A Research Paper On Human Resources Planning, Process and Developing
A Research Paper On Human Resources Planning, Process and Developing
A Research Paper On Human Resources Planning, Process and Developing
Abstract The present work addresses in a clear and simple The functions of the company are those activities that take
way, the management of human resources in service place in it and that, acting in a coordinated manner, allow
organizations where staff is relevant to the achievement of the company's objectives to be achieved. Obviously, these
policies, goals and objectives. they provide the creative and functions will depend on your area of activity (for example,
productive spark and are essential for organizational success.
a service company will not have a production area) and its
The paper is related to career development and the stages of a
career program. It reflects on the evolution of the individual's size. The main areas common to companies are described
work over time, emphasizing the stages: exploration (attempt of below; Depending on their size and the way in which the
new roles), establishment, maintenance and descent, demarcating company is structured, these functions will be assumed, in
activities by stages of development, their relationship with the whole or in part, by one or several people.
chronological age of the individual and the relative level of
participation and influence, associated with each stage. 4. Directions
The management function is responsible for coordinating
Keywords: Human resources, management and planning,
human resource processes, developing and training, and key
the technical, human, financial and material resources of the
factors of HRM company in order to focus them towards the achievement of
the proposed objectives. The management function
I. INTRODUCTION encompasses the tasks of planning, organization,
coordination and control (Shah, 2018).
The organisation is the place where a certain group of
people carry out a series of activities in a coordinated 5. Financial
manner and in accordance with a certain hierarchical It is responsible for obtaining and managing the financial
structure in order to achieve objectives (Zakirova and resources necessary for the operation of the company and
Gimadiev, 2019). In a company, a series of resources for making investments.
(human and material) are used in an organized and
6. Production and supply
structured way to achieve results (produce goods or provide
services). The creation of the organizational structure of the It is responsible for the supply of raw materials and the
company requires identifying what are the tasks that must be process of their transformation into final products,
developed to achieve the product or service offered and sometimes including their storage (Oke and Kefas, 2019). It
coordinate them properly to achieve the desired result covers the set of activities that are developed to create and
(Bagheri, 2016). This coordination implies establishing design the products or services that the company offers in
relationships between the different parties to ensure that the the market.
organization functions in an appropriate manner. In the 7. Administrative
structure of the organization, these aspects must be
Performs the necessary procedures for the operation of the
company and manages its support processes (administrative,
1. Complexity accounting, and legal).
Organizational complexity refers to the number of 8. Commercial
hierarchical levels, the degree of division of labour and the
It detects the needs of the market and implements the most
geographical dispersion of the company.
appropriate policies and practices to sell the product or
2. Normalization service.
Standardization refers to the number of internal rules, rules 9. Human Resources
and procedures in an organization.
It deals with the processes related to the people who work in
3. Centralization / decentralization the organization, both from an administrative point of view
This dimension refers to the place where the authority to (hiring, payroll and collective agreements) and from its
make decisions resides. The basic areas of the company are development (training, performance evaluation, career
established by management, defining the different functions planning, and training) (Purkey and Stevenson, 2018).
that must be developed in it to achieve its objectives in an
organized and coordinated manner (Ali, 2019).
Published By:
Retrieval Number: F7550038620/2020©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
999 & Sciences Publication
A Research Paper on Human Resources Planning, Process and Developing
Published By:
Retrieval Number: F7550038620/2020©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
1000 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020
In that context, companies build human capital with their content, others that will modify it and a third group that,
employees by offering to pay competitive salaries to attract at one time or another, will disappear. Also, new
and retain well-educated, experienced and trained positions will be created that, at present, do not exist in
employees by investing in training programs; This results in the company
the capitalization of general skills and specific skills within b. The quantitative template of the company; as a result of
them. the changes that will occur in the workloads of the
different positions and functional units of the
c. The qualitative template; because of the modifications
that will be produced in the profiles of requirements of
the positions, as a result of the evolution of the company
d. The organizational structure of the company; so that it
can achieve its strategic objectives within the established
deadlines and at what times it will be necessary to
introduce these changes
As for the projections of the labour market, the number of
expatriates is expected to continue to rise, according to a
survey by Armstrong (2020), indicates that 44% of
multinationals confirm an increase in the number of
Fig 2: Interdependence between Human Resources and expatriates (Armstrong and Taylor, 2020). The US
Business Objectives multinational companies, more often than in previous
decades, hire foreign-born executive directors, to name a
II. HUMAN RESOURCE PLANNING, PROCESS AND few examples, PepsiCo, Coca-Cola Company, Citigroup can
DEVELOPING be mentioned. All of them have something in common: they
have foreign executive directors, positions in which
2.1 The process of human resources management: an
multinational companies want the best-qualified personnel
approach to expatriates
globally. Companies are currently not very interested in the
Human resources management refers to the direction of
human talent that makes up the organization. "It is the origin of executives, they simply require the best possible
administrative function through which managers recruit,
2.3 Recruitment
select, train and develop the members of the organization."
According to Akey and Antwi (2017), the human resources Its objective is to attract applicants who meet certain
employment criteria.
management process comprises six basic activities.
Selection: The next level of filtration. Aim for the
2.2 Human Resources Planning Process
For this stage, an analysis is carried out that involves factors candidates on the shortlist who are the ones that most match
in terms of qualification, experience and potential for a
such as current and projected needs of individuals, possible
given job.
vacancies, expansions, and mergers (Kovačević and
Recruitment: Decide on the final candidate who does the
Mladenović, 2018). Likewise, the external company must be
analysed in order to know the labour market in general,
Training and development: Those processes that work on an
needs that will be presented in the medium and long term.
employee on board their skills and abilities and updating.
When planning human resources ., It is necessary to take
into account the characteristics that company templates Remuneration of employees and benefits of the
usually present today, which are usually made up of three Administration: The process consists of deciding on wages
levels: and salaries, incentives, additional benefits and bonuses.
The employees they perform look for increases, better
1. Core (Fixed Workers), the company obtains
salaries and bonuses.
functional flexibility from these workers
2.4 Selection Process
2. Peripheral Nucleus (Temporary Workers), the
company obtains from these workers the numerical This component of the process is of vital importance since if
flexibility required to maintain its competitiveness the right personnel for the position is not selected (Martínez-
Vivar and García-Vida, 2016). The organisation must
3. Subcontracting (Outsourcing), a third more external
prepare the profile of the appropriate candidate (technical
level, which is becoming increasingly important,
formed by those functions and activities that are and human), making a process as objective as possible. With
subcontracted, either to other companies or to self- the knowledge provided by the studies that have been
employed workers. In this case, the employment carried out in this regard, the field of knowledge can be
contract is replaced by a commercial contract. expanded with a view to improving decision making.
Leadership and negotiation skills. However, interestingly,
It is clear that the companies that carry out the management
the two factors with less consideration on the part of the
of human resources. Effective and efficient, they will have
an information system that will allow to anticipate the companies, are the previous international experience and the
changes that are going to take place, inside and outside the family circumstances of the candidate. According to Al-
company, or to react quickly to those that have not been Amri and Alothman (2016), the key skills for expatriates are
the following:
possible to anticipate.
1) Initiative and planning capacity.
The first task of the planning team will be to analyze the
following points: 2) The amplitude of judgment
a. The jobs; since for the company to achieve its strategic and understanding of the
objectives, there will be positions that will maintain its
Published By:
Retrieval Number: F7550038620/2020©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
1001 & Sciences Publication
A Research Paper on Human Resources Planning, Process and Developing
3) Flexibility and stress tolerance. isolation; there has to be a high level of conformity and the
4) Self-motivation. connection between them.
5) Sociability. 2.7 The ascents, Transfers, Descents and the Dismissals
6) Multicultural thinking and ability to adapt to diversity. This is the last of the processes in human resources
Characteristics of proactivity in the professional fields and management. The promotions, transfers or descents and
emotional factors, apparently, facilitate the process of dismissals reflect the value of the employee for the
adapting the expatriate more quickly to their new workplace, organization. It was reported that 25.10% of them leave the
as well as coping with the stress caused by the change of company one year after repatriation. It is important clarity
environment and the ability to establish social bonds with on the part of the administration when formulating precise
people of cultures, beliefs and values that differ from their policies that establish the strategies to be used once the
own. employee's repatriation has taken place.
2.5 Training and Development A good expatriation policy must lead to the conviction that
Training is the process of study and continuous learning that those who accept will be significantly helped in the
seeks job insertion and updating, with the objective of professional career, for which the salaries, categories and
increasing the knowledge and skills of workers, allowing the functions that will generate their return will be fixed before
development of the skills required in the performance of the end of the established period. Leaving these questions
work (Analoui, 2018). The training process can be defined clear will lead to an environment of greater confidence and
as the investment that the company makes to ensure the will help reduce the pressure and uncertainty of the
professional development of its employees. Therefore, it is expatriate and his family.
important to highlight that the Training Plan, from a general
point of view, should be conceived as a valuable tool that III. RESULTS
positively impacts the company and the personnel that
The results revealed from this research is that planning is
receives it. Thus, 72% of the participants in “The 2005/2006
one of the functions entrusted to human resources
International Assignment Survey”, among more than 200
multinational firms around the world and for a variety of management and it by its nature interacts with the internal
community "the institution" and the external community
industries, the organizations surveyed affirm that they
"the public", which are decisions aimed at predicting the
provide training in the language of the country of destination
future, dealing with developments, and developing a
(Al-Frijawy and Tonoju, 2019). Other companies such as
perception of alternatives and precautions, planning is that
Deloitte have Global Development Programs for
professionals between 26 and 40 years of age, with more process by which to provide Human resources with required
specifications and in line with work needs at the lowest cost,
than two years of experience in the firm. For 16-month
contracts in any country in the world, the consultant trains dependent on monitoring and evaluation.
the candidate for six months, assigns him a tutor, finances Planning for human resources does not fall into the trap of
the deficit or the surplus box for the actual need, as we see
all round trips and assures him a promotion in category and
that some departments suffer enormous pressure in the work
salary on his return.
2.6 Performance Evaluation as a result of the limited number of employees, which
prevents them from achieving their goals, while we find
The performance evaluation allows comparing the
other departments complaining about their surplus, in other
development of the person with the parameters stipulated for
words the concept of planning for the forces The worker
the position. It is not always easy to judge a worker's
performance accurately. The expatriate performance involves the following:
evaluation process is extremely complex. Due to the need 1. E stimate the needs of the institution's workforce
for both local supervisors and those of the parent office to according to the disciplines and actual needs, and define
provide information on the expatriate's performance review ways to secure these needs to enable the organization to
(Tuan and Dung, 2020). Unintended prejudice hinders the achieve its goals and implement its activities efficiently
objective evaluation of the performance of such managers and effectively.
2. Planning requires forecasting the organization's labor
objectively. In most cases, two groups evaluate their
needs and collecting and analyzing information.
performance: the managers of the receiving country and the
managers of the country of origin (Asadi and Marin, 2019). 3. The workforce planning should be within the framework
To reduce the problem of prejudice in evaluating the of the comprehensive plan of the institution and an
performance of expatriates, the qualification of the managers integral and integral part of it, taking into account the
circumstances and financial capabilities of the
of the receiving country who have been in the same place as
that of the expatriate can be given greater weight.
The process not only includes employees, but it can also be 4. The planning process is an ongoing process that does not
for a department, product, and service or customer service stop at a limit, as it takes changes in the work
process; all towards improvement or adding value to them. environment from economic, social and technical
Today there is an automated performance management variables.
system (PMS) that carries all the information to help
managers assess employee performance and evaluate in this
regard their training and development needs.
All of these are critical for employee retention other than
money that is only a secondary factor. All processes are
essential for the survival and success of human resources
strategies and there is no single process that can work in
Published By:
Retrieval Number: F7550038620/2020©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
1002 & Sciences Publication
International Journal of Recent Technology and Engineering (IJRTE)
ISSN: 2277-3878, Volume-8 Issue-6, March 2020
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Retrieval Number: F7550038620/2020©BEIESP
Blue Eyes Intelligence Engineering
1003 & Sciences Publication