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3A06 - Exercise - E - Full Solution

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Math in Action (2nd Edition) 3A Full Solutions

6 Measures of Central 4. (a) Arithmetic mean

1 × 8 + 2 × 19 + 3 × 10 + 4 × 3
Tendency =
= 2.2
Revision Exercise 6 (p. 6.65)
Level 1
2 + 3 + 5 + 7 + 11 2+2
1. (a) Arithmetic mean = (b) Median = =2
5 2
= 5.6
5. (a) Construct the corresponding frequency distribution
Median = 5 table.
∵ All the data have the same frequency. Weight (kg) Frequency
∴ There are no modes in the set of data. 4–7 12
8 – 11 34 – 12 = 22
(b) Arithmetic mean 12 – 15 44 – 34 = 10
−101 + 153 + (−101) + 103 + (−106) + 103 16 – 19 50 – 44 = 6
= ∵ The frequency of the class interval
‘8 kg − 11 kg’ is the highest, i.e. 22.
= 8 .5 ∴ The modal class 8 kg – 11 kg.
Arrange the data in ascending order:
–106, –101, –101, 103, 103, 153 (b) From the above table, the number of school bags in
−101 + 103 the modal class is 22.
Median = =1
Modes = −101 and 103 6. (a)
Weight (kg) Class mark x (kg) Frequency f xf (kg)
45 – 49 47 8 376
2. Sum of marks obtained by S6A students = 32 × 62 = 1984 50 – 54 52 7 364
Sum of marks obtained by S6B students = 36 × 78 = 2808 55 – 59 57 16 912
∴ Arithmetic mean mark of the two classes 60 – 64 62 13 806
sum of marks (S6A) + sum of marks (S6B) 65 – 69 67 6 402
32 + 36 Total 50 2860
1984 + 2808 Arithmetic mean =
= kg
32 + 36 50
= 70.5 (cor. to 3 sig. fig.) = 57.2 kg

3. (b) ∵ The frequency of the class interval,

‘55 kg − 59 kg’ is the highest, i.e. 16.
∴ The modal class is 55 kg − 59 kg.

7. ∵ There is an extreme value ($35) in the set of data, the

arithmetic mean is not a suitable average to reflect
the central tendency.
Also, there are no modes.
∴ The median can best reflect the central tendency of
the hourly parking fees.

8. (a) Arithmetic mean before adjustment

30 + 85 + 55 + 45 + 60
= $55
Arithmetic mean after adjustment
35 + 60 + 55 + 70
= $55

(b) No, because the items included in the two mean

The cumulative frequency corresponds to the median prices are different. The arithmetic mean before
= 50% × total frequency adjustment refers to 5 kinds of coffee and the
= 50% × 80 arithmetic mean after adjustment refers to 4 kinds of
coffee, so they are not comparable.
= 40
From the graph, the mark that corresponds to a cumulative
frequency of 40 is 57.
Thus, the median = 57

6 Measures of Central Tendency

9. (a) Arithmetic mean Level 2

5 + 13 + 20 + (−5) + 8 + 9 + (−2) + 0 14. (a)
Arrange the data in ascending order:
–5, –2, 0, 5, 8, 9, 13, 20
Median = = 6.5

(b) ∵ The datum ‘8’ is larger than both the arithmetic

mean and the median.
∴ If the datum ‘8’ is deleted, the arithmetic mean
and the median will decrease. (b) The cumulative frequency that corresponds to the
(c) ∵ The datum ‘0’ is smaller than both the arithmetic = 50% × total frequency
mean and the median. = 50% × 40
∴ If the datum ‘0’ is deleted, the arithmetic mean = 20
and the median will increase. From the graph, the time taken that corresponds to
the cumulative frequency of 20 is 90.5 s.
10. (a) Arrange the data in ascending order: Thus, the median = 90.5 s
–8, –2, –2, –2, 0, 2, 4, 6
−2 + 0
Median = = −1 15. (a) (i) Construct the corresponding frequency
2 distribution table.
Mode = −2 Height (cm) Class mark x (cm) Frequency f xf (cm)
120 – 134 127 5 635
(b) The data in (b) can be obtained by multiplying –1 to 135 – 149 142 14 1988
each of the data in (a). 150 – 164 157 13 2041
∴ Median = −1 × (−1) = 1 165 – 179 172 8 1376
Total 40 6040
Mode = −2 × (−1) = 2
11. (a) Arithmetic mean (ii) Mean height = cm
1500 + 1320 + 1460 + 2250 + 1185 = 151 cm
= $1543 (b) (i)
Construct the corresponding frequency
Arrange the selling prices (in $) of the products in distribution table.
ascending order: Height (cm) Class mark x (cm) Frequency f xf (cm)
1185, 1320, 1460, 1500, 2250 120 – 129 124.5 4 498
Median = $1460 130 – 139 134.5 6 807
140 – 149 144.5 9 1300.5
150 – 159 154.5 8 1236
(b) New arithmetic mean = $1543 × (1 − 6%)
160 – 169 164.5 8 1316
= $1450.42 170 – 179 174.5 5 872.5
New median = $1460 × (1 − 6%) Total 40 6030
= $1372.4
(ii) Mean height = cm
12. Weighted mean mark = 150.75 cm
65 × 24% + 82 × 15% + 76 × 34% + 58 × 13% + 63 × 14%
24% + 15% + 34% + 13% + 14%
= 70.1 16. (a) Arithmetic mean of group A
= (9 + 12 + 16 + 16 + 16 + 20 + 24 + 27 + 28 + 29
13. Weighted mean selling price + 29 + 32 + 33 + 33 + 34 + 40) ÷ 16
100 × 2000 + 250 × 3500 + 350 × 4000 + 55 × 500
=$ = 24.9 (cor. to 1 d. p.)
2000 + 3500 + 4000 + 500
Arithmetic mean of group B
= $250.25
= (7 + 12 + 13 + 15 + 15 + 17 + 19 + 21 + 26 + 27
+ 27 + 27 + 31 + 31 + 34 + 45) ÷ 16
= 22.9 (cor. to 1 d. p.)
Median of group A

Math in Action (2nd Edition) 3A Full Solutions

1   16   16   ∴ The original number of students in the course is 42.

=  the   th datum + the  + 1th datum
2  2   2   20. (a) 5 + 8 + x + y + 6 + 2 = 40
= ( the 8th datum + the 9th datum) x + y + 21 = 40
y = 19 − x
= (27 + 28)
(b) From the question, we have
= 27.5
13 × 5 + 14 × 8 + 15 x + 16 y + 17 × 6 + 18 × 2
Median of group B 15.25 =
1   16   16   295 = 15 x + 16(19 − x)
=  the   th datum + the  + 1th datum
2  2   2   x=9
= ( the 8th datum + the 9th datum) By substituting x = 9 into y = 19 – x, we have
2 y = 19 − x
= (21 + 26) = 19 − 9
2 = 10
= 23.5
21. Sum of the first 4 numbers = 4 × 24 = 96
(b) ∵ 3 is the highest frequency among the data of Sum of all 10 numbers = 10 × 16.8 = 168
group A. Sum of the remaining 6 numbers = 168 – 96 = 72
∴ Mode of the number of books read by group A 72
= 16 ∴ Arithmetic mean of these 6 numbers =
∵ 3 is the highest frequency among the data of = 12
group B.
∴ Mode of the number of books read by group B 22. Let x°C be the sum of room temperatures from Monday
= 27 to Friday, y°C be the room temperature on Saturday and
z°C be the room temperature on Sunday.
(c) Group A, because the arithmetic mean and the Sum of room temperatures from Monday to Saturday
median of the number of books read by group A is = (x + y)°C
higher. = 6 × 25°C
= 150°C
6 + ( x + 3) + (2 x + 1) + 5 + 7 ∴ x + y = 150 ……………………..(1)
17. 6.8 =
5 Sum of room temperatures from Saturday to Sunday
34 = 3 x + 22 = (y + z)°C
= 2 + 28°C
3 x = 12
= 56°C
x=4 ∴ y + z = 56 ……………………….(2)
Sum of room temperatures from Monday to Sunday
18. Total age of the 10 players = 10 × 24.5 = (x + y + z)°C
= 245 = 7 × 26°C
Total age of the 12 players = 245 + 22 + x = 182°C
= 267 + x ∴ x + y + z = 182 ………………….(3)
267 + x (1) + (2) − (3),
Mean age of the players = ( x + y ) + ( y + z ) − ( x + y + z ) = 150 + 56 − 182
267 + x y = 24
24 = ∴ The room temperature on Saturday is 24°C.
288 = 267 + x
23. (a) No, the profits of three branches with increments
x = 21 40%, 15% and 5% are different, the manager’s
calculation is unreasonable.
19. Let n be the original number of students in the course.
Total marks of students in the course = 75n (b) Mean profit in 2008
Total marks of students in the course excluding the 200 000 + 700 000 + 800 000
4 students 3
= 75n − 80 − 70 − 79 − 90 1 700 000
= 75n − 319 3
75n − 319 Mean profit in 2009
Mean test mark =
n−4 280 000 + 805 000 + 840 000
75n − 319 3
74.5 =
n−4 1 925 000
74.5n − 298 = 75n − 319 3
n = 42 Actual percentage increase in the mean profit

6 Measures of Central Tendency

1 925 000 1 700 000 6.5 × 20% + 4.8 × 25% + 7 × 40% + 5.7 × 15%
− =$
= 3 3 × 100% 20% + 25% + 40% + 15%
1 700 000 = $6.155
= 13.2% (cor. to 3 sig. fig.) (c) No. If the passenger usages of the 4 routes are taken
into consideration, the bus fares have increased after
24. From the question, we have adjustment.
m= 28. Consider the set of data: 1, 2, 5, 6, 6
1+ 2 + 5 + 6 + 6
i.e. p + q + r + s = 4m Arithmetic mean = =4
The required arithmetic mean
p+q+r+s+0 Median = 5
= Mode = 6
∴ One possible set is 1, 2, 5, 6, 6.
4m + 0
= (or 0, 3, 5, 6, 6)
5 (or any other reasonable answers)
5 29. Consider the set of data: −4, −4, −4, −2, 0, 2
−4 + (−4) + (−4) + (−2) + 0 + 2
Arithmetic mean = = −2
25. (a) ∵ There are 8 data in the set. 6
∴ Median −4 + (−2)
Median = = −3
= (the 4th datum + the 5th datum )
2 Mode = −4
s+t ∴ One possible set is −4, −4, −4, −2, 0, 2.
= (or −5, −4, −4, −2, 1, 2)
(or any other reasonable answers)

(b) ∵ The data in (b) can be obtained by multiplying a Challenging Questions (p. 6.70)
to each of the data in (a).
 s + t  a( s + t ) 1. Arrange the data in ascending order:
∴ New median = a =
 2  2 63, 64, 66, 67, 68, 69
(c) ∵ The data in (c) can be obtained by adding k Since mode = median, we guess that the mode should be
66 or 67.
to each of the data in (b).
If the mode is 66, then 67 is the wrong data which should
a(s + t )
∴ New median = +k be 66 originally.
2 Then, arithmetic mean of the data
63 + 64 + 66 + 66 + 68 + 69
26. From the question, we have 6
72 × 30% + 63 × 50% + p × 20% = 66
64.1 =
30% + 50% + 20% In this case, arithmetic mean = median = mode = 66.
53.1 + 0.2 p = 64.1 ∴ The datum ‘67’ is wrong.
p = 55
sum of data
2. (a) Arithmetic mean =
27. (a) Arithmetic mean of the bus fares before adjustment number of data
sum of data
6 + 4 + 6.5 + 7.5 p=
=$ 8
Sum of data = 8 p
= $6
Arithmetic mean of the bus fares after adjustment
6.5 + 4.8 + 7 + 5.7 (b) New arithmetic mean
4 8p + 0
= $6 8 +1
∴ There is no change in the arithmetic mean of the 8p
bus fares after adjustment. 9

(b) (i) Weighted mean of bus fares before adjustment

(c) (i) If each datum is first multiplied by −4, then
6 × 20% + 4 × 25% + 6.5 × 40% + 7.5 × 15% new arithmetic mean = −4p and
20% + 25% + 40% + 15% new median = −4q.
= $5.925 If each datum is then added by 6,
new arithmetic mean = −4 p + 6 and
(ii) Weighted mean of bus fares after adjustment new median = −4q + 6 .

(ii) New arithmetic mean

Math in Action (2nd Edition) 3A Full Solutions

8p + 9 + 9 − 8 − 8 − 8
8p − 6
4p − 3
Since the original median
= ( the 4th datum + the 5th datum) , the
changes in (c)(ii) do not affect the 4th and the
5th data.
∴ Median remains unchanged, i.e. q.


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