Republic of The Philippines Isabela State University Cauayan City Campus
Republic of The Philippines Isabela State University Cauayan City Campus
Republic of The Philippines Isabela State University Cauayan City Campus
Course Syllabus
1st Semester, School Year 2020- 2021
VISION ISU Expected Graduate Attributes
Effectivity:September 2,2020
GOALS OF THE COLLEGE The graduates of the Bachelor of Secondary Education program must be able
In line with the Isabela State University’s vision and mission, the College of
Education is tasked to develop professional educators and train future teachers 1. Possess wide range of theoretical and practical skills of an effective delivery
who are competent, caring, confident and would contribute to the development of instruction;
the community through education by: 2. Perform the necessary competencies needed in the different learning areas in
the secondary school;
1. Enhancing the qualification of educators for academic and professional 3. Conduct research of instruction;
development equipped with advanced training and educational innovations as well 4. Undertake actual training in community development through extension
as research and extension capabilities; and activities;
5. Apply appropriate innovative and alternative teaching approaches;
2. Preparing and developing highly qualified basic education teachers and skilled 6. Practice the professional and ethical requirements of the teaching profession;
technologies through quality and well-rounded pre-service training in both and
academic and vocational for diverse communities of learners. 7. Demonstrate desirable Filipino value as a foundation for social citizenship
Course Description
The course introduces students’ basic understanding of the applications of mathematical concepts and skills in economics, business and accounting. It
includes determining time value of money using simple and compound interest and discounting, variation of annuities, amortization stocks and bonds and sinking
Prerequisite/s : SEd Math 211 – College and Advanced Algebra
Course Outcome:
Effectivity:September 2,2020
1. Develop and use the more common formulas in calculating simple and compound interests, annuities, amortization, sinking funds, depreciation and stocks
and bonds.
1. Develop strong conceptual and computational background mathematics of investment
2. Develop proficiency in the subject which enables them to understand better topics in their accounting subjects which are related to mathematics of
3. Manifest appreciation of values found in Mathematics as a discipline
Course Plan
Program Teaching and Teaching Assessm of Hours
Graduate Intended Learning Assessment
Outcomes Learning Content Learning Learning ent
Outcomes tools la
Activities modality Tasks lec b
Cm, PO1 State the vision and Vision and Mission of Brainstorming Synchronous: Essay Rubric for 1.5
CEL, PO6 mission of the University, the University Online Essay
IFK,CP, quality policy, institutional Quality Policy Discussion Discussion
LL outcomes and goals of Institutional Outcomes using Google
the College. Goals of the College Meet
Effectivity:September 2,2020
and approximate time Approximate Time Discussion Remote
Manipulate the simple Manipulating the Learning
interest formula Simple Interest Peer Teaching
Find the simple Formula
discount Bank Discount Individual/Gro
Classify the types of Promissory Notes up Exercises
promissory notes Effective Rate of a
Compute for the Bank Discount Video
effective rate of a Discounting Notes Presentation
bank discount Before Maturity
Discount notes before
Effectivity:September 2,2020
Determine the Amount Formula
varying interest Present Value
rates Effective and
Find the Nominal Rates
equivalent values Equivalent Rates
Effectivity:September 2,2020
Solve problems on of Deferred
deferred annuity Annuity
Compute for the Worded
present value of a Problems on
simple perpetuity Deferred Annuity
due and simple Perpetuity
ordinary perpetuity
Determine the IV. SINKING FUND AND Problem Synchronous: Problem Use of 7.5
sinking fund AMORTIZATION Solving Online Set numerical
LL, CP, PO1,PO2 payment using the Discussion Scores
IFK, Cm, PO6,PO5, formula Sinking Fund Lecture/ using Google Quiz
CEL PO7 Find the interest Payment Discussi Meet Rubrics for
payment on a debt Interest Payment on Worksheet Group
Construct a on a Debt Asynchronous: output
sinking fund Sinking Fund Peer Teaching Remote
schedule Schedule Learning
Determine the Direct Individual/Gro
amortization Computation of up Exercises
payment using the Unknown Values
formula Amortization Video
Determine the Payment Presentation
outstanding Outstanding
principal Principal
Calculate the Amortization
concluding Schedule
payment Concluding
Construct an Payment
Mid-Term Exam7.5nation – 1.5 hours
Discuss the four V. DEPRECIATION Problem Synchronous: Problem Use of
factors considered Solving Online Set numerical
LL, CP, PO1,PO2 to determine Factors to Discussion Scores
Effectivity:September 2,2020
IFK, Cm, PO6,PO5, depreciation determine Lecture/ using Google Quiz 8.5
CEL PO7 expense Depreciation Discussion Meet Rubrics for
Illustrate the Expense Worksheet Group
methods of Methods Used Peer Teaching Asynchronous: output
depreciation used for Financial Remote
for financial Statement Individual/Gro Learning
statement Reporting up Exercises
reporting Compound
Determine the Interest Methods Video
depreciation Depreciation Presentation
charges using the Schedule
compound interest
Prepare a
Discuss stock VI. STOCKS AND Problem Synchronous: Problem Use of 8
quotations BONDS Solving Online Set numerical
LL, CP, PO1,PO2 Discuss scrip less Discussion Scores
IFK, Cm, PO6,PO5, trading Stock Quotations Lecture/ using Google Quiz
CEL PO7 Differentiate Scrip Less Discussion Meet Rubrics for
preferred from Trading Worksheet Group
common stock Preferred and Peer Teaching Asynchronous: output
Distinguish the Common Stocks Remote
types of preferred Types of Individual/Gro Learning
stock Preferred Stock up Exercises
Determine the Current Yield for
current yield for a a Stock Video
stock Price – earnings Presentation
Compute for the Ratio of a Stock
cost, proceeds Cost, Proceeds
gain (loss) on a and Gain (Loss)
stock transaction on a stock
Effectivity:September 2,2020
Discuss the types Transaction
of bonds Types of Bonds
Find the cost, Cost, Proceeds
proceeds, gain and Gain (Loss)
(loss) on a bond on a Bond
transaction Transaction
Determine the Current Yield for
current yield for a a Bond
Final-Term Examination – 1.5 hours
Course Requirements:
1. Students are expected to take prelim , midterm and final examinations as scheduled.
2. Students should comply all written works and performance tasks.
Grading Scheme
Key Learning Areas Grade Equivalent
Prelim Exam 15% 1.0 98 – 100
Midterm Exam 25% 1.25 95 – 97
Final Exam 25% 1.5 92 – 94
Quizzes 15% 1.75 89 – 91
2.0 86 – 88
Problem set/worksheet/Assessment tasks 20% 2.25 10%
83 – 85
2.5 80 – 82
2.75 77 – 79
Total 100% 3.0 75 – 76 Passed
5.0 74 and below Failed
Final Grade = Tentative Grade * 0.625 + 37.5
1. Broverman. S.A. (2017). S of Investment and Credit, Seventh Edition, ACTEX Learning, a division of SRBooks Inc.
Effectivity:September 2,2020
2. Biehler,T.J. (2008). The Mathematics of Money: Math for Business and Personal Finance Decisions. McGraw-Hill Companies, Inc.
3. Adams,A.T.,, Investment Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons Ltd,
4. Dodd, E.L.(2014) Fundamentals in the Mathematics of Investment. Mathematical Association of America.
5. Falin, G.I. (2014). Mathematics of Finance and Investment. Moscow State University.
3. Taking Examination
a. Cheating and copying are strictly prohibited. When caught during quizzes and long/units exams, deduction of points will be imposed by
the teacher and during midterm or final exam. Means a grade of 5.0 in the subject.
b. Borrowing of calculators and other exam paraphernalia is not allowed during exam.
c. During prelim, midterm, and final exam, only test papers answer sheets, permits, calculators, pens, pencils and erasers are allowed on
the desk; other things should be deposited on a place designated by the teacher.
d. Other policies will be imposed as deemed necessary and as agreed upon between the students and the subject professor.
4. Other Policies
4.1Face-to-face FTLM
a. Cellphone should be shut-off or in silent mode during class hours.
Effectivity:September 2,2020
b. Chairs should be arranged at least 1.5 meters apart to observe social distancing.
c. Chairs should be arranged before leaving the classroom.
d. Vandalism is strictly prohibited and punishable.
e. No Smoking within the school premises.
f. Students under the influence of liquor are not allowed inside the school compound.
g. Any form of deadly weapons should not be brought to school except cleaning/cutting tools during cleanup days and laboratory classes.
h. Unnecessary noise to the point of creating disturbances is prohibited.
i. Proper grooming should be observed at all times, e.g. short and undyed hair for males.
j. Other policies will be strictly imposed as contained in the student manual.
4.2. Online FTLM (synchronous)
a. Unnecessary noise to the point of creating disturbances is prohibited.
b. Participative learning is encouraged
c. Wear proper attire
d. Courtesy and proper decorum should be observed at all times
e. Meeting time set should be strictly observed by both faculty and students
f. Policies on the recording of class lecture is subject to the approval/agreement between the student and faculty which shall be governed
by existing laws such as cybercrime act, data privacy act and intellectual property right laws.
g. Posting of unnecessary comments/messages are prohibited during online classes.
4.3. Remote FTLM (asynchronous)
a. Submit required output on time via online or on designated drop-off / pick up points.
b. Submission of duplicated / copied output is prohibited.
c. Posting of unnecessary comments/messages are prohibited during group chat/discussion forum.
Asso.Prof 5 Program Chair, BSE Dean, College of Education
Effectivity:September 2,2020