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Seven Last Words of Jesus On The Cross

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To us Filipinos, the last words of the dying man or woman are

something we revered. They are not passing words, they are rather
his or her last will and testament to those who are to be left behind.
And those who are left behind mark and remember them with utmost
sacredness and reverence.

Our Lord Jesus Christ before he died on the Cross has given us His
last Words. These are the central focus of this suggested outline. Let
us meditate on them as we open our minds and hearts to their
messages of comfort, challenges and renewal as we celebrate the
Good Friday.

The Good Friday event is the climax of Christ’s ministry to the world.
This is the moment of truth, the climax of God’s greatest act of
forgiveness to humankind. This is our moment of reconciliation, of
surrender, of being with our Lord and Saviour as we engrave in our
hearts and minds His experience as He offer himself to be crucified on
the cross.

We suggest the following outline written by Fr. Warlito Baldomero

which is a product of his reflection and long experience as a Parish

The Seven last words:

1. “Father forgive them, for they know not what they

do”. Luke 23:34
2. “Truly, I say unto you, today you will be with me in
Paradise”. Luke 23:43
3. “Woman behold your son; Son behold your mother”.
John 19:26,27
4. “My God, my God why hast thou forsaken me”.
Matthew 27:46
5. “I Thirst”. John 19:28
6. “It is finished”. John 19:30
7. “Father into thy hands, I commit my spirit”. Luke


By Fr. Warlito Baldomero


Note: Time limit – 5 minutes, no more than less. Strict
observance of the time limit is a must in order not
to jeopardize the whole discourses.
Starting time/end time: At exactly 11:55; you have to start the
introductory part.


A. Start the introduction with an Opening Prayer. The Prayer

should center on the invocation of the invocation of the Holy
Spirit to prepare the hearts of people to ponder/meditate
upon the Seven last Words of Jesus from the Cross.

B. Tell the congregation the reasons why the Church

has to remember and bring into a present reality the Passion
of our Lord Jesus, especially His agony on the Cross:

1. That it is not a mere re-enactment to show how Jesus

suffered and died on the Cross.

2. That it is one of the best ways to communicate in a

vivid and dramatic form the meaning of Jesus’ death
and make the crucifixion a living experience of today’s
people so that the message of the Cross becomes, to
those who are saved, the power of salvation (I Cor.

3. That it is to provide a venue fro

meditation upon the greatness of God’s Love for us in
an through Jesus Christ.

4. That it is an opportunity to strengthen one’s faith and

start a renewal of one’s life.

C. Introduce to them the speakers in chronological order and

the Choir in behalf of the Council.

D. Tell the congregation what to expect in term of the allotment

of the time for each speaker and in-between hymns.

Opening Song 10 minutes


1st Word 20 minutes


Intermission 5 minutes

2nd Word 20 minutes


Intermission 5 minutes

(12:55- 1:00)

3rd Word 20 minutes

( 1:00-1:20)

Intermission 5 minutes

( 1:20-1:25)

4th Word 20 minutes

( 1:25-1:45)

Intermission 5 minutes

( 1:45-1:50)

5th Word 20 minutes


Intermission 5 minutes

6th Word 20 minutes


Intermission 5 minutes


7th Word 20 minutes





Start at exactly 12:10

As you begin your piece, try to meditate on the event and the
circumstances of the “Via Crucis”. You meditation will help you
portray a realistic picture of the sufferings of Jesus on the

As a start, make an emphasis note: “Sa eksaktong oras na ito

halos dalawang dantaon na ang nakalilipas ay itinayo sa Kalbaryo
ang krus na kahoy kung saan ay nakabayubay ang Panginoong

Then make a vivid (as if you yourself were there) description of

the state of Jesus’.

1. The fresh blood profusely gushing from his wounded head

caused by the crown of thorns. (Describe how it was
placed by the mocking soldiers).

2. The fresh blood profusely flowing from the wounds of his

hands and feet. (Describe the way the mocking soldiers
nailed him).

3. Describe the almost unbearable agony Jesus suffers from

the wounds and bruises that even a simple movement gives
Him an excruciating pain.

4. Tell them how Jesus suffered:

a. He spent a sleepless night to face a Kangaroo trial.

Pontius Pilate, trying to wash his hands of any guilt, sent
Jesus to Herod. At the Palace of Herod, Jesus was
scourged, mocked and scorned. He was crowned with
thorns (Read the trial story John 18 & 19).

b. Jesus was finally condemned to death. Describe the

unruly reaction of the crowd as they shouted “Crucify
Him! Crucify Him!” Jesus just serenely look at the
crowd. He was looking among the crowd his friend;
those he had healed, his disciples, his apostles. He had
known that Peter had already denied him three times.

c. A heavy cross was brought in. They forced him to carry

it all alone by himself. The soldiers positioned at his

back with whips and his front, tying with ropes to pull
him. Describe the “Via Crucis”.

- The time - it was high noon. The sun was giving off a
scourging heat.

- The road - was rough and rugged. Sharp stones was

hurting the feet of Jesus. At his fall his knees were
bruised and wounded.

- was getting sleeper as he was approaching the foot of

Mount Calvary. The heavy cross made his climb very

- The soldiers at the near were whipping and bullying him

and those at the front were pulling him.

- The crowd continued to mock him.

4. Describe the crucifixion.

- The Nails – how they were one after the other driven thru
the hands and feet of Jesus. The hammering thru was

- The raising of the Cross and the planting of its end the
hole “na walang patumanggang ibinulusok ng mga
sundalo na yumanig ng kanyang katawan.

At this point make this emphatic note: “Oh anong hirap ang
dinanas ng ating Panginoon.”

5. In contrast, describe the composure of Jesus.

a. Tell your hearers that Jesus remained

silent for a long while. That even in pain, he tried to
move his head to see the mocking crowd. What did he

- His apostles an followers afar off, hiding themselves

from the authorities, fearful, crying, scattered like
sheep without a shepherd.
- Those whom he had healed, the once lame, the once
blind, the once deaf, the once lepers, etc…
- The high Priests who influenced the decision of
Pontius Pilate to release Barabas and to crucify him.
- The Pharisees, the Scribes, the Sadducees and the
elders who because of envy agitated the crowd to ask
for his crucifixion.

- The Roman Soldiers who blindly obeyed orders from
the higher authorities.

II. THE MESSAGE: At this point shout at the top of your voice:

“Father, forgive them: for they do not know what they do”.

Make your hearers realize the following:

A. Jesus knows our every weakness: That by nature:

[Give examples to illustrates your points]

1. We are selfish – “I”, “me”, “mine”, “myself”

2. We want to be recognized, acknowledged, respected and

highly esteemed – but we refuse to give these to others.

3. We want to be loved – but we do not know how to love, to

really love and love enough.

4. We are easily tempted and deceived.

5. Because of envy we glory at the downfall of others.

B. Now emphatically proclaim the meaning and significance of

the First Word. That, the First Word uttered by Jesus was
a pronouncement of:

1. Forgiveness instead of condemnation.

[cite: The story of the woman caught committing adultery.
Give emphasis on the remark, “neither I o condemn you!
Go and sin no more.”)

2. Love instead of hatred. That Jesus showed what he

meant by, “Love your enemies as pray those who
persecute you.’” That our natural reactions is to take
revenge – an eye for an eye, a tooth for a tooth.” [See
Matthew 5:30-40]

3. Compassion and understanding.


Make a description of the kind of world we have today, the

way people treat each other giving other emphasis on the
exploitation and oppression of the powerless, the reduction of
humanity to mere machines [impersonal treatment and
dehumanization]. What kind of the news do we get from our
Dailies, TV and radios – salvaging, rape, graft and corruption,

Tell tour hearers that:

War does not begin in the field of battle, but in the heart that
does not know how to forgive and which is filled with greed for
money and power. (James 4:1-3)

Forgiveness is what the world needs: in restoring

1. Martial relationship that is marred with misgiving.

2. Families that are breaking because of misunderstanding

and hatred.

3. Friendship that is getting sour.



Note: Time limit – 20 minutes, no more no less. Strict observance

of the time limit is a must.

Starting/end time (12:35 – 12:55)


A. Discuss first some important aspects, such as:

1. Crucifixion – a capital punishment for a crime committed

against the state. The chief priests and
the crowds accused Jesus of claiming to
be a king. They said to Pilate , “If set him
free you are not the Emperor’s friend:
anyone who claims to be a king is a rebel
against the Emperor!” (John 19:12)

2. To be crucified with criminals was to show that he is one of

them. And Jesus was crucified together with two bandits
(Matthew 27:44).

3. In Jewish culture, bareness or nakedness is considered

shame. Jesus was stripped naked below the public to add
more insult to injury and put him into shame. (Matthew

B. Describe the circumstances of the crucifixion: Make your

description as vivid as you can as if you were there when they
crucified the Lord.

1. It was a little past 12:00 noon and the sun was burning hot.

2. Blood was profusely oozing from the fresh wounds.

On his head, due to the crown of thorns.
On his hands, due to the nails that pierced them.
On his feet, due to the same.

3. His whole body was covered with sweat mixed with blood.

4. Jesus could hear clearly the shout of insult and mockery

hurled at him by the passers-by:

“Aha! You were going to tear down the Temple and build it
back in three days! Now come down from the cross and
save yourself!” (Mark 15:29-30)

“He save others, but he cannot save himself!” “Let us see

the Messiah, the king of Israel, come down from the cross
now, and we will believe in him!” (Mark 15:31-32)

“He trusts God and claims to be God’s Son. Well, then, let
us see if God wants to save him now!” (mark 27:43)

“Save yourself if you are the King of the Jews!” (Matthew


5. One of the criminals hanging there hurled insult at him:

“Aren’t you the Messiah? Save yourself and us!”

The other one, however, rebuked him, saying, “Don’t you

fear God? You received the same sentence as he did.
Ours, however is only right, because we are getting what
we deserve for what he did; but he has done no wrong”.
(Luke 23:39-41)

6. And he said to Jesus, “Remember me, Jesus, when you

come as King!”

Jesus said to him, “I PROMISE YOU THAT TODAY YOU



A. The answer of Jesus revealed his true nature.

1. His nature is always to show mercy; he is always ready to

forgive. [See: Ezekiel 18:19-32]

2. He seeks and redeems sinners. [See: Luke 15:1-32;
John 8:1-11; Luke 19:1-9]

3. He does not count our sins – [See: Psalms 130:3-4]

against us.

4. He is willing to take us into Paradise – (John 14;1-3)

B. God’s standard overrules man’s standard.

1. Man’s standard; Sinful men can man and eventually

destroy the life of holy men.

One should avoid the company of sinners, or else

he will be influenced by them (just like the attitude of the
Pharisees toward the Publicans)

Priests should not go to beer-gardens, clubs and

prostitution houses (sic) even if there is aim to minister.
The place is not suitable for them.

We easily condemn sinners and never forget their past

but keep records of their wrongs.

2. God’s standard; Holiness has the power to transform

sinful men.

Jesus ate with sinners, went with them, touché them,

healed them –

- He healed the lepers who were considered outcasts

and restored them to society.

- He healed the woman who was suffering for 12 years

from hemorrhage. That woman was condemned by
society a dirty.


Jesus sets us a standard –

A. To have the capacity to love and forgive!

B. To have the capacity to transform!
C. To have the capacity to serve!
D. To have the capacity to accept!




Note: Time limit – 20 minutes, no more no less. Strict observance of

the time is a must.

Starting/end time:


A. Remind the congregation of the circumstances of the


1. Fresh blood continued to gush out from the bruised

head, nailed hands and feet of Jesus.

2. Under the heat of the burning sun, Jesus was profusely


- His eyes were partly covered with the continuously

flowing sweat and oozing blood from his head.

Yet he could still see clearly his sorrowful mother,

together with Mary Magdalene and his aunt, Mary the
wife of Cleopas.

B. Tell them how Jesus remember his days with his mother and
how Mary cared for him:

1. When he was still 12 years old. How his mother and

father were worried when he could not be found in the
company of his relatives. How his parents had to walk
back to look for him, only to find him in the Temple
conversing with some wisemen.

2. How she knitted, sewed, washed and prepared his

clothes and ‘baon’ as he attended the Sabbath school
at the synagogue.

3. How he amazed his mother when he turned the water

into wine at Cana, Galilee during a wedding.

4. How he comforted her mother when his father died.

5. How he missed her during his missionary trips.

C. Jesus could hear clearly amidst the shouts of mockery and

noise of the crowd the moaning of her sorrowful mother.

- Mary was grasping her breath.

- She refused to be comforted.

- She is fainting in the arms of John his beloved

D. In a most comforting way, Jesus said, “WOMAN; BEHOLD

THY SON”, and to John he said, “BEHOLD THY MOTHER!”


A. Jesus sets an example of how to give a high regard to our


- Our culture gives us a difficulty in understanding the

implication of the word “woman” especially when it was
used by Jesus to address his mother.

- In fact, when Jesus addressed his mother “woman” he

was giving her highest esteem. The woman during the
time of Jesus were treated as mere possession that
can be sold or brought by men at will.

- The Samaritan woman was surprised in the way Jesus

treated her. [See: John 4:3-9)

- He saved the woman caught in the very act of adultery

and neither did condemn her. [See: John 8:1-12]

- He went to comfort Martha and Mary during the death

of their brother Lazarus (John 11:17-27) and respected
Mary’s (the sister of Lazarus) decision to anoint his
feet with a precious perfume (John 12:1-8).

- He respected and greatly appreciated the faith of the

woman from Canaan. [See: Matthew 15:21-28]


A. How much do we regard our parents?

- Do you know that we are hurting our parents when:

1. We disobey them. We give no regard to the rules and

discipline they impose upon us for our own good.
2. We destroy our own future by being with bad
‘barkadas’ and not heeding their advice.

3. We destroy our own body by indulging in drugs.

4. We shout at them, insult them and shame them in

5. We do not care for them nor enjoy their company

especially when they are already in their twilight years.

6. We fail them in their beautiful plan for us.

B. Parents, how much do you love your children?

- Do you know that every child is God’s precious gift to


- How many young girls get pregnant and have their

innocent babies aborted?

- How many irresponsible parents abandoned their

children by throwing them in the garbage can or sold
them for money?

- How many children were forced to indulged in drug

addiction to an absence of love, care, and concern in
the home?

C. Motherland, how much do you enhance or trample upon the

dignity of women?

- By allowing our women to be treated as slaves in other


- By not protecting our women and children from sex

abuse, here and abroad?

- By giving them marriage thru mail-order bride or thru a

syndicated agency?

- By not having any special study on how to alleviate the

economic condition of woman that would eventually
solve the problems of prostitution?

- Jesus having compassion on the women who were

crying for him along the Via Crucis, said “Daughters of
Jerusalem, do not weep for me, but weep for
yourselves and for your children’s. [See: Luke 23:28]

- The same words of Jesus are still very relevant for us

today. “Do not weep for Me, but for yourselves, and for
your children.”




[Matthew 27:46]

Note: Time limit – 20 minutes, no more no less. Strict

observance of the time limit is a must.

Starting/end time:


A. Discuss on the tragedy of being forsaken:

The most tragic thing to befall in man’s life is to be forsaken.

It is much better to be chastised, punished fro wrong doings

and disciplined rather than left forsaken.

B. How can Jesus be forsaken by His Father?

1. Jesus always shared a life of communion with His

Father. There was no moment that they were
separated. His Father expressed satisfaction during
His baptism [See: Mark 1:11] and His Transfiguration
[See: Matthew 17:5].

2. even in His early childhood, Jesus was very much

conscious of doing His father’s will. [Luke 2:49].

3. Jesus was always in constant contact and

communication with His Father having lived a life of
prayer. He always see to it that he could spend time
with His Father alone. He also trained His followers to
do the same saying. “Come aside by yourselves to a
deserted place and rest for a while” [Mark 6:31] and,
“Watch and pray, lest you enter into temptation” [John

4. His healing, preaching and teaching ministry was t9o

give glory to His Father. [See: John 5:36]

5. His passion, and death on the Cross was an expression

of complete obedience and submission to His father’s
will [Luke 22:42].

C. Who was already forsaken?

1. Man – the sinner.

By God
- who is holy
- who cannot compromise with sin and hates sin.
- who is love
- who chastises and discipline His erring children.
- who is just-who punishes wrongdoers and rewards the
- who is jealous – who makes a rightful claim of
those who He loves.

Whether we know it or not, conscious or not, we are guilty of

committing sin day-in and ay-out. Our negative thought, our
evil ways, indifference, pride, selfishness, hatred, envy,
indulgences in immoralities, prejudices, hypocrisy, give us
the feeling of unworthiness.

Like Adam and eve, we would like to hide away from God.
But we know that no amount of ‘leaves of alibis, of excuses,
or rationalization’ can cover our guilt from the all-knowing

Whether we believe it or not, we are guilty of sin.


A. On the Cross Jesus took our guilt away by taking into himself
“state of forsakenness:

- He who is not forsaken, identified himself with us who

were forsaken.

- He who has no sin and never committed sin… “Bore

our sins in His own body on the Cross, that we having
died to sin, might live for righteousness – by whose
stripes you were healed” [I Peter 2:22-24].

B. On the Cross Jesus took upon himself the lonely state of

humanity and suffered the pain and agony of being forsaken.



C. How many times did Jesus identify with sinners?

1. He submitted himself to be the baptism of Repentance

by John the Baptist. He, who committed no sin,
needed no repentance. Yet, even before we know it or

come to know it, and even before we were born, Jesus
took already unto himself your sins and my sins and on
our behalf underwent the baptism of repentance.

2. Frail as we are, we have no power in ourselves to

overcome temptation. Jesus’ triumph over Satan
during his fasting in the wilderness is not only His
victory but our victory.

3. His rising again to life is the final defeat of death [I Cor.

15;26]. It was also our victory over death.


A. In this world there are many who felt and are really forsaken.

1. The Urban poor.

2. The “squatters” who are considered by Tourism Dept.

as “eye-sore of society”.

3. The Indigenous People – who are losing their ancestral


4. The “dismissed and suspended school teachers” who

are until now fighting for justice.

5. The farmers who are fighting for a genuine land reform.

6. The laborers and factory workers who are struggling just

wages and better working condition.

7. The Street-children who are easy prey to pedophiles and

who are looking for love an concern and a home to live.

8. The young girls who are trapped in syndicated white-

slavery and prostitution.

B. Like Jesus who personally identified himself with us, can we

also identify ourselves with the least of our brethren. Can we
try out in their behalf:





Note: Time limit: 20 minutes, no more no less. Strict observance of
the time limit is a must.

Starting/end time:


A. Again make a realistic description of the circumstances of the

Crucifixion, as if you were there.

- When the nails were hammered forcefully thru His hands

and feet how painful it was!
- When the Cross was erected upright and its base was
let down the hole abruptly with the weight of Jesus
hanging on it – O how painful it was!
- Now Jesus is hanging on the Cross for two hours
already. The wounds in His head are profusely
bleeding. Likewise blood continuously flows from his
pieced hands and feet.
- His body is covered with sweat and blood.
- Jesus could still feel the burning heat of the summer
- Jesus gasping for breath, cried out:

“I T – H – I – R – S – T – T - T”

B. The reaction of the Soldiers:

- To quench the thirst of Jesus, one of the soldiers filled a

sponge with sour mingled with myrrh, put it on hyssop,
and put it to His mouth [Mark 15:23]. But Jesus did not
take it.

Myrrh – is an aromatic-resinous substance use in perfumes

to farther embalm the dead.

Perhaps, they’re wishing that Jesus were dead than suffer fro
long in pain and agony, so the soldier gave it to him for a

C. Did Jesus really thirst for water? How could He think for

1. When himself is the medium of creation and “through

Him all things were made, and without Him nothing was
made that was made” [John !:3] – and that includes all
waters that cover the earth.

2. When He causes to send rain on the just and on the


[Matthew 5:45].

3. When He himself is obeyed by the waves of the sea

[Mark 4:39].

4. When He himself transform water into wine at the

wedding at Cana Galilee [John 2:1-11].

5. When He himself can give a living water that in Him who

drinks it will become a fountain of water springing up
into everlasting life [John 4:14].


A. What was Jesus thirsting for?

1. Acceptance

- “He came to His own, and his own did not receive him”
(Jn. 1:11)

- One time he was deserted by his followers (Jn. 6:60-71)

- “A prophet is not without honor, except in his own

country, among in his own relatives, and his own house”
(Mk 6:4)

2. Recognition

- His authority was questioned (Mk. 11:27-33)

- He was asked for a sign (Lk 11:29-32)

- “We have no king but Ceasar (Jn 19:15)

3. Obedience

- “But when do you call me ‘Lord, Lord’, and do not do the

things which I say?” (Lk 6:46)

- Leaving all to follow Jesus (Lk 14:25-33). He demands a

whole-life surrender of ourselves to his will.

4. Love – for Him:

The question he asked of Peter, “simon, son of
Jonah, do you love me more than these? (Jn 21:15)

- for our neighbors:

Here we are found wanting: “Whatever you have not
done to the least of these my brethren, you have not
done it unto me” (Mtt 25:45)

The warring madness of man that brings about war…

 The human right violation…

The exploitation of the powerless of self-


Our indifference to the struggle of the oppressed an the

poor for a dignified life
- for the world:

 As we pollute our atmosphere which causes the

thinning of the ozone layer, we endanger the whole

As we pollute the waters, we are endangering the

marine life.

Our inscriminate logging causes the erosion of soil

which resulted to floods, lowering of water level and

Our abuse and misuse and over-use of irreplaceable

natural and mineral resources.

Our sense of irresponsibility towards the wildlife,

especially the endangered species.


Jesus challenges us to give a cup of cold water to who

are thirst, saying “And whosoever gives one of these
little ones only a cup of cold water in the name of the
disciple, assuredly, I say to you, he shall by no means
lose his reward” (Matt 10:42)

By doing our part as a follower of Jesus in the service of

the least of his brethren and preservation of life on earth,
we are quenching the thirst of Jesus.



NOTE: time Limit – 20 minutes, no more no less. Strict observance of

the time limit is a must.
Time to start/end-time:


A. Describe the state of man before the Fall:

1. His “salus” (healthy) relationship with God, his creator.

Make a vivid portrayal of how beautiful was a man’s

relationship with God. God was always there caring for
man and respondng to his needs (Gen 2:18-23)

2. His “salus” relationship with himself:

Man never had the feeling of shame. The book of

Genesis described Adam and Eve both were naked
but they did not consider their condition as a thing to
be ashamed of (Gen 2:25)

3. His “salus” relationship with his wife:

They were living happily with each other. In fact, Adam

considered Eve “bone of my flesh of my flesh” (Gen

4. His “salus” relationship with the world:

God made man the steward of all his creation (Gen

1:28). God gave man privilege to name each living
creature (Gen 2:19). The tree, the flowers, the sea and
the ground yielded bountifully and man was never

B. Describe the state of man after the fall. What happened

when, by pride and by becoming rebellious against God,
man committed sin?

1. His relationship with God was marred with sin. “Man

has fallen short of the glory of God (Rom 3:23. Since
God is holy and man knew his unworthiness before
God’s presence, he started to hide himself from God.

This was dramatized by Adam and Eve as they hid

themselves from the presence of the Lord God among
the trees of the garden (Gen 3:8)

2. His relationship with himself was getting bad also. He

began to hate himself and entertain a feeling of guilt
and shame. Genesis describes it as knowing “that they

were naked and they sewed fig leaves together and
made themselves coverings (Gen 3:6). This is contrast
to Gen 2:25.

3. His relationship with his wife (Social relationship):

Man started to blame each other, thus undermining

their trust in one another. Adam blamed God and
Eve. Eve blamed the serpent (Gen 3:12-13)

4. The world was so much affected by man’s sin.

The Genesis writers considered it God’s curse:

“Cursed is the ground for your sake; in toil you shall eat
the herb pf the field. In the sweat of your face you shall
eat bread till you return to the ground, for out of it you
were taken; for dust you are , and to dust you shall
return” (Gen 3:17-18).

C. Describe how man tried in so many ways to reach out for

God but to no avail:

1. By building a high tower that was suppose to reachthe

high heaven (Gen 11:1-9)

2. By offering animal sacrifices for sins and celebrating

the feast of the New Moon and other appointed feasts.
But God was not Happy with it (Isa 1:12-15)

3. By sacred assemblies, burn offerings, grain offerings

and peace offerings, but God despised them (Amos

Man has no power in himself to reach out for God and

no way to please God.


God loves us so much; “For God so loved the world that he

gave His only begotten Son, that whoever believes in Him
should not perish but have everlasting life” (Jn 3:16)

St. Paul’s declaration is, “For by grace you have been saved
through faith, and that not of yourselves; it is the gift of God,
not of works, lest anyone should boast” (Eph 2:8-9)

Again in Romans chapter e, St. Paul declares what grace

means (Read Rom 5:5-11)


A. Tell your audience what the sixth Word of Jesus from the
Cross means and how it affects our life-situation:

“Tetelestai” – is a greek word for “it is accomplished”.

- this particular word was used by slaves in telling their

masters that the task assigned to them has been

- The same word was used by the priests in telling the

people that the sacrifice has already done.

- It was the same word used by the army generals in telling

the people that the war is over and victory has been won:


This was the very word of Jesus on the Cross. He used this
word to proclaim his victory over death and the finality of this

- Death, which is the last enemy, has been vanguished.

Victory has been won:

“Death is swallowed up in victory.”

“O Death, where is your sting?”
“O Hell, where is your victory?” (I Cor 15:54-55)

- Redemption has been made complete by the precious

blood of Christ (I Pet 1:18-19)

- Reconciliation has been accomplished (I Tim 2:5-6).

(See also Jn 14:6).

- Newness of life has been inaugurated (See Gal 2:20).

(See also Rom 6:1-10).


Ask your hearers if the victory of Jesus over sin and death is
only but a part of history that happened almost two thousand
year ago or still a living experience in our time.

- If they consider it as only a part of history, then the

“tetelestai” has become meaningless.

- Challenge them to make the victory of Jesus their own
living experience, because only then can they partake
of the power and the effect of that victory.



(Lk. 23:46)

NOTE: Time Limit – 20 minutes, no more no less. Strict observance of

the time is a must.

Time to start/end-time:


A. Make a vivid description of the sudden change of the


1. Thick and dark clouds begin to cover the sky. The whole
surrounding is beginning to darken as if a storm is
coming. The wind is beginning to blow hard. Lightning
flashes the sky. Thunder roars.

Tell them that the whole creation appears to mourn for the
immanent and sure death of Jesus, the medium of all

B. Describe the agony of Jesus:

- How he is gasping for breath;

- How his flesh and nerves tremble in pain as he moves

his body; he bites his lips, he clinches his jaws, closes
his eyes and stretches his arms in expression of
unexplainable pain;

- It was not at the palms but at his wrists that the nails
were hammered through. But not his wrists have been
lacerated, the wounds stretching to the palms due to
the weight of his body. Blood oozing out.

- His feet are trembling as he prevents further laceration

in his hands. Fresh blood continues to flow from his
pierced feet.

C. Describe how happy are the enemies of Jesus:

1. The Pharisees, Sadducees, Scribes – No one will ever
dare to call them hypocrites and question their

2. The priests – No one will ever dare to call the “blind

guides”, nor call the Temple “a den of thieves”.

3. Death itself – because of its sureness of victory. The

end of Jesus is nearing, it was just a matter of time
Death’s victory would then be complete.


Jesus, pooling all his remaining strength and the top of his
voice, shouted:


1. Tell your audience that the last word of Jesus was not a
“cry of defeat”… not a cry of a defeated man!

Jesus did not surrender to death, but to God, the

source of all life.

It was a “cry of victory”… a cry of lordship over all

things, over sin and death.

It was a claim that death has no dominion over him!

2. Tell them that his last word of Jesus caused the earth
to tremble in Quake, rocks to split, the tearing of the veil
of the temple in two from top to bottom, the opening of
the graves and the rising to life of the saints who were
long dead (Lk 27:51-52).

3. Tell them how Satan and death were caught in



A. Identifying with Jesus:

It is only thru identifying with the death of Jesus that we too

can identify with his cry of victory:

- Have we really identified with Jesus in his death?

1. Have we died in our sins?

2. Have we completely vanished from us the works and
pomps of the world, the flesh and the devil?

3. have we completely put our trust in Jesus?

If not, tell them emphatically that this is the right

moment, the right time for the Bible says, “Today, if you
will hear His voice, do not harden your hearts” (Ps 95:7;
Heb 4:7)

B. At exactly 3 minutes before 3:00 P.M., invite the

congregation to kneel down, to examine their lives, to
confess their sins, to ask for forgiveness, to weep not for
Jesus but for themselves and their children.

Tell them that they too have to commend their lives to the
hands of God in Faith.

Invite to newness of life which can only be had in Jesus.

C. With their heads bowed and eyes closed, let them follow you
silently as you make a closing prayer. For the last time, shout
at the top of your voice the 7th Word of Jesus.



Bilang paghahanda ay tutugtug ng isang natatanging himig. Kapag

naihanda na ang lahat ay sasabihin ng Pari ang sumusunod:

Pari : Ang Diyos ay Pag-ibig. At mula sa pag-ibig na ito

ay nilalang niya ang mundo at ang lahat ng bagay
na naririto. Nilalang niya ang ibon at mga puno,
bulaklak at bundok, lalake at babae. Mula sa
kanyang nilalang, ang Diyos ay pumili ng
dalawang tanging tao - sina ( P ) at ( P ) itinanim
niya sa kanilang mga puso ang banal na binhi ng
pag-ibig. Inalagaan nila ang binhing ito ng buong
tatag at tiwala, at nilabanan ang lahat ng suliranin
at pagsubok sa kanilang dinaanan. Silang dalawa
ang gumawa at patuloy na magsusumikap upang
umusbong ang pag-ibig na ito ng magandang
bunga, walang hanggang dalisay at maka-Diyos.

Sa umagang ito, ay tutunghayan natin ang

kaganapan ng bulaklak na ito ng pag-ibig. Ibigay
natin ang ating tiwala at pananalig sa
Makapangyarihang Diyos kina ( P ) at ( P ).
Ipakita natin ang pakikiisa ang ating mga puso at
diwa sa kanilang pagpapalitan ng panata sa
pagdiriwang na ito ng Banal na Sakramento ng

Papasok ang lahat sa saliw ng isang masiglang awitin. Tutungo ang

lahat sa kani-kanilang lugar.
Manatiling nakatayo

Sa araw na ito, ay natatapos ang isang

mahalagang bahagi ng inyong buhay pasimula
ang isang mabunga at masayang pagsasama.
Ang araw na ito ay tanda ng inyong pagtalikod sa
mga gawain at walang patumanggang
paglilibang. Magsisimula kayo sa landas na

masalimuot ngunit maligaya; maraming balakid
ngunit kayang gawing mapayapa ng inyong
matamis na pagmamahalan. Patnubayan,
kalingain at basbasan nawa ng Panginoon ang
inyong pagsasama ngayon at magpakailan man.

Pari : Sa ngalan ng Ama at ng Anak, at ng Espiritu

Bayan: Amen

Pari : Mga minamahal na kapatid; tayo ay nagkakatipon

ngayon sa harap ng Diyos upang saksihan ang
pag-iisang dibdib nina ( P ) at ( P ), upang hilingin
ang Kanyang pagpapala, at upang makibahagi sa
kanilang kagalakan. Ito'y pinapahalagahan ng
Diyos sa pamamagitan ng pagdalo at paggawa
ng unang himala ng Panginoong Hesukristo sa
isang Kasalan ng Cana, sa lupain ng Galilea at sa
pamamagitan ng Kanyang Espiritu ay kapiling
natin Siya sa ngayon.

Ang Banal na Kasulatan ay nagtututro sa atin na

ang kasal ay isang handog sa atin ng Diyos sa
kanyang paglalang at upang magsilbing daan ng
kanyang biyaya, ito'y isang banal na misteryo na
kung saan ang lalaki at babae ay nagiging isang

Ang Sakramento ng kasal ay ipinagkakaloob

upang maipadama ang paglingap at pagdamay
ng mag-asawa sa isa't-isa, ang katapatan maging
man sa gitna ng pangangailangan at
kasaganaan, sa kalungkutan at sa kagalakan.
Ito'y ipinagkakaloob upang sa gitna ng kasayahan
at pagmamahalan ay higit nilang maunawaan ang
isa't-isa sa pag-ibig; at sa pamamagitan ng
kaligayahan ng kanilang pagsasama, ay mabigkis
ng kaisahan ang kanilang mga puso at pagkatao.

Sa pamamagitan ng kasal, ang mag-asawa ay

nagiging para sa isa't-isa at sila'y magsisimula sa
isang bagong buhay bigyan ng pitagan ng lahat at
hindi dapat pasukan ng walang pagpapayo o ng
may pag-aalinlangan; bagkus, nang may
kabanalan at pananagutan pagkatapos ng
mataimtim na pagninilay-nilay.

Ito'y bahagi ng buhay na nilikha at pinabanal ng

Diyos, na sina ( P ) at ( P ) ay naririto ngayon
upang magsimula. Ipagkakaloob nila ang kanilang

pagsang-ayon sa isa't-isa; nang magkahawak
ang kamay, sila'y magpapalitan ng kanilang mga
matapat na pangako sa isa't-isa; at bilang
pagpapakita nito'y maghahandog sila sa isa't-isa
ng singsing.

Kung gayon, sa araw na ito ng kanilang kasal,

tayo'y mananalangin kasama nila upang sa
kalakasan at patnubay ng Diyos, ay kanilang
maisakatuparan ang Kanyang layunin para sa
lahat ng araw ng kanilang pagsasama.

Gayunpaman, ako'y inaatasan ng ating Simbahan

na kayo'y aking tanungin na kung kayo'y
mayroong nalalamang kadahilanan upang sila'y
hindi ko ikasal ay magsalita na ngayon.

Kung walang tututol ay sasabihin ng pari sa mga ikakasal:

Pari : Ang mga pangako ng inyong gagawin ngayon ay

inyong bibigkasin sa Ngalan ng Diyos, na siyang
tagapaghusga ng lahat at siyang nakababatid ng
lahat ng mga lihim ng ating mga puso: kaysa
marapat lamang na kung mayroon kayong
nalalamang kadahilanan na hindi kayo maaring
ikasal ay magsalita na kayo ngayon.

Kung walang kadahilanan ay magpapatuloy ang kasal.


Pari : ( P ), tinatanggap mo bang maging asawa si ( P )

upang mamuhay kayong magkasama ayon sa
kautusan ng Diyos sa banal na Sakramento ng
kasal? Siya ba ay iyong iibigin, aaliwin, igagalang
at pangangalagaan sa kanyang karamdaman at
kalusugan, at iiwan mo ba ang lahat at tanging
siya lamang ang pakikisamahan habang kayo ay

Lalaki: Opo, sa tulong ng Diyos.

Pari : ( P ), tinatanggap mo bang maging asawa si ( P )

upang mamuhay kayong magkasama ayon sa
kautusan ng Diyos sa Banal na Sakramento ng
kasal? Siya ba ay iyong iibigin, aaliwin, igagalang
at pangangalagaan sa kanyang karamdaman at
kalusugan, ay iiwan mo ba ang lahat at tanging
siya lamang ang pakikisamahan habang kayo ay

Babae : Opo, sa tulong ng Diyos.


Pari : Ang Panginoon ay sumainyo.

Bayan : At sumainyo rin.

Pari : Tayo’y manalangin.

Makpangyarihan at walang hanggang Diyos,

tagapagkaloob ng buhay at pag-ibig, pagpalain
mo po sina ( P ) at ( P ) na dumudulog ng iyong
biyaya. Bigkisin mo sila sa tamis ng
pagmamahalan, ng pag-uunawaan at pag-
gagalangan. Ipagkaloob mo sa kanila ang
kagandahan at matatag na kinabukasan. Itulot mo
na isa ay magsilbing kalakasan ng isa at ang isa'y
magsilbing tagapaglingap ng isa sa gitna ng
kalungkutan at, isang kabahagi sa gitna ng
kasiyahan. Sa pamamagitan ng Panginoon
Hesukristo, na nabubuhay at naghaharing
kasama Mo at ng Espiritu Santo, iisang Diyos,
ngayon at magpakailan man.

Bayan : Amen.

Uupo ang lahat

Genesis 2:18-24

Isang pagsaba mula sa aklat ng Genesis,

kabanata 2, nagsisimula sa ika-18 talata.

"Matapos gawin ang lahat ng ito, sinabi ni

Yahweh, “Hindi mainam na mag-isa ang tao;
bibigyan ko siya ng makakasama at
makakatulong.” Kaya, lumikha siya ng mga hayop
sa parang at ibon sa himpapawid, inilapit sa tao,
at ipina-ubaya dito ang pagbibigay ng pangalan
sa mga iyon. Kung ano ang kanyang itawag, iyon
ang magiging pangalan nila. Ang tao nga ang
nagbibigay ng pangalan sa lahat ng ibon at mga
hayop, maging maamo o mailap. Ngunit wala isa
man sa mga ito ang angkop na kasama at
katulong niya. Kaya’t pinatulong ni Yahweh ang
tao. Samantalang nahihimbing, kinuha niya ang
isang tadyang nito at pinaghilom ang laman sa
tapat niyon. Ang tadyang na iyo’y ginawa niyang

isang babae at inilapit sa lalaki. Sinabi ng lalaki,
“Sa wakas, narito ang isang tulad ko, laman ng
aking laman, buto ng aking buto; babae ang
itatawag sa kanya sapagkat sa lalaki nagmula
siya. Ito ang dahilan kaya iniiwan ng lalaki ang
kanyang ama at ina upang sumama sa kanyang
asawa, sapagkat sila ay magiging iisa."

Ito ang salita ng Panginoon.

Bayan : Salamat sa Diyos.

Maaaring sumunod ang isang awit.

Colosas 3:12-17

Isang pagbasa mula sa sulat ni San Pablo sa nga

taga Colosas, kabanata 3, nagsisimula sa ika-12

"Kayo ay hinirang ng Diyos, itinalaga sa kanya at

minamahal niya. Kaya’t dapat kayong mahabagin,
maganda ang kalooban, mapagkumbaba, mabait
at matiisin. Magpaumanhin kayo at
magpatawaran kung may hinanakit kayo sa isa’t
isa. Pinatawad kayo ng Panginoon kaya’t
magpatawad din kayo. At higit sa lahat, mag-
ibigan kayo pagkat ito ang buklod at ganap na
pagkakaisa. At paghariin ninyo sa inyong mga
puso ang kapayapaang kaloob ni Kristo, ay itanim
ninyong mabuti sa inyong isip. Magpaalalahanan
kayo at magturuan ng buong kaalaman. Umawit
kayo ng mga salmo, mga himno, at mga awiting
espirituwal na may pagpapasalamat sa Diyos. At
anuman ang gagawin ninyo maging sa salita o sa
gawa, gawin ninyong lahat sa pangalan ng
Panginoong Hesus at sa pamamagitan niya’y
magpasalamat kayo sa Diyos Ama."

Ito ang Salita ng Panginoon.

Bayan : Salamat sa Diyos

Tatayo ang lahat

Juan 15:12-17

Pari : Ang Panginoon ay sumainyo.
Bayan : At sumainyo rin.

Pari : Ang Banal na Ebanghelyo ng Panginoon

Hesukristo ayon kay San Juan, Kabanata 15,
nagsisimula sa ika-12 talata.

Bayan : Luwalhati sa iyo, Panginoon Hesukristo.

Pari : “Ito ang aking Utos: mag-ibigan kayo gaya ng

pag-ibig ko sa inyo. Walang pag-ibig na hihigit pa
sa pag-ibig ng isang taong nag-aalay ng kanyang
buhay para sa kanyang mga kaibigan. Kayo’y
mga kaibigan ko kung tinutupad ninyo ang aking
mga utos. Hindi ko na kayo inaaring alipin,
sapagkat hindi alam ng alipin kung ano ang
ginagawa ng kanyang amo. Sa halip, inaari ko
kayong mga kaibigan sapagkat sinabi ko sa inyo
ang lahat ng naririnig ko sa aking Ama. Hindi
kayo ang pumili sa akin; ako ang pumili at
humirang sa inyong bunga. Sa gayon, ang
anumang hingin ninyo sa Ama sa aking pangalan
ay ipagkakaloob sa inyo. Ito ang iniuutos ko sa
inyo: mag-ibigan kayo.”

Ang Ebanghelyo ng Panginoon.

Bayan : Papuri sa iyo, Panginoong Hesukristo.


Pagkatapos ng homilya, ang lahat ng ministro ay tutungo sa harap

ng mga ikakasal. Ang bayan ay mananatiling nakaupo.)


Lalaki : Sa Ngalan ng Diyos, ako si ( P ), ay nangangako

sa iyo ( P ) na tinatanggap kitang maging asawa,
sa hirap man o sa ginhawa, sa karamdaman o
kalusugan, na mamahalin at itatangi hanggang
tayo’y paghiwalayin ng kamatayan.

Babae : Sa Ngalan ng Diyos, ako si ( P ), ay nangangako

sa iyo, ( P ), na tinatanggap kitang maging asawa,
sa hirap man o sa ginhawa, sa karamdaman o
kalusugan na mamahalin at itatangi hanggang
tayo’y paghiwalayin ng kamatayan.


Pari : Basbasan mo Panginoon ang mga singsing na

ito, upang ang iyong mga anak na maghahandog
at tatanggap sa mga ito ay maging tapat sa
kanilang pangako sa isa’t isa at patuloy na
mamuhay sa mabuting pagmamahalan.


Lalaki : Ibinibigay ko ang singsing na ito, sa iyo ( P ) na

sagisag ng aking pagmamahal at katapatan, at
ako’y nangangakong pahalagahan ito, sa Ngalan
ng Ama, at ng Anak, at ng Espiritu Santo. Amen.

Babae : Tinatanggap ko ito ( P ) ng buong puso, at

tanggapin mo rin ang singsing na ito na sagisag
hindi lamang ng aking pagmamahal kundi pati ng
aking buhay. Kung saan ka man pumaroon, doon
ako paroroon. Kung saan ka titira, doon din ako
titira, ang iyong bayan ang aking magiging bayan.
Ang iyong Diyos ang aking magiging Diyos. Kung
saan ka mamatay doon ako mamamatay at doon
din ako malilibing.

Babae : Ibinibigay ko ang singsing na ito, sa iyo ( P ) na

sagisag ng aking pagmamahal at katapatan, at
ako’y nangangakong pahalagahan ito, sa Ngalan
ng Ama, at ng Anak, at ng Espiritu Santo. Amen.

Lalaki : Tinatanggap ko ito ( P ) ng buong puso, at

tanggapin mo rin ang singsing na ito na sagisag
hindi lamang ng aking pagmamahal kundi pati ng
aking buhay. Kung saan ka man pumaroon, doon
ako paroroon. Kung saan ka titira, doon din ako
titira, ang iyong bayan ang aking magiging bayan.
Ang iyong Diyos ang aking magiging Diyos. Kung
saan ka mamatay doon ako mamamatay at doon
din ako malilibing.


Lalaki : Tanggapin mo rin ang mga aras na ito, na

sagisag ng aking pangakong ilalaan ko ang aking
sarili para sa iyong kabutihan at kaligayahan: sa
Ngalan ng Ama, at ng Anak at ng Espiritu Santo.

Babae : Tinatanggap ko ito ng buong puso,
pinakamamahal kong kabiyak. Nawa’y basbasan
ng Panginoon ang ating pagmamahalan.

Luluhod ang mag-asawa na magkahawak ang kamay at sasabihin ng


Pari : Ngayon na sina ( P ) at ( P ) kasama ang kanilang

mga pangako, pagbibigayan ng singsing at aras,
at ako bilang alagad ng Diyos ay aking
ipinahayag sa oras na ito na sila ay mag-asawa
na; sa Ngalan ng Ama, at ng Anak at ng Espiritu
Santo. Amen.
Ang pinagsama ng Diyos ay hindi maaring
paghiwalayin ng tao.

Bayan : Amen.


Sasabihin mga abay ng Kandila

Ang pagsisindi ng kandila ay sagisag ng bagong

buhay sa inyo ( P ) at ( P ) bilang mag-asawa.
Dahil ang kandila ay sagisag ng liwanag at init,
karunungan at pag-ibig, pag-asa at buhay. Ang
apoy ay sagisag ng presensiya ng Diyos na sa
kanya lamang nakakamit ang liwanag at init,
karunungan at pag-ibig, at ang pag-asa at buhay.


Sasabihin ng mga abay ng belo

( P ) at ( P ) sa sakramentong ito ng kasal ay

binibihisan kayo sa ngalan ng pag-ibig. Isuko
ninyo ng buong dalisay ang inyong sarili sa
pakikipag-ugnayan sa Diyos bilang sakramento
ng pakikiisa sa mundo at mga tao. Sa paglalagay
namin ng belong ito, hinihirang namin na sana ay
huwag mabahiran ang inyong pagmamahalan.
Isuko ninyo ang inyong sarili sa kalooban ng
Diyos. Tahakin ang daan ng kabutihan. Kilalanin
ang kanyang pagka-Panginoon sa inyong buhay.


Sasabihin ng mga abay sa kordon.

( P ) at ( P ), ilalagay namin ang kordon na ito
upang pag- isahin kayo bilang mag-asawa. Ito’y
sumasagisag ng Pag-ibig ng Diyos na tumatali sa
inyong puso at kaluluwa. Ito ang inyong pakikiisa
sa Diyos at sa Bayan.


Luluhod ang lahat

Pari : Manalangin tayo para sa ating Simbahan at para

sa sangkatauhan lalong lalo na ang bagong
kasal na sina ( P ) at ( P ).

Namumuno : Makapangyarihan Diyos, dahil sa iyo kami ay

nabubuhay at gumagalaw, tingnan mo ng may
awa ang sanlibutan na iyong nilikha, at sa
Simbahang pinaghahandugan ng iyong Anak ng
kanyang buhay lalong-lalo na sa lahat ng
pinagbuklod sa Banal na Sakramento ng

Ipagkaloob mo na ang kanilang pagsasama ay

maging sakramento ng pag-ibig mo sa sanlibutan
ito, upang sa kanilang pagkakaisa ay
mapaglabanan ang paghihiwalay, sila’y
magpatawaran sa isa’t-isa kung may nagkakamali
nang sa ganoon, palagiang maghari sa kanilang
tahanan ang kaligayahan.
Bayan : Amen.

Namumuno : Ipagkaloob mo na sina ( P ) at ( P ) ay maging

tapat sa kanilang pag-ibig sa isa’t isa, upang ang
tibay ng kanilang pagmamahalan ay
magpayaman sa aming buhay at maging huwaran
ng iyong katapatan.
Bayan : Amen.

Namumuno : Ipagkaloob mo na kanilang maisakatuparan ang

mga layunin sa kanilang pagmamahalan upang
sila ay makapag-lingkod sa iba sa ikararangal ng
iyong Pangalan at ipagka-loob mo na ang lahat
ng sumumpa sa ngalan ng banal na matrimonyo
ay mapagtibay sa kanilang pagsasama at
Bayan : Amen.

Namumuno : Ipagkaloob mo na ang tali ng pagkakaisa na

bumibigkis sa sangkatauhan, maging sa mga
buhay at mga patay, ay mapasigla ng iyong
biyaya, upang ang katarungan at kapayapaan ay

umiral sa lahat, at ng masunod ang loob Mo dito
sa lupa gaya ng sa langit.
Bayan : Amen.

Pari : O Diyos, na nagpapabanal sa matrimonyo upang

maging sagisag ng espirituwal na pagkakaisa ni
Kristo at ng Simbahan: Basbasan mo ang iyong
mga anak upang sila ay magmahalan,
maggalangan at magpahalaga sa isa’t isa nang
may katapatan at tiyaga, sa karunungan at tunay
na kabanalan at ang kanilang tahanan ay maging
kanlungan ng pagpapala at kabanalan at
kapayapaan sa pangalan ni Kristong aming
Bayan : Amen.

Pari : Basbasan, ingatan at kupkupin nawa kayo ng

Diyos: Ama (+), Anak (+) at Espiritu Santo (+);
pagpalain niya kayo at punuin ng biyaya sa isa’t
isa sa buhay na ito at sa darating na buhay na
walang hanggan.
Bayan : Amen.

Aalisin ang kordon at ang Belo, Tatayo ang lahat.


Pari : Mga kapatid, tayo ang katawan ni Kristo; sa

pamamagitan ng isang Espiritu; tayong lahat ay
pinag-isang katawan ng tayo’y binyagan.

Bayan : Ingatan nating ang pagkakaisa na dulot ng

Espiritu sa bigkis ng kapayapaan.

Pari : Ang kapayapaan ng Panginoon ay laging

Bayan : At sumainyo rin.

Magbatian ng kapayapaan sa isa’t isa.

Pari : Ibigay sa Panginoon ang karangalang nararapat

sa kanyang pangalan; magdala ng alay at
pumaroon sa kanyang harapan.

Likikumin ang alay, ihahanda ang Banal na mesa. Maaaring umawit.

Pagkatapos ng awit ay tatayo ang lahat.

Lahat : Walang hanggang Diyos, Ama ng aming

Panginoong Hesukristo, aming iniaalay sa iyo ang
mga handog na ito sa aming pagkaalam na ang

aming buhay at ang lahat ng buhay ng
sangkatauhan ay karapat-dapat na maging sa iyo.
Marapatin mong tanggapin at pagpalain ang
Tinapay, Alak at Salaping handog, at ganoon din
kami, upang maipagdiwang namin ang
pasasalamat na ito nang may kagalakan. Amen.


Pari : Ang Panginoon ay sumainyo.

Bayan : At sumainyo rin.

Pari : Itaas ang inyong mga puso.

Bayan : Itinataas namin sa Panginoon.

Pari : Magpasalamat tayo sa ating Panginoong Diyos.

Bayan : Matuwid na siya’y ating pasalamatan at purihin.

Pari : Tunay na matuwid, aming tungkulin at kalagayan,

lagi at saan man ay pasalamatan ka namin. O
Panginoon, Banal na Ama, makapangyarihan at
walang hanggang Diyos.
Kaya nga, kasama ng mga anghel at mga
arkanghel, at lahat ng kalipunan ng langit, buong
kagalakan naming ipinahahayag ang iyong
kaluwalhatian, laging nagpupuri sa iyo at

Lahat : Banal, banal, banal na Panginoon, Diyos ang

kapangyarihan at lakas, ang langit at lupa’y
puspos ng iyong kaluwalhatian, Osana sa
kaitaasan. Mapalad siya na dumarating sa
Pangalan ng Panginoon. Osana sa kaitaasan.

Pari : Lahat ng kaluwalhatian ay sa iyo, Diyos na

makapangyarihan Amang makalangit, ng dahil sa
iyong pag-ibig at kaawaan ay ipinagkaloob mo
ang iyong bugtong na Anak na si Hesukristo na
maging tao na tulad namin, at danasin niyang
mamatay sa krus para sa aming katubusan. Doon
ay kanyang ginawa, sa pamamagitan ng minsang
pag-aalay ng kanyang buhay, ang isang buo at
ganap na hain para sa buong sanlibutan: at
kanyang itinatag at iniutos sa amin na ipagpatuloy
ang isang paggunita sa kanyang mahalagang
kamatayan at hain hanggang sa muli niyang

Pari : Sapagka’t ng gabing siya’y ipinagkanulo, kumuha

siya ng tinapay; at nang siya’y

makapagpasalamat sa iyo, ito’y kanyang piniraso
at ibinigay sa kanyang mga alagad at sinabi: “

Matapos ang hapunan kanyang kinuha ang kalis,

at ng makapagpasalamat ibinigay niya ito at

Pari : Ipahayag natin ang misteryo ng ating


Lahat : Si Kristo ay namatay.

Si Kristo ay muling nabuhay.
Si Kristo ay muling darating.

Pari : Kaya nga Panginoon at Amang makalangit,

ginaganap namin na iyong mga abang lingkod:
ang pag-alaalang iniutos ng iyong Anak: sa aming
paggunita sa kanyang pinagpalang
pagpapakasakit at mahalagang kamatayan, sa
kanyang makapangyarihang pagkabuhay na
mag-uli at maluwalhating pag-akyat sa langit, at
sa aming paghihintay sa kanyang maluwalhating
pagbabalik, ay aming iniaalay sa iyo itong
Tinapay ng Buhay at itong Kalis ng kaligtasan, At
kasama ang mga handog na ito ay iniaalay namin
ang aming sarili, na isinasamo namin sa iyo na
tanggapin sa iyong makalangit na Altar, itong
aming haing papuri at pasasalamat.

Butihing Ama, sa kapangyarihan ng iyong

Espiritu Santo ay pagpalain mo at pakabanalin
itong Tinapay at Alak, upang para sa amin ay
maging kamahalmahalang Katawan at dugo ng
iyong Anak na si Hesukristo. Ang lahat nawa na
tatanggap ng banal na Komunyong ito ay
mapuspos ng iyong biyaya at makalangit na
pagpapala at maging kaisang katawan niya
upang siya’y manahan sa amin at kami’y sa
kanya. At bagama’t kami’y hindi karapat-dapat na
mag-alay sa iyo ng anumang hain, gayon ma’y
isinasamo namin sa iyo na taggapin itong aming
tungkulin at paglilingkod, sa pamamagitan ni

Hesukristong aming Panginoon; sa pamamagitan
niya, at kasama niya, at sa kanya, na kaisa ang
Espiritu Santo, ang lahat ng karangalan at
kaluwalhatian ay sa iyo,O Amang makapang-
yarihan, ngayon at magpakailanman.

Bayan : Amen.

Luluhod ang bayan at saglit na tatahimik.

Pari : Tulad ng itinuro ng ating Panginoong Hesukristo,

tayo’y manalangin.

Lahat : Ama Namin sa langit, sambahin ang Ngalan mo,

sumapit nawa ang kaharian mo, sundin ang loob
mo dito sa lupa gaya rin sa langit. Bigyan mo
kami ngayon ng aming kakanin sa araw-araw.
Patawarin mo kami sa aming nga kasalanan gaya
rin ng pagpapatawad namin sa nagkakasala sa
amin. Huwag mo kaming itulot sa pagsubok kundi
iadya mo kami sa masama. Sapagkat sa iyo ang
kaharian, ang kapangyarihan, at kaluwalhatian,
ngayon at magpakailanman. Amen.


Pari : Alleluya! Si Kristong ating tagapagligtas ay

naihain para sa atin.

Bayan : Kaya’t ating ipagdiwang ang kanyang Pista.



Pari : Ang mga kaloob ng Diyos para sa bayan ng

Diyos. Kunin ninyo ang mga ito sa pag- alaala na
ibinigay ni Kristo ang kanyang sarili para sa inyo
at tanggapin ninyo siya sa inyong mga puso sa
pamamagitan ng pananampalataya, nang may

Magko-komunyon ang bagong kasal at ang lahat na nagnanais ay

maaring magkomunyon. Gumawa ng dalawang pila.


Pari : Makapangayarihang Diyos, ikaw na tagapagbigay

ng lahat ng katotohanan; pinasasalamatan ka
namin sa iyong pagbuklod sa amin sa mga banal
na hiwaga ng katawan at dugo ng iyong Anak na

si Hesukristong aming Panginoon. Ipagkaloob mo
na sa pamamagitan ng iyong Banal na Espiritu na
ang mga pinag-isa ngayon sa ilalim ng banal na
Sakramento ng Matrimonyo na sina ( P ) at ( P ),
ay magkaisa sa puso at kaluluwa, mamuhay ng
mga kapayapaan at katapatan at makamit ang
walang hanggang kaligayahan na inihanda para
sa lahat ng umiibig sa iyo; sa pamamagitan ng
aming Panginoong Hesukristo. Amen.


Lahat ay tatayo, Ang lahat ng Ninong at Ninang ay tutungo sa paligid

ng mga bagong kasal na may hawak na sinding kandila at sasabihin
ng Pari sa kanila.

Pari : Mga minamahal na mga Ninong at Ninang:

Tangan na ninyo ngayon ang liwanag na
nagbibigay tanglaw kina ( P ) at ( P ). Iya'y
sumasagisag na kayo'y nagiging pangalawang
nilang mga magulang. Katulad ng kandilang iyan
na ngayo'y inyong tangan, kayo rin ay
inaasahang magsisilbi nilang kaliwanagan sa
kanilang pagsasama. Gabayan ninyo sila sa
liwanag ng katotohanan at kabanalan upang sila'y
maging huwarang kristiyano at masunuring
mamamayan. Sa kahat ng kanilang makakaya na
bumuo ng isang tahanan na puno ng pag-ibig,
kapayapaan at kababaang-loob, isang modelong
inspirasyon at mapaghimok at tagapanguna. Sa
sandali ng pag-asa ay maging kaisa kayo sa
kanila nang may karunungan at pang-unawa.

Tumindig kayo sa gitna nila kung ang kanilang

tahanan ay nasa panganib. Maging daan ng
pagkakaisa kung sila ay nagkabaha-bahagi.
Maghasik ng pag-ibig kung may pagkapoot.
Manguna ng pagpapatawad kung may

Bigyan-diin ang pagkakaisa kung mayroong hindi

pagkakasundo. Ipaalaala ang pananalig kung
nagsisimula ang pag-alinlangan.

Ipakita ninyo ang inyong pakikiisa upang ang

lahat ng kanilang gawain bilang mag-asawa ay
magsimula, magpatuloy at humantong sa kanya,
naniluluwalhati ang Kanyang Banal na Pangalan.

Ito ang iyong tungkulin na sagrado sa Banal na
Sakramentong ito.


Sa makapangyarihan at walang hanggang Diyos,

isinusuko namin ang aming mga puso sa kanya.
Idinadalangin namin na nawa’y pangunahan niya
ang aming isip, palakasin ang aming kalooban
upang kami’y maging ganap sa aming tungkulin
kina ( P ) at ( P ) bilang kanilang mga pangalawang

Pangunahan nawa kami ng Diyos para sa lahat ng

kanyang daan at layunin, palagi sa kanyang
kaluwalhatian at kapakanan ng kanyang mga anak
lalo na kina ( P ) at (P ). Ang lahat ng ito’y aming
hinihiling sa pamamagitan ni Hesukristo na aming
Panginoon at tagapagligtas. Amen.

Lahat ay luluhod

Pari : At ang pagpapala ng Makapangyarihang Diyos:

ang Ama (+), ang Anak (+), at ang Espiritu Santo
(+), nawa’y sumainyo at laging manatili sa inyo.
Bayan : Amen.

Lahat ay uupo. Pipirmahan ang kontrata ng kasal, habang umaawit ng

isang angkop na himno, Pagkatapos ay tatayo ang bagong kasal,
haharap sa bayan at sasabihin ng Pari

Pari : Ipinapahayag ko sa inyo at sa buong

kongregasyon ng Kristiyano na sina ( P ) at ( P )
ngayon na pinag-isa sa Banal na Sakramento na
Kasal, ay mag-asawa na. Sa pagpapahayag natin
ng maiinit na pagtanggap at pagbati ipatiyak natin
ang ating patuloy na pagtulong at panalangin.

Palakpakan sila at babati sila sa kanilang mga magulang, mga ninong

at ninang, at mga kaibigan.

Papirmahan ng Maid of Honor at Best Man ang Kontrata sa mga

Ninong at Ninang.


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