2006 - THEO101 - History of Salvation
2006 - THEO101 - History of Salvation
2006 - THEO101 - History of Salvation
Syllabus in Theology 101 – History of Salvation
(New Curriculum)
First & Second Semesters A.Y. 2006 – 2007
This course is a 3-unit non-academic subject that centers on God manifesting his great love as a personal (calling the people to a prosperous life) and liberating (calling the
people to a fuller freedom) God through Divine Revelation. It directs to Jesus Christ, the goal and object, the fullness of God’s self-revelation, and the heart of Christian faith. The subject
also deals with humanity’s fall – called sin – thus delaying man’s relationship with God but the final act of God is shown in Jesus’ redemptive acts; passion, death and resurrection. It tells of
the great love story of God and the people through the Sacred Scriptures (Old and New Testament) as a living record of man’s salvation for now and in the life to come. The course
summarizes the history and the meaning of salvation from the patriarchal period, judges, prophetic apocalyptic to the time of Jesus as well as the early and later Church of today.
“Who is Jesus in our life?” is a question every one must seek to honestly answer. God has continuously revealed himself and His love in our daily life experiences. Every
Letranite-student is challenged to be the alter-ego and living witness of Christ in the history of redemption. Living simply the adage, “I see Jesus in you, and you see Jesus in me”. The
course envisions every student to a Christian Catholic to know the roots of his identity as a person and as a Christian in the light of his faith. The subject helps the students to discover God
through their daily life experiences and to become sensitive and responsive to God’s call.
At the end of the course, the students are expected to understand the flow of salvation history as they establish a personal relationship with Jesus which makes them
responsive to the challenge of love of God and neighbor.
State the Vision-Mission of the 1.0 INTRODUCTION Awareness Lecture Hand-out of the Recitation 1st Week Stated the Vision-
Colegio. 1.1 Orientation Understanding Discussion Course Outline Mission of the Colegio.
1.1.1 Course Outline Recitation of the VM Group sharing
Relate the Vision-Mission of the 1.1.2 Course Students’ handbook Related the Vision-
Colegio to its basic rules, Requirement Personal reflection Mission of the Colegio to
regulations and policies. 1.1.3 References Bible its basic rules, regulations
1.1.4 Grading System and policies.
1.1.5 Vision-Mission
1.1.6 Policies
Define the etymological meaning 2.0 GOD’S REVELATION Trust Slide presentation Fliers Seatwork 2nd week Defined the etymological
of Revelation OF HIMSELF Sensitivity Documentary films Charts Insight meaning of Revelation
Humility Group to group exchange Bible Drawing
Identify the dynamics of human 2.1 Definition of Cooperation Rotating roles Vatican II Assignment Identified the dynamics
revelation Revelation Document - Dei of human revelation
2.2 Dynamics of Revelation Verbum #6
Compare human revelation from 2.3 Comparison of Human Compared human
divine revelation and Divine Revelation revelation from divine
. 2.4 Two Ways of Viewing revelation
State the two ways of viewing Divine Revelation .
Divine revelation 2.4.1 As Process Stated the two ways of
2.4.2 As Content viewing Divine
2.5 Divine Revelation revelation
State the meaning of debt of 3.0 FAITH: MAN’S Humility Song analysis OHP with Reflective writing 3rd week Stated the meaning of
gratitude (utang na loob) ESPONSE TO GODS Laboriousness Group sharing Transparencies Narrative report debt of gratitude (utang
REVELATION Self-worthiness Silent Demonstration NCDP Quiz na loob)
Illustrate the five aspects of debt of 3.1 Meaning of “inner debt Responsiveness Response Cards Vatican II document:
gratitude of gratitude” Obedience Dei Verbum #5 Illustrated the five
3.2 Aspects of “utang na Pagtanaw sa utang CFC 141-154 aspects of debt of
Define faith loob” na loob gratitude
3.3 Definition of faith
Explain the three-fold dimension of 3.4 Faith based on Filipino Defined faith
faith sense of “utang na loob”
3.4.1 Utang na loob as a Explained the three-fold
Ascertain our Filipino faith as our response to God’s dimension of faith
response to God’s Divine kagandahang loob
Revelation 3.4.2 Arising from our Ascertained our Filipino
inner debt faith as our response to
Exemplify the example of Mary in 3.4.3 For a free God’s Divine
living the Faith commitment of Revelation
3.4.4 To a lifelong Exemplified the example
process of Mary in living the
3.4.5 Lived & expressed Faith
w/in the Christian
community and
3.5 Three-fold dimension
of Faith
3.5.1 Faith as believing
3.5.2 Faith as doing
3.5.3 Faith as trusting
3.6 Mary as woman
of faith
3.6.1 Mary as the New Eve
3.6.2 Mary as the model
3.6.3 Marian devotion
Explain the Bible as a Word of 4.0 THE BIBLE - A Faith Lecture Bible Project: “the Bible 4th – 5th Explained the Bible as a
God, an inspiration, its canonicity COLLECTION OF Obedience Open Discussion Hand outs of my life week Word of God, an
and inerrancy SACRED SCRIPTURES Submissiveness Panels OHP and Bible Scanning inspiration, its canonicity
4.1. Nature of the Bible Love “The Great Wind blows transparency Sharing and inerrancy
Identify the Old from the New 4.1.1 Etymological Docility Bible Study Bible Stand Take home exams
Testament Books and their sources meaning Humility Bible Enthronement Linen cloth Identified the Old from
4.1.2 Inspiration Patience Para-liturgical service candles the New Testament
Outline the stages of development 4.1.3 Canon and canonicity Books and their sources
of the bible of the Bible
4.1.4 Inerrancy of the Outlined the stages of
Attempt to interpret the Bible based Word of God development of the bible
on different 4.2 Stages of the
criticisms/hermeneutics Development of the Attempted to interpret the
our sources Bible Bible based on different
4.3 Sources of the Bible and criticisms/ hermeneutics
Conclude that God speaks to us its background our sources
personally through his inspired 4.4 Interpreting the Bible
words in the scripture 4.4.1 Author’s meaning Concluded that God
4.4.2 Context speaks to us personally
4.4.3 Own search for through his inspired
Meaning words in the scripture
4.5 Criticisms of the Bible
4.6 Inspiration of Sacred
Scriptures to one’s life
Distinguished God as our
Distinguish God as our goal, our 5.0 CREATION STORY – Environmental Buzz Session Bible Graded recitation 6th week goal, our past, present
past, present and future GOD THE CREATOR Care Individual/group discussion Copies of Dei Reflection paper and future
REVEALED THROUGH Fecundity Role playing Verbum #3 Long Quiz
Justify that God is continuously HIS CREATION Humility Firing line The Love story of Justified that God is
involved with us through our 5.1 God as: Love Modeling the way God continuously involved
“YES” in doing his will 5.1.1 The absolute origin Responsibility and His people with us through our
5.1.2 Foundation Stewardship by “YES” in doing his will
Conform to God’s call of man as 5.1.3 Final goal of creation Fr. Colla
His responsible co-creator 5.2 God’s involvement in And God said What? Conformed to God’s call
the world - obedience By M. Nutting of man as His responsible
Practice responsible stewardship in His will Ralph co-creator
and observe proper care for the 5.3 Humans, Co-creators
environment to: Practiced responsible
4.3.1 Responsible stewardship and observe
stewardship proper care for the
4.3.2 God’s image and environment
4.3.3 Imitation/conformity
to God’s ways
(Kagandahang loob)
Defined Parable
Define Parable 10.0 THE PARABLES OF Appreciation Bible Reading Bible Seatwork (result 13th week Identified the
JESUS Faith Drawing a particular parable Crayons, manila of drawings) Characteristics of a
Identify the Characteristics of a 10.1 Definition of a Parable Understanding “setting” paper, Recitation parable
parable 10.2 Characteristics of Reflective reading Lecture Art paper etc. Quiz
Parables Group discussions OHP Inferred why Jesus made
Infer why Jesus made use of 10.3 Classifications of use of parables in
parables in preaching the Kingdom Parables of Jesus preaching the Kingdom
of God 10.3 Parables of Jesus of God
Described the
resurrection account
Describe the resurrection account 13.0 JESUS’ RESURRECTION Faith Re-enactment of the students Manila paper Long quiz 16th week
13.1 Resurrection account Security interpretation of Resurrection marker Review Criticized the views
Criticize the views about Jesus’ 13.2 Views about Jesus’ Holistic thinking Debate: Was Christ’s Essay about Jesus’
Resurrection. Resurrection Resurrection bodily? Resurrection.
13.3 Did Jesus resurrect Lecture
Construct a logical explanation of bodily? Constructed a logical
Jesus’ resurrection 13.3.1 The apparitions explanation of Jesus’
after resurrection resurrection
Appraise the traditional view of 13.3.2 The empty tomb
resurrection vis-à-vis conversion 13.4 Jesus is Risen Appraised the traditional
13.4.1 Resurrection as view of resurrection vis-
Conversion à-vis conversion
Analyzed the Filipino
concept of God and relate
Analyze the Filipino concept of 14.0 JESUS IN THE Sense of Pride Field trip to the Field trip Summative quiz 17th week it with his idea of who
God and relate it with his idea of FILIPINO CONTEXT Deeper Faith Manila Cathedral, Divine paraphernalia Review Jesus is.
who Jesus is. 14.1 The concept of God - Understanding Mercy Church -Malolos, Notebooks for note Essay
Who is God for a Love Quiapo Church, Sto Niño taking Explained how Filipinos
Explain how Filipinos see Jesus in Filipino? Devotion de Tondo: What does the see Jesus in relation to
relation to the practice of popular 14.2 Understanding popular devotion manifest. the practice of popular
devotions devotions to Jesus Sharing (outside of the class devotions
14.1.1 Nazareno under a tree)
Analyze what views about Jesus 14.1.2 Sto. Nino Focus discussion Analyzed what views
changed after having undergone 14.1.3 Crucified Christ about Jesus changed after
Theology 1. 14.1.4 Sacred Heart having undergone
14.1.5 Divine Mercy Theology 1.
14.3 Jesus: His meaning
and the challenge He
1. Catholic Bishops Conference of the Philippines. (1997). Catechism for Filipino Catholics. Makati: Word and Life Publications
2. De Mesa, J.M. & Wostyn, L.L. (1993) Doing Christology. The re-appropriation of a tradition. Quezon City: Claretian Publications.
2. Flanagan, N.M., OSM (1964). Salvation History. Kansas City: Sheed Andrews andMcneal, Inc.
3.Sacred Scriptures: The new American bible, the Revise Standard Version, the New Jerusalem Bible, the Christian Community Bible.
Secondary Sources
4. Anderson, Bernard W. Understanding the Old Testament . Prentice Hall, Inc. Englewoods Cliffs: New Jersey.
5. Baybay, Monina V., FSP. Discovering Together God’s Word. Paulines: Manila, Philippines. 1991.
6. Bragado, Erlinda and Monera, Arnold. Kaloob: Interweavings on the Christian Story. DLSU Press, Inc.: Manila, Philippines 1997.
7. Charpentier, Etienne. How to read the Old Testament. Claretian Publications: Quezon City, Philippines. 1985.
8. Colla, L., CICM. (1984). The Amazing Story of Jesus of Nazareth. Baguio City:Verca Reyes Inc.
9. Confraternity of Christian Doctrine and National Conference of Catholic Bishops. New American Bible. Philippine Bible Society: Manila, Philippines. 1987.
10. Cook, M. (1995). Reponses to 101 questions about Jesus. Makati City: St. Paul
11. Corpuz C. (1993) You are the potter: Prayers and reflection. rev., ed. Makati City:Salesiana Publishers
12. De Mesa, J. (1990). Kapag namayani ang kagandahang loob ng diyos. Quezon City:Claretian Publications.
13. De Mesa, J. (1996). Following the way of the disciples: A guidebook for doingchristology in a cultural context. Quezon City: East Asian Pastoral Institute.
14. Dupuis J., SJ. (1994). Who do you say I am? Quezon City: Claretian Publications.
15. ECCCE. Catechism for Filipino Catholics. Word and Life Publications: Manila. 1997
16. Flanagan, Neal M., OSM. Salvation History: An Introduction to Biblical Theology. Sheed Audrews and McNeel Inc., Subsidiary of Universal Press Syndicate: Kansas City
17. Institute of Religion. Salvation History. University of Santo Tomas Press: Manila. 1980.
18. Jenkins S. (1987) The bible from scratch. Quezon City: Claretian Publications.
19. Lane , D. (1975). The reality of Jesus. Toronto: Paulist Press.
20. McHugh, P.J. This is God’s Plan of Salvation. Paulist Press.
21. Msgr. Marcel Gervais. Journey (vol 1-Torah) and Journey (Vol. II – Prophets).
22. Natividad, Ma. Luisa. Salvation History. Ateneo de Manila University: Quezon City,. Philippines. 1989.
23. Nolan A. (1991). Jesus before christianity. Quezon City: Claretian Publications
24. Nutting Ralph, Margaret. “And God said What?”. St. Paul Publications: Makati, Philippines. 1992.
25. Ricciotti, G. The life of Christ. Milwaukee: The Bruce Publishing Company.
26. Sister Ludgeris, S. Sp. S., The Mystery of Israel, the People of God. College of the Holy Spirit: Manila Philippines.
There are two major examinations in the semester: The Mid-term Exam and the Final Exam. The weight distribution is as follows:
Mid-Term Grade = 30% Q + 30 % ACS + 40 % MTX
Pre-final Grade = 30% Q + 30% ACS + 40 % FX
Final Grade = MG + PFG
Q = Average Quizzes ACS = Average Class Standing
MTX = Midterm Examination FX = Final Examination
MG = Midterm Grade FG = Final Grade
Attendance and active participation in institutional and departmental religious activities include the following:
First Friday Masses Mass of the Holy Spirit
Marian Masses La Naval Mass and Procession
Theology Week Masses and activities Binyag Arriba/Balik Arriba
Theology Seminars/symposia/fora Convocation
Triduum Masses in honor of St. John the Baptist, St. Dominic, St Liem de la Paz, St. Thomas Aquinas, etc
Other liturgical and para-liturgical activities set by the Colegio and the department/area
Passing scores in written and oral examinations: 10% above the median (60/100 = 75%)
Classroom management Considerations:
Attendance: maximum allowable number of absences: 6 absences
More than the allowed number of absences = Unauthorized withdrawal
Absolute non-use of cell phones during class hours, liturgical and non- liturgical activities
Student discipline: Please refer to the Student Hand book