Multiobjective Optimization
Multiobjective Optimization
Multiobjective Optimization
Review of techniques and Applications
What is MOO
MOO- Pareto Optimality
Methods: Articulation of preferences
Meta-heuristic Methods
Swarm Intelligence PSO, ACO, AIS
Case Study Peaks function, ZDT1
Comparison of techniques
Conclusion and Future Work
What is Multi-objective optimization
f(x)T = { f1(x) f2 (x) fm (x) }
min { f(x) } g(x)T = { g1 (x) g2 (x) gk (x) }
s.t.: g(x) 0
h(x) = 0 h(x)T = { h1 (x) h2 (x) hl (x) }
xT = { x1 x2 xn } X
Pareto Optimality- Concept of dominance
Relates to the
concept of
x(1) dominates x(2), if
x(1) is no worse than
x(2) in all objectives
x(1) is strictly better
than x(2) in at least
one objective
3 dominates 2
3 does not dominate 5
Pareto Optimal Front
A feasible vector X* is called a
Pareto optimal if no other feasible
solution Y* that would reduce some
objective function without causing
a simultaneous increase in at least
one other objective function.
Pareto-Optimal set
= Non-
A number of solutions
are optimal
Methods to perform Multi-objective optimization
Methods: No articulation of Preference
Methods: Priori articulation of Preference Info
Search Always move to the best
available neighbourhood
solution point, even if it is
worse than the current
Maintain a list of solution
Update this list based on 12
some memory structure
Meta-heuristic Methods
Simulated Annealing
A random-search technique -
exploits an analogy between
the way in which a metal cools
and freezes into a minimum
energy crystalline structure
Temperature control
parameter reduces with time
SA's major advantage - ability
to avoid becoming trapped in
local minima.
Algorithm employs a random
search - not only accepts
changes in positive direction;
also in the opposite one with a
probability. 13
Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization
Inspired by Darwinian Evolution- Survival of the Fittest
1. Population with a
random genome
2. Evaluate objectives
3. Study features to Assign
4.Select interesting individuals - inserts
them into the mating pool.
5. A new using - mutation and/or
6. Offspring integrated into the population14
Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization
Genetic Differential
Algorithms Evolutions
Parents are stochastically selected Main Difference in applying
and copied to an offspring vector selection, mating operators.
Recombination and mutation several individuals to create a
operators in order to form new candidate offspring to
offspring compete against its parent.
Parents and offspring are joined DE enhances elitism by applying
Population size always varies from further rules after having
2N to N during truncation created the candidate offspring
Evolutionary Multi-objective Optimization
Non-dominated Sorting GA (NSGA II)
Swarm Intelligence Approaches
Particle Swarm
Optimization Ant Colony Optimization
Form of swarm intelligence finding optimal paths in graphs
in which the behaviour of a ACO is based on the metaphor
flock of birds or a school of of ants seeking food.
fish is simulated. First, a set of ants performs
Positions and velocities of randomized walks through the
all individuals are randomly
initialized. Proportional to the goodness of
the solutions, pheromones are
For best position it can laid out on paths Over time,
make use of memory or the pheromone trail starts to
communication with other evaporate
particles A short path gets marched
Communication method over more frequently, and thus
the pheromone density
slows convergence speed
becomes higher
but reaching global optima
more likely
Swarm Intelligence Approaches
Artificial Immune System
Proposed by Dasgupta, in 1999
Artificial Immune algorithm is based 1. Initialization of
on clonal selection principle and antibodies (potential
is a population based algorithm solutions to the problem).
Inspired by the human immune Antigens : objective function
system f(x) to be optimized.
exhibits the following strengths: 2. Cloning fitness of each
immune recognition, antibody is determined.
reinforcement learning, feature Based on this fitness the
extraction, immune memory, antibodies are cloned; that is
diversity and robustness. the best will be cloned the
The artificial immune system (AIS) most.
combines these strengths and has 3. Hyper mutation the best
been gaining significant attention antibodys clones are
due to its powerful adaptive mutated lesser and worst
learning and memory antibodys clones are
mutated most.
evaluated along with their 18
original antibodies out of
which the best N antibodies
Hybrid Methods
Pipeline Asynchronous
Implemented Work on different subsets of the
Sequentially solution space
If the individuals from such a subset
To speed up
optimization outperform the ones in the shared
population, they are allowed to
First An algorithm immigrate into it
finds promising
regions of solution. A method that converges slowly could
be combined with one that converges
switch to a method faster
with higher
convergence rate in A method that performs well on one
order to speed up the subset of the search space could be
search combined with method that performs
well on another subset
GA with gradient-
based algorithm. Genetic algorithms with multiple 19
Hybrid Methods
Hierarchical Additional Operators
Different techniques Operators from one method are
at different levels added to or even replacing the
standard operators of the other
On an overall level - a method.
robust optimization
strategy to find an E.g.
optimal layout hybrids of SA and GA algorithms for
instance where among other things
At lower level- system the replacement is done according to
less complex and a simulated annealing scheme
sensitive Appropriate
to employ for instance Hybrid of Differential Evolution with
pure analytical Immune algorithm (Yildiz, 2012)
Case Study: Example Peaks problem
Z = max [ ,
Case Study: Example Peaks problem
Let us consider a
combined function J
Jtot = J1 +
Case Study: Example Peaks problem
For better performance
of the concerned MOP
Let us consider a
combined function J
Jtot = J1 +
Case Study: Example Peaks problem
For better performance
of the concerned MOP
Let us consider a
combined function J
Jtot = J1 +
Xtot* =0.8731
J(xtot*) Solution
J1 = 3.0173
J2 = 3.1267 Trade-off
Jtot* =
*An array of optimal points may be obtained by adding weights while 26
addition according to user.
Case Study: Example ZDT1
Case Study: Example ZDT1
GA initial
Population: 100
Case Study: Example ZDT1
GA initial
Population: 100
Case Study: Example ZDT1
GA initial
Population: 100
If single
was run
on both
provides better
Comparison of Different Techniques
Comparison of Different Techniques
DE mostly shows PSO is easier to implement and
there are fewer parameters to adjust
better result than PSO has a more effective memory
capability than GA
GA PSO is more efficient in
Techniqu Referenc Operator Principle Application
e es
Goal Charnes. and Goal programming combines Form of multi-objective optimization problems in data
Cooper, 1961 the logic of optimization in optimization mining,
mathematical programming scheduling problems,
g with the decision makers desire assignment problems, flight
to satisfy several goals control system design, pattern
RSM Box and Draper, Design expert software (DX6)
Based on a machining Design of Experiment Fast and
1987 model developed by simple
mathematical and
statistical techniques
Scatter Chen (2003) A program designed by Laguna A generalized including neural networks,
Search and Marti in C code optimization methodology multi and mono-objective
for machining problems routing problems, graph
that has no restrictive drawing, scheduling, and
assumptions colouring problems
about objective function,
parameter set and
constraint set
Taguchi Taguchi and Wu Design of experiments, Based on actual Engineering optimization,
Technique (1979) Orthogonal arrays, ANOVA experimental work and Application in quality control,
determination of optimum biotechnology, marketing and
conditions using advertising
statistical tools
Genetic Rachenberg, A CGI (common gateway Based on a machining State Assignment Problem,
Algorithms 1973; interface) program model developed from TSP, Economics, Scheduling,
Holland, 1975 theoretical analysis, CAD
experimental database
and numerical methods
Simulated Kirkpatrick, Euclidian distance between Simulates annealing to multiobjective optimization of
Annealing 1983 Solution and Utopian point, metals to obtain intelligent structures,
Boltzmann's Probability minimized atomic energy optimization of optical 33
stage, Efficiently avoids multilayer thin-film devices
local optima
Techniqu Referenc Operator Principle Application
e es
NSGA II K. Deb, 2002 Non-dominated Sorting, Before selection is Manufacturing, Machining
Crowding Distance performed, the population Parameter optimization,
is ranked on the basis of Complex MOO
PSO Kennedy and D dimensional vector for Computational multimodal biomedical
Eberhert, 1995 position ,speed best state intelligence oriented, image registration
Initializer, updater and stochastic, population Edge detection in noisy
evaluator. based global images, finding optimal
optimization technique machining parameter
assembly line balancing
problem in production and
operations management
ABC Teodorovic Represented as D-Dimensional Based on the behaviour Scheduling problems,
vector, of the bees in nature image segmentation,
Reproduction, replacement of capacitated vehicle routing
bee, selection problem ,
(WSNs),assembly line
balancing problem, Solving
reliability redundancy
allocation problem
AIS Dasgupta,1999 attribute string( a real-valued Artificial Immune computer security
vector), integer string , binary algorithm is based on ,anomaly detection,
string, symbolic string clonal selection principle clustering /classification,
Initialization, Cloning, and is a population numeric function
Hypermutation based algorithm optimization
multi- modal optimization,
job shop scheduling
ACO Dorigo and Represented as Unidirected a meta heuristic inspired TSP Problem, Quadratic
DiCarno, 1999 Graph; by the foraging Assignment problem (QAP)
Pheromone Update and behaviour of ants in the Job-Shop Scheduling
Measure, trail evaporation wild, and moreover, the problem. dynamic problem
phenomena known as of data network routing
The study discusses various methods to perform
A variety of techniques have been discussed
also methods of Hybridisation
Study witnessed that the applications and growth
of natural computing in the last years is very
drastic and has been applied to numerous
optimization problems
However, further investigation is needed to
consider more kinds of test problems with
different MO optimization difficulties, such as the
heavy function evaluation, heavy constraint,
dynamic search space
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