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Riprap - RR

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Riprap – RR

DEFINITION • In channels where infiltration is desirable,

but velocities are too excessive for
A permanent, erosion-resistant ground cover vegetative or geotextile lining.
of large, loose, angular stone with a • On slopes and areas where conditions
geotextile or granular underlining. may not allow vegetation to grow.

PURPOSE Riprap protection of banks and channels

of streams, rivers, and lakes requires
Riprap is used to protect culvert inlets and authorization from the Tennessee
outlets, stabilize stream banks, stabilize Division of Water Pollution Control and
drainage channels, and protect slopes and United States Army Corps of Engineers.
other areas subject to erosion by storm For more information, see Appendix C
water, where vegetative or geotextile and:
measures are not adequate or appropriate. http://www.state.tn.us/environment/permit
This practice significantly reduces erosion s/arap.htm
and sediment movement.
Riprap applications for channel or slope
Riprap may be used in many different stabilization should be designed by a
locations and many different ways: professional familiar with the design of storm
water conveyance structures.
• Along a stream or within drainage
channels, as a stable lining resistant to Stone riprap can either be placed as
erosion. machine-graded riprap (layers that can be
• On lakefronts and riverfronts, or other placed by machine and then compacted) or
areas subject to wave action. as rubble (large pieces of rock that are
• Around culvert outlets and inlets to placed by hand). Graded riprap is often used
prevent scour and undercutting. for channel linings because it is flexible and

RR - 1
can be compacted to a dense structure material that is of questionable origin should
without manual sorting or placement. be given a sodium sulfate soundness test to
determine its durability. Riprap material
Rubble-stone riprap can be used for an should have a specific gravity of at least 2.5.
attractive landscaped appearance but lacks
flexibility to adapt to settlement, washing out Gradation: Different classes of machined
of material, burrowing animals, etc. Hand riprap are shown in Table 1 taken from the
placed riprap is typically two-dimensional. TDOT Standard Specifications for Road and
Each piece is “keyed” into each other and Bridge Construction. Gradations are
the displacement of one piece may lead to commonly specified in terms of a specified
the failure of surrounding pieces. Machine percentage by weight being smaller than a
placed riprap layers are typically thicker, diameter. For example, TDOT calls for Class
providing more structural integrity. B riprap to have a D20 of at least 6 inches.
This means that for Class B riprap, 20% of
Riprap should be used only when other the stones, by weight, would be 6 inches in
methods of protection or stabilization are not diameter or larger. D0 would be the smallest
appropriate. Erosion control matting, allowable size and D100 would be the largest
geotextiles, and flexible mattresses are allowable size for any specified gradation.
examples of geosynthetics that provide an
alternative to channels lined with riprap or Other types of riprap materials are shown in
concrete. Some alternatives to riprap for Table 2. Rubble-stone riprap can be very
slopes include surface roughening, attractive as well as functional, but requires
vegetation, terracing, and mulching as found a great deal of hand labor and time.
elsewhere in this manual. Manufactured concrete products such as
interlocking blocks, articulated blocks, and
As a rough guideline, riprap can be specified revetment mattresses can resist very high
for a channel design flow velocity that is over flow velocities and are usually designed to
5 feet per second (approximate upper limit of be flexible for handling settlement and
most vegetative channel linings). The upper subgrade irregularities. Sacked riprap
limit for design flow velocity of a riprap (essentially a concrete lining) is also
channel lining depends primarily on the size labor-intensive and expensive to install.
of riprap specified and methods used for Concrete linings are discouraged because
securing riprap material in place. Sound they do not allow for wildlife habitats and
engineering practice should be used when may contribute to downstream drainage
considering flow velocity in the design of problems such as high storm water
channels. Graded machined riprap is usually velocities.
less expensive to install than hand-placed
riprap and tends to be more flexible in case For smaller aggregates (less than 2 inches
of settlement or movement. across), gradation is normally determined by
mechanically shaking several pounds of
CONSTRUCTION SPECIFICATIONS material through a set of progressively
smaller sieves. Then it can be stated that a
Quality of Stone: Riprap should generally certain percentage (by weight) is finer than a
consist of machined shot rock that is angular particular sieve with a defined opening size,
and clean. Do not use rounded stones or which is then equated with an average
cobbles for riprap (although cobble stones diameter. However, riprap material cannot
may be used in grouted channels for be mechanically shaken through sieves and
architectural appearances). Riprap should thus it is more difficult to quantify the
not contain sand, dust, organic material, average size. The different classes of
excessive cracks, mineral lenses and aggregates are shown in Table 3 and are
intrusions, or other impurities. taken directly from the TDOT Standard
Riprap is usually solid durable limestone Specifications for Road and Bridge
rock, which is generally resistant to erosion Construction.
and to normal stream chemistry. Riprap

RR - 2
Machined Riprap Specifications
Class A-1 Class A-3 Class B Class C
2" to 15" diameter 2" to 6" diameter 3" to 27" diameter 5" to 36" diameter
(0.5 to 169 lbs) (0.5 to 11 lbs) (1.5 to 985 lbs) (6 to 2335 Ibs)
Dumped Dumped Dumped Dumped

20% by weight shall 20% by weight 20% by weight 20% by weight shall
be at least 4" size shall be at least 4" shall be at least 6" beat least 9" size
(3 Ibs) size (3 lbs) size (11 Ibs) (36 lbs)
Typical thickness is Typical thickness is Typical thickness is Typical thickness is
18" with surface 12" with surface 30" with a surface 42" with a surface
tolerance of 3" tolerance of 2" tolerance of 4" tolerance of 6"

Table 1

Non-Machined Riprap Specifications

Rubble-stone Rubble-stone Sacked riprap
(plain) (grouted) Concrete blocks (sand-cement)

Min 2" diameter Min 2" diameter Rectangular shapes Approx 1 cubic ft
(min 0.5 lbs) (min 0.5 lbs) (approx. 100 Ibs)
Placed by hand Placed by hand Placed by hand Placed by hand

80% by weight shall 80% by weight shall Class A concrete Sacks should be
be at least 10" in be at least 10" in with 3000 psi cotton or jute cloth
any dimension any dimension 28-day strength that retains sand
(prefer rectangular) (prefer rectangular) and dry cement mix
Remainder is 2" to Remainder is 2" to Various thickness Mix 1 bag cement
4" size for chinking 4" size for chinking from 4" upwards (94 lbs) with 5
cubic feet of sand

Typical thickness is Typical thickness is Design and install Typical thickness is

12" with surface 12" with surface per manufacturer's 10" with a surface
tolerance of 2" tolerance of 2" recommendations tolerance of 2"

Table 2

Source: TDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction

RR - 3
Machined Aggregate Specifications
Size number 1 2 24 3 357
Nominal size 90 to 37.5 mm 63 to 37.5 mm 63 to 19 mm 50 to 25 mm 50 to 4.75 mm
square openings (3 1/2" to 1 1/2") (2 1/2" to 1 1/2") (3 1/2" to 3/4") (2" to 1") (2" to No. 4)

Size number 4 467 5 56 57

Nominal size 37.5 to 19 mm 37.5 to 4.75 mm 25 to 12.5 mm 25 to 9.5 mm 25 to 4.75 mm
square openings (1 1/2" to 3/4") (1 1/2" to No. 4) (1" to 1/2") (1" to 3/8") (1" to No. 4)

Size number 6 67 68 7 78
Nominal size 19 to 9.5 mm 19 to 4.75 mm 19 to 2.36 mm 12.5 to 2.36 mm 9.5 to 2.36 mm
square openings (3/4" to 3/8") (3/4" to No. 4) (3/4" to No. 8) (1/2" to No. 4) (1/2" to No. 8)

Size number 8 89 9 10
Nominal size 9.5 to 1.18 mm 4.75 to 1.18 mm 4.75 to 1.18 mm 4.75 mm
square openings (3/8" to No. 8) (3/8" to No. 16) (No. 4 to No. 16) (No.4 to No.100)

Table 3

Source: TDOT Standard Specifications for Road and Bridge Construction

Geotextile: A geotextile should be placed 2. D15 of filter must not be less than five times
beneath riprap to maintain separation from D15 of base.
underlying soils. It is also necessary within
stream channels to avoid migration of 3. D15 of filter must not be more than forty
fine-grained soils from the subgrade into the times D15 of base.
riprap. In particular, use geotextile at the inlet
and outlet of culverts, where turbulence is 4. D50 of filter must not be more than forty
normally expected. Refer to the specification times D50 of base.
Geotextiles - GE
The relationship of the riprap to an underlying
Granular Filter: A layer of aggregate or sand granular filter layer should follow the same
can also be placed beneath riprap to filter criteria as between the granular filter
maintain separation from underlying soils, and the base soil. In other words, the term
either in addition to geotextile or in place of "filter" refers to the larger-grained material
geotextile. The layer of aggregate or sand and the term "base" refers to the
acts as a smooth bed to allow easier smaller-grained material. Due to the many
placement of riprap, and it can be used as a problems associated with carefully placing 6"
granular filter. The granular filter permits layers of graded aggregate or sand, the use
water to drain out or seep through it without of geotextile is greatly preferred.
allowing the adjacent soil or aggregate to
migrate through. In general, a geotextile will There are many methods available for
perform this function more reliably and with choosing riprap size, particularly for riprap
lower installation costs. channel linings. There are methods that
make use of only one equation, which can
A granular filter (Figure 1) should have the only account for 3 or 4 factors using
following properties with relation to the base assumptions and various rule-of-thumb
soil underneath: guidelines. There are many methods which
try to account for forces and momentum
1. D15 of filter must not be more than five more exactly, with several equations and
times D85 of base. nomographs being used for factors such as

RR - 4
rock specific gravity, stream tractive force, not subject to flowing water. Rounded stones
drag force, etc. such as river gravel have a lower angle of
repose. See Figure 2 for angle of repose
Riprap design should be performed by a based on average stone size, D50.
professional using drainage computations,
which consider field conditions, quality of The angle of repose does not take into
materials, and construction placement. If account any external forces (such as
possible, it is recommended that a few vehicles, people, storms, groundwater,
design methods should be used to verify earthquakes, or other ground vibrations).
reasonable results. Failure will often occur at the interface
between two layers, such as on a geotextile
Riprap for River Shorelines: Riprap for use filter fabric that is not sufficiently anchored or
on river or lake shorelines should be where hydraulic forces exceed the sheer
designed to conform to standards by strength of the base and/or filter layer. A
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) or the US professional engineer should perform slope
Army Corps of Engineers. stability analyses for all sloped areas that are
critical or potentially hazardous. See Figure 3
Riprap for Slopes: Riprap applications for for base of riprap slope protection.
slope stabilization, where wave action or
flowing water is not a concern, should be Riprap at Outlets: Design criteria for sizing
sized for stability. The natural angle of stone and determining the dimensions and
repose is defined as the angle at which installation of riprap pads used at the outlet
material can be placed without sliding of drainage structures are contained in the
downhill due to gravity. Angular riprap or specification Storm Drain Outlet Protection
crushed rock typically has an angle of repose - OP
in the neighborhood of 40°, so that a slope of
1.5 to 1 is reasonable for most slopes when

Typical Granular Filter

Figure 1

Source: Knoxville Engineering Department

RR - 5
Angle of Repose for Riprap Based on Average Stone Size

Figure 2

Source: Knoxville Engineering Department

Base of Riprap Slope Protection

Minimum Distance = 2 x Layer Thickness

Layer Thickness


Minimum Thickness = 2 x Layer Thickness

Figure 3

Source: Knoxville Engineering Department

RR - 6
Riprap for Channel Stabilization (HEC-15 where K1 is obtained from Figure 4 and K2 is
design method): The following design obtained from an equation:
method for sizing riprap is taken from
Hydraulic Engineering Circular 15, Design of Bottom D50 x K1 / K2 = side slope D50
Stable Channels With Flexible Linings, by the
Federal Highway Administration (1975). The K2 = (1- sin2 (ϕ)/sin2 (θ)) 0.5
mean riprap size is computed for tangent
sections and curved sections of trapezoidal The side slope D50 is the riprap size
channels. Drainage computations are used to necessary for the side slopes of tangent
determine channel shape, channel slope, sections where side slope is steeper than 3:1
surface width, and design flow depth by (18.5°), ϕ is the angle of the side slope in
using the Manning's n roughness coefficient degrees, and θ is the angle of repose in
equal to: degrees
n = 0.0395 x (D50)
3. For curved sections of channel, compute
1. Compute the channel bottom D50 riprap the ratio !c that is the internal angle that
size based on the following equation where differentiates between a short bend and a
D50 and the maximum design flow depth long bend. The value RO is the radius of the
have the same units (inches or feet) and channel centerline bend, and the value RD is
channel slope is expressed in feet per foot the average radius of the channel outside
(H:V): bend as computed by the following equation
using T (top width of the channel) and B
Bottom D50 = 12.5 X depth X Channel Slope (bottom width of trapezoidal channel):

2. If the channel side slopes are steeper RD = RO + 0.25 (T+B)

than 3:1, then the side slope D50 riprap size !C = cos (RO / RD).
will be adjusted using the following equation

Distribution of Boundary Shear For Trapezoidal Channels

Figure 4

Source: Knoxville Engineering Department

RR - 7
4. Long bend (bend angle ! is more than General Subgrade Preparation
!c): The tangent D50 riprap size (from step 1
if side slopes are not steeper than 3:1, or 1. The area should be cleared of trees,
Step 2 if side slopes are steeper than 3:1) brush, vegetation, unsuitable soils, and
will be adjusted using the coefficient K3 that graded. Access for equipment that will be
is obtained from an equation with V being the necessary for earthwork and handling of
average velocity (using Manning's flow large rocks should be provided.
2. The subgrade should be prepared to
Curved D50 = K3 x tangent D50 the specified depth necessary for installation
K3 = 4 x V / RD of riprap. Compact subgrade firmly to prevent
slumping or undercutting. Excavate anchor
5. Short bend (bend angle ! is less than trenches as necessary for installation of
!c): The tangent D50 riprap size (from Step I geotextile filter fabric.
if side slopes are not steeper than 3:1, or
Step 2 if side slopes are steeper than 3:1) 3. Install geotextile to maintain separation
will be adjusted using the coefficient K4 that of rock material from the underlying soil.
is obtained from an equation using K3 as Geotextile should be placed so that it is not
computed above: stretched tight, and it conforms closely to the
subgrade. Secure filter fabric by using anchor
Curved D50 = K4 x tangent D50 trenches, stakes, staples, sewing or any
K4 = I + (K3 - 1) (! / !c) other means necessary according to
manufacturer's recommendations.
The selection of a mean riprap size D50 will
basically specify a gradation curve. The 4. Place a layer of aggregate or sand (if
maximum riprap size should be 1.5 times the specified by design for use as a bedding
D50 riprap size. The riprap layer thickness layer or as a granular filter) so that the layer
should be approximately 1.7 to 2.0 times the is smoothly graded and well-compacted. A
D50 riprap size, in accordance with the TDOT typical layer of aggregate or sand is 4 inches
riprap classifications in Table 1. thick when used only as a bedding material.
A granular filter of aggregate or sand is
The minimum freeboard for a riprap channel usually 6 inches thick.
should generally be at least 6 inches,
depending upon the type of computations Rubble-Stone Riprap: Rubble-stone riprap
and potential for damage. Always provide is usually placed as one layer (12" deep), two
additional freeboard at culvert inlets and layers (2 @ 6" deep), or an interlocking
outlets, areas of potential turbulence, mixture of one and two layers. Rubble-stone
changes in slope or direction, etc. riprap should be hand placed so that the
Superelevation of the flow surface may occur stones are close together, are staggered at
on the outside bank of a channel bend. The all joints as far as possible, and are placed
amount of superelevation, !Y, can be so as to reduce the voids to a minimum. The
estimated using the following equation where larger rocks should be thoroughly chinked or
g is equal to 32.2 feet per second per second anchored in place by using I" to 3" stones or
and the other terms have already been aggregate by placing over the surface and
defined: compacting in any manner practical.
!Y = (V T) / (g RO) When rubble-stone riprap is constructed in
layers, the layers should be thoroughly tied
INSTALLATION together with large stones protruding from
one layer into the other. The average depth
Installation of riprap should be accomplished is usually determined by frequent
within a short time frame (1 or 2 days) to measurements throughout installation. Any
minimize potential for damage from storm change in thickness should be accomplished
water runoff. gradually.

RR - 8
Installation of grouted rubble-stone riprap INSPECTION
includes hand placement of large rocks,
chinking with smaller rocks and aggregate, The final step in riprap installation is to verify
filling with grout, surface finishing, and proper construction methods are used and
curing. that the specified gradation was installed.
Visually inspect machined riprap to ensure
Machined Riprap: Machined riprap material that at least 20 percent of surface area
is generally dumped and placed by the use of consists of the D20 stone sizes specified
appropriate power equipment. Placement within the materials section. Check that 50
should avoid segregating material by percent of the surface area consists of
minimizing drop heights and by dumping stones no smaller than one-half of the
material in large quantities. Riprap is then maximum size specified.
graded and compacted (using hand or
mechanical tamping) to produce a surface Table 4 provides a rough guide to estimating
uniform in appearance. Handwork may be the weight and equivalent diameter size of
required to correct irregularities. Place riprap riprap material. A unit weight of 165 pounds
carefully to avoid puncturing or displacing per cubic foot is the same as a specific
geotextile fabric. gravity of 2.65 with respect to water.
Rectangular dimensions in a ratio of 3:2:I are
Typical layer thickness and allowable surface also listed as a frame of reference.
tolerances are shown in Table 1. Class A-2
machined riprap is the same as Class A-1 MAINTAINANCE
riprap except that the depth may be
decreased to 12 or 15 inches when placed by Riprap slopes and channel linings should be
hand in accordance with rubble-stone checked after major storm events for
installation procedure. Other classes of slumping, displacement, scour or
hand-placed riprap are listed in Table 2. undermining of riprap. Replace or reposition
riprap as necessary, making a note of any
damage for future reference.

Weight and Size Equivalents of Riprap

(assuming a unit weight of 165 pounds per cubic foot)
E q u i v a le n t
R e c t a n g u la r d i m e n s i o n s
W e ig h t d ia m e t e r
( a s s u m in g 3 : 2 : 1 r a t io )
( s p h e r i c a l)
1 pound 2 . 7 in c h e s 3 .6 " x 2 .4 " x 1 .2 "
2 pounds 3 . 4 in c h e s 4 .6 " x 3 .0 " x 1 .5 "
5 pounds 4 . 6 in c h e s 6 .2 " x 4 .1 " x 2 .1 "
10 pounds 5 . 8 in c h e s 7 .8 " x 5 .2 " x 2 .6 "
20 pounds 7 . 4 in c h e s 9 .8 " x 6 .5 " x 3 .3 "
30 pounds 8 . 4 in c h e s 1 1 .2 " x 7 .5 " x 3 .7 "
40 pounds 9 . 3 in c h e s 1 2 .4 " x 8 .2 " x 4 .1 "
50 pounds 1 0 .0 in c h e s 1 3 .3 " x 8 .9 " x 4 .4 "
75 pounds 1 1 .4 in c h e s 1 5 .2 " x 1 0 .1 " x 5 .1 "
100 pounds 1 2 .6 in c h e s 1 6 .8 " x 1 1 .2 " x 5 .6 "
150 pounds 1 4 .4 in c h e s 1 9 .2 " x 1 2 .8 " x 6 .4 "
200 pounds 1 5 .9 in c h e s 2 1 .2 " x 1 4 .1 " x 7 .1 "
250 pounds 1 7 .1 in c h e s 2 2 .8 " x 1 5 .2 " x 7 .6 "
300 pounds 1 8 .2 in c h e s 2 4 .2 " x 1 6 .1 " x 8 .1 "
500 pounds 2 1 .5 in c h e s 2 8 .7 " x 1 9 .1 " x 9 .6 "

Table 4
Source: Knoxville Engineering Department

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