1. The daily lesson plan is for a 3rd grade music class and focuses on teaching half notes and the note Re.
2. Students will rotate through 6 different music centers over 5 minutes each, including playing boomwhackers, writing notes on a staff, and a rhythm matching game.
3. An assessment will evaluate students' ability to read rhythms containing half notes individually.
1. The daily lesson plan is for a 3rd grade music class and focuses on teaching half notes and the note Re.
2. Students will rotate through 6 different music centers over 5 minutes each, including playing boomwhackers, writing notes on a staff, and a rhythm matching game.
3. An assessment will evaluate students' ability to read rhythms containing half notes individually.
1. The daily lesson plan is for a 3rd grade music class and focuses on teaching half notes and the note Re.
2. Students will rotate through 6 different music centers over 5 minutes each, including playing boomwhackers, writing notes on a staff, and a rhythm matching game.
3. An assessment will evaluate students' ability to read rhythms containing half notes individually.
1. The daily lesson plan is for a 3rd grade music class and focuses on teaching half notes and the note Re.
2. Students will rotate through 6 different music centers over 5 minutes each, including playing boomwhackers, writing notes on a staff, and a rhythm matching game.
3. An assessment will evaluate students' ability to read rhythms containing half notes individually.
4PR: Play a variety of classroom instruments with proper technique Listening _________
7PR: Read Write and perform using eighth notes, quarter notes, half Form _________ notes, and quarter rests in 2/4 and 4/4 meter
8PR: Read write and perform in treble clef a variety of melodies in G, G, Movement _________ and C
3RE: Explain personal preferences for specific musical selections using Partwork _________ music vocabulary
Instruments ____x____ Objectives: Solos _________ 1. Students will demonstrate self-directed learning through active participation and problem solving in centers. Other _________ 2. Students will demonstrate an understanding of half note through reading, and clapping four beat patterns including “long” 3. Students will practice reading and writing re, through playing
boomwackers, and writing with magnets on the staff board.
4. Students will reflect through giving thoughtful responses to questions
about music in their own lives through the “Talking about tunes” center.
1. Sammy Sackett notation 9. Busted! Directions 2. C, D, E, and G boomwhackers 10. Busted! Game 3. Staff writing directions 11. Talking about Tunes 4. magnets and staff board 5. Rhythm memory directions 6. Rhythm memory game cards 7. Rhythm assessment cards 8. iPad
CSP Time Songs Procedure n/a 11:00 Teacher explains 6 different music centers we will be working on in class. Teacher walks through the order in which students will move to different centers, and explains that we will have approximately 5 minutes at each center. Teacher distributes students into premade groups, and sends them to their first center.
Sammy Sackett Students will be asked to play Sammy Sackett with boomwhackers. Students will read the color-coordinated stick notation off of the paper provided, knowing that the red boomwhacker is do. When students finish playing one time through, they will switch parts, and play again. This process will be repeated for the duration of the 5 minutes.
Staff Writing Students will be asked to write mi, re, and do on the chalkboard staff with magnets. Continuing to build on the staff writing present in previous lessons, students are instructed to decide what line or space mi will go on/in. Students then use the chant “If mi is on a line/in a space, then do is on/in the line/space below” to guide them in correctly placing do a skip below mi. Students are instructed to leave enough room in between mi and do to put re in the space/line between mi and do. Students will check their answer with their group, and address problems if anything is wrong. Students will repeat this process, choosing a new line or space to put mi on for the duration of the 5 minutes, making sure every group member has a turn to write on the board.
Rhythm Memory Students will test their knowledge of half note (long) by reading rhythms in this matching game. Students will mix cards in the envelope up and place them in rows with the blank side of the card facing up. Player #1 will then flip over two cards and read the 4 beat rhythms on both cards. If they match, the player gets to keep the cards. If they do not, the player must turn them over. The process repeats for all players until all cards are collected. The player with the most cards at the end of the game wins. If time allows, students may mix up the cards and play again. This activity gives students the opportunity to practice reading rhythms with “long” before moving to an assessment.
Assessment Students will be assessed on their ability to read rhythms including new rhythm “long” or half note. Teacher will present 4 different cards with different rhythm to student, instructing them to read each card out loud individually. Teacher will take individual assessment grades on each student. 1. ta ta long 2. long titi ta 3. long long CSP Time Songs Procedure 4. long rest rest • 5= Students are able to read rhythms for their full duration with 1 or less minor mistakes in addition to reading the rhythm in time. • 4= Student read all rhythms for their full duration with 1 or less minor mistakes, corrected by teacher • 3= Student read all rhythms with successfully with 1-2 mistake, corrected by teacher. • 2= Student read rhythms with more than 3 mistakes that had to be corrected by teacher. • 1= Student attempted to read rhythms but was unsuccessful on all attempts.
Busted! Students will practice reading ta, titi, tikatika, rest, and long through playing this game. Player #1 will pull a stick from the container, place it in front of them, and read the rhythm out loud. This will continue for players 2-4. Player #1 will pull a second rhythm from the container and read the first rhythm pulled, then the second one cumulatively. Players 2-4 will repeat this step for the remainder of the game. If a student pulls a stick labeled “busted!” the student must return all of their sticks to the container. The player with the most sticks at the end of the 5 minutes wins.
Talking about Students will engage in conversation about how music is present Tunes in their lives, both in and out of school, by answering various discussion questions printed on cards. Students are given the opportunity to reflect on their own experiences with listening to, and playing music, comment on other’s experiences with music, and discuss ways they would like to experience music in the future.