Research Template
Research Template
Research Template
In Partial Fulfilment
of the Requirements for
Practical Research 2
General Academic Strand
Melvie G. Cadiao
Danica Bergonia
Clarissa Gonzaga
Angelyn Quilit
Regine Beron
Anamae Gara
April Joy Prado
Ellen Rose Quiming
In the modern world the most valuable resource you have as you study is time.
Today, time management has been broken down into a number of categories, but they all
basically seek to achieve the same objectives. Time management is not a skill we are
Many Grade-12 students find themselves denied admission because of poor grades.
In most cases many students were smart enough to make good grades in senior high
school, but simply failed to manage their time wisely and do the hard work necessary to
achieve an exemplary grade point average. However, all of these are related by how
individuals manage their time to suit their daily living and to make it flow steadily with their
study. Time management is easily one of the most important skills a high school student
can develop. Without time management skills, life in an academic environment will
become chaotic, and the student will soon be struggling to keep their head above water. It
does not take long to fall behind, and once it happens, students can have a very difficult
Management must become a part of a student’s basic frame of reference. For many
people, it will be a new habit, but there is no need to despair. Any high school student can
learn how to manage their time. Seneca once wrote that “it is not that we don’t have
enough time, rather we use the time we have wastefully”. It looks at how you divide your
time between activities, where good practice enables people to work smarter, not harder.
management skills have indicated a positive effect on student learning and associated
outcomes. A number of studies have identified the positive impact of time management.
Time management skills have been shown to have a positive impact on student learning
Schweitzer, 2004) and Krause & Coates (2008) indicated that the ability for successfully
managing their time is the benchmark of students in developing better study habits as well
as strategies for success. Time management provides individuals the ways for structuring
and controlling their activities (Claessens et al., 2004). In addition, report that the capacity
to successfully manage their time is the foundation of students developing good study
habits and strategies for success. Time management offers individuals the means to
(2011) have revealed that time management is essential beyond the school, where the
ability to manage one’s free time is revealed to substantially elevates the quality of life of
an individual.
This research will add self-evaluation to student’s daily habit and plan. Also, it will provide
knowledge and recommendation for skills that can assist student for perfect personal
strategic plan. It will also help to overcome the wrong common rumors statements about
time management and will raise awareness about procrastinating behavior of time
Theoretical Framework
Setting goals, identifying the most crucial event, and scheduling other activities
activities are purpose, distribution of tasks, analysis of the scenarios where time is
the traits of the leaders of successful organizations and came to the conclusion
described as the behavior and capacity to influence one or more people toward
Effective leaders in this situation need critical thinking to motivate their teams,
avoid poor choices, and grow their organization. Students who are skilled at time
management can better utilize their surroundings and mold it to suit their individual
needs and values. It's crucial to distinguish between urgent and non-urgent jobs in
Setting achievable objectives and prioritizing activities can help people feel less
stressed and more in charge of their days, which is good for their wellbeing
Conceptual Framework
1. Time Management 1. GRADE-12 GENERAL
2. Procrastination
2. Academic Performance
3. Prioritization
This study aims to assess the status of Time management of Grade 12 General
1.1 Sex
1.2 Age:
2. What is the effect of the ability to managing time for the Grade 12- General
3. Is their General weighted average checklist on how do they manage their time at
The primary purpose of this study was to establish on understanding on how will
the student will manage their time management skills, Furthermore, this study will
Professional teachers, Parents. This was also a great significance to the present
For the Grade 12 General students of General Academic Strand, the study of
Academic Strand to increase their knowledge on how to use time management and
academic skills.
For the Professional Teacher, this would also help them on how to understand
their students on why other students don’t deal with time managing.
For the Parents, this study would be beneficial because this will be a guide to
conveyors of knowledge in Time Management. This study will open them into other
concepts and skills that will somehow be a great help in improving themselves in
time management.
Finally, for the future researchers, this research will be a useful reference for
who would plan to make any related study about time management. It may serve
Definition of terms
The researchers defined the following terms conceptually and operationally for
General Academic Strand. Students who are not yet sure of what course or
which amplified the results of the study. It contains facts, insights, and findings of
Conceptual Literature
In this section of the study, the researchers reviewed the concepts that are related
to this study. The main goal of the conceptual literature review is to classify and
present concepts that are relevant to the study and define the significance between
them, which includes the relevant theory and empirical research (Frederiksen,
1. Time Management
Time is endless, and the time consumed by everyone can never be retrieved. Time
may seem to flow constantly, but as it is spent on certain activities, some may find
accomplish their tasks. According to Carroll (2015), proper time management leads
to better decisions, especially if one is not pressured, and thus, by making the right
decisions in a mindful manner, one can attain a successful life just by properly
managing their time. Moreover, time management skills and techniques can be
fundamental qualities in general. And some of the main and primary factors that
should be considered in one’s time management skills are goal setting, planning,
a. Goal Setting
Setting goals for students varies depending on their abilities and motivation to
complete academic assignments. Students struggle to set goals because they are
ignorant of the specific standards that must be met in each academic area to
survival; (2) value-significance: the activities not only enable but also require an
As stated in the study by Reyes and Galang (2009), the factors that motivate
students to study are comparable to the reasons that motivate them to value
education. As a result, people are inspired to do their best work because they love
it and are challenged by it. Some people have internalized the importance of
education, which serves as a motivator for them. Others study more diligently
b. Planning
According to the study by Fitsimmons (2008), "the first key to good time
pay back heavily in time saved later on. Good planning ensures that you get to a
desirable end with a project or other effort, whether that project is something
specific to your library workplace, or your whole career. " It must be in a written
form, which should be reviewed and updated regularly. This process provides an
overview of one’s workload at any particular moment, which accurately shows the
complete work plan for the future and gives an idea of what lies beyond (Forsyth,
1. Prioritizing
order to complete all of the tasks that must be completed. Prioritization is important
because it allows you to focus your attention on tasks that are important and urgent
so that you can later focus on tasks that are lower priority.
If you do not take the time to prioritize, you will struggle to complete tasks on time,
worry about how you will complete everything on your to-do list, and be
not organize your schedule by priority, you might miss important tasks that you
d. Scheduling
Scheduling plays a crucial role in time management. An effective task and time
Rupured, Price, Carney, & Clews (2020), having an effective schedule includes
knowing the things that must be done within the allotted time frame. The
challenging tasks must be planned when a lot of energy is stored, and the most
prioritized activities must be done first. Schedule small tasks for the most basic
Time management plays an important role in students' academic life. The students
members, and teachers. Work overload and stress made it difficult to address
Many people complain about not having enough time to complete a task or
assignment to complete the tasks before the deadline is a tall order for them. The
Mallinckrodt (1994), students who have difficulties adjusting to the new learning
Research Literature
time, and on ways in which these efforts can be improved (e.g. Macan,1994). In
this article we will address time from the second perspective, and review the
empirical findings on time management and the use and effectiveness of time
management methods, identify gaps in the current research literature, and give
suggested simple remedies such as writing work plans down on paper (so-called
At the same time, some authors (e.g. Drucker, 1967) recognized that
planning tasks and activities does not always lead to the completion of planned
program, which is still being used. Critical elements are: giving insight into time-
by teaching people how to make a daily planning, how to prioritize tasks, and how
Many books and articles were written to convey these and similar ideas to
managers, promising them a greater effectiveness while using less time (e.g.
inaccessible factor. Only the way a person deals with time can be influenced.
authors like Mc Cay (1959) and concluded that, for instance, setting life goals and
keeping time logs were important techniques for effectively managing one’s time.
The conceptual and research literatures provided viewpoints for the study, as
they comprise the ideas and concepts about time managements of students.
Furthermore, Drucker recognized that planning task and activities does not always
lead to the completion of planned work, especially when time pressure is high.
Lastly, Richard discussed the principles mentioned by authors like Mc Cay and
concluded that, for instance, setting life goals and keeping time logs were
Conceptual Framework
family members, and teachers. Work overload and stress made it difficult to
Time is endless, and the time consumed by everyone can never be retrieved. Time
may seem to flow constantly, but as it is spent on certain activities, some may find it
not enough to finish the things to be done in a day (Carroll, 2015). Time management is a
skill that everyone should possess to effectively and efficiently accomplish their tasks.
According to Carroll (2015), proper time management leads to better decisions, especially
if one is not pressured, and thus, by making the right decisions in a mindful manner, one
can attain a successful life just by properly managing their time. Moreover, time
which contributes to numerous fundamental qualities in general. And some of the main
and primary factors that should be considered in one’s time management skills are goal
As stated in the study by Reyes and Galang (2009), the factors that motivate students
to study are comparable to the reasons that motivate them to value education. As a result,
people are inspired to do their best work because they love it and are challenged by it.
Some people have internalized the importance of education, which serves as a motivator
for them. Others study more diligently because they want to improve their grades or are
afraid of failing.
order to complete all of the tasks that must be completed. Prioritization is important
because it allows you to focus your attention on tasks that are important and urgent so that
If you do not take the time to prioritize, you will struggle to complete tasks on time, worry
about how you will complete everything on your to-do list, and be unproductive. These are
the reasons why prioritization is important. If you do not organize your schedule by priority,
you might miss important tasks that you should've put at the top of your list first.
General weighted
average checklist
on how do they
Chapter III
manage their time
This chapter deals with the method and procedures utilized by the
researchers. This includes the research design, locale of the study, subject of the
Research Design
employed for this paper for the realization of intended objectives to describe the
time management. This research design is a fact finding study with adequate and
are the time management and academic performances of the students. This study
was also correlational because it aims to identify the relationship between the time
cases, two variables become related because they were related to or caused by
another variable. Hence, two variables tend to vary together, or the presence of the
It is for the purpose that this method is used since the focal point of the
trace the relationship of two or more variables and gives an indication of how one
The respondents of this study were the student of General Academic Strand in
all the records of the time management process made by the researcher necessary
for the study. It covers the time management process of students that covers the
Gregarious 44 5
Greatness 43 5
Gorgeous 47 6
Glorious 45 5
Gentel 43 5
Genuine 41 5
Garish 45 5
308 36
The main survey instrument used in gathering the data was the researchers
profile of the respondents and the impact of time management in the students was
other reference materials which are related to the topic the researchers then
conceptualize the needed items in the test which would assess the problem
presented in chapter 1
The first draft of the researchers made survey questionnaire was prepared
and presented to the advisor for this comment and enrichment of content after
The second was abated two different professional related to the research and
evaluation who are knowledgeable on the topic being investigated their correction
of the content then the researchers revise the researchers made survey
After the questionnaire was validated the researchers prepared and sent a letter to
to administer the researchers made survey questionnaire. Upon the approval the
The researcher with the help of adviser, formally sought approval from the other
and gather data regarding the Time management of Grade 12 General Academic
Strand Students from this School year 2022-2023. Upon approval, the researchers
gathered the data by personally giving the survey questionnaire to the teacher
approval. Guidelines and Explanations were given for them to understand the
mechanics of the activity. Then, the researchers checked the answers. After
recording, the results were tallied, tabulated, and interpreted. The researchers also
sought help from statistician for the statistical treatment of the data in accordance
with the patterns of the study. The researchers also consulted their adviser from
The data gathering by the researchers to determine the time management of grade
treatments. To analyze and interpret the data objectively the following will be used:
Mean. This was used to determine the level of time management of the student.
Median: is the middle value of the data when arranged in ascending order (Kodag,
Mode: is the value that occurs most in that data (Kodag, 2023)
A scale lifted from The Likert-type Scale Response Anchors was used to assess
Comprehensive High School. The data gathered were then interpreted based on
1 never
2 rarely
3 sometimes
4 often
5 always