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1. As cited in the study of Andaya (2014), Macber (2000) indicated that in recent studies in
mathematics achievement highlight the importance of the classroom, teacher and school as
factors affecting performance in the subject. Most the differences in student achievement in the
United States and Australia were due to compositional and organizational factors, not so much
on teacher factor.


2. According to the study of Kussainov, et al.(2014), revealed that family conditions such as
social status, occupation, and education level of parents do not have a significant impact on
academic progress of students. The impact is that the parents are more serious about providing
their children with a quality education and cultivate their knowledge. Main factor is the support
from the family, its help and atmosphere that form a positive attitude towards the school and


3. As stated by M. H. Jones, et al. (2012), it should be noted that there is often not a direct
relationship from friends’ behaviors to a student’s academic performance. Rather, friends affect
one’s self-beliefs, which may then alter academic behaviors.


4. As cited in the study of Alos, et al. (2015), Dayad (2000) mentioned that good teachers are
constantly on the alert for methods and instructional materials that will make learning
meaningful. With the wise selection and use of a variety of instructional materials or audio-
visual materials, experiences may be provided to develop understanding.

5. As mentioned by Ryan and Shim (2012), through the types of tasks that the teachers assign to
the students, how they encourage students to do their work, and how they recognize and evaluate
students, teachers may communicate different ideas about the purpose of schoolwork and what
constitutes success in their classroom. According to them, when teachers emphasize mastery
goals, they communicate to students that understanding, improvement, and the intrinsic value of
learning are the primary reasons for involvement in schoolwork. Also, when teachers emphasize
performance goals, they communicate to students that demonstrating ability relative to others is
of primary importance in the classroom.



1. As eloquently stated by Mania (2010), it is essential to make provision of resources within the
school that can be utilized to enhance the academic performance of students. The textbooks,
notes, learning materials, hand-outs, technology, library facilities and laboratory facilities,
especially in science subjects should include the essential materials. When students will be
provided the necessary tools and equipment, they will be able to acquire a better understanding
regarding academic concepts and how to perform the experiments. In some cases, especially the
students belonging to deprived, marginalized and socio-economically backward sections of the
society cannot afford the books and materials required for learning, hence, they are dependent
upon the library facilities and fellow students to obtain the books and other materials.

2. As indicated by (Kudari, 2016), home is referred to as the place from where the foundation of
learning and education takes place. In order to produce good academic outcomes, it is important
for the parents, children and other family members to encourage a learning atmosphere within
homes. For instance, when students experience problems in certain subjects, then parents are
responsible for providing help. This help may be in the form of private tuitions or they
themselves may teach their children. They make provision of technology and other learning
materials at home to enhance the academic performance of their children. Parents play an
important role in leading to operative growth and development of their children. Because in
schools, whatever problems that children go through regarding academics and other areas, they
normally communicate to their parents. Parents are sources of security, encouragement and help
their children in providing solutions to their problems.

3. As stated by Srinivas and Venkatkrishnan (2016), in academic learning, some of the concepts
are difficult to learn and understand. When problems and difficulties are experienced by the
students, then they need to obtain assistance from others. When students are unable to achieve
the desired grades, then instead of getting angry on them, the teachers and parents need to make
provision of help and assistance. They should motivate the students and encourage them to do
well in future. They need to understand their weaknesses and help them. When students find
certain areas difficult to learn, then teachers should repeat the concepts, provide them class and
homework assignments, so that they are able to acquire complete understanding of the concepts.

4. The academic concepts are made known to the students by the teachers within classroom.
Teachers have the main job duty of completing the subject syllabus. Therefore, according to
Kudari (2016), it is vital that classroom environment should be disciplined and well-ordered.
Within the classroom, it is vital for the teachers and the students to implement the traits of
morality and ethics. It is vital to promote mutual understanding, amiability and co-operation
among the teachers and students as well as among the fellow students. The efficiency in the
management of the classroom, introduces a well-organized and efficient management of the
lesson plans, instructional strategies, teaching-learning processes and so forth. When there is
discipline and effective communication among the individuals, then it would help the students
learn better and improve their academic performance.

5. As mentioned by Dr. Radhika Kapur (2018), the teaching-learning methods and strategies
should be appropriate and encouraging to the students. The teachers in school are the ones that
contribute an imperative part in promoting learning among the students. It is essential for them to
ensure that the teaching methods used should prove to be beneficial to the students. For instance,
if the students are able to learn better through dictation of notes, then teachers should provide
notes. If the students are able to learn better through verbal explanation, then they should
promote verbal explanation and so forth. Within home, if students are taking private tuitions of
certain academic subjects such as, mathematics or science, or their parents teach them, then too,
it is vital for the parents and tutors to make sure that effectual teaching-learning method are
implemented, which may encourage learning among the students and help them understand


1. Quality education is the need of modern societies. The capacity of an educational enterprise to
provide the relevant learning experiences for learners in the dynamic and ever changing world
has driven schools to become responsive since the 21st Century education demands for better
preparation of learners in the basic education to be equipped with the necessary knowledge,
skills, values and attitudes. If learners in the basic education have strong foundation for learning,
then when they get to higher education they will become innovative and competitive, and
ultimately, they will become successful contributors for national development. According to
Magulod (2017), the school must have an internal environment consisting of its physical set-up,
management, quality of teachers, effective teaching methods, positive social and learning
conditions, and strong home-school link which constitute everything about the school as an ideal
learning environment.

2. As stated by Magulod (2017),The opportunity to learn and student time on task as correlate
implies how the school provides and ensures adequate learning materials and time for effective


3. As cited in Alos, et al. (2015), Mays (1946) greatly emphasized the importance of having
qualified teachers in the field of teaching, and said that success of any program is conditioned by
the ability of the teacher to teach. If there is failure at this point, the whole structure fails. Hence,
the implementation, selection, preparation, and supervision of education will be affected


4. As mentioned by Andaya (2014), student performance is naturally considered a critical aspect

for many educators. Performance of students in any academic task has always been of special
interest to the government, educators, parents and society at large. It has been proven that
teachers have an important influence on students’ academic achievement.


5. As used in the statement in Andaya (2014), Magbanua (1977) stated that, the quality of
learning is related to the quality of teaching done by the teacher. Teaching and learning are two
aspects of the process education. A teacher who fails to understand the fundamental principles of
teaching and the nature of learners will find his/her teaching ineffective and the child’s learning
retarded. Hence a competent teacher is expected to contribute a deal toward the success of
students in their academic works.



1. According to UNESCO (2015), knowledge and education are common goods. The acquisition
and application of knowledge is a part of collective societal endeavor.

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