Arrangements by the Brinsfield Fu- This new retirement law has following death.
ley of Lexington Park, MD and Jamie neral Home, P.A. five significant changes, as 3. The new law repeals the
Cover (Allen) of Bedford, PA. Kenny follows: maximum age for traditional
is preceded in death by his James and Michael Glen Pfeiffer 1. The new law increases the IRA contributions. Prior to
Mary Mills; grandsons, Shawn David age for Required Minimum 2020, no one over age 70 ½
Morgan and Rico Thomas Guevarez; Michael Glen
Pfeiffer,72, of
Distribution (the “RMD”) was permitted to make IRA
and siblings, Louise Carver and Betty from 70 ½ to 72. The RMD contributions. The new law
Wilcox.   Hollywood, MD
formerly from is the amount you are re- allows anyone over 70 ½ who
Condolences to the family may be quired to withdraw from your has U.S. earned income to
made at www.brinsfieldfuneral.com. Cleveland, OH
Arrangements by the Brinsfield Fu- passed away on retirement account. Anyone make contributions to a tradi-
neral Home & Crematory, P.A. March 18, 2021 turning 70 ½ in 2020 is not tional IRA. With our popula-
in Washington, required to take RMD. If you tion aging, this is a good ben-
Raymond “Buddy” George DC. He was born have been taking RMDs pri- efit for saving.
on May 5, 1948 in or to 2020, you will need to 4. The new law expands
Combs Cleveland, OH and was the loving son continue taking them. Start- Section 529 plans. Parents
of the late Geraldine Hendricks) Pfei- ing in 2020, you are required can now use their 529 ac-
Raymond “Buddy” George Combs, ffer and Robert Pfeiffer. Michael was
age 80, of Hollywood, Maryland passed the love husband of Catherine Louise
to withdraw retirement funds counts to cover costs asso-
away on March 23, 2021. Thompson Pfeiffer whom he married at age 72 (as opposed to 70 ciated with registered ap-
Born on July 22, 1940 in Glendale, on January 31, 1970 in St. James Church ½ prior to 2020). Those born prenticeships and for up to
West Virginia to Albert Combs and Jane in Dameron, MD. Michael is survived on or before June 30, 1949 $10,000 of qualified student
Grim Combs. He moved to St. Mary’s by his children Michele L. Pfeiffer Un- must take RMDs at age 70 ½. loan repayments. This should
County in 1945. He was a graduate of derwood of Hollywood, MD, Geraldine Those born in July through be a help to those paying stu-
Great Mills High School in 1959. He Pfeiffer of NC, 5 grandchildren and 3 December 1949 take RMDs dent loans.
served in the Lexington Park Volunteer great grandchildren. He was preceded in 2021; those born in 1950 5. The new law increas-
Fire Department from 1956 to 1962 as in death by his daughter Robin A. Pfei- take RMDs in 2022 and those es the maximum credit for
a fireman and engineer. A very active ffer and brother Tim Pfeiffer.
participant in the Southern Maryland
born in 1951 take RMDs in startup business retirement
He graduated from South High School 2023. plans from $500 to $5,000.
Boat Club from 1960 to 1965 racing in in 1966. Michael served in the United
the E Class, driving a whirl wind called States Navy for four years. While serv-
2. The new law elimi- A new tax credit of $500 is
“Uncle Buddy” named by his nieces and ing in the United States Navy he earned nates the IRA “stretch” op- also available for some small-
nephew. He also served in the National the Vietnam Service Medal, Vietnam tion. This is potentially the er employers who set up au-
Guard from 1963 until 1969 as missile Campaign Medal with Device, Navy most significant law change. tomatic enrollment in their
mechanic and head cook. Unit Commendation, and National De- When you withdraw money plans.
Joining the Operating Engineers Ap- fense Medal. In addition, he served from a traditional IRA in Everyone with a tradition-
prentice Program in 1960 he studied aboard the Aircraft Carrier Bon Homme RMDs, you must pay income al IRA or similar retirement
pneudralics, diesel engines, and infan- Richard. Furthermore, Michael, served tax on the money. Inherited plan should consult their fi-
try mechanics courses to become a me- in the National Guard for 2 years and IRAs with death dates prior nancial advisors or accoun-
chanic and heavy equipment operator. Civil Service for 2 years. He was a
His career as an operator lead him to
to 2020 were able to “stretch” tants about how to cope with
member of the VFW. Michael enjoyed the RMDs over the benefi- the changes in the new law.
over 40 years in the construction indus- fishing, crabbing, woodworking, and
try where he was a master mechanic, spending time in the yard. Most of all he
ciary’s lifetime. For younger Join me on the third
union organizer, treasurer, and trustee enjoyed spending time with his grand- beneficiaries, this meant the Wednesday of every month to
for Local 77. He retired in 2001. children and great grandchildren. amounts of RMD could be discuss this and other topics
After retirement he lobbied for seven The family will receive friends on much smaller and therefore at 11am, 8906 Bay Avenue,
years to pass legislation opening aqua- Thursday, April 1, 2021 from 9:00 AM result in a smaller income North Beach. Call 301-855-
culture projects with the hope these to 10:00 AM in the Mattingley-Gardiner tax. Beginning in 2020, the 2246 to reserve your spot.
projects would help clean the Chesa- Funeral Home Leonardtown, MD. A new law requires, for non- We support PROJECT
peake Bay and its tributaries. He always Funeral Service will follow at 10:00 AM spouse beneficiaries, that an ECHO, the homeless shelter
enjoyed time on the water and in nature. in the Funeral Home Chapel with Father inherited IRA has to be dis- in Calvert County and urge
He loved to rise early in the morning Drew Royals officiating. Interment will
to tong oysters, pull a haul seine, run a
tributed over 10 years after you to do the same. Donate
be private. the individual’s death. The to Project Echo at www.pro-
trotline, fish, hunt, tool leather or just Condolences may be made to the fam-
watch a beautiful sunrise or sunset. ily at www.mgfh.com. Arrangements
new provisions make it clear jectecho.com. Your support
His greatest pleasure was spending provided by the Mattingley-Gardiner that IRAs must be liquidat- is appreciated.
time with his wife. He enjoyed teach- Funeral Home, P.A. & Crematory Leon- ed, and income taxes paid,
ing his children and grandchildren his ardtown, MD.
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Thursday, April 1, 2021 The County Times Fun & Games 31

CLUES ACROSS State 17. Semitic peoples

1. One who 51. Upset 20. Beats per minute
manufactures 52. 1991 men’s 21. Family of drugs
6. Science degree Wimbledon champ 23. Atrocious
9. Database 54. Central Chinese 25. Type of microscope
management system province (abbr.)
13. Desert 56. Predisposition 26. _ _ or bust
14. Inventor Musk 60. A notice of 27. Icelandic poems
15. Welsh valley someone’s death 29. A citizen of Pakistan
16. Round Dutch cheese 61. One-time Kentucky 30. Very pale
17. Saying Rep. 32. Metric linear unit
18. Comedian and TV 62. Swiss river 34. Sea eagle
host 63. Dried-up 35. Biblical judge of
19. Uppermost portions 64. Finger millet Israel
of the brain 65. _ _ Allan Poe 37. Isaac’s mother (Bib.)
21. City in Transylvania 66. German river 40. Sino-Soviet block
22. Where astronauts 67. Brew (abbr.)
go 68. Kenyan river 42. Cool!
23. Men’s hairstyle 43. Large hotel room
24. Indicates position CLUES DOWN 47. Type of boat (abbr.)
25. One point east of 1. Millisecond 49. Picked
due south 2. Acts as military 50. Type of hookah
28. Businessmen may assistant 52. Attack
have one 3. Knot in a tree 53. Directs
29. Grass part 4. Husband-and-wife 55. Belgian WWII
31. Running back Gurley industrial designers resistance fighter
33. Unwavering 5. The Ocean State 56. Finished
36. Options 6. Point the finger at negotiation
38. Annoy 7. Parts in a machine 57. Heroic tale
39. Greek mountain 8. Midway between 58. Middle Eastern
41. Pastas northeast and east country
44. Fishes 9. Portray precisely 59. Protein-rich liquids
45. Wrap 10. Blister 61. Malaysian Isthmus
46. Potentially a 11. Mental illness 65. Spielberg’s alien
criminal (slang) 12. Nose of an animal
48. Seize 14. What students
49. The Constitution receive


The St. Mary’s County Times is a weekly newspaper providing news and information for
Publisher Thomas McKay
the residents of St. Mary’s County. The St. Mary’s County Times will be available on news-
Associate Publisher Eric McKay stands every Thursday. The paper is published by Southern Maryland Publishing Company,
which is responsible for the form, content, and policies of the newspaper. The St. Mary’s
General Manager
Al Dailey aldailey@countytimes.net County Times does not espouse any political belief or endorse any product or service in its
news coverage.
Jen Stotler jen@countytimes.net
Tim Flaherty timflaherty@countytimes.net To be considered for publication, articles and letters to the editor submitted must include the
writer’s full name, address and daytime phone number. Submissions must be delivered by
Dick Myers dickmyers@countytimes.net 4 p.m. on the Monday prior to our Thursday publication to ensure placement for that week.
After that deadline, the St. Mary’s County Times will make every attempt possible to publish
Staff Writer

County Times
late content, but cannot guarantee so. Letters may be condensed/edited for clarity, although
Guy Leonard guyleonard@countytimes.net
care is taken to preserve the core of the writer’s argument. Copyright in material submitted
Graphic Desinger/Layout Artist to the newspaper and accepted for publication remains with the author, but the St. Mary’s
Jim Lucke jimlucke@countytimes.net
County Times and its licensees may freely reproduce it in print, electronic or other forms. We
Contributing Writers are unable to acknowledge receipt of letters. The St. Mary’s County Times cannot guarantee P. O. Box 250 • Hollywood, MD 20636
Laura Joyce, Ron Guy, Shelby Opperman, Dave Spigler that every letter or photo(s) submitted will be published, due to time or space constraints.
Help Us Save TheDRILL
32 The County Times Thursday, April 1, 2021

As I sit here penning this out, my mind wanders back to Easters in my past, and I
remember Easter eggs, baskets, treasure hunts, and fuzzy bunnies. I remember running
around the back yard trying to find eggs that were dyed in an array of colors the night
before. However, that all changed when, as a 9-year-old, I picked up a Gideon’s bible
and read John 3:16-17 for the first time. “For God so loved the world, that he gave
his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have
everlasting life. For God sent not his Son into the world to condemn the world; but
that the world through him might be saved.”

Even at 11, I knew Consider
that I was not alwaysMaking
a good boyaandDonation
needed mytosins forgiven, so

I could see Jesus when this life was over. I remember in Sixth Grade, going out in the
hallway and having a tornado drill where we all had to get close to the wall and cover
our heads. At that moment, all I thought about was, “There has to be more to life than
this.” I was scared, and no one dollar
Every spoke, but I knew there
makes a had to be someone other than
me thinking the same thing at that moment, in a crowded hallway waiting for a tornado.
Not long after that, I called out to Jesus to save me, and my life would never be the same
again. I was twelve.
Helping the Community One Person at a Time
This reminds me of a hymn I read just a few days ago that says it all:
“Approach, myofSoul!
is the motto The mercy-seat
The Mission, Where Jesus
a 501c3 organization, founded answers prayer;
in 2013 by two There
veteran humbly
U.S Marines, andfall
before brothers
his feet,Robert
for one an perish
and Richard there.
Myers. Thy promise
The Mission serves theishomeless,
my onlyworking
plea, poor
this I venture
those with
nigh: Thou
mentalcallest burdened
health issues souls to thee, and such, O Lord! Am I. Bowed down beneath
who cannot work.
a load of sin, By Satan sorely pressed, by wars without and fears within, I come to thee for
rest. BeThethou my has
Mission shield and
started hiding-place,
a campaign that, sheltered
to raise money for the downnear they
payment side, I may
to purchase my fierce
the building they
accuser face,
have beenand tellinhim,
located thou
for the past hast
eight died. Oh!landlord
years. The Wondrous love,The
has given toMission
bleed and
thatto bear
the cross
will and shame,
not be renewing that guilty
thier lease,sinners,
which endssuch as I,and
in April, Might pleadthe
has placed thyproperty
gracious name!”
on the market.
(Psalms & Hymns, 15th Ed, Hymn 293, pg. 410, S.C. Griggs & CO, 1853)
A Christian outreach, The Mission is located on 21015 Great Mills Road (former location of the
Now my wonders
Midway Loungeare not
Bar). egging
The Missionand bunnies,
is 100% fundedthey are the
with local wonders
private of Romans
funds. Generous 5:8:
“But God commendeth
businesses, hisoflove
and a handful toward
churches makeus,
Thein that, while
Mission's we were
365 day-a-year yet sinners,
outreach possible. Christ
died for us.” Friends, nothing more is needed. As we think about the times we live in,
just rejoice, for there God Blessone& who
is a Savior, Thank You fora road
has walked YourthatSupport!
we never could have.
Put all your faith in Him, and you will find that, even as a little boy in a
crowded hallway waiting for a tornado, you will have peace, for He has
overcome the world.
Until next time, Week 3 Goal
Pastor, Robert Myers THE MISSION
The Mission $200,000
Please consider supporting The Mission with an Easter donation: Send Checks To:
The Mission, P.O Box 2011more
To learn California
about TheMD 20650
Mission or toor a Credit
make Card
a donation donation
please visit: can be made at:

Checks can be sent to: The Mission P.O Box 2011 California MD 20619
For questions call Richard Myers, Director of The Mission at 562-822-8752 or Robert Myers at 240-587-0517.

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