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Hydraulic components:

 Bellhousings and accessories

 Damping elements
 Tanks
 Thermomanagement

Steel Tanks

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 181
Table of contents

Hydraulic components 181

Overview 183
Bellhousings according to VDMA 24561 design A 184
Bellhousings from aluminium with rectangular flange 186
Bellhousings from nylon 186
Bellhousings from cast iron (type PG and PSG) 187
Damping rings type D in combination with bellhousings 188
Foot flange 190
Accessories for bellhousings 191
Damping elements 192
Elastic flange 193
Damping ring D 194
Damping ring DT (DBGM) and DTV 195
Damping rods design DSM 196
Damping rods design for foot flange 197
Oil tanks
Aluminium tanks 198
Aluminium tanks and accessories 200
Cleaning cover 201
Oil level indicator 202
Filler breather 203
Oil level sight glass 203
Temperature control and monitoring
Level temperature switch 203
Electronic level and temperature control 204
Temperature probe 205
Temperature switch 205
Industrial control system 206
Inserted heating cartridges type EHP 208
Inserted tubular heatings type EH 209
Inserted tank heater with magnetic clamp type TEHM 209
Cooling systems
Oil/air cooler type OAC 210
OPC Cooling-pump-unit with hydraulic pump and filter 216
MMC combined cooler 218
Bellhousings with integrated oil cooler PIK (DBGM) 219
Oil/water coolers type TAK/T 221
Oil/water coolers type TAK 226
Oil/water coolers plate heat exchanger type PHE 228
Oil thermostat valve 229
Resistance 230

Steel tanks
Serie BSK 231
Serie BNK design A 232
Serie BNK design B 233
Serie BEK 234
Oil Sumps 235
Cover design, separation sheet metals, transport eyes and creasings 236
Special tanks on request 237
Certificates 238

182 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components


24 8

19 14
5 27



9 20
6 28

1 Bellhousing type PK/PL 16 Steel tanks type BSK/BNK/BEK

2 Elastic flange 17 Oil-level indicator type KO

3 Damping ring design DT 18 Damping ring type D

4 ROTEX® spider 19 Machining of tank according to customer specification

Steel Tanks
5 ROTEX® coupling hub, motor side 20 Temperature switch type TS Hydraulic

6 Filler breather (with ventilation filter) 21 PHE-Plate heat exchanger

7 Foot flange type PTFS (VDMA 24 561 part 1) 22 Damping rod design DSK for PIK

8 Damping rod design DSFS for foot flange type PTFS 23 Gasket type DZ for additional flange type ZO

9 ROTEX® coupling hub, pump side 24 Industrial controller IR

10 Bellhousing PIK with integrated oil cooler 25 IRDN Digital industrial control with level switch

11 Fan for PIK 26 Horizontally mounted cooler TAK

12 Standard cleaning cover 27 Tank heaters

13 Additional flange type ZO 28 OPC Cooling-pump-unit with hydraulic pump filter

14 Cleaning cover with logo according to customer specification 29 OAC-Oil/air coller

15 Oil sump pan 30 Level-temperature-switch NVT

The customer has to protect rotating parts from unintended touch (Safety of Machines DIN EN 292 part 2).
The fastening screws should be secured against release by the customer (e. g. by anaerobic bonding agents like Loctite ®).

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 183
Hydraulic Components

zz Links between IEC motor and hydraulic pump
zz For almost every hydraulic pump either available from stock or
zz Both flange sides are finish machined
zz Motor and pump shaft centered
zz KTR bellhousings are made from aluminium (steel on request)
zz In many cases KTR bellhousings can be piled up
zz Designed for high loads
zz For the bellhousing selection you require please either see our
selection programme at www.ktr.com
zz Operating temperature: -40 °C to +100 °C
zz Notice our mounting instructions
Motor side Pump side
 or IEC motor from size 225S
F Venting hole
8 fixing holes are offset Venting plugs available on request
22,5° on the verticle (Protection acc. to DIN EN 292
part 2 „Safety of Machines“)

Screw tightening torque with Oil bleed Distance sleeves available

screw quality 5.6 available on request on request

Bellhousings according to VDMA 24561 design A

Dimensions [mm]
kW Bell- Gasket Foot
with housing DP flange Min. Venting Oil
motor size
n= PTFL/ hole bleed
(shaft end)
1500 PTFS
d1 x l3
rpm Size Size *) A B B1 B3 h K M L1 L3 L5 1) B5 B4 B9 L7 B20 L21

71 0,25 PK 160/5/.. 80 105 27 33

160 160 160 130 110 110 4 9 M8 13 8 25 7,5 28
(14 x 30) 0,37 PL 160/5/.. 90 102 29 38
80 0,55 PK 200/3/.. 100 124 40 43
(19 x 40) 0,75 PL 200/3/.. 110 140 37 47
200 200 200 165 130 145 4 11 M10 16 12 36 7,5 36
90S/90L 1,1 PL 200/8/.. 124 141 57 60
(24 x 50) 1,5 PFL 200/6/.. 140 180 47 62
PK 250/6/.. 120 177 49 54
2,2 PL 250/3/.. 124 126 42 52
3 PL 250/6/.. 250 250 250 215 180 190 5 14 M12 135 12 180 40 57 7,5 43
(28 x 60)
4 PL 250/4/.. 148 18 166 56 64
PFL 250/18/.. 175 250 77
PK 300/5/.. 144 205 57 63
5,5 PL 300/15/.. 150 231 77 66
PK 300/4/.. 300 300 300 265 230 234 5 14 M12 155 20 15 205 56 50 68 7,5 45
(38 x 80)
7,5 PL 300/4/.. 168 74
220 57
PL 300/7/.. 196 84
160M/160L 11 PK 350/4/.. 188 59 82
(42 x 110) 15 PK 350/6/.. 204 56 87
350 350 350 300 250 260 6 17 M16 26 15 50 7,5 51
180M/180L 18,5 PK 350/10/.. 228 248 97 102
(48 x 110) 22 PL 350/7/.. 256 255 88 115
PK 400/4/.. 204 230 75 92
200L 26
30 PK 400/5/.. 400 400 400 350 300 300 6 17 M16 228 20 279 95 50 104 7,5 51
(55 x 110)
PL 400/5/.. 256 25 290 97 118
PK 450/2/.. 234 25 260 107
37 PK 450/3/.. 450 450 450 400 350 350 6 17 M16 262 26 20 315 97 50 121 7,5 51
(60 x 140)
45 PL 450/3/.. 285 25 325 133
55 PL 550/8/.. 248 340 97 116
PL 550/1/.. 265 360 120 125
(65 x 140)
75 PK 550/3/.. 550 550 550 500 450 4502) 6 17 M16 275 26 25 340 97 50 130 7,5 51
90 PL 550/3/.. 295 360 123 140
(75 x 140)
PL 550/2/.. 315 400 150 135
110 PK 660/2/.. 310 410 147
315S/315M 132 PL 660/5/.. 330 400 157
660 660 660 600 550 550 2)
8 22 M20 32 30 50 7,5 60
(80 x 170) 160 PL 660/2/.. 343 490 174 163
200 PL 660/4/.. 395 500 197 190
355L/400M 355 PL 880/1/.. 370 500 135
800 800 800 740 680 6802) 8 22 M20 40 36 148 50 7,5 70
(100 x 210) 710 PK 800/3/.. 395 487 160

184 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Bellhousings according to VDMA 24561 design A
Dimensions [mm]
kW Bell- Gasket Foot
with housing DP flange Min. Venting Oil
motor size
n= PTFL/ hole bleed
(shaft end)
1500 PTFS
d1 x l3
rpm Size Size *) A B B1 B3 h K M L1 L3 L5 1) B5 B4 B9 L7 B20 L21

71 0,25 PFK 160/6/.. 79 30 35

160 160 160 130 110 110 4 9 M8 13 13 140 25 7,5 28
(14 x 30 0,37 PFL 160/6/.. 101 60 46
80 0,55 PK 200/11/.. 45 10 15 30
97 10
(19 x 40) 0,75 PL 200/11/.. 55 144 18
PK 200/13/.. 200 200 200 165 130 145 4 11 M10 152 16 30 36 71 7,5
12 36
90S/90L 1,1 PK 200/30/.. 79 142 30
37 25
(24 x 50) 1,5 PL 200/30/.. 90 127 37
PK 250/13/.. 159 186 77 40 69
100L/112M 2,2 PK 250/15/.. 61 10 20
250 250 250 215 180 190 5 14 M12 18 12 187 97 7,5 43
(28 x 60) 3 PL 250/15/.. 79 20 29
4 PK 250/17/.. 100 186 74 40 39
PK 300/8/.. 110 225 95 40 45
5,5 PK 300/9/.. 85 30 32
132S/132M 97
PL 300/9/.. 300 300 300 265 230 234 5 14 M12 99 20 15 231 40 37 7,5 45
(38 x 80)
7,5 PL 300/13/.. 210 57 95
PK 300/15/. 138 228 56 57
11 PK 350/8/.. 204 259 53 90
160M/160L 25 15
15 PK 350/11/.. 130 97 52
(42 x 110) 252
18,5 PL 350/11/.. 350 350 350 300 250 260 6 17 M16 146 26 18 92 50 60 7,5 51
22 PK 350/18/.. 159 244 67
(48 x 110) 25 15 77
PL 350/18/.. 184 252 80
PL 400/3/.. 165 290 97 73
30 PK 400/12/.. 400 400 400 350 300 300 6 17 M16 170 25 20 50 75 7,5 51
(55 x 110) 260 95
PL 400/12/.. 184 82
PK 450/5/.. 165 260 73
25 120
37 PL 450/5/.. 185 325 83
225S/225M 45 PK 450/6/.. 176 26 259 98 80
450 450 450 400 350 350 6 17 M16 20 50 7,5 51
(60 x 140) PFL 450/9/.. 253 370 137 116
PK 450/12/.. 204 25 90
260 97
PL 450/12/.. 222 101
250M 55 PK 550/4/.. 190/192 26 355 129 88
(65 x 140) PL 550/4/.. 207 330 124 96
550 550 550 500 450 4502) 6 17 M16 26 50 7,5 51
280S/280M 75 PK 550/8/.. 217 25 340 97 100
(75 x 140) 90
315S/315M 110- PK 660/3/.. 247 465 80 115
660 660 660 600 550 5502) 8 22 M20 32 30 50 7,5 60
(80 x 170) 160 PL 660/3/.. 260 340 156 122
355L/400M 355 PK 800/1/.. 335 40 36 520 149 140
800 900 800 740 680 6802) 8 22 M20 50 7,5 70
(100 x 210) 710 P 800/3/.. 443 37 38 500 305 206
Please indicate in the order if the bellhousing is needed in oilproof design! (Extra charge)

Bottom of pot does not consist of sold material  ribbed
Passing from dimension B3 to flange radius R=5
*) For vertical assembly or lateral assembly on the tank gaskets are available (type DP, see page 191).

Steel Tanks

For the detailed order designation please see our PC/Internet selection programme or mention the IEC motor size and detailed pump type for selection.
If venting holes or oil bleeds are requred, please mention in your order.

Order form PL PK P 450 3 8

Bellhousing Bellhousing Former bellhousing Flange diameter
Model code Internal code
type, Long type, short, “K” type of IEC Motor

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 185
Hydraulic Components

zz Motor and pump shaft centered; designed for high loads
zz Both flange sides are finish machined
zz Type KPT: Bellhousing from special nylon material
- Accurate to size with higher temperatures and moisture
- Stiffness similar to aluminium bellhousings
- Very good damping properties
- Flange side for pump mounting from aluminium
zz Low-cost alternative to bellhousings with damping ring
zz Operating temperature: -10 °C to +60 °C
zz For almost every hydraulic pump available from stock or shortly
zz For the bellhousing selection you require please either see our
selection programme at www.ktr.com
Venting hole and venting plugs available on request
(Protection acc. to DIN EN 292 part 2 „Safety of Machines“) Pump
Motor side side

Oil bleed
available on
Screw tightening torque with Distance sleeves available on
screw quality 5.6 request
Bellhousings with rectangular flange Bellhousings from nylon

Bellhousings from aluminium with rectangular flange

Dimensions [mm]
kW Bell- Gasket Foot
with housing DP flange Min. Venting Oil
n= PTFL/ hole bleed
motor size
1500 PTFS
rpm Size Size *) A1 B B1 B3 h K M L1 L3 L5 C C1 C2 B4 B9 L7 B20 L21

PL 160/1/.. 70 8 70 91 35 20 16 27
71 PL 160/4/.. 160 160 160 130 110 110 4 9 M8 110 13 50 7,5 28
0,37 12 90 120 45 22 25
PK 160/4/.. 95 43
80 0,55 PL 200/1/.. 90 70 91 35 22 37
200 200 200 165 130 145 4 11 M10 16 12 25 7,5 36
90S/90L - 1,5 PL 200/2/.. 100 90 90 120 22 42
2,2 PL 250/1/.. 110 90 120 45 22 45
100L/112M 3 PL 250/2/.. 250 250 250 215 180 190 5 14 M12 115 18 12 120 150 53 47 36 47 7,5 43
4 PL 250/7/.. 125 145 180 64 46 52
5,5 PL 300/1/.. 132 120 150 53 33 56
132S/132M 300 300 300 265 230 234 5 14 M12 20 15 50 7,5 45
7,5 PK 300/2/.. 137 145 180 64 33 59
160M/160L 11 PL 350/1/.. 171 26 120 156 59 33 73
350 350 350 300 250 260 6 18 M16 15 50 7,5 51
180M/180L - 22 PL 350/2/.. 181 25 145 180 64 31 78

Bellhousings from nylon

Dimensions [mm]
kW Bell- Gasket Foot
with housing DP flange Min. Venting Oil
n= PTFL/ hole bleed
motor size
1500 PTFS
rpm Size Size *) A1 B B1 B3 h K M L1 LF L3 L5 B5 B4 B9 L7 B20 L21

2,2 KPT 250/2/.. 120 12 35 54

100L/112M 3 KPT 250/3/.. 250 250 250 215 180 190 7 14 M12 124 16 19 12 166 42 40 52 7,5 43
4 KPT 250/4/.. 135 27 58 57
KPT 300/2/.. 144 15 57 63
5,5 KPT 300/3/.. 155 26 56 68
132S/132M 300 300 300 265 230 234 7 14 M12 20 15 208 50 7,5 45
7,5 KPT 300/4/.. 168 39 74
KPT 300/5/.. 196 67 84
11 KPT 350/2/.. 188 18 56 82
- KPT 350/3/.. 350 350 350 300 250 260 7 17 M16 204 34 26 15 230 77 50 87 7,5 51
22 KPT 350/4/.. 228 58 97 102
If venting holes or oil bleeds are requred, please mention in your order.

Order form PL PK KPT 250 2 8

Bellhousing Bellhousing Bellhousing design Flange diameter
Model code Internal code
type, Long type, short, “K” from nylon of IEC Motor

186 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

zz Bellhousing from cast iron
zz PSG types particularly for servo motor drives with square
zz Bellhousing suitable for high loads
zz Suitable for mining, offshore applications and servo drives
zz Resistant to almost every hydraulic oil and salt water
zz Both mounting sides are finish machined
zz The bellhousings are primed, machined surfaces are
zz Good damping properties due to the relatively big mass
zz For almost every hydraulic pump available from stock or shortly
zz Notice our mounting instructions

Bellhousings from cast iron (Type PG) Bellhousings from cast iron for servo motors (Type PSG)

Bellhousings from cast iron

Dimensions [mm]
kW Bell- Gasket Foot
with housing DP flange Min. Venting Oil
n= PTFL/ hole bleed
motor size
1500 PTFS
rpm Size Size *) A1 B B1 B3 h K M L1 L3 L5 B5 B4 B9 L7 B20 L21

132S/132M PG 300/5/.. 300 300 300 265 230 234 5 14 M12 144 20 15 215 30 50 63 7,5 45
160M/160L 11 - PG 350/4/.. 188 242 82
350 350 350 300 250 260 7 17 M16 26 15 76 50 7,5 51
180M/180L 22 PG 350/6/.. 204 235 87
PG 400/2/.. 256 280 118
200L 30 PG 400/4/.. 400 400 400 350 300 300 7 17 M16 204 26 20 260 97 50 92 7,5 51
PG 400/5/.. 228 280 104
37 PG 450/2/.. 234 24 289 97 107
225S/225M 450 450 450 400 350 350 7 17 M16 26 50 7,5 51

45 PG 450/3/.. 262 20 315 91 121

Steel Tanks
250M 55, 75 PG 550/1/.. 265 360 125 Hydraulic
550 550 550 500 450 450 7 17 M16 26 25 97 50 7,5 51
280S/280M 90 PG 550/8/.. 248 349 116
110 -
315S/315M PG 660/5/.. 660 660 660 600 550 550 8 22 M20 330 32 30 425 119 50 157 7,5 60

Bellhousings from cast iron for servo motors

Dimensions [mm]
Bell- Gasket Foot
housing DP flange Min. Venting Oil
PTFL/ hole bleed
Size Size *) A1 B B1 B3 h K M L1 L3 L5 B5 B4 B9 L7 B20 L21

PSG 200/1/.. 200 200 200 165 130 145 7 11 M10 124 16 12 170 55 36 60 7,5 36
For Servo-
and IEC- PSG 250/1/.. 250 250 250 215 180 190 7 13,5 M12 175 19 12 225 70 40 77 7,5 43
PSG 350/10/.. 350 350 350 300 250 260 7 17,5 M16 228 26 15 255 95 50 102 7,5 51

If venting holes or oil bleeds are requred, please mention in your order.

Order form PG PSG 250 1 4

Bellhousing design Bellhousing design Flange diameter
Model code Internal code
from cast iron for servo drives of IEC Motor

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 187
Hydraulic Components

Damping rings D in combination with bellhousings

zz The damping ring forms a centering unit with the bellhousing
zz Combination also available for multiple pumps
zz For the mounting of the damping ring special bellhousings are
available to build a short design
zz For the bellhousing selection you require please either
see our selection programme at www.ktr.com
zz Notice our mounting instructions

For IEC-motor from size

225S/225M 8 fixing holes and
through holes are offset 22,5° to
the verticle.

Please mention in your order

if venting holes or oil bleeds,
respectively, are requested.
For dimensions see page

Damping rings type D in combination with bellhousings 1)

Dimensions [mm]
kW Bell- Damping Foot
with housing ring flange
motor size Min. Max.
(shaft end)
d1 x l3
rpm Size Size Size A1 B B1 L1 ges. L3 K M h LD B3 B4 B5 B5D

PK 200/11/.. 90
90S/90L 1,1
PL 200/11/.. D 150/.. PTFL 200 200 165 130 100 16 11 M10 4 45 145 18 83 145 148
(24x50) 1,5
PK 200/30/.. 124
PK 250/15/.. 106
PL 250/15/.. D 150/.. 124 18 83 148
100L/112M 2,2 PK 250/17/.. 145
PTFL 250 250 215 180 18 14 M12 5 45 190 187
(28x60) 3 PK 250/15/.. 106
PL 250/15/.. D 190/.. 124 30 121 190
PK 250/17/.. 145
PK 300/8/.. 155 225
PK 300/9/.. 130
PL 300/9/.. D 150/.. 144 45 18 83 148
PK 300/15/.. 179
PL 300/15/.. 195
PK 300/8/.. 155 225
PK 300/9/.. 130
132S/132M 5,5
PL 300/9/.. D 190/.. PTFL 300 300 265 230 144 20 14 M12 5 45 234 30 121 190
(38x80) 7,5 231
PK 300/15/.. 183
PL 300/15/.. 195
PK 300/8/.. 168 225
PK 300/9/.. 143
PL 300/9/.. D 230/.. 157 58 97 143 234
PK 300/15/.. 196
PL 300/15/.. 208
PK 350/11/.. 175 25
PL 350/11/.. 190 26
D 150/.. 18 83 148
PK 350/18/.. 204 244
PL 350/18/.. 229 25 252
160M/160L 11 45
PK 350/18/.. 175 244
(42x110) 15
PL 350/11/.. PTFL 350/ 188 252
D 190/.. 350 300 250 26 17 M16 6 260 30 121 190
PK 350/18/.. PTFS 350 204 244
180M/180L 18,5
PL 350/18/.. 229
(48x110) 22 25
PK 350/11/.. 188 252
PL 350/11/.. 204
D 230/.. 26 58 97 143 234
PK 350/18/.. 217 244
PL 350/18/.. 242 25 252

Continued on page 189

188 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Damping rings D in combination with bellhousings

Damping rings type D in combination with bellhousings 1)
Dimensions [mm]
kW Bell- Damping Foot
with housing ring flange
motor size Min. Max.
(shaft end)
d1 x l3
rpm Size Size Size A1 B B1 L1 ges L3 K M h LD B3 B4 B5 B5D

PK 350/11/.. 188 25
160M/160L 11
(42x110) 15 PL 350/11/.. 204 26
PTFL 350/
PK 350/18/.. D 260/.. 350 300 250 217 17 M16 6 58 260 97 143 252 264
180M/180L 18,5 PL 350/18/.. PTFS 350
242 25
(48x110) 22
PL 350/48/98 247
PL 400/3/.. 210 290
PK 400/12/.. D 190/.. 215 45 30 121 190
PL 400/12/.. 229
200L PK 400/12/.. 228
30 D 230/.. PTFS 400 400 350 300 20 17 M16 6 300 143
(55x110) PL 400/12/.. 242 260
PK 400/12/.. 228 58 97 264
PL 400/12/.. D 260/.. 242 164
PL 400/12/98 247
PL 450/5/94 230 325
PK 450/12/94 D 190/.. 249 45 30 121 190
PL 450/12/94 267
PL 450/5/96 243 325
PK 450/6/96 234
D 230/.. 143 234
225S/225M 37 PK 450/12/96 262 260
PTFS 450 450 400 350 25 17 M16 6
(60x140) 45 PL 450/12/96 280
58 97
PK 450/5/98 243 325
PK 450/6/98 234
D 260/.. 164 265
PK 450/12/98 262 260
PL 450/12/98 280
PL 450/5/.. D 330/.. 268 83 120 208 325 330
PK 550/4/94 237 355
PL 550/4/94 D 190/.. 252 45 30 121 330 190
PK 550/8/94 262 340
PK 550/4/96 248 355
250M 55 PL 550/4/96 D 230/.. 265 143 330 234
(65x140) PK 550/8/96 275 340
PTFS 550 550 500 450 26 17 M16 6 58 450 97
280S/280M 75 PK 550/4/98 248 355
(75x140) 90 PL 550/4/98 D 260/.. 265 164 330 264
PK 550/8/98 275 340
PK 550/4/.. 275 355
PL 550/4/.. D 330/.. 290 83 120 208 330 330
PK 550/8/.. 300 340
PK 660/3/98 310 500
315S/315M D 260/.. 58 97 164 264
110 PL 660/3/98 318 340
315L PK 660/3/.. PTFS 660 660 600 550 330 32 22 M20 8 550 500
160 D 330/.. 83 120 208 330
200 PL 660/3/.. 343 340
PK 660/3/.. D 125/../.. 372 125 260 320 500 484
Preferred combinations with short bellhousings, other combinations on request (see pages 184 and 185), phone +49 5971 798-0.

* Passing from dimension B3 to the flange with radius R=5

Steel Tanks
 For your power pack please pay attention to a separation of the piping, e. g. by tubes or elastic flanges (see page 193). Hydraulic
 For further measures of noise damping we recommend to use damping rods (see page 196/197) or DT/DTV rings (see page 195).

For the detailed order designation please see our PC/Internet selection programme or mention the IEC motor size and detailed pump type for selection.

Order form PL PK 250 15 92 D 150 23

Bellhousing Bellhousing Flange diameter
Model code Internal code Damping ring Size Internal code
type, Long type, short, “K” of IEC Motor

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 189
Hydraulic Components

Foot flange
zz The designing of PTFL by means of the finite element
method permits very high loading capacity with
minimum weight
zz PTFL as a compact, space-saving design in
combination with KTR bellhousing and damping ring
zz Storage of only one electric motor type both for
horizontal and vertical construction
zz PTFS preferably for mobile applications
zz All types available from stock - other sizes on request
zz Notice our mounting instructions

Motor side Pump side Motor side Pump side

Foot flange PTFL* Foot flange PTFS*

*according to VDMA guideline 24561 part 1

Foot flange design PTFL from aluminium (Al)

Foot For Dimensions [mm]
flange bellhousing
size size A A1 A3 A6 A4 A5 A10 B B1 B3 R R1 d a

PTFL 160 160 160 140 12 80 15 50 8 110 100 10 55 65 9 9

PTFL 200 200 210 180 14 90 15 60 11 124 112 12 72,5 82,5 11 11
PTFL 250 250 250 220 16 97 21 60 − 145 132 15 95 107,5 13 13
PTFL 300 300 290 260 18 116 20 80 − 175 160 18 117 132,5 13 13
PTFL 350 350 340 300 20 150 20 110 − 195 180 22 130 150 18 16

Foot flange design PTFS from aluminium (Al)

Foot For Dimensions [mm]
flange bellhousing
size size A A1 A3 A5 A6 A7 A8 A10 B B1 B2 B3 B4 R R1 a a1 d H H1

PTFS 250 250 250 215 18 185 230 190 − 82 165 155 120 15 150 95 107,5 14 10 14 125 60
PTFS 300 300 300 265 20 225 270 240 − 92 200 185 148 18 183 117 132,5 14 10 14 150 75
PTFS 350 350 350 300 25 265 305 260 160 110 252 235 188 18 228 130 150 18 12 18 175 90
PTFS 400 400 400 350 20 300 350 300 185 125 277 260 193 20 241 150 175 18 12 18 200 100
PTFS 450 450 450 400 25 335 385 350 207 138 312 295 232 20 290 175 200 18 12 18 225 110

Foot flange design PTFS from nodular iron (GJS)

Foot For Dimensions [mm]
flange bellhousing
size size A A1 A3 A5 A6 A7 A8 A10 B B1 B2 B3 B4 R R1 a a1 d H H1

PTFS 200 200 200 165 12 150 185 130 85 68 138 125 90 15 120 72,5 82,5 11 8 11,5 100 50
PTFS 250 250 250 215 17 185 230 190 − 82 165 155 120 15 150 95 107,5 14 10 14 125 60
PTFS 350 350 350 300 20 265 305 260 160 110 252 235 193 22 232 130 150 18 12 18 175 90
PTFS 400 400 405 350 20 300 350 300 192 125 277 260 220 22 175 150 175 18 12 18 200 100
PTFS 550 550 550 500 25 415 465 440 240 165 370 350 233 25 318 225 250 18 12 18 275 140
PTFS 660 660 660 600 30 495 555 540 292 195 405 380 233 30 348 275 300 22 15 22 330 165
PTFS 800 from steel on request
In order to obtain the full loading capacity of the foot flanges all existing fastening bores have to be screwed up with the bellhousing!

Order form PTFL 350 Al

Foot flange design Size Material

190 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Accessories for bellhousings

zz Assembly and disassembly of the fully mounted drive unit
outside the tank is possible
zz Facilitates cleaning and maintenance
zz Penstock connections via mounting flange
zz Material aluminium
zz Suitable for bellhousings up to size P 350
zz DP and DZ gaskets from Perbunane (NBR) available from stock
zz Gaskets type DP are used between bellhousing and tank
cover and furthermore between bellhousing and ZO mounting
zz Gaskets type DZ are used between ZO mounting flange and
tank cover

ZO 160 - ZO 200 ZO 250 - ZO 350

Gasket DP


2,5 mm thick

Gasket DZ

2,5 mm thick

Mounting flange ZO
Dimensions [mm] Gasket Gasket
Size DZ DP
A A1 ~A2 B B1 K M1 R T T1 T2 T3 d l l1
size size
ZO 160 210 112 150 130 185 9 M8 60 97,5 145 157,5 262,5 18 7 15 DZ 160 DP 160
ZO 200 250 147 187 165 225 9 M10 60 142,5 190 202,5 327,5 18 8 16 DZ 200 DP 200
ZO 250 300 192 239 215 275 9 M12 60 142,5 190 202,5 352,5 20 8 16 DZ 250 DP 250
ZO 300 360 236 289 265 330 14 M12 60 150 225 240 420 20 10 18 DZ 300 DP 300
ZO 350 410 262 332 300 380 14 M16 110 160 225 270 475 24 12 20 DZ 350 DP 350

Gaskets for bellhousings and mounting flanges

wymiary [mm]

Steel Tanks
B B1 B2 T T1 T2 T3 K R Hydraulic
DP 160 130 160 111 − − − − 4x9 −
DP 200 165 200 146 − − − − 4 x 11 −
DP 250 215 250 191 − − − − 4 x 13 −
DP 300 265 300 235 − − − − 4 x 13 −
DP 350 300 350 261 − − − − 4 x 17 −
DP 400 350 400 301 − − − − 4 x 17 −
DP 450 400 450 351 − − − − 4 x 17 −
DP 550 500 550 451 − − − − 4 x 17 −
DZ 160 185 210 160 97,5 145 157,5 262,5 4x9 35
DZ 200 225 250 200 142,5 190 202,5 327,5 4x9 35
DZ 250 275 300 250 142,5 190 202,5 352,5 6x9 35
DZ 300 330 360 300 150 225 240 420 6 x 14 60
DZ 350 380 410 350 160 255 270 475 6 x 14 80

Order form ZO 300 DP 300

Mounting flange size Gasket design and size

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 191
Hydraulic Components

Damping elements
zz Noise measurement in the R & D test center
zz Noise measurement locally at the customer
zz Airborne noise measurement on individual hydraulic compon-
ents and complete units
zz Structure-borne noise measurement to prove the efficiency of
KTR damping elements
zz Optimization of noise levels of systems or hydraulic units

In its research and development test center, KTR has provided for a sound measurement room allowing for low reflective test conditions.
Comparative measurements are performed on an actual hydraulic power pack in order to test and optimize the efficiency of KTR damping
elements. Apart from the stationary measurement in the laboratory, the efficiency of the KTR damping measurements taken can be proven

Examples of application
Bellhousing DT ring
Damping ring
Electric Motor

flange Foot flange
Damping rod
Oil tank
type BAK
damping ring

Possible noise reductions compared to the rigid arrangement:

a) Damping ring only 3 – 6 dBA
b) Damping rod only 3 – 4 dBA
c) Damping ring and damping rod 6 – 8 dBA
d) Damping ring, damping rod and elastic flange 7 – 10 dBA
e) DT/DTV damping ring 3 – 6 dBA
f) DT/DTV damping ring and damping ring 6 – 8 dBA
The effect of the KTR damping elements reflects the structure-borne noise vibration by means of the vulcanized, non-prestressed rubber
layer in the acoustic frequency range from about 200 Hz. The reduction of structure-borne noise vibrations causes a reduced radiation of
the airborne noise produced by the power pack.

Result of a noise measurement

Test data: 80
Electric motor: rotary current asynchronous 180M 79
18,5 kW, n = 1450 rpm
average sound pressure level LA  [dBA]

type B 3 / B 5
Pump: axial piston pump 76
75 75,8
Coupling: ROTEX® 42 - 92 Shore A
73 73,6
72 72,5


192 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Damping elements
zz For structure-borne noise separation on the pressure and suc-
tion lines to the tank
zz Suitable for bulkhead pipe fitting SV6 - SV42
zz Sealing surface is moulded on
zz Made from oil-resistant perbunane
zz Larger types on request

View A
View A

Elastic flange

pipe fitting

Thread M
or Ød

Elastic flange
Elastic flange Bulkhead pipe fitting *)

Type L Type S Pilot bore Comment

Size A B a b D1 D2 dL Thread M
light heavy for [d

80-2.11 SV 28-L SV 25-S M36 x 2 Ø34

80-2.10 SV 22-L SV 20-S M30 x 2 Ø28
80-2.9 SV 18-L − M26 x 1,5 Ø24,5
80-2.8 − SV 16-S M24 x 1,5 Ø22,5
80-2.7 SV 15-L − M22 x 1,5 Ø20,5
80-2.6 80 68 4 6 78 60 6,6 − SV 12-S M20 x 1,5 Ø18,5
80-2.5 SV 12-L SV 10-S M18 x 1,5 Ø16,5
80-2.4 SV 10-L SV 8-S M16 x 1,5 Ø14,5

Steel Tanks
80-2.3 SV 8-L SV 6-S M14 x 1,5 Ø12,5
80-2.2 SV 6-L − M12 x 1,5 Ø10,5
80-2.1 − − − Ø10 Standard design
100-2.5 SV 42-L **) SV 38-S **) M52 x 2 Ø50
100-2.4 − SV 30-S M42 x 2 Ø40
100-2.3 100 82 5 8 95 65 9 SV 28-L SV 25-S M36 x 2 Ø34
100-2.2 SV 22-L SV 20-S M30 x 2 Ø28
100-2.1 − − − Ø25 Standard design
130-2.4 SV 42-L SV 38-S M52 x 2 Ø50
130-2.3 SV 35-L − M45 x 2 Ø43
130 110 6 10 125 95 9
130-2.2 − SV 30-S M42 x 2 Ø40
130-2.1 − − − Ø35 Standard design

Available from stock

*) Bulkhead pipe fitting and washer do not form part of our supply. **) Counter nut cannot be assembled.

Order form ERD 100 − 2.3

Elastic flange Size Finish bore with thread M36 x 2

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 193
Hydraulic Components

Damping elements
zz Vulcanized and failsafe (up to D 330, DBGM)
zz High weight load permissible (e. g. multiple pumps)
zz Excellent damping properties
zz Excellent resistance to hydraulic oil
zz Sealing lips are moulded on (up to size 330) –
no additional sealing required
zz For the bellhousing selection you require please either
see our selection programme at www.ktr.com

Integrated seal

Cams for pumps with

rectangular connection
only for damping ring
type D 150 D 84 / D 125 / D 145

Damping ring D
Dimensions [mm]
Size B4
B7 D1 D2 D3 D4 LD L2 L3 L4 L5 L6 z x M 2)
min. max.
D 150/.. 18 83 122 148 83 100 78 45 5 15 13 16 30 4 x M8
D 190/.. 30 121 150 190 116 130 100 45 5 15 14 18 33 4 x M10
D 230/.. 97 143 195 234 143 160 136 58 5 18 17 23 47 4 x M12
D 260/.. 97 164 210 264 164 180 156 58 4 20 18 23 46 4 x M16
D 330/.. 120 208 264 330 208 220 201 83 6 35 23 28 64 4 x M20
D 84/../A
147 224 280 360 210 224 − 83 5 35 25 25 18 4 x M20
D 84/../C
D 125/../A 260 320 360 484 285 315 − 125 10 33 25 25 40 M20 3)
D 145/../A 390 400 1)
590 370 400 − 145 12 45 35 35 47 M24 3)
Pitch circle diameter on request. 2)
Tightening torque of screw quality 5.6. 3)
Number of fixing holes on request.

Permissible radial and axial weight load of damping rings based on an ambient temperature of + 60 °C
D 150 D 190 D 230 D 260 D 330 D 84 D 125 D 145
Distance of center of gravity for radial load L [mm] 100 100 100 200 200 200 250 250
Perm. weight load Fmax. [N] 650 1800 3000 2300 4100 4000 6000 10000
With a different distance of center of gravity LX the permissible weight load is converted. If LX < L, Fmax. = Fperm.

The permissible weight load Fperm. must not be exceeded

Fmax.  L
Fperm. = [N] by the existing weight load FG (radial or axial).

Design V1 Design B3/B5

Arrangement of damping ring D up to D 330
1 2 3

Bellhousing with
damping ring

Order form D 230 14

Damping ring Size Internal code

194 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Damping elements
zz DTV for vertical assembly only!
zz To reduce noise between drive unit and tank by means of
rubber flexible separation
zz Type DT for horizontal and vertical assembly
zz Type DT is protected against separation (failsafe) by means
of a special design (registered design of theinterconnected
zz Pressure-loaded elastomer due to the interconnected parts
zz High permissible radial, angular and axial load
zz Sealing lips are moulded on - no additional sealings required

Through holes for easy

assembly in vertical design

Sealing lips
on both sides

Damping ring type DT Damping ring type DT.../2

Damping ring DT (DBGM) and DTV

IEC- Dimensions [mm] Screw
Damping ring
motor tightening torque
Size D D1 D2 zxG L L1 zxd z x d1 l
Size [Nm]
71 DTV 160 160 130 111 4 x M8 16,5 35 4x9 4 x 14,5 18 12
80, 90S / 90L DT 200 200 165 145,2 4 x M10 20 40 4 x 11 4 x 17,5 20 23
100L / 112M DT 250 250 215 191 4 x M12 17,5 45 4 x 13 4 x 19,5 22 40
132S / 132M DT 300 300 265 235 4 x M12 17,5 50 4 x 13 4 x 19 24 40
160M / 160L, 180M / 180L DT 350 350 300 261 4 x M16 31 60 4 x 17 4 x 25 26 100
200L DT 400 400 350 301 4 x M16 31 70 4 x 17 4 x 25 31 100
225S / 225M DT 450 450 400 351 8 x M16 31 80 8 x 17 8 x 25 41 100
250M, 280S / 280M DT / DTV 550 550 500 451 8 x M16 30 68 8 x 17 8 x 25 23 210
315S / 315M DT / DTV 660 660 600 551 8 x M20 30 68 8 x 22 8 x 33 23 410

Steel Tanks
Permissible radial weight and bending load of DT damping rings
with an operating temperature of + 60 °C
DT size 200 250 300 350 400 450 550 660
Fperm. [N] 370 720 1450 3600 4800 6600 13000 24000
Mb perm. [Nm] 30 65 175 740 1100 1600 4400 9000

Fperm. ≥ FP + FM Mb perm. ≥ FM  l1 - FP  l2

Example of  amping ring

Arrangement of DT ring
assembly type DT
1 2 3
Electric motor
Pump horizontal (type DT)
with fixings
Damping reciprocally
Tank wall

Order form DT 250

Damping ring Size

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 195
Hydraulic Components

Damping elements
zz Damping rods reduce the noise level and dampen
zz Finish machined for motors IMB 35 (DSM), PTFL foot
flanges (DSFL) or PTFS foot flanges (DSFS) and PIK oil
coolers (DSK)
zz Available from stock
zz Special lengthes or special designs on request
zz Also suitable for Nema motors
zz Damping rods are made from natural rubber (NR)
zz All damping rods are adapted to the weight load
that is produced
zz Thrust loading (V1) not permissible

Type DSM

Damping rods design DSM for electric motors type IMB 35, protection IP 54
Damping For Dimensions [mm]
rod motor
L L1 L2 L3 h h1 h2 b b1 b2 d D M1 M2
Size Size
DSM 71 71 196 156 90 40 8 12 50 21 25 14 20 M6
DSM 80 80 176 146 100 40 8 12 50 22 25 14 20 M8
DSM 90 S 90 S 196 156 100 40 8 12 50 24,5 25 14 20 M8
DSM 90 L 90 L 240 205 125 40 8 12 50 24 25 14 20 M8
DSM 100 L/112 M 100 L/112 M 240 205 140 40 8 12 50 22 25 14 20 M10
DSM 132 S/132 M 132 S/132 M 280 245 140 178 45 8 12 50 20 25 14 20 M10 M10
DSM 160 M 160 M 340 300 210 60 15 15 70 28 35 18 26 M12
DSM 160 L 160 L 416 370 254 60 15 15 70 28 35 18 26 M12
DSM 180 M 180 M 416 370 241 60 15 15 70 35 35 18 26 M12
DSM 180 L 180 L 446 400 279 60 15 15 70 35 35 18 26 M12
DSM 200 L 200 L 492 430 305 60 15 15 70 35 35 22 33 M16
DSM 225 S 225 S 492 430 286 60 15 15 70 35 35 22 33 M16
DSM 225 M 225 M 492 445 311 60 15 15 70 35 35 22 33 M16
DSM 250 M 250 M 492 445 349 60 15 15 100 50 50 22 33 M20
DSM 280 S/280 M 280 S/280 M 614 570 368 419 60 15 15 100 50 50 22 33 M20 M20
DSM 315 S/315 M 315 S/315 M 614 570 406 457 60 15 15 120 60 60 22 33 M24 M24
DSM 315 L 315 L 704 660 508 60 15 15 120 60 60 22 33 M24
Other sizes on request.

Order form DSM 100 L/112 M

Damping rod Size

196 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Damping elements
zz Damping rods reduce the noise level and dampen
zz Finish machined for motors IMB 35 (DSM), PTFL foot
flanges (DSFL) or PTFS foot flanges (DSFS) and PIK oil
coolers (DSK)
zz Available from stock
zz Special lengthes or special designs on request
zz Also suitable for Nema motors
zz Damping rods are made from natural rubber (NR)
zz All damping rods are adapted to the weight load
that is produced
zz Thrust loading (V1) not permissible

Type DSFL Type DSFS Type DSK

Damping rods design DSFL for foot flange PTFL

Damping For Dimensions [mm]
rod motor
L L1 L2 h h1 h2 b b1 b2 d D M
Size Size
DSFL 160 PTFL 160 176 130 50 40 8 12 50 10 25 14 20 M8
DSFL 200 PTFL 200 176 130 60 40 8 12 50 15 25 14 20 M10
DSFL 250 PTFL 250 230 140 60 40 8 12 50 15 25 14 20 M12
DSFL 300 PTFL 300 270 170 80 40 8 12 50 15 25 14 20 M12
DSFL 350 PTFL 350 305 200 110 60 15 15 70 25 35 18 26 M16

Damping rods design DSFS for foot flange PTFS

Damping For Dimensions [mm]
rod motor
L L1 L2 h h1 h2 b b1 b2 d D M
Size Size

Steel Tanks
DSFS 250 PTFS 250 240 140 185 40 8 12 50 17,5 25 13 20 M12
DSFS 300 PTFS 300 280 180 225 40 8 12 50 17,5 25 13 20 M12
DSFS 350 PTFS 350 325 200 265 60 15 15 70 25 35 17 26 M16
DSFS 400 PTFS 400 350 234 300 60 15 15 70 25 35 17 26 M16
DSFS 450 PTFS 450 385 270 335 60 15 15 70 25 35 17 26 M16
DSFS 550 PTFS 550 490 350 415 60 15 15 100 25 50 18 26 M16
DSFS 660 PTFS 660 635 415 495 60 15 15 100 30 50 22 33 M20

Damping rods design DSK for PIK bellhousings with integrated oil cooler with feet
Damping For Dimensions [mm]
rod cooler
L L1 L2 h h1 h2 b b1 b2 d D M
Size Size
DSK 200 PIK 200 240 210 154,5 40 8 12 50 25 25 14 20 M12
DSK 250 PIK 250 270 240 175,5 40 8 12 50 25 25 14 20 M12
DSK 300 PIK 300 280 250 199,5 45 8 12 50 25 25 14 20 M12
DSK 350 PIK 350 325 295 243,5 60 15 15 70 35 35 14 20 M12

Order form DSFS 300

Damping rod Size

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 197
Hydraulic Components

Aluminium tanks
zz Made from aluminium for depressurized operation (0,5 bar at
zz With oil collecting groove moulded on periphery for
collection of leakage oil (Water Resources Act)
zz O-ring seal for all tank sizes, ready to use
zz No painting or priming of the tank required
zz Good heat loss capacity due to high caloric conductibility
and large heat dissipating surfaces
zz All tanks are 100 % tight and may be stacked without jamming
zz All sizes available from stock
zz All tanks including drain plug similar to DIN 908
zz Temperature resistant up to + 100 °C

Tanks with oil collecting groove BAK 13, BAK 30, BAK 44 and BAK 70
BAK 13 BAK 30

Available volume [Litres] Seal Available volume [Litres] Seal

11,5 O-ring seal RS 13 NBR 27,0 O-ring seal RS 30 NBR

BAK 44 BAK 70

Available volume [Litres] Seal Available volume [Litres] Seal

40,0 O-ring seal RS 40/44 NBR 63,0 O-ring seal RS 63/70 NBR

Order form BAK 30

Aluminium tank Size

198 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Aluminium tanks
zz Made from aluminium for depressurized operation
(0,5 bar at maximum)
zz Without oil connecting groove
zz O-ring seal or flat seal for all tank sizes, ready to use
zz No painting or priming of the tank required
zz Good heat loss capacity due to high caloric
conductibility and large heat dissipating surfaces
zz All tanks are 100 % tight and may be stacked without
zz All sizes available from stock
zz All tanks including drain plug similar to DIN 908
zz Temperature resistant up to + 100 °C

Tanks without oil collecting groove BAK 10, BAK 20, BAK 40, BAK 63 and BAK 100
BAK 10 BAK 20

Available volume [Litres] Seal Available volume [Litres] Seal

9,5 Flat seal FD 10 18,0 Flat seal FD 20

BAK 40 BAK 63

Steel Tanks

Available volume [Litres] Seal Available volume [Litres] Seal

40,0 O-ring seal RS 40/44 NBR 63,0 O-ring seal RS 63/70 NBR

Order form BAK 63

Aluminium tank Size

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 199
Hydraulic Components

Aluminium tanks and accessories

BAK 100
Tank feet Wheels LR 150
BF 150 made from with or
cast aluminium without lock

Available volume [Litres] Seal

95,0 O-ring seal RS 100 NBR

Tank cover made of steel and aluminium, accessories for aluminium tank
Cover For Dimenisions [mm] Cover thickness Weight [kg]
Steel Al tank A A1 A2 B B1 B2 R St Al St Al
ST 30 AL 30 BAK 30 475 460 449 325 310 299 25 5 5 6 2,1
ST 44 AL 44 BAK 40/BAK 44 515 500 485 415 400 385 32 5 8 8,5 4,6
ST 70 AL 70 BAK 63/BAK 70 605 590 575 465 450 435 32 5 8 10,5 6,1

BAK 10 - ST 10 BAK 13 - ST 13 / AL 13 BAK 20 - ST 20 / AL 20 BAK 30-70 BAK 100 - ST 100 / AL 100

St: 3 mm thick; 1,9 kg St: 4 mm thick; 2,2 kg St: 5 mm thick; 5,8 kg ST 30-70 St: 6mm thick; 17,8 kg
Al: 5 mm thick; 1,0 kg Al: 5 mm thick; 2,0 kg AL 30-70 Al: 8 mm thick; 8,2 kg

Order form ST 44 BF 150 Plug DIN 908 with seal G 1/2 A

Tank cover for BAK 44
Feet for tank Plug for BAK 44
from steel

Oil sumps BAKW for KTR aluminium tanks BAK

Volume of Dimensions [mm]
Oil sump For tank
oil sump L1 L2 B1 B2 B3 H1 H2 t1 t2 z D
BAKW 13 BAK 13 11,8 l 380 188 310 60 118 110 100 3 3 4 9
BAKW 20 BAK 20 20 l 570 400 350 60 150 110 100 3 3 4 12
BAKW 30 BAK 30 33 l 550 300 400 60 150 160 150 3 5 4 12
BAKW 44 BAK40/BAK 44 45 l 600 341 500 60 241 160 150 3 5 4 12
BAKW 70 BAK 63/BAK 70 63,5 l 730 422,5 580 60 282,5 160 150 3 5 4 12
BAKW 100 BAK 100 104 l 920 497 770 60 337 160 150 3 5 4 12

200 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Accessories for oil tanks

zz Cleaning covers V324 and V449 according to DIN 24339
zz Made from aluminium
zz Screw tightening torque for all cleaning cover sizes
10 Nm at the maximum
zz Cleaning cover V324-6/HFC, V449-6/HFC and
V580-8/HFC are resistant to HFC fluids
zz Gaskets type PRD made from perbunane (NBR), made from
Viton on request
zz On request available with logo
zz Max. permissible pressure = 0,5 bar

Cleaning cover design Cleaning cover Cleaning cover

V250-4 PRD DIN 24339

Cleaning covers
Dimensions [mm]
Size Number of
D1 D2 D3 D4 D5 x y
V250-4 PRD 11,5 229 193 - 250 4 170 80
V324-6 / V324-6/HFC * 11,5 304 268 350 324 6 235 100
V324-6 Mould * 11,5 304 268 350 324 6 276 158
V449-6 / V449-6/HFC 11,5 429 393 475 449 6 276 158
V530-12 11,5 505 471 560 530 12 276 158
V580-8 11,5 560 523 620 580 8 370 210
* Cover with 4-hole fixing on request.

Gasket for cleaning covers

Steel Tanks
for D Hydraulic
cleaning cover [mm]
PRD 193 NBR PRD 193 Viton V250- PRD 229
PRD 268 NBR PRD 268 Viton V324 304
PRD 393 NBR PRD 393 Viton V449 429
PRD 471 NBR - V530 507
PRD 525 NBR - V580 561

Order form V449-6 PRD 393 NBR

Cleaning cover Gasket

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 201
Hydraulic Components

Accessories for oil tanks

zz Oil level indicator with and without temperature indication
zz Oil level indicator with liquid level control indication
zz Oil level indicator to be combined either with temperature
switch TS60, TS70 or TS 80
zz Suitable fot hydraulic oil HL, HLP, gas to max. 80 °C and
diesel gas up to max. 60 °C
zz Good UV resistance

Temperature indication With visual/electrical control of the Combined with temperature switch
with (KOT) and without (KO) liquid level in the tank KOO/KOS TS60, TS70 or TS80

Oil level indicator

Dimensions [mm] with TS
KO 01 / KOT 01 108 37 76 —
39 76
KO 02 / KOT 02 159 127 —
34 76 45 26 M12
KOO 02 / KOS 02 205 127 50 47 68
KO 03 / KOT 03 286 203 254 — 39 76

KOT 01: Indication range + 20 °C to + 80 °C Technical data (opener) of the temperature switch:
KOT 02: Indication range - 10 °C to + 80 °C Shifting temperature: TS 60: Shifting temperture
KOO: Electr. switch as opener 60 °C / 140 °F
KOS: Electr. switch as closer TS 70: Shifting temperture
Operating range: - 10 °C to + 80 °C 70 °C / 158 °F
Recommended screw tightening torque: 8 Nm TS 80: Shifting temperture
Prestress pressure of tank max. 1 bar 80 °C / 176 °F
Hysteresis: 20 °C
Tolerance of the shifting temperature: ± 5 °C
Elecrical connections and functions:
Contact load: Alternating current
KOS max. 10 W  max. voltage 250 V
KOO max.   3 W  max. current with 10.000 circuits
2,5 A with cos φ = 1,0
Voltage: 1,6 A with cos φ = 0,6
50 V AC/DC  max. current with 10.000 circuits
0,5 A with cos φ = 1,0
Switching current: ~0,25 A with cos φ = 0,6 Thermostat
KOS max. 0,50 A  min. switching current 50 mA Cable 8
KOO max. 0,25 A
Direct current Mass
Line box with PG9  max. voltage 42 V
Protection IP 65  max. current with Thermostat
Connection 3 not used 10.000 circuits 1A Cable 1

Order form KO 02 + TS 80
Type Size with Temperature switch
[KO, KOT KOO or KOS] [01, 02 or 03] [TS 60, TS 70 or TS 80]

202 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Accessories for oil tanks

zz Electrical level and temperature control
zz Suitable for mineral oils
zz Available with 1 or 2 level contacts and with 1
temperature probe
zz Electrical switch: decreasing level „opener“
increasing temperature „opener“
zz Further lengths on request

Switching tube Plug-in connection D03 Plug-in connection DM12

Operating pressure max. 1 bar Three-pole + PE 3pol.
Operating temperature max. 80 °C DIN 43650
Density of fluid min. 0,8 kg/dm3
With elastic nylon
Swimmer SK 161 NBR
seal BD R3/4 Switching tube MS
Flange MS

Level contacts
Function NC (opener)
Max. voltage operating 230 V
Max. current 0,5 A
Contact load 10 VA IP65 protection IP67** protection
Cable screwing PG11 Cable screwing PG7**
Temperature contacts Max. voltage 230 V AC/DC Max. voltage 24 V DC
Level temperature switch Max. voltage operating 250 V
Dimensions [mm] Max. current switching 2A ** with respective
L L1 L2 Max. contact load 100 VA upper part of plug
NVT22 220 170 40 Switch-back difference 15 K ± 5 K
NVT37 370 320 40
NVT45 450 400 40

Order form NVT 22 2 60 D3

Type Size Type * Shifting temperature Voltage
22 = 220 mm contact tube 1 = 2 switch contact area H a. L O = without tempe- D3 = max. 230 Volt
37 = 370 mm contact tube 2 = 1 switch contact area L and rature switch (standard)
45 = 450 mm contact tube 1 temperature switch 60 = 60 °C DM12 = max. 24 Volt
70 = 70 °C
80 = 80 °C

* Type with level switch on request

Steel Tanks

KE 01 and KE 02 KE 03
filter grade 10 µm filter grade 45 µm

Filler breather with aeration filter Oil level sight glass

Dimensions [mm] Dimensions [mm]
Size Size
A B C D E F M L I d1 G H J K SW
KE 01 44,5 110 48,5 28 41,3 30 3xM5 G1/₂A 17,7 9,2 27,5 G1/₂ 2 27 21 27
KE 02 79,9 134 54 48,7 73 53 6xM5 G3/₄A 18 9,2 23,8 G3/₄ 2 32 27 32
Air flow: KE 01 = 0,40 m3/min KE 02 = 0,45 m3/min G1A 23,5 14 29 G1 2 40 34 40

Order form Filler breather KE 01 Order form Oil level sight glass G3/₄A

Type Size Type Size

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 203
Hydraulic Components

Temperature control and monitoring

zz Up to 4 programmable switching terminals to be selected
either as level or temperature signal
zz Combined continuous control of level and temperature
zz Perfectly visible LED display, swinging by 270°
zz Easy to program
zz 2 x M12 plug bases 4 poles
zz Programmable analogous terminal as 4-20 mA, 0-5V, 0-10V
or 2-10V
zz PNP switching terminal to be programed as frequency
zz Min./max. memory, log-book operation
zz Available from stock

Electronic level and temperature control

Technical data

Operating pressure: Max. 1 bar

Operating temperature: -20 °C to +80 °C
Ambient temperature: -20 °C to +70 °C
Weight: ca. 400g
Sealing fluid: Min. 0,8 kg/dm3
Swimmer: PU
Immersion pipe: MS
G 3/4 flange: MS
Multiplier: Reed chain
Resolution: 10 mm
Temperature sensor: PT100 class B
DIN 60751

Display and control unit

Display: 4-digit 7-segment LED display

Operation: over 3 keys
Memory: Min. and max. value memory
Current consumption
with starting: approx. 100 mA for 100 ms
Current consumption
during operation: approx. 50 mA
Supply voltage (UB): 10-32 V DC (nominal voltage 24V DC)
Protection: IP 65
Display units: Level: %, cm, L, i, Gal
Temperature: -20 °C to +120 °C
or -4 °F to 248 °F
Setting range: Level: e. g. 0-100 %l
Temperature: 0 °C to +100 °C
or 32 °F to 212 °F
Accuracy: 1% of final value

Order form NVT-E 20 4 M12

Type 20 = 200 mm contact tube 4 = Switching points to be M12 = M12 plug base 4
28 = 280 mm contact tube allocated freely poles
37 = 370 mm contact tube 2NT = 2 switching terminals
50 = 500 mm contact tube to be programed
freely and 2 analogous
terminals (level and

204 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Temperature control and monitoring

zz Control of the operating temperature of the medium
zz Value of resistance proportionally changeable to the
zz Continuous signal change
zz Flexible seal at the screwed thread head
zz Optionally available with transmitter

Temperature probe TE-PT-100

Basic values of precision resistance PT-100
°C 0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
Ohm 100,00 103,90 107,79 111,67 115,54 119,40 123,24 127,07 130,89 134,70 138,50

Screwing and dipping

sleeve: 1.4571 (stainless steel) – brass on request
Available lengths: 100, 200 and 300 mm from stock
(special lengths up to 1000 mm)
Operating pressure: 10 bar (dipping sleeve of stainless steel)
Operating temperature/ Flexible
measuring range: - 40 °C to + 100 °C seal
Resistance feeler element: PT-100 Class B DIN/IEC 751 (NBR)
Max. S-wire current PT-100: 1 mA
Plug: according to DIN 43650 – 3 pl. + PE, Connection diagram:
Protection class IP65,

Installation depth
cable screwing PG11

min. 50

Order form TE PT-100 300

Temperature probe - electronic Resistance feeler element Lenght of dipping sleeve

Temperature switch TSC

zz Simple, solid design
zz Electric insert easy to disassemble
zz For plug acc. to DIN 43650 straight cable outlet direction

Steel Tanks
rotatable by 360° Hydraulic
zz Copper seal
zz Protective system IP 65

Technical data

Control element: DI metal

Switching function: NO = make contact
Switching temperature: +25 °C up to +80 °C
copper seal
Material of probe: brass
Operating pressure max.: 15 bar
Operating temperature: -20 °C up to +100 °C

Temperature contacts: Operating voltage max 230 V AC - 10 A Shift point: 40 °C TSC 40

Switching current max. 2A 50 °C TSC 50
Tolerance ±5K 60 °C TSC 60
Difference of shift back 15 K ± 3 K 70 °C TSC 70
80 °C TSC 80

Order form TSC 50

Temperature switch Shift point 50 °C

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 205
Hydraulic Components

Temperature control and monitoring

zz Temperature control, indication and control of cooling and
heating circles
zz Excess temperature safety device of units
zz Level control (IRDN)
zz Used in hydraulic, lubrication and tempering units
zz Up to 7 functions in one housing
zz Dipping sleeve made from stainless steel
zz Stable housing made from hardly inflammable and
self-extinguishing Makrolon
zz Operating range from - 30 °C to + 160 °C (IR)
zz IRDN: Large LED display
Level monitoring by means of 2-off firmly set Reed contacts

Industrial control system: Type/position of the dipping sleeve

Viewing direction

Type R and L Type H and U Type S1

R: Dipping sleeve on the right H: Dipping sleeve in the back on the S1: with 1 hose
L: Dipping sleeve on the left right S3: with 2 hoses
U: Dipping sleeve at the bottom
Hose lengths: S1= 1500 mm and S3= 2 x 1500 mm

Electrical connections (IR)

A01 standard: Flat plug 6,3 x 0,8; enclosed flat plug-in sleeves DIN 46247/3
A04 special design: Europe terminal strip completely cabled
Connectors A02, A03 and A05 see pictures.

Housing edge


Housing edge Housing edge

Plug A02 Plug A03 Plug A05

DIN 43650 DIN 43651 M12 - 4pol.

Controllers and temperature indication (IR)

Max. probe temperature Shifting difference
Type Function Range
limiting temperature Kelvin
00 Adjustable controller -30 °C to +40 °C 80 ~5
02 Adjustable controller 0 °C to +80 °C 120 ~5
03 Adjustable controller +10 °C to +120 °C 160 ~5
04 Adjustable controller +10 °C to +120 °C 160 ~10
05 Adjustable controller +60 °C to +160 °C 200 ~5
07 Adjustable limiter * 0 °C to +150 °C 200 ~5
T1 Thermometer 0 °C to +120 °C 140
T2 Thermometer -40 °C to +80 °C 100
* Manual adjustment

206 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Temperature control and monitoring

Pin connection each controller IR
PE - connection (customer)


Controller 1 ... X
Connection 6,3 AMP
Insulated plug

Type IR Technical data

Dimensions of the housing [mm] 16 A (2,5)/250 VAC 0,5 K/min.
Number of Type S1 - S3 10 A (1,5)/400 VAC
functions D E d T max.
1 82 80 85 70 94 5,2 dependent on the type
2 120 80 85 108 94 5,2
3 160 80 85 148 94 5,2
4/5/6/7 240 120 100 228 134 5,2

Dimensions of the dipping sleeve IR

Typ/EL -installation length 100 200 300 400 500 900
ET - mm min. minimum depth of immersion referring to the number of installed functions
1 - 3 functions 90
4 - 6 functions 180
7 functions 270

Type IR

Technical data

Contact selection: Unipolar changer Accuracy of indication: Class 3 according to

Contact material: Hard silver Ag DIN 16203
Setting range: ~ 30 °C to 160 °C Housing material: Polycarbonate (makrolon)
Shifting accuracy: ~ 4 °C Dipping sleeve: 1.4301
Ambient temperature: ~ 35 °C to 80 °C Cable screwing: Polyamide
Test Certificates: VDE 0631, NF, SEMKO, Demko, Probe + capillary tube: Cu

ÖVE, KEMA Shifting power: 16 A (2,5)/250 VAC

Steel Tanks
10 A (1,5)/400 VAC Hydraulic
Isulation: According to VDE
0,5 A/24 VDC
Protection class: IP 65
further data
Cable screwing: M16 with strain relief on request
Max. operating pressure Failsafety: 2000 VAC between unified
of the dipping sleeve: 16 bar contacts and mass
Indication of thermometer: ~ 30 °C to 160 °C 1150 VAC between open

LED 12 -24 V Index LED 240 V Index

green 2 green 5
red 3 red 6
red + green 4

Order form IR 200 H A01 03 - 02 - 02 - T1

Type Length of the Position of Connection Requested controller or thermometer (max. 7).
dipping dipping sleeve Arrangement according to requested assembly.
If LED is requested, the figure 0 in the controller name
is replaced by the respective index number
(e. g. controller 02 and LED red = 32).

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 207
Hydraulic Components

Tank heaters - Type EHP

zz Inserted heating cartridges to preheat hydraulic oil
zz Temperature control by internal or external setting
single-pole control 0 - 85 °C, 16 A
zz Replaceable ceramic heating cartridges
(assembly without oil drain)
zz Steel cap from bright zinc coating/cover from stainless steel
zz Suitable for horizontal assembly below oil level
zz Material: steel (other material on request)
zz Surface load 1.5 W/cm² for hydraulic oils
zz Protection class IP 65 (excluding design EHP (TA) IP 54)
zz Further designs available on request
zz The connector pin assignment is enclosed to the unit

Type unheated

Type TA

Without temperature control Without temperature control With temperature control

switching accuracy ± 3 °C
Type EHP – G 1 1/2” Type EHP – G 2” Type EHP (TA/TI) – G 2”

Inserted heating cartridges

Type EHP – G 1 1/2” Type EHP – G 2” Type EHP (TA/TI) – G 2”
without temperature control without temperature control with temperature control
Heating Immersion depth Voltage Heating Immersion depth Voltage Heating Immersion depth Voltage
capacity T capacity T capacity T
[Watt] [mm] [V] [Watt] [mm] [V] [Watt] [mm] [V]
400 200 230 500 200 230 450 300 230
600 300 230 750 300 230 600 400 230
800 400 230 1000 400 230 750 500 230
1000 500 230 1250 500 230 900 600 230
1200 600 230 1450 600 230 1050 700 230
1400 700 230 1700 700 230 1200 800 230
1600 800 230 1950 800 230 1350 900 230
1800 900 230 2200 900 230 1500 1000 230
2000 1000 230 2450 1000 230 1650 1100 230
2200 1100 230 2700 1100 230 1800 1200 230
2400 1200 230 2950 1200 230 1950 1300 230
2800 1400 230 3450 1400 3 x 400 2100 1400 230
3200 1600 230 3900 1600 3 x 400 2250 1500 230
3600 1800 3 x 400 4400 1800 3 x 400 2400 1600 230
4000 2000 3 x 400 4900 2000 3 x 400

As an alternative: Control of tank heater possible in combination with KTR industrial controls with more than one temperature switch point (see
page 206 and 207). In this case the temperature control on the tank heater can be done without. Please notice our mounting instructions under

Order form EHP 1950 1300 G 2” TI 1 x 230 V

Type Capacity [W] Immersion Size of screwing TA = temperature control with Please make sure to
depth T [mm] thread external setting mention the voltage [V] in
TI = temperature control with your order, e. g.
internal setting 1 x 230 V; 2 x 400 V;
O = without temperature con- 3 x 400 V (from 1000 W)

208 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Tank heaters - Type EH and Type TEHM

zz Inserted tubular heating element to preheat hydraulic oil
zz Suitable for horizontal assembly below oil level
zz With or without temperature control for internal or external set-
ting with single-pole control 0 - 85 °C, 16 Ampere
zz Surface load 1.5 W/cm² for hydraulic oil
zz Steel cap from bright zinc coating/cover from stainless steel
zz Material: stainless steel (1.4541)/brassy nipple (other
material on request)
zz Protection class IP 65 (excluding design EH (TA) IP 54)
zz Further designs available on request
zz The connector pin assignment is enclosed to the unit
zz Notice our mounting instructions (www.ktr.com)

Inserted tubular heatings

Type EH – G 1 1/2”
without or with temperature control
Heating Immersion depth Voltage
capacity T
[Watt] [mm] [V] Type TA
380 200 230
500 250 230
750 350 230 Without temperature control With temperature control
990 450 230 switching accuracy ± 3 °C
1460 650 230
Type EH – G 1 1/2” Type EH (TA/TI) – G 1 1/2”
1825 800 230
2300 1000 230

Order form EH 990 450 G 1 1/₂” TI 1 x 230 V

Type Capacity [W] Immersion Size of screwing TA = temperature control with Please make sure to
depth T [mm] thread external setting mention the voltage [V] in
TI = temperature control with your order, e. g.
internal setting 1 x 230 V; 2 x 400 V;
O = without temperature con- 3 x 400 V (from 1000 W)

Inserted tank heater with magnetic clamp type TEHM

zz To preheat hydraulic oil
zz Inserted tank heater either horizontally to the tank ground or
vertically to the tank wall by means of magnetic clamps
zz Ideal solution to retrofit existing machines and plants
zz Assembly without oil drain
zz Internal control with preset cut-in or cut-off temperature

Steel Tanks
(standard 20 °C, switching precision 3 °C) Hydraulic
zz If requested, it is possible for the manufacturer to set shifting
temperatures to the details specified by the customer
zz Other media/operating fluids available on request
zz The connector pin assignment is enclosed to the unit
zz Notice our mounting instructions (www.ktr.com)

Inserted tank heater Cover Technical data:

Type TEHM Shifting accuracy:
± 3°
Max. oil level
Heating Overall length Voltage Voltage:
230 V (other on request)
capacity L Operation temperature:
- 30 °C to + 80 °C
[Watt] [mm] [V] Surface load:
1,2 W/cm²
250 265 230 (0,6 W/cm² on request)
500 290 230 Connection cable: Three-pole, 2,5 m long in-
1000 400 230
cluding screwed cable gland
As an alternative: Control of tank heater possible in combination with KTR industrial controls with more than one temperature switch point (see page
206 and 207). In this case the temperature control on the tank heater can be done without.

Order form TEHM 1000 00

Type Capacity Cut-off temp. set by the company to 20 °C = 00.
[W] Without temperature control = 01.
Requested cut-off temperature e. g. 35 °C = 35.

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 209
Hydraulic Components

Oil/air cooler — Type OAC

zz High-performance cooler net for a maximum static operating
pressure of 26 bar in aluminium (Al)
zz Suitable for hydraulic oil, gear lubricant oil, lubricating oil,
motor oil and water-glycine
zz Fan drive in 12 V, 24 V, 230 V/400 V and hydraulic drive
zz Easy maintenance and good options for cleaning
zz Low sound pressure level
zz CE certification
zz Marine design for use in a corrosive atmosphere
zz Alternative design available with OAC 200 to 900:
Approved according to EC Standard 94/9/EC

A compact and high-performance cooler series comprising eight sizes was developed for high-power cooling of hydraulic and lubricating

zz Thermal switch
zz Thermal bypass valves

zz Construction machines zz Hydraulic power packs
zz Agricultural machines zz Wind power
zz Rail technology zz Hydraulic presses
zz Machine tools zz Iron and steel industry etc.

zz Cooler net (plate and bar) made of aluminium with industrial lamina in black (RAL 9005)
zz Fan cover made of steel in black (RAL 9005)
zz Fan made of nylon PAG
zz Protective grid made of steel in black (RAL 9005)
zz Fan12 V/24 V IP68, 230 V/400 V IP55
zz Fan with hydraulic drive

Marine design:
zz Refrigerating grid coated via KTL diving process
zz Frame, fan cover, protection grid coated by KTL
zz Electric motor as a design with double component coating

Order form OAC 400 -01 M

Type Size Variant Marine

210 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Oil/air cooler — Type OAC

Selection system
To select the suitable cooler you need to know the following details:
Q [kW] Heat to be dissipated
V [l/min] Oil flow
TOil [°C] Inlet temperature of oil into cooler
TL [°C] Inlet temperature of ambient air into cooler

Example of calculation Power diagramme OAC 400

Details given:
Q = 14 kW

V = 75 l/min
TOil = 65 °C
TL = 30 °C


Calculation of the specific cooling effect

Inlet temperature difference ETD [°C] = TOil - TL
Required specific cooling effect Perf. = Q/ETD
The required specific cooling effect must be lower than the power curve!  14 kW/(65°C - 30°C)= 0,4 kW/°C
The following was selected: OAC 400
The actual cooling effect of the cooler is 0,41 kW/°C x 35°C = 14,35 kW

Calculation of the pressure lost

The pressure loss in the curves of the different data sheets is based on a viscosity of 30 cSt
The effective pressure loss is calculated as follows:
Pressure loss (from curve) x factor = effective pressure loss

Example Pressure loss 30 cSt

Völ: 75 l/min

Steel Tanks
Viscosity: 20 cSt
Pressure loss [bar]


 0,45 bar x 0,75 = 0,3375 bar


Völ [l/min]

Conversion factor pressure loss

cSt 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100
Factor 0,5 0,65 0,75 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,1 2,8

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 211
Hydraulic Components

Oil/air cooler — Type OAC

OAC 100 OAC 200 - OAC 400

OAC 500 - OAC 800 OAC 900 - OAC 1000

Oil/air cooler type OAC

Dimensions [mm]
Cooler type
L L1 L2 L3 L4 B B1 B2 H H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 d d1 C1 C2 C3 C4 M
OAC 100-01
167 63 250 200 50 250 225 100 314 150 - - - - 14 - - - - - -
OAC 100-02
OAC 200-01
OAC 200-02
63 250 200 50 350 325 174 410 250 - - - - 14 - - - - - -
OAC 200-03 330
OAC 200-04 253
OAC 300-01
OAC 300-02
65 250 200 49 446 421 200 500 320 - - - - 14 - - - - - -
OAC 300-03 404
OAC 300-04 297
OAC 400-01
OAC 400-02
95 280 230 55,5 446 421 200 500 320 - - - - 14 - - - - - -
OAC 400-03 434
OAC 400-04 326
OAC 500-01
OAC 500-02
94 340 280 40 460 435 130 740 400 200 670 70 - 13,5 38 95 69,9 77 35,7 M12
OAC 500-03 433
OAC 500-04 325
OAC 600-01
OAC 600-02
94 340 280 40 607 582 280 815 500 200 770 70 - 13,5 51 105 77,8 90 42,9 M12
OAC 600-03 533
OAC 600-04 400
OAC 700-03 542
94 340 280 40 608 582 280 965 700 300 920 70 - 13,5 51 105 77,8 90 42,9 M12
OAC 700-04 410
OAC 800-03 692
140 450 390 40 701 676 280 965 700 300 920 70 - 13,5 51 105 77,8 90 42,9 M12
OAC 800-04 542
OAC 900-03 670
94 590 210 155 995 955 440 1318 1000 600 1312 42 200 14 73 135 106,5 100 62 M16
OAC 900-04 650
OAC 1000-03 690 14x
113 615 212 173 995 955 440 1318 1000 600 1312 42 200 73 135 106,5 100 62 M16
OAC 1000-04 670 Ø20

212 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Oil/air cooler — Type OAC

Technical data
Displacement Fan-Ø db Weight
Cooler type Drive kW A IP
[ccm] [mm] [A] [kg]
OAC 100
OAC 100-01 12 V DC 0,060 8,5 68 190 70 6,9
OAC 100-02 24 V DC 0,068 2,8 68 190 70 6,9
OAC 200
OAC 200-01 12 V DC 0,084 4,7 68 280 73 14
OAC 200-02 24 V DC 0,192 9,8 68 280 73 14
OAC 200-03 230 V/400 V 1) 0,18 0,56 55 280 66 16
OAC 200-04-06 Hydraulic 6,3 280 66 16
OAC 300
OAC 300-01 12 V DC 0,252 21 68 350 76 22
OAC 300-02 24 V DC 0,192 9,8 68 350 75 22
OAC 300-03 230 V/400 V 1) 0,37 55 380 75 22
OAC 300-04-06 Hydraulic 6,3 380 75 22
OAC 300-04-08 Hydraulic 8,0 380 75 22
OAC 300-04-11 Hydraulic 11,0 380 75 22
OAC 400
OAC 400-01 12 V DC 0,252 21 68 350 76 27
OAC 400-02 24 V DC 0,192 9,8 68 350 75 27
OAC 400-03 230 V/400 V 1) 0,37 55 380 74 27
OAC 400-04-06 Hydraulic 6,3 380 74 27
OAC 400-04-08 Hydraulic 8,0 380 74 27
OAC 400-04-11 Hydraulic 11,0 380 74 27
OAC 500
OAC 500-01 12 V DC 0,096 20,8 68 385 78 36
OAC 500-02 24 V DC 0,072 10,3 68 385 78 36
OAC 500-03 230 V/400 V 1) 0,370 1,03 55 380 74 38
OAC 500-04-06 Hydraulic 6,3 380 74 37
OAC 500-04-08 Hydraulic 8,0 380 74 37
OAC 500-04-11 Hydraulic 11,0 380 74 37
OAC 600
OAC 600-01 2x12 V DC 2x0,11 2x9,8 68 2x280 79 46
OAC 600-02 2x24 V DC 2x0,09 2x4,7 68 2x280 79 46
OAC 600-03 230 V/400 V 1) 0,75 0,56 55 520 78 49
OAC 600-04-06 Hydraulic 6,3 520 78 48
OAC 600-04-08 Hydraulic 8,0 520 78 48
OAC 600-04-11 Hydraulic 11,0 520 78 48
OAC 700
OAC 700-03 230 V/400 V 1) 0,75 1,86 55 520 78 56
OAC 700-04-06 Hydraulic 6,3 520 78 56
OAC 700-04-08 Hydraulic 8,0 520 78 56
OAC 700-04-11 Hydraulic 11,0 520 78 56
OAC 800
OAC 800-03 230 V/400 V 1) 1,5 3,4 55 630 78 88
OAC 800-04-11 Hydraulic 11,0 630 78 87
OAC 800-04-14 Hydraulic 14,0 630 78 87

OAC 900 *

Steel Tanks
OAC 900-03 230 V/400 V 1) 2,2 5,8 55 900 79 190 Hydraulic
OAC 900-04-14 Hydraulic 14,0 900 79 190
OAC 1000 *
OAC 1000-03 230 V/400 V 1) 2,2 5,8 55 900 79 210
OAC 1000-04 Hydraulic 19,0 900 79 210
* Maximum static operating pressure: 10 bar
Mains frequency ^
= 50 Hz

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 213
Hydraulic Components

Oil/air cooler — Type OAC

Pressure loss 30 cSt Power diagramme

OAC 100 OAC 100

Pressure loss [bar]

Oil flow [l/min] l/min

OAC 200 OAC 200

Pressure loss [bar]

Oil flow [l/min] l/min

OAC 300 OAC 300

Pressure loss [bar]


Oil flow [l/min] l/min

OAC 400 OAC 400

Pressure loss [bar]


Oil flow [l/min] l/min

OAC 500 OAC 500

Pressure loss [bar]


Oil flow [l/min] l/min

Conversion factor pressure loss

cSt 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100
Factor 0,5 0,65 0,75 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,1 2,8

214 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Oil/air cooler — Type OAC

Pressure loss 30 cSt Power diagramme

OAC 600 OAC 600

Pressure loss [bar]

Oil flow [l/min] l/min

OAC 700 OAC 700

Pressure loss [bar]

Oil flow [l/min] l/min

OAC 800 OAC 800

Pressure loss [bar]


Oil flow [l/min] l/min

OAC 900 OAC 900

Pressure loss [bar]


Steel Tanks

Oil flow [l/min] l/min

OAC 1000 OAC 1000

Pressure loss [bar]


Oil flow [l/min] l/min

Conversion factor pressure loss

cSt 10 15 20 30 40 50 60 80 100
Factor 0,5 0,65 0,75 1 1,2 1,4 1,6 2,1 2,8

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 215
Hydraulic Components

OPC Cooling-pump-unit with hydraulic pump and filter

zz High-performance cooler for a maximum static operating
pressure of 26 bar
zz Driving motor 230 V/400 V IP55
zz Suitable for hydraulic oil, gear lubricant oil and lubricating oil
zz Easy maintenance and good options for cleaning
zz Available with filter
zz Low sound pressure level
zz CE certification
zz Short delivery period

The OPC oil cooler unit is a system specifically developed for cooling in the bypass flow as an independent unit. The unit consists of a
cooler, fan, electric motor, pump and may be supplemented by a filter on request of the customer.

zz Thermal switch
zz Thermostat

zz Machine tools zz Add-on coolers
zz Elevators zz Bypass flow cooling
zz Test benches

zz Cooler net (plate and bar) made of aluminium with industrial lamina in black (RAL 9005)
zz Fan cover made of steel in black (RAL 9005)
zz Fan made of nylon PAG
zz Protective grid made of steel in black (RAL 9005)
zz Electric motor 230 V/400 V
zz Bellhousing and coupling
zz Gearwheel feed pump
zz Filter with visual maintenance indication on request of the customer

Order form OPC 400 16 00

Filter (00 = without; with
Type Size Pump flow rate filter please advise quality,
e. g. 10 = 10)

216 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

OPC Cooling-pump-unit with hydraulic pump and filter

Type OPC 200 to 400

Current Speed Weight
Cooler type Voltage l/min kW/°C
[A] [1/min] A B C D E F G H I J K L M [kg]

OPC 200-4D-0,75kW 5,5 0,12

572 426 G 3/4”
OPC 200-12D-0,75kW 16,7 0,14 350 460 63 255 115 360 174 530 100 330 35
OPC 200-16D-0,75kW
230/400V 50 Hz

21,4 0,15 596 435 G 1”

OPC 300-4D-0,75kW 5,5 0,20
615 464 G 3/4”
OPC 300-12D-0,75kW 1,8 1400 16,7 0,22 446 550 65 300 160 450 200 530 100 330 42
OPC 300-16D-0,75kW 21,4 0,24 638 473 G 1”
OPC 400-4D-0,75kW 5,5 0,24
645 465 G 3/4”
OPC 400-12D-0,75kW 16,7 0,26 446 550 95 300 160 450 200 550 75 400 46
OPC 400-16D-0,75kW 21,4 0,28 668 474 G 1”

Steel Tanks

Type OPC 500 and 600

Current Speed Weight
Cooler type Voltage l/min kW/°C
[A] [1/min] A B C D E F G H I J K L M N [kg]

OPC 500-16D-2,2kW 21,5 0,40

740 547 G 1” 75
OPC 500-25D-2,2kW 33,4 0,48
230/400V 50 Hz

460 740 94 405 150 157,5 657 130 720 30 330,0

OPC 500-32D-2,2kW 42,7 0,50 SAE
790 568 77
OPC 500-40D-2,2kW 53,5 0,52 1 1/2”
4,9 1410
OPC 600-16D-2,2kW 21,5 0,65
819 626 G 1” 96
OPC 600-25D-2,2kW 33,4 0,68
607 840 94 455 225 226,0 770 280 795 30 367,5
OPC 600-32D-2,2kW 42,7 0,70 SAE
868 647 98
OPC 600-40D-2,2kW 53,5 0,73 1 1/2”

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 217
Hydraulic Components

MMC combined cooler

zz Multi-circle cooler for combustion engines (water, oil, charge
air, fuel)
zz Various lamina systems, applications in different ambient
zz Solid design from aluminium in plate and bar
zz Systems with fan
zz Different drives (hydraulic motor or 12/24 V fan)

The MMC cooler series is used on construction machines, agricultural machines and stationary I. C.-engines. Being used as a water
cooler, series MMC tempers the cooling water. Being used as an oil cooler it ensures the cooling of hydraulic or gear oil, as a charge air
cooler it operates the cooling of the combustion air. As a result such kind of high-power cooling system meets with all demands on the
temperature regulation of media, including applications as fuel coolers.

It goes without saying that such cooling systems are developped individually, taking into account the necessary cooling power and in a close
cooperation with the customers. If several power packs for cooling are requested, they can be arranged either „side by side“ or one after
another. Depending on the application the MMC coolers are equipped with fans which are driven either by hydraulic fan drives, 12/24V or
230/400V electric motors, the hydraulic systems having the benefit of a higher efficiency, lower sound emission and a better adaptability
to the different operating conditions on bigger machines. Regardless of the mode of drive the latest types of fans are used which are not
only operating very efficiently, but also very quietly.

Potential applications

218 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Oil/air cooler
zz Suitable to cool the entire oil volume (return pass)
zz Constant air flow rate of the heat exchanger due to a low
pressure principle (DBGM)
zz Optimum utilization of the high-performance heat
zz Optimum accommodation of housing and fan wheel
zz Direct suction of cold ambient air by the heat exchanger
zz Heat exchanger can easily be cleaned externally
(without any disassembly)
zz For the bellhousing selection you require please either
see our selection programme at www.ktr.com

Air exit
From size 250
8 threads

Motor side Pump side

Air exit
View pump side View motor side

Bellhousings with integrated oil cooler PIK (DBGM)

IEC-motor Dimensions [mm] *
PIK oil cooler
Size kW with min.
(Shaft) 1500 rpm L1 L2 L3 A A1 A2 A3 A4 B B1 B2 B3 B4 D M h
80 0,55 PIK 200/1/... 100 154,5 94,5 275 225 163 112,5 180 165 130 130 145 20 167 M10 116,5
(19 x 40) 0,75 PIK 200/2/... 110 154,5 94,5 275 225 163 112,5 180 165 130 130 145 20 167 M10 116,5
90S / 90L 1,1 PIK 200/4/... 124 154,5 94,5 275 225 163 112,5 180 165 130 130 145 20 167 M10 116,5
(24 x 50) 1,5
100L / 100M 2,2 PIK 250/2/...** 124 175,5 115,5 308 250 180 125 220 215 180 150 190 20 192 M12 129
(28 x 60) 3, 4 PIK 250/4/...** 135 175,5 115,5 305 250 180 125 220 215 180 150 190 20 192 M12 129
PIK 300/1/... 144 199,5 139,5 359 300 205 154 260 265 230 175 234 30 242 M12 154
132S / 132M 5,5
PIK 300/3/... 155 199,5 139,5 359 300 205 154 260 265 230 175 234 30 242 M12 154
(38x80) 7,5
PIK 300/4/... 168 199,5 139,5 359 300 205 154 260 265 230 175 234 30 242 M12 154

Steel Tanks
160M / 160L 11 PIK 350/1/... 188 243,5 183,5 405 360 230 175 310 300 250 200 260 50 292 M16 184
(42 x 110) 15 PIK 350/2/... 204 243,5 183,5 405 360 230 175 310 300 250 200 260 50 292 M16 184 Hydraulic
180M / 180L 18,5
(48 x 110) 22
* Dimensions following the VDMA guideline 24561.
** In case of an engine speed of ≥1900 rpm a steel fan must be used.

For assembly and disassembly of the oil connection pipes please hold up with a hexagon key (max. tightening torque 40 Nm).
No reduction of the cross section behind the cooler. Return filter to be installed in front of the cooler (dynamic pressure, danger of
Tensions inside the connection pipes have to be avoided!
Vibration of the piping is to be avoided (should possibly be intercepted in front of the connection).
Supply and discharge to be chosen alternatively.
Please note that several hydraulic systems produce pressure peaks of more than 12 bar in the reverse motion (danger of bursting)!
Please consider our mounting instructions under www.ktr.com.

For PIK sizes 200 and 350 please mention the IEC-motor sizes in your order.

Order form PIK 300 3 5 15

Model code
Bellhousing with Flange diameter of Standard design
(code referring to Internal code
integrated oil cooler IEC-motor 15 – V1 design

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 219
Hydraulic Components

Oil/air cooler
1. Cooling effect for a speed of 1500 rpm depend-ing on the tem- 3. Pressure difference depending on oil flow and oil viscosity
perature difference between oil intake and air intake and oil
PIK 200 Cooling effect PK (kW) PIK 200 Cooling effect PK (kW)
1,0 1,4 γ = 100 mm2/s
0,9 ∆T = 50 K
0,7 ∆T = 40 K 1,0
γ = 80 mm2/s
0,6 γ = 60 mm2/s
∆T = 30 K 0,8
0,5 γ = 40 mm2/s
0,4 0,6
∆T = 20 K
0,3 0,4
0,0 0,0
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40

Volume flow Q (L/min) Volume flow Q (L/min)

PIK 250 Cooling effect PK (kW) PIK 250 Cooling effect PK (kW)
1,8 ∆T = 50 K 1,4 γ = 100 mm2/s
1,6 1,2
∆T = 40 K 1,0
γ = 80 mm2/s
∆T = 30 K 0,8
γ = 60 mm2/s
γ = 40 mm2/s
0,8 ∆T = 20 K
0,6 0,4
0,4 0,2
0 4 8 12 16 20 24 28 32 36 40 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 14 16 18 20 22 24 26 28 30 32 34 36 38 40

Volume flow Q (L/min) Volume flow Q (L/min)

PIK 300 Cooling effect PK (kW) PIK 300 Cooling effect PK (kW)
3,0 γ = 100 mm2/s
∆T = 50 K
2,5 2,0
∆T = 40 K γ = 80 mm2/s
2,0 1,5
γ = 60 mm2/s
∆T = 30 K
1,0 γ = 40 mm2/s
1,0 ∆T = 20 K
0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60

Volume flow Q (L/min) Volume flow Q (L/min)

PIK 350 Cooling effect PK (kW) PIK 350 Cooling effect PK (kW)
6 3,5
∆T = 50 K γ = 100 mm2/s
5 3,0
∆T = 40 K 2,5 γ =  80 mm2/s
∆T = 30 K 2,0 γ =  60 mm2/s
1,5 γ =  40 mm2/s
∆T = 20 K
1 0,5

0 0,0
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55 60 65 70 75 80

Volume flow Q (L/min) Volume flow Q (L/min)

The diagrammes shown are based on actual measurements of the Viscosity measured up to 100 mm2/s.
PIK oil cooler performed in the KTR R & D test center. Higher viscosity on request.
With 3000 rpm the cooling effect is increased by 50 %.

2. Working pressure 4. Fan wheel

The maximum permissible working pressure for the oil cooler is Torsional direction looking onto the pump – right – standard design.
12 bar. Max. operating pressure in case of static load 20 bar. Performance of the fan with 1500 rpm
(All values apply for the medium pressure cooler.) PIK 200 = 25 W
PIK 250 = 40 W
PIK 300 = 125 W
Electric motor PIK System
fan wheel PIK 350 = 230 W
ROTEX®- Air pressure rate in m3/h at 1500 rpm
motor hub PIK 200 = abt. 90 m3/h
PIK 250 = abt. 200 m3/h
PIK oil cooler
PIK 300 = abt. 400 m3/h
PIK feet PIK 350 = abt. 860 m3/h
spider 5. Cooler connection
ROTEX®- R 3/4“ internal thread
pump hub
6. Oil flow
Damping rods For a higher oil flow than indicated in the above diagramme, please
design DSK consult with our Engineering Department, phone +49 5971 798-0.

KTR products Hydraulic

available from stock pump

220 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Oil/water cooler — Type TAK/T

zz Shell and tube oil cooler
zz Type TAK/T
zz The cooler series TAK/T-2000 have been designed specifi-
cally for hydraulic systems
zz Highly efficient up to 340 kW
zz In marine version (seawater) available
zz Easy cleaning by dismountable tube stacks
zz Notice our mounting instructions (www.ktr.com)

The cooler series TAK/T-2000 have been designed specifically for

hydraulic systems, but they are equally suitable for cooling lubrica-
ting oils, heat transfers fluids, etc.
The high efficiency tubestack is fully floating to minimise thermal
stresses and incorporates the unique tube-to-tubeplate joint ensu-
ring reliability under extreme operating conditions. The 2700 and
2800 ranges have twin seals and witness rings fitted as standard
to provide maximum protection against fluid cross-contamination.


These coolers are available in both industrial and marine versions.

Industrial version specifications (standard)

Tubes 90/10 Copper/Nickel ISO: CuNi10Fe1Mn
Tubeplates Naval Brass ISO: CuZn38Sn1
(2300 & 2500) ISO: AlSi1MgMn
Body Aluminium
(2700 & 2800) ISO: AlSi12
Headers Cast Iron ISO: R185Gr20
Leak detection rings Carbon Steel ISO: Fe430A
Seals Nitrile

Marine version specifications (standard)

Steel Tanks
Headers Gunmetal ISO: GCuSn5Pb5Zn5

Marine version specifications (Special differences for severely polluted or poor quality water.)
Tubes 70/30 Copper/Nickel ISO: CuNi30Mn1Fe
Tubeplates 90/10 Copper/Nickel ISO: CuNi10Fe1Mn
Headers Gunmetal ISO: GCuSn5Pb5Zn5

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 221
Hydraulic Components

Oil/water cooler — Type TAK/T

KTR tube and shell cooler performance of the 2000 series
Cooling effect Oil flow Oil pressure loss Water flow Water pressure loss Sea water flow [l/min]
[kW] [l/min] [kPa] [bar] [l/min] [kPa] [bar] Min. Max.
TAK/T-2312 3,6 40 40 0,4 8 1 0,01
TAK/T-2322 6 50 60 0,6 8 1 0,01
TAK/T-2332 10 65 50 0,5 13 3 0,03
TAK/T-2342 15 80 80 0,8 16 5 0,05 20 45
TAK/T-2352 19 90 60 0,6 19 8 0,08
TAK/T-2362 24 100 90 0,9 21 13 0,13
TAK/T-2372 31 120 120 1,2 24 15 0,15
TAK/T-2512 17 120 60 0,6 30 1 0,01
TAK/T-2522 25 140 70 0,7 40 2 0,02
TAK/T-2532 32 160 60 0,6 45 4 0,04
TAK/T-2542 42 180 90 0,9 50 6 0,06
TAK/T-2552 51 200 80 0,8 60 10 0,10 50 120
TAK/T-2562 68 220 100 1,0 70 17 0,17
TAK/T-2572 85 250 80 0,8 87 30 0,30
TAK/T-2582 110 280 110 1,1 120 65 0,65
TAK/T-2592 135 300 170 1,7 120 75 0,75
TAK/T-2712 92 340 50 0,5 170 18 0,18
TAK/T-2722 124 360 100 1,0 180 23 0,23
TAK/T-2732 140 380 80 0,8 190 29 0,29
100 210
TAK/T-2742 175 400 120 1,2 200 37 0,37
TAK/T-2752 208 420 160 1,6 210 46 0,46
TAK/T-2762 241 440 180 1,8 220 59 0,59
TAK/T-2812 124 460 40 0,4 230 16 0,16
TAK/T-2822 168 490 70 0,7 245 20 0,20
TAK/T-2832 193 520 60 0,6 260 26 0,26
140 300
TAK/T-2842 240 550 80 0,8 275 33 0,33
TAK/T-2852 288 580 100 1,0 290 42 0,42
TAK/T-2862 339 610 110 1,1 305 54 0,54

Operating conditions for the above predictons:

Shell circuit: VG37 oil at an inlet temperature of 60 °C
Tube circuit: Plain water at an inlet temperature of 20 °C
Note: Different fluids possess different thermal and mechanical proeprties. Fluids other than those indicated above will generate
different performance characteristics to those shown in the table. For an accurate performance prediction contact the KTR
engineering team. Tel. +49 5971 798-0 or www.ktr.com.

Power diagramme of the 2300 series Pressure loss of the 2300 series

Pressure loss [bar]

Oil flow [l/min] Oil flow [l/min]

222 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Oil/water cooler — Type TAK/T

Power diagramme of the 2500 series Pressure loss of the 2500 series

Pressure loss [bar]

Oil flow [l/min] Oil flow [l/min]

Power diagramme of the 2700 series Pressure loss of the 2700 series

Pressure loss [bar]

Oil flow [l/min] Oil flow [l/min]

Power diagramme of the 2800 series Pressure loss of the 2800 series

Steel Tanks

Pressure loss [bar]


Oil flow [l/min] Oil flow [l/min]

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 223
Hydraulic Components

Oil/water cooler — Type TAK/T


A - medium to be cooled

B - cooled medium

C - cooling water „on“

C D - cooling water „off“
Fastening thread Water drain plug

TAK/T Serie 23
A B C D E ØF Weight Oil vol. Water vol.
[mm] [mm] [mm] [BSP] [mm] [mm] [kg] [l] [l]
TAK/T 2312 175 59 1)
G 1/2 - 29,1 3 0,3 0,4
TAK/T 2322 259 135 117 G 3/4 - 36 4 0,5 0,5
TAK/T 2332 345 221 203 G 3/4 - 36 5 0,7 0,6
TAK/T 2342 443 319 301 G 3/4 263 36 5 1,0 0,7
TAK/T 2352 571 447 429 G 3/4 391 36 6 1,3 0,9
TAK/T 2362 717 587 575 G1 537 - 7 1,7 1,1
TAK/T 2372 895 765 753 G1 715 - 8 2,2 1,4

On Model No 2312 two M6 x 12 mounting holes are provided on the base midway between the oil port centres.
Add suffix H to part number for 3/4“ BSP water connections.
Max. permissible oil temperature 100 °C. Max. oil pressure 30 bar. Max. water pressure 10 bar.


A - medium to be cooled

B - cooled medium

C - cooling water „on“

C D - cooling water „off“
Fastening thread Water drain plug

TAK/T Serie 25
A B C D E ØF Weight Oil vol. Water vol.
[mm] [mm] [mm] [BSP] [mm] [mm] [kg] [l] [l]
TAK/T 2512 291 129 75 G1 - 45 10 1,4 1,4
TAK/T 2522 377 199 161 G1 1/4 - 53 12 1,9 1,7
TAK/T 2532 475 297 259 G1 1/4 - 53 13 2,5 2,1
TAK/T 2542 603 425 387 G1 1/4 333 53 14 3,5 2,6
TAK/T 2552 749 571 533 G1 1/2 479 59 17 4,5 3,2
TAK/T 2562 927 749 711 G1 1/2 657 59 20 5,8 3,9
TAK/T 2572 1129 951 913 G1 1/2 859 59 23 7,3 4,8
TAK/T 2582 1381 1203 1165 G1 1/2 1111 59 27 9,0 5,8
TAK/T 2592 1727 1549 1511 G1 1/2 1457 59 32 11,5 7,2

Add suffix H to part number for 1 1/2” BSP water connections (A = +14mm).
Max. permissible oil temperature 100 °C. Max. oil pressure 30 bar. Max. water pressure 10 bar.

Order form TAK/T 231 2 SW

Type Series/Size 2 = Industrial version (standard) Additional details
3 = Industrial version with viton seals, SW = Sea water version
Temp. >100 °C
4 = Marine version
5 = Marine version with viton seals,
Temp. >100 °C
6 = Special Marine version for severely
polluted or poor quality water
7 = Special Marine version for severely
polluted or poor quality water with viton
seals, Temp. >100 °C

224 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Oil/water cooler — Type TAK/T


A - medium to be cooled

B - cooled medium

D C - cooling water „on“

D - cooling water „off“

Fastening thread Water drain plug

TAK/T Serie 27
A B C D Weight Oil vol. Water vol.
[mm] [mm] [mm] [BSP] [kg] [l] [l]
TAK/T 2712 650 326 306 G2 38 5,5 5,0
TAK/T 2722 796 472 452 G2 43 7,0 6,0
TAK/T 2732 974 650 630 G2 48 9,0 7,5
TAK/T 2742 1176 852 832 G2 55 11,0 9,0
TAK/T 2752 1428 1104 1084 G2 63 14,0 10,5
TAK/T 2762 1777 1453 1433 G2 74 17,5 13,0

Max. permissible oil temperature 100 °C. Max. oil pressure 20 bar. Max. water pressure 10 bar.

(pitch circle
diameter 150)

A - medium to be cooled

B - cooled medium

C - cooling water „on“

C D - cooling water „off“

Fastening thread Water drain plug

TAK/T Serie 28
A B C D Weight Oil vol. Water vol.

[mm] [mm] [mm] [BSP] [kg] [l] [l]

Steel Tanks
TAK/T 2812 684 326 306 G3 48 9,0 7,5 Hydraulic
TAK/T 2822 830 472 452 G3 54 11,5 9,0
TAK/T 2832 1008 650 630 G3 62 15,0 10,5
TAK/T 2842 1210 852 832 G3 71 18,5 13,0
TAK/T 2852 1462 1104 1084 G3 82 23,0 15,5
TAK/T 2862 1811 1453 1433 G3 97 29,5 19,0

Max. permissible oil temperature 100 °C. Max. oil pressure 20 bar. Max. water pressure 10 bar.

Order form TAK/T 271 2 SW

Type Series/Size 2 = Industrial version (standard) Additional details
3 = Industrial version with viton seals, SW = Sea water version
Temp. >100 °C
4 = Marine version
5 = Marine version with viton seals,
Temp. >100 °C
6 = Special Marine version for severely
polluted or poor quality water
7 = Special Marine version for severely
polluted or poor quality water with viton
seals, Temp. >100 °C

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 225
Hydraulic Components

Oil/water cooler — Type TAK

zz Oil-water coolers as tube-bank heat exchanger
zz Designs: TAK (built-on cooler)
zz Wide fields of applications in industry
zz Large cooling surface with low dimension
zz High effectivity - heat exchange performance up to
230 kW due to aluminium laminas pushed over bank of tubes
(cooling surface = 0,43 m² up to 18,41 m²)
zz Minimum flow resistance due to large oil connections
zz Maximum pressure: oil = 35 bar; water = 16 bar
zz Optionally available in saltwater-proof design
zz Easy to clean due to removable end caps


Components Standard coolers Seawater coolers
mounting bracket
shell steel steel
end plates TAK = steel copper nickel alloy
cooling fins
aluminium aluminium
type designation plate
tubes TAK = copper/nickel TAK = copper/nickel
grey cast iron
end caps grey cast iron
(with copper/nickel layer)
nitrile rubber nitrile rubber
cellulose fibres cellulose fibres
additional installation zinc anode

Technical data
ATTENTION: Incorrect assembly can lead to a damage to the cooler!
1) Maximum flows
Series Oil
TAK Shell
1-pass 2-pass
5.. 75 45 22
7.. 225 90 46
10.. 330 210 106
All flows l/min.

2) Operating temperature
The max. operating temperature is:
TAK = 120 °C

3) Operating pressure
The max. operating pressure of TAK is:
Shell = 35 bar; Tubes = 16 bar

To define the cooling performance or the cooler please contact KTR (phone: +49 5971 798-424).

Order form TAK 1014 M 2W O FW 2 1

Typ built-on Size Oil connection Cooling water Bypass valve FW= fresh Tubes Tube sheet
cooler type connection O=without water 2=copper/ 1=Stahl
M=BSPF system SW= sea- nickel (standard)
FM=SAE 1W=1 pass water (standard) 3=saltwater-
flange 2W=2 pass proof

226 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Oil/water cooler — Type TAK

A - medium to be cooled

B - cooled medium
C - cooling water „on“

D - cooling water „off“

TAK - Type „1-pass“

Dimensions [mm]
TAK-5.. 65 12 82* 83 89 63,5 Ø9x16 — G 3/4” 41
TAK-7.. 90 15 103 103 127 76 Ø11x19 G 1/4” G 1 1/4” 66
TAK-10.. 128 20 116 116 165 102 Ø11x25 G 1/4” G 1 1/2” 102
* outsider TAK - 505 = 66 mm

A - medium to be cooled

B - cooled medium
C - cooling water „on“
D - cooling water „off“

TAK - Typ „2-pass“

Dimensions [mm]
TAK-5.. 65 12 83 85 89 63,5 Ø9x16 — G 3/8” 41 28
TAK-7.. 90 15 91 95 127 76 Ø11x19 — G 1” 66 41
TAK-10.. 128 20 113 110 165 102 Ø11x25 G 1/4” G 1 1/4” 102 60

Unit dimensions
Oil connection
C WT 1) Weight
Type Standard Optional


Steel Tanks
[m2] [kg]
1-pass 2-pass S SAE-flange X V Hydraulic
TAK-505 187 187 55 53 189 0,43 3,15 G 3/4” — — —
TAK-508 263 265 97 57 265 0,73 3,60 G 3/4” — — —
TAK-510 314 314 148 57 316 0,94 3,45 G 3/4” — — —
TAK-512 365 365 199 57 367 1,13 4,05 G 3/4” — — —
TAK-514 416 416 250 57 418 1,43 4,5 G 3/4” — — —
TAK-518 517 517 351 57 519 1,74 5,1 G 3/4” — — —
TAK-524 670 672 504 57 672 2,35 6,0 G 3/4” — — —
TAK-536 975 976 809 57 976 3,57 7,8 G 3/4” — — —
TAK-708 283 258 76 73 272 1,38 7,3 G 1 1/2” SAE 1 1/2” 35,8 69,9
TAK-712 385 360 177 73 373 2,18 8,4 G 1 1/2” SAE 1 1/2” 35,8 69,9
TAK-714 435 411 228 73 424 2,53 8,8 G 1 1/2” SAE 1 1/2” 35,8 69,9
TAK-718 537 513 330 73 526 3,29 10,2 G 1 1/2” SAE 1 1/2” 35,8 69,9
TAK-724 689 665 482 73 678 4,44 11,6 G 1 1/2” SAE 1 1/2” 35,8 69,9
TAK-736 994 995 787 73 983 6,73 15,5 G 1 1/2” SAE 1 1/2” 35,8 69,9
TAK-1012 389 369 157 92 392 4,38 15,4 G 1 1/2” SAE 2” 42,9 77,7
TAK-1014 440 420 207 92 443 5,17 16,9 G 1 1/2” SAE 2” 42,9 77,7
TAK-1018 541 522 309 92 544 6,73 19,8 G 1 1/2” SAE 2” 42,9 77,7
TAK-1024 694 674 461 92 697 9,06 21,8 G 1 1/2” SAE 2” 42,9 77,7
TAK-1036 999 979 766 92 1002 13,74 30,5 G 1 1/2” SAE 2” 42,9 77,7
TAK-1048 1303 1284 1071 92 1306 18,41 39,8 G 1 1/2” SAE 2” 42,9 77,7
Flange TAK 700 = 1 1/2”; flange TAK 1000 = 2” 1) WT = Heat exchange surface [m2]

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 227
Hydraulic Components

Oil/water cooler — Plate heat exchanger PHE

zz Plate heat exchanger to cool hydraulic oil and other media
zz Applied in industry and mobile technology
zz Compact design with high cooling performance
zz High corrosion resistance subject to plates from
stainless steel 1.4301 (AISI 304) and the use of copper filler
zz Maximum operating pressure: 30 bar /
Maximum operating temperature: 200 °C
zz Available from stock

Technical data
Plate heat exchanger from stainless steel 1.4401 soldered to copper (solder metal
based on nickel on request).
The stamped plates produce a high power density in a tight space. Compared to
a bundle of pipes heat exchanger the plate heat exchanger only requires approx.
25 % - 30 % of space with less weight.
Applications are, as an example, machine tools, test benches, moulding machines,
pump power packs, waste heat utilization, etc.
It is possible to use other media like, for example, oil, water glycole, water, refrigerating
agents, air, etc.
Operating temperature: -10 °C to +200 °C.
Please observe boiling point and freezing point!
Maximum permissible operating pressure: 30 bar.

Plate heat exchanger

Series Type Thread Plates a b c d e f
PHE 100 4 x 3/4” 20 73 40 154 191 24 52
PHE 200 4 x 1” 20
PHE 200 4 x 1” 40 116 72 243 286 24 103
PHE 200 4 x 1” 60
PHE 300 4 x 1” 40
112 50 466 526 24 103
PHE 300 4 x 1” 60
PHE 400 4 x 1 1/2” 20 246 174 456 528 27 59,5

Cooling power
Oil temperatur Water temperature Oil V Water V
PHE100-20 Typ
switched on [°C] switched on [°C] [l/min] [l/min]
PHE100-20 60 30
PHE200-20 120 60
PHE200-40 160 80
PHE300-60 PHE200-60 60 20 200 120
PHE400-20 PHE300-40 120 60
PHE300-60 160 100
0 20 40 60 80
kW PHE400-20 180 90

Fasting device
a b c d
BH100-20 80 51 114 75
BH200/300-20 54
BH200/300-40 120 102 150 119
BH200/300-60 150
BH400-20 250 57 280 240
From size PHE 200 we recommend 2 supports per cooler.

Order form PHE 100 20

PHE=Plate heat exchanger Size Number of plates

228 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Hydraulic Components

Oil thermostat valve

1 Pump
2 Load
3 Governor valve
4 cooler

Use as a short circuit control: Use as a mixing valve:

Constant temperature on load outlet Constant temperature on load inlet

Main applications of oil thermostat valves Particular characteristics

zz Agricultural machines zz Temperature figures set
zz Construction machines zz High control accuracy
zz Compressors zz Control operation independent of static and
zz Coolers dynamic oil pressure
zz Special applications, zz Low pressure loss
e. g. wind power stations, gearboxes, hydraulics, zz Solid design
general engineering zz Insensitive to vibrations
zz Insensitive to shocks
zz Operation independent of the mounting situation
zz Maintenance-free
zz Long service life
usable thread length

Steel Tanks
usable thread length

OTV Oil thermostat valve

max. volume flow Inlet temperature Max. inflow to the
Description Connection thread
[m3/h] [°C] cooler obtained with °C
OTV1-45 4 G 3/4” 45 60
OTV1-55 4 G 3/4” 55 70
OTV1-70 4 G 3/4” 70 85
OTV2-45 10 G 1 1/2” 45 60
OTV2-55 10 G 1 1/2” 55 70
OTV2-70 10 G 1 1/2” 70 85
max. operating pressure 16 bar

Order form OTV 1 55

Oil temperature valve Size Inlet temperature

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 229
Hydraulic Components

KTR-product Medium
Hydraulic fluid Biological
Component Material HFA HFB HFC with mineral hydraulic oils
oil base
Bellhousing P, PK, PL ALU   6     
Bellhousing PG GG   6 6  6 6 6
Bellhousing PS steel   6 6  6 6 6
Bellhousing KPT synthetic/ALU   6     
Damping ring D, DT, DTV ALU/NBR   6 1    
Bellhousing with integrated oil cooler PIK steel/ALU   6 1    
Oil-water coolers TAK -   6 6  6 6 6
Foot flange PTFL, PTFS ALU   6     
Foot flange PTFL, PTFS steel/GGG   6 6  6 6 6
ZO flange ALU   6     
ALU   6     
Pump bracket K
steel   6 6  6 6 6
Alu tank BAK with feet ALU   6     
Oil sump pan BAKW steel   6 6  6 6 6
Steel tanks steel   6 6  6 6 6
Tank covers from steel steel 3  6 6 3   
Tank covers from aluminium ALU   6     
Oil level indicators -    5  6 6 6
Oil level sight glass -    5  6 6 6
Filler breather -    5  6 6 6
Cleaning cover ALU   6     
O-sealing ring NBR    1/2    
Spline seal NBR    1/2    
Gaskets type DP, DZ NBR    1/2    
Damping rod steel/NR 1 1 1 5 1 6 6 6
Elastic flanges steel/NBR    1    
Elastic cover support EDL steel/NBR/ALU   7 1    
Industrial control system IR, IRD stainless steel        
Level temperature switch NVT brass/NBR 5 5 5 5  5 5 5
Temperature probe TE-PT-100 stainless steel/NBR        
Temperature switch TS steel (anodized)        
Tank heaters EH brass/stainless steel        
Tank heaters EHP steel/Fiber NBR   6     
Tank heaters TEHM stainless steel/copper 5 5 5 5  5 5 5
Plate heat exchanger -   6 6  6 6 6
BoWex® sleeve PA        
BoWex® hub steel 3  4 4 3   
ROTEX® spider  standard from polyurethane PUR 1 1 1 5  6 6 6
ROTEX® hub steel   4 4 3   
ROTEX® hub ALU   6     

Composition of hydraulic fluids Explanation of column notes

HFA = Oil in water emulsion  water content > 80%  = Resistant
HFB = Water in oil emulsion  water content > 40% 1 = Oil splash resistant
HFC = Aqueous polymer solution (water glycols) Not resistant when continuously flushed with oil!
water content > 45% 2 = With continuous oil flushing use EPDM gasket!
HFD = Synthetical liquids (anhydrous) 3 = Priming coat required
HFD-R = Phosphoric ester 4 = An additional layer with epoxy resin / DD lacquers is necessary.
HFD-S = Chlorinated hydrocarbons 5 = Not resistant
HFD-T = Compound of HFD-R + HFD-S 6 = Consultation is necessary, phone +49 5971 798-0

Please note:
The figures indicated may only be considered as a general standard. In case of doubt we would absolutely recommend to perform a test.
The aforementioned details do not entitle for any legal claim, we definitely do neither take over any warranty nor liability. Purely the chemical
and mechanical resistance is not sufficient to assess whether a certain product is suitable or not. The standards have to be considered in
particular, as an example, with flammable liquids (explosion protection).

230 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Steel Tanks

Series BSK
zz Tanks made of high-grade steel
zz Tank sand-blasted, with high-quality internal and external
coating resistant to hydraulic oils on a mineral oil basis
zz Priming is compatible with other varnish paints
zz All tanks are subject to 100 % tightness test
zz Subsequent assembly of KTR standard separation sheet
metals possible for all tank sizes (assembly of separation
sheet metals across cleaning hole)
zz Cover machining as per customer’s request
zz Transport eyes on request of customer

up to NG 200 as from NG 250

G1” incl. drain plug

G1” incl.
drain plug

Series BSK, NG 40-400

Tank completely
Order de- Avail.
Weight Tank dimensions [mm] Cleaning cover available from stock
scription vol.
tank cover E
Standard Reinforced
NG Litres kg L1 L2 L3 L4 B1 B2 B3 B4 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 D1 D2 S1 S2 S3 No. Type
t = S3 t = 10
BSK 40 38 34 508 428 - - 375 365 315 30 430 280 273 140 230 195 250 3 3 6 1 V 250-4 
BSK 63 59 38 508 428 - - 375 365 315 30 560 410 403 205 360 248 324 3 3 6 1 V 324-6 
BSK 100 92 70 633 553 - - 474 460 414 30 560 407 399 205 357 248 324 4 4 6 1 V 324-6 

on request
BSK 160 152 86 810 730 - - 604 590 544 30 560 410 400 205 360 248 324 4 4 6 1 V 324-6 
BSK 200 184 101 900 820 - - 654 640 594 30 560 410 399 205 360 248 324 4 4 6 1 V 324-6 
BSK 250 235 138 1010 930 410 710 704 690 644 30 580 430 418 215 380 248 324 4 4 7 2 V 324-6 
BSK 300 272 144 1208 1128 410 809 714 700 654 30 580 412 400 206 362 248 324 4 4 7 2 V 324-6 
BSK 400 375 201 1514 1434 750 1132 749 735 689 30 580 430 417 215 380 248 324 4 7 7 2 V 324-6 

Tank cover

Cover type E for NG 40-300 for NG 400 Cover type „E“

Steel Tanks
Dimensions [mm]
L3 L4 L5 B4 B5 B6 S3 of holes
Washer from
nylon PA 40 492 448 - 349 305 - 6 8x
63 492 448 - 349 305 - 6 8x
100 615 571 - 442 398 - 6 8x
160 792 748 - 572 528 - 6 8x
200 882 838 - 622 578 - 6 8x
250 992 948 - 672 628 - 7 8x
300 1190 1146 - 682 638 - 7 8x
400 1490 1440 480 717 667 222 7 12x
 = Standard programme available from stock and in
as from NG 400 = 40
short term
self-adhesive cellular
rubber seal

Order form BSK 250 E

KTR standard tank Tank size Cover type “E”

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 231
Steel Tanks

Series BNK design A

zz DIN tanks made of high-grade steel
zz Tank sand-blasted, with high-quality internal and external
coating resistant to hydraulic oils on a mineral oil basis.
zz Priming is compatible with other varnish paints
zz All tanks are subject to 100 % tightness test
zz Subsequent assembly of KTR standard separation sheet me-
tals possible for all tank sizes (assembly of separation sheet
metals across cleaning hole)
zz Cover machining as per customer’s request
zz Transport eyes on request of customer

up to NG 160 as from NG 250

G1” incl.
drain plug G1” incl. drain plug

Series BNK Form A, NG 63-1250

Order de- Avail. Tank completely
Weight Tank dimensions [mm] Cleaning cover
scription vol. available from stock

Cover Cover
NG Litres kg L1 L2 L3 L4 B1 B2 B3 B4 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 D1 D2 S1 S2 No. Type
design E design C
BNK 63 59 47 508 308 - - 375 365 285 45 660 410 403 205 360 248 324 3 3 1 V 324-6 
BNK 100 92 77 633 393 - - 474 460 360 57 660 407 399 205 357 248 324 4 4 1 V 324-6 
BNK 160 152 112 810 570 - - 604 590 490 57 660 410 400 205 360 248 324 4 4 1 V 324-6 

on request
BNK 250 235 148 1010 770 410 710 704 690 590 57 680 430 418 215 380 248 324 4 4 2 V 324-6 
BNK 400 375 245 1514 1274 750 1132 749 735 635 57 680 430 417 215 380 248 324 4 7 2 V 324-6 
BNK 630 595 366 1514 1274 750 1132 959 945 845 57 770 520 504 265 470 383 449 4 7 2 V 449-6 
BNK 800 752 400 2014 1774 1000 1507 914 900 800 57 770 520 504 265 470 383 449 5 7 2 V 449-6 
BNK 1000 945 452 2014 1774 1000 1507 1079 1065 965 57 800 550 531 285 500 383 449 5 7 2 V 449-6
BNK 1250 1180 600 2014 1774 1000 1507 1349 1335 1235 57 800 550 527 285 500 383 449 5 7 2 V 449-6

Tank cover
Cover design E for NG 63-250 for NG 400-1250 Cover design „E“
Design E Design E Design E Dimenions [mm]
L3 L4 L5 B4 B5 B6 of holes
Washer from
nylon PA 63 492 448 - 349 305 - 8x
100 615 571 - 442 398 - 8x
160 792 748 - 572 528 - 8x
250 992 948 - 672 628 - 8x
400 1490 1440 480 717 667 222 12x
630 1490 1440 480 927 877 292 12x
800 1990 1940 647 880 830 277 12x
1000 1990 1940 647 1045 995 332 12x
1250 1990 1940 647 1315 1265 422 12x
as from NG
 = Standard programme available from stock and in
400 = 40
short term
self-adhesive cellular
rubber seal

Order form BNK 250 A E

KTR tank standard Tank size Tank design “A” Cover design “E”

232 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Steel Tanks

Series BNK design B

zz DIN tanks made of high-grade steel
zz Tank sand-blasted, with high-quality internal and external
coating resistant to hydraulic oils on a mineral oil basis.
zz Priming is compatible with other varnish paints
zz All tanks are subject to 100 % tightness test
zz Cover machining as per customer’s request
zz Transport eyes on request of customer

up to NG 160 as from NG 250

to NG 63= 55mm

G1” incl. drain plug

incl. drain

Series BNK design B, NG 63-1250

Tank completely
Order de- Avail.
Weight Tank dimensions [mm] available from
scription vol.

NG Litres kg L1 L2 L3 L4 B1 B2 B3 B4 H1 H2 H3 H4 H5 D1 D2 S1 S2 No. Type

BNK 63 59 56 508 308 - - 375 365 285 45 660 410 403 205 360 248 324 3 3 1 V 324-6
BNK 100 95 88 633 393 - - 474 460 360 57 660 407 399 205 360 248 324 4 4 1 V 324-6
BNK 160 152 130 810 570 - - 604 590 490 57 660 410 400 205 360 248 324 4 4 1 V 324-6

on request
BNK 250 235 170 1010 770 410 710 704 690 590 57 680 430 418 215 380 248 324 4 4 1 V 324-6
BNK 400 375 270 1514 1274 750 1132 749 735 635 57 680 430 417 215 380 248 324 4 7 1 V 324-6
BNK 630 595 375 1514 1274 750 1132 959 945 845 57 770 520 504 265 470 383 449 4 7 2 V 449-6
BNK 800 752 420 2014 1774 1000 1507 914 900 800 57 770 520 504 265 470 383 449 5 7 2 V 449-6
BNK 1000 945 490 2014 1774 1000 1507 1079 1065 965 57 800 550 531 285 500 383 449 5 7 2 V 449-6
BNK 1250 1180 636 2014 1774 1000 1507 1349 1335 1235 57 800 550 527 285 500 383 449 5 7 2 V 449-6

Tank cover

Steel Tanks
Cover design A Cover design „A“ Hydraulic
Dimenions [mm]
L B t
63 588 445 10
100 713 540 10
160 890 670 10
250 1090 770 10
400 1594 815 10
630 1594 1025 10
800 2094 980 10
1000 2094 1145 10
1250 2094 1415 10

Order form BNK 250 B A

KTR tank standard Tank size Tank design “B” Cover design “A”

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 233
Steel Tanks

Series BEK
zz Tanks made of high-grade steel
zz Tank sand-blasted, with high-quality internal and external
coating resistant to hydraulic oils on a mineral oil basis.
zz Priming is compatible with other varnish paints
zz All tanks are subject to 100 % tightness test
zz Cover machining as per customer’s request

with welded M12 nuts

Drain plug G 1/2“

up to BEK 60
Drain plug G 1“
as from BEK 75

Series BEK, NG 12-300

Tank completely
Order description Weight Tank dimensions [mm] available
from stock

NG Litres kg L1 L2 B1 B2 B3 H1 H2 H3 H4 S2 Cover type E

BEK 12 16 17 310 260 298 220 310 275 220 76 50 4 

BEK 20 26 23 400 350 298 220 310 325 270 76 50 4 
BEK 35 40 30 470 420 298 220 310 400 345 76 50 4 
BEK 50 58 40 500 450 388 310 400 420 365 76 50 4 
BEK 60 69 43 550 500 388 310 400 445 390 76 50 4 
BEK 75 85 46 550 500 388 310 400 530 475 127 50 4 
BEK 100 109 54 700 650 388 310 400 530 475 127 50 4 
BEK 150 175 79 750 700 488 410 500 620 565 127 80 4 
BEK 225 267 115 900 850 588 510 600 650 595 127 80 4 
BEK 300 339 127 900 850 688 610 700 700 645 127 80 4 

Tank cover
Cover design E Cover design „E“
up to NG 75 as from NG 100 dimensions [mm]
S1 L1 B1 L3 B4 L4 B5 L5
not applicable for BEK 12 12 4 310 298 279 267 160 148 -
20 4 400 298 369 267 250 148 -
35 5 470 298 439 267 320 148 -
50 5 500 388 469 357 350 238 -
60 5 550 388 519 357 400 238 -
75 5 550 388 519 357 400 238 -
100 6 700 388 669 357 550 238 184
150 6 750 488 719 457 600 338 200
225 8 900 588 869 557 750 438 250
300 8 900 688 869 657 750 538 250
 = Standard programme available from stock and in
short term

Order form BEK 100 E

KTR Euro tank Tank size Cover design “E”

234 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Steel Tanks

Oil Sumps
zz Oil sumps made of high-grade steel
zz Collection volume corresponds to the full load volume of the
zz Tank sand-blasted, with high-quality internal and external
coating resistant to hydraulic oils on a mineral oil basis.
zz Priming is compatible with other varnish paints
zz All oil sumps are subject to 100 % tightness test
zz Oil sumps meet with the standards of WHG

Oil sump Oil sump

without feet with feet

Distance dimensions
Stud bolts for stud bolts see table Stud bolts
M12x25 L1 and B1 M12x25

Oil Sumps for BSK and BNK

Order Avail.
Weight in kg Tank dimensions [mm] Available
description vol.
from stock
L1 B1 without feet
NG Litres without feet with feet L L2 B B2 H H1
63 74 22 30 700 428 308 420 600 315 285 365 200 100 
100 105 29 38 850 553 393 545 700 414 360 460 200 100 
160 160 36 47 1000 730 570 722 800 544 490 590 200 100 
200 200 42 54 1100 820 - 812 850 594 - 640 220 100 
250 250 50 64 1250 930 770 922 1000 644 590 690 200 100 
300 300 57 69 1400 1128 - 1120 900 654 - 700 250 100 
400 400 72 87 1720 1434 1274 1426 980 689 635 735 250 100 
630 630 93 112 1810 - 1274 1426 1190 - 845 945 300 100 
800 800 110 138 2410 - 1774 1926 1190 - 800 900 300 100
1000 1000 123 155 2420 - 1774 1926 1380 - 965 1065 300 100
1250 1250 156 184 2380 - 1774 1926 1770 - 1235 1335 300 100

Steel Tanks
 = Standard programme available from stock and in short term
Type plate and certificates according to regulations §19 WHG available against extra charge. Please indicate in the order.

Order form Ö 63 BSK F

F = with feet
Oil sump Tank size Tank design
O = without feet

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 235
Steel Tanks

Cover design, separation sheet metals, transport eyes and creasings

Cover designs for DIN tanks of the BKN series:
Design A Design C Design D Design E

Transport eyes:
Design 1 Design 2 Design 3 Design 4
(for NG 40-300) (for NG 40-300) (for NG 40-2000) (for NG 40-2000)

Separation sheet metals:

Design 1 Design 2 Design 3

1/6 volume
1/6 volume

2 outlet

Separation sheet metals to be screwed down:

Separation sheet metal up to BSK/BNK 300 From BSK/BNK 400 separation sheet
metals alternatively right or left

Separation sheet metal to be screwed down

Design 1 Design 2 Design 3 Design 4

236 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com
Steel Tanks

Special tanks on request

Combi-tank Hydraulic diesel with battery box Mobile hydraulics

Hydraulic tank Tank with housing

Steel Tanks
Large tanks for presses and units

You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com 237
Steel Tanks


Welding approval for rail rehicles and vehicle parts acc. to The manufacturing plant of KTR is certified according to
EN 15085-2 ISO 9001: 2008

Complete qualification proof for steel Recognized expert plant acc. to the
components and tanks according to DIN18800-7 water resources law §19 I WHG

238 You will find continuously updated data in our online catalogue at www.ktr.com

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