Rectifiers and It'S Types
Rectifiers and It'S Types
Rectifiers and It'S Types
Disassembled automobile alternator, showing the six diodes that comprise a full-wave three-phase bridge rectifier.
The average and root-mean-square output
voltages of an ideal single phase full wave rectifier can be calculated as:
Peak Loss:
An aspect of most rectification is a loss from the peak input voltage to the
peak output voltage, caused by the built-in voltage drop across the diodes
(around 0.7 V for ordinary silicon p-n-junction diodes and 0.3 V for Schottky
diodes). Half-wave rectification and full-wave rectification using two
separate secondaries will have a peak voltage loss of one diode drop.
Bridge rectification will have a loss of two diode drops. This may represent
significant power loss in very low voltage supplies. In addition, the diodes
will not conduct below this voltage, so the circuit is only passing current
through for a portion of each half-cycle, causing short segments of zero
voltage to appear between each "hump".
The primary application of rectifiers is to
derive DC power from an AC supply. Virtually all electronic devices require
DC, so rectifiers find uses inside the power supplies of virtually all
electronic equipment.