Carry out all instructions in each step. You can track your progress through the examination by crossing out
each question number.
Enter your name, Centre number and candidate number on every printout before it is sent to the
printer. Printouts with handwritten candidate details on will not be marked.
At the end of the examination, put this Question Paper and all your printouts into the Assessment
Record Folder.
If you have produced rough copies of printouts, put a neat cross through each one to indicate that it is not
the copy to be marked. The number of marks is given in brackets [ ] at the end of each question or part
Question No. 1 2 3 4 5
Marks Obtained
Max Marks 25 30 7 8 10
You are going to perform some clerical tasks for Tawara Training.
You will need to place screenshots and answers to questions in this Evidence Document.
Task 2 – Document
You are going to edit a factsheet. The company uses a corporate house style for all their documents.
Paragraph styles should be created and applied as instructed.
Place in your Evidence Document a screenshot to show this file has been saved. Make
sure there is evidence of the file type.
TA-Title sans-serif 30 centre bold, italic single 0 0
TA-Subtitle sans-serif 18 left underline single 0 0
TA-Subhead sans-serif 18 centre bold, italic single 0 9
TA-Body serif 12 justified none single 0 6
bullet indented
TA-Bullet sans-serif 14 2 cm from the single 0 0
shaped bullet
TA-Table serif 12 left none single 0 0
Take a screenshot to show that the style settings have been defined for the
TA-Subhead paragraph style. Place this in your Evidence Document.
4 • Display these custom style names as a list in the style manager/organiser. Provide screenshot evidence
that these styles have been created, named and saved.
Take screenshot(s) to show the style names have been created and saved. Place this in your
Evidence Document.
10 • Identify the five subheadings in the document and apply the TA-Subhead style to each one.
11 • Using the data in the file J228ADVERTS.csv create a vertical bar chart to show the number of
advertisements only for higher apprenticeships for the years 2013 to 2016.
15 • Insert the chart after the paragraph ending … seen in the following graph:
• Make sure that:
the chart fits within the column width
all labels are displayed in full.
16 • Import the image J228SIGN.png and place this below the subtitle Produced by: [1]
[Total: 25]
[Turn over
Task 3 – Database
You are now going to prepare some reports for the company. Make sure all currency values display
the same currency symbol and are set to 2 decimal places. Dates are to be displayed in the format
Take screenshot evidence showing the field names and data types used in the table. Place this
screenshot into your Evidence Document.
19 • Import the file J228FRAMEWORK.csv as a new table in your database.
• Use these field names and data types:
Place in your Evidence Document screenshot(s) showing the type of relationship
between the two tables.
Place in your Evidence Document screenshot(s) to show the radio buttons design with the
values stored in the Day_Release field.
21 • Use the form created in step 20 to enter the following details as a new record:
Place in your Evidence Document a screenshot showing this data in your form.
22 Apprentices receive their weekly wage plus an additional 4% if they meet training targets.
• Using fields from both tables produce a report which:
contains a new field called Bonus_Wage which is calculated at run-time and displayed as
currency. This field will calculate the Wage plus 4% of the Wage
shows only the records where the:
– Level is Advanced or Higher
– Closing_Date is on or before 31-Aug-18
– Subject_Name excludes Accounting
shows only the fields Vacancy, Level, Closing_Date, Employer_Name, Day_Release,
Wage, Bonus_Wage in this order with data and labels displayed in full. Do not group the data
sorts the data into ascending order of Level and then descending order of Wage
has a page orientation of landscape fits
on a single page wide
includes the title Vacancies list for August formatted so that it displays in a larger font size at
the top of the page
calculates the number of vacancies and places this below the Level column has a
label Number of jobs to the left of this value
has your name, Centre number and candidate number on every page of the report.
• Save and print your report.
Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate
number on your report.
Place in your Evidence Document a screenshot showing the formula used to
calculate the number of vacancies.
Place in your Evidence Document a screenshot to show the exported file saved in your
work area. Make sure there is evidence of the file type.
25 Answer the following questions using your own words. Type your answers in your Evidence
(a) Describe what is meant by data verification. [1]
(b) Name two methods of data verification and for one of these methods explain how it could be used
with this database.
Type your answers in your own words into your Evidence Document using no more than 50
[Total: 30]
Task 4 – Document 2
26 • Import the extract you saved in Step 24 into your FACTSHEET document as a table after the
paragraph which ends … vacancies available are:
• Make sure that:
the table fits within the column width
the extract does not contain a title
all required fields and their labels are fully visible no
text is wrapped within the extract
the TA-Table style is applied to the extract
there is a 6 point space after the table.
Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate
number on your document.
Type your evaluation in your own words into your Evidence Document using no more
than 100 words.
[Total: 7]
Task 5 – Mail Merge Letter
You are required to carry out a mail merge to send out apprenticeship offer letters.
29 • Create a mail merge letter using the file J228OFFERLET.rtf as the master document and
J228JOBS.csv as your data source.
• Replace <Date> with a field to display today’s date in the format dd MMMM yyyy.
Take screenshot evidence showing the date field code. Place this screenshot in your Evidence
30 • In the master document, maintain the existing spacing and punctuation, and replace the chevrons
and text each time they appear with the following merge fields from the data source:
Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate
number on your master document.
32 • Set an automated filter to select the records where:
Level is Intermediate
Start_Date is 17/09/2018
Place in your Evidence Document a screenshot to show your automated filter.
33 • Merge and print the letters for the selected apprentices only.
• Save and close the files.
Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate
number on your letters.
[Total: 8]
Task 6 – Presentation
All slides must have a consistent layout and formatting. Unless otherwise instructed, slides should
display a title and bulleted list.
35 • Use a master slide to display the following features on all slides: your
name, Centre number and candidate number automatic slide
36 • Change the layout of the slide with the title Progression Routes to a title and table.
• Create a table that contains 4 columns and 7 rows.
• Copy the data from the file J228TABLE.rtf and place this in the table.
• Format the table with all gridlines displayed and no cell shading, like this: [2]
38 • Merge the cells in the first row and centre align the heading. [1]
40 • Add the following text as presenter/speaker notes for the slide with the title Progression
Always get advice on the best qualification to suit you and your future plans.
• Print only this slide as presenter/speaker notes.
Make sure your name, Centre number and candidate number are on this slide.
Print this handout. Make sure your name, Centre number and candidate number
are on all slides.
[Total: 10]
Make sure that you have entered your name, Centre number and candidate
number on your Evidence Document.