Q 5 and 6
Q 5 and 6
Q 5 and 6
Vassilis Kostoglou
E-mail: vkostogl@it.teithe.gr
URL: www.it.teithe.gr/~vkostogl
Τ1 Τ2 Τ3 Τ4
01 2 2 2 1
02 10 8 5 4
03 7 6 6 8
1 2 3 4
1 464 513 654 867 75
Canneries 2 352 416 690 791 125
3 995 682 388 685 100
80 65 70 85
Find the combination of the transportation load that minimizes the total transportation
1 2 3
Branch 1 5 7 6
Branch 2 2 3 5
How should we distribute the products in order to maximize the total profit?
center Ι ΙΙ ΙΙΙ ΙV
Χ 5 2 4 3
Y 4 8 1 6
Ζ 4 6 7 5
The responsible officer has formed the following program based on his experience: Χ
ΙΙ: 12 tones, Χ ΙΙΙ: 1 tone, Χ ΙV: 9 tones, Y ΙΙΙ: 15 tones, C Ι : 7 tones, C
ΙΙΙ : 1 tone.
Consider whether the transportation program developed is the best possible. If not, then
determine the optimum solution.
Customer Μ Ν Q
A 30 40 10
B 20 10 50
C 70 20 20
Distribution center
1 2 3 4
1 800 1300 400 700
Branch 2 1100 1400 600 1000
3 600 1200 800 900
The fixed cost of each load is € 30 and the extra charge is € 1.50/km.
The problem that must be addressed is the distribution of land used for each country so
as to meet global needs and simultaneously minimize the total labor costs. Design and
resolve the appropriate transportation model.
There are three potential suppliers for the system A, B and C. A is capable of supplying
200 units for 400 pounds the one, the B 160 units for 420 pounds the one and C 180
units for 410 pounds the one. These prices do not include the transportation costs that
vary with the supplier and the supply contract according to the following table.
Suppliers North West South
Α 20 10 5
Β 5 15 20
Γ 30 10 25
(Unit transportation cost in British pounds)
The SAS wants to maximize the profit from the sales of the new system.
Design and solve the corresponding transportation problem.
An airline company buys fuel for the plane from three vendors. The company needs for
each of the three airports that uses and for the next months 100000 gallons for the first,
180000 gallons for the second and 35000 gallons for the third airport. Each vendor can
supply fuel to any airport in the price (dollars per gallon) given in the table below.
Each seller has a restriction on the total amount of fuel that can be supplied each
month. The potential is 320000 gallons for the seller 1, 1270000 gallons for the seller
2 and190000 gallons for the seller 3.
Find the right fuel purchasing policy so as to minimize the total cost of feeding the
three airports.
7000 4000 10000
Companies 5000 3000 9000
6000 5000 9000
What contracts exactly would you advise the administration of the partnership to sign,
so that on the one hand to minimize the total transportation cost, on the other hand the
administration not to be accused for bias in favor of or against any of the carriers?
The profit per tone of production in London is 1.7, 1.3 and 2.5 pounds when sold by the
third, fourth and fifth warehouse respectively. The corresponding gains for Birmingham
are 1.6, 1 and 0.5 pounds, while for Glasgow are 1.1, 0.8 and 2.1 pounds.
What is the maximum monthly profit that can be achieved by the industry?
(a) How should the producer make the orders to minimize the total transportation
cost and simultaneously meet requirements of the factory?
(b) Assume that in the initial problem the requirement of the first factory is 50 tons
per week, of the second factory 15 tons a week and of the third factory 35 tones
per week.
Determine the optimal solution and compare with that of the initial problem.
Four restaurant chains want to purchase this special type of bread. Their requirements
and the amount they offer are given in the table below.
As expected the cost of food is charged separately. The producer P charges €1 for the
transportation bags to the market A, €2 for B, €7 for C and €9 for D, without including
the cost of the product. One particular week both producers can supply from 65 bags,
but the producer P sells food for €1 more expensive per bag than P.
Which are the orders which must be placed this week by the wholesalers?
Next week the producers can still supply the same quantities, but now P sells €1 per
bag more expensive than P, even though transport costs have not changed at all.
Should the wholesaler change the orders? And if so, how exactly?
The weekly demand of the products is calculated to 400 tons for Bucharest, to 530 for
Glasgow, to 450 for Laussane and to 480 for Hamburg. The offering transportation
ability for the same time period is 420 tones with Β 727, 390 tones with Β 737, 480
tones with Β 707 and 570 tones with Α 300 (without the number of the aircrafts or the
routes getting examined).
The Β 737 cannot be used to the route Athens - Glasgow due to restricted action radius
(a medium supply is disadvantageous) while the Α 300 can’t fly to Bucharest, because
there is not specialized technical land potential.
ΕΑ 101 ΕΑ 108 ΕΑ 205 ΕΑ 207
Α 300 8 16 13 14
Β 727 9 7 13 12
Β 737 10 10 14 12
Β 707 12 14 13 14
May June July August
Fresh 50 120 140 100
Can 45 40 35 55
The collection of one peach tone requires four working hours, the sorting and their
package for direct disposition (fresh) six working hours, while the canning of the same
quantity requires five working hours.
The partnership employs totally 10 employees, that work in average 25 days per month
by full daily 8-hour. 5 of them should be moved to other cultivation for 13 days every
month in May and for 16 days in July and in August.
Late delivery of an order is not possible. Production that exceeds demand of the same
period reflects a charge against salary of € 50 during the month that production exceeds
Construction cost of a unit of the second product will be $ 45, $ 41, $ 46, $ 42 and $ 43
in 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th branch respectively. Construction cost of a unit of the third
product will be $ 38, $ 35 and $ 40 in 1st, 2nd and 3rd branch, respectively, while
the 4th and 5th branch do not have the ability to produce this product. The sales
division is that they can be produced 6000, 10000 and 8000 units of products 1, 2
and 3 respectively per day. Branches 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5 have the potential to produce
4000, 6000, 4000, 6000 and 10000 units per day, respectively, without including the
combination of products available. It is assumed that whichever branch has the ability
and capacity to produce these products it can also produce combinations of these in
any quantity.
b) Starting with the Vogel method for finding the initial possible solution use the
Simplex method of transposition problems to determine the optimal solution.
1 2 3 4
1 6 3 2 4
2 7 5 4 6
3 9 8 6 3
Management wants to know how many units to sell to its interest to the third and fourth
client and how many units should be transferred from the branches to each of the four
client in order to maximize the total profit.
Electricity : 20 units
Water heating : 10 units
Heating : 30 units
The size of the roof reduces solar modules to 30 points, while there is no restriction for
the rest. The electricity needs can be satisfied by the electricity market ($ 200 unit). The
needs of the two other sources can be met from some source or combination of
sources. Prices of units are:
(b) Use the northwest corner method for finding the initial basic possible solution to the
problem as designed at (a).
(c) Starting with the basic feasible solution of (b), use the Simplex transportation
method to determine the best solution.
(d) Use Vogel method for finding the initial feasible solution of the problem as
designed at (b).
e) Starting with the initial basic feasible solution of the question (d), use the
methodology of transposition problems to find the optimal solution.
Compare the numbers of steps required to determine the optimal solution using the
above two methods.
Reception center
1 2 3
Α 4 6 3
Β 6 5 2
A total of 60 units of product are to be produced and transported per week. Each
branch can produce and send any number of units with a maximum of 50 units per
week, i.e. there is flexibility in how they will share the total production between the two
branches, in order to reduce transportation costs.
(a) Suppose that each reception center must accept 20 units per week.
Design the problem as a transportation model.
(b) Use the northwest corner method to find an initial basic feasible solution of the
problem, as designed in question (a). Then determine the optimal solution.
(c) Suppose now that each distribution center can receive an amount between 10 and
30 units per week to reduce transportation costs, but the total cargo transported
remains at 60 points. Design the problem as a transportation model.
(d) Use the Vogel method to find the initial basic feasible solution for the problem as
designed at (c) and then determine the optimal solution.
Factory 1 2 3
1 50000 70000 60000
2 20000 30000 50000
How exactly should the 1000 units of the product be allocate in order to maximize the
total profit?
If the student changes his car within the next four years, he will do it at the end of
that year and will take a car of one of two types. However, he plans to get in the
future a newer of that what he gets now. He wants to find the most appropriate solution.
Formulate the model (the initial table) in order to find out the production schedule,
which minimizes the total cost.
If the company is getting expanded at the beginning of the four months, the costs will
remain the same. If it extends at the beginning of the 3rd month, then the cost will be
increased by €1, but according to latest legislative incentives for the extension will
receive a subsidy by the government with €400.
The cost per unit produced in overtime for each week is $ 2000 more than in the
regular season. The storage cost is $ 1000 per unit for each week of storage. There are
already two products in construction, but the administration does not want to have to
manufacture products after the end of the three weeks.
(a) Design the problem as a transportation model creating cost tables and requirement
(b) Use the Simplex transportation method to determine the optimal solution.
The administration wants to distribute water supplies in such a way as to minimize the
total transportation cost. Formulate and solve an appropriate transportation model.
In order the company to prevent delivery days should produce engines in the way
given in the third column of the table below. In addition all engines which must be
produced per month are at least 10, 15, 25 and 20 respectively. But it may need some
engines to be constructed one or more months after the initial programming due to
production conditions. These engines however should be stored and the storage cost
reaches $ 15000 per month.
The company has to decide which is the best way of engines production per month in
order to minimize the total cost.