Isabela State University Cabagan Campus: Republic of The Philippines
Isabela State University Cabagan Campus: Republic of The Philippines
Isabela State University Cabagan Campus: Republic of The Philippines
Course Syllabus
1st Semester, School Year 2018- 2019
*For modification
In line with the Isabela State University’s vision and mission, the College of The graduates of the Bachelor of Secondary Education program must be
Teacher Education is tasked to develop professional educators and train future able to:
teachers who are competent, caring, confident, committed and would contribute to
the development of the community through education by: 1. Possess wide range of theoretical and practical skills for an effective
delivery of instruction;
1. Enhancing the qualification of educators for academic and professional 2. Perform the necessary competencies needed in the different learning areas
development equipped with advanced training and educational innovations as in the secondary school;
well as research and extension capabilities; and 3. Conduct research for instruction;
4. Undertake actual training in community development through extension
2. Preparing and developing highly qualified basic education teachers and activities
skilled technologists through quality and well-rounded pre-service training in 5. Apply appropriate innovative and alternative teaching approaches;
both academic and vocational fields for diverse communities of learners. 6. Practice the professional and ethical requirements of the teaching
7. Demonstrate desirable Filipino values as a foundation for social citizenship
Course Description
The course analyzes Philippine History from multiple perspectives through the lens of selected primary sources coming from various disciplines and of different genres.
Students are given opportunities to analyze the author’s background and main arguments, compare different points of view, identify biases and examine the evidences
presented in the document. The discussions will tackle traditional topics in history and other interdisciplinary themes that will deepen and broaden their understanding
of Philippine political, economic, cultural, social, scientific, and religious history. Priority is given primary materials that could help students develop their analytical and
communication skills. The end goal is to develop the historical and critical consciousness of the students so that they will become versatile, articulate, broadminded,
morally upright and responsible citizens.
This course includes mandatory topics on the Philippine Constitution, agrarian reform, and taxation.
Prerequisite/s :
Course Outcome:
Develop critical and analytical skills with exposure to primary sources
Demonstrate the ability to use primary sources to argue in favor or against a particular issue
2. Affective
Manifest interest in local history and concern in promoting and preserving our country’s national patrimony and cultural heritage
3. Psychomotor
Effectively communicate, using various techniques and genres. their historical analysis of a particular event or issue that could help others understand the
chosen topic
Propose recommendation/s solutions to present-day problems on their understanding of root causes and their anticipation of future scenarios
Display the ability to work in a team and contribute to a work project
Course Plan
Graduate Teaching Learning
Outcomes Intended Learning Outcomes Learning Content Assessment Tasks Assessment Tools
Attributes Activities Activities
SC, CEL, PO6, PO7 State the vision and mission of the Vision and Mission of the Discussion Sharing of ideas Recitation Rubrics for
University, quality policy, institutional University Recitation
outcomes and goals of the College. Quality Policy Brainstorming Quiz
Institutional Outcomes
Goals of the College
SC,LL PO1, PO7 Evaluate primary source s for their Meaning and relevance of history; Lecture/Discussi Library, Present examples of Rubrics
credibility, authenticity and provenance distinction of primary and on museums and primary sources and the
secondary sources; external and archives corresponding secondary
internal criticism; repositories of visitation sources derived from
primary sources, and different Comparative them
kinds of primary sources. analysis of
primary and
SC,IFK,LL PO1, PO7 Analyze the context, content, and Content and contextual analysis of Lecture/Discussi Library research Graded reporting Rubrics for graded
perspective of different kinds of selected primary sources; on Textual analysis Quizzes reporting and essay
primary sources identification of the historical Reporting Small group Critical Essay about a
importance of the text; and Film Analysis discussion particular primary source;
Discuss the contribution of different examination of the author’s main students are to discuss
kinds of primary sources in argument and point of view the importance of the text,
understanding Philippine history the author’s background,
the context of the
Develop critical and analytical skills document, and its
with exposure to primary sources contribution to
understanding Philippine
Preliminary Exam – 1.5 hours
SC, IFK PO1, PO6, Formulate arguments in favor or “One past, many histories”: Lecture/Discussi Document Debate a particular issue Debate rubrics
against a particular issue using controversies and conflicting views on Analysis in Philippine History Rubrics for
PO7 primary sources in Philippine History Debate, round Group Reaction/ reflection paper reaction/reflection
a. Site of the first Mass table discussion discussion on a sponsored activity paper
b. Cavite Mutiny or symposium like lecture, symposium,
c. Retraction of Rizal round table discussion
d. Cry of Balintawak or Pugadlawin and the like
Mid-Term Examination – 1.5 hours
IFK, CPP, PO1, PO2, Effectively communicate, using various Social, political, economic, and Lecture/Discussi Group reporting Research output that may Rubrics
techniques and genres, historical cultural issues in Philippine History; on be in the form of a term
CLL PO5, PO7 analysis of a particular event or issue Mandated topics Library and Students will be paper, exhibit
that could help others understand the 1. Agrarian Reform Policies Archival required to look documentary
chosen topic. 2. The Philippine Constitution research for primary presentation, diorama,
-1899 (Malolos Constitution) Document sources on webpage and other
Propose recommendations or -1935 Constitution Analysis which they wil genres where students
solutions to present day problems -1973 Constitution base their can express their ideas.
based on their understanding of root -1987 Constitution narrative and The output should trace
causes, and their anticipation of future 3. Taxation analysis of the the evolution of the
scenarios. topic assigned chosen topic through at
Other sample topics: least three periods. Group
Display the ability to work in a multi- 1. Filipino Cultural heritage members should
disciplinary team and contribute to a 2. Filipino-American relations collaborate to produce a
group endeavor 3. Government peace treaties with synthesis that examines
Muslim Filipinos the role of this issue in
4. Institutional History of Schools. promoting/hindering
5. Biography of a prominent nation building and
Filipino provide appropriate
recommendations rooted
in a historical
understanding of the
SC, CPP, LL PO1, PO3, Promotion of local history and show Critical evaluation and promotion of Lecture/discussi Conduct oral Reaction paper or critique Rubrics
concern in promoting and preserving the local and oral history, on interview of the shrines, historical
PO5, PO6 the country’s historical and cultural museums, and shrines. Cultural Tour in local Letter to the sites, museums the
heritage performances, indigenous museums, editor students visited
practices, religious rites and rituals, historical sites, Blogs
etc. art galleries, Transcript of oral
archeological interview
sites and other
places where
one could see
cultural and
Final-Term Examination – 1.5 hours
Course Requirements:
Group Reports
Group Output/Performance
Local Field Trip
Prelim Exam
Midterm Exam
Final Exam
Grade Equivalent
Grading Scheme
Final Examination 25% 1.0 98 – 100
Mid-term Examination 25% 1.25 95 – 97
Short/Long Quizzes 20% 1.5 92 – 94
Other Requirements 30% 1.75 89 – 91
(Project, Assignment, 2.0 86 – 88
Class Participation, etc.) 2.25 83 – 85
2.5 80 – 82
Total 100%
2.75 77 – 79
3.0 75 – 76
Final Grade = Tentative Grade * 0.60 + 40 5.0 74 and below Failed
Inc. Incomplete
Classroom Policies:
b. Tardiness of 15 minutes is equivalent to one hour period of absence.
c. A minimum of 3 consecutive absences without justifiable reasons requires a promissory note from the college guidance coordinator.
d. Six (6) consecutive absences in the class means “drop” in the subject.
e. Failure to take the prelim exam preceded by absences means “drop” during exams.
f. Failure to attend the classes after taking the prelim exam means a grade of 5.0 in the subject.
3. Taking Examinations
a. Cheating and copying are strictly prohibited. When caught cheating during the quizzes and long exams, deduction of points will be imposed
during mid-term or final exams, which means a grade of 5.0 in the subject.
b. Borrowing of calculators and other exam paraphernalia is NOT allowed during exams.
c. During mid-term and final exams, only answer sheets, permits, calculators, pens , pencils and erasers are allowed on the desk; other things
should be deposited on a place designated by the teacher.
d. Other will be imposed as deemed necessary and agreed upon by between the student and the subject professor.
4. Other Policies
a. Cellphones should be shut off during class hours.
b. Chairs should be arranged before leaving the classroom.
c. Vandalism is strictly prohibited and punishable.
d. No smoking within the school premises.
e. Students under the influence of liquors are not allowed inside the school compound.
f. Any form of deadly weapons should not be brought to school except cleaning/cutting tools during clean-up days and laboratory classes.
g. Unnecessary noise to the point of creating disturbances is prohibited.
h. Proper grooming should be observed (i.e. short and undyed hair for males).
i. Other policies will be strictly imposed as contained in the student handbook.