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Isabela State University–Cauayan

Cauayan City National High School

Cauayan City, Isabela

I. Learning Objectives
At the end of the lesson, students are expected to:
A. define imagery;
B. analyze the given poem through imagery;
C. create a short promotion vlog about the different tourist attractions in the Philippines with
the use of imagery; and
D. perform the promotion vlog.
II. Subject Matter
Topic: Recognizing Beauty (Imagery)
Moonlight on Manila Bay by Fernando M. Maramag
Resources : English 7 by Anabelle M. Salamida (pages 381-386)
Materials: PowerPoint Presentation, Sets of pictures, TV, Video clips
Assessment Activities : Group and Individual Activities
Strategies: Games and Discussion
Skills: Speaking, writing and viewing skills.
Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity
A. Preparatory Activities
Good Morning Ma’am!
Good Morning class!
Lord, we uphold unto You all glory and praise. Thank
Before you take your seat, Trisha please lead us a you for this new day you had given us. May You guide
short prayer. us throughout the teaching-learning process that we’re
about to engage ourselves the whole day. Give us
wisdom and understanding that we may accomplish
the learning tasks accordingly. These all we ask in
Your name. Amen.
(Students check the cleanliness and orderliness of their
classroom and take a seat)

Class please pick up all those pieces of paper

under your chair and please make sure that your Yes Ma’am.
row is aligned properly.

Thank you! You may now take your seat.

Class secretary is everybody present?

Very Good! Keep up the good work.

B. Review
Ma’am, last meeting we discussed about fables.
Last meeting we discussed about what?
Yes King?

Very good! Ma’am, fable is a short tale to teach a moral, often

And what is a fable Yezza? with animals or inanimate objects as characters.

Very good! Ma’am, the fable that we discuss is “The Dove and the
What was the fable we discuss? Crow”
Yes Yeore?
It is from Panchatantra ma’am.
Yes, and it is from?
It is a collection of Indian animal fables ma’am.
Very good! The fable is about friendship ma’am.
And what is Panchatantra? Yes Janna?

That’s right! The characters in the fable are the dove, the crow, rat,
And what is about “The Dove and the Crow”? tortoise and deer ma’am.
Yes Nicole?

Very good!
And who are the characters of the fable?
Yes Lyka?

Very good!
I am glad that you still recall our topic last
C. Motivation

Before we move on to our next topic let’s have

first an activity! Yes ma’am.

Are you ready? Yes ma’am.

(Students group themselves according to their
I’ll divide the class into 6 groups. Count off 1-6 numbers)
and that will serve as your group. Is that clear?

Yes ma’am.
(The students do their activity)
Okay, here are the mechanics of the game. I have
here envelopes and each envelope has puzzles on
it. All you have to do is to assemble what is inside
the envelope. You have 5 minutes to do that.

Work as a group, your timer starts now!

D. Presentation of the Lesson

What do you think is our topic for today? Ma’am for me, it is about the beauty of nature.
Yes Janika? Because in our activity we assembled different tourist
attractions here in the Philippines ma’am.

Very Good!
Our topic for today is “Recognizing Beauty”.
We’re going to recognize beauty through a poem
and by using imagery as its literary device.

E. Discussion

When you hear the word “beauty” what is the first

thing that pop up on your mind? Ma’am the first thing that comes up on my mind when
I hear the word beauty is a girl.
Yes Joshua? Ma’am because for me girls are all beautiful.

Yes ma’am.

Thank you. If that so, do you think all your girl

classmates are beautiful?
Ma’am it is our environment.
Ma’am because our Almighty God created our
environment perfectly beautiful that is why we have to
Okay, who else? take care of it.
Yes Angel, what is the first thing in your mind
when you hear the word “beauty”?
Okay very good! Why?

Very Good!
Our environment is naturally beautiful and Angel is
right that we must take good care of it.
So for today, we’re going to discuss a poem from (The students raise their hands)
Fernando M. Maramag entitled “Moonlight on
Manila Bay”. Ma’am, poems are compositions in verse or it can be
By the way, who among you have been there in in free verse.
Manila Bay?

Okay, so what is a poem class?

Yes Adonis?
Sonnet ma’am.
Very good!
A poem can be in verse or in free verse.
Can you give me an example of a verse poem?

Very good!
And poem can also be defined as a piece of writing
in which the words are chosen for their beauty and
sound and are carefully arranged, often in short (The students get their own copy)
lines which rhyme.

So I have here a copy of the poem, get one and


Okay class, read the poem after me.

“Moonlight on Manila Bay”

by Fernando M. Maramag
A light, serene, ethereal glory rests
It’s beams effulgent on each crestling wave;
The silver touches of the moonlight wave
The deep bare bosom that the breeze molests;
While lingering whispers deepen as the wavy crests
Roll with weird rhythm, now gay, now gently grave;
And floods of lambent light appear to the sea to pave-
All cast a spell that heeds not time’s behests.
Not always such the scene; the din of fight
Has swelled the murmur of the peaceful air;
Here East and West have oft displayed their might;
Dark battle clouds have dimmed this scene so fair; “Moonlight on Manila Bay”
Here bold Olympia, one historic night, by Fernando M. Maramag
Presaging freedom, claimed a peaople’s care
A light, serene, ethereal glory rests
It’s beams effulgent on each crestling wave;
The silver touches of the moonlight wave
The deep bare bosom that the breeze molests;
While lingering whispers deepen as the wavy crests
Roll with weird rhythm, now gay, now gently grave;
And floods of lambent light appear to the sea to pave-
All cast a spell that heeds not time’s behests.
Not always such the scene; the din of fight
Has swelled the murmur of the peaceful air;
Here East and West have oft displayed their might;
Dark battle clouds have dimmed this scene so fair;
Here bold Olympia, one historic night,
Presaging freedom, claimed a peaople’s care

Fernando M. Maramag ma’am.

Okay class first, let’s proceed to the author of the
Who’s the author?
Yes Ashley? He was born on January 21, 1893 in Ilagan, Isabela.
Very good! He was an excellent poet and journalist in English. He
had a rich style and deep understanding of human
And who is Fernando M. Maramag? nature – qualities which made his poetry appealing to
Yes Lorena? all readers.

Very Good!
And let’s proceed now to his poem, but first we’re
going to have an activity!
This activity entitled “Guess it up!”
In this activity, you are going to unlock those Yes ma’am!
vocabularies in the poem. I will flash the words and
their pictures, so you are going to guess the
meanings of the words. Are you ready?

Peaceful ma’am!

Okay, first is “serene”

Very good! How about this one?

Perfect ma’am!

Radiant ma’am!

“crestling” Crashing ma’am!

Glowing ma’am!

A command ma’am!

Loud noise ma’am!


An ancient place in Greece ma’am!


A promise ma’am!


Excellent class!
Now, we unlock the vocabularies in the poem so
let’s proceed now to the device used by the poet
which is imagery.

What is imagery?
Yes Kjell?
Imagery appeals to all the five senses ma’am.
Very good!
It appeals to all the five senses and this device is
used by the poet for readers to create an image in
their imagination.

By the way class what are those five senses?

Yes Kenneth? Sense of sight, smell, hearing, taste and touch ma’am.

Okay very good!

So we’re going to identify the images used in the
poem. Which lines proves that this poem has
Can you give me one Jaylord? “The silver touches of the moonlight wave”

How can you say so? Ma’am because it has the word “touches”.

Very good!
What else Jericho? “The deep bare bosom that the breeze molests”

How can you say so? Because of the word “breeze” ma’am.

Very good!
What else? Yes Darrel? “While lingering whispers deepen as the wavy crests”

Which word proves it? “Whispers” ma’am.

Very good!
What else Xyrel? “Roll with weird rhythm, now gay, now gently grave”

Where is the image there? “Rhythm” ma’am.

Why rhythm? Ma’am because rhythm accompanied sounds.

Very good!
Is there other more?
Yes Trisha? “And floods of lambent light appear the sea to pave”

Which words prove it? The words are “lambent light” and “appear” ma’am.

Very good!
What else? Yes Hannson? “Not always such the scene; the din of light”

How can you say so? Ma’am because of the word “din” which means a loud
Very good!
What else Lorena? “Has swelled the murmur of the peaceful air”

Why? Ma’am because of the word “murmur”

Very good!
Okay what else Cheska? “Dark battle clouds have dimmed this scene so fair”

How can you say so? Ma’am because of the words “dark” and “dimmed”.

Very good class!

I’m so glad that you understand and identify the
images used in the poem.

F. Application

So for your next activity, you’re going to create a

promotion vlog to these famous TV personalities.
Take a look at these!
Are you familiar to these personalities?
So who are these?

Yes! They are the most famous Kpop idols in our

generation today. And your task is you’re going to Yes Ma’am!
create a promotion vlog for them to visit the BTS! And BlackPink ma’am!
Philippines. But this time you’re going to do it
live, perform it after 7 minutes of preparation. Stay
in your group and the one you’ll going to promote
is your assembled puzzle a while ago. Use imagery
in your task. Is that clear?

Your presentation will be graded according to this

Yes ma’am.
Creativity 30%
Language Used 30%
Imagery used 20%
Overall presentation 20%
TOTAL 100%

Your seven minutes starts now!

Seven minutes is over!

Let’s begin the presentation from Group 1 up to
Group 6. Performers, please be ready.
(The students do their activity)
(The teacher rates each group’s performance and
gives feedback)

(The students perform their activity)

G. Generalization/Valuing

From our discussion, what is again a poem? Ma’am, poems are compositions in verse or it can be
Yes Jastine? in free verse.
Imagery appeals to all the five senses ma’am.
How about imagery?
Yes Misha?
Ma’am the poem is about the Manila Bay. The poet
Very good! describes the Manila Bay and he uses lots of images to
Based on the poem, what is the central idea or the describe it.
Yes Kassandra? Ma’am I can preserve the natural beauty of our
environment by segregating my garbage and practice
the 3R’s which are “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle”. That is
As a citizen of this country, how can you preserve the simplest way we can do to our environment. And
the natural beauty of our environment? Let’s take regarding on the Manila Bay, even though I’m not
the Manila Bay as an example? from Manila I think I can preserve the beauty of
Yes Hans? Manila Bay by creating blogs and promoting
awareness like sharing facebook videos that show
concern and promoting proper disposal of solid waste.

None Ma’am.

Yes, the simplest thing we can do is to dispose
properly our solid waste. And practice the 3R’s.

Very good class!

Are there questions about our topic?
IV. Evaluation

Let’s have our last activity. Bring out one half

sheet of paper and choose your favourite tourist
attraction here in our country and make a poem
with imagery as your literary device. Is that clear?
Yes ma’am.
Your poem will be graded according to this

Content 40%
Creativity 30%
Imagery Used 20%
Language Used 20%
TOTAL 100%
V. Assignment/Agreement

You’re assignment is to read and understand the

essay, “War and Peace” by Herman Hesse. Yes, Ma’am!
None, Ma’am!

Goodbye, Ma’am!
Are there clarifications?
Since it’s already time, let’s call it a day.
Goodbye, class!

Prepared by:
Patricia Monique D. Preza
Student Teacher

Approved by:

Liezel G. Mina
Cooperating Teacher
Isabela State University –Cauayan
Cauayan City National High School
Cauayan City, Isabela



Prepared by:

Patricia Monique D. Preza


Submitted to:

Liezel G. Mina
Cooperating Teacher

Date Submitted: February 26, 2018

Date of Execution: March 7, 2018

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