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GSI System User Guide 3.4

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User Guide
- Version 3.4 -
GSI S ys t e m User Guide

GSI System User Guide version 3.4

Released on November 21, 2011
In coherence with the GSI System release 1.00023
Copyright 2011 by Gumnut Systems International Corporation
The GSI logo and name is a registered trademark used herein under license.
All Rights Reserved.

For more information contact

Gumnut Systems International
PO Box 584, Avalon NSW 2107

Copyright and Release Notes ii

GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Table Of Contents
Copyright And Release Information ii

Table Of Contents iii

Using The Manual xiv

Introduction 1

Chapter 1: Navigating The System 2

Chapter 2: GSI Setup 5

Client Setup Menu 7

Client Types 8

Referral Sources 9

Corporate Clients 10

Categories 11

Occupations 12

Contra Indication 13

Title Types 14

State 15

Phone Type 16

Client Forms 17

Simple Client Forms 18

Countries 19

Age Groups 20

Nationality 21

Suburbs 22

Multi-Purpose Tag 23

Document Management 24

Setting Up The System’s Document Management Facility 24

Accessing The Document Management Facility 27

Managing Client’s Documents 28

Appointment Book Setup Menu 30

Cancellation Reasons 31

Appointment Notes 32

Comment Notes 33

Table Of Contents iii

GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Specialities 34

Equipment 35

Rooms And Facilities 36

Room Types 37

Staff Setup Menu 38

Departments 39

Funds 41

Roster Reasons 43

Commission Formulae & Commission By Type 44

Privilege Groups 45

Staff List 46

New 48

 Enabling The System For PCI Compliance Security 50

Privileges 51

Reset Password / Reset PIN 52

Roster 54

Setting Up Branches 55

 Types Of System Users 55

Branch 57

Funds 58

Budget 59

Stocks Setup Menu 60

Stock Groups 61

Suppliers 62

Manufacturers 63

Units 64

Promotions 65

Promotion2 66

Lists 67

Entering Stocks Manually In The Stock Setup Screen 61

Entering Stocks Using Gumnut System’s Import Stock List Utility 70

Applying Tax Charges On Stocks 71

Filling Up A Stock 72

Tracking Stock Movement (Stock Card) 73

Stock Types 74

Kit Item Setup 74

Table Of Contents iv
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Matrix Item Setup 75

Bulk Selling 77

Batch Processing 79

Services & Packages Setup Menu 83

Groups 84

Services 85

Entering The Initial Details Of The Service 85

Setting Up The Basic Charges Of The Service 87

Setting Up The Additional Costs For The Service 88

Entering Service Description, Contraindications, and Payment Notes 89

Day Packages 90

Destination Packages 92

Classes 94

Series 96

Setting Up Taxes, Notes (Series Product Description), and Payment Notes 97

Facility Services 99

Food & Beverages Setup Menu 101

List 102

Financials Setup Menu 103

Payment Types 104

Petty Cash Reasons 106

Discount Groups & Discount Reasons 107

Till 108

Yield Management & Link Yield Management 109

Budget Group & Business Budget 111

Bank Names 112

Taxes 113

Credit Cards 114

Cost Items 115

Currency 116

Receipt Deleting Reasons 117

Gift Voucher Setup Menu 118

Groups 118

List 119

Gift Voucher System Settings 121

Table Of Contents v
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Memberships & Clubs Setup Menu 123

Membership List 124

Direct Debit Company 128

Club List 129

Direct Debit Reason 130

Locker 131

Suspension Reasons 132

Cancellation Reasons 133

Membership System Settings 134

MYOB Setup Menu 135

Enabling The MYOB Interface 135

Initializing MYOB Filter Lists 137

Linking Clients, Services & Packages, Stocks, Supplier, F&B, and Membership To MYOB Interface 138

 Linking Client Information To MYOB Interface 138

 Linking Staff Information To MYOB Interface 139

 Linking Stock Item Information To MYOB Interface 140

 Linking Supplier Information To MYOB Interface 141

 Linking F&B Information To MYOB Interface 142

 Linking Membership Information To MYOB Interface 143

Generating Export Data To Process For MYOB 144

Displaying MYOB Exports’ History 145

Wholesale Setup Menu 146

Enabling GSI’s Wholesale Management System 146

Café/Restaurant POS Setup Menu 147

Enabling The Café POS System 147

Setting Up The POS System 149

Creating Service Groups (Item Groups) 149

Creating Homebrewed Menu 150

Creating Ready-To-Eat Menu 152

Setting Up POS Elements 154

Building The POS Menu 155

Designing A Pre-Payment Receipt 156

Room Management Setup Menu 157

Enabling The Room Management System 157

Setting Up The Elements Of The Room Management System 158

 Bed Types 158

 Room Properties 159

Table Of Contents vi
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
 Room Types 160

 Room Pricing 161

Optional Settingts 162

 Cancel Reason 162

 Airline 163

Setting Up Room Accommodations 164

 Rooms 164

 Packages 166

Chapter 3: Managing Business Using GSI 168

Who Should Be Using This System? 170

Managing Clients 171

Duplicate Names 172

Service Waiting List 173

Class Waiting List 174

Client Alert List 175

Sell 176

Casual Sell 178

Casual Client History 179

Select Client 180

Entering A New Client 181

Accessing A Client’s Information 183

Manage And Track The Client’s History 185

Entering A New Client In The Waiting List 186

Tracking A Certain Client’s Bookings 187

Open Accounts 188

How Owings Are Made? 188

Tracking Owings Made For The Day 188

Processing Owings Within The Day 189

Pay 190

Regret Booking 191

Transfer Series 192

Managing Stocks 193

Entering Stock Items 194

Adjusting Stock Quantity 194

Variance 195

Enabling Stock Availability Auto-Detection 196

Table Of Contents vii

GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Order Generation & Order Maintenance 197

Transfer 200

Professional Stock Control 201

Barcode Printing 202

Update Stock Across Branches 203

Stock Lookup 204

Expiring Stock By Date 205

Managing Staff 206

Change Password 207

Wages Entry & Wages Maintenance 208

Staff Log Hours 209

Messages 210

Staff Roster 211

Clock In/Clock Out 212

Enable The Clock In/Clock Out Salary Calculation Method 212

Logging In/Out 212

Viewing Staff Logged Hours 213

Managing Financials 214

Petty Cash Management 215

Petty Cash Transactions 216

Edit Petty Cash 216

Open Cash Drawer 216

Till Management 217

Open Till 217

Link To Till 218

Close Till 218

Edit Till Float 218

Banking Management 219

Banking Run 219

Banking History 220

Managing Taxes 221

Tax Total 221

Managing Active Owings 222

End Of Month Statement Run 222

Managing Cash Book 223

Books 223

Third Party Companies 224

Table Of Contents viii

GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Account List 224

Transactions 225

Summary 226

Managing Gift Vouchers 227

Purchasing And Using Gift Vouchers 228

Purchasing And Assigning A Gift Voucher 228

Using A Gift Voucher To Redeem Purchases/Orders 231

Managing Gift Voucher Usage 232

Mail Merge 233

Designing Your Own Gift Voucher Slip 233

Generating A Gift Voucher Slip 233

Beneficiary 235

Mark As Redeemed 235

Change Expiry Date 236

Search 236

History 237

Delete 237

Inquiry 237

Managing Memberships & Clubs 238

Joining Members 239

Managing Memberships & Clubs 243

Members List 243

Corporate Membership 244

Members Direct Debit 245

Locker Management 248

New Memberships 249

Missing Membership Details 251

Managing Marketing 253

Generate 254

Display 255

Export 256

Communication 257

Mail Merge 257

Email 258

SMS 259

Scheduler 260

Table Of Contents ix
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Chapter 4: Managing Bookings And POS 261

Regular Service 263

Making A Booking 263

Processing A Regular Service Booking 266

Day Packages 268

Booking A Day Package 268

Processing A Day Package Booking 269

Destination Package 270

Booking A Destination Package 270

Processing A Destination Package Booking 271

Series 272

Purchasing A Series 272

Booking A Series 274

Processing A Series Booking 276

Class 279

Scheduling A Class 279

Booking A Client For The Class 280

Processing Class Bookings 281

Multiple Class Booking 282

Facility Service 283

Booking A Facility Service 283

Processing Facility Service Booking 285

Booking Operations 287

Displaying The Client’s Active Bookings 287

Cancelling A Booking 288

Deleting A Booking 289

Moving A Booking 290

Managing A Regret Booking 291

Managing Clients On The Waiting List 292

Managing Unassigned Bookings 293

Performing A Cash Refund (Service Refund/Return Item) 295

Performing A Reverse Payment 297

Transferring A Client’s Booking To Another 300

Rebooking 301

Combined Payment 302

Editing A Booking 303

Table Of Contents x
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Multiple Booking 305

Group Booking 306

Joining A Client’s Booking In A Group 308

Casual Group Booking 309

Couple Booking 310

Group Booking Same Treatment Same Room 313

Selling 315

Selling Stocks 315

Selling & Using Credits 317

Giving Discounts 320

Giving Tips 321

Wholesale 322

Conducting Wholesale Transactions 322

Processing Regular Wholesale Orders 322

Creating A Quotation 323

Confirming A Wholesale Order 324

Generating Invoice For The Order 325

Deployment Of Order For Delivery 327

Processing Payment For The Order (Owing Clients) 328

Processing Pickup Orders 329

Current Stocks On Order 330

Client Select 331

Pay (Processing Partial Payments) 332

Stock Samples 333

Stock Lookup 334

End Of Month Statement 335

Café’/Restaurant POS Transaction 336

Processing A Sale Transaction In The Café POS Screen 336

Retail POS Transaction 338

Processing A Sale Transaction In The Retail POS Screen 338

Room Booking 338

Opening The Room Reservation Screen 339

Processing A Client’s Room Reservation 340

Confirming The Client’s Booking 341

Checking In The Client 342

Checking Out The Client (Single Guest Booking & Multi Guest Booking In Combined Payment) 342

Miscellaneous Booking Operations 344

Table Of Contents xi
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
 Checking Out The Client (Multi Guest Booking In Individual Payment) 344

 Switching Combined Payment Booking To Individual Payment Booking 346

 Changing The Group Head Of A Multi-Guest Booking 347

 Adding A Guest To A Certain Booking 348

 Entering Notes For The Reservation 349

 Blocking Room Reservations 350

 Blocking A Blocked Room 351

 Cancelling A Checked In Room Reservation 352

 Undoing A Checked In Room Reservation 353

 Deleting A Checked In Room Reservation 353

 Viewing Room Utilization 354

Chapter 5: Generating Reports 355

Standard Reports 357

Chart Reports 358

Custom Reports 359

Table Of Contents xii

GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Appendix 360

The GSI System’s Major Screens 362

Main 362

Clients 363

Client Select 365

Client Details 366

Client History 368

Billing 370

Appointment Book 372

Specialities 374

Staff 375

Staff List 377

Staff Detail 378

Setup Staff Privilege Group 381

Individual Staff Roster 382

Staff Wages 383

Staff Roster 385

Stock 386

Stock Variance 388

Stock Promotion 389

Order List 390

Professional Stock Control 390

Stock Transfer 391

Stock Setup 391

Contact Details xv

Table Of Contents xiii

GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Using The Manual
GSI System User Manual uses certain conventions that serve to assist the user in navigating the right content that they need as well as
providing answers to certain inquiries and guidance in using the GSI System. To this effect, we suggest that you take time on reading
this page to be appropriately guided to the accessibilities given here as well as save time in searching for the right information that you
As a very important requirement, you should have at least an Adobe Acrobat 8.0 Reader installed in your system to fully utilize the
resources given here. Certain navigation facilities as well as graphic enhancements included here may not work on lower versions of
Acrobat Reader. Adobe Acrobat Reader is a freeware software available in the internet and can be downloaded mainly from the Adobe
site (http://www.adobe.com/downloads/).

Manual Organization
Aside from just giving information to our customers, the underlying principle in the creation of this manual is to guide our readers in
getting the right information at their own convenience. We designed this manual to cater to the specific needs of our customers.
Whether you are just an average computer user or a system administrator, the instructions in this book are easy enough to understand
to get you going and perform the procedures given here.
This manual is subdivided into five major chapters.
Chapter 1: Navigating The System, orients the user on how the system is organized and thereby give them the idea how to find for
that facility they need to use in the system.
While Chapter 2: GSI Setup, discusses the steps in preparing the GSI System to work for your business.
Once the necessary settings are in place in your GSI System, reading Chapter 3: Managing Your Business Through The GSI
System, instructs you on how to use this system in running your business.
In Chapter 4: Managing Bookings & POS, the reader will be instructed on how bookings and its related operations are conducted for
the different types of service offered in the business. This also includes stock selling as well.
Reports generation in the system is being discussed in Chapter 5 of this manual (entitled Generating Reports).
With this organization we can guarantee easy access to information that the user of this system might need in managing their business.
Moreover, certain features of this manual are provided to allow for easy navigation and quick access to supporting information that are
relevant in the currently discussed topic.

One of the very convenient resources that we provide in this manual is the alert notes.
On the right side of this manual you will notice from time to time, as you browse the pages, that certain shaded notes with icons are
shown. We call these alerts. These are provided to keep you informed of important notes and warnings, which for some reason are
very critical in the current topic where these are shown.
Take note of the following icons accompanying each of these alerts to give you an idea whether a note can be ignored or not.

This is an ALTERNATE alert. This gives ideas of This is an IMPORTANT alert. This provides urgent notes
another way of performing a discussed procedure. that must not be taken lightly as it is very important in the
Can be ignored although it may save some effort current discussion from which it comes out. Pay a decent
and time if followed. attention to this alert.

This is an INFORMATION alert. This provides This is a WARNING alert. This requires a high priority
relevant information regarding the topic being attention. Should this type of alert shows, READ IT.
discussed. Ignoring this may cause something to break in the system
or worst.

We recommend that you familiarize yourself with these and be aware of their nature to be properly guided. Having the right knowledge
on these alerts may save you precious time and resources when given with proper attention.

Using The Manual xv

GSI Sys t e m User Guide
The Table Of Contents
Aside from the systematic organization of this manual you will find out that we have also provided navigation helps to find the necessary
information you’re looking for in an instant. Bearing in mind the right place and occasion where you should look for these. One of these
navigation helps is the Table Of Contents.
Most people start their reading by browsing the Table Of Contents to either have an overview of a reading material or to look for the
location of a certain topic. However, with the provided accessibilities on this version of Acrobat Reader, you can even go to that topic
you want to read with just a click of its title as provided in the Table Of Contents. Each topic contents listed in this section are linked to
its particular page.
You will also notice that at the bottom right of each page of this manual there is a Table Of Contents icon provided. Clicking this brings
you back to the Table Of Contents section. With these accessibilities, you will be able to switch from topic to topic with the Table Of
Contents as your reference.

The Bookmark Pane

In addition to this, a Bookmark Pane is also available for those readers who are more familiar with this standard Acrobat Reader facility.
In comparison with the Table Of Contents, the bookmark is always present at the left of the Acrobat Reader screen. This means that
you don’t have to go to a certain page (such as Table Of Contents) just to access the link of the topic you are interested in.
The Bookmark pane uses a tree type list, where topics are arranged hierarchically in a tree. Just click on an available + (plus) icon to
show the subtopics in that topic title.

Topic Links
Moreover, topic links are also provided for your convenience to get instant information that are relevant on the current discussion.
These are provided from time to time as embedded on the discussions or on the alerts. Some of these are internal references that can
be obtained from within the manual and some as web links that open websites. With this you will be given a broader idea on the current
discussion where these are shown.

Screenshot Guides
The manual is also provided with lots of embedded images of the system’s screenshots in use. Just follow the numeric tags given on
each of these to guide you to the sequence on how to perform the discussed procedure wherein these are shown.

Using The Manual xvi

S ys t e m User Guide
Welcome to the GSI System - a powerful Business Management System which incorporates all the necessary functions to run you’re
your business. With the vast resources for management available on this software, you could launch your business with great ease and
To this purpose was this User Manual is created - to assist you in using the GSI System and make it work to your advantage. This
reading material works as both a guide and a reference material. That is you could read this from the start to end following the
procedures as they are presented here or you could just jump around to any topic whichever you need at a particular moment. This is
possible through the provided facilities of this manual. However, we recommend for first time users that they should follow the
organization of this manual to be properly guided.
The diagram below shows the sequence of the GSI Management from installation. from installation

The following diagram shows the overall organization of the activities in using the GSI System. As being shown, these activities are
distributed on the two manuals that we have produced for this system: the Installation Guide and the User Guide.
The GSI System Installation Guide covers the discussion on the GSI System’s installation and related discussions. Whereas, the GSI
System User Guide tackles the issues on the system’s setup and use.

You will notice later on that the topics in this User Guide are organized in a way as presented here. This is so in order to establish
consistency in its use as well as for easy navigation. You may refer to this diagram from time to time to be properly guided.

Introduction ‐ 1 ‐
This chapter orients the user on working around the GSI
Interface: how to move around the software, where to
find a certain facility, and the right processes to perform
in conducting business using the system.

Topics discussed in this chapter includes:

A. Parts Of The Main Screen

1. The Status Area
2. The Main Menu
B. Main Menu Options Description

Chapter 1
Navigating The
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Navigating The GSI Interface
The GSI system interface consists of the Main Screen that shows the Main Menu at the top and the Status Area at the bottom; and
submenus that can be brought out through the options available in the Main Menu. Basically, knowing how the Main Menu is
organized can already give us the idea on how to navigate the GSI interface.


The Main Menu provides the accessibilities that can be performed in the GSI System. This comes
with 3 major options: the File, Booking and Administrator options.
The File option contains commands that are system related. While the Booking option is where
all the business tools of the system are found. In the Administrator option you will find the
different settings and management utilities that are used in establishing one’s business in the GSI
System. With this orientation it will then be easier for anyone to navigate the system and look for
that particular facility they need.
The screenshot below shows the available utilities for each of these menu options.
At the first instance of the use
of the system you will notice
that in the Status Area on the
lower right, a “Trial Version”
notice is being shown.
To remove this and make the GSI work
without any restrictions a license purchase
is needed. For further details on how to
avail a license for your GSI System contact
Helpdesk. See Contact Details for further


This section of the Main Screen shows the active settings of the system. As can be seen on the The ‘Link To Till’ option only
appear once a user logged
screenshot below, the currently set Branch (business section), logged in User, and Till Name back in to the GSI program
together with its status are being shown here. Take note of this before performing some after turning it off without
executions in the system to confirm that you have the necessary setup for it in your use. performing the necessary
steps in closing the till.
The usual routine in starting up the business of the day, with the use of the GSI System, after
Selecting this option in opening a till will
logging in is (1) by first opening the till to work with, (2) followed by entering the initial till amount include the previous transactions made
to use as change or for petty cash disbursement. (3) Check the settings in the Status Area. before the system termination together with
the ones made on the present.
 To change to another branch, click on the Change link beside the branch and click from the
menu that will appear the button of the branch to work with.
 To change the till to use, close first the set till by clicking the Close link beside the Current Till
display. Click the Open link when it appears and select the Branch to manage.

Chapter 1: Navigating The GSI System -3-

GSI Sys t e m User Guide
The following table shows brief description for these options:

File Options Description

Login This shows the Login window for any staff who wants to access their particular set of
interface in the GSI System without the need for exiting the program.

Select Property This option brings out the Select Property window wherein available business branches
(or business sections such as in a hotel wherein it has branches like F&B, Spa, Gym,
and Salon etc.) are selected for management. A similar accessibility is also available in
the Status Area of the Main Screen.

About This option opens the About window where system information such as its version,
release date, expiration date and contact information are shown.

Exit Clicking this terminates the GSI program.

Booking Options Description

Appointment Book This opens the Appointment Book window where booking and reservation
management are performed. This is where you commonly go to enter bookings as well
as manage and track the day to day activities of your business and staffs.

Members Entry This option displays the Members Entry window to manage the admission of members
in the business. This can also be used together with a certain “gate” facility in controlling
electronic gates interfaced in the system to control member’s entrance.

Administrator Options Description

Clients This provides facilities for the setup and management of clients.

Appointment Book This provides interfaces for the setup and management of Appointment Book.

Staff This provides interfaces for the setup and management of staffs.

Stock This provides interfaces for the setup and management of stocks.

Services and Packages This provides interfaces for the setup and management of services and packages
offered in the business.

F&B This provides interfaces for setting up the business’s Food and Beverage offers.

Financials This provides facilities for managing the business’s finances and its related settings.

Gift Vouchers This provides interfaces for managing gift vouchers as well as its settings.

Memberships & Clubs This provides interfaces for the setup and management of memberships and clubs.

Marketing This provides interfaces for managing company data for marketing purposes as well as
with the different tools for contacting clients.

Case Management This provides interfaces for managing treatment cases and history to track client’s
progress. Used especially on businesses that caters medical and therapy services.

System Settings This provides interfaces for managing the system configurations of the GSI program.

MYOB Interface This provides the necessary settings for generating export data to MYOB software.

Wholesale This provides interfaces for managing a wholesale business.

Hospital This provides interfaces for the setup and management of a medical institution.

Room Management This provides interfaces for the setup and management of a lodging business.

POS This provides interfaces for the setup and management of a food service business.

Chapter 1: Navigating The GSI System -4-

In this chapter we will be dealing on how to perform the
different settings that are needed in making the GSI
System function according to the requirements of your
The following topics are covered in this chapter:
A. Client Setup Menu
B. Document Management
C. Appointment Book Setup Menu
D. Staff Setup Menu
E. Stocks Setup Menu
F. Services & Packages Setup Menu
G. Food & Beverages Setup Menu

Chapter 2
H. Financials Setup Menu
I. Gift Vouchers Setup Menu
J. Membership & Clubs Setup Menu
K. MYOB Interface Setup Menu

G S I S e tu p
L. Wholesale Setup Menu
M. Café/Restaurant POS Setup Menu
N. Room Management Setup Menu
GSI System© User Guide

GSI Setup
Upon the installation of GSI in your system the next procedure to perform is its configuration in your business. Depending on how you
want your business to be carried out and the business rules you want to implement, the settings to be entered in the GSI System should
correspond to this. Through the provided settings that are given here you may be able to do this in a way that can truly automate the
processes in your business.
Take note that this system is organized in such a way that each individual element of the business is housed in a particular screen
together with their settings and manipulations. That is, all client-related settings and manipulations can only be found at the Clients
screen which goes the same for the Staff, Stocks and the rest. Moreover, there are settings that are somehow generic to some of these
elements which may require certain configurations to be set first before performing any of these. With these in mind, we recommend the
steps shown at the title part of this chapter to be followed in setting the GSI System for your business.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup -6-

GSI System© User Guide

Client Setup Menu

The Client screen hosts the different facilities in setting up and management of clients in the business. In this window you will see such
facilities that allow you to design the way clients are collected and accessed in the system as well as in conducting transactions with
The rationale for having the Client settings to be the first to carry out in the GSI System is that it has the necessary settings that are also
used all throughout the system especially by the Staff menu.
In the following discussions we will be exploring the necessary configurations in establishing the client menu in the GSI System.

Many clients consider the

information they relayed as
strictly confidential. You must
have a good ‘Privacy Policy’
to reassure them that their information is
being handled with utmost care and

Chapter 2: GSI Setup -7-

GSI System© User Guide
Client Types MANDATORY

Clicking the Client Types (Administrator > Clients > Client Types) option opens the screen
where you can set your preferred client types.
In comparison to Client Categories, Client Types are means to classify clients for billing purposes.
This has very important use especially on those establishments that provides medical services.
The fees for each treatment are linked to the client type. Therefore if you have more than one
client type in this screen you will have to enter a fee for each client type for a particular treatment.

It is very important that you

click the Save button (if
available) everytime you
perform settings in the GSI
System. Otherwise, you’ll lose those inputs
you’ve just made and wasted precious time
and effort.

Take very urgent note on the

use and purpose of Client
Types. These are being used
by the system in applying fees
or charges to services.
As a suggestion ”DON’T DECLARE TOO
MANY CLIENT TYPES“ in the system that
are not really that useful to you. Otherwise, it
might complicate things in billing. A handful
of these might be enough.

To populate this screen with your preferred client types:

1. Just click on the blank line provided after the Description label. As soon as the cursor shows,
type-in the client type then press Enter for the next entry.
2. When all the necessary entries for the client types are done, click the Save button to store this
information in your system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup -8-

GSI System© User Guide
Referral Sources OPTIONAL

The Referral Sources facility is being used to supply the system with the different media to indicate
how the clients got to know the company’s business. The frequency of accesses to each of these
referral sources were then being used in Marketing.

Enter your referral sources here by:

1. Clicking on the blank line after the Description label. Then enter your anticipated referral
sources line per line, pressing Enter key for each.
2. When all of the needed referral sources are entered click the Save button.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup -9-

GSI System© User Guide
Corporate Clients OPTIONAL

The next in this series of settings is the entry of your Corporate Clients or companies that do
business with you. This will allow you to link the clients to the corporations that they work for and
you will be able to run reports reflecting their use of your business.

It is very important that you

click the Save button (if
available) everytime you
perform settings in the GSI
System. Otherwise, you’ll lose those inputs
you’ve just made and wasted precious time
and effort.

To key in your corporate clients follow these steps:

1. Open the Corporate Clients screen by clicking Administrator > Clients > Corporate Clients.
(See screenshot below)
2. To add a new corporate client, click the New button. This will show a new screen naming
Corporate Client Detail on which you will provide the details for this corporate client. Just
click OK when done.
3. Click the Close button on the Corporate Client Detail screen to exit from this screen.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 10 -

GSI System© User Guide
Categories OPTIONAL

Client Categories define the types of clients in your business. In contrast to client types, however,
these are mainly used for marketing purposes.

In creating client categories in your system do the following:

1. Click Administrator > Clients > Categories to open the Setup Client Category screen.
2. Then click on the line just below the Description label to start your entries. As you key-in
client categories, remember to press the Enter key after each line.
3. When all the necessary client categories are entered, click the Save button.
Refer to the screenshot above on how this can be done in the system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 11 -

GSI System© User Guide
Occupations OPTIONAL

Occupations are system recognized jobs that clients may engaged in. This is mainly used for
marketing and reporting purposes as well as a way to identify a client in the system.

It is very important that you

click the Save button (if
available) everytime you
perform settings in the GSI
System. Otherwise, you’ll lose those inputs
you’ve just made and wasted precious time
and effort.

To populate the system with the list of possible employment titles or jobs your customers are into,
go to the Setup Occupations screen.
1. This is brought out by clicking Administrator > Clients > Occupations from the menu.
2. In effect, this will show the Setup Occupations screen. Enter the necessary occupations here
line by line while pressing the Enter key for each.
3. When you’re done with your entries, click the Save button.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 12 -

GSI System© User Guide
Contra Indication OPTIONAL

Contraindications are medical conditions which are usually attributable to health problems. Once
entered these are then linked to a client and also to the treatment that may cause a problem.
If available in the system, these can be used to provide warnings while booking for those people
availing certain services that have any of the listed health problems.

To enter the health conditions you want the system to recognize use as contraindications perform
the following:
1. These are entered in the Setup Contraindication screen. To go there click Administrator >
Clients > Contra Indication.
2. On the screen that will show start by clicking the line just below the Name label. Then type
the necessary contraindications that you need to highlight in your business. Remember to
click the Enter key everytime you need to start another entry in this screen.
3. Then click Save to store your entries and close this screen.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 13 -

GSI System© User Guide
Title Types OPTIONAL

Title Types are addresses used in communicating to clients (such as Mr., Miss, Ms., or Mrs.)
especially via letters, emails
In some countries it’s customary to address people with their title. These addresses or title types
are entered in the Title Types screen. They will be used in communicating with the clients by way
of letters, emails and SMS.

It is very important that you

click the Save button (if
available) everytime you
perform settings in the GSI
System. Otherwise, you’ll lose those inputs
you’ve just made and wasted precious time
and effort.

To populate the system with the title addresses to use follow these steps:
1. To go there click Administrator > Clients > Title Types from the menus.
2. In this screen, click the line below the Description label to start your entries. Press Enter key
after every line to allow another title type input.
3. As soon as the necessary title types are entered, click the Save button.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 14 -

GSI System© User Guide

Another list that must be entered in your system is the list of states where your clients live. This is
what the State setup facility is for.

In entering the recognized states in this system do the following:

1. Open the States screen by clicking Administrator > Clients > States options from the menu.
2. In the States screen, click the line below the Description label, then enter the states you want
to include pressing the Enter key after each entry.
3. When all entries are provided click the Save button.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 15 -

GSI System© User Guide

Phone Types are classifications for the contact phone numbers based on their nature of use or
(SMS or Voice Call).

To enter the phone types that you want to be listed in the system perform the following:
1. Start by clicking Administrator > Clients > Phone Types options from the menu.
2. Click on the line below the Description label and key-in your preferred phone types per line.
3. When all the necessary phone types are entered, click Save to enter these into the system
and close the screen.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 16 -

GSI System© User Guide
Client Forms OPTIONAL

In most common applications for this, however, these are used to create forms as required by the
user for purposes of recording this information in the clients file (such as Electronic Medical Record
for Medical businesses).
There is no limit to how many of these can be created in the system or the number of fields in them.
These can also be printed out in a formatted output to give to the clients or for their signature.
These can also be set with strict privacy rules to lock this information up after so many days (Lock
Days field) and also for the creator to set which staff can access or update this information (Setup
Client Forms Staff screen).

It is very important that you

click the Save button (if
available) everytime you
perform settings in the GSI
System. Otherwise, you’ll lose those inputs
you’ve just made and wasted precious time
and effort.

In the Setup Client Forms

screen, if you want to
restrict the users of this
form to a certain staff only,
just tick the checkbox
adjacent to it. Then click the Staff button to
define the staffs that are authorized to use
this client form.
You may also need to indicate the access
limitation of this staff to the client form by
checking the adjacent Read Only checkbox
in the Setup Client Forms Staff screen.
Be sure to save before leaving this screen.

GSI provides a facility that allows you to create any number of client forms you may need in your In the previous versions of
the GSI System, the Lock
business and this is done at the Setup Client Forms screen. In doing so perform the following. Days field is being used to
1. To go there click Administrator > Clients > Client Forms from the menu. Just below the indicate the number of days
upon which the client form
labels (Name, Lock Days, Restricted) specify the initial details of the client form to create. will be displayed.
2. After creating the form click the Detail button to enter the necessary parameters for this.
3. On the screen that will open, click the New button. Provide the appropriate details of the field to
define. Do this repeatedly to achieve the necessary number of fields that you need for this
form. Click OK when done.
4. Perform these steps repeatedly for every succeeding client forms to create.
5. With the required forms already created, allocate the staffs to access each of these client forms
by clicking the Staff button.
6. In the screen that will open, select the staffs to allow access on the currently highlighted client
form. To indicate a read-only access for the staff tick its adjacent Read-Only checkbox.
7. Having done the necessary settings on the Setup Client Forms Staff screen, click Save.
8. This action brings you back to the Setup Client Forms screen. Click the Save button to update
these changes in your system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 17 -

GSI System© User Guide
Simple Client Forms OPTIONAL

Simple forms are only made up of a single text field. This is so since most users prefer texts on
this that will work as some sort of a notepad to record information about the client’s visit. This
commonly shows after billing if set as such in systems settings.

It is very important that you

click the Save button (if
available) everytime you
perform settings in the GSI
System. Otherwise, you’ll lose those inputs
you’ve just made and wasted precious time
and effort.

Simple client forms are created in the Simple Client Form screen as discussed in the following
1. To do this click Administrator > Clients > Simple Client Forms from the menus.
2. On the screen that will show, click the New button. This brings out the screen where we
define the field to use as a simple form.
3. Provide the name and description of this new simple client form then click the OK button.
4. Do these repeatedly until the desired number of client forms are met then click Close to exit
Setup Client Form Fields screen.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 18 -

GSI System© User Guide
Countries OPTIONAL

This facility shows the list of Countries to be used in the address for the clients.

It is very important that you

click the Save button (if
available) everytime you
perform settings in the GSI
System. Otherwise, you’ll lose those inputs
you’ve just made and wasted precious time
and effort.

To enter the list of countries that you want the system to recognize perform the following:
1. Click Administrator > Clients > Countries options to go to the Countries screen.
2. Click on the line below the Description label and key-in the list of countries you want to be
included in the system line by line. When all entries are done, click Save.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 19 -

GSI System© User Guide

Age Group is a classification scheme to identify clients based on their age. Businesses may
require age groups settings for statistical purposes.

To enter the various age groups that your system can recognize provide this in the Age Groups
1. To do this, click Administrator > Clients > Age Groups options from the menu.
2. This will then show the Age Group screen. Click on the line below the Description label and
enter the age group ranges line per line.
3. Having done this, click Save.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 20 -

GSI System© User Guide
Nationality OPTIONAL

Clicking the Nationality option opens a screen where the list of nationalities to recognize in the
system is entered.

To populate this list perform the following:

1. Click Administrator > Clients > Nationality options to go to the Nationalities screen (see
screenshot above)
2. Click on the line below the Description label and key-in the list of nationalities you want to be
included in the system line by line.
3. When all entries are done, click Save.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 21 -

GSI System© User Guide

Another setting that can also be performed in the system is the definition of Suburbs or postal
areas by which a certain locality is found. This is being used in countries such as Australia, United
States and Canada.

In setting this into the system follow these steps:

1. This facility is by default not being shown in the system. To enable this go to the System
Settings screen by clicking Administrator > System Settings from the menu.
2. As the System Settings screen shows, click Branch Settings then Client on the menu.
3. In the section that will be displayed, tick the “Postcode lookup for Australia” checkbox.
Then click Save to accept this setting and close this screen.
4. Going back to the main screen, start defining the suburbs in the system by clicking
Administrator > Clients > Suburbs from the menu.
5. This opens the Suburbs screen where we enter the details for the postal areas that will be
recognized in the system. Provide the details (Suburbs, State, and Post Code) for each
suburb to define in the system.
6. Click the Save button to enter these updates into the system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 22 -

GSI System© User Guide
Multi-Purpose Tag OPTIONAL

In the GSI System, multi-purpose tags are used to link a client to multiple lists for marketing

To create this in your system, perform the following:

1. Go to the Multi-Purpose Tag screen by clicking Administrator > Clients > Multi-purpose Tag
from the menus.
2. In the Multi-Purpose Tag screen click the line below the Description label and enter the multi-
purpose tags you want to create in the system line by line then click Save.
3. With the multi-purpose tag already existing, provide the necessary details for this by first
highlighting it (i.e. Snacks) and clicking the Details button.
4. In the screen that will open, enter the list of items for this tag. Upon filling this, click the Save
button to enter these changes in the system.
5. Going back from the previous screen, click Save. To exit from this screen click Close.
Further details on the use of this setting will be discussed on the next chapter.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 23 -

GSI System© User Guide
Document Management
With all the reports that have already been made available in this system in implementing one’s
business the need for additional documents is endless in order to established a client’s profile or
treatment history. Aside from this, businesses may also require some sort of a way to store
important documents as they were received from the clients. To such need, we developed in this
system a means to store these.
In the following discussions we will be dealing with the establishment of this system’s facility in
storing external documentations such as scanned images and/or Excel and Word documents
followed by its use in one’s business.

Setting Up The System’s Document Management Facility

The first step in setting up GSI’s capability to store external documents is the configuration of its
file system.

To demonstrate how this is carried out, perform the following:

1. Create a new folder upon which the documents to enter into the system will go. For this
example we’re going to name the document’s folder to be “GumnutDocs”.
2. Having done this, share this folder in the network by right clicking on it and selecting the
Sharing and Security option in the menu that will appear.
3. This brings up the Properties window of the folder with the Shared section on display. Tick
the Share this folder on the network option. You may also indicate the preferred shared
name for this by keying this in to its corresponding textbox.
4. Click the OK button to enter this new setting.
This now enables the system’s documents folder to be available in the network. This is so to be
also accessible to everyone using the system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 24 -

GSI System© User Guide
Following this, map a network drive for this folder to be readily accessible in the system when

In doing so, perform the following:

5. Highlight the documents folder once again. This time go to the Tools option in the menu bar
then click the Map Network Drive option.
6. In the dialogue window that will open indicate the Drive to assign to GSI’s documents folder.
7. Then in the Folder textbox, indicate the path for the system documents folder. To determine
this, run an IPCONFIG command in the Windows command interface.
To open this, go to Start then click Run then enter in the input box that will appear the CMD
command. This command brings up the command line interface of Windows.
Key in the IPCONFIG command in the prompt then click Enter.
This will show the active configuration of the default computer’s IP settings. Take note of the
details displayed in the IP Address settings.
Enter this IP Address together with the documents folder name in the provided Folder
textbox in the Map Network Drive window. (e.g.\GumnutDocs)
With this setting, you have created the folder where the external documents of the clients will go.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 25 -

GSI System© User Guide
With the file system all laid down, you could now set the document management settings of GSI.

8. Opening the GSI program, click Administrator > System Settings from the window to open
the System Settings screen.
9. Then go to Branch Settings then click Client. This opens the Client settings screen of GSI.
10. Going further below you will notice the Document Management setting. Click in this the
Select button to show the Browse Folder screen.
11. Select in this the documents folder previously created then click the OK button. You will then
notice that this will be shown differently as a drive as it has been mapped previously.
12. Click on the OK button to enter this new setting into the system.
With this setting, you have now established the repository directory of documents to enter into the

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 26 -

GSI System© User Guide
Accessing The Document Management Facility

GSI’s document management facility is available in the Client Details screen of a certain client.

1. To access this, go to the Clients screen (by clicking Administrator > Clients from the menu)
then click Select Client.
2. In the screen that will open select a client then click the Client Detail button.

3. In the Client Detail screen, click from the menu of buttons on the right the Documents button.
This opens the Client Documents screen wherein client documents are managed.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 27 -

GSI System© User Guide
Managing Client’s Documents

The GSI System’s document management feature allows documents to be stored and accessed
on a certain client’s account. With this system’s ability to access the available softwares upon
which a certain file is accessible, it is very much capable of handling any type of file formats
including Microsoft Word, Excel, Adobe Acrobat PDF documents and image files such as JPEG,
GIF, BMP etc.
The following topics show how documents are managed in this system.

To save a new document in the GSI System for a selected client follow these steps:
1. In the Client Documents screen click on the New button.
2. This action brings up the Add Client Document screen. Click the provided Select button to
indicate the file to add in the system.
3. In the Open dialogue screen that will show, go to the directory of the document file to enter
then click the Open button.
4. Going back on the Add Client Document screen, click Save to start the entry of the file.
5. Do these steps repeatedly until the necessary documents to enter for this client have already
been entered. Click Close to exit from this window.

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GSI System© User Guide
Client documents play very important role in providing a complete profile of the client. To such
extent that these are constantly being accessed for review and updates.

Here are some of the actions being taken with regards to these files:
1. To open a document for viewing and/or updates highlight a document to open then click on
the Open button.
2. To assign or determine staff(s) that is responsible for entering the file, highlight the file then
click on the Staff button.
3. To check accesses on a particular file or document, highlight the file then click on the Audit
Log button.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 29 -

GSI System© User Guide
Appointment Book Setup Menu
The configurations that are entered here determine the functionality of the appointment book. The Appointment Book screen is opened
by clicking Administration > Appointment Book from the menus.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 30 -

GSI System© User Guide
Cancellation Reasons MANDATORY

Another important setting that must be setup is the entry of possible reasons for cancelling a
booking when being asked for.
In order for the set charges to
work for every cancellation
reasons selected in the
appointment book the Enable
Cancellation Option in the system settings
screen should be enabled.
This is done by clicking Administrator >
System Settings > Branch Settings >
Appointment Book. In the screen that will
show tick the Enable Cancellation Option
checkbox. Be sure to click the Save button
to enter this change into the system.

Here’s how this setting is done:

1. In the Appointment Book screen click the Cancellation Reasons option.
2. This opens the screen below. Enter into this the reasons that can be raised by a client in
cancelling a particular scheduled booking under the Description column. You may even
specify the necessary charge for such by setting the percentage of the fee to be fined in the
Cancel Charge column.
3. When all of these information are entered, click the Save button.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 31 -

GSI System© User Guide
Appointment Notes MANDATORY

Appointment Notes are attention notes that are normally used in the booking screen.

In entering appointment notes into the system perform the following:

1. Click the Appointment Notes option to open the Appointment Notes screen.
2. After this, just enter the list of appointment notes you want to create in your system.
3. Click Save to update these changes in your system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 32 -

GSI System© User Guide
Comment Notes MANDATORY

When a certain staff, room, or facility is not available for a period of time, comment notes are used
in the appointment book to indicate the reason why. By entering this into the system, you have
provided the necessary pick list in the Appointment Book to use.

To create this list in the system perform the following:

1. Click the Comment Notes option in the Appointment Book screen to open the screen below.
2. Enter the anticipated reasons for the staff’s unavailability under the Description column
together with the time it would take under the Duration column.
3. You may also customize the color appearance of this reason in the appointment book. To do
so just highlight the comment note to set with a color then click the Font Color button. In the
color dialogue screen that will show click the color to use for this comment note as its text
color then click Save.
To set the comment note background color click the Background Color button then click in
the color dialogue screen that will appear the color to use as its background.
4. When all of these settings are entered, click the Save button to enter these into the system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 33 -

GSI System© User Guide
Specialities MANDATORY

Specialities are set of skills that each service provider has. A certain staff may have one or more
expertise in carrying out his/her service in the business. In addition to this, a certain speciality
must be conducted to a particular room in the business establishment with the right equipment on

A facility as we define it in
our system is a type of
service that doesn’t require
the service of a certain staff
but rather just the use of a
room or equipment (like body building,
swimming, sauna bath, etc.)

In setting the different specialities that a certain business provides

1. In the Appointment Book screen, click on the Specialities option.
2. This brings up the Specialities screen with the following buttons and fields:
 Specialities text field
 Staff button
 Rooms button
 Equipment button
 Is Facility checkbox
3. Type in the name of the speciality in the Specialities column.
4. Then click the Staff button to open the screen where the staff (or staffs) capable of performing
this task will be entered. Click OK when all the necessary staffs for this speciality are
5. After this, click the Rooms button. This will show the screen where the appropriate rooms for
the speciality are allocated. Just click OK when done with this setting.
6. Next, click the Equipment button. In the screen that will be displayed, specify the equipments
that are necessary in conducting the speciality. Having done this click OK.
7. Indicate whether the speciality is a facility by ticking the Is Facility checkbox.
8. When this is over, click the Save button to make this update in your system.
Refer to the screenshot above on how to do this.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 34 -

GSI System© User Guide
Equipment OPTIONAL

Equipments are devices needed in performing a certain service in the business. In accessing the
Equipment screen found in the Appointment Book screen, allows the admin user to specify the
different available equipments in the business.

The Equipment setting is only

mandatory if the business is set
on using a 3-Dimensional
appointment booking system – a
booking system that considers not only the
staff for scheduling but also rooms/facilities
and equipments.

In entering the list of equipments being used in the business into the system perform the following:
1. In the Appointment Book window open the Equipment screen by clicking the Equipment
option from the menu.
2. In the screen that will show, enter the list of equipments that you have in the business.
3. After entering the necessary equipments to use in the business click Save.
Please refer to the screenshot above for further details.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 35 -

GSI System© User Guide
Rooms And Facilities

With the declaration of Room Types, you may now set the rooms to be used in your establishment.
The rooms will be used in booking an appointment for a client by automatically allocating the room
according to the specialties setup. The system can distinguish between a single room to a couple’s
room and rooms that can accommodate more than 2 people.

To set the available rooms and facilities of the business establishment in this system perform these
1. Start by clicking the Rooms and Facilities option in the Appointment Book screen.
2. As this screen opens, enter the individual rooms that make up your establishment and the
conditions and schedules for each. See the table below for details of each field in this screen.
3. Click Save when the necessary details for this are entered here.
Please refer to the screenshot above on how to do this.

Rooms And Facilities Screen Fields

Columns Description
Priority This determines the sequence of the specified rooms in the list.
Description Indicate here the name of the rooms in your business premises.
Size Enter here the maximum number of people that can fit in the room.
Group Only Ticking this determines that it can only be used by a group of people.
Short Code Enter into this your assigned short code for the room.
Is Facility Ticking this checkbox determines that the room is a facility.
Gender Select here the required occupants for the room (Male/Female/All).
Room Type Select on this the classification of the room being set.
Active Unticking this checkbox renders the room/facility unavailable.
Monday From, …, Sunday From Enter here the start time for the room’s availability for a particular day.
Monday To, …, Sunday To Enter here the end time for the room’s availability for a particular day.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 36 -

GSI System© User Guide

Clicking the Room Types option (clicking Administrator > Appointment Book > Rooms &
Facilities) opens the Setup Room Types screen wherein the groups to classify the available
rooms in the business are specified.

If set and linked to rooms, this will allow you to run statistics for the room usage.
1. In the Appointment Book screen click the Room Types option.
2. This opens the Setup Room Types screen. In this, key in the classification of the different
rooms in your building.
3. When this is through click Save. (See screenshot above for details)

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 37 -

GSI System© User Guide
Staff Setup Menu
The Staff screen houses the different facilities in setting up and management of the company staff. The Staff screen is accessible by
clicking Administrator > Staff options from the menu. At this point of our discussion we will be dealing with the necessary settings that
must be performed in building the Staff information.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 38 -

GSI System© User Guide
Departments OPTIONAL

Departments in this system used to define service orientation. This is commonly used to determine
sections of the business where a certain staff belongs. More to be particular, it will be used as a
filtering criteria in displaying services in the Appointment Book that only belongs to that selected

To show the department filter

tabs in the Appointment Book
screen, the “Use Tabs In
Appointment Book” checkbox
should be enabled.
In doing this just open the System Settings
screen (click Administrator > System
Settings from the menu) then go to the
Appointment Book screen (click Branch
Settings > Appointment Book). In this, tick
the “Use Tabs In Appointment Book”. Click
Save afterwards.
See screenshot on this page on how this is

The Departments facility is where the departments to use in the business are entered. In entering
the departments to use in the system perform the following
1. Click Administrator > Staff > Departments options from the menus.
2. As the Setup Departments screen shows, enter the needed departments to define in the
3. If you want to use this department as a filtering tab in the Appointment Book Tick the Show
checkbox. Make sure that the system setting “Use Tabs In The Appointment Book” feature
is enabled. (Read the alert note on this page for further details on how to enable this feature.)
4. When this is done, click Save to enter these updates into the system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 39 -

GSI System© User Guide
This is how the Department tabs should look (see screenshot below) in the Appointment Book
once enabled in the GSI System.

For this example, where the Salon department is clicked, noticed that only Salon related bookings
are shown.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 40 -

GSI System© User Guide

This facility is where the names of supported Health Funds of the business are entered. When
these are already available in the system, these are then linked to the clients and staff for the
purpose of printing provider numbers in receipts and also for payment structures.

In setting this into your system perform the following:

1. Open to the Setup Funds screen by clicking Administrator > Staff > Funds options from the
menus. Please refer to the screenshot above.
2. In this screen enter the list of health funds to allow in the system then click Save.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 41 -

GSI System© User Guide

With the necessary funds to recognize in the system already declared, you may now link clients for
this. Here’s how to do this in the system:
3. Go to the Clients screen by clicking Administrator > Clients. Then click the Select Client
option under the Management column.
4. This will show the Select Client screen. Press the Enter key or its corresponding icon to show
all the clients in the system. Then highlight the client to link to a certain fund then click the
Client Detail button.
5. The Client Detail screen will then open. In this screen, indicate in the Fund pick list the fund
to associate to this client.
6. Click Save when done.
Check out the screenshot on the next page for further details on how to perform this.
By doing this, you have now associated the client to a particular fund allowing him/her to use it in
paying for the availed treatments.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 42 -

GSI System© User Guide
Roster Reasons OPTIONAL

Whenever a certain staff is unavailable, the items entered in the Roster Reasons screen indicate
the reason for this.

To provide this in your system follow these steps:

1. Go to the Roster Reasons screen by clicking Administrator > Staff > Roster Reasons
options from the menus. (Please refer to the screenshot above for details)
2. On the Roster Reasons screen enter the list of possible reasons to indicate why a staff is not
available under the Description label. When all the necessary entries are made click Save.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 43 -

GSI System© User Guide
Commission Formulae & Commission By Type OPTIONAL

For some companies, they provide some sort of a share or commission to the staffs for each
service they rendered to a client. This is aside from what they receive regularly as a salary.
In the GSI System the setting for the commission computation starts at the Set Formulae screen.
Take note that the formulas given here are not what the staff will receive as a commission. This is
just the basis where the staff’s commission will be computed.

Take note that the basis amount

for the commission rates is set on
the Set Formulae screen (by
clicking Administration > Staff >
Commission Formulae).

1. To open this screen click Administrator > Staff > Commission Formulae options from the
2. Select from the Formula list your preferred commission basis computation. Then click the
Save button to update this in the system.
After this, set the commission of the staff by going to the Staff Commission Level screen. This is
where commission rates are specified for a certain staff based on a certain quota (known as
1. To open this screen click Administrator > Staff > Commissions By Type from the menus.
2. Key-in the commission levels to create under the Commission Level column.
3. Then highlight the commission level to set and click the Setup Details button. This brings up
the details screen for this level.
4. Enter the quota amount to reach in the Amount column and its corresponding percentage
commission in the Percentage column. As you can see here, there are 10 quota ranges
provided for the different commodities of your business.
In addition to this, at the 10th Level a Bonus column is provided. Enter here the bonus
amount to be added to its commission as an incentive for reaching this level (10th).
5. Having done the entries for this commission level, click Save then Close to exit this screen.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 44 -

GSI System© User Guide
Privilege Groups OPTIONAL

Staff privileges are accessibilities in the GSI System that are assigned to a certain personnel who
use it. It is unlikely that anyone should have an access to almost anything in the system (super
user privilege) that is aside from the owner. This can cause many problems in the business’s
operation as well as a security hazard since the customer’s sensitive information has the risk of
going into the wrong hands.
It should be maintained that each personnel has their particular accessibility rights in the system
that is appropriate to the scope of service they provide.
There are two ways of assigning accessibility rights to a certain staff: individually and by group.
Assigning individual access privileges in using the system provides a more accurate usage
limitation to the staff. However, this takes a lot of time and effort in composing, especially if you’re
going to provide individual access rights to a large number of employees. For most businesses,
they prefer to assign staff privileges by groups (i.e. by department, by section, by area, etc.). By
doing this, each staff with the same job assignment and level will be given the same privileges.
Thus, the definition of accessiblity rights will be done once and will just be linked to each staff
qualifying for those.

As a shortcut in identifying
credentials to allow for a certain
staff privilege group, the
buttons Check All and
Uncheck All are provided. Clicking the
Check All button ticks all accessiblity
checkboxes, thereby enabling all on that
credential group. The Uncheck All button
does the same thing in reverse effect.

Having done these settings,

what’s left is the linking of the
Group Privileges defined
here for every staff upon
whom system accessibilities
will be given. This will be discussed further
in the next topic.

The following discussion brings into light how the Privilege Group setting is carried out.
1. Click Administrator > Staff > Privilege Groups from the menu. With this action the Setup
Staff Privilege Group is opened.
2. Under the Name label enter the list of privilege groups you want to define in your system.
Then highlight any of these that you want to set with privileges and click the Privileges button.
3. On the dialogue screen that will open, select the Credential Group and the Accessibilities
that will be allowed for this staff privilege group. When everything is all set click the Save
button to enter these changes into the system.
4. Click Close to exit from this setup.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 45 -

GSI System© User Guide
Staff List Facility
With the necessary data already created for the staff information, we can now enter the details of
each staff that you have in the business.
Clicking the Staff List option (Administrator > Staff > Staff List) opens the Staff List screen
wherein the profile of each personnel (especially the service providers) in the business is entered.
The description of each of the fields given here is shown at the table on the next page.

Take note also of the different accessibilities available here in setting a certain staff’s data which
includes the following as shown on the table below.

Staff List Screen Facilities

New button Opens the Staff Detail screen where a new staff profile is entered.
Edit button Opens the Staff Detail screen to allow updates to be made on the selected staff’s information.
Privileges button Opens the User Privilege Setting screen to assign access privileges on the system to a staff.
Copy Privileges button Opens the Copy User Privileges screen to copy access privileges of a certain staff.
Roster button Opens the Roster screen wherein the availability for service of the staff is set.
Branch button Opens the Branch settings screen upon which the staff is linked to the branches.
Funds button Opens the Funds screen where the health funds supported by the staff are entered.
Budget button Opens the Budget screen where the target quota to reach for the staff is specified.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 46 -

GSI System© User Guide
Aside from this you will also notice the following accessibilities in defining further each staff in this
system as indicated in the following table:

Staff List Fields Description


Sequence This indicates the order by which the staff will be listed in the Staff List screen.

Staff Name This shows the name of the staff.

Privilege Groups This column indicates the privilege group by which a staff is assigned to. This determines
the access privileges given to a certain staff as defined in the system. Privilege groups are
defined in the Setup Staff Privilege Group screen by clicking Administrator > Staff >
Privilege Groups option.

Last Roster Day This column shows the date upon which a last roster has been made. Staff rostering is
done at the Staff Roster screen by clicking the Roster button in the Staff List screen.

Password Expiry Date This column indicates the expiration date of the assigned password of the staff if the PCI
Compliance setting of the system is enabled.
To set the duration of this expiration as well as the activation of the PCI Compliance
Security, configure this in the System Settings screen (clicking System Settings > Branch
Settings > Security on the menu).

Pin Expiry Date This column indicates the expiration date of the assigned pin code of the staff if the PCI
Compliance setting of the system is enabled.
To set the duration of this expiration as well as the activation of the PCI Compliance
Security, configure this in the System Settings screen (clicking System Settings > Branch
Settings > Security on the menu).

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 47 -

GSI System© User Guide
Staff List: New MANDATORY

Clicking the New button generates the Staff Detail screen by which a new staff can then be
entered into the system.

In creating a new staff in this screen follow these steps:

1. Go to the Staff List screen by clicking Administrator > Staff > Staff List option from the
2. When this is up, click the New button to create a new staff into the system.
3. This will show the Staff Detail screen where the information for this staff is entered. Provide
the necessary data for these. Refer to the table below for the description of each field in this
4. When done with these settings click the OK button to save these into the system. Likewise in
the Staff List screen click Save.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 48 -

GSI System© User Guide
The tables below show the details of each fields and buttons in this screen.

Staff Detail Screen (Fields) The Password Admin and

Pin Admin checkboxes
Fields Description works hand in hand with the
PCI Compliance security
Staff ID (textbox) This is a user defined field for entering a staff’s assigned ID number (or code).
settings. Such that when the PCI Compliant
Surname (textbox) Enter here the last name of the staff. setting is enabled, the set password and pin
code expires. At this point you will not be
Given Name (textbox) This is where the first name of the staff is entered. able to use these codes in accessing the
Title (pick list) Indicate in this the title to use for this staff as provided in the list. system. You are then required to change
your previous access credentials for you to
Sex (option button) Select here the gender of this staff. be able to use the system before its
Address (textbox) Enter in this the staff’s residence.
That is why together with the activation of
State (pick list) Enter here the state where this client’s address is located. this security feature certain settings are also
Postal Code (textbox) Indicate in this the staff’s zip code. provided to avoid problems that may arise
due to this.
Email (textbox) Enter here the email address of the staff. The PCI Compliance Security Feature
Phone Book (textbox) This is where you enter the phone numbers of a certain staff. activation and its accompanying settings are
found in the System Settings screen (by
Password Admin (checkbox) When ticked, this alerts the staff that the password being used is about to expire. clicking Administrator > System Settings
> Branch Settings > Security from the
Pin Admin (checkbox) When ticked, this alerts the staff that the pin code being used is about to expire.
Work Cover No. (textbox) Enter here this staff’s professional license code. The PCI Compliance feature is activated by
APA Registration No. (textbox) Enter here the Australian Physiotherapy Association accreditation number of this staff. ticking the “Run As PCI Compliant”
Login Name (textbox) Provide in this the login name of this staff in accessing the GSI system. Refer to the topic “Enabling The System
Language (pick list) Indicate here the language being used by this staff. For PCI Compliance Security” on the next
page for further details on these settings.
Room Selection (pick list) Enter here the assigned room for this staff.
Department (pick list) Indicate in this the department upon which this staff belongs.
Not Working (checkbox) Check this to remove this staff from the list of available staff.
Seniority Level (pick list) Consist of 10 levels with 10 as the highest; indicate here the staff’s expertise level.
Hourly Rate (textbox) Enter here the per hour pay for this staff.
Weekend (textbox) Enter here the weekend pay for this staff (usually higher than the regular rate)
Max Working (textbox) Enter in this the maximum allocated number of minutes for working of this staff.
Commissions By Type (pick list) Indicate here the Commission type to use for this staff.
Group Commissions (pick list) Indicate in this the Commission Group to use for this staff.
Group Comm By Visits (pick list) Indicate here the Commission Group By Visits to use for this staff.
Bonus (textbox) A fixed amount value to be added on commission in billing.
Show In App Book (checkbox) Tick this if you want to make this staff available in the Appointment Book.
Billing Name (pick list) Indicate here the Name to use for billing.
Privilege Group (pick list) Indicate in this the Privilege Group to assign for this staff.

Unless the system setting

Staff Detail Screen (Buttons) Run As PCI Compliant
Buttons Description feature is enabled, the
password will be system
Reset Password (button) Clicking this removes the currently assigned password for this staff enabling login generated and will prompt
without the requirement of a password. Use this to assign a new password for this staff. user to change it on the first login.
Reset PIN (button) Performs a refresh of the staff’s Pin ID to assign a new one. This is commonly used
for new staff entry to determine his/her assigned Pin ID.
Unlock Acct (button) Available only for staff with Super User privilege (esp. Gumnut User and
Branch Admin). This enables the user’s account from being locked.
Email (button) Activates the email service via available outlook for sending email messages to this
SMS (button) Activates the text messaging interface for sending SMS messages to this staff.
Call (button) Activates the phone service for sending calls to this staff
OK (button) Clicking this button accepts the provided details for this staff and thereby saving
Cancel (button) This will ignore the settings being entered here when clicked.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 49 -

GSI System© User Guide
Enabling The System For PCI Compliance Security
As an added feature of this system, it comes with a PCI compliant security in all its processes that
guarantees safety and privacy on its transaction. Some of the PCI Compliance requirements that
are adopted into this system include the following:
 Alphanumeric entries for access codes
 Periodic cycling of access credentials (i.e. Passwords and PIN Codes)
 Limiting the number of password entry retries and locking out the system when exceeded.
 Deactivating an inactive user account.
Such were the embedded characteristics of this system in regard to its security.

To enable the PCI Compliant security features, perform the following:

1. Open the System Settings screen by clicking Administrator > System Settings.
2. In this screen, click the Branch Settings tab to display the different facilities available in this
section. Click from this the Security option.
3. In the Security screen that will appear, tick the Run As PCI Compliance checkbox. This will
then activate the PCI compliant security feature of the GSI program.
4. Upon enabling this feature, you can then perform the necessary configuration on how this
access security will work in the system. This includes the periodic cycling of access
credentials (passwords and pin codes).
This is enabled by ticking the “Change Passwords At Least Every n Days...” and “Change
Pin Numbers At Least Every n Days...” checkboxes. You could also indicate in this the
number of days (n) upon which the passwords and pin numbers will expire from the time it
was entered as well as the number of days upon which the staff will be notified before the
expiration date.
Once set, a corresponding setup in the staff detail should be made for this feature to work. Access
credentials expiration notification only works for those staff who are given with this privilege. By
ticking the Password Admin and Pin Admin checkbox in the staff’s Client Detail screen it will
then alert the staff that his/her password is about to expire. Here is a sample notification that will
be shown. (See screenshot on the previous page for further details.)

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 50 -

GSI System© User Guide
Staff List: Privileges MANDATORY

With the staff already created in the system, you can now provide the appropriate access
privileges for this. It is important that each staff must have their own assigned accessibility to the
system in order to limit its use to those facilities that are only needed to accomplish their job.
You should take note, however, that this specification only works when no Group Privileges are
given to the staff.

Aside from the User

Privileges Setting given here,
Group Privileges are also
provided to assign access
rights to a certain group of
This facility allows you to assign system
privileges much easily since these have
already been preset. Instead of performing
this setting individually for every staff that
you enter, you’ll just have to define a
privilege group with access rights that are
generic for those staffs with the same
credentials in the company.

See the previous discussion entitled

“Creating Staff Privilege Group” for further

Another way of assigning access rights to

the staff is through the Copy Privileges
facility which is also included in the Staff List
screen. This allows you to assign exact
privileges as given on a certain staff to
another one.

1. To do this, enter the appropriate privileges for the staff by first highlighting it and clicking the
Privileges button.
2. In the dialogue screen that will appear, specify the access details for this staff by selecting the
suitable Credential Groups and Accesibility Details to enable for the currently chosen staff.
3. Click Save when the necessary settings for these are entered. Likewise in the Staff List
screen click the Save button to enter this into the system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 51 -

GSI System© User Guide
Staff List: Reset Password / Reset PIN OPTIONAL

After installation, the only allowable access to the system is through the Gumnut user. Provided
with a user name (“gumnut”) and a password (given upon request) you are then able to use the
system and perform the necessary settings in it until you have created a new staff with its own
login details.
On the following discussions we are going to demonstrate how a login credential is made for a
certain staff. It is important, however, that before performing this setup a staff has already been
created in the system.

1. Open the Staff List screen by clicking Administrator > Staff > Staff List.
2. Upon the display of this screen, select from the list the staff to whom we will assign login
credentials then click the Edit button.
3. In the Staff Detail screen enter the Login Name to assign for this staff. Then click the Reset
Password button and click Yes on the confirmation dialogue screen that will be shown. This
empties the password handler. This is required especially for new staffs that have no login
credentials yet, to avoid unpredictable access denials.

We strongly advice that you

keep well the login credentials
set for you in the system to
avoid problems in accessing it.

In this system Pin ID is auto-

generated as soon as the staff
is created.
The main reason for using this
button is not just to remove the previous one
but primarily to determine the Pin ID
assigned to the staff as this is required in
accessing certain information in the system.
Take note of your PIN Number.

4. Going back on the Staff Detail screen, click the Reset PIN button. Click Yes on the
confirmation dialogue that will show. This will show the message box below with the detail for
the new PIN Number. TAKE NOTE OF THIS, and then click OK to continue.
5. As we exit from this setup, click OK on the Staff Detail screen. Then on the Staff List screen
click Save.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 52 -

GSI System© User Guide
We strongly advice that you
take note of your assigned
password and pin number.
Since these access credentials
are required from time to time in the system.

To assign a new password for the staff we are setting, follow these steps:
6. Login to the staff being set. Since we have recently reset the password for this staff (step 3)
just leave the Password field empty and fill in his/her User Name.
7. On this staff’s interface click Administrator > Staff > Change Password.
8. Enter this staff’s password, leaving the Old Password field empty. Click OK to enter these
With this setting, you have now established the following login credentials for this staff:
 User Name
 Password
 PIN Number

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 53 -

GSI System© User Guide
Staff List: Roster MANDATORY

For a staff to be accessible for service booking in the GSI System these had to be rostered first. In
its actual definition, a roster is a list of employees that are assigned for certain functions in a day.
This is simply put as scheduling a staff.

Another way of entering a

roster for a certain staff is by
clicking the “GENERATE A
in the client’s Roster screen.
However, this facility can only be used if the
last rostered day falls on the current date.
Otherwise, the new roster week will become
irrelevant as it falls in the days that already
passed upon which no booking can be
Copying a roster from a certain staff is
another way of assigning roster. This is
implemented by indicating in the ROSTER
COPY FACILITY area of the client’s Roster
screen the Start Date by which rostering
begins, the Staff Name to whom the roster
to assign will be copied from, and the
number of roster weeks to generate.
Refer to the screenshot on the left for further

The following procedures show how a staff is assigned a schedule in this system.
1. Open the Staff List screen by clicking Administrator > Staff > Staff List on the menu.
2. In this screen highlight the staff to give a schedule, then click the Roster button below.
3. This will open the Roster dialogue screen for this staff. Select the Roster Type to assign for
this staff and indicate from the interactive calendar the month and year (by clicking the Next
and Previous buttons) upon which this rostering should take effect. Clicking the roster date
will automatically open the roster setting screen for this staff.
Take note, however, that rostering always starts on Monday of that week you have selected
in the calendar. Using the example below, if you select from the calendar September 2, 2010
(Thursday), it will not just give you the date slot for that day but rather it will also show the
date slot of August 30, 31 and September 1 (Monday and Tuesday) up to the end of this
week which is Sunday.
4. This then opens the Roster screen of the staff where you set his/her schedule in a week.
Enter the necessary schedule details for this staff.
For those day slots that you will vacate indicate the Reason for this. These reasons are
entered in the Roster Reasons screen by clicking Administrator > Staff > Roster Reasons
from the menu.
5. Then indicate up to how many weeks this schedule for the staff will take effect. By default
this is set to just 1 week. However, you could set this to last for about 52 weeks max.
6. Having done the necessary entries for this staff’s schedule, click the Save button. In the Staff
List screen click Save to update these changes in your system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 54 -

GSI System© User Guide
Setting Up Branches
Branches, as we define in GSI system, are sections of the business depending on the services it
provides. The need for the declaration of branches in the system is justifiable if the business is
large enough to be subdivided into sections. This is commonly applicable to large businesses, and
companies that own different businesses.

Branch administrators are

automatically provided with
super user privileges only for
that branch where they are
specified. Take note that
when logging in branch admins, these are
automatically linked to their respective

If you try logging in to the

system using this branch
admin’s details, you will
notice that aside from being
able to access the system
this also automatically opens the branch
from which the admin is defined.

To create new branches in the system, perform the following:

1. Open the Manage Branches screen by clicking Administrator > System Settings > Global
Settings > Manage Branches.
2. In the Manage Branches screen click the New button to define a new branch. Specify the
Name you want to assign for this new branch. After this, click Save.
3. A dialogue will be shown prompting you to provide the login details (Username and
Password) for the branch admin. Enter the necessary details for this then click Save.
4. Provide further details for this branch by highlighting the branch to configure and clicking the
Details button in the Manage Branches section. In the screen that will open provide the
configuration for this new branch. Just click the Save button when through with this setting.
5. When all the necessary data for this branch admin are provided, click Save to enter the
changes made. Do this repetitively for every branch you want to create.
To test this newly created branch, try logging in to the system using the User Name and
Password of the Branch Administrator. Do this by going to the Opening Screen and clicking the
Login option under the File menu.
Types Of System Users
The GSI System recognizes 3 major types of users. These are the Gumnut User, the Branch Administrators and the Staffs.
These users vary with each other based on the allowed privileges to them.
The Staff User has the most limitations to the access of the system depending on the applied privileges set forth by either the
Gumnut User or the Branch Admin. However, they have no access privileges when it comes to a different branch other than
that of his/her origin. It takes the action of either the Gumnut User or the Branch Admin to give him the necessary access in
the linked branch.
In contrast to the Staff User the Branch Administrator has automatically a super user privilege only to that branch where
he/she is defined. This means that he/she cannot access other branches aside from his/her origin branch. This user can
provide access privileges to staffs linked into that particular branch.
The Gumnut User, has the overall control of the system. Even with a super user privilege, Branch Admins has limitations
when it comes to accessing certain parts of the GSI system as well as in accessing other branches. With the Gumnut User,
everything in the GSI System is accessible.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 55 -

GSI System© User Guide
In doing this, you will notice that the Property (branch) setting in the Status Area of the GSI
interface, automatically changes from the default branch (First Branch) to the new branch
(FitnessFirst Gym) upon which the entered Branch Administrator (Bruce) is defined into.

With this setup you now have created the branches you need to define in your GSI system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 56 -

GSI System© User Guide
Staff List: Branch OPTIONAL

Previously we have discussed about branches and how by creating these you can set your
business to work on multiple branches. These branches may operate as a different business entity
or a section of the business catering to a different commodity.
But what if you want a staff of your branch to also serve in the other branch of your business, how
would this be possible? This is what this Branch facility in the Staff List screen is for. It allows you
to link a certain staff to other branches as well. This is for this staff to be also recognizable in the
other branches for booking.

To set this up in your system follow these steps:

1. Click Administrator > Staff > Staff List from the menu to bring up the Staff List screen.
2. In this screen select the staff to enable to other branches by clicking the Branch button.
3. This brings up the Select Branch screen of the selected staff. Tick the checkbox of the
branch on which you will link the currently selected staff then click the Save button.
With this setup, the staff will now be available to other branches aside from his/her origin branch.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 57 -

GSI System© User Guide
Staff List: Funds OPTIONAL

In relation to supported funds by certain staff who happens to be its certified provider, for him/her
to make a claim for remuneration for services rendered to a policy holder, he/she must be
identified with that fund company.

For a staff to be identified to his/her supported health funds perform the following:
1. Click Administrator > Staff > Staff List from the menu.
2. In the Staff List screen select the staff to set then click the Funds button.
3. In the screen that will open enter the funds to associate with the currently selected staff.
Supported funds in the system are entered in the Setup Funds screen which is accessible by
clicking Administrator > Staff > Funds from the menu.
4. Click the Save button to enter this into the system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 58 -

GSI System© User Guide
Staff List: Budget OPTIONAL

As a means for the company to boost sales, they usually set sales target in their business.
Through this the management is able to determine the performance of their employees as well as
a way to keep track on the status of the business.

To enable and set sales target for each staff of the business the following should be observed:
1. Open the Staff List screen, and click Administrator > Staff > Staff List from the menu.
2. This shows the Staff List screen. Select from the list the staff to set with a quota then click
the Budget button.
3. In the screen that will appear provide the sales target details for this staff.
4. When done with this setting, click Save.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 59 -

GSI System© User Guide
Stocks Setup Menu
Stocks are items that are offered in the business. In this system, stocks are classified into two types: Retail and Professional. Where
Retail Stocks are items that are being sold while Professional Stocks are items that are used in performing a service. At this part of
our discussion we will be dealing on how stocks are set and being managed in the GSI system.

All stock related settings and manipulations are found in the Stock screen. In this screen, you will
find that the facilities here are grouped into three major categories (just like what we have on
certain screens) as listed below:
 Setup
Accessibilities under this group include facilities for setting up the stocks being used in the
 Management
Under this group, facilities that concerns with the management of stocks (such as stock
control, stock adjustment, and ordering) are available here.
 Reporting
Clicking this group name, you’ll be able to access all Stock related reports that you can
generate in the system.
In this chapter, however, we will be dealing with the setup of the stocks used in the business for it
to be accessible in the system and for easy management.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 60 -

GSI System© User Guide
Stock Groups MANDATORY

Stock Groups organize the stocks being used in the business for its easy management. As a
main classification entity of stocks in the system this must be defined for a stock to be entered.

You can also create sub-

groups by highlighting a
stock group from which you
will define a sub-group then
click the Sub-Group button.

To tag a certain supplier for

wholesale orders only, tick
the Wholesale checkbox in
the New Supplier screen.

Stock Groups are defined in the Stock Group screen. In performing this follow these steps:
1. Click the Stock Groups option in the Stock screen (Administrator > Stock > Stock
Groups). See screenshot below.
2. In the Stock Groups screen enter the list of stock groups to create in the system then click the
Save button.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 61 -

GSI System© User Guide

Suppliers in the GSI System are the means to order stocks in the business. This is one way to fill
your stocks. Suppliers are entered via the Setup Supplier screen.

The definition of Suppliers in

the system is mandatory for
Stock Order Management.
However, you may still fill in
your stock list even without
any suppliers entered.

The following procedures show how suppliers are defined in the system.
1. To go to the Setup Supplier screen, click Administrator > Stock > Suppliers from the
menus. Please refer to the screenshot above.
2. To create a new supplier in the system, click the New button.
3. In the screen that will open, provide the details of the supplier to define in the system then
click Save.
4. Do this repeatedly for all the suppliers you want to enter into the system then click Close.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 62 -

GSI System© User Guide
Manufacturers OPTIONAL

Another classification entity that can be used to organize stocks is the Manufacturer (or brand)
from which stocks are coming from. Most of the time, consumers are guided by their affinity to the
brand in their purchases. It is through the brand by which they assess the quality of the product
they choose.

Aside from defining a stock,

Manufacturers and Suppliers
are used as a filter criteria that
is aside from groups, in
displaying stocks to sell in the
Billing screen.

In the GSI System, brands or manufacturers are entered in the Manufacturers screen. In defining
brands in the system do the following:
1. Open the Manufacturers screen by clicking Administrator > Stock > Manufacturers from
the menus. Check out the screenshot below for details.
2. Populate this screen with the brands you want your system to recognize then click the Save
button to enter these changes into the system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 63 -

GSI System© User Guide

Conducting services in a business usually involves the use of certain substances or materials like
like oils, gels, thinner, makeup, and such. In most cases, this usage doesn’t always necessarily
deplete the whole item but rather in just a portion. By defining stock units in the system, you can
apply the appropriate charges for these based on the actual portion of the stock used.

In specifying the needed stock units to use in the system follow these:
1. Click Administration > Stock > Units from the menus. Please refer to the screenshot
2. This brings up the Unit screen where stock units are entered. Provide the necessary stock
units to use (i.e. ml, ea, pk, et.al.) in the system here line by line then click Save.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 64 -

GSI System© User Guide
Promotions MANDATORY

To effectively sell retail stocks, promos are commonly used to gather prospective buyers. This is
especially applicable for those products that have less prominence in the market for these to
establish a name.
One of these promotion schemes is the Stock Promotion. Stock promotions are supplier based.
It can be created when suppliers declare a promo on the items they are selling. Most businesses
take this advantage to come up with an equivalent promo scheme (Stock Promotion) to encourage
consumer purchase.
This facility is also available in the GSI System. Through this you can create promotion schemes to
effectively market your retail stocks.

Take very important note that

for the Stock Promotion to be
created it must be mapped to a
certain Supplier.

The user can avail or pick only

one freebie as a promo
giveaway, which can be a free
service, stock, or gift voucher,
or a discount..

In defining this into your system follow these steps:

1. Open the Stock Promotion Setup screen by clicking Administrator > Stock > Promotions
on the menus.
2. In the screen that will open provide the initial details for the new stock promo.
3. To define the promotion scheme to implement for this promo, highlight it and click the Details
4. In the screen that will open indicate under the Amount column the required amount to reach
to obtain the promo’s incentive.
This incentive comes in 5 different types, namely a free Service privilege, a free Stock item,
a Gift Voucher, a percentage % Discount rate, or a fixed $$ Discount amount.
Having selected any one of these freebies, provide the necessary details for it.
5. Click the Save button when done with this setting.
6. Going back to the Stock Promotion screen. Click the Supplier button.
On the screen that will appear, select the suppliers where this stock promo originates then click
Save to enter these changes into the system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 65 -

GSI System© User Guide
Promotion2 MANDATORY

Another promotional scheme that is also available in this system is the Promotion2. This
promotion adopts the regular “buy one take one” scheme upon which the customer is guaranteed
to have freebie once a number of order for a certain product is met. The perk can be a stock,
service, a fixed amount discount or a percentage discount whichever the client prefers when
offered with these.

The Stock Promotion2 setup

doesn’t require supplier to be
created. This is the company’s
prerogative and

The user can avail or pick only

one freebie as a promo
giveaway, which can be a free
service, stock, , or a discount..

To create this type of stock promo in the system do the following:

1. In the Stock screen, click the Promotion2 option (Administrator > Stock > Promotion2).
2. This brings up the Stock Promotion2 Setup screen. Indicate in this the following:
The product to purchase for this promo to avail (Description).
The effectivity date of the stock promo (Start Date and End Date).
The required number of purchased stock to qualify for an incentive (Buy) and the number of
freebies to obtain (Get).
Then indicate the Stock, Service, fixed amount discount ($$ Discount), and the percentage
discount (% Discount) to avail.
3. Having done these settings click the Save button for this stock promotion to be created in the

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 66 -

GSI System© User Guide

Stock item management begins at the creation of items in the system. With its inception,
manipulation for these can then be performed. There are two ways of entering stock items in the
system: (1) by entering these individually in the Stock Setup screen or (2) by importing these via
GSI System’s Import/Export Tool.
Entering Stocks Manually In The Stock Setup Screen
Stocks are normally entered in the system through the Stock Setup screen wherein the items are
entered manually and one at a time. This is especially needful if you are just starting to your
system. Through this you can set every stock items based on their particular uses in the business

To perform this setup just follow these steps:

1. Go to the Stock Setup screen by clicking Administrator > Stock > Lists from the menu.
2. In this screen, click the New button to create and enter a new stock item in the system.
3. Enter the details for this new item on the screen that will open. Keep in mind to identify
whether this item is a Retail or a Professional stock. Click the Save button when this is
done. (Refer to the table below for the details of each of the fields given here)
4. Click Save again in the Stock Setup screen to update this new entry into the system.

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GSI System© User Guide
Stock Setup Fields
Fields Description
Type dropdown list (or Stock Code) Indicate from this list whether the product is for selling (Retail) or
used in performing a service (Professional).
Stock Name textbox Enter in this the assigned name for the product.
Order (no entries allowed) This shows the status of the stock reordering process whether it has been received
already (with a YES tag here) or not.
Retail Price textbox Provide here the price amount for this stock when sold per piece.
Wholesale Price textbox Provide here the price amount for this stock when sold in bulk.
Warning Level textbox The value entered here determines the amount that when reached will automatically
generate an alert informing the staff that the quantity of the stock is running low.
Reorder Level textbox The value entered here determines the time when ordering should be made to
replenish the stocks. This automatic reordering works in such a way that when the
value provided in this field has been exceeded (lower than the assigned Reorder
Level value as this tend to decrease over time), this stock will then show on the
Stock Reorder screen where ordering is performed.
Stock Count textbox This indicates the currently available quantity of stocks.
Size textbox Enter in this the capacity content of a certain stock (e.g. 350, 1.5, 500).
Unit dropdown list Enter in this the unit measurement used for the stock (e.g. ml, pk, ea, oz, mg).
Together with the value entered into the Size field, these determine the content
capacity of this stock.
Supplier dropdown list Select from this list the supplier from whom this stock is ordered.
Stock Group dropdown list Select from this list the Stock Group into which this stock belongs.
Sub Group dropdown list Select from this list the Sub Group into which this stock belongs.
Bar Code Enter into this the Bar Code to assign for this stock. Once printed, this will serve as
a much easier way of entering stock data via barcode reader scan.
Part# textbox Specify here the Part Number to assign to the stock.
Manufacturer dropdown list Enter here the manufacturer or brand of this stock.
Points Earned textbox Specify in this field the number of points to get when this stock is purchased.
Earned points can be used to pay for certain items or services in the business when
available. The point system is commonly used in many businesses to boost
consumer purchase.
Points Redeemed textbox Specify in this field the required number of points to buy this stock.
PMS Code textbox Enter in this the code of an interfaced PMS system being used.
Budget Group dropdown list Select from this list the Budget Group to use in selling this stock.
Stock Control checkbox This is used to tell the system to monitor the stock count and to auto decrement if
the stock was sold or used in a service.
Commission Amount textbox Provide in this field the amount to give as a commission for selling this stock.
Active checkbox By default this is enabled or ticked. Unticking this, will keep this stock from showing
in the store which is the same as removing this from the system.
Web checkbox Ticking this enables this stock on being accessible through web access.
Bulk checkbox Ticking this enables this stock to be ordered in bulk with a quantity as set in the
Number field.
Number textbox This field works hand in hand with the Bulk field. If the Bulk checkbox is ticked the
value specified here determines the quantity for each bulk when ordered. That is
when reordered as 5 and the set amount on this field (Number) is 10, the quantity
that will be obtained is 50.

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Stock Setup Fields ...continued
Fields Description
Bulk Retail Barcode Enter in this the barcode to assign for this stock when sold in retail.
Bulk Retail Price Enter in this the price for this stock when sold in retail.
Bulk Retail Size Indicate in this textbox the amount in size of this bulk.
Bulk Retail Unit Indicate in this the unit to use for this bulk item.
Medication Ticking this textbox enable the stock to be recognized as a medication such that this
will appear in a list of available items when composing a prescription.
Rack For those companies that implements warehousing, this data is being used to
indicate the location of the stocks.
Batch Process When ticked, this tags the stock to be sold in a batch. Through this stocks are sold
according to the sequence by which they are received when ordered. Such that
items of first batch will be sold first before the succeeding batches and so on.
DANN/HSF No. Indicate here the given registration number of the government agency that certifies
the safety of the stock. (for Philippine setting only)
FDA Expiry Date Enter in this the food and drug regulatory agency’s registration expiration date.
GBM Expiry Date Enter in this the production expiration of the product.
Freight Cost Specify here the amount charge for transporting the stock.
Brokerage Cost Enter in this the imputed charge for broker’s fee.
Category Code Provide in this the group upon which this product belongs to.
Import Duty
Barcode With Weight Indicate here the barcode that includes the weight specification of the stock.

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GSI System© User Guide
Entering Stocks Using Gumnut System’s Import Stock List Utility
You have found that carrying out the previous procedure takes a lot of effort and time in
populating the system with items. That is fine if you are just starting to build your business
system. But if for some reason you are to reinstall the system (transferring to another computer,
upgrading to a higher version, reformatting the computer, etc.), does it mean you have to undergo
the same tedious task again? Is there a much economical means to perform this? Yes there is.
Aside from the business management application, this software comes with other utilities that are
necessary to function well in any business setup. One of these utilities is the Import Stock List
The Import Stock List utility is used to facilitate bulk import of products in the system. This is
done by uploading the generated stock import file into the system. This Stock Import file is in
Excel format. We have a provided template for this to standardize its structure in its creation.
That is, to make the stock list import process work the created file must be coherent to this

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 70 -

GSI System© User Guide
Lists: Applying Tax Charges On Stocks OPTIONAL

Taxes play a very important role in a certain business especially in pricing. Prices are greatly
influenced by the taxes being levied to a product as imputed by the government. To cope with this,
most businesses resort to passing this burden to the consumer by applying taxes on the products.

The following discussion tackles how a tax is setup for a certain stock.
1. In the Stock Setup screen, click the Tax button to open the Setup Taxes screen. (Please refer
to the screenshot below for further details.)
2. Select the appropriate tax charges to use for this stock then click Save.
3. Do this repeatedly for every stock you wish to apply tax charges. Click Save when done with
this setting.

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Lists: Filling Up A Stock MANDATORY

With the stocks already created in the system, the only thing that is missing is filling these up with
a quantity amount (or stock count) for these to be available for use and selling.

Aside from the discussed

setup there are other ways to
adjust stocks in this system.
Further details on Stock
Adjustments will be tackled in
Chapter 3 of this manual.

We are now going to discuss how a certain stock is being filled in this system.
1. Go to the Stock Setup screen by clicking Administrator > Stock > Lists from the menus.
2. In this screen, highlight the stock to enter an amount (or stock count) then click the Stock
Adjustment button.
3. This action opens the Stock Adjustment dialogue screen where you indicate the manner of
stock count adjustment to perform for the currently selected stock. Set this up in the following
a. Select whether to add (+) or remove (-) from the current stock. Clicking (+) on the
Adjustment field definitely increments the current stock quantity with the amount that
you have specified in the adjacent textbox.
b. Enter the required amount for adjustment on the textbox in the Adjustment field.
c. Click the Calculate button to preview the resulting stock quantity after the adjustment.
d. Then check the appropriate reason for this adjustment in the Adjustment Type option
group. This only provides reason for the stock adjustment in the report.
e. Click Save when done with this setup.
Having done this, you will notice that when checking the Stock Count information for this stock it
has now the corresponding change in its value.

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GSI System© User Guide
List: Card (TrackingStock Movement)

Another interesting facility we added on this version of GSI System is the Stock Card. In the
financial lingo, a Stock Card is a form used to record all stock transactions or stock movement.
The same concept is being applied for the facility that we have in this system that documents all
transactions conducted on a certain stock of the business.

To view all the transactions made on a certain stock perform the following:
1. Open the Stock screen by clicking Administrator > Stock option from the menu.
2. In this screen click on the Lists option under the Setup column.
3. This brings up the Stock Setup screen where the list of stocks of the business is shown.
Select the stock to check the undergone transactions then click on the Card button.
This action will then generate the history table of that stock (stock card) wherein you could see the
activities that occurred on a particular stock.

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GSI System© User Guide
Stock Types
In the previous discussion we have talked about how a certain stock is created in the system. But
this is just one type of stock that can be entered into this system. Starting with the version 999984
of the GSI System, aside from the regular Simple item, the following item types are also
supported in this system:
 Kit Item – This stock item is a collection of two or more simple items that are recognized as a
single item in the system.
 Matrix Item – This item type consists of stocks that come in many variants. It can be items
such as the T-Shirt that can be of different sizes and colors.
Further discussions of these item types will be tackled in the following topics.

Kit Item Setup

As has been introduced lately, kit items are just collection of simple items that is treated as a single
stock in the system. That is when purchasing this type of stock it will be done so as a collection
(kit) and not individually by component.

Kit items are defined into the system in the following manner:
1. Open the Stock screen by clicking Administrator > Clients from the menu. Then in the
Stock screen click the Kits option under the Setup column.
2. This opens the Stock Kits Setup screen. Click in this the New button.
3. In the screen that will appear, indicate the details of this new kit after which click Save.
4. Going back to the Stock Kit Setup screen, click the Kit Details button at its lower left corner.
This action brings up the Setup Stock Kits screen. Click in this the Add button.
5. In the screen that will open, enter the stock item components to include in this kit. Having
done this, click the Save button then Close to exit from this dialogue screen.
6. Do this repeatedly until the necessary stocks for this kit are entered. Click Save then Close
when done.

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GSI System© User Guide
Matrix Item Setup

Products that come in different variants, such as in color and size, are known as matrix items in
this system. Products like clothing, furnitures, paper products, foods, etc can be categorized under
this item type.
Although these items can be created in the system as a simple stock, entering these, however, as
a matrix item is much easier and fast. With the use of this stock declaration you can then simplify
the entries of stocks in your system

The following procedure demonstrates how a matrix item is created in this system:
1. Open the Stock screen by clicking Administrator > Clients from the menu.
2. In the screen that will show click the Matrix Colors option under the Setup column.
3. This opens the screen wherein color identifiers to use for items to create are entered. Just
click Save when the necessary entries for this screen has been made.
4. Going back to the Stock screen click on the Matrix Sizes option under the Setup column.
5. This brings up the Size screen wherein the size identifiers to use for items to create are
entered. When the necessary entries in this screen are entered just click Save.

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With the color and size identifiers of the matrix items to define already entered, you could now
indicate the item components that you need for this matrix item.
6. Start by opening the Stock Setup screen. To do this open the Stock screen by clicking
Administrator > Stock from the menu and clicking the Lists option in it.
7. In the screen that will show (Stock Setup screen) click on the New button.
8. In the New Stock dialogue screen, provide the necessary details for the matrix item to create
then click the Colors/Sizes Matrix button below.
9. This will show the screen wherein a tabular form for indicating the size and color combination
of item components to create for the matrix items is specified. Just tick the necessary item
combinations to indicate for the matrix item to create then click Save then Close.
10. Going back to the New Stock screen click Save then Close.
Checking the Stock Setup screen you will then notice the new items that have now been created in
the list.

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GSI System© User Guide
Bulk Selling

There are businesses that prefer to sell their stocks in bulks. That instead of just selling certain
stocks per piece they would do so in large amounts. This is quite a popular practice for many
companies nowadays in order for them to up-sell their products.
We are now going to discuss how to setup the system such that stocks are to be ordered in bulks.

Setting up a certain stock to be ordered by bulk is done in the following manner:

1. In the Stock screen, click on the List option to open the Stock Setup screen.
2. Upon opening, select the stock to enable for bulk selling then tick its Bulk checkbox.
3. With the stock still highlighted click on the Edit button.
4. In the screen that will open enter the number of items in each of this stock’s bulk in its
corresponding textbox. Notice that you can also enable the bulk setup for this stock by ticking
the Bulk checkbox here.
5. Having done this click Save. Do this for all the stocks to set for bulk selling.
6. Going back to the Stock Setup screen, click Save to enter this new setting into the system.
With this setup you have now indicated the stocks to be sold in bulks in this system.

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In ordering this type of stock, you will notice that the quantity ordered for this depends on the
specified Bulk Quantity multiplied by the number of stocks indicated for this bulk. In the
screenshot below you will notice that in entering a single bulk quantity it would result to a number
of orders.

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GSI System© User Guide
Batch Processing

One big concern for those businesses that offer consumable products is the spoilage of goods due
to expiration. Consumable products especially those that have a very short “life span” should be
taken with great consideration in selling.
For this reason was the batch processing feature of the GSI System is created. In enabling this
feature in the system it will prioritize the selling of stocks that are due for expiration such that these
will be sold first following the ones with expiration that comes after it.

To make this feature work in the system follow these steps:

1. First identify the products to allow batch processing. This is done in the Stock Setup screen
by opening the Stock screen (clicking Administrator > Stock) and clicking in this the Lists
option under the Setup column.
2. In the screen that will open, look for the Batch Process column in the table, then tick the
checkbox corresponding to the stock (or stocks) to enable for batch processing.
3. Click the Save button to enter this new update into the system.

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Having done this you may then proceed to the ordering of these stocks. Batch processing only
works on those stocks that have just been ordered.
4. Open the Order List screen by clicking the Order Maintenance option in the Stock screen.
5. As the Order List screen opens, click in this the Create New Order button.
6. In the screen that will open, indicate the stock tagged for batch processing to include in this
new order by clicking the Add New Item button and indicating the details of this stock in the
dialogue screen that will open. Click the Save button upon doing so.
7. Perform the previous steps repeatedly for all stocks to include in this order. You may even
adjust the number of items to order for each stock by clicking its corresponding Count grid
and entering the required amount.
8. When the necessary stocks for this order are specified click on the Save button.
In doing this you have already created a purchase order in the system. Normally this will be sent
to the supplier either as a printout or by email.

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Upon the arrival of the purchased goods, these have to be received then.
9. Do this by first highlighting the purchase order to process for receiving and clicking the
Receive Items button.
10. This in return opens the Receive Items screen. Acknowledge its receipt by either clicking the
Deliver In Full button or by indicating the partial amount delivered in the corresponding
Quantity Delivered grid of the stock ordered (partial delivery). Then click the Save button.
With the orders already received, you may then indicate the sequence of batches upon which
these stocks will be sold in the business.
11. To do this highlight any of the stock tagged for batch processing, then click the Batch Detail
12. A dialogue screen will then appear showing the items in this stock. Click first the Expiry Date
grid of an empty line to indicate the current date by which a portion of these stocks will be set
in a batch.
13. Following this, specify the batch number to assign for this batch of stocks in the
corresponding Batch No. grid.
14. Then indicate the number of stocks to assign for this batch in the corresponding Batch Qty
grid. Take note that the total number of batch quantities to be indicated in this screen should
equal with the number of stocks ordered.
As an example, for a stock order of 10 (including the amount of free stocks) you could set
these to be in any number of batches as long as it equals to 10 (i.e. in 3 batches of 3-3-4
distribution, or in 2 batches of 5-5 distribution).
15. Having entered the necessary batches to create for the selected stock click the Save button.
16. Repeat this process for all the stocks in the purchase order as the business requires. When
the necessary batches to indicate for the stocks in this order have already been made click
the Save button.
This finalizes the ordering process of the stocks from the supplier and the establishment of which
of the products should be sold first.

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In purchasing these stocks in the business you will notice that these are sold according to the
order of batches upon which these are previously set.

To track the orders made for the stocks in batches, go to the Stock Setup screen by clicking
Administrator > Stock from the menu. In this screen highlight the stock (set in a batch) to check
then click the Batch Summary button.
In the screen that will appear it will show the account on how stocks are sold. You will notice in
this that stocks are spent according to their batch sequence, that is, stocks specified on batch 1
are processed first before batch 2 and batch 3 as well.

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GSI System© User Guide
Services & Packages Setup Menu
The next in line to these series of settings is the configuration of the company’s services. In the following discussions we will be dealing
on how these are set in the GSI system based on the requirement of your business.

The Services And Packages screen contains the necessary settings for the service and service
package products that are being offered in the business. The screenshot below shows the
different facilities that are provided here.

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GSI System© User Guide

Service Group is the main classification entity of services in the GSI System. This
classification is commonly based on the nature of the service being provided to the clients
such as a massage service group that consists of massage related services (i.e. shiatsu,
swedish massage, and thai massage).
The definition of service groups in the GSI System is necessary to identify the services being
offered in the business especially in its booking.
To change the color
scheme of a certain group
service click the Font and
Background buttons to
access their respective
color dialogue screens.

Follow these procedures in defining service groups into the GSI system:
1. Click Administrator > Services And Packages > Groups on the menus to open the
Service Group screen.
2. Key in the group services to create in the system and their corresponding color schemes.
Then click Save.

With the service groups already defined in the system, as well as with the previous settings
you have already performed (Client, Staff, Appointment Book, and Stock) you can now start
the creation of services in your business.
This system supports the following service types:
 Standard Service
 Day Package Service
 Destination Package Service
 Series Service
 Class
 Facility
The following discussions concentrate on what each of these services are and how these are
defined in this system. We’ll start with the basic type of service that is being offered here.

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A regular service is composed of just a single service that is conducted in only one session. It can
be availed at the same time it was booked or it can be set for future booking.
As a basic type of service being offered in the GSI System, the regular service should be the first
to set as the rest of the service types depend on these declarations.

Entering The Initial Details Of The Service

In setting this into the system follow these steps:

1. Click Administrator > Services And Packages > Services on the menus to open the Setup
Services and Fee screen.
2. In this screen, enter the initial details of each service that you want to offer in your business.
The table on the next page shows the description of each field in this screen.
Refer to the screenshot above on how to do this.

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Services Specifications Table
Fields Description
Service Description Enter here the name of the service.
Seq (Sequence) Enter into this the sequence number by which services are arranged when shown.
Short Code The user-defined code that will be assigned to the service being set.
Time Enter here the time duration of the service (e.g. 1:30 means 1 hour and 30 minutes).
Wait Enter here the time duration of the customer break for this service (e.g. 1:30 means 1 hour
and 30 minutes).
Service Group Select from the list the appropriate service group into which the service belongs.
Speciality Select from the list the speciality by which the selected service belongs to.
PMS Code Enter in this the code of an interfaced PMS system being used.
Prepare Enter into this the time duration for the equipment preparation before the service starts (e.g.
1:30 means 1 hour and 30 minutes).
TA/R (Turn Around Room) Enter here the time it takes for the room to be available after a service is
performed (e.g. 1:30 means 1 hour and 30 minutes).
TA/E (Turn-Around Equipment) Enter here the time it takes for the equipment that has been in use,
to be available after a service is performed (e.g. 1:30 means 1 hour and 30 minutes).
GN (Gender) Tick this if the service is to be conducted on a gender specific room.
SH (Shared) Tick this if the service is conducted with other clients in the room.
Service Charge Tick this if there is an additional charge for the service.
SS (Same Sex) When ticked, the package will be performed by the staff of same sex only.
Pax (Packs) Tick this to make the service appear only on the package services options only and
not on the regular services options.
Points Enter here the credit points that a client will get in availing this service.
Redeem Enter into this the needed points to avail this service instead of paying cash.
Budget Group Select on this the budget group wherewith this service is included.
Item No. Enter here the assigned code for the service.
HICAPS Item No. Enter here the assigned HICAPS item number of this service.
Active To remove this service from your list of offers, uncheck this checkbox. This service is active
by default (checked).
Report Code 1…4 To be defined by the user.
Commission Amt. Enter in this the applied commission amount for the service.
Alert Last Visit When ticked this shows a pop-up reminder that the same service has been availed by the
same client on a certain date.
Web Booking Tick this to enable this service to be available in web booking.
Initial Consultation When ticked, it shows the client’s prescription note when availed by a new client.
Surcharges Tick this to include surcharges on this service.

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GSI System© User Guide
After entering the initial details of your services, setup the necessary features for each of the
services created in the system. The table below discusses the facilities that will be opened when
the following buttons provided in the Setup Service and Fee screen are clicked.
Make sure that before activating any of these you have already highlighted the service into which
these features will work.

Service Features Table

Feature Buttons Description
Stock Usage Opens the screen where the particulars for the stocks that are required for the service is set
Notes Opens the screen where service related notes or service description are entered. This will
appear in the booking session once a specified service is selected.
Fee Opens the screen where fees are assigned to the service based on Client Type and Level
of Expertise rendered.
Tax Opens the screen where a tax is applied for the service.
Contra Indication Opens the screen where contra indications (or health conditions that are to be avoided for
the service) are entered.
Costing Opens the screen where details for the petty consumables that are used in the service are
entered and accounted for.
Payment Notes Opens the screen where payment related notes for the service are entered. This appears in
the Billing screen.

Setting Up The Basic Charges Of The Service

We’ll start first with the assignment of fees to be paid in availing a certain service.

To do this:
1. On the Setup Service And Fee screen select the service to set with a fee by clicking it. Then
click the Fee button.
2. This opens the fee setup screen for this service (i.e. Fee of Body Regeneration 1). You will
notice that the charges that we will assign here depend on the Client Type and Level of
Expertise of the service provider. Observing this condition, provide the necessary details for
3. Click Save when through with this setup.

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Setting Up The Additional Costs For The Service
With this setting you now have assigned the necessary price for each of the services in the
system. But having just the price for the service is not enough as a charge for a certain commodity
in the real world (unless of course you have already included in that price the tax charges and
costs for the service). Especially in a service type of business, there are things to consider in order
to come up with a viable fee for the service rendered. This includes the government mandated tax
charges, items used in the service as well as other expenses.
On the following discussions we will be applying the following additional charges to a certain
 Stock Usage Charge
 Tax
 Service Costings

Items or Stocks and its

specifications are entered at
the Stock Setup screen. To
go there click
Administration > Stock >

Tax rates are entered into

the Taxes screen by clicking
Administrator > Financials
> Taxes on the menus.

The Costings are entered at

the Costing screen by
clicking Administrator >
Financials > Cost Item on
the menus.

1. Still on the Setup Service And Fee screen, highlight the service to set then click the Stock
Usage button.
2. This shows the Stock Usage screen where consumable items needed to perform the service
are specified. Provide the necessary details for this then click the Save button to enter these
changes into the system.
3. Going back on the Setup Service And Fee screen, click the Tax button.
4. On the screen that will open select the appropriate Tax charge to apply for this service.
Having selected the desired tax charge for this service, click the Save button.
5. This brings back the Setup Service And Fee screen. Click in this the Costing button.
6. In the screen that will open, select from the dropdown list provided the additional costings that
will be included for the service.
7. When the necessary costings for this service are entered click Save.
With these settings, you have now established the necessary configuration for the charges of your

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Entering Service Description, Contraindications, and Payment Notes
With the settings for the necessary charges of the service are entered transactions can then be
made for these services. However, there are businesses especially those that cater treatment
services that may require certain details (such as Description, Contraindications, and Payment
Notes) aside from the fees in order to conduct transactions on these.

Be sure to tick the Automatic

Warning checkbox for this note
to appear whenever this service
is selected for booking.

Set contra-indications can be

overridden by ticking the
Override Contraindication
For Booking checkbox in the
System Settings screen
(System Settings > Branch Settings > Client)

The contraindication setting

doesn’t only apply on
businesses that offer medical
services. It can be used
generally as a counter
condition in availing a service or a product.
In an Electronic Service Center it can be
used as a condition to reject a request for a
repair. In a Food Service business it can be
used as criteria in recommending an
alternative delicacy that is well suited for the
customer. As long as it is a service type of
business this setting applies well on it.

To enter the description of the services in the system do the following: Contraindications as have
been discussed lately can be
1. Still in the Setup Service And Fee screen, highlight the service to assign a description then health conditions that may
click the Notes button. prevent a certain treatment
service from being availed.
2. This opens the specification window for entering the description of the service being set. However, the application for this may vary
Provide the necessary information regarding the service here then click the Save button to depending on the type of services being
enter this into the system. offered.

If requiring a counter check to determine whether a service is allowed for a certain client, the
setting of Contra Indications in the system is needed.
In entering this into the system perform the following:
3. Next, click the Contra Indication button.
4. This brings up the Link Service Contraindication screen. Enter in this the health conditions
that may prevent this service from being booked to a client. Certain treatment may cause
complications when applied to persons with a particular health condition.
5. Click Save when the necessary entries for these are already provided.
If certain immediate notes regarding payments are needed, especially for those bookings with
upgraded services, this facility may come in handy. This pops up when billing the customer.
6. To have this pop-up generated whenever this service is ordered and billed, go to the Payment
Notes screen. To do so, click the Payment Notes button in the Setup Service And Fee
7. In the screen that will open, enter your preferred message regarding this service’s fee then
click the Save button to update this into the system.
After these you now have fully set the services of your business in the system.

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GSI System© User Guide
Day Packages MANDATORY

Packages, as we defined it in our system, are collection of two or more services that can only be
administered in a day. Packages are set in the Setup Packages screen.

In creating service packages in the GSI System perform the following:

1. Click Administrator > Services And Packages > Day Packages on the menus to open the
Setup Packages screen.
2. As this screen opens, provide the details of the new package to create. Start by entering the
Package Name and so on for the rest of the fields here. The descriptions of the fields in the
Setup Packages screen are shown on the table below.
3. When this is through, highlight the newly created package then click the Detail button. This
opens the screen where the specific services to be included in the package are entered and
set. Refer to the table below for the description of the fields given on this screen.
4. To add the needed services to include for this service package, click the Add button. Enter on
the provided screen the necessary details for the services to add in this service package. See
table below for the details of each field in this screen. Then click Save.
5. When all the necessary data for this service package are entered, click the Save button. Then
on the Setup Packages screen click Save to enter these updates and close the screen.

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GSI System© User Guide
Setup Packages Screen Fields
Fields Description
Package Name textbox Enter here the name of the service package to create.
Short Code textbox Enter in this column the preferred code for this service package.
(Same Staff) When ticked, this means that the package will be performed by the staff of
SS checkbox
same sex only.
(Same Room) When ticked, this means that all the services in the package will be
SR checkbox
performed in the same room.
Service Charge checkbox If ticked, an additional service charge is also added to the fee of the package.
Stock pick list Indicate here the stocks to be used in the service package.

>> Button (Delete) This column holds the delete buttons. When clicked, this removed the
corresponding service package from the list.
Active checkbox When not ticked this disables its corresponding package.
PMS Code textbox Enter in this the code of an interfaced PMS system being used.
Points Given textbox Enter here the number of points that will be received when availing this service package.
Points Redeemed textbox Enter here the number of points that can be used to avail this service package.
Indicate here the budget (quota) scheme to use for the selected package. For further
Budget Group pick list
details on budgeting refer to the topic “Setting Up A Budget Scheme” on this chapter.
This shows the color scheme to use for the service package as entered into the
Sample (Color) appointment book. This is set by accessing the Font and Background color dialogue
screen through the provided buttons.
Web Booking checkbox Ticking this enables the selected package to be available in web booking.
Multi-Branch checkbox When ticked this service package is available to other branches as well.

In setting optional items in

Package Details Screen Fields
your service packages do the
Fields Description following.
Seq textbox (Sequence) This determines the order by which the services in the package are shown.
1. Set the services to become optional by
Branch pick list This determines the branch into which the service package will be available to. The ticking its Optional checkbox.
Multi-Branch checkbox in the Setup Packages screen must be enabled for this to
work. 2. By assigning the same number code in
the Optional Group column of the
Item pick list This column indicates the services that make up the package. optional services, you are then making
Time textbox This indicates how long the service will take using the hh:mm format (e.g. 1:30 means groups of choices for these services.
that the given service will took 1 hour and 30 minutes) Thus, if you have 6 services in a package
and choose some of your services to have
Prep textbox (Preparation) This indicates how long the preparation time is using the hh:mm format “1” as optional group and the rest with “2”,
(e.g. 1:30 means that the given service will took 1 hour and 30 minutes) this means that you have 2 option groups
TA textbox (Turn-Around) This indicates the time it took for a turn-around (preparation after a with only 2 services that can be booked
previous service) using the hh:mm format (e.g. 1:30 means that the given service will depending on the preference of your client.
took 1 hour and 30 minutes)
CB textbox (Customer Break) This indicates the time allotted for the customer break using the
hh:mm format (e.g. 1:30 means that the given service will took 1 hour and 30 minutes)
Fee textbox Specifies the fee for the individual service.
Optional checkbox When enabled for two or more services and set for the same optional group, this
makes the services optional with only one to choose. This means that if you set all
your services to be optional then only one of the services can be availed when booking.
Optional Group textbox Uses numeric entries (1, 2, 3…), this groups optional services together so that you
could have any number of service options group in a package.

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GSI System© User Guide
Destination Packages MANDATORY

A Destination Package, just like a regular service package, may consist of more than one service
that is ordered as a whole. However, in this type of package the services can be conducted on
any number of days depending on its set conditions.

In creating this type of service in the system follow these steps:

1. Click Administrator > Services And Packages > Destination Packages on the menus.
2. This opens the Destination Packages screen. Provide the necessary details for the
destination package to create. See table below for the description of the given fields here.
3. Click the Save button when all the necessary details for this are entered.
4. Next, click the Detail button. In the screen that opens, enter the services to include in this
package together with its required conditions. Click the Save button when finished.

Setup Destination Packages Screen Fields

Fields Description
Name Enter here the assigned name for this package.
Short Code Provide in this the short code to represent this destination package.
Service Group Select the service group into which you will classify this destination package.
Shared When ticked, this destination package can be performed by more than one staff at the same time.
PMS Code Enter in this the code of an interfaced PMS system being used.
Notes This is where notes are entered for this destination package.
Budget Group Indicate here the budget scheme to adopt for this destination package.
This shows the color scheme to use for this destination package. To set this click the Font and
Background buttons to access the color dialogues where colors for these are specified.
Active Unticking this makes this destination package unavailable in the system.

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GSI System© User Guide
Setup Destination Package Detail Screen Fields
Fields Description
Seq (Sequence) Indicate here the order by which the services in this package are arranged when offered.
Service Indicate here the services to include on this package.
Fee Enter here the fee for each service in this package.
Day Offset The number entered here determines the scheduled time by which a certain service in the destination
package will be availed with the value 0 as the day the destination package is booked. This means
that 1 is tomorrow, 2 the day after tomorrow and so on and so forth.
Optional When enabled for two or more services and set for the same optional group, this makes the services
optional with only one to choose.
Optional Group Uses numeric entries (1, 2, 3…), this groups optional services together so that you could have any
number of service options group in a package.

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GSI System© User Guide

A Class is a service product that is attended by more than one client. Compared with a series, this
service package is not pre-paid and has to be enrolled for it to be booked.

Classes of the same service

group are assigned with a
color scheme making these
identifiable in the
appointment book when

Specialities are defined in the

Specialities screen by going
to Administrator >
Appointment Book >

For further details on

budgeting refer to the topic
“Setting Up A Budget Scheme”
on this chapter.

The following discussion demonstrates how a class is defined in the GSI System:
1. Click Administrator > Services And Packages > Class on the menus.
2. As the screen shows, provide the initial details for the class to create. Refer to the table below
for the description of each field in this screen.

Setup Classes Screen Fields

Field Names Description
Service Description Enter here the descriptive name of this class to create.
Short Code Provide here the code to represent this class in your system.
Service Group Indicate here the service group by which this class belongs.
Speciality This enables the system to look for appropriate providers for its services.
PMS Code Enter in this the code of an interfaced PMS system being used.
Service Charge If ticked, a service charge is also added to the fee of this class.
Max Discount % Enter here the percentage rate for the discount to apply on this class.
Points Enter here the number of points that will be received when availing this class.
Redeem Enter here the number of points that can be used to avail this class.
Budget Group Indicate here the budget (quota) scheme to use for the selected series.
Count Enter here the maximum allowable number of attendees for this class.
Sample This shows the set color scheme for this class when shown in the appointment book. To
change this, open the Font and Background color dialogue screen for the currently
selected class by clicking its corresponding buttons.
Free For Member If ticked, this class is free of charge when availed by a client with a membership in the
Active By default this is ticked. Unchecking this removes this class product from showing in the
appointment book for selection.
Commission Amount Specify here the commission to give to the serving staff when this class is purchased.
Web Booking Ticking this makes this class available for web booking.

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GSI System© User Guide
Setup Classes Screen Buttons

Button Names Description

Stock Usage button Clicking this brings up the screen where you indicate the stocks that you’re about to use in the
class service.

Notes button Clicking this opens the screen where the description for this series product is entered.

Fee button Clicking this opens the screen where charges for this class are specified based on the
professional level of the service provider.

Font button Clicking this brings up the Font color screen. Together with Background color screen, this
sets the color scheme to use for this class when shown in the appointment book.

Background button Clicking this brings up the Background color screen. Together with Font color screen, this
sets the color scheme to use for this class when shown in the appointment book.

Costing button Clicking this button shows the screen where added costings (like electricity consumption,
cotton buds, swabs, etc.) for this class are specified.

Tax button Clicking this opens the Tax specification screen for this class. Just select the needed tax (or
taxes) you want to apply for this class. Taxes are defined on the Taxes screen by clicking
Administrator > Financials > Taxes from the menus.

ContraIndication button Clicking this button opens the screen where existing medical conditions that are not allowed
for the services in this class are entered.

Save button After the necessary entries on this screen are made click this button to make the necessary
update in the system.

Close button Click this button to exit the screen. Be sure to Save your changes first in doing so.

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GSI System© User Guide

Another variant of the services that can be offered in the GSI System is the service known as
Series. A Series in GSI consists of more than one service that can be performed in a number of
sessions and even possible to be consumed in a day. For example, you may take one of your
services to become a series product which in doing so, it must be set with a specific number of
days from the time this was booked (as indicated in the Min Qty field).
Take note that a Series type of service is purchased as a stock. This means that you have to buy
the series first before it can be booked. Everytime you book a series it will deduct from it the
service or class that has been availed until the set quantity for the series is used up.

In creating a series type service in the GSI System the following should be performed:
1. Open the Setup Series screen by clicking Administrator > Services And Packages > Series
on the menus.
2. In this screen, enter the initial details for this new series. Refer to the table below for the
details of each field in this specification screen.
3. When all the necessary data are entered for this series, provide the services to apply for this
by first clicking either the Services or Classes button. For this example we will be using a
class service for this series. Click the Classes button.
4. This action opens the screen where the selections for the classes to include in the series
package are entered. When through with this setup, click Save. (See screenshot above.)

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GSI System© User Guide

5. On the other hand, if you choose to include regular services for your series product, click on
the Services button instead. (See screenshot above)

Setting Up Taxes, Notes (Series Product Description), and Payment Notes

After the previous settings made you can then perform the entry for assigned taxes, service
description (notes) and payment notes to the service. For details on how this setup is performed
see Taxes, Notes and Payment Notes setup in Creating Standard Services.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 97 -

GSI System© User Guide
Setup Series Screen Fields

Field Names Description

Name Enter into this the assigned name for the series.

Short Code Enter here the code to represent this series.

Min Qty Indicate here the minimum number of service that a client can avail.

PMS Code Enter in this the code of an interfaced PMS system being used.

Max Discount % Specify here the percentage rate for the discount to apply on this series product.

Unit Price Enter here selling price for this series.

Points Given Enter here the number of points that will be received when availing this series.

Points Redeemed Enter here the number of points that can be used to avail this series.

Budget Group Indicate here the budget (quota) scheme to use for the selected series. For further
details on budgeting refer to the topic “Setting Up A Budget Scheme” on this chapter.

Commission Amount Specify here the amount of commission to give to the serving staff when this series is

Service Charge checkbox If ticked, a service charge is also added to the fee of this series product.

All Branch checkbox If ticked this series is available to all branches as well.

Use Minutes checkbox Series package are basically consumed in a per service manner. However, if you
prefer this to be used in a per minute basis, as some customers would demand, tick
this checkbox.

Active checkbox By default this is ticked. Unchecking this will remove this series product from showing
in the appointment book for selection.

Setup Series Screen Buttons

Button Names Description

Services button Click this button to indicate the services to include in the series product. This is done
after the creation of the series.

Classes button Click this button to indicate the classes to include in the series product.

Tax button Clicking this opens the Tax specification screen for this series. Just select the needed
tax (or taxes) you want to apply here. Taxes are defined on the Taxes screen by
clicking Administrator > Financials > Taxes from the menus.

Notes button Clicking this opens the screen where the description for this series product is entered.

Payment Notes button Clicking this opens the screen where urgent payment instructions or infos are entered
for this series. Payment notes appear in the billing process.

Save button After the necessary entries on this screen are made click this button to make the
necessary update in the system.

Close button Click this button to exit the screen. Be sure to Save your changes first in doing so.

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GSI System© User Guide
Facility Services MANDATORY

In some businesses like Health & Fitness, it is often that they offer access to certain facilities in
their establishment for a fee as an extension to their services. This is what a Facility Service is all
In comparison to a regular service, however, this type of service doesn’t require the role of a
service provider in order to avail. These are offered to the clients especially for those with
membership affiliations. Facilities like swimming pool, Audio/Visual Room, gym and Function
Rooms, etc., are the common provisions for some of these establishments.
This type of service is also supported in this system.

In its creation just perform these steps:

1. Click Administrator > Services And Packages > Facility Services on the menus.
2. As the screen shows, provide the initial details of the Facility Service to create. Refer to the
table below for the description of each field in this screen.
3. Having done the necessary settings for the facility service click the Save button to enter these
into the system.
The buttons below perform additional settings for the facility service. The following screenshots
demonstrate how the respective settings for these screens are performed.

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GSI System© User Guide
Facility Service Screen Buttons

Buttons Descriptions

Fee button Clicking this opens the screen where charges for this facility service are specified based
on the professional level of the service provider.

Costing button Clicking this button shows the screen where added costings (like electricity consumption,
cotton buds, swabs, etc.) for this facility service are specified.

Tax button Clicking this opens the Tax specification screen for this facility service. Just select the
needed tax (or taxes) you want to apply for this class. Taxes are defined on the Taxes
screen by clicking Administrator > Financials > Taxes from the menus.

Facility Service Screen Fields

Fields Description

Service Description Enter here the descriptive name of the facility service to create.

Seq (Sequence) Enter into this the sequence number by which facility services are arranged when

Short Code Provide here the code to represent this facility service in your system.

Time Enter here the time duration for the facility service (e.g. 1:30 means 1 hour and 30 minutes).

Wait Enter here the time duration for waiting before the facility service starts if applicable (e.g. 1:30
means 1 hour and 30 minutes).

Service Group Indicate here the service group by which this facility service belongs. Facility services of the
same service group are assigned with a certain color scheme to be identifiable in the
appointment book when selected.

Speciality Assigning a speciality to a facility service allows the system to look for appropriate providers
for this. Specialities are defined in the Specialities screen by clicking the Administrator >
Appointment Book > Specialities options.

PMS Code Enter in this the code of an interfaced PMS system being used.

Prepare Enter into this the time duration for the equipment preparation before the facility service starts
(e.g. 1:30 means 1 hour and 30 minutes).

TA/R (Turn Around Room) Enter here the time it takes for the room to be available after a facility
service is performed (e.g. 1:30 means 1 hour and 30 minutes).

TA/E (Turn-Around Equipment) Enter here the time it takes for the equipment that has been in use,
to be available after a facility service is performed (e.g. 1:30 means 1 hour and 30 minutes).

GN (Gender) Tick this if the facility service is to be conducted on a gender specific (for men or for
women only) room.

SH (Shared) Tick this if the facility service is conducted with other clients in the room.

Service Charge If ticked, a facility service charge is also added to the fee of this class.

SS (Same Sex) When ticked, this means that the package will be performed by the staff of same
sex only.

Pax (Packs) Tick this to make the facility service to be included in a package offer.

Points Enter here the number of points that will be received when availing this facility service.

Redeem Enter here the number of points that can be used to avail this facility service.

Budget Group Indicate here the budget (quota) scheme to use for the selected facility service. For further
details on budgeting refer to the topic “Setting Up A Budget Scheme” on this chapter.

Active By default this is ticked. Unchecking this will remove this facility service from showing in the
appointment book for selection.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 100 -

GSI System© User Guide
Food & Beverages Setup Menu
Another product that can be offered on a service type of business is the Food And Beverages. Just like stocks, certain service type of
businesses requires food and beverages as a very important part of the treatment. For some, they provide this as an added perk to the
service to encourage customer purchase. This is aside from the fact that most companies even include this as a separate commodity in
their business.
To this regard we have also added a facility in this business system to manage this type of product.

The Food And Beverage Screen

The Food And Beverage screen is where we enter the food and beverages that you want the GSI
system to recognize. In the following discussions we will be dealing on how this product is setup in
this business system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 101 -

GSI System© User Guide

For many companies food and beverage plays a very important role to achieve a positive result in
the treatments being carried out to the clients. That’s why for most of these businesses they
include food and beverages as part of their commodities.

In entering this into your system follow these steps:

1. Click Administrator > Food And Beverage > List on the menus.
2. This action opens the Setup Food & Beverage screen. Enter here the detail for the Service
Description, Short Code, Service Group, and PMS Code (if being used with a PMS
software interface). You may also indicate whether this F&B comes with a service charge by
ticking the Service Charge checkbox. See table below for further details.
3. Having entered the necessary food and beverages in the system, select an F&B item from the
list then click the Note button.
4. In the screen that will open enter the description for this F&B item then click the Save button.
5. Next, click the Fee button.
6. Clicking this button brings up the dialogue screen where the assigned fees for this F&B are
entered. Specify the necessary details for this then click Save.
7. With the default setup finally entered for this F&B you can now enter its tax charge. Start by
clicking Tax button.
8. Through this the Setup Taxes screen will be shown. Select from the dropdown list the tax
scheme to apply for this F&B item then click the Save button.
9. Perform the same procedures in setting up the rest of your F&B items then click Save to enter
these updates into the system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 102 -

GSI System© User Guide
Financials Setup Menu
With the establishment of the Staff, Clients, and Services we’re now going to the setup of the financial scheme of the system which is a
very vital aspect of the business that must be carefully specified.

All finance related settings and activities of the business are performed in the Financials screen. In
this screen you will find three sections: the Setup, Management and Reporting sections.
The Setup section provides different accessibilities in establishing the necessary financial settings
of the system. The Management section provides tools in performing financial related tasks.
While in the Reporting section you will find the different financial reports that can be generated in
the system. With this orientation you will then have an idea on what accessibilities to use and
where to find it. For this chapter, however, we will only be dealing with the financial settings of the
The Financials screen can be accessed by clicking Administrator > Financials from the menus.

As shown on the above screenshot, you will see the different financial related settings of the GSI
System. We will go through each of these settings as we discuss how the financial scheme of the
business is established in the GSI System.

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GSI System© User Guide
Payment Types MANDATORY

Payment Types as we define in our system are modes of payment by which a service or stock is

Creating A Credit Card Payment Type In this system, Credit Card

payment transactions may
also be possible even without
credit card details. The GSI
System just documents the
credit card information and nothing more.
In obtaining payment through a credit card a
separate system must be used.

In defining payment types to allow in the system, the following should be observed:
1. Click Administrator > Financials > Payment Types on the menus.
2. This shows the Setup Payment Types screen. Provide the necessary details of the payment
type then click the Save button to update this new setting. Refer to the table below for the
description of each field in this screen.
See the example on the screenshot above on how to define a payment type (credit card payment).

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GSI System© User Guide
Payment Types Fields
Fields Description
Seq (textbox) (Sequence) Enter into this the sequence number of the payment type upon which this is
arranged when shown.
Description (textbox) Enter here the descriptive name of the payment type to create.
Run (textbox) Enter here in this the numeric code to represent this payment type. Mainly used for
banking run purposes, this categorizes its cash transactions.
Group (listbox) Select here the appropriate group for the payment type being set. Take note especially of
the assignment of the Gift Voucher group which is to be specified only for the Gift
Voucher payment type, as well as with the Membership, and the Room Charge, AR
Posting and PM Posting which are basically used with payment types that are related to
an interfaced Hotel PMS.
Payment groups are predefined in the system.
Interface Group (listbox) If using the GSI system with an interfaced PMS, select the appropriate interface group for
this payment type.
Deposit Account (textbox) Enter here the deposit account number for this payment type.
Print (checkbox) Tick this if you want a certain purchase/order to be tax free when using this payment type.
PMS Code (textbox) Enter in this the code of an interfaced PMS system being used.
Ask Card (checkbox) Tick this to require a card when using this payment type.
No Tax (checkbox) Tick this if you want to render a certain purchase/order to be tax free when this payment
type is used.
No SC (checkbox) (No Service Charge) Tick this if no service charge will be applied when this payment type
is selected.
Special (checkbox) When ticked this enables this payment type to show only on clients with Special Payment
checkbox enabled.
Not Use (checkbox) Tick this if the payment type is not being used anymore.
Not Revenue (checkbox) If ticked this payment type will be treated as non-revenue amount or not a part of the
business income.

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GSI System© User Guide
Petty Cash Reasons MANDATORY

The GSI System also allows you to document petty cash transactions to manage the cash outflows
of the business. As seen on the screenshot below, accessibilities for these are also provided in
the Financials screen (Administrator > Financials > Petty Cash Transactions and
Administrator > Financials > Edit Petty Cash).

In using this, however, a list of anticipated reasons for the petty cash must be made to document it
well. For this we recommend the following steps.
1. Click Administrator > Financials > Petty Cash Reasons on the menus.
2. In the screen that will open enter the list of possible reasons for petty cash requests.
3. When done with the entries click Save.
Take note also of the following operations in conducting petty cash transactions. On these you will
notice how the entries on Petty Cash Reasons are being used in the system.
 To perform petty cash disbursements open the Petty Cash Transactions screen by clicking
Administrator > Financials > Petty Cash Transactions from the menus
 To make changes to the previously entered petty cash transactions access the Edit Petty Cash
screen by clicking Administrator > Financials > Edit Petty Cash from the menus.
Please refer to the screenshot above for more details.

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GSI System© User Guide
Discount Groups & Discount Reasons MANDATORY

Another finance related settings that are included in this system is the setting of discounts.
Discounts are specified in the system by first entering discount groups to categorize the discount
schemes and then creating the discounts to use in the system.

To do this perform the following:

1. Click Administrator > Financials > Discount Groups on the menus.
2. This action brings up the Discount Groups screen. Enter into this the title of the discount
groups you want the system to recognize.
3. Click Save to enter the changes made into the system.
4. Next, click Administration > Financials > Discount Reasons button to open the Discount
Reason screen where the discount schemes to use in the business is created.
Provide the necessary details for the discounts to create in the system. See table below for the
description of the fields in this screen.

Discount Reasons Screen Fields

Fields Description

Reason (textbox) Enter on this column the reason for the specified discount.

% (textbox) (Percentage Rate) Enter here the percentage rate of the discount.

$ (textbox) (Fixed Amount) Enter here the fixed amount for the discount.

Group (pick list) Select from the list the appropriate group for the created discount scheme.

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In its actual definition, a Till is storage of money that is either the holding area of a cash register or
a cash drawer. With the embedded POS (Point Of Sale) functionality in this system, the GSI
System has the ability to control hardware interfaces such as cash drawers to manage controlled
payments and disbursements. To this effect we have also included till management in its
operation to account for incomes and cash flows in a day to day operation of the business.

Take note that you can also

find other utilities here that
entails till creation.

 To open a till for transaction click the

Open Till option (Administrator >
Financials > Open Till).
 To open a till that hasn’t been closed
lately click the Link to Till option
(Administrator > Financials > Link to
 If you wish to open the cash drawer
either for entering money or petty cash
disbursements, just click on the Open
Cash Drawer option (Administrator >
Financials > Open Cash Drawer).
 To close a till, click the Close Till option
(Administrator > Financials > Open
Till). Closing a till usually comes with a
till reconciliation report showing the cash
flows that happen in its activity.

Tills are initially defined in the system for it to be used. This is performed in the Tills screen. In
doing so perform the following:
1. Click Administrator > Financials > Till on the menus.
2. This shows the Tills screen where you create the tills to use in the system. Enter the details
of the tills to create here as described in the table below.
3. Click Save to update the system.

Tills Screen Fields

Fields Description

Name (textbox) Enter here the name to assign for the till.

Password (textbox) Enter here the preferred password to use in accessing the till.

Receipt Prefix (textbox) Enter here the prefix code to use for the receipt.

Common (checkbox) Tick this to make the till usable by all branches recognized in the system.

Not Used (checkbox) If ticked the selected till will not be available for use.

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GSI System© User Guide
Yield Management & Link Yield Management MANDATORY

Another very important feature of this system is its facility to create pricing schemes for the
commodities of the business. It even provides a means for these pricing schemes to be predefined
in the system for it to be disabled and reused in a snap. Through this, there’s no need for you to
undergo the tedious task of repeating the same process of composing pricing schemes over and
over again.

To start with, we have to create the price adjustment schemes (yield) to use in the system.
1. Do this by clicking Administrator > Financials > Yield Management on the menus.
2. This brings up the Yield Management screen. Enter into this the price adjustment schemes
you want to define in the system then click Save. Check out the table on the next page for the
details of each field given here.
With the yields already defined in the system, we can now indicate the preferred services or stocks
by which these pricing schemes are to take effect. For this purpose we will be using the Yield
Management screen.
3. Click Administrator > Financials > Link Yield Management on the menus.
4. In the screen that will open, select the type of commodity to set by clicking either the Services
or the Stock button.
5. Highlight the service (or stock) to set with the price adjustment scheme then click Edit Link.
6. On the Setup Pricing Variation dialogue select the yield to use then click Save.
7. Repeat this process for each desired service/stock to set. Click Close when finished.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 109 -

GSI System© User Guide
Yield Management Screen Fields

Fields Description

Name (textbox)Title name for the price adjustment scheme.

From (textbox)Indicate here the starting date on which this price adjustment scheme takes effect. Use the
dd-mm-yyyy date format.

To (textbox)Indicate here the ending date on which this price adjustment takes effect. Use the dd-mm-yyyy
date format.

Mon...Sun (checkbox)Tick the day(s) on which the price adjustment takes effect.

Peak (checkbox)Ticking this allows the indicated price adjustment to work only during peak hours. Peak
hours are set in the Billing section (Administration > System Settings > Branch Settings > Billing)

Off Peak (checkbox)Ticking this allows the indicated price adjustment to work only on hours outside the peak
hours. Peak hours are set in the Billing section (by clicking Administration > System Settings >
Branch Settings > Billing)

Type (pick list)This determines whether the diminished/added amount is in percentage of the actual price
(Percentage) or in fixed value (Amount).

+/- (pick list)This indicates whether the amount will be subtracted (-) or added (+) from the original price.

Value (textbox)Enter here the adjustment value based on the selected type (Percentage or Amount).

In defining the Peak Time of the business in this system perform the following procedure:
1. Click Administrator > System Settings from the menu to open the System Settings screen.
2. In the Systems Settings screen click the Branch Settings tab and on the list that will show
under it click the Billing option.
3. This action opens the configuration screen for billing. In this screen indicate the beginning
(From) and end (To) of its Peak Time setting.
4. Click Save when done.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 110 -

GSI System© User Guide
Budget Group & Business Budget MANDATORY

Having a prescribed amount for production or sale (quota) is quite common in many businesses.
This is some sort of a business strategy to most managers to determine whether the company is
able to reach its goals as well as a way to encourage sales.
This business scheme is also supported in this system and also known as “budget”. Quite
contrary to the common knowledge of this term, a budget, as we defined it here is a sales quota

In setting this to your system follow these steps:

1. We start by creating budget groups to classify quota schemes to create. Click Administrator
> Financials > Budget Group on the menus.
2. This shows the Setup Budget Group screen. Enter into this the budget group names to use in
the system then click Save.
3. Next, open the Business Budget screen where we will define the quota schemes. In doing so
click Administrator > Financials > Business Budget.
4. Provide the necessary details for the business budgets to create in the system. For further
details regarding the description of each field given here please see the table below. When all
the necessary details are entered here click Save.

Business Budget Screen Fields

Fields Description
From Date Start of date coverage for the target quota amount
To Date End of date coverage for the target quota amount
The category into which this “budget” belongs. Budget groups are entered in the Budget Group
Budget Group
screen by clicking Administrator > Financials > Business Budget
Amount Target sale amount to reach.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 111 -

GSI System© User Guide

This facility is where we enter the banks to be recognized in the system.

For the Banking feature to work

in this system there should be a
corresponding setting to make
in the System Settings screen.
This is done by ticking the Banking
checkbox in the System Settings screen
(accessible by clicking Administrator >
System Settings > Branch Settings >

To populate the system with the name of banks that will be recognized in the system follow these
1. Click Administrator > Financials > Bank Names on the menus.
2. This opens the Setup Bank Name screen. Enter here the list of preferred banks that you will
allow in your business.
3. Click the Save button when done.
Take note that the entries made here will be shown as options at the Banking Run screen.

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GSI System© User Guide

As a government mandated payments, taxes are applied not only on the operation of the business
but also to all of its commodities. This is another factor that contributes to the development of the
price of the commodities of the business.

In the following discussions we will be dealing on how taxes are defined in the system.
1. Taxes are set in the Taxes screen. To open this, click Administrator > Financials > Tax.
2. In this screen, provide the necessary details for the tax to create. Check out the table below
for details of each fields provided here.
3. Click Save once the necessary entries for these are done.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 113 -

GSI System© User Guide
Credit Cards MANDATORY

The Credit Cards facility is where credit cards that are to be recognized in the system are entered.
This is especially useful for those businesses that allow Credit Card payments in availing its
services and/or products.

The credit card payment type

is not a default setup in this
For details on how to create
a credit card payment type, check out the
screenshot example shown on the Payment
Type Setting topic.

To provide the system with the necessary credit cards to recognize follow these steps:
1. Click Administrator > Financials > Credit Cards on the menus.
2. In the screen that will open enter in this the credit cards you want to allow in the system.
Click Save when done.
Refer to the screenshot above on how to perform this.

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GSI System© User Guide

To take account of the costings that are included in the services of the business, the GSI System
provides the Costing screen to setup the details for these.

To enter the list of costings that can be encountered in conducting the services of the business do
the following:
1. In the Financials screen, click Administrator > Financials > Cost Item from the menus. To
open the Costing screen.
2. As this screen opens, enter the Description of the costings you have in your services and
indicate their Amount. Click Save when through with your entries.
Refer to the screenshot above on how to perform this setting.

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GSI System© User Guide

The Currency facility is where the setup of currencies to recognize in the system is performed.

To set the standard for the currencies to allow in the system use the Currency screen.
1. To access this screen click Administrator > Financials > Currency.
2. In the screen that will show, enter the Symbol (a character or 3-letter currency code),
currency Description and its Rate (which is user defined depending on what base currency
you prefer to use in the system let’s say for example Australian Dollar like the one we have on
the screenshot above)
3. Click the Save button when finished. (Refer to the screenshot above)

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 116 -

GSI System© User Guide
Receipt Deleting Reasons MANDATORY

There comes a time that a need to delete a receipt is necessary to correct certain problems in the
system. However, there should be a valid cause in doing this. This is why we have also provided
a facility in this system to enter the allowable reasons for permitting receipt deletion.

In providing this list follow these steps:

1. Click Administrator > Financials > Receipt Deleting Reasons to open the Receipt Deleting
Reasons screen.
2. In this screen, enter the list of valid reasons for allowing receipt deletion in the system. Click
Save when done. (Refer to the screenshot above)

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 117 -

GSI System© User Guide
Gift Voucher Setup Menu
Gift Vouchers are tokens that act as money to pay for the services, stocks, or any commodities of the business upon which these are
being applied to. This is another scheme to keep customers on patronizing the company’s products as well as keep the business
ongoing for these people. One advantage for the client in availing a gift voucher is that it is transferable just as long as it is within its
coverage date (if specified). This is aside from the fact that one could actually conduct a cashless transaction through this.
This concept is just the same in the GSI System. However, its facility for managing gift vouchers is fully customizable in that you can
set the way gift vouchers work in your business according to your preference.
In creating Gift Vouchers certain settings must be carried out first for this to work properly in the system which includes the following:
1. Creation Of The Gift Voucher Service Group
2. Creating Gift Vouchers
3. Gift Voucher System Settings


The foremost of these prerequisite settings is the creation of the service group upon which the gift
vouchers should be classified. All transactions in the GSI System work in this way. The main
reason for this is to organize these transactions, which is very important in generating reports.

In the performing this do the following:

1. Open the Services And Packages screen by clicking Administrator > Services And
Packages option. In this screen click the Groups option under the Setup column.
2. This immediately brings up the Service Group screen. In this screen key in the “Gift
Voucher” service group name (Description) then assign its appointment book color code by
clicking Font and Background buttons to show the color dialogue screens where these will
be set.
3. When all of these settings are already in place, click the Save button.
You now have the necessary service group for all gift vouchers that will be defined in the system.

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GSI System© User Guide

With the gift voucher service group already created, we can now produce the gift voucher we
need to use in the business. Gift vouchers are created in the Gift Voucher screen.

To produce a gift voucher in the system do the following:

1. Click Administrator > Gift Voucher from the menu. On the screen that will open click the
List option under the Setup column. Clicking the List option opens the Gift Voucher screen
where gift vouchers are created.
2. Provide in this the necessary details for the particular gift voucher to create. (Refer to the
table on the next page for details on each of these fields.)
3. Next, enter the Fee to assign for this gift voucher. As we have known from the start, fees for
every commodity in this business system come by the client type and professional level of
service as defined in the Clients screen. That is depending on the client type (Standard, VIP,
or Wholesale) the price for the same gift voucher may differ for each of these.
These fees are entered in the Fee screen of this gift voucher. This is accessible by clicking
the Fee button. With this in view, enter the fee amount to assign for each of the client types
and professional level you have defined in the system.
When the necessary entries for the fees are entered click the Save button.
4. After this, assign the tax charge to apply for this gift voucher by opening its Setup Taxes
screen. Do this by clicking the Tax button.
On the screen that will open, indicate the taxes to allocate for this gift voucher then click the
Save button.
5. If you want to add some notes regarding this gift voucher, just click the Notes button in the
Gift Voucher screen. Then on the Notes screen that will open type the message to include
for this gift voucher and click the Save button.
6. Perform these steps for every gift voucher you are to create in the system. When the
necessary gift vouchers to use in the business are already entered here click on the Save
button to update these changes into the system and exit this screen.
With these settings performed here you have now created the gift vouchers to use in the system.

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GSI System© User Guide
Gift Voucher Details
Fields Description
Service Description textbox Enter on this the name to assign for the gift voucher to create.
Short Code textbox Specify the code to assign for this gift voucher.
Service Group list Select in the list the “Gift Voucher” group as defined in the Service And Package
Seq textbox (Sequence) Specify here the numeric sequence to give for this gift voucher.
Exp textbox (Expiry Count) Indicate in this the number of months (1, 2, 3, etc.) after which this gift
voucher will expire.
PMS Code textbox Indicate here the PMS Code to assign for this gift voucher.
Commission Amount Specify in this the allocated amount to give as a commission whenever this gift
textbox voucher is sold.
Active checkbox By default this is ticked, indicating that the gift voucher is available and transactions
can be carried out for this.
Web Booking checkbox When ticked, this indicates that the gift voucher is also available for web booking.
Service Charge checkbox If this ticked, service charge amount is also applied in paying for this gift voucher.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 120 -

GSI System© User Guide
Gift Voucher System Settings

Every company has their particular preference for the gift vouchers they are going to use in the
business. No matter how you want gift vouchers to work, you can be set this in the System
Settings screen.

To do this perform the following:

1. The system settings for the Gift Voucher are found at the System Settings screen which is
accessible by clicking Administrator > System Settings option from the menu. In this
screen click the Branch Settings option. Then in the submenus that will appear click on the
Gift Voucher option.
2. In this screen you will notice the different settings that are provided for the gift vouchers.
Perform the necessary configurations for the gift vouchers you want to use in your business.
(Check the table on the next page for the description of these settings). Then click Save.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 121 -

GSI System© User Guide
Gift Voucher System Settings
Fields Description
Auto Generate Gift Voucher Number When ticked, gift voucher numbers that identify it from each other are
checkbox automatically produced instead of being assigned manually.
Gift Voucher Starting From textbox When enabling auto-generated numbers for Gift Vouchers, this indicates
the starting number for the gift voucher. When generated it always start
with the next value. (e.g. when starting number is 1000 the first auto-
generated number is 1001 and so on)
Partial Gift Voucher Redeeming When ticked, the gift voucher allows partial amount use which makes it still
checkbox available for another use until it is depleted.
Enforce Beneficiary Entry checkbox When ticked, the gift voucher requires Beneficiary Name in its purchase.
No Casual Sales checkbox When ticked, the gift voucher will not be available for redemption on casual
sales or anonymous purchases in the system.
Print Gift Voucher Slip checkbox When ticked, this automatically generates a gift voucher slip printout upon
its purchase (not on use or redemption).
Check Branch Of Purchase Before Ticking this will notify the user of the branch where the voucher was
Redeeming checkbox purchased.
Override Expired Gift Voucher On When ticked, this allows expired gift vouchers to be adjusted in expiration
Redeem checkbox and be reused.
Display Gift Voucher Notes On When booking and using a gift voucher in its payment, this setting when
Booking checkbox ticked shows the accompanying notes on this gift voucher.
Display Gift Voucher Notes On Billing When booking and using a gift voucher in its payment, this setting when
checkbox ticked shows the accompanying notes on this gift voucher.
Use Invoice Amount As GV Amount Ticking this makes the value of the gift voucher equivalent to the amount
checkbox paid which is the invoice amount including tax and surcharge.
Use Alternate Gift Voucher Number When ticked, this will recognize the alternate gift voucher number that
checkbox was imported in the system using the gift voucher information in the Arrive
Display Gift Voucher Notes On Arrive This will display the notes (as entered in the Gift Voucher screen) to the
checkbox Arrive screen.
Barcode Printing
Open Barcode Template After When ticked, this will open the specified barcode template file to use for
Exporting List checkbox the gift vouchers.
Template Location textbox Indicate in this the file path for the barcode template to use for embedding
barcode for this gift voucher. Clicking the button accompanying this
textbox generates a file dialogue screen where the directory path for the
file is indicated.
Email Setup - Purchaser
Subject textbox Enter into this the self-descriptive name of the message.
Salutation textbox Enter into this the salutation (like Mr., Ms., Mrs., etc.) to use for the
recipient of the email.
Message textbox Enter into this the generic message to send for this email.
Email Setup - Beneficiary
Subject textbox Enter into this the self-descriptive name of the message.
Salutation textbox Enter into this the salutation (like Mr., Ms., Mrs., etc.) to use for the
recipient of the email.
Message textbox Enter into this the generic message to send for this email.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 122 -

GSI System© User Guide
Memberships & Clubs Setup Menu
Another scheme that many businesses are currently adopting nowadays is the creation of memberships or clubs. With this scheme
businesses can then keep their clients interested in their enterprise as well as encouraging them direct participation in its growth. This
in a way instills customer experience that results to their satisfaction and thereby results to increased popularity of the business.
The GSI System has a way of managing this type of scheme in the business. But first we will be dealing on how memberships and
clubs are created and established into the system.

Memberships and clubs are managed in the Membership and Clubs screen. This is accessible
by clicking Administrator > Membership and Clubs from the menu. This screen’s facilities are
organized in three distinct groups (as can be seen on other screens) which includes the following:
 Setup – This group hosts the different facilities in setting up the membership and clubs
system of the company. This is the first to be accomplished for the membership scheme of
the company to be created.
 Management – In this group, facilities for supervising memberships and clubs are being
carried out.
 Reporting – This group provides all the necessary reports that you need to generate
regarding the Membership & Clubs system of the company.
For this discussion, however, we will be concentrating on how memberships and clubs are
created into the system.

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GSI System© User Guide
Membership and club management begins at its creation and definition. These implementations
are carried out using the facilities listed under the Setup column of the Membership & Clubs

Membership List

Memberships are created in this system by accessing the Membership List facility in the
Membership & Clubs screen. However, the creation of memberships requires the definition of the
membership service group wherein memberships are to be categorized. The following procedure
shows how this is being carried out:
1. Click Administrator > Services & Packages. In the Services & Packages screen that will
open click the Groups option under the Setup column.
2. This brings up the Service Group screen. Create in this the “Memberships” group service
then click Save. (Refer to the screenshot above)

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GSI System© User Guide

With the creation of the Memberships group service you can then create the memberships you
need to define in the system.
3. To begin with, click Administrator > Membership & Clubs option from the menu.
4. This will instantly show the Membership & Clubs screen. In this screen click the
Membership List option under the Setup column.
5. On the screen that will appear, enter the memberships to use in the system by specifying its
required settings as described in the table on the next page.
6. Having done the needed settings for the new membership click the Save button to enter this
new update into the system. Refer to the screenshot above for the details.
With this setup you now have the necessary memberships to use in your business.

7. Following this, setup the fee amount for this membership. Still in the Membership & Clubs
screen click the membership to set then click the Fee button. In the screen that will open
enter the membership fee based on the client type and professional level for its use.
Provide the necessary prices for the membership in this screen then click Save.
8. To apply tax charges to a certain membership highlight the one to apply taxes with then click
the Tax button. Select from the list the taxes to assign. Click Save when taxes have already
been specified. Refer to the screenshot on the previous page for the details.
9. If you want to include certain reminders regarding this membership’s payment, just select the
membership to set notes with then click the Payment Notes button. On the screen that will
appear, key in the message you want to indicate for the membership then click Save. Refer
to the screenshot above for details.

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GSI System© User Guide
In some businesses, aside
Setup Membership Fields from the regular
Fields Description membership, they have
what they call a Tranquility
Service Description textbox Enter in this the name of the membership to declare in the system. Membership they provide
on their regular patrons. In this type of
Short Code textbox Enter in this the code to represent this membership. membership the client availing this will have
some sort of a regular monthly freebie. This
Service Group list Select the “Membership” group for all the memberships created here.
incorporates a system that ensures that it
PMS Code textbox If this system is interfaced to a certain Hotel PMS system indicate here its PMS can only obtained on a set period of time in
Code. order to prevent overlapping claims.
The GSI System can also accommodate
No Details checkbox Ticking this will make a membership sold without requiring any detail (the
Tranquility Membership. To create this in
Membership Information screen will not appear). The underlying rationale in
the system perform the following:
including this field is to allocate the revenue directly to the membership or anything
that has something to do with membership (e.g. When the business doesn’t have 1. In the Discount Reasons screen
any direct debit system to process membership payments that a certain (Administrator > Clients > Discount
membership will be created to act as a payment repository). Reasons) create a discount reason to
use for tranquility membership.
Exp (months) textbox (Expiration) Indicate in this the number of months to expire from the time this
2. In the System Settings screen, tick the
membership is activated.
“Use Selected Discount Reason For
Service Charge checkbox When ticked, a service charge will be applied for this membership when used in Tranquility Members” option and link in
purchases. this the discount reason to use for
Corporate checkbox When ticked, this membership applies to all members of a company or corporation. 3. Then in the Membership List screen
Off-Peak Only checkbox When ticked, this membership’s discount privileges are only available during off- define a tranquility membership.
peak season (time when sale has a low turnout). Specify only the Membership name and
the created discount reason for
% Service textbox Enter in this the discount rate for an ordered service. tranquility membership.

% Stock textbox Enter in this the discount rate for an ordered stock. With this setting you now have defined a
Tranquility Membership in the system.
Credit textbox Specify here the initial credit amount for this membership. Clients availing this membership are
entitled with one free service every month.
Direct Debit checkbox When ticked, this membership is being paid through a Direct Debit company.
In availing this privilege, the client should
Suspension Charge textbox When a certain client’s membership is suspended and this amount is available, this apply this discount in the Billing screen.
will be applied as an additional charge. 1. Just click the Discount button. Then
on the Select Discount screen that will
DD Amount textbox (Direct Debit Amount) Enter into this the amount to be automatically deducted as a
appear select the Tranquility discount.
payment for this membership.
2. Remember to click the order (or orders)
Active checkbox By default this is ticked. If unticked this membership will be rendered inactive. to apply this discount.
Commission Amount textbox Enter into this the commission amount to be given to the seller of this membership. 3. Then pay for the order.
Availing this the second time within the
Discount Reason textbox Indicate here the reason for applying a discount for this membership. This is also
same month will not be allowed
used to define a tranquility membership.

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GSI System© User Guide

10. If in the business establishment the electronic gates are available, one could also set these Take note that in defining a
discount scheme to apply for a
gates to be automatically opened for a certain membership in the system by highlighting it certain membership, only one
then clicking the Gates button. In the screen that will open, select the gate upon which the of the two approaches will
highlighted membership will be set then click Save. See screenshot below on how to do this. work. Such that if both discount
specifications are performed, the system
11. To set certain commodities (services or stocks) to be discounted for a particular membership will only recognize the first one defined.
just select the membership for this to work then specify the discount to apply. The rule then is to just use only one
There are two ways of setting this for memberships (1) by entering the discount rates in the approach for discounting (per Stock/Service
Discount or per Stock Group/Service Group
%Service and %Stock fields of a particular membership which applies a per Stock/Service Discount).
Discount and the other one is (2) by specifying the discount rates in the Membership
Discount screen which applies a per Stock/Service Group Discount (accessed by clicking
Membership Card Template
the Discount button at the bottom of Setup Membership screen). can be customized to the
12. You may also generate membership cards for a certain membership in this system. In doing preference of the company
so that they can use
so take note of the following steps: different template design for
a. Click Administrator > Membership & Clubs to open the Membership & Clubs screen. each membership type.

b. In the screen that will open, highlight the membership to create a card then click the
Card Import button.
c. This will in turn open the Printout Design – Card screen. Specify the information to print
on the card to the provided text fields (Custom Text Line 1, 2 and 3) then click Save.
If you want to print a membership card (either with a regular printer or a plastic card
printer), click the Import button to open the interface upon which this can be performed.
However, if you wish to just generate the cards info in a file, to be used on another
branch or system, then clicking the Export button is what you’re going to do to open the
screen where this could be carried out.
Clicking the Close button brings you back to the Setup Membership screen.
13. When the necessary settings for the membership to create and use in the system are made
just click the Save button. Click Close to exit from the Setup Membership screen.
With these implementations memberships are now available for use in the system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 127 -

GSI System© User Guide
Direct Debit Company

Direct Debit (also known as Direct Withdrawal) is a payment system wherein the Direct Debit
Company or the business’s bank itself collects an amount directly from a client’s account through
the request issued by the business enterprise with the client’s approval. This is a very common
process nowadays in collecting payments especially for those that are recurring such as for credit
cards and utility bills.
On the previous discussion that we have in setting the company’s memberships, we have
somehow taken the setup of Direct Debit payment in collecting for membership fee. This is
through the configurations made on the Direct Debit checkbox and the DD Amount textbox in
the Setup Membership screen. What is only missing is the setting of the company which will
conduct the direct debit transaction.

To set this into the system follow these steps:

1. On the home screen click Administrator > Membership & Clubs from the menu. In the
screen that will show, click the Direct Debit Company option under the Setup column.
2. This will then show the Direct Debit Companies screen. Populate this with the companies to
allow support for conducting direct debit collection for the business’s membership payments.
3. To set the access code for a particular direct debit company, highlight the company to set
then click the Config button.
4. The Configuration screen for the selected Direct Debit Company will then show. Enter in this
the direct debit company’s code then click the Save button.
5. Going back to the Direct Debit Companies screen, just click Close to exit this setting.
This now establishes the Direct Debit system for collecting membership fees in the business.
Refer to the screenshot below for more details.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 128 -

GSI System© User Guide
Club List

Establishing clubs is another very interesting scheme to implement in the business. Clubs in
comparison to memberships are groups, by which certain clients are associated with due to their
particular interests whereas Memberships are affiliations into which regular patrons are inducted
into to obtain discount privileges on the business’s merchandise. Such that a certain client can be
a “Platinum” member due to the discount privileges it offers and at the same time becomes a part
of a “Taekwondo Club”. It should also be taken note, however, that just like in memberships, a
certain club has also its own set of privileges.
The GSI System also supports Club memberships in the business. The facility for the creation
and set up of clubs is accessible by clicking the Club List option on the Membership & Clubs

1. From the opening screen click Administrator > Memberships & Clubs. Then on the
Membership & Clubs screen click the Club List option.
2. This action opens the Setup Clubs screen. Enter here the clubs to establish in the business.
Provide the necessary settings for the fields provided here as indicated in the table below.
3. Having done this, click the Save button to update this into the system. See screenshot on the
previous page for further details.

Club List Fields

Fields Description

Name Indicate here the name to assign for a club to use in the business.

Stock spent for 1 point Enter in this the required amount of stock purchase in order to earn a point for
this club. For example, if you have entered $50 here, this means that for every
$50 stock purchase you’ll get 1 point. These points can then be used in availing
the merchandise of the business.

Points for 1 dollar stock Indicate here the stock redeeming rate to use for each point earned. That is if
you set 2 here, this means that 2 points is worth a dollar. To buy a stock item
then that costs $100 you must have earned at least 200 points.

Service spent for 1 point Enter in this the required amount for service booking in order to earn a point for
this club. For example, if you have entered $10 here, this means that for every
$10 service purchase you’ll get 1 point. These points can then be used in
availing the merchandise of the business.

Point for 1 dollar service Indicate here the service redeeming rate to use for each point earned. That is if
you set 2 here, this means that 2 points is worth a dollar. To book a service
then that costs $100 you must have earned at least 200 points.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 129 -

GSI System© User Guide
Direct Debit Reason

The direct debit processing for payment is basically agreed by the customer whenever this
comes up as a requirement for paying for membership in the business. However, there are
instances wherein this process will not become successful due to insufficient funds at the time
this was carried out. In such cases, an alternate direct debit implementation is needed in order
to obtain the necessary amount for the payment. But this cannot be implemented right away as
it doesn’t follow the standard protocol for issuing direct debit requests. This is why a direct debit
reason is required in order to validate an alternate direct debit processing.
The allowable reasons for validating an alternate direct debit processing are entered at the Direct
Debit Reason screen.

Here’s how this is done.

1. From the opening screen click Administrator > Memberships & Clubs. Then on the
Membership & Clubs screen click the Club List option.
2. This brings up the Direct Debit Reason screen. Populate this with the possible reasons for
conducting an alternate direct debit process.
3. Click Save when the necessary reasons for conducting direct debiting are entered.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 130 -

GSI System© User Guide

If lockers are provided for members, this system also provides a management facility to
undertake this task.

To define the available lockers that can be used in the business follow these:
1. Click Administrator > Membership & Clubs from the menu. Then in the Membership &
Clubs screen click the Locker option.
2. To this effect, the Lockers screen will show. Enter into this the assigned names for the
available lockers to use in the business then click the Save button.
Check out the screenshot above for further details on how to perform this in the system.

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GSI System© User Guide
Suspension Reasons

In the suspension of a member, the client’s membership privileges are only withheld for a certain
period of time. The membership is still intact. However, in the suspension period direct debiting
is also on hold.

To enter the valid reasons for conducting membership suspension on certain clients, provide
these in the Suspension Reasons screen.
1. Do this by clicking Administrator > Membership & Clubs. Then click the Suspension
Reasons option under the Setup column.
2. The Suspension Reasons screen will then show. Provide in this the valid reasons for
implementing suspension of a certain membership then click Save when all the necessary
entries for these are made.
Check out the screenshot above for further details on how to perform this in the system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 132 -

GSI System© User Guide
Cancellation Reasons

In comparison to membership suspension, cancelling a certain membership terminates the

client’s status and privileges as a member. To this effect, direct debiting for this client’s
membership fee also stops.

In entering reasons for putting into effect the cancellation of a certain membership, perform the
1. Click Administrator > Membership & Clubs option from the menu then click the
Cancellation Reasons option under the Setup column.
2. In the screen that will open, provide in this the list of allowable reasons for cancelling the
membership of a certain client. Click Save when this is through.
Check out the screenshot above for further details on how to perform this in the system.
With these implementations you have now established the membership scheme of the business
in the GSI system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 133 -

GSI System© User Guide
Membership System Settings

It is also noteworthy that beside the settings given on this screen, you could also customize the
way the Membership scheme work for your business in the System Settings screen.

This is accessible by clicking Administrator > System Settings from the menu. By clicking the
Branch Settings tab and then the Membership option, the configurations for the Membership
scheme will then show. Check the table below for the description of each of these fields and
how these are set.

Membership System Settings

Fields Description

Auto-Generate Membership Number Ticking this checkbox auto-generates a card number for each member.

Membership Number Starting From Enter in this starting value of the auto-generated membership number.

Allow Duplicate Membership Number Ticking this checkbox enables membership number duplication.

Alert Duplicate Membership Number Ticking this checkbox enables an alert message to be shown whenever an
entered membership number is already available in the system.

Allow To Change Membership Type Ticking this checkbox permits modification of the set membership type.

Default Direct Debit Export Location Specify in this the directory path by which the direct debit file will be saved.

Disable Membership On DD Failure If ticked, this disables the client’s membership if direct debit for this fails.

Activate Membership On DD Success If this checkbox is ticked, the system will automatically reactivate a disabled
client’s membership once an alternate direct debit for this succeeds.

Enable Pro-Rata For Membership Ticking this checkbox enables its membership fee to be prorated wherein it
will be proportioned so only those days it has been used will be charged.

Enable Card No. For Membership When ticked, a membership card is enabled for this member.

Off-Peak Hours Enter on the fields provided the set Off-Peak Hours of your business.

Technogym Export Member Info Tick this to enable exporting of member info through a file.

Membership DD Mandatory Fields Tick the Account Details checkbox to set it to be mandatory.

Membership Non-Editable Fields Tick the fields on the list to set to be non-editable in membership details.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 134 -

GSI System© User Guide
MYOB Setup Menu
By itself, the Gumnut System is capable of performing accounting processes in the business that is built-in into it. However, if the
business requires a different operation for managing its accounts then the need for an external system for handling this is necessary.
One such popular accounting software that can be used is the MYOB System.
As an added feature of this system, it can be set to work with an MYOB system. Take note, however, that the idea of this interface is
just to generate the necessary accounts transaction data in a format readable to an MYOB system. This report then will be entered into
an MYOB System for processing.
Through this the system can then handle complex accounting tasks, thus, extending its capabilities. Another advantage to this is when
there is already an existing MYOB System being used in managing the business’s accounts then the need for the conversion is not
anymore a problem.
In the following topics we will discuss how this interface can be established and used in managing the business’s accounts.

Enabling The MYOB Interface

The first step in making the MYOB System to work with the GSI System is in the activation of this
feature. In its establishment GSI can then start interfacing with it.

The following steps demonstrate how this is done:

1. Click Administrator > System Settings on the menu to open the System Settings screen.
In the System Settings screen, click the Branch Settings > MYOB Interface tab.
2. This will show the setting variables for the MYOB interface. Tick in this the Enable MYOB
Interface checkbox.
3. Having done this, provide the necessary data for the fields given here. See table on the
next page for the description of each field in this screen.
4. Then click the Save button for these configurations to take effect.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 135 -

GSI System© User Guide
MYOB System Setting Fields
Fields Description
Enable MYOB Interface (checkbox) Tick this to activate the use of MYOB System in the Gumnut System.
(pick list) Select from this the necessary tax code to use for each transaction being
Default Tax Code
processed for MYOB. (e.g. Service Tax)
(textbox) Enter into this the directory path for the export file to use in an MYOB
Export Output Folder
System. (e.g. C:\MYOB Import\G1)
Data File ID Prefixes
Client (textbox) Indicate in this the prefix to use for the client data (e.g. CUS)
Employee (textbox) Indicate in this the prefix to use for the employee data (e.g. EMP)
Supplier (textbox) Indicate in this the prefix to use for the supplier data (e.g. SUP)
Item (textbox) Indicate in this the prefix to use for the item data (e.g. ITM)
Inventory Adjustment Accounts
Manual Adjustment Provide in this the assigned account code for the Manual Adjustment transaction.
Stock Usage Provide in this the assigned account code for the Stock Usage transaction.
Transfer From Branch Provide in this the assigned account code for the Transfer From Branch transaction.
Transfer To Branch Provide in this the assigned account code for the Transfer To Branch transaction.
Name of Custom Data - Clients
Custom List#1... #3 Name Indicate in this the header name of the lists to use for filtering client data.
Indicate in this the header name of the text field to use for filtering client data. This is
Custom Field#1... #3 Name
used for Data Mining In MYOB which is a process of extracting patterns from data.
Name of Custom Data - Staff
Custom List#1... #3 Name Indicate in this the header name of the list to use for filtering staff data.
Custom Field#1... #3 Name Indicate in this the header name of the text field to use for filtering staff data.
Name of Custom Data - Suppliers
Custom List#1... #3 Name Indicate in this the header name of the list to use for filtering supplier data.
Custom Field#1... #3 Name Indicate in this the header name of the text field to use for filtering supplier data.
Name of Custom Data - Items
Custom List#1... #3 Name Indicate in this the header name of the list to use for filtering item data.
Custom Field#1... #3 Name Indicate in this the header name of the text field to use for filtering item data.

With these system configurations already set, the MYOB System can then be recognized in the
GSI System.

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GSI System© User Guide
Initializing MYOB Filter Lists

Following this, provide the elements of the created filter lists. The previous declarations just
created the filter lists to use in the system. You need to populate the elements on these lists.

To do this perform the following: Remember to save the entries

by clicking the Save button for
1. On the main screen click Administrator > MYOB Interface option from the menu. each of these.
2. In the screen that will appear, you will notice the different custom lists that you have defined
in the System Settings screen previously, now being shown in the Setup column of this
screen. Just click on this to enter the items for each of these lists.
3. Doing so will open a blank screen. Just click on the available blank list to start the entry of
the items followed by the keying of the items.
4. With the necessary items already entered click the Save button.
5. Perform these steps until all the defined lists are populated with items.
With these procedures you have now established the MYOB Interface of the GSI System.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 137 -

GSI System© User Guide
Linking Clients, Services & Packages, Stocks, Supplier, F&B and Membership To MYOB Interface

After setting up the entire Custom list of the MYOB Interface, you will need to link this to the
Client, Staff, Services & Packages, Stocks, F&B and Membership that you want to include
for processing.
We will be discussing how this linking is carried out for each of these sections to the MYOB

Linking Client Information To MYOB Interface

The fields that are provided on
the MYOB Data Screen for
Clients, Staffs, Items, Supplier,
F&B, and Memberships are the
ones specified in the System
Settings screen of the GSI System in the
start of its setup.

Here’s how to do this:

1. On the main screen go to the Clients screen by clicking Administrator > Clients.
2. In the screen that will open click the Select Client menu under the Management column.
3. This opens the Client Select screen where client information is being pulled out. To
generate the list of client to show on the table you could enter the necessary search criteria
for this then pressing the Enter button or clicking its corresponding icon in this screen, or
you could just press Enter to show all clients.
4. Select from the list the one to use for MYOB Interface then click the Client Detail button to
bring up this client’s information screen.
5. In the screen that will open click the MYOB Data button below.
6. Another window will open showing the MYOB Data (the ones we have specified in the
System Settings screen) for the currently selected client. Provide the necessary details for
this then click the Save button.

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GSI System© User Guide
Linking Staff Information To MYOB Interface

Follow these steps in performing this:

1. Click Administrator > Staff to open the Staff screen.
2. On this screen click the Staff List option from the menu.
3. This brings up the Staff List screen wherein the list of staffs available in the business is
shown. Select from this the staff to process for the MYOB Interface then click the MYOB
Data button.
4. This brings out the MYOB Data screen for the selected staff. Indicate the necessary data
for the fields given here. Click Save when this is done.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 139 -

GSI System© User Guide
Linking Stock Item Information To MYOB Interface
The Asset Account, Income
Account and Expense/COS
Account are being provided by
the accounting department of
the company.

To do this perform the following:

1. Click Administrator > Stock from the menu to open the Stock screen.
2. In the Stock screen click on the Lists option under the Setup column.
3. This opens the Stock Setup screen wherein lists of items offered in the business are shown.
Select from this the stock item to declare for the MYOB Interface then click the MYOB Data
button below.
4. This action shows the MYOB Data screen of the item. Provide the details for the fields
given here and click the Save button to enter this.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 140 -

GSI System© User Guide
Linking Supplier Information To MYOB Interface

In doing this perform the following procedure:

1. Go to the Stock screen by clicking Administrator > Stock option from the menu.
2. In the screen that will open, click the Suppliers option.
3. This will then open the Setup Supplier screen. Click on this the supplier to include for
MYOB processing then click the MYOB Data button.
4. In the MYOB Data screen for this supplier enter the required details for the fields provided.
Click Save when the necessary details for these are supplied.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 141 -

GSI System© User Guide
Linking F&B Information To MYOB Interface

Linking F&B to MYOB Interface is done in the following manner:

1. Start by clicking Administrator > F And B option from the menu to open the Food And
Beverage screen.
2. In this screen, click the List option.
3. In the Setup Food & Beverage screen click the item on the list to include for MYOB
processing then click the MYOB Data button.
4. The next screen will show the MYOB Data for the selected item. Supply the information
required for this then click the Save button to enter these into the system.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 142 -

GSI System© User Guide
Linking Membership Information To MYOB Interface

To link Membership information to the MYOB Interface observe the following procedure:
1. Click Administrator > Membership & Clubs option from the menu to open the Membership
& Clubs screen.
2. In the Membership & Clubs screen click on the Membership List option.
3. As the Setup Membership screen appears select the Membership to link to MYOB Data then
click the MYOB Data button.
4. In the MYOB Data for this membership, provide the details for the fields given here then
click the Save button.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 143 -

GSI System© User Guide
Generating Export Data To Process For MYOB

Having entered the necessary data to process in an MYOB system, you may now generate this
as a report that is readable to MYOB.

To generate this report perform the following procedure:

1. Going back to the main screen click Administrator > MYOB Interface from the menu.
2. This brings up the MYOB Interface screen click in this the Export option under the
Management column.
3. Provide in the screen that will appear the Delimiter to use for separating items in the export
file, the date coverage for the transactions to export as determined by the Start Date and
the End Date entries.
4. When all the necessary entries are made, click the OK button to start the generation of the
export file.
5. Upon it’s completion a dialogue screen will appear indicating the completion of the export
data. Just click the OK button to proceed.
An export file has now been created. To get this file, check the folder destination of this export
file as indicated in the Export Output Folder field in the System Settings screen (Administrator
> System Settings > Branch Settings > MYOB Interface). This file is in an Excel format, and
depending on the set attribute in the Export MYOB Data File screen, its data may be separated
from one another by commas or by tabs.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 144 -

GSI System© User Guide
Displaying MYOB Exports’ History

As every transactions made in the GSI System, MYOB Exports made are fully documented for
the benefit of its tracking and review.

This can be carried out in the system by using the History facility in the MYOB Interface screen.
To perform this task do the following:
1. Open the MYOB Interface screen by clicking Administrator > MYOB Interface from the
2. In the screen that will open click the History option under the Management column.
3. The MYOB Export History screen will then appear. Indicate in this the Start Date and End
Date to determine the date coverage of the exports to show then click the Display button to
generate the list.
This will immediately show the exports made for the indicated coverage date together with its

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 145 -

GSI System© User Guide
In addition to this system’s capability of selling stocks we have also enabled this system to handle stock purchases in large quantities or
wholesale. We included this facility to cater for those businesses that supplies items to other businesses such as suppliers as well as
the manufacturers themselves.
Having learned how to implement retail selling in this system, we are now going to discuss how a wholesale business is established

Enabling GSI’s Wholesale Management System

In making the Wholesale Setup work in this system the following procedures should be
1. Open the System Settings screen by clicking Administrator > System Settings option from
the menu.
2. In this screen click the Global Settings option then click from the sub-options that will appear
the Database.
3. In the right pane of this screen indicate the Branch (Select Main Branch) upon which the
wholesale setup will work. You may also indicate whether the specified branch is a franchise
of a certain branch by ticking the Franchise Mode checkbox that goes with it.
4. Following this, scroll down to the Menu Item Settings. See to it that the Show Wholesale
checkbox is ticked.
5. After this click the Save button.
6. Still in the System Settings screen, click Branch Settings then the Wholesale option.
7. This opens the Wholesale settings page of the System Settings screen. Make sure that the
Wholesale checkbox at the top is ticked.
8. Just click Save to enter these new settings into the system then exit by clicking the Close
With these settings you now have enabled the wholesale facility of the system. You should take
note, however, that due to this, the Appointment Book facility is not anymore available.
The discussion on how to use GSI’s Wholesale facilities in managing a wholesale transactions is
dealt properly in Chapter 3.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 146 -

GSI System© User Guide
Café / Restaurant POS
For businesses that cater food service such as Café or Restaurant, we incorporated in this software a Café POS (Point-Of-Sale) system
to facilitate its day to day selling transactions. You will find that using this facility in conducting your café and/or restaurant business will
do a great deal of help in ensuring your profits as well as keeping you informed on what’s happening in your business. This is aside
from the fact that it eases up your day to day business operation through its user friendly interface.
In the following discussions, we will be dealing with the use of the available facilities given in this system to manage point-of-sale
transactions in a Café or Restaurant.

Enabling The Café POS System

GSI’s Café POS system is made available through the configurations set in its System Settings.
See to it that these settings are
thoroughly done in order for the
POS screen to be available for

In performing this setting, do the following:

1. Go to the System Settings screen by clicking Administrator > System Settings from the menu.
2. In this screen, open the Module Settings screen by clicking Branch Settings > Module
Settings. Tick in this the Enable POS checkbox. Then click Save.
3. Next, still in the System Settings screen open the POS settings screen. Do this by clicking
Branch Settings > POS option from the menu. In this screen, set the following fields in the
Café POS Defaults section:
Café POS Defaults

Fields Description

Payment Type For Order Enter in this the payment type to use in handling regular orders. This has to
be defined in the Payment Type screen (Administrator > Financial > Payment Type).

Payment Type For Room Charge Enter in this the set payment type to use for handling payments of orders
made by resident clients (or hotel guests). This has to be defined in the
Payment Type screen (Administrator > Financial > Payment Type).

Casual Client Enter into this the default casual client to use for processing casual orders.

Waiter Indicate in this the default waiter to accommodate orders.

4. When done, click the Save button then click Close to exit from the System Settings screen.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 147 -

GSI System© User Guide
With these settings you may now be able to use the café POS screen

Make sure that the staff account

you’re using has the necessary
privilege of accessing this facility
in the system. If not available set
this privilege for the staff.
For details on how to set privileges of a
certain staff, please refer to the Privilege
Groups and Staff List: Privileges topics in
the Staff Setup Menu section of this

5. To open the café POS screen just click the Administrator > POS option from the menu. As
the POS screen appears, click from this the Café/Restaurant POS option. In doing so, it will
show the Café POS screen (refer to the screenshot above).

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 148 -

GSI System© User Guide
Setting Up The POS System

Having the Café POS System made available, the next thing to do is to set this up to work for your
business upon which this is to be used.

Creating Service Groups (Item Groups)

The setup of the Café POS System begins with the creation of the respective Service Groups of
the items (food) to sell. To do this, perform the following:
1. Open the Services & Packages screen by clicking Administrator > Services & Packages
option from the menu.
2. In the screen that will open, click the Groups option.
3. This immediately shows the Service Group screen. In this screen, enter the classifications to
use for the food to offer in the business under the Description column and the Serving
Station upon which the respective entered groups should be linked.
Take note that serving stations are associated with a certain printer by which orders are
generated into order receipts. The serving stations to use in this system are entered and set
in the Setup Serving Station screen which is accessible by going to the POS screen (clicking
Administrator > POS option) and clicking Serving Station option in it.
4. You may also assign the respective color codes for each of these created service groups by
highlighting the service group and clicking the Font and Background buttons to set its font
and background color when shown in the Café POS screen.
Having conducted this procedure, you now have groups for classifying menu to offer in your
café/restaurant business.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 149 -

GSI System© User Guide
Creating Homebrewed Menu
After the creation of the service groups, you may then start populating the system with the
foodstuffs to sell in the business. There are two types of foodstuffs that can be offered in this
system – Homebrewed Menu or food that are prepared by the business, and Ordered Menu or
food items that are just ordered from other suppliers.
We will start the discussion of how homebrewed menus are set in the business. Homebrewed
menus are entered in this system through the Setup Service And Fee screen.

In doing this perform the following:

1. Open the Services & Packages screen by clicking Administrator > Services & Packages
option from the menu followed by clicking the Menu option.
2. In its appearance, provide the initial details for the cuisine by clicking its respective detail
grids and entering the required specifications for these. The table on the next page
summarizes the description of the fields that must be filled for this setup.
3. Having done the necessary entries for the homebrewed menu, enter its price in its
corresponding Fee screen by highlighting the cuisine and clicking the Fee button.
To enter health conditions to prevent the currently selected food item from being ordered
(contraindications), indicate these in the Link Service Contraindication screen by clicking the
Contra Indication button at the lower part of the Setup Service And Fee screen.
To enter stocks being used to create the selected food item, click the Stock Usage button.
To assign a tax for the selected food item, click the Tax button.
4. Perform the previous steps repeatedly for all food items to create in this system then click the
Save button to finalize these settings.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 150 -

GSI System© User Guide
Setup Service And Fees Fields
Fields Description

Service Description Indicate in this field the descriptive name to assign for the item.

Seq (Sequence) Enter into this the sequence or order upon which this cuisine will appear in the POS screen.

Short Code Enter into this the code to be used for the cuisine.

Service Group Indicate in this the Service Group to classify the cuisine.

Points Enter in this the amount of points to be given whenever this cuisine is ordered.

Redeem Indicate here the amount of points needed to purchase or redeem this item.

Active If not ticked, this makes the cuisine not available in the POS screen.

Commission Amount Indicate in this the commission to be given whenever this item is ordered.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 151 -

GSI System© User Guide
Creating Ready-To-Eat Menu
There are cafés that require a different treatment for the food items made by the business itself
and items that are just ordered from other businesses. For such items that are just ordered from
suppliers these are known in this system as Ordered Menu.
In comparison with Service Items, Ordered food Items doesn’t require Stock Usage, Costings, as
well as Staff (since these are already made)... just the price. In this discussion we will be dealing
with how Ordered food Items are entered into this system.

Ordered food Items are entered here in this manner:

1. Go to the Stock screen by clicking Administrator > Stock from the menu. In this screen
click the List option.
2. This brings up the Stock Setup screen. Click in this the New button.
3. In the dialogue screen that will appear, provide the details for the necessary ingredients to
use in producing menu, and the ready-to-eat food items that will be offered in the business,
then click the Save button. The table below shows the description of each field provided in
this dialogue screen.
To assign a corresponding tax for the food item, highlight the food item then click the Tax
button below.
4. Carry out the same steps for all food items to create in this system then click the Save button
in the Stock Setup screen to make an update for these new settings.
Having done this, you now have the necessary ready-to-eat food items available in the system.
Use these to either indicate items aside from the menu offered in your café or restaurant and also
as a stock to use for preparing homebrewed menu.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 152 -

GSI System© User Guide
Stock Details Fields
Fields Description


Stock Name Enter into this the name of the food item.

Wholesale Price Provide in this the price to charge when this food item is sold in large quantities.

Retail Price Provide in this the price to charge when this food item is sold per piece.

Bar Code Enter in this the barcode to assign for this food item.

Part No. Enter in this the part number to assign for this food item.

Rack No. Specify here the storage location of this item in a rack.

Stock Control Tick this to enable the automatic stock control feature of this system to track stock

Medication not applicable

Batch Process When ticked, this enable the food item to be distributed in a batch such that it prioritizes
items set on the first batch followed by its succeeding batch and so on.

Enable Price Levels When ticked, this makes the system to determine the price of a food item based on the
assigned price levels.

Import Image Clicking this image pane, shows the file specification program to indicate the image to use
in representing this food item in the POS interface.


Stock Code Enter into this the code to assign for this stock

Group Indicate in this the service group to associate this food item.

Sub Group Indicate here the sub-group upon which the food item will be entered.

Category Code Enter in this the category code by which this item should belong.


Bulk When ticked, this item can be purchased by bulk.

Number Indicate in this the quantity of food items included when ordered as a bulk.

Quantity In Stock This shows the currently available stock for this food item. The amount of stock for a certain
food item is set either by

Min. Order Level Indicate in this the minimum amount that when reached, it will generate an order in the
system to replenish it. This prevents available stocks from running empty.

Reorder Level Indicate in this the maximum amount that when receded to this, will generate an order in the
system to refill it to this amount. Through this the stock quantity of the food item is

Unit/Size Indicate in this the amount and unit being used on this food item.

Supplier Indicate in this the supplier upon which the item is ordered.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 153 -

GSI System© User Guide
Setting Up POS Elements
In designing the Café POS interface of this system, it requires that certain POS elements must be
defined first.

One of these elements is the table (or Station for some business) wherein the client is being
served. In setting this perform the following:
1. Open the POS screen by clicking Administrator > POS option.
2. In the screen that will open, click the Table option.
3. This brings up the Setup Table screen. Enter into this screen the assigned table name on the
lines under the Description column and indicate the number of people that can be seated for
each of these in the lines under the No. Of Seat column.
4. Click Save when the necessary entries for this have already been provided.
Following this, define the identity of the printers to use in the POS system by performing the
5. Still in the POS screen, click the Printer option.
6. In the Setup Printer screen indicate the name to assign for the printer to use in the POS
system in the grid under the Description column then select the path of the printer to
associate in this to the grid under the Path column.
7. When the necessary printers to use in the system have already been specified, click on the
Save button.
Having done this, you can now configure the serving stations upon which the defined printers in
the system are to be specified. This is performed in the following manner:
8. Going back to the POS screen, click the Serving Station option.
9. Enter into the screen that will appear the name of the serving station to use (Description)
and the printer to use for this (Printer) as defined in the Setup Printer screen.
10. Provide the necessary serving stations in the system then click the Save button.
With these settings, Tables and Serving Stations are now available for use in the POS interface.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 154 -

GSI System© User Guide
Building The POS Menu
With the necessary settings already done, you may now be able to design the items menu of the
Café POS Interface. The Items menu shows the business’s offered products in graphical format.
Take very important note, however, that the previous settings must have been already conducted
before going into this.

In designing the items menu of the POS system perform the following: Take note that service items are
items that are created in the
1. In the POS screen, click the POS Menu option. Setup Service & Fee screen
while stock items are items
2. This opens the POS Menu wherein options that can be seen in the POS Interface are entered in the Stock Setup
created. Enter in this the options (which can either be a group or a food item) to show in the screen.
POS interface.
3. Having entered these, highlight an item provided here then click the New button.
4. This action brings up a dialogue screen wherein it will initially require the item Code, the
Parent name, and the Menu Type.
5. In defining a selected item to be an item group, enter the name of the item to click and leave
the Parent field blank. In the Menu Type, click the General option.
6. Likewise, in defining the selected item to be a specific item, enter the name of the item in the
Code field provided then indicate the item group in the Parent field upon which the item will
be under.
Then in the Menu Type, click the Detail option. Choosing this setting will show the extra
fields in this window.
Tick the Item option if the food item is a homebrewed item or Stock if the item is an ordered
item. Then indicate the item or stock to use on the item list that will appear.
You may also specify an image for this menu item by clicking on Import Image box provided.
7. When the necessary settings for this item menu are entered, click the Save button.
8. Perform these steps for every item in the POS Menu screen. When this is done click the
Close button.
With these settings, you have now established the menu of items in the POS interface. To check
for this click on the POS Screen option of the POS screen (Administrator > POS).

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 155 -

GSI System© User Guide
Designing A Pre-Payment Receipt
Another very important setting to deal with in setting up the Café’/Restaurant POS system is the
design of the pre-payment bill template to use for generating a bill showing the breakdown of the
amount owed by the customer for his/her order (colloq. chit).

Take note that data in the

Header and Footer variables are
shown only once - for every
instance of its appearance in the
In contrast to this, data in the Detail
variables occurs in a number of times
depending on the number of items ordered.
So that a single declaration of these is
enough to print the details of all the items

In performing this setup, do the following:

1. In the Main screen click Administrator > System Settings from the menu.
2. In the menu portion of the System Settings screen, click Branch Settings > Print Design.
3. This will show the Print Design menu. From this, click the Pre-Payment Docket button.
Doing so will show the Printout Design – Prepayment Docket screen. Notice that this screen
has two panes – one for the data variables and the other for the layout platform. The layout
platform pane is where we design the appearance of the prepayment bill by typing in the
necessary print to show in this bill. To print transaction data (date, time, name of item,
quantity ordered, price, total bill, etc.) in this use the provided data variables at the left pane.
To do this, position first the cursor in the layout platform where the transaction data should
appear in the bill then double click the variable. This will immediately generate the variable
on the current cursor position.
4. Having laid down the necessary elements to appear in the bill, set the properties of each of
the variables used in the design. Do this by double clicking the variable, then clicking the
Field Properties button.
In the dialogue screen that will appear, provide the necessary setting (e.g. Sample,
Alignment, and Max Length) for the generated value of this variable.
5. To set the page of the printout (size and margins) click the Page Setup button. Then in the
dialogue screen that will show indicate its necessary settings.
6. When done with this settings click the Save button. Going back to the Print Design screen
click the Save button once more then Close.
A pre-payment bill template has now been created into the system. Clicking the Pre-Payment
button on the Café/Restaurant POS screen after taking an order will then generate a bill detailing
the client’s orders as designed on the set pre-payment bill template.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 156 -

GSI System© User Guide
Room Management Setup Menu
Another facility that is an indispensable tool in managing businesses that offers room lodging is the Room Management. Enabled in the
GSI System through a license purchase, this facility has all the necessary utilities in running inns, hotels, apartments, and motels. With
its fully customizable facilities you could make this business management system to work according to the design of your business.
In the following discussions we will be dealing with the setup of this facility.

Enabling The Room Management System

As has been mentioned earlier, this facility is made available through a license purchase. Having
done this, the Room Management facility can then be enabled in the system through the
configurations entered in the System Settings screen.

To facilitate this setup, perform the following:

1. Open the System Settings screen by clicking Administrator > System Settings from the
main menu.
2. In the screen that will show, go to the Module Settings setup by clicking Branch Settings >
Module Settings from the menu.
3. Tick into this the Enable Room Management option. Then click the Save button.
4. Still in the System Settings screen click in the menu the Branch Settings > Room
Management option.
5. This will show the different settings for configuring the Room Management operation of the
system. But just to enable the Room Management facility in this system, only tick the
Activate Room Management Module option. Then click Save.
6. When done with these settings, click the Close button.
Going back on the Main screen and having mouse-over the Administrator option in the Main
Menu you will notice the appearance of the Room Management option. Ticking this will open
the screen wherein the different facilities for managing a room lodging business are available.

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GSI System© User Guide
Setting Up The Elements Of The Room Management System
Managing a lodging business requires the supervision of its elements for it to be well controlled.
Aspects such as the bed types, room types, room amenities, and room prices are the vital
issues that must be carefully managed well for the implementation of this type of business to
succeed. These are the building blocks upon which the GSI Room Management System is made
In the following discussions we will be dealing with the different settings required to establish
GSI’s Room Management System.

Bed Types

One major concern of clients with regards to their room accommodation is in the bed where they
will be spending much of their time. There are those who were very particular with this condition
such that this may somehow be the main factor in deciding a reservation for a room.

In defining the types of bed to use in the business perform the following:
1. Go to the Room Management screen by clicking Administrator > Room Management from
the menu.
2. Then click in this the Bed Types option under the Setup column.
3. As the Bed Types screen appears enter in this the different beds being used in the business.
4. After supplying these, click the Save button. Click Close to exit from this setting.
When this is done, you now have defined the necessary bed types to use in the system.

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GSI System© User Guide
Room Properties

Next, we will be defining the room properties (or room amenities) to assign for a certain room
Make sure that before performing
this setting, the stocks to use here
have already been entered into the
system via Stock Setup screen
(clicking Administrator > Stock > Lists
from the menu).
Take note also that for these stocks to
appear as items in the Room Properties
dialogue, these should be set as
Professional stocks.

In defining the room properties to use in the room management system, do the following:
1. Still in the Room Management screen click on the Room Properties option.
2. In the screen that will show, enter the Name to assign for the room property to define then
select the corresponding Stock to go with it.
3. Perform this repeatedly until all the necessary room properties to use into the system have
already been defined. Having done this click the Save button to finalize this setting.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 159 -

GSI System© User Guide
Room Types

Another setting that must be defined in building up the room management system of the
café/restaurant business is the Room Types to use in it. Consequently, room type determines the
cost of the room as well as with the amenities that goes with it.

To specify the room types to use in the system, perform these steps:
1. In the Room Management screen, click on the Room Types option under the Setup column.
2. In the screen that will show, key-in the Room Types to define into the system.
3. Click the Save button when the necessary Room Types have already been entered.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 160 -

GSI System© User Guide
Room Pricing

Having entered the necessary room types to use in the system, we can now set the appropriate
prices for each of these. This is performed at the Room Pricing screen.

In assigning prices for the room types, the following steps should be observed:
1. Going to the Room Management screen, click in this the Room Types option.
2. This brings up the Room Pricing screen. You will notice in this the display of the room types
we have just entered previously into the system together with the month field. The setting for
the pricing of rooms in this system is scheduled in a per month basis.
From the Room Types that are shown click the one to schedule prices.
3. Going to the Room Management screen, click in this the Room Types option.
4. Then indicate on the month setting the month and year to set the pricing for the room type
then click the Display button.
5. A Calendar screen for the selected room type will then be shown. Indicate for each Roster
Date in this screen its corresponding Fee.
If you want to set the same fees all throughout this month just indicate on the first day the
price to set for all then click the Set Everyday Same As First Day button.
To extend this pricing scheme for the successive months just tick the Use This Roster To
Add n Months After The Last Rostered Month checkbox and specifying the number of
months to extend to. Then click once more the Set Everyday Same As First Day button.
6. For these settings to take effect click the Save button.
7. Perform these settings for every Room Types created into the system then click Close to exit
this setting.
With this setting, you have now set the prices of each room types that are defined into the system.

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GSI System© User Guide
Optional Settings
For those companies that allow extended services on their lodging business, the following settings
must also be established for these to be implemented.

Cancel Reason

Cancellation of a certain room booking is unavoidable in any lodging business. However, a strict
control and proper management of this is necessary for it not to get out of hand. One way of
dealing with this is to set allowable reasons for cancelling a certain booking.

In entering cancellation reasons into this system, perform the following:

1. In the Room Management screen, click the Cancel Reason option under the Setup column.
2. This brings up the Cancel Reason screen. Type into this the allowable reasons for cancelling
a certain room booking.
3. Click Save to finalize this setting.
With this setting you have now entered the reasons to allow in cancelling a certain booking.

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GSI System© User Guide

For some hotels, they provide some sort of an extended service aside from the regular reception
they offer to their customers. Such service includes a courier service wherein the customer is
being fetched from the airport terminal upon his arrival and bringing him/her into the hotel where
he/she will stay. Likewise, bringing him/her to the airport when his/her scheduled departure for a
flight comes.
This service is also supported in this system as it becomes a standard for most hotels nowadays.

To set this feature into the system the airlines to be recognized by the system must first be
entered. Follow these steps:
1. In the Room Management screen, click the Airline option.
2. This opens the Airline dialogue screen. Enter into this the necessary airlines to recognize
into the system.
3. After doing this, click the Save button.
This setting will now accommodate the airlines being entered for the arrival and departure of the

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 163 -

GSI System© User Guide
Setting Up Room Accommodations
With the previous settings already made we can now set the details for its room accommodations.
The following settings determine what the guest can expect in a particular reservation he/she has


The Rooms setup screen is where we define the room accommodations that are being offered in
the business.

In setting this section of the Room Management System the following steps should be conducted:
1. In the Room Management screen click the Rooms option.
2. This action will show the Rooms screen. Enter the rooms to offer in the business by entering
these into the Room Name fields then provide the initial details for these. The table on the
next page shows the description of each of fields provided in this table.
3. Having entered these, click the Save button.

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GSI System© User Guide
Fields Description

Room Name Enter in this the name of the actual room to offer in the lodging business.

Bed Count Specify in this the number of beds available in the room.

Bed Capacity The minimum number of persons that can be accommodated in the room based on its assigned

Max Capacity The maximum number of persons that can be accommodated in the room based on the bed.

Room Type This determines the design, size and overall amenities of the room as depicted by its room type.

Service Indicate in this the type of service to assign for this room accommodation. Services are provided in
the Setup Service And Fee screen (Administrator > Services & Packages > Service).

Service Half Day Indicate in this the type of service to assign for this room accommodation when occupied for only a
half day. Services are provided in the Setup Service And Fee screen.

Private Tick this to make the room available in the list when offered in the booking screen.

Inactive Tick this to make the room not available for use.

With the rooms already created we can now assign the beds and room amenities for this.
4. To do this, highlight the room to set then click the Details button.
5. In the screen that will show, indicate the necessary bed types to provide in the selected room.
6. Then click Save to enter this setting.
7. Still highlighting the same room, click on the Properties button.
8. This in turn will open the Property Details screen. Enter the details for the properties
(amenities) to assign for this room by indicating the Property, its Quantity and the worth
Amount for this.
9. Having provided the necessary items in this screen, click the Save button.
10. Perform these settings for all the rooms created here. Click Save to finalize this setting.
Having performed this setup, you have now created the rooms to offer in the system.

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GSI System© User Guide

Normally, lodging accommodations are offered as a combination of services and perks. This has
been a standard for most lodging businesses nowadays to ensure salability of accommodations
as well as up their stakes in the competition.
To this effect was this scheme being adopted in this system - as accommodations that are offered
as a package of rooms, services, and perks. This means that all accommodations to offer for
booking should be created as a package.

In creating packages in the system make sure that all the previously discussed settings are
already done. When these are all set, perform the following:
1. Open the Room Management screen by clicking Administrator > Room Management from
the menu.
2. In the next screen that will show, click the Packages option.
3. This brings up the Packages screen. To create a package here, click the New button.
4. This will show a screen wherein the details of the package to create are to be specified.
Provide the necessary information for the given fields here as described in the table in the
next page.
5. After entering this, click Save to initiate the creation of this package.

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GSI System© User Guide
Fields Description

Name Enter in this the name to assign for this package.

Fee Provide here the price amount for the package.

Use Room Pricing Ticking this enables the set price for the assign room to become the price of the package.

No. Of Days Enter in this the number of coverage days for this accommodation.

Open Date Ticking this checkbox makes this accommodation available on any schedule. Otherwise, fill up the
Start Date and End Date fields for a fixed date setup.

Start Date Indicate in this the start date for the effectivity of this accommodation package.

End Date Indicate in this the end date for the effectivity of this accommodation package.

Service Indicate in this the full day room service accommodation to render for this package.

Service Half Indicate in this the half day room service accommodation to render for this package.

Disabled Tick this check box to make this package to be not available for offer.

6. Having created the package to offer in the business you may then assign the rooms that can
be used for this accommodation setup. Just highlight the package to set then click the Room
Types button. Then in the screen that will show indicate the necessary room types to use for
this package, after which click the Save button.
7. To assign services for this package, highlight the package then click the Service button. In
the screen that will show indicate the services to assign for this package then click Save.
8. To include an F&B service to the package, highlight the package then click the F And B
button. Provide in the dialogue screen that will show the necessary F&B service to add for
this accommodation package. When done with this setting click Save.
9. To assign stocks to go with this package, highlight the package then click the Stocks button.
Then in the screen that will open indicate the necessary stocks to come with this package.
Just remember to click Save for the entries to take effect.
With these settings already performed you have now created the necessary accommodation
packages to use in booking clients for your lodging business.

For discussions on how to transact bookings in a certain lodging business using the Room
Management system of GSI, read the topic “Processing A Client’s Room Booking” in Chapter 4.

Chapter 2: GSI Setup - 167 -

This chapter concentrates on how business is
supervised using the GSI System. Here you will be
introduced to the different facilities in the GSI System
that are needed in order to perform certain tasks of your
In the following discussions you will be thought on how
to do the following:
A. Who Should Be Using This System?
B. Managing Clients
C. Managing Stocks
D. Managing Staff
E. Managing Financials

Chapter 3
F. Managing Gift Vouchers
G. Managing Membership & Clubs
H. Managing Marketing

Managing Business
Using GSI
GSI System© User Guide

Managing Business Using GSI

With the settings already done to establish your business in this system, you are now ready to use the GSI System for your everyday
business needs. This chapter concentrates on the discussion of the different ways by which you can use this system in managing your
business. The given discussions here are organized in such manner that it follows the regular practices of people in a service oriented
industry. Since the system also caters retail business we will also discuss how to use the system in conducting sale transactions and
We would like to remind you, however, that if you haven’t done the necessary settings in establishing your business in this system, as
discussed in the previous chapter, the discussions given here won’t be of any good use to you. It is our urgent advice to our readers
that to successfully learn the things discussed in this material, we suggest that they should follow along with its instructions.
If you haven’t done the settings of GSI System yet, we encourage you to do this first. For further details on how to perform this,
read Chapter 2 (Setting Up The GSI System For Your Business) of this manual.

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GSI System© User Guide
Who Should Be Using This System?
The GSI System is designed in such a way that it should be accessible by anyone in the business industry upon which this is used.
However, to effectively manage the use of this system we have to determine who are accessing this and the things they should be
responsible of.
In knowing this, you will be able to assess what privileges are to be given to each of these and how should they use the system. In this
chapter, however, we will be concentrating on its latter purpose.
Based on the Spa/Salon/Fitness industry, we have the following personnel who are going to access this system as shown in the list:
Business Personnel’s Function & System Usage

Staff Function System Usage

Owner/Operator If you are the owner or operator of the business, your day-to-day Tracking of the business and its resources.
responsibilities will include overseeing operations, making sure 1. All Facilities (especially Management Tools)
customer service is a top priority, making financial decisions,
checking salon product and retail product inventory, handling
personnel matters, hiring new staff, and assessing employee

Branch Manager The ideal setup for any businesses is that the assigned manager Tracking of the business and its resources as well as reporting to the
handles its day to day operation instead of the Owner/Operator. owner/operator of the current status and needs of the business.
Likewise, This person should have the authority to act on the behalf 1. All Facilities (especially Management Tools)
of the owner/operator in their absence. The manager can handle
myriad tasks like paperwork, record-keeping, employee scheduling
and purchasing. They will also oversee salon maintenance and
handle facility management issues.

System Administrator They are the ones handling your computer needs. When a need for Maintain the proper operation of the system as well as keeping track
purchase and setup of the system is required they are the ones who of its usage.
are the reliable experts in settling this. They conduct the overall 1. System Installation & Setup
system maintenance of your computer system, as well as its repairs, 2. All facilities except Financials
upgrades and troubleshooting when certain issue occurs.  especially System Settings

Accounting Concerns regarding the financial standing of the company are the Tracking the cash flow of the company. Financial reconciliation.
main responsibilities of the Accounting personnel. They are the ones 1. Reports (All Facilities)
tracking the flow of money in the company in that they are taking into 2. Financials
account every business transactions, orders, purchases, company 3. Staff
resources as well as financial requests.  Wages Entry,
 Wages Maintenance,
 Staff Log Hours,
 Clock In / Clock Out
4. Stocks (Management)

Auditor For most business organizations they have these personnel to Tracking of the business and its resources.
oversee the viability of the business in regards to its feasibility, 1. Reports (All Facilities)
efficiency, cost-effectiveness and performance. They see to it that 2. Stock (Management)
the business is performing well by conducting periodic checks based
on industry standards. There are times that through these checks,
the owner/operator is working together with these people to ensure
unbiased and true-to-the-fact assessment of the current status of the

Service Providers These people are responsible in providing services to the clients. For Checking and updating of client information and checking of
some of these, especially those who conduct treatments, they require business promos.
certain information such as client data, medical history, health 1. Client (Management)
condition, as well as client history in the business. 2. Appointment Book
3. Case Management (Management)

Receptionists / Store In addition to greeting customers as they arrive, the receptionist Checking and updating of client information and checking of
Clerk answers the phone, books appointments, gives directions, cashes out business promos.
customers and performs various other customer service duties like 1. Client (Management)
making coffee or even hanging up coats for clients. 2. Appointment Book
The usual practice though is that they are the ones who are going to 3. Membership Entry
use the GSI System most of the time. 4. Stock (Management)

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GSI System© User Guide

Managing Clients
The GSI System is a lot more than just a business management system. It is packed with all the necessary tools that a certain
business needs in its operation. One such tool is a decent Customer Resource Management (CRM) system.
We are now going to discuss how clients (or customers) are effectively managed using the GSI System.

Going to the Clients screen (clicking Administrator > Clients from the menu) you will find under
the Management column the different facilities for managing the clients of one’s business. Refer
to the screenshot below for the list of available facilities in the GSI System that can be used for
this purpose.
We will be discussing each of these as we go along on this topic.

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GSI System© User Guide
Duplicate Names

The frequent mistake that can be committed in entering clients into the system is the duplication
of entries of a single client. This happens when entries of the same client are made differently
(discrepancies in name, address, invoice number, etc.).
To solve duplication of entries in the GSI system, a facility is made to process this.

It is a good a practice that

before conducting this
procedure a thorough check
has been made on the
duplicates to process to avoid problems.

To use this perform the following:

1. Open the Appointment Book screen by clicking Administrator > Clients from the menu.
Then on the Clients screen click the Duplicate Names option.
2. On the screen that will open, you will be given a list of names that are found to be duplicated
in the system. Just select the one to process then click the Detail button.
3. This action brings up the Consolidated List screen that shows the duplicates for a selected
client in the previous screen. Highlight the one to retain then click the Process button or you
could choose to select the one you want to remove from the list then click the Drop From
List button.
4. This will require a pin code entry which after having entered will show a message box screen
confirming this action. Just click OK to proceed with the process.
After performing this, you will notice that the processed duplicate name is now removed on the
Client Duplicate Names screen.

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GSI System© User Guide
Service Waiting List

This is the same facility found at the Appointment Book screen only that the Waiting List facilities
here are specifically separated for Service and Class bookings.
You may also notice that for each of these waiting lists there is no available Book button. This is
only used to enter clients in the service waiting list and to keep track of its clients.
To process clients in the waiting list, use the Waiting List facility in the Appointment Book screen.

This facility is also available in

the Appointment Book

To enter unbooked clients on this list perform this:

1. Open the Appointment Book screen by clicking Administrator > Clients from the menu.
Then in the Clients screen click the Service Waiting List option.
2. This brings up the Service Waiting List screen. To enter a certain client into this list, click the
New button.
3. In the blank form that will open, provide the details of the service to book if available. Then
click the Save button to enter this into the system.
When this is done, you will notice that the new client has now been included in the Service
Waiting List screen.

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GSI System© User Guide
Class Waiting List

Similar to a Service Waiting List, the Class Waiting List facility shows the list of unbooked clients
for a certain class. You can only perform client entries and class reservation tracking here. To
process booking of clients in a class waiting list use the Waiting List facility in the Appointment
Book screen.

This facility is also available in

the Appointment Book

To enter clients in this list, perform the following:

1. Open the Appointment Book screen by clicking Administrator > Clients from the menu.
Then on the Clients screen click the Class Waiting List option.
2. This brings up the Class Waiting List screen. To enter a certain client into this list, click the
New button.
3. On the blank form that will open, provide the details of the class to book if available. Then
click the Save button to enter this into the system.
After this, you will notice that the client can now be seen in the Class Waiting List.

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GSI System© User Guide
Client Alert List

Client Alerts are pop-up messages that show whenever a certain client has been selected. The
nature of the messages provided for this depends on the business enterprise on what they
deemed as urgent reminder such that a heads up is necessary. These are entered into the Client
Alert List screen of a certain client, which is accessed via the Add To Client Alert List button in
the Client Detail screen.
The Client Alert List facility in the Clients screen, on the other hand, allows you to change the
set alerts of all clients that have this. Since it is very possible that there will come a time, due to
some changes in the client’s status that a corresponding change on this will also happen.

To view all clients with alerts:

1. Go to the Clients screen then click the Client Alert List button under the Management
column (Administrator > Clients > Client Alert List).
2. In this screen, to change the currently set alert of a certain client, highlight the client alert to
modify then click the Edit button.
3. In the screen that will open, enter the necessary changes of the alert for this client then click
the Save button. Having done this, you have already changed the set alert of the client.

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GSI System© User Guide

A Regular Sell in this system is a common selling transaction wherein the client is required to
register to establish a purchase. This is considered to be a standard form of selling among clients
since there is definite identity of who the customer is, as this is a requirement in billing and in

This facility is also available in

the Appointment Book

In the GSI System, regular sell is conducted in the following manner:

1. In the Clients screen (accessed by clicking Administrator > Clients from the menu), select
the Sell option under the Management column. This will require you to enter your pin code to
access the Sell facility.
2. Having provided this, the Client Select screen will then open. This is the first part of the
regular sell transaction: the Registration Of The Customer. For this example we will use a
non-registered client to purchase a stock item in the store. Click the New Client button to
enter the information of this client into the system.
3. A blank Client Details screen will then open. Provide the necessary details for the new client
here then click the Save button.

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GSI System© User Guide

4. With the new client already registered in the system, the second phase of this transaction will
then take place – the Selling.
After the registration of the client, the Billing screen opens. In this screen select from the
available commodities (Services, Packages, F&B, Stock...) at the lower left of this screen, by
clicking its button. For this example, we will be selling a stock item. Click the Stock button.
5. On the screen that will open, select the stock items to purchase, then click the OK button.
You will notice that the selected items will be showing on the screen together with their prices
and its total amount.
6. At the last phase of the selling process: the Payment. To process its payment, select the
Payment Mode to use (Cash, Cheque...) then, click the PAY button.
7. This will show the Change Calculation screen as seen on the screenshot below. Enter on the
Payment Tendered textbox the amount given by the customer then click the Change
textbox to show the change amount.
8. Click the Give Change button to end this transaction.

With the process that has just been performed you have already conducted a regular selling
transaction of stock items using the GSI System.

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GSI System© User Guide
Casual Sell

For some urgent reasons certain clients, especially walk-ins, prefer to buy things without divulging
information regarding their identity. For this purpose was the Casual Sell facility in the Clients
screen is made. It allows the user to purchase without the need for the client’s information. This
is unlike the Regular Sell wherein customers are obliged to give out their information for

In implementing a casual sell, the following procedures should be taken:

1. Open the Clients screen (Administrator > Casual Sell) then click the Casual Sell option
under the Management column.
2. This action immediately opens the Billing screen. Notice that on this process the Client Detail
screen is not shown to identify the client who will make the purchase. In addition to this, you
will see that in the Billing screen the Name field contains a “Casual Sale” name instead of the
client’s name.
3. Next, select the item to buy then click the OK button.
4. To process the payment for this order, select the Payment MODE to use then click the PAY
5. In the screen that opens, enter the amount given as a payment for the order in the Payment
Tendered textbox then click the Change textbox to show the change left for the tendered
6. Click the Give Change button to close this transaction.

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GSI System© User Guide
Casual Client History

In relation to the Casual Sell, this facility allows the user to manage the casual transactions made
in the system. That is aside from keeping you informed on the casual transactions made in your
business, it also provides accessibilities in performing administrative functions on these.
Here are the things that can be done in this screen:
 Prevent A Certain Casual Transaction From Being Banked (click Do Not Bank button)
 Show The Details Of A Casual Transaction (click Detail button)
 Perform A Reverse Payment (click Reverse Payment button)
 Implement A Service Refund / Item Return (click Refund button)
 Print A Casual Client History Receipt (click Print Receipt button)
 Print A Casual Client History Receipt To A Docket Printer (click Print Docket button)
 Change A Payment Type Of A Certain Transaction (click Change Payment Type button)

In accessing the Casual Client History screen perform the following:

1. Start by clicking Administrator > Clients from the menu to open the Clients screen. Then
under Management column of this screen, click the Casual Client History option.
2. A Pin Code Entry screen will appear to validate your authorization for this access. Just
provide the necessary pin code on this to proceed.
3. This opens the Casual Client History screen. Specify first the desired transaction to display
by indicating the range of date where a transaction has transpired then click Go.
4. To process a transaction, highlight the transaction then select the required operation to
perform by clicking the appropriate facility button (Do Not Bank, Detail, Reverse Payment,
etc.) at the bottom of this screen.
Use the and button to expand and contract a certain transaction. Expanding a selected
transaction shows the invoice details included in it.

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GSI System© User Guide
Select Client

In the GSI System, client information is accessed through the Client Select screen. The Client
Select screen hosts a lot more utilities in managing client’s data which includes the following:
 Entering A New Client
 Accessing The Client’s Information
 Manage And Track The Client’s History
 Entering Clients In The Waiting List
 Tracking A Certain Client’s Bookings
The Client Select screen is accessible by clicking Administrator > Clients > Select Client from
the menu. Just enter the pin code to the prompt that will show to validate your access to this
This screen is organized into following sections:
 The Client Detail Table section which is at the topmost area shows the client information in
a table format.
 The Filter Buttons section at the lower left shows the available filtering criteria for listing
 The Search Entry section found at the lower middle where we enter the search key and
execute the listing of clients.
 Then on the lower right of this screen, the Client Detail Management section is where
available facilities for managing client’s data are found.

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Entering A New Client
In the Client Select screen, clicking the New Client button brings up a blank Client Details screen
that allows you to enter a new client in the system.

To perform the entry of a new client in this system do the following:

1. Open the Client Select screen by clicking Administrator > Clients > Client Select on the
2. On the Client Select screen click the New Client button.
3. This immediately shows a blank Client Details screen of this new client. Provide the
necessary information for this then click the Save button. See the table on the next page for
the description of each of the fields given here.
This enters this client’s information on the system and thereby making him/her a registered client
in the business.

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Client Details Screen Fields

Fields Description

First Name Enter here the given name of the client.

Surname Enter here the last name of the client

Gender list Select from the list whether this client is male or female.

Client Type list Select here the appropriate type for this client.

Occupation list Select from this list the occupation for this client.

Room No. Enter in this the preferred room of this client.

Club list If available select from the list the club to assign for this client.

Pref. Contact list Select from this list the desired contact medium (email, phone, sms, etc.) for the client.

No Marketing If this checkbox is ticked, this client won’t receive any marketing related communiqués.

Notes Write on this the necessary information you want to attach for this client in his/her booking

Title list Select from this list the title to address this client.

Recall Seq. Enter on this the number of interval days after the last regret booking for this client.

Is Prospect Tick this checkbox to tag this client as just a prospect client.

Nationality Select from this list the nationality of this client.

Fund Select from this list the available source fund of this client aside from cash.

Address Enter in this the address location for this client.

State Select from this the state wherein this client is located.

Post Code Enter in this the post code of this client.

Country Enter in this the country where this client is located.

Client No. Provide here the assigned code for this client.

DOB (dd/mm/yyyy) (Date Of Birth) Specify in this the date of birth of this client using the dd//mm/yy format.

Age This is automatically supplied with the client’s actual age based on the entered DOB information.

Category Select from the given list the classification to assign for this customer.

Corporate Indicate on this the Corporate Client from which this client is related to or affiliated with.

Points This is for viewing only showing currently garnered points of this client.

Referral Type list Select from the list the referral sources to whom this client learned about your business.

Referred By list Indicate here from whom the client got the information regarding your business.

Pref. Gender Select from this list the client’s preference for the gender of the staff to conduct the service.

Unavailable Time Enter here the time wherein this client is not available.

Next Recall Date Indicate in this the date upon which this client (with regret booking) will be contacted for booking.

Last Update This field shows the date from which this client detail is updated.

Weekly Visits Enter in this how often in a week does this customer visit the business establishment.

Eligible for Special When ticked, this client will be allowed to use a special payment type.
Payment Types

Email Specify here the email address of this client.

Emerg. Con. Enter on this the emergency contact number of this client.

Emerg. Ph. Enter on this the emergency phone number of this client.

Phone Enter in this the phone details of the client.

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Accessing The Client’s Information
For reasons of updating the client’s information or just checking it, the details screen of a certain
client is being opened from time to time. You will find out later that this is a frequent occupation for
those working with the clients in the business.

To view the information of a certain client in the system perform the following:
1. Click Administrator > Clients > Client Select on the menu.
2. This brings up the Client Select screen. In displaying the list of clients to view/update perform
the following:
 To show only those clients that fits to a set of criteria then click any of the filter buttons
(Surname, First Name, Card No., etc.) to use and type in the keyword for searching. Then
press the Enter key or click its equivalent button to execute the search.
 To show all clients, just press the Enter key or click its corresponding button.
3. On the list of clients that will be displayed click the one to open then click the Client Detail
button to access the client’s information screen.
4. If performing an update on this client’s information, just provide the necessary changes in this
then click the Save button. Otherwise, click Close.

You may also take note of the following accessibilities provided in this screen that shows further
details of the client. Refer to the table on the next page for the description and use of these

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Client Details Screen Facility Buttons
Facility Buttons Description
Documents This opens the Client Details screen where the different documents regarding the clients
are stored and managed.
Preferred Staff This opens the Preferred Staff screen by which the chosen staff of the client is specified.
Credit Card This opens the Credit Card Details screen upon which the information of the client’s
credit card is entered.
Contraindication This opens the Contra Indication screen wherein the current health problems of the client
are indicated.
Client Forms This opens the screen where the client forms for this client are created and managed.
Family This opens the screen where the family affiliation for this client is specified.
Reports This opens the Reports screen upon which reports for this client are generated.
Add To Client Alert List This brings up the Client Alert List screen to enter the alerts to display whenever this
client is selected for booking. Client alerts are time-based meaning it appears depending
on the set date indicated for its appearance.
Images This brings up the Images screen by which the image files of the client is entered and
Client History This opens the Client History screen upon which the client’s transactions in the business
are tracked and being managed.
Multi-Purpose Tag This opens the Multi-Purpose Tag screen into which the client’s preferences in the
service are specified.
Aus. Medical Info This opens the Australian Medical Info screen wherein the Australian medical info of the
client is entered.

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Manage And Track The Client’s History
One of the urgent concerns of any businesses is the current activities and interests of the clients
in regards to their industry. That’s why in the GSI System we have included the Client History
facility to oversee the transactions and current status of the clients in one’s business. In addition
to this, we have also included certain utilities that may come in handy in managing these.

The following procedures show how a client’s history is accessed in this system.
1. Click Administrator > Clients > Client History to open the Client History screen.
2. You will notice at the top of this screen the different aspects of the client’s history in the
business. Click on any of these to view its information
3. As seen on the screenshot below the Client History screen also provides certain
functionalities that allow you to manage client transactions as needed. The following facilities
to manage client transactions are available in this screen.
a. Prevent A Certain Transaction From Being Banked (click Do Not Bank button)
b. Show The Details Of A Transaction (click Detail button)
c. Perform A Reverse Payment (click Reverse Payment button)
d. Implement A Service Refund / Item Return (click Refund button)
e. Print A Casual Client History Receipt (click Print Receipt button)
f. Print A Casual Client History Receipt To A Docket Printer (click Print Docket button)
4. Change A Payment Type Of Certain Transaction (click Change Payment Type button)

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Entering A New Client In The Waiting List
Another possible action that can be carried out in the Client Select screen is the selection of
clients to include in the Waiting List.

Do this by performing these steps:

1. Open the Client Select screen by clicking Administrator > Clients > Client Select on the
2. Press the Enter key or its corresponding icon in this screen to show the list of all clients in
the system. Click from these the client to enter in the service waiting list. Then, click the
Waiting List button.
3. This shows the Service Waiting List screen where the selected client will be mapped and
added into the waiting list. Provide the service detail for this service waiting list entry then
click Save.
4. In doing this you have already entered the selected client in the Service Waiting List. You
can check this by going into the Clients screen and accessing the Service Waiting List
facility here (Administrator > Clients > Service Waiting List).

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Tracking A Certain Client’s Bookings
There will come a time that you may need to check the current bookings of a particular client in
your business to see to it that they are well informed on their reservations as well as a means to
oversee if there are conflicts on these.
With the Booking Details facility of the GSI system this particular need can be met. Situated in
the Client Select screen where we access the client’s information, the Booking Details facility
shows the list of active bookings of a certain client.

To access the Booking Details of a certain client the following should be carried out:
1. Click Administrator > Clients > Client Select on the menu. This brings out the Client
Select screen.
2. Press the Enter key or its equivalent icon in the menu. This will show all the clients in the
3. On the list of clients that will be shown, select the one to view the active bookings then click
the Booking button on the right of this menu.
This will right away display the active bookings of the client wherein you can see its details and
application schedule.

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Open Accounts

Many companies allow certain of their commodities to be owed or paid later. This is very
common among businesses with established client memberships. In that they agree to this to
keep good customers patronizing their trade and also as a gesture of good faith to them. For
some however, they use this to keep their business going especially during those times with a low
income turn-out.
For whatever purpose it is adopted, owings or debts in the business have a certain advantage in
its operation. Fortunately this is available in the GSI System.

How Owings Are Made?

In this system a client can have an owing due to the following conditions:
 When the payment mode used to pay for an ordered commodity is “Bill To Account”.
 When performing a reverse payment on a certain paid order.
These conditions will apply owings in the client’s account which will be constantly being flashed in
a highlighted red color in the Billing screen everytime a customer is paying an order.

Tracking Owings Made For The Day

To track the owings made for the day, take note of the following procedure:
1. Open the Owing Clients screen by clicking Administrator > Clients > Open Accounts on
the menu.
2. You will find that the list of clients with owings in the business is being shown in this screen.
Refer to the screenshot above.

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Processing Owings Within The Day
To process the owings listed here do the following:
1. Still in the Owing Clients screen, tick the adjacent Pay checkbox of the owings to process the
payment then click the Pay button.
2. This brings up the Billing screen. In this click the Remove Owing button from the commodity
options on the lower left.
3. This shows the total owings amount as selected from the Owing Clients screen. Select the
payment mode to pay for this then click the PAY button.
4. On the Change Calculation dialogue screen, enter the amount tendered on the Payment
Tendered textbox then click the Change textbox to show the change for this. Click the
Change button to finalize this transaction.
See screenshot on the previous page on how this setup is performed.
Having done this, the selected owings will disappear from the Owing Clients screen when viewed.
Rendering those clients to have already fulfilled their payment obligations.

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Some clients, however, that has more than one owings may prefer paying for these but not in full.
To this regard was the Multiple Payment facility is designed – to process selective partial
payment for the owings made.

To perform this procedure check this out:

1. In the Clients screen click the Pay option under the Management column (clicking
Administrator > Clients > Pay on the menu).
2. This action shows the Multiple Payment screen. Provide the date range coverage of owings
to pay (From Date and To Date textboxes), the name of the client who has an owing (Payer
Name) and the amount that can only be paid for this client’s owings (Amount textbox).
3. Click Start when all of these information have already been entered.
4. Following this, it will show the Select Invoices To Pay screen showing the list of owings of the
selected client on the left pane. Select the necessary owings to pay one by one by
highlighting any of these and clicking the Shift Right ( > ) button. To select all of the items
click the Shift All To Right button ( >> ).
5. Notice that the selected owings will then be transferred on the right pane. Items on the right
pane are the owings to be paid by the client. The total owings amount will be displayed on
the Total Payment Amount checkbox.
6. Modify the Total Nominated Payment Amount to the client’s preferred amount by editing it.
7. When all the necessary entries for this screen are made, click the Auto Fill button. Then
click OK to close this transaction.

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Regret Booking

As we have discussed before, a regret booking is an instance in the business when a certain
client decide to terminate a certain booking he/she was scheduled in due to certain problems
such as unavailability of staff, equipment, or room. This must be well documented in the system.
The Regret Booking facility in the Clients screen is created for this purpose. Through this the
company is able to asses the problem in the business and formulate measures to ensure that this
won’t happen again in the future.

Take note that whenever

Regret Booking is performed a
corresponding record is also
made in a report.
Check out the Regret Appointment report
in the Appointment Book screen
(Administrator > Appointment Book >
Standard Reports > Regret Appointment List)
for its details.
See Managing A Regret Booking topic in
the Booking Operations section for details.

This facility is the same as the Regret Booking facility in the Appointment Book screen. It follows
the same routine in documentation as it did in the previous one.
1. To open the Regret Booking screen in the Clients screen click Administrator > Clients >
Regret Booking from the menu.
2. A pin code entry screen will then show, prompting you to validate your access for the next
3. This brings up the Regret Booking screen. Provide the details for the regret booking then
click the Save button to enter this into the system. (Refer to the screenshot above for details)

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Transfer Series

Another provision of the GSI System for the series type is that its services can be given to another
person to avail. That is if you have a series that has 5 services (5 series count) in it, you can just
indicate how many of these you want to transfer to the other client (for example 2 series count)
and these will be allotted to that person. Leaving you with what’s left (3 series count) from these.

To perform this do the following:

1. Go to the Clients screen by clicking Administrator > Clients from the menu. Then click the
Transfer Series option under the Management column in this screen.
2. Clicking this opens a screen where you will indicate the client from whom the series belongs
to (Series Source) and the recipient client upon whom the series (or part of it) will be given
(Series Recipient). With this indicated click the OK button.
3. On the next screen, you will then be prompted to enter the Number Of Series to transfer.
Provide the preferred amount for this then click OK.
4. After this the Move Series screen will show. On this screen notice that the left pane indicates
the services series From the list of available services of this series select the one to transfer
then click the Shift Right ( > ) button.
5. This should transfer the selected series component to the recipient pane on the right. Click
Save to implement the transfer. As a result this will show a confirmation message that the
process has been successful.

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Managing Stocks
In a certain business, stock items play a very important role in its operation. At the least, it has its purpose in the day to day function of
the office such as in its documentations, correspondence, filing and organization, etc. However, when we discuss Stocks or Stock
Items in this manual, we are referring to those items that are used in conducting services and those that supplement it as well.
As you have already known, the GSI System serves to cater service oriented businesses such as Spas, Fitness Centers, Health
Clinics, Hospitals, and such. On these trades, items are used as the prime resource in the implementation of its services. For most of
these they also offer their stocks as a commodity to extend their service to their clients. To this effect the stock items play an active role
in the operation of the business.
It is therefore important that an admin should have a proper oversee on its stocks: how these are being used, where these are
allocated, its quantity on hand and it’s ordering, etc. This is to ensure that the company’s stocks don’t go out of hand causing it to
impede the business’s operation as well as to maximize its use.
In this section we will be dealing with the ways stocks are being managed in the GSI System. The following topics are covered here:
 Entering Stock Items
 Adjusting Stock Quantity
 Managing Stock Variance
 Enabling Automatic Stock Control
 Order Generation And Maintenance
 Transferring Stocks To Another Branch
 Distributing Professional Stocks
 Printing Stock Barcodes

The Stock screen (accessed by clicking Administrator > Stock on the menu) hosts the different
facilities for managing stocks in the GSI System.

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Entering Stock Items

Although considered to be a setup procedure, the population of stocks in the store is the first
activity to be performed in implementing stock management. This is so since this process is
being done from time to time whenever a new stock is introduced in the business and because
the settings for these also determine how stock are being managed in the business.
This has been comprehensively discussed in Chapter 2 in the topic about the Stock List facility.
Click here to go to that topic.

Adjusting Stock Quantity

Entering stock details in the system doesn’t mean these are already available for selling.
Specifying these into the system, just create the stock entity and not its availability. This is so
unless the necessary steps in providing the amount of stocks for the items are performed.
In another case, there are times that the need for adjusting the amount of available stocks is
needed, especially when reconciling the stock’s current inventory.
There are two ways of doing this in the system:
 Using the Stock Adjustment facility in the Stock Setup screen (See the “Filling Up A
Stock” topic in Chapter 2: Setting Up Stocks section)
 Using the Stock Variance facility (See “Variance” the next topic in this chapter Chapter 3:
Managing Stocks section)

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Another important preoccupation of the admin in managing business is the tracking of its available
stocks. This need is well supported by the Stock Variance facility of the GSI System. This is
basically used to manage the difference between the actual stock count versus the system count.
Through this businesses will then be able to monitor their stock.

To use this perform the following:

1. Clicking Administrator > Stock > Variance from the menu opens the Stock Variance
screen. As one can expect from an inventory report, this shows the details of the stocks
together with its reported amount (System) and its quantity-on-hand (Actual).
2. Having checked the actual amount of the available stocks, enter these in its respective cells
under the Actual column.
3. This will immediately generate the discrepancy amount (Variance) and its cost (Var.Cost).
Signs for the variance cost depend entirely on whether the actual count is bigger or lesser
than what has been reported. A negative sign (-) indicates the losses and the positive sign
indicates the excess.
4. To accept these changes click the Update Stock button.
5. Click Save to update this into the system.

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Enabling Stock Availability Auto-Detection

A certain feature of the system is its ability to decrement automatically the stock’s count once it is
sold or used in a treatment once enabled. We call this Automatic Stock Control.
In addition to this the system auto-detects when the number of available stocks is already in its
critical level as have been set in it, and generates an alert message to the admin user about it.

To make this work in your system, follow these steps:

1. Enable the Automatic Stock Control feature by going to the System Settings screen (clicking
Administrator > System Settings from the menu). In this screen, click the Stock option
from the Branch Settings tab to open the stock settings section.
2. In the stock settings section, tick the Auto Stock Usage Decrementation option. This
setting enables the automatic decrementation of stocks per usage in a service.
3. Click the Save button to enter these changes into the system.
4. Next, open the Stock Setup screen by clicking Administrator > Stock > List from the menu.
5. On this screen, look for the Stock Control column and tick the checkbox of the stocks under
this to perform Automatic Stock Control.
6. Then set the stock quantity to trigger an alert message to show in the system (Warning
Level) to keep you informed on what stocks are already in its critical level, and also the
quantity level by which the system automatically creates a purchase order for the nearly
depleted stocks (Reorder Level/Max).
7. Click Save when the necessary details for this setup are finished.
With these settings, the Automatic Stock Control feature of this system has now been enabled.

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Order Generation and Order Maintenance

It will come to a point in time that the business’s stocks will be used up. If that happens you
should be able to determine the stocks to fill and how this is being processed in this system.
The following procedure demonstrates the manner by which these are done in the GSI System.
There are two ways by which items are reordered in this system:
 Manually by entering the reordering of stocks directly in the Order List screen and
 Automated as being generated via Reorder Level facility.
For this setup, however, we’ll be using the auto-generated reorder request (Automated
Reordering) in replenishing stocks.
As a pre-requisite for this implementation, the Automatic Stock Control feature must be enabled
together with the necessary settings that go with it (see previous discussion for details). Together
with this, simulated orders that exhaust a certain stock should be performed to auto-generate a
reorder request in the system.

When this is done, perform the following:

1. To view the list of auto-generated reorder requests, open the Stock Reorder screen by
clicking Administrator > Stock > Order Generation from the menu.
2. Select from the list the stock to implement for purchase by clicking it then set the detail for its
Stock Type (Retail/Professional/All), Supplier, and Stock Group. When these are entered
click the Review And Order button. A prompt will be shown to confirm the implementation of
the succeeding process. Just click OK on this to proceed.
3. In the next screen, specify the Quantity to order for the selected stock then click the Order

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It is a common practice in
most businesses that a
constant check is being
made to the reordering of its
stocks. This is to make sure
that no ordering of stocks overlap with each
other and that the reordered stocks are well
accounted for.
Stock reorders are checked in the Received
History screen. This is accessible by going
to the Order List screen (clicking
Administrator > Stock > Order Maintenance).
Then in the Order List screen click the
Received History button.

4. A purchase order will then be created for this in the Order List screen. To go there click
Administrator > Stock > Order Maintenance from the menu.
5. Notice that in the left pane of this screen, a list of orders is being shown. Select the one to
process for ordering. Take note that the purchase transaction is done manually and not
covered in the system. However, you could generate an email message to the supplier for
your orders via a facility in this screen (clicking the Email To Supplier button).
6. To perform further adjustments to the order made click the Edit Order button. This in turn
will open the Edit Order screen as shown on the screenshot above. In this screen you could
perform either of the following editing activities:
a. Add A New Stock Item. To do so click the Add New Item button and in the form that will
show enter the details for the new item to include in this order. Click Save to enter this
into the system.
b. Change The Amount Of Items To Order. In performing this procedure just click the
Adjust Item button. Having done this just click the Save button.
When the necessary changes for this order has been made just click the Save button.

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7. Upon receiving the items, click the Receive Items button to confirm this. Notice that the
Status of this order will now change from “Undelivered “ to “Delivered”.
8. This brings you to the next screen (Receive Items screen). Indicate in this the Quantity
Delivered amount if not delivered in full. Otherwise, just click the Deliver In Full button.
This finalizes the processing for this order. Just click the Close button on the Received History
screen of this order to proceed.
Checking the current count of the ordered stock will show that it has now been filled.

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In managing businesses with branches, one of the issues that may frequently come up is when
stocks are getting spent. The immediate recourse is to order this right away from the supplier.
For most companies that have branches, the common immediate alternative for them is to just
transfer these stocks from other branches that have it.

To be able to conduct the stock

transfer procedure it is
important that you are
assigning part numbers (Part
No.) to your stock items and that these
should be the same for all branches or
deparments that you have using the same
This will serve as the identifier in
implementing stock transfer from branch to

To perform this in the GSI System, follow these steps:

1. This feature is handled by the Stock Transfer facility. To access this, click Administrator >
Stock > Transfer from the menu.
2. This brings up the Stock Transfer screen. In this screen, provide the name of the stock to
distribute (Part No), the amount to transfer (Quantity), the source branch (From branch) for
this stock, and its destination branch (To branch).
3. After supplying the details for these fields click the Transfer button.
This results to the decremented count of the stocks in the source branch as well as a filled stock
quantity of the same in the destination branch. Thus, giving the other branch their immediate
need for the stocks.

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Professional Stock Control

When a certain item is assigned as a professional stock it will come to a point that the item will
eventually run out. If you enable the Automatic Stock Control feature of the system the
countdown for the available stock will be done automatically as determined by the unit amounts
used in conducting services.
However, there are companies that prefer to do this manually to keep a close track on its usage.
For this application a facility in this system is given to allow manual decrementing of professional
stocks. This is via the Professional Stock Control facility.

To manually decrement a professional stock perform the following:

1. Click Administrator > Stock > Professional Stock Control from the menu.
2. This brings out the Stock Professional Control screen. Indicate in this the stock Supplier and
the identity of the stock (Stock Name, Stock Code, or Part No) to decrease.
3. Then in the Quantity textbox enter the number of professional stocks to drop.
4. Click Save to execute the decrement. Notice that the In Stock value will be subtracted
depending on how much has been previously entered on the Quantity textbox.
5. Just click Close to end this process.
Checking the Professional Stocks on the Stock Setup screen you will notice that the item has
now been decremented.

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Barcode Printing

This system has also a facility to print bar codes for the products. Tagging stocks with barcode
allows these to be easily documented and sold. Via a barcode reader, selling of items can be
easily made.

To print stock barcodes do the following:

1. Click Administrator > Stock > Barcode Printing from the menu. This opens the Barcode
Printing List screen where barcodes are encoded and printed.
2. In this screen, select the stocks to enable for printing by ticking its corresponding textbox.
When the necessary stocks to print are already selected, click the Print button.
This action will then auto-generate the barcode prints of the selected stocks to the printer.

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Update Stock Across Branches

For multi-branch businesses that run on a Remote Connection setup the need for constantly
updating the stock list of each branch is a usual part of the process to ensure consistency in their
stock list information per branch especially for the warehouse branch. Conducting this manually,
however, is indeed a very tedious task as it will be performed per stock for each department. With
the use of the Update Stock Across Branches facility this can be implemented quickly.

The following procedures demonstrates how updating the stock list of each or all branches is
carried out using the Update Stock Across Branches facility:
1. Still in the Stock screen, click the Update Stock Across Branches option under the
Management column.
2. As this screen shows indicate the branch or branches upon which the update will work. This
action brings up the Update Stock Across Branches screen. First, indicate in this the branch
or branches upon which the currently loaded stock list will be updated. You may want these
update for all branches by ticking the Choose All button.
3. Then indicate the Stock Type of the stocks to update by ticking any of these (Retail or
Professional checkbox).
4. Having done this, tick the textbox of the stock or stocks to update. Should you wish to update
all of the provided stocks in the list just tick on the Update All button.
5. When all of the mentioned steps are taken, click the Save button to proceed with the update.
What will happen then is that the selected stocks in the previous setup (as indicated by its stock
type and name) will be updated only for the selected branches.

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Stock Lookup

Use the Stock Lookup facility to view the details of every stock available in the business, which is
in contrast with what the Stock Setup screen does, that merely shows all the stocks in the business
in a table format.

In accessing the Stock Lookup screen perform the following:

1. Go to the Stock screen by clicking Administrator > Stock option from the menu.
2. In this screen, click the Stock Lookup option under the Management column.
3. This action brings up the Stock Lookup screen. You may want to switch your access to
stocks from the current branch only or on all branches by clicking their corresponding buttons.
4. Then indicate the Supplier to view stocks from by selecting in its provided dropdown list.
5. Having done this, select from the Stock dropdown list the stock to view the information.
Through this you can browse on each of the available stocks in the business.

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GSI System© User Guide
Expiring Stock By Date

One of the most common problems of businesses is the losses due to spoilage of available stocks
through its expiration. This is especially true for those businesses that sells or use food,
medicines, and chemicals. These types of items have the tendency to degrade over time. For a
business to be able to cope with this issue an effective tracking of stock expiration should be
available for them.
In the GSI System, expiring stocks can be determined through the Expiring Stock By Date facility.

In determining stocks that are nearing expiration for a certain number of days do the following:
1. In the Stock screen, click on the Expiring Stock By Date option.
2. In the screen that will show, indicate the number of days from the current date upon which
items will expire in the No. Of Days field then click the Display button.
A list of items that will expire n days from now then be displayed together with its expiration details.


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GSI System© User Guide

Managing Staff
It is very important for the business enterprise to have a good staff management system in order to keep its personnel in line with its
mission and vision as well as always apt to their tasks for the day. Through this the management is able to keep track of the
performance of each of its employee to provide them the basis on the necessary actions that should be taken to improve service and
business outcomes.
In the following discussions we will be demonstrating how a staff is being managed in the business using the GSI system.

Facilities in supervising company staff are found in the Staff screen (which is accessible by
clicking Administrator > Staff) under the Management column. In addition to this, certain setup
facilities in the Staff screen offer some sort of a staff management function as well.
We will be dealing on the use of these in managing the company’s personnel as we go along in
this discussion.

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GSI System© User Guide
Change Password

As we have already known, one of the first setup that must be carried out in the GSI System is the
assignment of access credentials of each staff in the business. This is to track user accesses to
the system and thereby ensure the safety and integrity of its data.
Depending on the preferred setup of the business in using the system, it may require that only
certain staff can use it, thus only these people are given with password.

We strongly advice that you

take note of your assigned
password and pin number.
Since these access
credentials are required from time to time in
the system.

A more comprehensive
discussion has been already
made regarding the setup of
the staff’s login credentials
in Chapter 2 of this manual.
For further details, please see the topic
Setting Up The Staff’s Login Credentials.

For the purpose of assigning a password to a certain staff, the following steps should be carried
1. Before performing this setting, the staff to change or assign a password with has already
been given a pin code ID and with a password already been reset (See Setting Up The
Staff’s Login Credentials topic in Chapter 2: Setting Up The GSI System For Your
2. With this initial login credentials, the staff to set should access the system providing only
his/her user name (as entered in the Staff Setup screen).
3. As the system opens for this staff, go to the Staff screen by clicking Administrator > Staff
from the menu.
4. In the Staff screen click the Change Password link.
5. This opens the Change Password screen where the setup for the new password to use for
the currently logged-in staff is performed. If a Password Reset has already been carried out
for this staff, just leave the Old Password textbox blank; otherwise enter in this the
appropriate password. Then in the New Password and Retype Password textbox enter the
new password to assign.
6. Upon entering the necessary details for this screen click the OK button.

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GSI System© User Guide
Wages Entry & Wages Maintenance

The most important staff-related management function of the admin is in taking into account the
right compensation of its staff for the hours worked they have rendered into the company. The
right appropriation of this determines the high morale of the company’s employees and the
smooth operation of the business as well.
As we have anticipated this need, this facility is also available in this business management

Details such as the Hourly

Pay Rate and Weekend
Pay Rate of each staff are
set in the Staff Detail
For further details, please see the topic
Entering A New Staff under the Setting Up
Staffs section of Chapter 2.

Rates for computing

Overtime 1, Overtime 2, and
Overtime 3 are set in the
Staff section under the
Branch Settings of the
System Settings screen.

You may also notice that this

computation setup is generic
for most businesses where it
will be applied.

To use this perform the following:

1. Go to the Staff screen by clicking Administrator > Staff from the menu. In this screen click
the Wages Entry button under the Management column.
2. This brings up the Staff Wages screen where the details for the staff’s salary computation are
entered and processed. Start with the specification of the salary date range by entering its
start (From field) and end date (To field). Then indicate the staff to compute the wage by
selecting this from the Staff list.
3. Next, provide the details for the Std. Hours (hours worked), Overtime 1, 2, & 3 (Overtime
Hours), Commission, and Other Income to get the Total Income amount.
4. Follow this with the entry of the number of Sick Days, Holidays, Leave Without Pay, Leave
With Pay and Tax amounts to obtain the Net Pay amount.
5. If there are Allowances, other Deductions and Super Annuation that must be included in
this wage computation, enter these values to its respective fields.
6. When all these information are entered, click the Calculate Wage button to compute the Pay
Amount (take home pay of the staff). Just click the Save button to finalize this process.
Opening the Wages List screen allows you to view the wage summary of the staffs that
undergone the wage computation. In doing this just click the Wages Maintenance option in the
Staff screen under the Management column.

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GSI System© User Guide
Staff Log Hours

The Staff Log Hours facility is used to check for the clock in/clock out time of the employees in
the company. This works hand in hand together with the Clock In/Clock Out facility. In that the
time entries made in the Clock In/Clock Out screen are being documented in this screen.

To check for the logged in hours of all the staff in the business, perform the following:
1. Go to the Staff screen (clicking Administrator > Staff from the menu) then click the Staff
Log Hours button under the Management column.
2. This action brings up the Staff Log Hours screen. To display the Log In / Log Out details of
every staff in the business for a set range of date, indicate this in it’s From and To fields then
click the Display button.
The login details of each employee in the company for a set date range will then be shown. For
further details on how the Staff Log Hours facility works in managing the hours worked salary
scheme check out the Clock In/Clock Out discussion in this chapter.

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GSI System© User Guide

Another very handy tool that can be used in this system in managing staff is its facility for
sending/receiving messages. With this facility you’ll be able to establish communication to your
staff securely. Take note that this messaging facility is only available PCs that are linked by the
GSI System.

The Messages facility given

here is the same with the
screen that will be displayed
in clicking the Staff
Messages option.
To access this open the Appointment Book
by clicking Booking > Appointment Book
from the menu. Then in the Appointment
Book click the Admin button from the menu
on right. In the form that will show click the
Staff Messages button.

In using this facility perform the following:

1. Click Administrator > Staff from the menu to display the Staff screen.
2. Under the Management column, click the Messages option to open the Messages screen.
3. This will at first ask for a pin code. Enter the necessary information for this.
4. To create a message to send to a certain staff click New.
5. On the Message Detail screen that will open provide the details for the To Staff (recipient),
Title, and Description fields. Having provided these information, click OK to proceed.
This message will now register to the recipient’s account as you have indicated in your
message (To Staff field). For this message to be read by the staff where this message
should go he/she must access the Messages screen (clicking Administration > Staff >
Messages from the menu) and provide his/her assigned pin code.
The messages are available in the Received section of this screen. Just click its
corresponding tab to show these and double click the message to view.

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GSI System© User Guide
Staff Roster

The Staff Roster is made to keep the manager informed on the scheduled services in a week. In
addition to this, this facility also allows editing so that adjustments on the schedules can be made
whenever these are needed.
This facility is commonly used as a quick way to edit a roster schedule of each staff in the

In using this facility take note of the following:

1. To open the Staff Roster facility click Administrator > Staff > Staff Roster (under the
Management column of the Staff screen) from the menu. Refer to the screenshot below for
2. To view the schedule for a certain week, indicate its reference date on the Start Date field
then click Display.
3. To view the next 7 days (a week) click the Next button. In contrast to this clicking the
previous button shows the last 7 days of schedule.
4. To change the set time for a day of a certain staff just double click on it then make the new
entry. Click Save to update this into the system.
5. To generate a printout of the displayed roster, click the Print button.

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GSI System© User Guide
Clock In/Clock Out

This system, by default, uses the Staff Roster as the basis in computing staff wages. In this
system the staff is paid based on the services they have performed.
There are some businesses, however, that still follow the traditional means of compensating an
employee wherein a staff is paid based on the hours worked he/she has rendered in the business
as indicated by his/her logged time. On this type of wage setup, the company uses a certain form
of a Bundy clock machine or a regular time sheet to document employee time in and time out.
The GSI System also allows this type of salary scheme.

If taking a lunch break, click the

Lunch button, and when going
back, click the Afternoon button.
This determines the time
consumed in taking a break. Clicking the
Afternoon button after the break resumes
the time count for the staff’s working hours.

The following discussion demonstrates how this is enabled and used in this system.
Enable The Clock In/Clock Out Salary Calculation Method
As discussed lately, this system supports two methods of staff wage calculation: by Clock
In/Clock Out (hours worked scheme) and by Rostered Hours. For the Clock In/Clock Out
Scheme to work this should be enabled first.
1. To do this, go to the Branch Settings of the System Settings screen by clicking
Administrator > System Settings > Branch Settings.
2. In this screen click the Staff button to display the staff related settings of the system.
3. In the list of settings that will be shown, look for the Staff Salary Calculation Method, then
tick the “By Clock In/Clock Out” option. Click Save then Close to exit from this screen.
This now sets this system to use the Clock In/Clock Out Method in computing staff salary.
Logging In/Out
4. Open the Staff screen by clicking Administrator > Staff from the menu.
5. In the Staff screen, click the Clock In / Clock Out button under the Management column.
6. This will first require a Pin Code Entry screen to identify the staff to make a login. After
entering the appropriate pin code, the Clock In screen will then show.
7. In this screen click the Start Time button to initiate the working time of the employee if
logging in. Then click OK to acknowledge this. Perform the same step when logging out.

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Viewing Staff Logged Hours

To check for the logged in hours of all the staff in the business, perform the following:
8. Go the Staff screen (clicking Administrator > Staff from the menu) then click the Staff Log
Hours button under the Management column.
9. This action brings up the Staff Log Hours screen. To display the Log In / Log Out details of
every staff in the business for a set range of date indicate this in it’s From and To fields.
Then click the Display button (See screenshot on the previous page for details).
This will then generate the login details of each employee in company.

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GSI System© User Guide

Managing Financials
Utilities for managing the business’s finances are found at the Financials screen under the Management column. As you may recall it
we have previously discussed the necessary settings to undertake in establishing the financial system of the company in this screen.
This time, however, we will be discussing the different ways to manage the company’s monetary resources using the facilities provided
in this screen.

Going to the Financials screen (clicking Administrator > Financials from the menu) you will
notice the different facilities in handling the company’s finances under the Management column.
The different facilities given here can be categorized into 4 distinct groups – mainly (1) PMS
Transactions Tracking, (2) Petty Cash Management, (3)Till Management, (4)Managing Banking,
(5)Managing Cash Book, (6)Tax Computation and (7)Tracking Owings. Grouping this together
with their respective categories we will have the following organization:

PMS Transactions Tracking Managing Banking

PMS Transactions Banking Run
Banking History
Petty Cash Management
Petty Cash Transactions Managing Cash Book
Edit Petty Cash Cash Book
Open Cash Drawer
Tax Computation
Till Management Tax Total
Open Till
Link To Till Tracking Owings
Close Till End Of The Month Statement Run
Edit Till Float

We will be taking this up one by one as we go along in this discussion.

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Petty Cash Management

A Petty Cash is a small fund of cash that a firm keeps for the payment of certain incidental
expenses such as transportation fee for running an errand, cash advance, and other
miscellaneous operating costs. Most commonly these are being prepared for those unforeseen
expenses that might come up anytime.
We will now discuss how petty cash transactions are being managed in this system. Please take
note that in this system, the petty cash amount is what has been initially provided in the till.

Like any other sensitive

transactions being
conducted in this system,
the petty cash transaction
requires a pin code entry in
its access. This is a way for the system to
determine who’s performing the process.
This is to ensure the validity of the process
and for tracking as well.
Moreover, in the GSI System all
transactions are being audit logged and
reports corresponding to these are
available by accessing the respective

Petty cash transactions in this system follow this protocol:

1. A petty cash request is entered providing the amount and the reason for this.
2. If there are changes to the requested amount, this should be followed up immediately to be
3. Once a petty cash request is finalized and approved, the actual cash will now be drawn from
the cash drawer for disbursement.
These steps are handled by its respective facilities as discussed in the following topics.

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GSI System© User Guide
Petty Cash Transactions MANDATORY

The entry for the petty cash requests are made at the Petty Cash Transactions screen as
conducted in the following manner:
1. Click Administrator > Financials from the menu. Then in the Financials screen click the
Petty Cash Transactions option under the Management column. (See screenshot on the
previous page)
2. In the screen that will show, enter the petty cash Amount to dispense and select the Reason
for this request.
3. With the necessary details for this petty cash request all entered, click the OK button.
This petty cash transaction has now been documented in the system. In most businesses this
requires further approval before being given. Refer to the screenshot on the previous page for

Edit Petty Cash MANDATORY

Should there be any motion for changes on a previously entered petty cash request, either by the
applicant or by the one making the approval, the petty cash amount can be modified via the Edit
Petty Cash screen. Please take note that ONLY THE PETTY CASH AMOUNT CAN BE
To perform this do the following:
1. Open the Financials screen by clicking Administrator > Financials from the menu. Then
click the Edit Petty Cash option under the Management column. (See screenshot on the
previous page)
2. In this screen, select the petty cash transaction to edit then click its petty cash Amount. This
turns this field into edit mode where you can make the necessary changes on this.
3. Click Save for this new value to be updated.
Check out the screenshot on the previous page on how this should be performed.

Open Cash Drawer MANDATORY

With the necessary information already provided for the petty cash transaction and has been
approved, cash requested can now be handed over to the applicant. This finalizes the petty cash
The money from where this should be obtained is commonly stored on a cash drawer (or till). As
you have known from the start, the GSI System is capable of handling hardware interfaces such
as an electronic cash drawer. Using the Open Cash Drawer facility in the Financials screen not
only mechanically ejects the cash drawer connected into the system but also allows you to
document this action. Through this, the manager can then track the cash disbursements made in
the cash drawer.
In performing this, take note of the following:
1. Go to the Financials screen (by clicking Administrator > Financials from the menu) then
click the Open Cash Drawer option under the Management column. This will immediately
prompt the user to enter his/her Pin Code.
2. Upon supplying the necessary code for this it will ask the user to indicate the reason (Select
Reason) for opening the cash drawer.
3. Selecting any of the reasons provided in the pick list and clicking the Open button will
automatically eject the interfaced cash drawer.
See screenshot on the previous page on how this should be carried out.

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GSI System© User Guide

Till Management
A till is a logical representation of the cash drawer in the GSI system.
In our previous discussion of the Till we have taken up how these are defined in the system.
Having done this important task, we can now perform the necessary manipulations for this.


For a till to be used in the business, it must be opened for transaction. Although by executing the
GSI System, this automatically opens the Till before you are able to use the system. In this
process the following occurs:
1. The system will ask for the name of the till to open. Just select the necessary till to use.
2. Having done this, it will ask for the password. Provide the appropriate entry for this.
3. After this, the system will then ask for the initial amount to put in the till (as change for use in
However, if for some reason the till hasn’t been opened (the till has just been created, the till was
closed, etc.), you could manually perform this by performing these steps.
1. Open the Financials screen by clicking Administrator > Financials from the menu. Then
click the Open Till option under the Management column. (See screenshot above)
2. In the screen that appears select the till to open then click OK.
This has the same effect of opening the till as can be observed automatically.

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Linking to a till just reestablishes the previous connection you have to the till you have opened
earlier. This allows you to continue working on that till and still include the previous transactions
made into this before its interruption up to the time it was closed.
To link to a till after a break perform these steps:
1. Go to the Financials screen by clicking Administrator > Financials from the menu.
2. In this screen click the Link To Till option under the Management column.
3. This opens the Link To Opening Till screen. Select the till to link into then click OK to
execute this. (See screenshot on the previous page)
After doing this you will now be able to continue with what you have been working on with the
previous till and still get the summary of your transactions including those that have been made
before the interruption happened.


The transactions made to the till are being finalized upon its closing. In its execution a cash
reconciliation report will be displayed summarizing the activities of the till from the time it was
started. Through this the manager / admin is able to check the cash flows of the till and thereby
determine whether the actual amount sums up to what has been entered into it.
Closing the till is simply conducted in this manner:
1. Click Administrator > Financials from the menu to open the Financials screen.
2. In the Financials screen click the Close Till option. A Close Till screen will then appear
showing the summary of the cash flows to the till and its quantity on hand.
3. Click the Close button to turn off the currently opened till. (See screenshot on the previous
By executing this, the system will then reset all the till transaction related variables to zero and will
render the till inactive.

Edit Till Float MANDATORY

Everytime a till is being opened a prompt for its initial value is shown. This required value will act
as a change whenever needed in the transaction. However, at the closing of the till, this will be
set aside to show the actual amount incurred in the business for the whole day.
If one wishes to change this, this is done by accessing the Edit Till Float facility. To do so follow
these steps:
1. The Edit Till Float facility is found at the Financials screen. To bring this up, click
Administrator > Financials from the menu.
2. Under the Management column in the Financials screen, click the Edit Till Float option.
3. By doing so, this opens the Till Float screen. Enter the amount to use as the initial till float
then click OK to apply this new setting.
This now sets the value for the till float to the amount you have just entered.

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GSI System© User Guide

Banking Management
Due to its importance in the business, we have also included the different facilities of managing
your banking processes in this system. In the following discussions we will be dealing with the
use of these facilities in settling your banking needs.

Banking Run

The Banking Run screen sorts out the cash transactions of the business to their particular
payment types as identified by its set Run No. The cash transaction Run No. and its
corresponding payment type, is defined in the Payment Types screen. (Check out the topic
Setting Up The Payment Types in Chapter 2)

To prevent a certain
transaction from being
banked there is a Do Not
Bank option in the Client
History screen that allows
you to do this.
To access this facility, open the Client
screen by clicking Administrator > Clients
from the menu. In the screen that will open,
click the Select Client option.
This brings up the Client Select screen.
Indicate here the client upon whom the
transaction to process belongs. Then click
the Client History option.
In the Client History screen of the selected
client click the Do Not Bank button at the

In processing Banking Run in the GSI System follow these steps:

1. Click Administrator > Financials from the menu to open the Financials screen. Then click
the Banking Run option under the Management column.
2. This shows the Banking Run screen. Select in this the Run No. of the cash transactions to
view. This will show those cash transactions with the same Run code as you have selected.
3. To check the details of a certain cash transaction being shown, highlight this then click the
Preview button. This will generate a print preview of the report generated for the selected
4. To finalize these cash transactions for banking just select from the list the Bank where these
amount will go. Then click the Bank button.
5. Upon clicking the Bank button the cash transactions being highlighted will then disappear
indicating that it has already been banked. You could make a follow-up on this to check
whether it really has been processed already by going to the Banking History screen.

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GSI System© User Guide
Banking History

Accessing the Banking History screen allows you to view the details of the banking transactions
that have been made in the system. This is where all the cash transactions entered in to the bank
are shown.

In using this facility take note of the following:

1. Click Administrator > Financials from the menu to open the Financials screen then click
Banking History.
2. In the screen that will open select the cash transactions to view by selecting its Run No. By
doing this it will immediately display all the cash transactions with the Run No. you have
3. To print the banking transactions for a day just click the Print button.

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GSI System© User Guide

Managing Taxes
As a government imposed requirement to everyone, and much more on a business enterprise, a
tax is one part of the company’s expense that must be properly managed and dealt with.
Due to the large sum of money being required on businesses for tax, the common practice of
companies nowadays is to distribute this burden to the consumer as well. Due to this taxes can
affect the price of the business’s commodities.
In the following discussions we will be dealing on how tax expenses are computed and being
applied in the system.

Tax Total

To compute the overall tax total of the company, the GSI System provided the Tax Total facility to
do this. This not only gives the business a thorough detail on the tax charges incurred but also it
provided different ways to generate this report either via an Excel spreadsheet or directly as a
To compute the Tax Total of the business on a given date range perform the following:
1. Open the Financials screen by clicking Administrator > Financials from the menu. In this
screen, look under the Management column then click the Tax Total option.
2. As soon as the Tax Total screen shows, indicate the start date (From field) and the end date
(To field) to compute the tax total of the business. Then click the Display button.
This will then generate the information on the fields provided for this screen based on the
time frame indicated earlier.
3. To view the details of the Tax On Billed Services, Tax On Billed Stock Sales, Tax Receipt
Services, and Tax Receipts Total, click its corresponding Preview Details button.
Likewise, click the corresponding Excel button if you need these details in Excel format file.
4. To print a summary for this tax total just click the Print button below.

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GSI System© User Guide

Managing Active Owings

Owings (or debts) in the business are very common and mostly unavoidable. Allowing this in the
business can also be a means to boost its market as well as maintain a positive image among its
existing clients.
However, to achieve these positive results the company must have a good management system
to track down these unpaid transactions and thereby make the necessary actions in collecting

End Of Month Statement Run

There is a facility in the GSI System that allows you to check the current owings in the business.
This is through the End Of Month Statement Run facility.

Here’s how to use this:

1. Click Administrator > Financials options from the menu. In the Financials screen click the
EOM Statement Run option under the Management column.
2. This action opens the End Of Month Statement Run screen. Indicate the start and end date
in the From and To fields to specify the range of date to show the active owings in the
business then click the Display button.
3. The list of active owings in the range of date specified will then be shown. To view the details
of a certain owing, highlight the owing to check then click the Preview button.
4. To print the details of the owings tick the corresponding Print checkbox of the owings to print
then click the Print button.

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GSI System© User Guide

Managing Cash Book

The idea of a cash book in the GSI System is like that of a regular cash book being used by an
accountant to document cash transactions that occurred in the company. In contrast, however,
the cash book in this system can automatically make computations and generate a sorted report
instead of having these manually conducted.
In the following discussions we will be taking up how the Cash Book facility in the GSI System
works and being used.


The management of cash books in the system begins in the creation of its books. Cash books
are created by accessing the Setup Books facility.

To do this follow these steps:

1. Open the Financials screen by clicking Administrator > Financials from the menu. In the
screen that will open, click the Cash Book option under the Management column.
2. The Cash Book screen will then open. Under the Setup column click the Books option.
3. This action opens the Setup Books screen. In this enter the name of the books to create
under the Description column. When all the necessary books to use in the system are
already entered click the Save button.
With this implementation you have now created the books to use and manage in the system.

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Third Party Companies

After the creation of the cash books, the next thing to do is to indicate the usual third party
companies the business is dealing with in its operation that involve cash transactions. This may
include those companies that provide utility services (such as electricity, phone connection, water,
etc.), partner businesses, and item suppliers (for your stocks, office supplies, etc.).
To perform these entries do the following:
1. Still in the Cash Book screen (by clicking Administrator > Financials > Cash Book), click on the
Third Party Companies option under the Setup column. See screenshot on the previous
page (steps 5 to7) for details.
2. This brings up the Company screen where we enter those companies that you constantly
transact businesses with. Just click the Save button after entering this into the system.
Having done this setup you have now created the companies recognized by the system to be
used in the cash books.

Account List

Following this, define the accounts to use in organizing the cash transactions in the business.
This is performed in the Account Code screen. To do this perform the following:
1. In the Financials screen go to the Cash Book screen (by clicking Administrator > Financials >
Cash Book) then click on the Account List option under the Setup column. See screenshot
on the previous page (steps 8 to 16) for details.
2. This opens the Account Code screen. In this enter the groups of the cash transactions that
constantly occur in the company by entering its Description, assigned Code and account
Type (Credit or Debit).
3. Having done this, highlight the account code group to define with specific cash transactions
then click the Detail button.
4. This action brings up the Details screen of the selected account group. Provide in this screen
the cash transactions commonly encountered in the company. When the necessary entries
for these are made click the OK button.
5. Next, set the tax to apply for the accounts. Going back on the Account Code screen, and with
the highlight still on the previously selected account group, click the Tax button.
6. This will immediately show the Tax screen. Select in this the appropriate Tax to charge for
the transactions under the selected account group then click the OK button.
Take note to perform these settings for all the account groups specified in the Account Code
7. When all the necessary settings are done in this screen click the Save button to update these
changes in your system.
With these settings you have now established the cash book you are going to use in the business.

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The entry of the actual cash transactions in the business are carried out in the Account Book

To enter these transactions perform the following:

1. Still in the Cash Book screen, click the Transactions option under the Management column.
2. This will immediately open the Books screen where the necessary books to use are
available. Select the one to set then click the OK button.
3. The details screen of the selected Account Book will then open. Indicate the Month to work
with. Then enter the details of the transactions to document specifying its Company and
Credit/Debit amount. If the amount given is on a cheque, indicate its Cheque No.
4. Take note that the incurred amount should be entered on its appropriate account type (Credit
or Debit).
5. Next, click the Details button.
6. In the Details screen of the selected transaction that will appear click the New button.
7. This brings up the screen where the specifics for the selected transaction are defined in
details. Make sure that the Total of the entries given here must meet with the assigned
Credit amount, otherwise, this won’t balance.
8. When the necessary details for this cash transaction are entered click the Save button. Then
on the Details screen of the cash book click again the Save button.

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To show the detailed account of the cash transactions documented in the system use the
Summary facility. This facility is commonly used in generating reports as well as financial

In performing this, do the following:

1. In the Cash Book screen, click the Summary option under the Management column.
2. Select the cash book to work on by clicking on it then click the OK button.
3. Then indicate the Month to show the transactions. This will display the transactions that
occurred in those months together with its corresponding details.
4. You may also choose to generate a printout of this summary. To do so click the Print button.
5. To close this screen, just click the OK button.

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Managing Gift Vouchers

At this point of our discussion we are now going to explore the system’s facility in the use and management of the Gift Vouchers in the
In our previous discussion of Gift Vouchers we have taken up how these are being made in the system. This should be the first step to
undertake in practicing and understanding the processes involved in this discussion. If you haven’t done the setup and creation of gift
vouchers yet be sure to perform the given procedures in the “Setting Up Gift Voucher Menu” topic in chapter 2 first.

The management of gift vouchers in the GSI System is being provided in the Gift Vouchers
screen that is accessible by clicking Administrator > Gift Vouchers option from the menu.
In discussing how gift vouchers are being managed in this system we will be taking the following
1. Preparing The System In Using Gift Vouchers
2. Purchasing And Using Gift Vouchers
3. Managing Gift Voucher Usage

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Purchasing And Using Gift Vouchers

In its creation, the Gift Voucher can now be sold for the consumption of the clients. The following
steps are taken to carry this out:
1. Purchasing A Gift Voucher
2. Assigning A Gift Voucher To A Beneficiary
3. Using A Gift Voucher

Purchasing And Assigning A Gift Voucher

In selling a gift voucher do the following:

1. Go to the Appointment Book screen where business transactions are made. Do this by
clicking Booking > Appointment Book on the menu.
2. In this screen make an order to buy a gift voucher by clicking the Sell button.
3. This will eventually open the Client Select screen wherein we indicate the client to whom this
purchase will be made. You could select from the list of existing clients in the system by
clicking the Enter key or provide the details of the new client by first clicking the Client Detail
button which will then open a blank Client Detail screen where these are entered.

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After the purchase and
assignment of gift vouchers
to its beneficiaries, the admin
user can decide to generate
a transaction document
regarding this purchase to its recipients
(beneficiaries and purchaser).
Using the buttons provided at the bottom of
the Purchased Gift Vouchers screen this can
be implemented.
 In clicking the Mail To Beneficiary button,
this opens a facility that emails a
transaction slip to the beneficiary of the gift
 Likewise, clicking the Mail To Purchaser
button opens a facility that emails a
transaction slip to the purchaser of the gift
 Clicking the Mail Merge button prints a
custom gift voucher document through a
certain user made template.
 The Print button when clicked generates a
printout of the details of currently selected
gift voucher. Click the corresponding< << and
>>> button to select a gift voucher to print.
 Clicking Print All button generates a
printout of the details of all gift vouchers
being purchased.

4. After specifying the client to make the purchase, you will then be brought to the Billing
screen. To purchase a gift voucher click the Gift Vouchers button from the list of commodity
buttons at the lower left area of the screen.
5. A screen will then be shown, providing a list of available gift vouchers being sold in the
business. Choose from any of these the one to buy by clicking it.
6. Then on the next screen that will be shown, indicate the quantity to order for the selected gift
voucher then click the OK button.
7. With the details of the gift voucher(s) to purchase already entered select the payment mode
to use to pay for this then click the PAY button. This brings up the Change Calculation
screen. Provide in this the details for its payment.
Refer to the screenshot above for further details.

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8. With the gift voucher already paid, you will then be required to provide the details for these.
Provide the Beneficiary name (by clicking the Select From Clients or Enter New
Beneficiary button), and the effectivity date of the gift voucher (indicate these on the Valid
From and Expiry Date fields). Click Save when the necessary details for this gift voucher
has been entered.
9. Repeat these procedures for the rest of the gift vouchers that has been bought.

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Using A Gift Voucher To Redeem Purchases/Orders

Having purchased a gift voucher, you can now use this in paying for a booking and stock orders
as well. We will now discuss how to use gift vouchers in paying for the commodities being
ordered in the business.
1. Perform a purchase or a booking. In the Billing screen, instead of using other means for
payment use the Gift Voucher payment method.
2. In doing so, the Gift Voucher Redeeming screen will show. Indicate here the Gift Voucher
Number. To check for the current amount of the gift voucher, click the Check button.
3. Click the Redeem button to use the amount in the gift voucher to pay.
4. Then click the PAY button to finalize this transaction.

In the event that the

amount of the gift voucher
is not sufficient to pay for
the commodity being
ordered, use the Multiple
payment method instead. In specifying this
indicate the gift voucher payment then
select cash or any payment method to
suffice the amount required for the

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Managing Gift Voucher Usage

A gift voucher has a lot of advantages not only on the business where this is being offered but
also to the client using these. However, it can be a source of problem if not properly controlled.
It is a must therefore for those employing gift vouchers in the business that a proper management
for this is being carried out.
Gift voucher management consists mainly of the tracking of its usage, validation, reporting and
adjustment. In the following discussions we will be dealing on the ways we could manage gift
vouchers using the GSI System.

The management facilities for gift vouchers are found under the Management column of the Gift
Vouchers screen.

Most of these facilities however are available in the Gift Vouchers Management screen. This
screen is accessible by clicking the Gift Vouchers Management option from the menu.

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Mail Merge

The first of the management facilities in this screen is the Mail Merge facility. This is used mainly
to generate a report for the selected gift voucher. Using a GSI template, this generates the
necessary Gift Voucher slip for the beneficiaries of gift vouchers.
In generating a Gift Voucher Slip using the GSI System perform the following:
Designing Your Own Gift Voucher Slip
The first and very important step in producing a gift voucher slip is the designing of its appropriate
template based on the business that you have. To do this perform the following:
1. Go to the directory wherein the original gift voucher template is found. The original template
is named as Spa XXX_GiftVoucher_Template.doc. This is a mail merge document file.
Using Screens Explorer go to the directory path C:\Program Files\Gumnut
Software\Gumnut System Client\MailMerge. (Check out the image below for this location)

2. In this directory copy the file Spa XXX_GiftVoucher_Template.doc on this location. (While
pressing the Ctrl key, click and drag the template file anywhere inside the screen.) This
ensures that if anything goes wrong with the editing of the template the original is still intact.
3. Modify the template copy according to the preferred design in your business. See the
screenshot below to give you an idea on what to do. For further details on how to edit a mail
merge document file please access the MS Word Help facility.

Comparison of the original gift voucher template document to the modified one which is being used in the business.

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Generating A Gift Voucher Slip

With the gift voucher slip template already made we can now generate the needed gift voucher
slips to its respective beneficiaries.

1. Open the Gift Voucher Management screen. Do this by clicking Administrator > Gift
Vouchers from the menu. Then on the screen that will open click the Gift Voucher
Management option under the Management column.
2. In the Gift Vouchers Management screen highlight the gift voucher to generate a notification
slip then click the Mail Merge button below. A message box will be shown informing the step
to carry out.
3. This action brings up the file dialogue screen wherein we indicate the gift voucher template
file to use. Looking at the same directory path where the gift voucher template file is found
(C:\Program Files\Gumnut Software\Gumnut System Client\MailMerge), highlight the
appropriate template file then click the Open button.
Following this, a Gift Voucher Slip is printed out.

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If you want to change the beneficiary of a certain gift voucher, then use the Beneficiary facility in
the Gift Voucher Management screen.

1. Clicking the Beneficiary button in the Gift Voucher Management screen opens this facility.
2. It will first show the Pin Code ID entry screen. Enter your assigned pin code to validate your
3. Having done this it will open the Client Select screen. Indicate in this the client to assign as
the new beneficiary for the selected gift voucher.
4. After this it brings you back to the Gift Voucher Management screen. Notice that the
beneficiary for the selected gift voucher has already been changed to the one you have
specified recently.

Mark As Redeemed

Marking the gift voucher as redeemed deactivates its use as well as removing it from this screen.
To set a certain gift voucher to be already used do the following:
1. Start by first highlighting the gift voucher to process, and clicking the Mark As Redeemed
button in the Gift Vouchers Management screen (which is accessed by clicking
Administrator > Gift Vouchers > Gift Vouchers Management from the menu).
2. Upon doing this it will show a pin code entry screen validating the access to this facility
followed by the display of its confirmation screen. Just click Yes on this to proceed.
After doing so, the selected gift voucher will no longer be seen in the list.

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Change Expiry Date

There are cases when you want to extend the use of a certain gift voucher beyond that of its set
expiration date. Many businesses resort to this kind of step especially when there’s a valid
reason for it.

The gift vouchers expiration date can be adjusted by using the Change Expiry Date button in the
Gift Voucher Management screen. Perform these steps in accomplishing this:
1. Go to the Gift Vouchers screen by clicking Administrator > Gift Vouchers from the menu.
In the widow that will open click on the Gift Vouchers Management option under the
Management column.
2. This brings up the Gift Vouchers Management screen. Highlight from the list the gift voucher
to adjust then click the Change Expiry Date button.
3. Before the Change Expiry Date screen appears you will be required to enter your pin code to
validate your access in this facility. Having entered the appropriate access code, a screen
will then show where the new Expiry Date is to be entered. Specify the preferred date for its
new expiration then click the OK button.
With this setting you have now extended the expiration date of the gift voucher.


Viewing the gift voucher in the store allows you to check its current status as well as keep you
informed on its details. Since this is actively being used in the business its tracking is necessary
to determine whether it is still available for use or if enough credits are still obtainable in it to
suffice as payment.
To show the details of a certain gift voucher perform the following:
1. Open the Gift Vouchers Management screen by clicking Administrator > Gift Vouchers >
Gift Vouchers Management from the menu. Then in the screen that will open click the
Search button. (Refer to the screenshot above on how this should be done.)
2. This action displays the Gift Voucher Search dialogue screen. Enter in this the Gift Voucher
Number to view. This generates the details of the indicated gift voucher.
3. Click Close to exit this screen.

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Another very helpful facility for managing gift vouchers is the History facility. With this facility you
can review the information regarding the gift voucher’s purchase and usage.
In reviewing a gift voucher’s usage do the following:
1. Click Administrator > Gift Vouchers > Gift Vouchers Management from the menu. This
brings up the Gift Voucher Management screen. In this click the Search button. (Refer to the
screenshot on the previous page on how this should be done.)
2. This action displays the Gift Voucher Search dialogue screen. Enter in this the Gift Voucher
Number to view. This then generates the details of the indicated gift voucher.
3. Click Close to exit this screen.


To delete or cancel an ordered gift voucher perform the following:

1. Go to the Gift Vouchers Management screen by clicking Administrator > Gift Vouchers >
Gift Vouchers Management from the menu. (Refer to the screenshot on the previous page
on how this should be done.)
2. In the Gift Vouchers Management screen highlight the gift voucher to delete from the list.
Then click the Delete button to remove the selected gift voucher.
3. The gift voucher will then be deleted from the list. Just click Close to exit this screen.


This facility is just the same as the Search facility that we can access in the Gift Vouchers
Management screen (accessible by clicking Administrator > Gift Vouchers > Gift Vouchers
Please refer to the Search facility discussed on the previous page for the details.

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Managing Memberships & Clubs

The GSI System has a way of managing this type of scheme in the business. In the following discussions we will be dealing with how
this system manages memberships in the business. As we go along with its features of this system’s facility in managing memberships
you will find that implementing this in your company is now easier.

On our discussion regarding membership and clubs implementation using the GSI System we will
be adopting the following steps:
1. Joining Members
2. Managing Memberships & Clubs
3. Generating Reports*
Take note, however, that as a pre-requisite in this discussion the procedure on how memberships
are created and setup must already been performed and understood by the admin user. It is our
urgent advice that this should be done first.
As already been discussed, the facilities for managing membership and clubs are found at the
Membership & Clubs screen which is accessible by clicking Administrator > Memberships & Clubs
from the menu.

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Joining Members
With the establishment of the membership scheme, you can now accept memberships from your
clients. Memberships are bought by the clients for them to be joined.

The following discussion demonstrates how this is done in the GSI System.
1. Just like any commodities of the business in this system, memberships are sold through the
Appointment Book screen. To go to this screen, click Booking > Appointment Book
option from the menu.
2. The Appointment Book screen will then be shown. In this screen click the Sell button on the
menus on the left. Check out the screenshot above for this.
3. This action brings up the Client Select screen. Select in this the client to activate as
member by showing the list and clicking from this the client.

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4. The system will then immediately bring you to the Billing screen. To purchase a
membership click the Membership button.
5. The selection for the offered memberships of the system will then show. Just click on this
the membership to buy.
6. Next, select from the list of payment types the one to use for paying the membership to join
to. For this example we will be using the regular Cash payment type then click the PAY
7. This will in turn show the Change Calculation screen. Indicate the given amount by the
customer in the Payment Tendered textbox then click the Change textbox to show the
amount of change left. Once this change is handed over to the client, click the Give
Change button.
If the customer gave an exact amount, just click the Exact Amount Paid button.
8. After this, the Membership Information screen of the selected client for this membership will
be shown. Provide the required information for this as described in the table below.
9. Click the Close button when finished.
The selected client has now been given a membership status in the business. It now depends on
the membership that client has chosen what privileges are available for them. See screenshot
below for further details

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Membership Information Screen Fields
Fields Description
Type list (Auto-generated) This shows the membership type purchased.
Membership No. textbox (Auto-generated) This shows the assigned membership code of the client.
Card No. textbox Indicate here the card number (card code) to assign for this member.
Joined On list (Auto-generated) This shows the date by which this membership is purchased.
Service Discount textbox (Auto-generated) This shows the discount rate of booked services for this member.
Stock Discount textbox (Auto-generated) This shows the discount rate for every stock sold for this member.
Last Update textbox Indicate in this the date by which this membership information screen is last updated.
Expiry Date textbox Indicate in this the date upon which this membership will end.
Personal Training checkbox Clicking this sets this membership to include personal training for its privileges.
Minimum Period textbox Indicate here the number of months upon which this membership will be in effect.
Notes textbox Enter here the relevant information you want to include regarding this membership.
Direct Debit Fields
Direct Debit checkbox When ticked, direct debiting for this membership’s payment will be in effect.
DD Next Run checkbox This should be ticked when direct debit is enabled to anticipate the next DD run.
Payment Schedule list Indicate here the frequency of the direct debit collection for this membership.
DD Start Date list (Auto-generated) This shows the date upon which direct debiting starts.
DD Amount textbox This shows the amount to direct debit for this membership.
Payment Method list Select from this the payment to method to use for collecting direct debit payments.
DD Company list Select from this the company to process direct debiting of the client.
Contract End Date textbox This shows the date by which this membership will end.
Alt. DD Start Date textbox Indicate here the date by which an alternate direct debit will start to be implemented.
Alt. DD Reason list Indicate in this the reason for an alternate direct debiting on this membership.
Alt DD Amount textbox Enter here the amount to obtain from the member for the alternate direct debit.
Alt DD End Date textbox Indicate here the date by which an alternate direct debit will be stopped.
Optional Fields
Minimum Gross textbox Enter in this the minimum gross amount of this member’s account.
Financial Institution textbox Key in on this the third party financial institution where this member gets funds.
F.I. Address textbox Enter here the address of the financial institution where this member gets funds.
Valid From list Indicate here the validity date of this membership.
Expires textbox Indicate here the expiration date of this membership.
Cancellation Fields
Disabled checkbox When ticked, this renders this membership cancelled.
Cancel Reason list Indicate here the reason for cancelling this membership.
Cancelled On textbox This shows the date (current date) wherewith this membership is cancelled.
Member Account Details (Enter the details of account holder exactly as written on the bank card.)
Account Holder textbox Enter here the name of the member.
Account No. textbox Provide in this the account number of the member.
BSB Code textbox Enter here the 6 digit Sort Code to determine the bank origin of this member’s account.
Account Expire textbox If the account has an expiration date, enter it here.
Pre-Authorize button After entering the member account details
Other Facilities
Print Card button Clicking this opens the system’s facility for printing a membership card for this member
Mail Merge button Clicking this generates the system’s facility for printing a membership detail form.

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To check which client has now been included as a member in the business, go to the Client
Select screen (Administrator > Clients > Select Clients) and view the list of all clients in it.
Check the ones that have assigned Membership No. These are the ones with membership
status in the establishment.

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Managing Memberships & Clubs

As the membership scheme is being established in the business and clients are becoming
members of it, an appropriate management of this is necessary to effectively supervise its
charges and usage.

Members List

Regular memberships are basically tracked in the Membership List screen. Take note that
corporate members are not shown in this list.

In using Membership List to track current member’s status take note of the following steps:
1. Click Administrator > Membership & Clubs option from the menu to open the Membership
& Clubs screen. In this click Members List under the Management column.
2. This brings up the Member List screen. In this screen, to generate a list of members in the
business indicate the Membership Type to view then click the Display button.
If you want, however, to display specific member information, enter either its Membership
Number or Card Number to its corresponding fields in this screen then click its Search
3. To show the details of a certain member in the list, highlight a member then click the
Member Detail button.
Upon doing so the Membership Detail screen of the selected member will be displayed.
Perform the necessary updates for this and when done click the Save button.
4. You may also need to generate a membership card in the Member List screen. Just click
the Print Card button for this facility to open.
Likewise, if you want to print membership detail information of a selected member here just
click the Mail Merge button.
5. To exit from this screen, click the Close button.

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Corporate Membership

A certain membership type can become a corporate membership if in its definition in the Setup
Membership screen the Corporate checkbox is enabled.
If you set certain memberships to be a corporate membership and you want to show the list of
members belonging to these, view this in the Corporate Membership screen.

To perform this do the following:

1. Start by clicking Administrator > Membership & Clubs from the menu.
2. This opens the Membership & Clubs screen. In this screen, click the Corporate
Membership option under the Management column.
3. To view the members of a particular membership type just select this from the provided
Membership Type list then click the Display button.
4. To view the current members of a selected company/principal membership holder who will
serve as beneficiaries of this membership just click the Member List button.
To include members for the selected corporate membership just click the Add button in the
Members screen. This will right away brings up the Client Select screen. Select in this the
client to be added as a member for this corporate membership.
To remove (or drop) a certain member for the selected corporate membership, click the
Drop button in the Members screen.
5. To show the details of a company/principal membership holder in the list, highlight a
member then click the Member Detail button.
In performing this, the Membership Detail screen of the selected company/principal
membership holder will be displayed. Provide the necessary changes for this then click the
Save button.
6. You may also need to generate a membership card in the Member Detail screen. Just click
the Print Card button for this facility to open.
7. To exit from this screen, click the Close button.

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GSI System© User Guide
Members Direct Debit

Recurring payments or constantly repeating payments (like regular payments for utilities, credit
cards, and for this system’s membership fees) is a very tedious and complicated task to handle
manually. With the inception of the direct debit system for processing recurring payments, these
can now be easily managed.

Follow these steps in conducting membership fee payments using direct debit in this system.
1. To display the list of members that are scheduled for direct debit, go to the Membership &
Clubs screen by clicking Administrator > Membership & Clubs option. Then click the
Members Direct Debit option under the Management column.
In the (Members Direct Debit) screen that will open, provide the details for the DD Company
and Run Date fields then click the Display button to show the list of members with these
2. From the list of members that will be shown, highlight the one to process. If you wish to
display the details of the currently selected member just click the Member Detail button.
3. To process the selected client for direct debit just click the Generate button. Then on the
confirmation screen that will be shown just click Yes. (See screenshot above)

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In doing this, the selected membership account will now be transferred into the Pending screen
wherein the members for direct debit are consolidated and is generated as a record.
4. To view this consolidated list of members for direct debit go to the Pending screen by
clicking the Pending tab.
5. Then generate this direct debit record as a file. To do this, click the Export button. This will
be used by the bank to process collections on the member’s accounts included in this list.
Check out the screenshot on the next page for further details.
This file will then be handed over to the bank. In return, the bank will generate a file showing the
result of the direct debiting made on the members accounts. This will be used in the GSI System
to document and follow-up member’s direct debit status.

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In conducting this perform the following:

6. In the Pending screen, update the direct debit Status of the members based on the results
on the obtained document from the bank. Then click the Create Payment button.
Depending on what is indicated in the Status field of a certain membership’s direct debit
(Pending/Paid/Pay Failed) this determines whether this will be rendered as paid, or not.
7. Paid memberships will be seen in the Paid screen. Likewise those membership direct
debits that don’t succeed will be included in the Pay Failed screen which will then be
processed in the next run.

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Locker Management

One privilege that most companies will give to bona fide members is a provision of a locker to
keep their things while undergoing services or treatment. This system also incorporates a facility
in tracking locker allocation and usage in the business. To use this perform the following:
1. The facility for managing lockers is accessible by going to the Membership & Clubs screen
(clicking Administrator > Membership & Clubs) and clicking in it the Locker Management
2. This brings up the Locker Management screen wherein shows the list of currently allocated
lockers to members.
To assign a locker to a certain member just click the Allocate button. This automatically
shows the Client Select screen where you indicate the client member to allocate a locker
with. Following this the Allocate Locker Keys dialogue screen opens. Select from this the
available Locker Key to set for the selected client member then click Save.
In checking out a locker allocation of a certain member just select the member from the list,
then click the Return button. A confirmation prompt will be shown. Click Yes on this to
proceed with the deallocation of locker on that member.

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New Memberships

If one wishes to view the memberships that are currently entered in the business use the New
Memberships facility to do this. To carry this out do the following:
1. Open the Membership & Clubs screen by clicking Administrator > Membership & Clubs
from the menu. In the screen that will open click the New Memberships option.
2. This action opens the members Direct Debit screen. To show memberships on a certain
period of time, indicate its From and To dates. You may also specify which DD Company
is processing the direct debit for these memberships to narrow down the list. When the
necessary criteria for the listing is provided, click the Display button to execute the display.
This facility doesn’t only put into view the new memberships in the business but generally
any memberships that have been enrolled so far. This is through the set date range here
that you can view almost any memberships you wish to track in your business.
3. To manage a certain membership’s account, highlight from the list the member to manage
then click the Member Detail button. This will then show the Client Details screen of this
member. Click on the right the Client History button.

4. The Client History screen for the selected member will then come into view. Click in this the
Membership button to show this membership’s history screen. Notice the different tools
here in managing a certain member’s account.
 To extend the expiration of a certain membership click the Extend Expiry Date button. In
the dialogue screen that will open indicate the new expiration date at the Extend To field.
If you wish to set the membership to be not expiring, tick the No Expiry Date checkbox.
When the required settings are all entered click the Save button.
 To suspend a certain client’s membership (disabling the member’s privileges) click the
Suspend button. This opens the Suspend Membership screen. Indicate in this the range
of date upon which this membership’s suspension will take effect in the Suspend From
and Suspend To fields. If you also wish to terminate this membership’s expiration
extension just untick the Extend Expiry Date checkbox, otherwise, provide the details for
this. Refer to the screenshot on the next page for details.

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 To set the currently selected member as a part of a corporate membership, click the Join
Corporate button. This brings up the Corporate Membership screen as shown in the
screenshot above. Click from the listed Corporate Membership the one upon which the
selected member will be joined into.
 If you want to remove this member from a corporate membership just click the Drop
Corporate Membership button.
5. When all the necessary settings for this screen are entered click the Save button to make an
update for all the changes made here.

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Missing Membership Details

The common problem in processing a direct debit for membership fees is the lack of necessary
information in the membership details (especially bank details) that are very important in
conducting bank transactions upon which this will be carried out. By accessing the Missing
Membership Direct Debit Details screen this can be easily tracked and properly dealt with.

Here’s how to use this facility:

1. Open the Membership & Clubs screen by clicking Administrator > Membership & Clubs
option from the menu. In the screen that will open, click the Missing Membership Details
2. In the screen that will open you will notice the memberships that are then displayed in this.
These are the memberships that are entered into the system that unfortunately doesn’t have
the necessary information to be processed.
3. To correct this, open the client membership history screen. Highlight the membership
account to update in the Missing Membership Direct Debit Details screen then click the
Member Detail button provided at the bottom. This brings up the Client Details screen
where you click the Client History button. See screenshot above for details.

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4. In the Client History screen, click the Membership button to show this client’s membership
history. In this membership’s details check the availability of these information:
Membership No. Expiry Date Payment Schedule DD Company
Joined On Minimum Period DD Start Date Alt. DD Start Date
Service Discount Direct Debit DD Amount Alt. DD Reason
Stock Discount DD Next Run Payment Method Alt. DD Reason
Alt DD Amount Alt DD End Date Account Holder Account No.
BSB Code Account Expire

Take note especially of the account details (in bold characters) of the member. Without
which direct debiting will not be carried out.
5. To enable editing on these details, click the View button. You will then be prompted to enter
your pin code. Just provide the appropriate input for this then click the Edit button. A pin
code entry will again be shown.
6. After this series of transitions it will then allow the editing for these details. Provide the
necessary account details for this member then click the OK button. Click Save to update
this into the system.
With the necessary details for the direct debit processing already provided you can now
proceed with the direct debiting for these memberships.

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Managing Marketing
As one very essential process in the business, Marketing takes a very important concern in the operation of business. In that this takes
up the bulk in the task of creating business among the people. Through the operation of marketing, sales are incurred in the business.
That’s why we integrated a facility in the GSI System that provides tools that are needed in the effective accomplishment of this

The work of marketing consists primarily of Information Management and Communication. The
bulk of the work of the marketing department is more on the management of its client information
which includes Client Search And Tracking, Client Demographics And Trending, and Reporting.
In addition to this, communication is another vital task that marketing is engaged with. Through
this, the business is able to widen its area of influence as well as establish good customer
That’s why we have integrated in this system the necessary management tools, as shown on the
screenshot below, to facilitate these tasks more efficiently in one’s business.

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The most common occupation a marketing department does is processing the available data it
has to formulate strategic approaches in improving sales condition. Through this the manager is
able to determine business trends as well as create feasible solutions and decisions. With the
aid of GSI’s Marketing List Generator this work is simplified.

In generating your preferred marketing list the following should be observed:

1. Go to the Marketing screen by clicking Administrator > Marketing option from the menu.
To open the Generate Marketing List screen, click under the Setup column click the
Generate option.
2. In the screen that will open, notice the different options that are provided. These are search
criteria that is when ticked will be enabled for the query to generate a list. Start by indicating
the Search Type to use for this query.
3. After setting the required search type to use for this query, set the Search Criteria to make
by ticking the necessary criteria for the list to be produced.
4. When done with these settings for the query, click the Generate button. A confirmation
screen will be shown on the outcome of the list generation. Just click OK to proceed.
5. Then click the Save Query button to save the previously made query into the system. Just
provide the assigned name for the query and click the OK button.
6. Next, generate a marketing list for this query by clicking Save List. This will show a
dialogue screen that prompts the user to enter the List Name to assign for the generated

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Having generated the needed queries and lists to use, produce the list by accessing the Display

To do this perform the following:

1. Still in the Marketing screen (clicking Administrator > Marketing) click the Display option.
2. A screen will then open showing the currently created marketing lists in the system.
Highlight the one to generate a client list then click the Display List button.
3. To show the details of any clients displayed in the list, select the client then click the View
Client Details button.
This will then show the Client Details screen of the selected client from the list.

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The generated Marketing List can also be exported or transferred to another system and likewise
be printed.

To do this perform the following:

1. In the Marketing screen, click the Export button under the Setup column.
2. This brings up the Export Marketing List screen. In this screen, highlight the marketing list to
generate as an export/printout.
3. Then indicate the information to be produced by ticking any of the given options on the right
pane of this screen (i.e. Name Only, Name & Address, Email Only, etc.).
4. To generate the selected marketing list as a printout tick the Print The Marketing List
5. Likewise, to produce the selected marketing list as a file that can be transferred to another
system by a disk, tick the Export To option.
You will then be prompted to indicate the file format (Word, Excel or CSV) to use for the
exported marketing list. Select the format to use for this file then click the OK button.
This will in turn show the file dialogue box to indicate the file to save and its destination directory.
Perform the necessary entry for this then click the Save button.

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Communication plays a very important role in the work of marketing. To this effect we have also
integrated certain communication tools in this system. Media for sending such as Regular Mail,
Email and SMS (Text Message) are provided here.
We will now deal with the different tools provided in this system to communicate with the clients.

Mail Merge

One very common communication media used in the company is a regular mail (also known
nowadays as "snail mail”). In a printout form, you can inform, inquire, as well as deal issues with
the clients through the mail.
In addition to this, with this system’s facility, you can perform correspondence work on many
clients fast and easy with its adoption of the Mail Merge system in generating multiple letters.
Through this system, you can generate multiple documents (such as letters, reminders), of a
certain format to be given to more than one recipients.

Here’s how this facility is being used:

1. Open the Marketing screen by clicking Administrator > Marketing from the menu. Then in
the Marketing screen click the Mail Merge option.
2. This action opens the Mail Merge screen. Select in this the Marketing List to use then
indicate from the client names display on the next pane the clients to generate a mail merge
document by ticking its corresponding checkbox.
3. After this specify the Mail Merge Template file to use and its location then click the OK
A series of printout will then be generated corresponding to the clients selected lately.

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Another media that you can use to communicate with your clients in this system is the email.
Instead of running another email service application to send messages to the clients, the GSI
System provides its own email service to conduct this without the need to exit here. Aside from
this, it has certain features that allow bulk sending and messages can be in an HTML format as

For the eMail and SMS to work

in the system, an appropriate
license in it is provided and at
the same time it must be
connected to an internet.

The following procedures demonstrate how this facility is used:

1. This brings up the Email screen upon which email messages can be sent to clients. Start by
selecting the Marketing List to use.
2. Then in the Available Clients section, select the clients who will become recipients of the
email by clicking these. You could also select everyone in this list by ticking the Choose All
checkbox at the top.
3. Compose the email to send by supplying the necessary details in its specification screen.
 Enter the necessary details for this email like the Salutation to use for the recipients,
Client Name Format and the Subject (a short descriptive title for the message).
 To enter the email in HTML format, tick the HTML Format checkbox.
 To attach files to this email, click the Attach Files option. Indicate on the file dialogue
screen that will appear the file and its location.
4. Click OK to execute its sending.

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Small Messages System (SMS) or text messages that are currently used on mobile phones are
another communication media by which the GSI System employs in this system.

In accessing this into your system perform the following:

1. Still in the Marketing screen open the SMS screen by clicking the SMS option.
2. In this screen select the Marketing List to use and the Client Name Format to send SMS
messages with.
3. Then in the SMS Notes section, enter the full name and title of the client in the Client Name
Format textbox as well as indicate the Salutation to use for this.
4. Then provide the details for this SMS message to deliver then click the OK button.
With this implementation this message will then be sent to those respective clients you have
selected lately to receive this message.

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To send a recurring correspondence such that messages are automatically sent to selected
clients periodically (either daily, weekly or monthly) perform the following:
1. In the Marketing screen, click the Scheduler option.
2. Then in the scheduler screen that will appear, click the New button to initiate the creation of
a new marketing schedule.
3. On the screen that will show, assign a name for this new schedule. Then select the Query
from which this marketing schedule will be based.
Specify the Start Date and End Date of this correspondence schedule.
Indicate also how often (Daily, Weekly, or Monthly) this scheduled correspondence will
occur, the medium by which this would be sent (SMS or Email), and how many times will
this occur (1 week, 2 weeks, etc.)
4. With the details already supplied in this screen, click the Next button.
5. In the next screen that will be shown, provide the details for its messages. Click Next when
this is done.
6. Following this, a prompt screen will open asking how often this task will be performed.
Select the needed settings for this then click Next to proceed.
7. This process ends with the confirmation screen that describes the created marketing
schedule. Click Save to finalize this setup.
8. With the Scheduler screen still up, clicking the Description button to view the description of
a selected marketing schedule, highlight the schedule then click the.
9. Likewise, clicking the Audit Log button for a certain marketing schedule shows the report
on the activities made in the Scheduler screen.

Chapter 3: Managing Business Using GSI - 260 -

This chapter discusses how bookings are made and
processed for a particular type of service in the GSI
System which also includes the procedure in conducting
stock sale transaction in the business.
These are the topics that will be taken in this chapter:
A. Booking A Regular Service
B. Booking A Day Package Service
C. Booking A Destination Package
D. Booking A Series
E. Booking A Class
F. Booking A Facility Service
G. Booking Operations

Chapter 4
H. Selling
I. Whole Sale
J. Café/Restaurant POS Transaction
K. Retail POS Transaction

Managing Bookings
L. Room Booking

A nd PO S
GSI System© User Guide
Managing Bookings And POS
It is a common setup for businesses which cater services to include bookings. Booking by definition is scheduling the services of the
business for reservation. Through its use it sets in order the demands for certain services that are being offered in the business.
A sound and systematic approach in dealing with the bookings is necessary to keep everything running smoothly in one’s business.

As the main facility in the GSI System, the Appointment Book screen is where all the daily
activities of the business happen. This is where you manage the schedule of services in the
business as well as its other transactions. On a service oriented business the appointment book
is a very busy area of the system.
On the following discussions we will be dealing with the different activities that are involved in
appointment booking using the GSI System.
Clicking the Appointment Book option under the Booking menu (Booking > Appointment
Book) opens up the Appointment Book screen.

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Regular Service
We’ll start with the booking of a regular service. The regular service is usually availed by the time
it was booked although can also be availed for future booking. Considered to be the basic type of
service in the business, this service comes as a single product only, unlike other types. However,
you can book as many services that you want in just one booking.
The following discussions give account on how this is being performed in the GSI System.

Making A Booking

The first part of the booking is in its application. In entering this into the system perform the
1. Go to the Appointment Book screen by clicking Booking > Appointment Book from the
2. In this screen, click the preferred time slot of a particular staff wherein you want a requested
service to be booked. You should take note, however, that if the selected service for this
booking is not a speciality of the selected staff, this will be booked to an appropriate staff
3. In doing this, a menu will then appear providing you options to perform in the selected time
slot. Click on the New Booking option.
4. Having done this you will be required to enter your pin code (as assigned by the branch
administrator, manager, or system administrator, etc., whoever is responsible for this).
5. Entering the required pin code immediately brings you to the Client Select screen where you
identify the client to whom this service will be provided. Just select from the list the client to
use if the client data has already been entered into the system (a registered client). To show
all registered clients in the system just press Enter upon opening this screen.
For this example, however, we will be simulating a new client ordering a service in a Spa
6. Click the New Client button at the menu below.

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7. In doing this you will be again required to enter your pin code.
8. Having done this, it opens a blank Client Details screen where you enter the information for
the new client. Provide the necessary information for this new client as described in the table
on the next page.
9. Upon finishing this, click the Save button.

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10. This is followed by another screen where the services to be booked will be entered. Click the
Services button at the menu on the right.
11. On the screen that will open select the service to book by clicking this. This action will show
a menu. Selecting the name of the service in the menu allows you to select further from the
list. Do this repeatedly until the desired services to book are entered. When the necessary
services are already entered click the Save option.
12. You will then see the status of the services that has been ordered for booking. Just click the
Book button below to finalize this.

This brings you back to the Appointment Book screen. You will notice here that a certain service
has now been scheduled for implementation.

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Processing A Regular Service Booking

Once a service is booked, the next step in this process is for this to be conducted at the appointed
time it was scheduled. In most cases, however, these are booked and availed by the customer at
the same time and day. This is especially the case among walk-ins.

Icons in the system such as

those being used in
indicating confirmed
booking, client arrival and
paid booking are
By going to the Appointment Color section
of the System Settings screen
(Administrator > System Settings > Branch
Settings > Appointment Color), this is done.
Ticking/Unticking the Use Image checkbox
enables/disables the use of its preset icons
for its status. If this is disabled, this will use
colors instead.

In processing this booking for use, perform the following steps:

1. Open the Appointment Book screen by clicking Booking > Appointment Book options.
2. Make a confirmation to the client about this booking. Having agreed to come to the
scheduled service appointment, click the scheduled booking on the Appointment Book
screen then select the Confirm option from the menu that will open. Selecting this will
indicate a checked icon in the scheduled booking. (Refer to the screenshot above)
3. When the client arrives at the appointed schedule a corresponding action must be performed
on the set booking. For this, click again the scheduled booking to bring out the menu then
select the Arrive/Display Details option.
4. This will in turn open a dialogue screen showing the details for this appointment and the
client’s data. Just click the Arrive button to confirm the client’s arrival. This brings back the
Appointment Book screen with the scheduled booking now marked with a smiley icon
indicating that the client has arrived for this booking. (Refer to the screenshot above)
5. After the service has been conducted, the customer will then be billed for these. To process
a client’s bill, click once again the scheduled booking. On the menu that will open select Pay.
(Refer to the screenshot above)

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6. After providing your pin code for accessing the next facility, the Billing screen will appear. On
this select the payment type to use by the client in paying for the service. For this example
we will use the common Cash payment type. Then click the Pay button at the lower right of
this screen.
7. This brings up the Change Calculation screen where you will provide the actual amount
paid by the client. If the client gives an exact amount that is required for the availed services
just click the Exact Amount Paid button, otherwise, enter the given amount by the client and
click the Change textbox to show the remaining change for this payment.
8. Click the Give Change button after handing over the client’s change to finalize this

With all these steps performed you have now closed this booking transaction. Noticed that in the
Appointment Book screen the scheduled booking will now have a $ (dollar) icon indicating that
this booking has already been paid. (Check this out in the screenshot on the previous page)
You should also take note that this booking remains displayed on the screen for the rest of the
day to allow the manager to check the activities of the business within the day. The Appointment
Book will be cleared in the following day giving you a clean slate for booking a new transaction for
that day.

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Day Packages
A regular service is just one type of service that can be booked in the GSI System. This system
caters to more than just one type. Having recognized the infrastructure needs of most businesses
we have also included the management of these other types in this business system:
 Day Package
 Destination Package
 Series
 Class
 Facility Service
For this discussion, however, we will start with the booking of a Regular Package type of service.

Booking A Day Package

In the previous chapter, we have discussed what a service package is. That it is a type of service
consisting of more than one service that can only be administered in a day. This is also
commonly known as a “Day Package” for some.
To limit the clients displayed
in the list use the search
filter utility provided in the
lower right corner of the
Client Select screen.
In using this just click any of the criteria
buttons to use for searching (Surname,
First Name, Member No., Invoice No.,
etc.) then enter the keyword to search for.
Execute the search by pressing the Enter
key or clicking its corresponding button .

At this point of our discussion we will be demonstrating how a day package is booked in the GSI
1. In the GSI screen click Booking > Appointment Book on the menus to open the
Appointment Book screen.
2. To initiate the process of booking click the time slot of the preferred staff for the service you
intend to book. On the menu that will show select the New Booking option.
3. This action will prompt you to enter your assigned pin code in performing the next activity of
this procedure.
You will then be brought to the Client Select screen. Just press the Enter key or click the
symbol to show all the registered clients in the system then select from this the client where this
booking will go.

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4. Having done this, the Booking Selection screen will then open. In this, click the Package
button. Just select the package service to book from the list that will be shown in this screen.
5. When all the package services to book are already entered, click the Book button below.

Notice in the Appointment Book screen that the package service has now been booked.

Processing A Day Package Booking

Processing a day package service is exactly the same as with processing a regular booking.
Refer to the previous discussion “Processing A Regular Service Booking” for details.

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Destination Package
Another type of service that can be booked in this system is the Destination Package. We have
known on the previous chapter that in comparison to a service package, the destination package
is set to be utilized on more than one day. But this has specific days upon which this is to be
used based on how it was set.

Booking A Destination Package

In booking a destination package service the following procedures should be observed:

1. Open the Appointment Book screen by clicking Booking > Appointment Book on the
2. On the Appointment Book screen click the time slot of whomever staff you wish to conduct
the destination package you are about to book. Then select the New Destination Package
Booking option from the menu that will appear.
3. You will then be asked to input your pin code for this procedure you are about to perform.
With this already in place, you will then be brought to the Client Select screen.
4. In this screen, press the Enter key or its corresponding icon to show all registered clients in
the system. Then select any customer from the list to whom this booking is for.
5. After this, the menu for currently defined destination packages will be shown. Just click from
the list the one to book.

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6. This will right away opens the Booking Selection screen where services to book are entered.
However, you will notice that for each set schedule (day offset) of the components of the
destination package being selected, a booking entry is made.
That is if the destination package has two days offset schedule (1 and 3) then these results
with two booking entries. This is much different from the regular package services wherein
components are only booked once.

The resulting booking will end up as a two-day service as shown on the screenshot below.

Processing A Destination Package

Processing A Destination Package Service is exactly the same as with processing a Regular
Booking. Refer to the previous discussion “Processing A Regular Service Booking” for details.

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Another package type of service that can be booked in the GSI system is the Series package
service. Series packages just like the previous service packages may consists of two or more
services. However, this type of service package is distinctive from any of these in many ways
such as the following:
 Series packages are purchased first before it can be booked.
 Series packages can be availed anytime as the client preferred as long as it is within its
coverage date (before the expiration date).
To this effect the series product undergoes a somehow different approach in its booking in
comparison with the regular services. Such that it takes two stages in booking this service type.

Purchasing A Series

The first stage of booking a series is in its purchase. A series cannot be booked unless it has
already been bought.

In selling a series the following steps should be taken:

1. Click Booking > Appointment Book on the menus to open the Appointment Book screen.
2. When this screen opens, click the Sell button of the menu on the right. A prompt will then
pop out requiring you to enter your pin code.
3. Having entered the necessary credential for accessing the Sell facility, this brings up the
Client Select screen where you select or enter the client to purchase the series product. Just
click the Enter key or its corresponding icon on the menu below to show all the registered
clients in the system. Then click the client to order the series.

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4. This brings you to the Billing screen where the series item can be sold. Just click from the
commodity buttons on the lower left, the Series button.
5. This action will show the available series services in the system. Just click the one to buy.
6. Following this the details screen of the selected series will then show. Enter in this the
necessary settings for this series; otherwise, just click the OK button.
7. This will then show the purchase detail of the series that has been bought in the middle of the
billing screen. In paying for this select from the list of payment terms being shown the one to
use for paying this order. For this example however, we will use the Cash payment term.
Then click the PAY button.
8. On the Change Calculation dialogue screen that will open, enter the amount being handed
over as payment for this series. Then click the Change textbox to show the resulting change
for this transaction. You could also just click the Exact Amount Paid button if the client is
paying the same amount as required for this series.
9. To finalize this purchase transaction click the Give Change button after giving the client’s

With this process a series service has now been purchased. Therefore, this series can now be
booked for use.

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Booking A Series

Once a series is purchased it can already be booked. The process of booking a series somehow
follows the same steps that we did for a regular service and service package. However, there
won’t be any charges that will be shown to the client as this has already been bought. This
process will only schedule the series component for use.

The following steps shows how booking a series product is performed:

1. Still in the Appointment Book screen click the timeslot of the preferred staff to conduct the
service. On the menu that will show click the New Booking option.
2. A pin code entry dialogue will then show before accessing this facility. After performing this
requirement you will then be brought to the Client Select screen.
3. To book the registered client who bought the series, just press the Enter key or its
corresponding icon to show all the registered clients in the system. Then select from the list
the owner of the series to book.

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4. In the Booking Selection screen, click the Series button of the menu on the right.
5. Doing this will show the purchased series services of this client. Click the series to book.
6. Following this, a screen showing the services included in this series is displayed. Just select
the one to book then click the Book button. (See screenshot on the next page)

7. This brings you back to the Appointment Book screen where you can see the service
component of the series that has been booked.

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Processing A Series Booking

With the series service already been booked the next procedure to perform is in its availment by
the client. Processing a series for usage in GSI System is somehow similar with a regular service
booking. That is it follows the regular Confirm - Confirm Arrival - Pay process. The only
difference, however, is that there is no more payments to be collected in this since before a series
is booked it has to be purchased first.

For details on the fields

provided in the Setup
Payment Types screen
refer to the Payment Types
Fields table shown in
Chapter 2 (Setting Up The Financials

Due to this, a declaration of another payment type to use to accommodate the billing process is
needed. As a recommendation the declaration for this should be done first.
1. Open the Financials screen by clicking Administrator > Financials from the menu.
2. In this screen click the Payment option under the Setup column.
3. This shows the Setup Payment Types screen. Create in this the “Series Redeem” payment
type by keying it in to the available slot provided. Use the Other payment type group for this.
You may also tick its corresponding No Tax and Not Revenue checkboxes to see to it that
this will not incur payments in the billing.
4. Click Save to enter this information into the system.
With this already declared into the system, you can now proceed with the processing of the series

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In processing a certain series booking for usage follow these steps: Processing a certain
booking for billing does not
5. Open the Appointment Book screen by clicking Booking > Appointment Book from the actually incur payments to
menu. the customer, as it has
already been paid, but
6. To make a confirmation of the booking look for the booking to process then click it. On the rather just to close the processing of this
menu that will show click the Confirm option. Notice that a check icon will be displayed to booking which is necessary in reports.
tag this booking as already been confirmed.
Once the client arrive for the booking, declare this status by first clicking the series booking
on the Appointment Book, then clicking the Arrival option on the menu that will show. In the
screen that opens, just click the Arrive button. This will in effect tag this booking with a
smiley icon indicating that the client to avail this booking has already arrived.

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7. Upon the implementation of the service, to “bill” the client for this booking, click once again
the booking. This time click the Pay option on the menu that will show.
This will in turn opens the Billing screen. Notice that in the Series textbox provided here, the
series product and its current component count are indicated (e.g. Regeneration Series (2)).
Upon payment this series count will decrement indicating that a certain service component in
the series has already been used.
8. On the payment options provided notice that the Series Redeem payment type is now
available. Click this then click the PAY button which then closes this transaction.
In the Appointment Book screen notice that a $ tag is now available indicating that the previous
booking has already been paid. (Check out the screenshot on the previous page on how this

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GSI System© User Guide

We have known already that a Class is a service that is availed by more than one client at a
certain point of time. Compared with a series, a class by itself is basically not pre-paid and has to
be enrolled for it to be booked. Although if linked to a series this can be pre-paid.
In the following discussions we will be dealing on how a client is being booked for a class service.

Scheduling A Class

Scheduling a class in the GSI System is conducted in the following manner:

1. On the Appointment Book screen, click on any time slot where you’re going to book the class
service. Then on the menu that will show click the New Class option.
2. Upon entering your pin ID, a screen will be shown giving you the list of available classes
being offered in the system. Click on any of this.
3. This will then show the details for the selected class, to allow you any last minute
adjustments on this before being booked. When done with this setting click Save.
4. A class has now been scheduled in the system and is ready to accept applications
(enrollment) from the clients.

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GSI System© User Guide
Booking A Client For The Class

With a class already been scheduled, it is now ready to accept participants. Take note that the
number of participants in a certain class depends on the amount of Capacity given on its settings
(check out the discussion Setting Up The Class Service in Chapter 2 for further details).

On the following discussion we will demonstrate how clients are being booked for a certain class.
1. On the Appointment Book screen, click the scheduled class to enroll with. Then on the menu
that will show click on the Manage/Pay Class option.
2. This action opens the Class Attendance screen where a particular class is managed. Click
the Add Client button to enlist attendees to the currently selected class. This at first prompts
you with a pin code entry. Upon entering this, the Client Select screen will then open.

3. To show all registered clients in the system press Enter or its corresponding icon in the
Client Select screen. Then click the client to include in this class service.
This adds this client in the Class Attendance list with an “Unpaid” status. This is manually
changed by clicking it and selecting from the list that will show the appropriate status.

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Processing Class Bookings

The next and final step in the class booking is in its utilization and payment. Processing of a class
service follows a somehow different approach unlike that of the other types.

We are now going to demonstrate how this is implemented in the GSI System.
1. Open the Appointment Book screen by clicking Booking > Appointment Book from the
2. Click the scheduled class to process bookings. On the menu that will show click the
Manage/Pay Class. This brings up the Class Attendance screen. (Check the Appointment
Book screenshot on the previous page on how to do this.)
3. In the Class Attendance screen, select the client to process the booking for this class.
4. Set the status of this client to “Confirm” (click on the booking then select the Confirm option
from the menu) to indicate that the customer has already confirmed to attend on this booking.
5. Once the client shows for this booking, tag this client’s booking to “Arrive” (click on the
booking then select the Arrive option from the menu).
6. After this, process the payment for this class by clicking the Pay button.
7. A pin code entry will be shown. After providing the appropriate entry for this, you will then be
brought to the Billing screen which will then display the amount charge for this class service.
8. Select from the list the payment type to use for this class then click the PAY button.
9. Another screen will appear as a result, where you enter the payment for this service. Enter
the amount for payment to the Payment Tendered textbox then click the Change textbox to
show its change. Then click the Give Change button to close this transaction.

Notice that when you get back to the Class Attendance screen the client booking that has been
processed will now have “Paid” status with it.

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Multiple Class Booking

By default, classes are conducted as a one time session. However, if you want to create a class
that will run for a number of days or sessions you will need to declare this as a Multiple Class.

Multiple Class is just a regular class booking that is extended to a number of days. It is
necessary therefore, that a regular booking must be made first. Having done this initial step, book
a certain client to a multiple class by performing the following procedures:
1. In the Appointment Book screen (Booking > Appointment Book), click on the class booking
to enroll a client for multiple classes. In the menu that will show click the “Add Client For
Multiple Class” option.
2. This opens the Client Select screen where we indicate the client to apply for this class
booking. Just press the Enter key or its corresponding icon in the form then click the client to
book on the list that will show.
3. Following this another form will appear showing details for this class. Just indicate the Room
to use for this booking by clicking the adjacent Select button on its textbox. This will show
another form where the room to use for the booking is specified. Just click Save to enter this
into the system.
4. After this the Multiple Booking form will then show. Just indicate on this how often the
classes will be conducted (its frequency (Every), unit of time (Day/Month) and the number of
times it will be conducted (For). Click OK when done.
5. Depending on the number of times entered in the Multiple Booking screen, the Select Class
screen will then show to indicate the class to use for the successive bookings. That is if you
have specified 3 times on the Multiple Booking screen, the Select Class screen will then
appear 2 times to book the selected client for the successive class schedule.
Once this is through you can then notice these bookings on the successive days in the
appointment book.

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Facility Service
A Facility Service as we have mentioned before, is a type of service that doesn’t require a staff
to implement. Actually, the commodity here is not the actual service, but rather just the use of
certain facilities of the establishment like the swimming pool, audio/visual room, gym, sauna room
and such.
Let’s see now how a Facility Service is being booked in the GSI System.

Booking A Facility Service

1. Open the Appointment Book screen by clicking Booking > Appointment Book from the menu.
2. In this screen, click the Facility View, to give you a different perspective of the appointment
book based on the facilities available in the business.
3. With this setup, click the time slot of the facility to book then select the New Booking option
from the menu that will show. A pin code entry pop-up will appear to validate your access to
the next operation.

4. Upon entering your pin code, the Booking Selection screen will then open, for you to select
the facility to book. Just click the Service button to show the list of available facilities in the

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5. From this list, click the facility to book then select Save from the menu that will show. If you
wish to book multiple facilities, just click on the selected items listed above the menu. Do this
repeatedly until the desired facility bookings are entered then select the Save option.
6. The selected facility bookings will then be displayed for your review. Just click the Book
button to finalize this booking.

You will then see the resulting booking for the selected facility in the Appointment Book screen.

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Processing Facility Service Booking

Facility service bookings are processed in the same way we did for the Regular Service and
Service Package. The only difference is that this booking is found under the Facility View of the
Appointment Book unlike other service bookings. To this effect we also process this type of
booking in this view.
1. Go to the Appointment Book screen (Booking > Appointment Book).
2. Switch to Facility View by clicking its corresponding button.
3. Click the facility booking to process then select the Confirm option. Do this if your client
already confirms to show for this booking.
The facility booking will now be tagged with a check icon to mark it confirmed.
4. To declare that the client has arrived at the destined time of the booking, click the facility
booking to process once more then select the Arrive option.
Notice that the facility booking will now have a smiley icon appearing on it, declaring that the
client had already appeared for this booking.
5. Having undergone the required service for the booking, the customer will be charged for this.
To perform the processing of the payment for this booking, click again the facility booking
then select the Pay option.

6. You will then be required to enter your pin code id into the system. Just provide the required
details for this.
7. Having done this the Billing screen opens up. This shows amount to pay for the selected
booking. Just select the payment type to use for this transaction then click the PAY button.

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8. On the screen that will appear, enter the given amount to pay for this booking in the Payment
Tendered textbox then click the Change textbox. This will show the appropriate change for
the payment. Just click the Give Change button to close this transaction.

In the Appointment Book screen, you will notice that the booking is now tagged with a “$” (dollar)
symbol on it. Indicating that the booking has already been paid.

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Booking Operations
Aside from the regular implementation of the bookings and other transactions in this system there
will be a time that certain procedures such as cancelling a booking, rescheduling of a booking, a
refund, and such will be needed.
To this effect we will now be dealing with the different booking operations that can be
implemented in the GSI System.

Displaying The Client’s Active Bookings

It is very usual that you want to determine whether the customer has an active booking aside from
the current one that he/she has.
This is especially needful, if the client is undergoing a certain treatment that requires a time
allowance before undertaking it. Moreover, for the receptionist it is also important to be informed
of the clients’ active bookings, to advice them regarding these.

For this purpose, we will now discuss on how to verify the client’s active bookings in GSI System.
1. On the Appointment Book screen, click an active booking of a certain client. On the menu
that will appear select the All Bookings option.
2. Clicking this will show the Booking Details screen where the active bookings of the selected
client are displayed. Take note that this will only show current bookings onward. Previous
bookings cannot be viewed here.
On this screen you can choose to show his/her bookings for the current day by clicking the
Today button or show all the bookings he/she has by clicking the All Days button.
To determine nature of each of the listed bookings, just select any of these then click the
Details button.
3. Just click the Close button to exit from this screen.

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Cancelling A Booking

It is often that a request for cancelling a certain booking is raised either by the customer or by the
staff itself. This feature is also supported in this system.

Remember that everytime

an appointment is cancelled,
a corresponding record for
this is being made in a
report in the Appointment
Book screen.
To view this report, go to the Appointment
Book screen by clicking Administrator >
Appointment Book. Click in this screen
the Standard Reports option under the
Reporting column. On the list of reports that
will appear click the Cancelled
Appointments report. Then select from
the left bottom the Preview button.
You could also choose to generate this as a
document in different formats. Just click
from the buttons on the lower left of this
screen the document format (PDF, Word,
Excel, etc.) by which this report will be

To cancel a certain booking in the GSI System perform the following:

1. In the Appointment Book screen, click the booking to cancel. Then click Cancel on the menu.
2. Before allowing you to do the cancellation of the selected booking you will be required to
enter your pin code. Just enter the necessary information for this.
3. On the screen that will appear, select the reason for this booking cancellation then click OK.

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Deleting A Booking

In comparison with booking cancellation, deleting a booking totally scraps the whole transaction
which may be due to incorrect posting or erroneous transaction.

Once an appointment is
deleted, this is being
documented in the system
in a report.
To view this report, open the Appointment
Book screen by clicking Administrator >
Appointment Book. Click in this screen
the Standard Reports option under the
Reporting column. Then on the list of
reports that will appear click the Deleted
Appointments report. Then select from
the left bottom of this screen the Preview
You could also choose to generate this as a
document in different formats. Just click
from the buttons on the lower left of this
screen the document format (PDF, Word,
Excel, etc.) by which this report will be

In deleting a certain booking follow these steps:

1. Open the Appointment Book screen by clicking Booking > Appointment Book from the
menu. In this screen, right click the booking to delete then click the Delete option from the
menu that will show.
2. This will show a pin code entry dialogue to determine your access right to this process.
Having provided the necessary code for this, just click OK on the confirmation screen that will
appear to proceed with the removal of this booking.
This will right away delete the selected booking from the Appointment Book screen.

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Moving A Booking

Some customers may want their set bookings moved on a different schedule. There are two
ways of implementing this in this system.

One way to do this in the Appointment Book is to just click and drag the booking to move to
another time slot. However, this process of moving a booking only moves it within the day.

This brings us to the other way of transferring a booking to another schedule – by accessing the
Edit/Move facility. Here’s how this is done:
1. In this process, right click the booking to move then choose the Edit/Move option on the
menu that will appear.
2. This brings up the Booking Selection screen where we normally enter bookings in the
system. In this screen you can either (1) set a new date for the booking, (2) or change the
time slot for the service, (3) or choose another staff to conduct the service.
3. After making the necessary changes on this booking click the Book button to finalize it.

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Managing A Regret Booking

Regret Bookings happen when the client decides to cancel his/her booking due to unavailability
of either the staff, equipment, or facility. The GSI System has a way of handling regret bookings.

Everytime a regret booking

is made in this system this
has a corresponding report
in the system.
To view this report, open the Appointment
Book screen by clicking Administrator >
Appointment Book. Click in this screen
the Standard Reports option under the
Reporting column. Then on the list of
reports that will appear click the Regret
Appointment List report. Then select from
the left bottom of this screen the Preview
You could also choose to generate this as a
document in different formats. Just click
from the buttons on the lower left of this
screen the document format (PDF, Word,
Excel, etc.) by which this report will be

To manage Regret Bookings follow these steps:

1. In the Appointment Book screen click the Regret Booking button.
2. A pin code entry screen will then show, prompting you to validate your access for the next
3. Having passed this, the Regret Booking screen will then open. Enter the necessary details
for the regret booking that has happened then click the Save button.

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Managing Clients On The Waiting List

The GSI System has a Waiting List facility wherein clients that are currently unaccommodated will
be set for reservation until a slot is free. When that time comes, you could just easily book the
client as the necessary details for the booking has already been entered.

If the client to select is a

new client, then enter this
client’s data first.
To do this, on the Client
Select screen click the
Client Detail button. This will show a blank
client detail form where you provide the
information for this new client as requested

In entering clients to the Waiting List perform the following:

1. Still in the Appointment Book screen, click the Waiting List button.
2. This will at first ask for a pin code to access the next screen.
3. After this it brings up the Service Waiting List screen. In this screen, click the New button to
enter a new client into the waiting list.
4. This action brings up the Client Select screen where you choose the client to process for
waiting list. If this is a new client then start entering this by clicking the New Client button.
5. Having selected a client to add in the waiting list, a Waiting List screen will then open.
Indicate the Date by which this client will be followed up for booking and his/her preferred
Staff. You must also indicate the Priority level of this client to assess the urgency of this
client’s booking. Click the Save button when done with this entry.
When this is done, you will be brought back to the Service Waiting List screen where you will
notice that the client you have previously entered is now being shown in this list.
When it comes to the time that there is an available timeslot for the clients in the waiting list you
just bring up the Service Waiting List screen and click the Book button to process the booking for
this client.

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Managing Unassigned Bookings

The Unassigned Booking facility is another way of processing an unbooked client. We use this
facility for those customers that haven’t been booked for the reason that there was no room,
facilities, or staffs are available at that time. Unlike in the processing of clients in a waiting list,
however, clients entered in the Unassigned Booking facility hasn’t been booked yet.

In entering a new unassigned booking perform the following:

1. Open the Appointment Book window by clicking Booking > Appointment Book from the
2. As soon as the Appointment Book shows, click the Unassigned Booking option from the
menu on the right. Normally, if there are existing unassigned bookings in the system, this
option is in red color.
3. This action then will open the Service or Class selection form. Click in this whether to enter a
Service or a Class booking. For this example though, we will be using the Service booking
4. This brings up the Client Select screen. Indicate here the client to enter for unassigned
booking by pressing the Enter key or clicking its corresponding icon and clicking from the list
that will show the client.
5. After this the Unassigned Booking screen will then show. Click the New button on this.

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In processing a previously
unassigned booking for
booking, just open the
Unassigned Booking screen
and highlight from this the
one to process for booking then click the
Book button.
What follows after this is the regular
processing of booking for the service type
selected. Just refer on the previous
discussions on how these services are
being booked.

6. After this the Unassigned Booking screen will then show. Click the New button on this.
7. With this, the Booking Selection then appears. This is to indicate the booking that should
have been made for this client. This is normally done in the following steps:
a. Click the service type to use by clicking either the Service, Package or Series button.
For this example we will be booking a Service.
b. The screen showing the available services in the business will then show. Click on this
the service(s) to include for booking. Take note that in performing multiple bookings
here just click the name of the service in the menu that will show. For the last entry,
however, just click the Save option.
c. When the necessary services for this booking have been entered click the Book button.
This will in turn, display the Unassigned Booking screen with the new client that has just been
When it comes to the time that resources are available, this can then be processed for booking.

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Performing A Cash Refund (Service Refund / Return Item)

A Service Refund or Return Item is a process of demanding a payback due to a service problem
or unsatisfactory experience with the product.
Take note that once a retail
item is refunded this
automatically rolls back the
stock count of the items
corresponding to the
number of these being returned.

In the event that a refund for the service made or item return is requested perform these steps:
1. In the Appointment Book screen click the booking to refund and on the menu that shows,
select the View/Reverse Payment option.

2. This brings up the Client History screen of the client on the selected booking. Highlight the
transaction to refund then click the Refund button.
3. On the screen that will show, indicate the Refund Type (Cash or Credit Refund) to give back
to the customer then click OK.

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Going back on the Client History screen of a certain client, you will notice that together with the
previously refunded invoice a new invoice is now being shown.
This invoice has a negative value which means that the payment amount for this transaction has
already been refunded which in a way cancels out the previous one.

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Performing A Reverse Payment

Reverse Payment as we define it here is a means to cancel out a transaction together with its
created invoice. This altogether nullifies the whole ordering process so that it won’t appear to the
reports. This is commonly needed when cancelling out an invoice due to wrong posting,
erroneous transaction and whatever the company deemed as a valid reason for this procedure.
In comparison to a service refund/item return this procedure is much simpler in that it just
scratches out the transaction and all the documentation (invoices, reports, etc.) that pertains to it.

To implement a reverse payment follow these steps:

1. Click the booking to implement reverse payment and on the menu that will show click the
View/Reverse Payment option.

2. This will then show the Client History screen of the client on selected booking. Click the
Payment History button to show all of the client’s paid transactions.

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3. Select from any of these the payment transaction to implement reverse payment then click
the Reverse Payment button.
4. On the message box that will show just click Yes, to proceed with the reverse payment
process, then select the appropriate Receipt Deletion Reason for this. Click OK to finalize
this process.
You will then see on this Client History screen that the selected transaction is now removed.

To delete the invoice for this transaction perform the following:

5. Click the booking to delete an invoice then select the View/Reverse Payment option from
the menu that will open.
6. In the Appointment Book screen you will notice that this booking is now tagged with an “O”
symbol meaning this booking has an owing payment. To clear this up you could either
process this booking for payment or delete the invoice of the previously made transaction.

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To make the reverse payment
transaction not reflect as an
owing in the client history,
Cash Business Only setting
in the System Settings screen must be
To do this, open the System Settings
screen by clicking Administrator > System
Settings from the menu. In the System
Settings screen click the Branch Settings
tab then click the Billing option under it.
This will show the Billing screen where you
tick the Cash Business Only checkbox.

7. On the Client History screen, click the Owing Items button to display the client’s current
owing. Select the owing to delete the invoice then click the Delete Invoice button.
8. A message box will be displayed before it deletes the invoice to give you a last warning on its
execution. Just click Yes to proceed with the invoice deletion.

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Transferring A Clients Booking To Another

There are times when a client would want to have another person to avail the booking he/she had
purchased. In such cases, GSI System has a way to make this happen in the bookings.
1. In the Appointment Book screen click the booking to transfer to another person. On the
menu that will show select the Change Client option.
2. After providing the pin code for accessing this facility, the Client Select screen will then show.
Clicking the Enter key or its corresponding icon in the menu will show all the registered
customers in the system. From these, select the client where the booking should go.

Having selected the client, you will be brought back once again to the Appointment Book screen
where you will see the booking set to the name of the client you have just selected.

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As we have seen before, a certain booking takes a number of steps before its completion.
Fortunately, this system does have a facility to replicate a certain booking to save time and effort.
Another way of copying a
booking is by implementing
the Rebooking Last Billed
operation. In contrast to
Rebooking, the Rebooking
Last Billed operation just copies a
previously PAID booking.
One advantage of this over Rebooking is
that it doesn’t anymore require a selection
of a previously made booking. Just click on
a free time slot in the Appointment Book
and select a client for this booking. It will
automatically recognize that the booking to
make is exactly like the most recently billed
booking made.

The following discussions demonstrate how this is carried out in the GSI System:
1. Click Booking > Appointment Book from the menu to open the Appointment Book screen.
2. In its appearance click the booking to copy in the Appointment Book screen then select the
ReBook option on the menu that will show.
3. Clicking this brings out its Booking Selection screen. You can set a new Date, a new Time
Slot and a different Staff for this copy of the booking you have selected.
4. When you’re done with this setup, click the Book button.

A new copy of the previously selected booking is now available on a different schedule or staff, as
you have indicated in the Booking Selection screen.

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Combined Payment

There are cases when payments for individual bookings will be owned by a certain client. In this,
the payment for each of these bookings will be combined and to be paid single-handedly by one
client to close the transaction for these bookings.

The diagram above shows how to process combined payments in the system as discussed in the
following procedure:
1. Make sure that the bookings to be paid have already been arrived.
2. In the Appointment Book screen, click on the Combined Payment button.
3. In doing this a pin code entry dialogue will be shown. This is a requirement of the system to
document the accesses to this facility. Just provide the necessary pin code for this.
4. A new screen (Unpaid Appointments screen) will then show displaying the list of currently
unpaid bookings in the system. Just tick the ones to be paid then click the OK button.
5. Following this, the common billing process takes place with all the charges for each individual
bookings included for payment.
After this, you will notice in the appointment book that these selected bookings will then be tagged
as paid (with a dollar $ icon).

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Editing A Booking

Certain instances in booking services require that the previously set bookings can be edited to
conform to the requirements of the business as well as to the needs of its clients. To this effect
we designed the booking facility of the GSI System to be flexible to cope up with this requirement.

The diagram above shows certain points in the Booking Selection screen that can be used to
modify a set booking which includes the following:
1. At the list area of the Booking Selection screen the Start (Start Time), Dur (Duration), Staff,
Room, Equipment and Seq (Sequence) fields can be modified depending on the availability
of provided options. Check out the display in the Status field if the selected settings work.
2. To set the booking appointment date, click on the Select Date field and in the calendar
dialogue indicate the date for this booking.
3. In addition to these, editing tools are also provided at the bottom of this screen to assist the
user in carrying out these changes.

Booking Selection Editing Buttons

Editing Buttons Description

Clear Clicking this removes all the displayed services in the Booking Selection list. For selective
removal of services in the booking use the Delete Row button.

Auto Select

Compact Time Clicking this button sets the scheduled services in the booking in such a way that these won’t
have any unnecessary gaps in them.

Check Selection

Delete Row By highlighting the service or services in the booking and clicking this button, you will then be
able to make selective removal of services in the booking.

Total Amount Clicking this button will show the current total cost of the services in the booking.

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4. Moreover, booking options are also provided at the right pane of this screen to facilitate the
conditions of the booking. The table below shows the effect of these options when enabled.

Booking Selection Booking Options

Booking Options Effect

Select Option

Auto Select When ticked, this auto detects current available resources for the set booking and chooses
the best setting for this. Untick this when entering customizations in the booking for these
changes to take effect.

Same Staff Ticking this option sets the services in this booking to be conducted by the same staff.

Same Room When ticked, this sets the services in this booking to be performed in the same room.

Shared Time Ticking this option enables the services in the booking to be done at the same time. This
condition to take effect requires that the “Enable Multiple Service Selection” option in
System Settings screen (click Administrator > System Settings > Branch Settings >
Appointment Book) is enabled (ticked) and the Auto Select option in this screen is unticked.

Appointment Option

Couple Room Ticking this option sets the booking to be conducted in a couple room (room for two) only.
This requires a “couple room” facility.

To Be Reminded

Do Not Drag When ticked, this disables mouse dragging of this booking in the Appointment Book.

5. There are also action buttons provided at the lower right corner of the Booking Selection
screen, which depending on the success of the booking made, you can use these to further
set conditions on the current booking.
Depending on the result of the booking (successful or not) are these buttons to be used.
The table below shows how these buttons work in the system.

Booking Selection Editing Buttons

Action Buttons Description

Regret Booking Click this to open a facility to enter this booking as a regret booking when the client decide to
cancel this booking while it is being entered.

Waiting List Click this to open a facility to enter this booking as in a waiting list such that this booking is not
possible for the moment due to unavailability of resources (staff, room, equipment, time slot)
and the customer is willing to wait until these resources are accessible.

App Book View

Take Deposit Clicking this button enables the user to enter a deposit for this booking. This deposit is
processed as a credit. For details on how credits are obtained see topic on Selling Credits.


By using these accessibilities in the booking of services shall the company can then formulate the
booking setup that they need in their business.

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Multiple Booking

Another interesting feature of this system is its capability of simplifying tasks in the business. One
such facility that you can use is in performing more than one booking of services of a certain client
to be distributed on different schedules. With this facility the user can then conduct multiple
bookings with great ease in less time.

In conducting multiple bookings in the GSI system simply follow these steps:
1. Open the Appointment Book screen by clicking Booking > Appointment Book on the menu.
2. With the Appointment Book screen in display, click a time slot (just as we did in a regular
booking). In the menu that will show click the New Multiple Booking option.
3. Doing so, will pop up the Pin Code Entry dialogue. Enter in this your assigned pin code
4. Following this, the Multiple Booking dialogue screen will be shown wherein you indicate the
duration and number of the bookings (Times) to set from the current date.
5. Then you will be prompted to indicate the client to whom these bookings will go.
6. Next, the Service or Package dialogue screen for selecting the types of service to book will
then show. For this example we will be using the Service option.
7. Following this a series of booking entries will occur depending on the number of Times
indicated in the Multiple Booking dialogue screen.
Having done this procedure you will notice in the Appointment Book that bookings have now been
distributed on the days as indicated by the entries made in the Multiple Booking dialogue screen.

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Group Booking

There are instances when a group of people decides to book for services, and in many case
would even agreed to pay for it once such that one of them will own the payment for all of these.
We call this booking setup as Group Booking.
To validate a certain booking as a Group Booking the following conditions should be met:
 It is to be conducted on a group of clients.
 It is to be performed on the same date and time.
Although this can be processed individually and just apply combined payment to process its
payments, however, it will still consume a lot of time and effort and at the same time tedious. We
added this facility in the GSI System to simplify this process in booking.

In conducting this type of booking in the system perform the following:

1. Open the Appointment Book screen by clicking Booking > Appointment Book on the menu.
2. In its appearance, click on the right pane of the Appointment Book screen the Wizard button.
3. This brings out the Select Wizard Type screen. From this, click the Group Booking option.
4. Upon doing so, a dialogue screen will then appear. Indicate in this the Date, Start Time, and
the Group Name of this booking. To process these bookings for combined payment you
should tick the Combined Payment option.
5. When the necessary details for this group booking has been made, click the OK button.
See screenshot above to see how this is done in the system.
6. Following this, a series of bookings for a number of clients takes place. To stop the entries of
booking, just click Close on the following Client Select screen. For details on how a booking
is made in this system check out the topic Booking A Regular Service in this chapter.
Having entered the booking for each member of the group of clients, these bookings will then
appear in the Appointment Book screen. You can identify the booking if included in a group by
the “G” icon shown on it.

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In processing the payments for the Group Booking just perform the following:
1. The member bookings of the Group should be “arrived” first before processing its payment.
2. Still in the Appointment Book screen click a member booking of the group. On the menu that
will show click the Pay button.
3. This action will then flash a message display that the selected booking is a “member of a
combine payment appointment group”. Just click the OK button in this to proceed.
4. You will then be required to enter your pin code to perform the payment process.

5. Having entered your pin code, the Client Select screen will then show prompting you to
indicate the client to whom the payments for these bookings will be charged.
6. After indicating this, the Billing screen will then open. Notice in this screen that aside from
the booking availed by the client you will also see the booking of each member of the group.
This is the case, of course, if the Combined Payment checkbox is ticked in the previously
set Select Parameters screen. Otherwise, the processing for these bookings will be done
7. Perform the processing for these payments. For details on how to process a payment for a
certain booking, see the discussion “Processing A Regular Service Booking” in this
8. Notice that after this, the bookings in the group booking will now be rendered as paid (tagged
with a dollar “$” symbol).

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Joining A Client’s Booking In A Group

There are cases when a certain client will want to join his/her current booking to that of a group or
vice versa. Either way, this can be carried out in this system.

To make this work do the following:

1. Open the Appointment Book screen by clicking Booking > Appointment Book from the
2. This will show the Appointment Book screen. Click in this a certain booking.
3. In the menu that will show click the “Attach To Group” option.
4. Doing so will generate the Appointment Group screen. Select in this the group upon which
you will assign the booking then click the OK button.
To create a group, click the New Group button. This will open a new screen into which you
can then define the new group.
You may also want to check first the details of this group before associating the selected
booking into this. To do so click the View Details button while the group to check is

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Casual Group Booking

Oftentimes a number of walk-in clients just need to undergo certain service as they come without
the need for further divulging of any information about them. To this type of booking scenario is
the Casual Group Booking was made.

The following discussion demonstrates how this type of booking is created, as also being shown
in the screenshot above:
5. With the Appointment Book in view, click the Wizard button.
6. Then in the Select Wizard Type screen that shows click the Casual Group Booking option.
7. Doing so will generate the pin code entry dialogue. Enter into this the necessary code for
accessing this facility.
8. With this already provided, you will then be prompted by the system with the details (Date,
Start Time, Group Name, No. Of Clients and Notes) regarding the casual group booking to
make then click the OK button.

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Couple Booking

Couple Booking is just like a Group Booking. However, this type of booking is limited only to two
clients. This is usually conducted with the same service in the same room and many times
carried out by the same staff.
This booking scenario is also being supported by the GSI System.

In performing this type of booking in then GSI System do the following:

1. In the Appointment Book screen click the Wizard button. Then in the screen that will open
click the Couple Booking Same Treatment Same Room button.
2. A pin code entry will then be required to use this facility. Just provide the necessary entry for
this to proceed.
3. The system will then require the user to enter the clients to include for Couple Booking.
Provide the details for this on the succeeding Client Select screens that will appear.

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4. In the next screen click on this the type of service to be availed by the client. For this
example we will be selecting the Service option.
5. Then in the Select Service screen indicate the services to book for these two clients. Just
click Close when the necessary services have already been entered into the system.
6. After this the Select Parameters screen will then appear. Indicate in this the Date and Start
Time of the booking as well as the Group Name to use by the couples.
7. You may also indicate in this whether the booking will be conducted by the Same Staff and
in the Same Room, and whether this will use Combined Payment by ticking the
corresponding options for these. When through with this, click OK.

8. This brings out the Booking Selection screen showing the clients with their respective
bookings and charges as well. Just click the Book button to finalize this booking.
Going back to the Appointment Book screen you will notice certain bookings there with a “C” tag
on them (see screenshot above). This indicates that the bookings are in a Couple Bookings.

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9. Following this a series of booking setup will occur depending on the number specified on the
No. Of Clients field in the previously set Select Parameters screen.
In the completion of the booking process you will notice that certain bookings as named by their
group code will appear since no details of the identity of the clients have been given in its
The processing of payment for this booking follows the same procedure we have in paying for a
group booking. Take note, however, that casual group booking is automatically set for combined

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Group Booking Same Treatment Same Room

Another variation of Group Booking that can be set in the Appointment Book is when clients in the
group agreed to take the same treatment in the same room (which is what usually happens).

The screenshot above shows how this type of booking can be carried out in the system as
demonstrated in the following discussion:
1. In the Appointment Book screen click the Wizard button.
2. Then in the Select Wizard Type screen click the Group Booking Same Treatment Same
Room button.
3. A pin code entry dialogue will then show prompting the user to enter his/her pin code access
to this facility.
4. Having done this a series of client entries will be required by the system to indicate the
members of the group booking. To stop the entries click the Close button of the next Client
Select screen after the last client entry.

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5. After this the Booking Selection screen will show. Click in this the Service button to open the
facility wherein services to avail by the group are to be indicated.
6. When the necessary services for the booking are entered, click the Book button.
7. A Select Parameters window will then show. Specify here the Date and Start Time upon
which the Booking will be conducted and the Group Name to use. You may also indicate
whether this group booking will be paid through a Combined Payment by ticking its
corresponding checkbox. Take note that if unticked, every client in this group booking will
pay for their bookings individually.
8. When the necessary details for this group booking has been made, click the OK button.
See screenshot above to see how this is done in the system.
Checking on the Appointment Book screen you will notice the current bookings with a “G” tag on
them. These bookings are members of the Group Booking that has just been entered.
In processing the payment for this type of booking refer to the previous discussion on Group

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It is very common for some businesses that aside from the services they rendered, they also sell
other items as a means to extend their service to their clients. This is typical for those companies
such as Spas, Medical Clinics and Fitness Centers upon which this business scheme is very
We are now going to demonstrate how to implement selling of stock items in the GSI System.

Selling Stocks

To manage stock sale in this system follow these steps:

1. Click Booking > Appointment Book from the menu to open the Appointment Book screen.
2. In this screen click the Sell button. A dialogue screen will then be shown prompting you to
enter your pin code ID.
3. This is followed by the display of the Client Select screen where we specify the registered
client to make the order. Just press the Enter key or click its corresponding icon to show all
the registered customers in the system. Then select the client to order.

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You may also use the Stock
Search facility on the upper
left corner of the Select
Stock screen to easily the
find the stock(s) to
To use this just click into the textbox
provided then key-in the stock description
(name) then click the Display button.

4. Having selected the client for this transaction, you will then be brought to the Billing screen.
In this screen just click the Stock button.
5. This opens the Select Stock screen. Tick the checkbox of the items to order here then click
the OK button.
To search for a specific stock item in the list use the search facility provided in this screen.
Just enter the keyword to look for in the textbox provided then click the Display button.
You will notice that the list of items you have just selected from the Select Stock screen are
being displayed here showing the price for each and the overall charge for these orders.
Allowing you some time to review your orders as well as make changes on these.
6. To process this order, just select the payment type to use then click the PAY button at the
lower right corner.
7. A Change Calculation dialogue screen will then appear. In this screen, enter the amount
given by the client on the Payment Tendered textbox then click the Change textbox to show
his/her change.
8. Click the Give Change button to close this transaction.

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Selling & Using Credits

A credit as we define in our system is a form of cash that a certain client has that can be used to
pay for commodities of the business wherein this is applied. In comparison to cash, however, this
has already been prepaid and can be used anytime the client needs it.
Credits are normally being sold aside from being given to members in the business (that is if
memberships are being implemented).

In selling credits follow these steps:

1. In the Appointment Book screen click the Sell button.
2. This action brings up the pin code entry dialogue. Enter the necessary data for this.
3. Having provided the right access for this facility it will then open the Billing screen. Click on
the lower left area of this screen, the Credit button.
4. You will notice that a line in this list will appear showing a blank Credit. To fill this with the
necessary amount, click on the Fee column of the Credit line then key-in the amount to give
as credit. You may also apply tax in this by clicking the grid under the Tax column.
5. Just like in a regular commodity of the business, credits are being purchased. Process its
payment by selecting the payment mode to use (Cash) and clicking the PAY button.
See screenshot above on how this is done.
A certain credit amount has now been given to the client’s account.

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To use credits in paying for a certain commodity of the business do the following:
1. In paying for a client’s order in the Billing screen click the Credit Used payment option. This
is assuming of course that the client has a credit in his account.
You can determine the availability of credit of this client in the Billing screen. (See
screenshot above)
2. Then click the PAY button.
In doing this, you will notice that it won’t anymore require a cash amount entry, provided that the
available credits in the client’s account is sufficient enough to pay for his dues. Otherwise, it
would require an additional cash amount to compensate for the shortage. In this case a Multiple
Payment option should be chosen to accommodate this type of payment.

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To check the availability of the client’s current credits (for this example for client “Ernesto Reyes”)
perform the following:
1. Open the Clients screen by clicking Administrator > Clients from the menu.
2. In this screen, click the Select Client option under the Management column.
3. In the Client Select screen highlight the client to check for available credits then click the
Client History button.
4. As the Client History screen opens, click on the Credit button at the top.
This will then open the credit status of the client (for this example of Ernesto Perez’s credits).
This will show not only the available credits amount but also its usage as well.
See screenshot above on how this is done.

You may also transfer a client’s credits to another client in this screen.
1. In the same screen (Credit History) indicate the client to whom the credits will be transferred
by clicking the Select button provided on the Transfer To field. This will then open a Client
Select screen into which you will choose a client for this requirement.
2. Then key-in the credits to transfer in the corresponding Amount field.
3. Having specified all of these, click the Transfer button.
A new list will then be added in this screen indicating another usage of the client’s credits in the
system and at the same time the Current Balance textbox will then be updated. See screenshot
above for further details.

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Giving Discounts

Another privilege that is commonly given to a client when transacting for their payments is a
discount. This is usually given to encourage purchase or membership acquisition among regular
clients. However, there are times that discounts are warranted unexpectedly. Like when close
relatives of the owner(s) come to take a treatment or purchase a stock, or when a VIP without
notice makes a booking, or a number of people booking as a group in the establishment. To such
instances is the discount is being merited.
That’s why in addition to the commodities being offered in the business discounts are also
provided in this system.

Just like credits, discounts are provided in the Billing screen. That is as soon as the client pays
for his/her orders that this will be available. In giving discounts to the clients the following steps
should be taken:
1. Before processing the payment of the customer in the Billing screen, click the Discounts
button in the commodities area of the screen (lower left)
2. This action will show the Select Discount screen as show on the screenshot above. Indicate
in this the value of the discount in the Amount field and the type of discount to apply (% for
percentage discount, $ for fixed amount discount, or Point for a point discount). You may
also indicate the reason for this discount in the corresponding Reason textbox.
3. Then in the list of billing particulars of this screen click the Discount grids of the
corresponding goods or services to apply the previously declared discount. Notice how the
charge for each of these items changes.
This system implements discounts per item.
4. Having done this, you can then proceed with the processing of its payment.

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Giving Tips

One very common practice among clients obtaining a service is giving a tip to the service provider
to express gratitude or satisfaction to the rendered service. Using the GSI System allows you to
document this.

The procedure below demonstrates how a tip can be entered in the billing statement of the client.
1. Tips are being applied in the Billing screen of the system. As the client pays for his/her
orders, click the Tips button at the lower left area of the screen.
2. In the Tips dialogue screen supply the amount given as a tip on the Enter Tip Amount
textbox then click the Total Payment Amount textbox.
3. This will then show the total charge with the tip included. Click the OK button to finalize this.
4. A new line in the particulars list will then show indicating the Tip given by the client. You can
then proceed with the processing of the payment for this client.

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In Chapter 2 we have learned how the Wholesale setup is enabled into the system. With the necessary settings for it already laid down
you can then start implementing wholesale transaction in your business using GSI System.

Conducting Wholesale Transactions

The facilities for managing wholesale transactions in the business are found in the Wholesale
screen. This is accessible by clicking Administrator > Wholesale from the menu. Doing so
brings up the Wholesale screen as shown below.

Take very important note,

however, that in order for the
Wholesale facility to appear, the
necessary configuration in the
System Settings screen must
already been entered. If this hasn’t been
done yet, perform the procedures being
discussed in Chapter 2 under the Wholesale

The facilities given here can be summarized into five actual functions, specifically:
1. Processing Wholesale Orders
2. Tracking Orders
3. Wholesale Client Management
4. Managing Wholesale Business Owings
5. Stock Inquiry
We will be going over with this list as we talk about wholesale management in the following

Processing Regular Wholesale Orders

In a typical Supplier business wherein items are sold in bulk, it generally follows the common
wholesale process setup as shown in the diagram below.
In a delivery order the following steps normally occur:
1. A quotation is generated for the items being ordered by the
customer. (QUOTATION)
2. Having agreed with the price, this quotation will then be
processed as an order. (PROCESS ORDER)
3. After collecting the necessary order to deploy for purchase, this
will be accounted and an invoice for this will be generated.
4. With the Invoice already available it will then be deployed for
delivery to the recipient customer. (DELIVERY)
5. Upon its arrival to its recipient, the necessary payment must
then be processed to close the order transaction. (PAYMENT)
This varies, however, when processing pickup orders wherein the
customer will just come to the site, process the order, generate an
invoice for this then just pay for it (PROCESS ORDER –

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We are now going to discuss how order sales are conducted using GSI’s Wholesale facility.
Creating A Quotation
The processing of a wholesale order starts at the request of the client company for a quotation of
products being offered in the business.

In performing this task in the system, the following steps should be taken:
1. Go to the Wholesale screen by clicking Administrator > Wholesale from the menu. In the
screen that will appear click the Quotation option under the Management column.
2. This brings up the Quotation screen wherein quotations of the company’s products are
created. To create a new quote, click on the New button.
3. A Client Select screen will then appear. To enter a new client, click on the New Client
button. To select an existing client for this transaction just generate the list of clients by using
the search facility provided here and clicking Enter or just click the Enter key or its
corresponding icon. Then click on the client to whom this quotation will go.
4. Having done this, it will generate the Quotation dialogue screen as seen on the screenshot
above. To enter further information regarding this order, just enter it in the provided Notes
field. To enter the Purchase Order Reference No. for this order, key-in this to the
corresponding field provided here.
5. Click Save when the necessary settings for this have already been made.

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You will then be prompted to provide this new quotation with the necessary items and details.

In doing this perform the following:

6. With the Add Item screen in view, select in the Stock Name field the item to include for this
order and its Quantity to the corresponding field provided here.
You may use the Supplier, Stock Group and Stock Sub-Group filters to narrow down the
list you are searching for the item to order.
7. Having entered these details, click the Add button. (Refer to the screenshot above)
8. A new blank Add Item screen will then be given for further items to include in this quotation.
Do this repeatedly for every item to enter in this quotation. Just click Close on this to stop the
entry of items.
To generate a printout of this quotation for sending to the customer, click the Print Details
button. Click the Preview button here to see how this will be printed out.
An item quotation has now been created into the system. Generally, this will be sent back to the
client company for approval and confirmation. That’s when the next step of this wholesale
transaction process will take place.

Confirming A Wholesale Order

When the quotation has been approved by the client this will be returned to the business to be
declared as confirmed. Having this approval you may then start the processing of this order as
discussed in the following steps:
1. Going back to the Wholesale screen (clicking Administrator > Wholesale) click the
Quotation option.
2. In this screen highlight the quotation to process for confirmation then click the Confirm Order
3. A confirmation screen will then show. Just click the OK button to confirm this product
quotation for ordering.
Doing this will remove the selected quotation from the Quotation screen making it to appear in the
Order Management screen as a purchase order for processing.

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Generating Invoice For The Order
With the items for quote now turned to be an order you may now process this for ordering.

The common practice for most

client companies ordering from a
certain supplier, however, is that
all billings are for future payment
depending on the terms being
implemented NET30, 2%NET30, etc. In this
case when implemented in this system, all
billings should be using a Bill To Account
payment method to render this as an owing.
Nevertheless, this system allows payment on
the onset of the ordering if preferred.

Purchase orders are processed in the Order Management screen as discussed in the following
1. In the Wholesale screen click the Order Management option.
2. Highlight in the screen that will show the purchase order to process then click Order Details.
3. In the screen that will open, it will show the items that are included in this purchase order. To
add from these items just click the Add button. To take a deposit, just click the Take Deposit
button and process this as a credit purchase (see the topic “Selling & Using Credits” in
Chapter 4 on how to enter a deposit for a certain order).
4. Still in the Order Details screen of the Order Management, click on the Pay button to bill this
order for payment. This will display a confirmation message for this payment. Just click OK
to proceed.
5. This will show the Payment screen wherein the list of items to order in the selected purchase
order will be displayed. Click on the Pay Count grid of an item and indicate the quantity to
pay if paying partially. To pay all items click the Pay All Items button.
6. Click Save to finalize this payment.

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7. This action brings up the Billing screen as seen on the screenshot above. Since in the actual
ordering transaction, most payments are done after the product has been delivered, we will
first use the Bill To Account payment scheme for this. Select this then click the Pay button.
Just click on the Yes button of the Bill To Account confirmation screen that will appear.
After this, a printout of invoice will be generated. Use this in preparing stocks to deliver as
well as to collect payment. (See screenshot above on how this is performed.)

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Deployment Of Order For Delivery
With the invoice for the order already prepared, this can then be processed for delivery.

To accomplish this task into the GSI System follow these steps:
1. While in the Order Management screen (clicking Administrator > Wholesale > Order
Management), highlight the order to implement for delivery then click the Deliver button.
2. In the Deliver screen that will be shown click the Deliver All Items button; otherwise, indicate
the number of items to deliver per item (Deliver Count) if delivering the order partially.
3. Click the Save button to confirm the order for delivery.
4. A confirmation prompt will then be shown regarding this action. Just click OK to proceed.
5. This will then show the Delivery Info screen as shown on the screenshot above. Provide in
this the details for the delivery to implement (Courier Name, Tracking Number, Staff
conducting the delivery, Pickup Date and further Notes regarding this delivery).
6. Having done this, click the OK button to finalize this process.

In doing so, a packaging slip will then be automatically printed to be stamped on the package for
delivery. To check the deliveries previously made, access the Delivery History screen by
clicking its corresponding button in the Order Management screen. You will also notice in this
screen the “Delivered” status of the order to confirm its delivery.

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Processing Payment For The Order
The previous billing process just produces an invoice for the order and no payment has been
collected yet. This is now marked as an owing in the business. Once the client handed over the
payment for the order, you can then process this into the system.

To process partial payments for an

owing, use the Pay facility. This is
accessed in the Clients screen by
clicking Administrator > Clients.
Then in the Clients screen click the Pay
option under the Management screen.
In this facility you will be entering the nominal
amount to pay (partial pay) and selecting just
the selected orders to pay.

We recommend periodic checking

of the Owing Clients screen of
the GSI System to track
outstanding balances in the

Just perform the following procedures in order to close the payment for a certain owing:
1. In the Wholesale screen, click the Owing Clients option.
2. This will show the screen with the list of clients with outstanding balances in the business.
Highlight from this the one to process for payment then click the Pay button.
3. This action will then show the Billing screen with the details of the previous order being made.
To process the payment for this owing, select the payment mode (i.e. Cash) to use then click
the PAY button. This will then show the Change Calculation interface wherein payments are
entered. For details on how payments are processed here see the topic “Selling & Using
Credits” in Chapter 4.
4. Having performed the payment for the owing of a selected client, it will then bring back the
Owing Clients screen to process the next owing. To exit from this screen just click Close.
Going back to the Order Management screen, notice that in the Paid checkbox of the order we
have processed for payment is already ticked together with its Pay Date. This establishes the
payment for the order transaction.

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Processing Pickup Orders

There are times in a wholesale business that clients will not anymore ask for a quotation but
rather will just go directly to the warehouse and order their stuff together with a pickup. In this
case a different approach must be taken to process this kind of ordering in the business.

The following steps demonstrate how pickup orders are implemented using the GSI System:
1. Since the request for a quotation is not anymore a need for pickup orders, this can be now
processed directly as an over-the-counter order.
In the Wholesale screen click the Order Management option.
2. This opens the Order Management screen. To create an order here, click the New button.
The following screen that will be shown is much like what we can encounter in creating a
quoted order. Please refer to the previous topic “Processing Regular Wholesale Order” for
further details.
3. After the creation of the purchase order, this will now be processed for payment right away.
To do this, go to the Order Management screen then highlight in this the order made then
click the Order Details button.
4. In the following screen click on the Pay button. Indicate on the screen that will show the
number of items to order then click the Save button.
This will show the Billing screen where payment for the purchase order selected is being
processed. Just select in this the payment mode (e.g. Cash, Credit Card, Cheque, etc.) to
use then click the PAY button. (See the topic, Processing Client’s Payment for further details
on this step.)
5. Even though the delivery of the order is not to be conducted by the business, still this has to
be processed for document its release. To process this into the system go back to the Order
Management screen, highlight the order to deploy for release, and then click the Deliver
button. This will show the Delivery screen. For details on how delivery is conducted in this
screen check out the previous topic “Deployment Of Order For Delivery” in this section.

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Current Stocks On Order

Accessible by going to the Wholesale screen (clicking Administrator > Wholesale) and clicking
the Order List option under the Management column, this displays the list of stocks that has been
ordered recently as indicated in the date range that will be provided.

In managing its display, perform the following:

1. While in the Wholesale screen, click the Current Stocks On Order option under the
Management column.
2. In the screen that will show, you will notice all the stocks that are currently being ordered on
the specified date as indicated in the From and To date prompts. By default, however, this
setting is configured to the current system date.
3. To display only those items that belong to a particular supplier, you may also indicate this in
the provided Supplier field.
4. When the necessary conditions for the display are entered, just click the Display button.
A list of stocks will then be generated according to the specifications recently entered. To
generate a printout of this list, just click the Print button.

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Client Select

Clicking the Client Select option in the Wholesale screen (clicking Administrator > Wholesale)
opens a screen wherein the information of the client company is being managed.

The table below shows the facilities that can be used here through the provided buttons:

Client Select Options

Buttons Description

New Client Clicking this button opens a blank Client Details form wherein information regarding the new
client is entered.

Client Detail When clicked, this will show the details of the currently selected client.

Client History This button shows the Client History screen wherein the activities of the client in the business
are documented. Certain facilities are also available here to manage client’s transactions.

Waiting List This button when clicked opens a window wherein the clients that are willing to wait for
availability in service, are entered and managed in the waiting list.

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Processing Partial Payment (Pay)

It is usual that partial payment may be demanded by the customer as an immediate recourse
when paying for an owing especially when they don’t have enough funds for the time being to
compensate for this.

Partial payments in a wholesale business can also be processed here by performing the following:
1. In the Clients screen click the Pay option under the Management column
2. This action shows the Multiple Payment screen. Provide the date range coverage of owings
to pay (From Date and To Date textboxes), the name of the client who has an owing (Payer
Name) and the amount that can only be paid for this client’s owings (Amount textbox).
3. Click Start when all of these information have already been entered.
4. Following this, it will show the Select Invoices To Pay screen showing the list of owings of the
selected client on the left pane. Select the necessary owings to pay one by one by
highlighting any of these and clicking the Shift Right ( > ) button. To select all of the items
click the Shift All To Right button (>>).
5. Notice that the selected owings will then be transferred on the right pane. Items on the right
pane are the owings to be paid by the client. The total owings amount will be displayed on
the Total Payment Amount checkbox.
6. Modify the Total Nominated Payment Amount to the client’s preferred amount by editing it.
When all the necessary entries for this screen are made, click the Auto Fill button. Then click OK
to close this transaction.

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Stock Samples

It is commonly expected for businesses selling items to provide samples to their sales
representatives or suppliers of the products they are offering. Take note, that this also subtracts
stocks from the inventory, thus a proper tracking for this is needed in order manage it well.

To indicate certain stocks to become a sample, perform the following:

1. Click Administrator > Wholesale to open the Wholesale screen.
2. In this screen, click the Stock Samples option under the Management column.
3. This brings up the Stock Sample Control dialogue screen. Provide in this the Stock Name of
the item and the Quantity to indicate as a sample then click the Save button.
With this setting a sample has now been specified in the system.
To view the list of allocated samples in the business, open the Stock Samples screen by following
these steps:
1. Still in the Wholesale screen, click Stock Sample History option.
2. The Stock Samples screen will then open. To generate the list of stock samples, indicate first
the date coverage (as indicated by the entries in the From and To date fields) of the stock
sample’s implementation in the system then click the Display button.
3. To determine or assign the recipient/client for the sample, highlight an item in the stock
samples list then click the Stock Sample Details button.
This will show a dialogue screen showing the client recipient for a specified sample and its
quantity. Enter the necessary information for this then click OK to save this information.

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Stock Lookup

Clicking the Stock Lookup option shows the screen where the details of a certain stock are
shown. This is being used by the business in inquiring for a certain stock’s price and availability.

In inquiring for a certain stock’s detail perform the following:

1. Still in the Wholesale screen (clicking Administrator > Wholesale) click on the Stock
Lookup option under the Management column.
2. In the screen that will open indicate the Supplier name of the product to look up. However,
this is optional.
3. Then indicate the stock for inquiry in its corresponding field (Stock).
4. You may also indicate whether this displays the stock for a certain branch (Current Branch)
or for all branches (All Branches).
5. When the necessary details for this stock have already been entered, click the Close button.
Take note that just by indicating the name of the stock, it will right away show the details of the
product being checked.

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End Of Month Statement

To track outstanding balances in the business for a certain period of time, the End Of Month
Statement Run facility is being used.

In using this facility to generate reports on current owings in the business perform these steps:
1. Still in the Wholesale screen (clicking Administrator > Wholesale) click on the End Of
Month Statement option under the Management column.
2. This brings up its corresponding screen as shown on the screenshot above. Specify the
date range to check for owings by indicating it’s From and To date fields then click the
Display button.
3. In the list of owed purchase orders that will be shown, click the ones to generate a
printout by clicking these. Then click the Print button.
To get a preview of a particular purchase order, click the Preview button instead.
4. Just click Close to exit from this screen.

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GSI System© User Guide

Café/Restaurant POS Transaction

With the necessary settings already made for the Café POS (see topic “Café / Restaurant POS” on Chapter 2: Setting Up GSI) you
may now be able to use this facility in operating your business. We are now going to demonstrate how a sale transaction is conducted
using GSI’s Café POS system.

Processing A Sale Transaction In The Café POS Screen

The day-to-day business transaction of a café or restaurant is conducted in the Café POS
Interface as shown on the screenshot below.

The following procedures demonstrate how to conduct business in the Café POS screen:
1. Go to the POS Screen by clicking Administrator > POS option from the menu. In the screen
that will appear click the POS Screen option.
2. This will show the screen as given on the image above. Start the transaction by indicating
whether the order is for Dine-In or for Take-Out by clicking its corresponding button.
3. Then specify how many people for this order will be accommodated. To do this click the
Guest Count button then indicate on its entry screen the necessary amount then click OK.
Take note that this number should also include the client who made the order.
4. Following this, click the provided Client button. This in effect opens the Client Select screen,
wherein you indicate the client to whom this order belongs.
5. Next, click on the Table button. This will show the list of available tables to assign for the
order. Select from this the one by which the client and his/her guests are best to be seated.
6. Then indicate the preferred waiter to serve the order by clicking the Waiter button. This in
return brings up the Select Staff dialogue screen. Click in this the staff to serve this client.
7. With these settings already provided, you can then enter the particulars of this client’s orders.
To do this, just click on the food item shown at the top of the screen.
If the food items are in groups, just click on the food group to show the cuisines that belong
to it then click the food item.
Following this, a quantity entry screen will be shown, indicate into this the number of orders to
make for the selected food item using the provided numeric keypad.
If further changes on the quantity of order are needed, enter these by first clicking the QTY
grid of the food item then in the dialogue that will show enter the appropriate amount.
To enter further instructions (preparation requests) regarding the order, just click on the
Notes grid of the food item then in the dialogue that will show enter the details to go with it.
8. Perform the previous steps repeatedly until the necessary items to include for this order are
entered. Then click the Order button.

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Clicking the Order button automatically generates a printout of the orders to their respective
serving stations upon which the food item is to be prepared (i.e. kitchen, bar, bakery, etc.).
This also enables the start of taking of a new order.

Giving a discount in the

Café/Restaurant POS requires the
same steps as done in a regular
GSI POS screen.
With the orders still in view click
on the Discount button. This will show the
Select Discount screen. Indicate in this the
discount rate to use then click OK.
Having specified the discount rate to use
click on the respective discount grids of the
food items to apply discounts.

To enter a customer tip while the

order is in view, just click on the
Tip button.
This brings up the Tips dialogue
screen. Provide in this the tip
given by the customer then click the OK

To void or remove from the current

order a certain food item, click first
the item then click on the Line
Void button.

9. At the instance that this order is going to be paid (i.e. customer requested a bill), just click on
the List button to bring up the list of all the currently unpaid orders. Look for the order to
process for payment in this list, highlight it then click the Select button.
10. This brings up once more the details screen of the selected order. To produce a bill for the
orders made click on the Pre-payment button.
11. To process the customer’s payment, indicate its Payment Type by clicking its corresponding
button then click from the list the payment type (Cash) to use.
12. Next, click the PAY button. This will show the Change Calculation dialogue to enter the
payment. Just key-in to this the payment of the customer to the Payment Tendered textbox
and click the Change textbox to show the corresponding change. Clicking the Give Change
button will finalize the payment process.
Having this order paid, this entry in the Order List screen will then be removed.

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Retail POS Transaction

For general purpose sale transaction needs of the business we have also created a Retail POS screen to facilitate trade of goods in the
manner by which this is conducted in a retail shop.

Processing A Sale Transaction In The Retail POS Screen

In using the Retail POS facility to sell items, perform these steps:
1. Open the POS screen by clicking Administrator > Retail POS from the menu.
2. As the POS screen shows, click on the Retail POS screen option.
3. This brings up the Billing screen. To indicate the items for purchase, click on the Stock
4. In the screen that will appear, tick the textbox of the items to buy. When the necessary
orders have already been selected here, click the OK button.
5. This brings us back to the Billing screen with the particulars for the items selected for
purchase being shown. To process the payment for these, select the payment type (for this
example we will be using Cash) to use then click the PAY button.
6. The Change Calculation screen will then appear to facilitate the processing of the client’s
Having done this, you now have settled the payment for the orders made. Thus, a new blank
Billing screen will be shown to process the next transaction. Just click the Close button to
exit from this screen.

Chapter 4: Managing Bookings And Stock Purchases - 338 -

GSI System© User Guide

Room Booking
To cater with those companies that offer room lodgings such as hotels, inns, apartments, etc., the Room Management System is made
available. With this new system in the GSI software, management of this type of business can now be automated as well as takes less
effort and resources to manage.
In this section, we are now going to demonstrate how to use the GSI Room Management System in the day to day operations of the
business. We have already discussed how the setup for this system is being conducted in Chapter 2. If you haven’t done these
settings yet we recommend that you perform this first so that you could follow along with the discussions presented here.

Opening The Room Reservation Screen

The Room Reservation screen is where all the action happens in the day-to-day operation of the
lodging business. Being handled by the Front Office department, this is where the following
transactions happen:
 Room Reservation
 Booking Confirmation
 Check In
 Check Out
 Payment
 Booking Cancellation
 Booking Modifications
 Booking Inquiries
 Blocking Reservation Slots
We will go over this list as we discuss the use of the Room Reservation screen for transacting
with the clients in a lodging business.

To access the Room Reservation screen, open the Room Management screen first by clicking
Administrator > Room Management from the Main screen. In the Room Management screen,
click the Room Allocation option under the Management column.
This will then open the Room Reservation screen as shown on the screenshot above. Do take
note also of how this screen is organized as being shown here.

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Processing A Client’s Room Reservation

Business with the clients in a lodging business begins at their reservation for a room
accommodation. Generally, the customer hasn’t paid anything yet at this point and most of the
time this is done through a telephone call just to inform the business of the customer’s intention to
avail their room accommodation offer.

To process the reservation of a certain customer for a certain booking perform the following:
1. Open the Room Management screen by clicking Administrator > Room Management from
the menu.
2. As this screen shows, click in this the Room Allocation option.
3. This will show the Room Reservation screen where the processing for the room bookings is
conducted. To start the booking of a client just click on the preferred room time slot in this
screen. Then in the menu that will show, select from this the accommodation package to
avail by the client by clicking it. For this example we will be selecting the “Add Multiple
Guests To Multiple Dates” package.
4. Clicking the OK button after this will immediately show the prompt for a combined payment
(payment will be paid as a group and not individually) as we have selected multiple guest
accommodation for a single booking. For this demonstration we will be using a combined
payment scheme, just click the Yes button on this.
5. This will be followed by the entry of the guests for this booking. Do take note, however, that
the first guest that will be entered here will be the one to be expected to pay for this
To select a previously registered client, just generate its list by pressing the Enter key or by
clicking its corresponding icon here. You may use the provided filters here by first selecting a
criteria to look for (clicking the buttons on the lower left corner of the Client Select screen)
and entering a portion of the text to look for on the provided text box and clicking the Enter
To register a new client, just click the New button here. A blank Client Details screen will his
then show. Provide in this the information of the new client then click the Save button.
This finalizes the reservation for this client. Notice in the Room Reservation screen that the time
slot we have selected for the booking has now been turned into a “Room Reserved” status as its
color code (gray) depicts.

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6. You will then be prompted whether to specify flight details for this client (especially for those
clients that require that they be fetched from and to the airport). Clicking Yes on this, will
show the Flight Details screen. Just provide the details for this then click Save.

Confirming The Client’s Booking

As a standard for all businesses nowadays, especially for the lodging businesses, a confirmation
of the client’s interest and certainty of his/her booking is necessary in order to ensure business
with them. Through a phone call, email, SMS or by any means, it is important that this step of
confirming a client’s booking is undertaken.

In using the Room Management System of GSI to document the customer’s confirmation for
his/her booking these steps should be conducted:
7. Still in the Room Reservation screen, click the booking to process for confirmation.
8. This will show a menu of actions to make for this booking. Click in this the Confirm option.
By doing this, it will set the booking into a new color scheme, indicating that this booking has
already been confirmed.

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Checking In The Client

As the client arrives for his/her booking, you may then check in the customer for his/her

To check in the client for his/her reservation, follow this procedure:

9. In the Room Reservation screen, click on the booking reservation of the client.
10. In the menu that will show, click the Check In option.
This in turn will make the booking in a Check In status as expressed in its new color scheme.

Checking Out The Client (Single Guest Booking and Multi-Guest Booking In Combined Payment)

When it’s about time that the client is to leave the place, the front office should then be concerned
with the processing of his/her check out.
We are now going to discuss how to check out a client in a certain booking. For this example,
however, we will be demonstrating how to checkout a multiple guest booking for a combined
payment which goes the same for checking out a single guest booking.

To do this, perform the following:

11. Going to the Room Reservation screen (clicking Room Allocation option in the Room
Management screen), click on the checked in booking to process for check out.
12. This brings out the menu of actions to conduct for this booking. Click on this the Check Out

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13. The Billing screen will then be shown following this. You will find here the particulars for the
payment of the room accommodation together with its total.
To process the payment for this, select the payment type (i.e. Cash) to use for this
transaction then click the PAY button.
In the Change Calculation dialogue screen that will show, provide the detail for the amount to
give for payment in the Payment Tendered textbox then click the Change textbox to show
the how much change is left.
Clicking the Give Change button finishes this process and in return will declare this booking
to be fully checked out as indicated by the color scheme it now has. (See screenshot below)

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GSI System© User Guide
Miscellaneous Booking Operations
The preceding discussion merely focuses on the standard processes that occur in transacting
room bookings for a typical setup. In real life situation, however, it’s got many twists and turns. It
is important then that the front office personnel is aware of the different work around in this
system to be able to comply with the demands of the customer for the booking he/she is
interested in.
We are now going to deal with these “work around” in the system in the following discussions.

Checking Out The Client (Multi-Guest Booking In Individual Payment)

In the previous discussion, we have demonstrated how check out are conducted for Single Guest
Bookings and Multi-Guest Bookings In Combined Payment. Such that only one person is
responsible for the payment of everyone in a certain room accommodation. After which the
booking will then be fully paid.
It is different, however, when processing the check out of a Multiple Guest Booking That Is Being
Paid Individually. For this setup, payment will then be processed for each member included in the
room accommodation.

To conduct the checkout for this type of booking, do the following:

1. In the Room Reservation screen, click a checked in Multi-Guest Booking that is not declared
for a combined payment.
2. In the menu that will show, select the Manage Reservation option.
3. Clicking this option opens the Reservation Details screen for this booking. In this screen, you
will see the individual members in this booking. To check out any of these, just click on it
then in the menu that will show click Check Out.
4. This will eventually show the Billing screen for the selected client. You may then process the
payment here as discussed in the previous Check Out topic.

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You will notice that the color scheme for this checked out booking is somehow different from the
one we have conducted lately. This is so for it to be identified to be partially checked out since
not everybody has been checked out yet.

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GSI System© User Guide
Switching Combined Payment Booking To Individual Payment Booking

There will come a time in the duration of a multi-guest booking that is set for combined payment
that this may need to be reset to become an individually paid booking. Situations like when one
member guest of the booking will leave earlier than the rest of the group, it needs that this guest’s
bill should be paid individually. This may, however, depend on the policy of the company.

To change from combined payment to individual payment of a multi-guest booking perform the
1. Open the Room Management screen by clicking Administrator > Room Management from
the Main screen.
2. And in the screen that will show, open the Room Reservation screen by clicking the Room
Allocation option from the menu.
3. Click in this the multi-guest booking that is set for combined payment. Doing so will generate
a menu of actions for this booking. Select the Manage Reservation option in this.
4. This in turn brings up the Reservation Details screen for this booking. Click in this the Group
Details button.
5. In the Group Details screen that will appear, you will then notice the Combine Payment
checkbox. When this is ticked the payment arrangement for this booking is set for combined
payment. To switch this to individual payment just untick this by clicking.
6. Don’t forget to click Save to make this setting work.
By the time that you process the payment of this booking you will notice that it will be done so
individually. Remember to use the Manage Reservation option to process individual checkout
and payments for a Multi-Guest Booking (see topic Checking Out The Client (Multi-Guest
Booking In Individual Payment) on this section for further details).

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Changing The Group Head Of A Multi-Guest Booking

Sudden change on who will owe the payment for a multi-guest booking is a very common
occurrence in a lodging business. For whatever reason this might come up, the front office should
be familiar on how to settle this modification in the booking.

The following steps should be followed in performing this setup:

1. Open the Room Management screen.
2. As this screen shows, click the Room Allocation option under the Management column.
3. In the Reservation Details screen for the selected booking, click the Group Details button.
4. Then in the Group Details screen, select in the Group Head list the client to assign as the
one responsible for the overall accommodation of the group in the booking.
5. Click the Save button to enter this new detail.

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GSI System© User Guide
Adding A Guest To A Certain Booking

There may come a time that a request for adding a guest on a certain booking will be requested
by its current occupants. This is possible, however, if the following conditions are met:
 The room reservation can handle an additional number of guests.
 Permission has been approved by the current occupants themselves.
This setup is also available in this system.

To make this work in the system do the following:

1. Open the Room Management screen.
2. In the screen that will show, open the Room Reservation screen by clicking the Room
Allocation option under the Management column.
3. Then in the Reservation Details screen, click the Group Details button.
4. This will show the Group Details screen. Click in this the Add Guest To Group button.
5. This opens a Client Select screen wherein the guest to be added is specified.
To add currently registered clients for the booking, just select from the list that will show here.
To add a new client, simply click the New Client button then in the blank Client Detail screen
that will show provide the details for this new client.
Clicking the Save button after this, and/or clicking the client in the list, will add this new client
for the booking as well as in the registry.

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GSI System© User Guide
Entering Notes For The Reservation

For those bookings that have special arrangements, it may require some kind of a reminder that
must go with it. Through the Notes facility provided in the Room Reservation Details screen this
need can be adequately fulfilled.

To enter reservation notes in this system perform the following:

1. In the Room Management screen click the Room Allocation option.
2. This brings up the Room Reservation screen. In this, click the booking to enter with
3. Then in the Reservation Details screen that will appear, click on the Notes button.
4. This will show the Notes dialogue screen, type in this the reminders concerning this
reservation then click the Save button.

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GSI System© User Guide
Blocking Room Reservations

Another commonly performed operation in booking a guest for a certain room accommodation is
the blocking of the rooms for a certain date. Blocking a room accommodation keeps it from being
offered for booking. Since there are so many factors that can lead to this such as reservation for
certain VIP guests, room repairs, room auditing etc., this should be properly handled in the
system and should be taken in consideration in room reservation.

In blocking certain rooms for in the Room Reservation screen the following steps should be taken:
1. Still in the Room Reservation screen, click a free room booking slot.
2. This will generate a menu of actions that can be currently carried out for this slot. Click in this
the Block Room Of Multiple Dates option. Choosing this sets a certain number of room
slots to be blocked.
To choose only a single room slot to block, use the Block Room Of Selected Date option.
3. This action will show a pin code entry dialogue to authorize this process.
4. Following this, it will open a Date Range dialogue screen. Indicate in this the start (Date
From) and end (To) date schedule where the room is to be rendered unavailable then click
the OK button.
5. Following this a notes specification screen (Room Allocation Notes) will be displayed. Type
in this the reason for blocking these time slots of the room. Click OK when done.
Notice that the booking slots of the room is now in a different color scheme as indicated in the
legend at the right. Tagging these to be already blocked. Making these to be unavailable for

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Unblocking A Blocked Room

With a blocked room, booking cannot be entered into it. To make this available for
accommodation, therefore, it has to be unblocked.

To enable blocked room slots for booking perform the following:

1. In the Room Reservation screen click the blocked rooms to be enabled. Then in the options
that will show, click the Unblock Room Of Multiple Dates.
2. This action will show a pin code entry dialogue to authorize this process.
3. Having provided the right access code for this it will then open a Date Range dialogue
screen. Indicate in this the start and end date of a blocked room slot to enable for booking
then click the OK button.
Doing this, will make the specified room slots to be available for booking once more as indicated
by its current color scheme.

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Cancelling A Checked In Room Reservation

In comparison to Undo Check In, using Cancel for a checked in room reservation executes a
rather much formal way of resetting a certain checked in booking. In that to proceed with its
process, a PIN Code entry is required as well as providing the reason for cancelling a check in is
necessary. Moreover, this procedure is being documented in the system wherein a report can be
generated on this.

The following procedure demonstrates this fact in its implementation:

1. With the Room Reservation screen already in view, click a checked-in booking.
2. A menu of actions to make for this booking will then show. Click from this the Cancel option.
3. Doing this will show a pin code entry. Pin code entry in GSI generally shows when a certain
critical part of the system is being entered – just like here in the room reservation cancellation
4. Providing the necessary accessibility code for this, it will proceed to the prompting for the
reason in cancelling the booking. Just select from the given list the one to use for this.
5. Just click on the OK button to proceed with the cancellation of the checked in booking.
Having conducted this process, the checked in booking will turn to be in a Room Reserved status
once again.

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Undoing A Checked In Room Reservation

There are times that a checked in booking will be required to be reset to correct a mistake in the
booking entry. Working as an “Oops!” key in the room reservation process, the Undo Check In
operation in the Room Reservation screen serves to this purpose.

Although provided in the Room

Reservation screen, the Undo
Check In action should be used
sparingly and only when mistakes
are committed while booking a guest.
For purposes of cancelling a valid room
reservation use the Cancel command
See previous topic for details on how
Cancelling A Check In differs with that of
Undoing A Check In.

To undo the check in of a certain guest, do the following:

1. In the Room Reservation screen click a checked in booking.
2. Then in the menu that will show, click the Undo Check In option.
The selected booking will then be reset to its original Reserved status.

Deleting A Checked In Room Reservation

Deleting a room reservation compared with that of cancelling it, totally scraps the booking such
that no booking transaction has ever happened.

To process the removal of a room reservation perform the following steps:

1. Still in the Room Reservation screen, click a checked-in booking.
2. In the menu that will show, click the Delete option.
Performing these steps, doesn’t just reset a checked in booking but rather removes it totally from
the Room Reservation screen. Allowing other reservations to be entered on the freed slot(s).

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GSI System© User Guide
Viewing Room Utilization

Checking the room usage of a certain lodging business enables the business to track down not
only room availability but also occupant’s traffic for marketing purposes. With this fact, viewing
Room Utilization report in this system allows you to do that.

To generate the Room Utilization report of the current week onwards perform the following:
1. In the Room Management screen open the Room Reservation screen by clicking the Room
Allocation option under the Setup column.
2. As the Room Reservation screen shows, at the bottom of this screen click the Room
Utilization button.
Doing so will generate the report as shown on the screenshot above.

Chapter 4: Managing Bookings And Stock Purchases - 354 -

In this chapter we will deal on the different
accessibilities available in the GSI System to produce
business reports.

The following topics will be covered in this chapter:

A. Standard Reports
B. Chart Reports
C. Custom Reports

Chapter 5
Generating Reports
GSI Sys t e m User Guide

Generating Reports
The GSI System provides the necessary reports that are needed in one’s business. Such that you can generate reports on the fly as
we have already included those that are commonly used in the industry. Together with this, we have also added a facility to create a
customized form that . In addition to this, it also allows reports customization with the business’s particular preference.
We are now going to discuss how reports are generated in this system.

Reports are generated through the facility provided in each section of the GSI System. Since the
reports facility in this system is the same for each section, we will only discuss the reporting
facilities used in the Financials screen which also applies to any of these.
Regardless of what section of the GSI System is in display the Reporting section has the following
 Standard Reports
 Chart Reports
 Custom Reports
We will be discussing how each of these differs from one another as we go along with this

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GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Standard Reports

This reporting facility generates established reports being commonly used in most businesses.
By default the Current
Branch button is enabled
which shows only the
transactions made on the
branch where this reporting
facility is currently opened.
If the system is working in a multi-branch
setting, clicking the All Branch button
generates the reports for all transactions
made in all branches.

In generating a standard report in the Financials screen, perform the following steps:
1. Go to the Financials screen by clicking Administrator > Financials option from the menu.
2. In this screen, click the Standard Reports option under the Reporting column.
3. The screen displaying the available Standard Reports for the Financials screen will then be
shown. Click from any of the options on the Standard Reports area of this window the
report to generate. We will select the Revenue report for this example.
4. Then indicate from the available filters following the Standard Reports area the one to use in
limiting the transactions to report. On this we will just indicate the date coverage (Date From
and Date To fields) to report.
Take note that the filters displayed on this varies on the section (Clients, Staff, Appointment
Book, Financials, etc.) where these are shown.
5. To see how the report should look like click the Preview button.
6. To generate the report as a file, click either the PDF (Acrobat PDF file), Excel (Excel
spreadsheet file), Word (Word document) or Email button (email document).
7. Then click the Print button to send this report directly to the printer.
See the screenshot above for details.

Chapter 5: Generating Reports - 357 -

GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Chart Reports

The Chart Reports facility generates reports that are in chart or diagram format.
By default the Current
Branch button is enabled
which shows only the
transactions made on the
branch where this reporting
facility is currently opened.
If the system is working in a multi-branch
setting, clicking the All Branch button
generates the reports for all transactions
made in all branches.

Generating chart reports in the system follows these steps:

1. Go to the Financials screen by clicking Administrator > Financials option from the menu.
2. In the Financial Reports screen, click the Chart Reports option under the Reporting column.
3. In the screen that will appear, select in the Chart Reports area the report to generate. For
this example we will be using the By Service Group report.
4. Then indicate on the area below the filter(s) to use for limiting the transactions that will be
generated for report. For this example we will be using the date coverage (Date To and Date
From) of transactions to display.
Take note that the filters displayed on this varies on the section (Clients, Staff, Appointment
Book, Financials, etc.) where these are shown.
5. You may also need to indicate the time range as indicated by the Start Time and Finish
Time fields, Chart to use (Bar, Doughnut, Line, Funnel, or Pie), the View to use (Group or
Single), the Date Range (Daily, Weekly or Monthly) and
6. To see how the report should look like, click the Preview button.
7. To generate the chart report as a file, click the PDF (Acrobat PDF file), Excel (Excel
spreadsheet file), Word (Word document) or Email (email document) button.
8. Then click the Print button to send this report directly to the printer.
See the screenshot above for details.

Chapter 5: Generating Reports - 358 -

GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Custom Reports

Using the Custom Reports facility allows you to create documents in the system with your
particular preference.

In generating customized reports using this facility do the following:

1. Go to the Financials screen by clicking Administrator > Financials option from the menu.
2. In the Financial Reports screen, click the Custom Reports option under the Reporting
3. Set the necessary filter to use to limit the transactions to display in this report. On this we will
just set the date coverage (Date From and Date To) of the transactions to display.
Take note that the filters displayed on this varies on the section (Clients, Staff, Appointment
Book, Financials, etc.) where these are shown.
4. Then in the Reports area click the report to customize. We will be using the Revenue report
on this. Then click the New button.
5. This in turn will display the screen where the selected report is shown. In this screen you can
edit the way this report appears by:
 Moving the field headers by click and drag to the location above it to change the way this
report should be displayed as well as sorting it.
 Clicking the Config button and setting the way each field will appear in this report.
6. Having done the changes on this report click the Save button.
7. To print this report, click the Print button.
8. To generate this as an Excel file click the Excel button.
See the screenshot above for details.

Chapter 5: Generating Reports - 359 -

GSI Sys t e m User Guide

We provided in this section some tools and other relevant information that may help the users of the GSI system in managing their
The following discussions are covered in this section: 
A. GSI System’s Major Screens
Client Select
Client Details
Client History
Appointment Book
Staff List
Staff Detail
Setup Staff Privilege Group
Individual Staff Roster
Staff Wages
Staff Roster
Stock Variance
Stock Promotion
Order List
Professional Stock Control
Stock Transfer
Stock Setup

Appendix - 361 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide

The Gumnut System’s Major Screens

As you might have already observed, the GSI System is a combination of business tools that are relevant in managing one’s business.
Through its familiarity you will be able to implement the management of your business much easily and with great efficiency. And what
better way for the manager to familiarize with its facilities than by knowing what it does and where to look for it in the system.
In the following discussions we will be dealing with the screens in the GSI System that are commonly used in managing business.

Main Screen

As the GSI System opens, the client is then introduced to the Main Screen where the main
accessibilities of the system are found. You will find that the accessibilities provided here are
either being constantly used or has a high level of importance in its operation.

The Main Screen is composed of the following parts as discussed in the table below:

Parts Of The Main Screen

Parts Description

Main Menu This part of the main screen is where we can find the available accessibilities for the different
facilities of the GSI System.
It consists of three major menu options: the File Menu, the Booking Menu and the
Administrator Menu. The File Menu provides the different facilities in implementing system
functions such as log in and out, branch selection, etc. Under the Booking Menu, the
facilities for implementing the day to day transactions of the business are provided. Facilities
such as the Appointment Book as well Membership tracking are found in this. While in the
Administrator Menu you will find the different facilities in managing the different aspects of
the business.
Further discussions on its submenus will be carried out in its respective screens.

Status Area The Status Area shows the currently used property/branch in the system, its current user, as
well as the till in use. These also have accessibilities in switching to other Branches and Till.

Trial Version Tag Another part of the Main Screen, which tends to be not available, is the Trial Version Tag.
Found at the lower right corner of the Main Screen, this shows initially whenever a license
hasn’t been enabled yet into this system.

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GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Clients Screen

Obtained by clicking Administrator > Clients options from the menu, this screen contains
facilities for managing clients’ information in the business. The facilities provided here are
categorized into three sections (as can also be noticed in other GSI major screens): the Setup,
Management and Reporting columns.

The table below shows the description of each option listed in this screen.

Client Screen Facilities

Facilities Description

Setup Column

Client Types Clicking this option generates a screen where Client Types are declared. Entries
provided in this are being used in the system not only to categorize clients but also
to assign specific fees to your clients falling under each of these.

Referral Sources This facility is being used to document the media on how the clients got to know
the business. The frequency of its use is then being tracked and used by

Corporate Clients In this facility, you will be able to enter the company by which your clients belong
to. This is then being used to track client activities in the business.

Categories This facility opens a screen where classifications of the clients in your business are
entered. In contrast to client types this is being used for marketing purposes only.

Occupations To enter the occupations that you want the system to recognize, click this option.
The entries given here are then being used for marketing and reporting purposes.

Contra Indication This facility allows you to enter the medical conditions that will prevent clients from
taking certain of your services or items.

Title Type This option opens a facility that allows address titles to be entered into the system.
These are commonly used in your communications (email, sms, etc.,) to the

State This option opens a facility where the State to be recognized in the system are
entered. These are mainly used to determine client address.

Appendix - 363 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Phone Type In the facility that will open, when this is selected, you will be able to enter the
category of contact phone numbers in the system.

Client Forms This facility allows the user to create client forms being used to document a
conducted service. These are commonly used by medical businesses to record
treatment progress.

Simple Client Forms The facility that will open when this is accessed is more like that of a client form.
The difference, however, is that it only consists of a single field which is a textbox.

Countries Enter into this facility the countries to recognize in the system.

Age Groups Use this facility to define age groups in the system. Age groups can then be used
for marketing purposes.

Concession Cards Enter into this facility the concession cards to recognize into the system.
Concession cards are government issued card for qualified beneficiaries.

Nationality This facility is where nationalities are entered into the system.

Suburbs Used especially for Australian clients to indicate client address, use this facility to
enter system recognized Suburbs.

Doctors Indicate in this facility the doctors to recognize in the system.

Multi-Purpose Tag Use this facility to create multi-purpose tags to link a client to multiple lists for
marketing purposes.

Sport Use this facility to enter sports that can be recognized into the system.

Management Column

Duplicate Names This facility is used to process duplicate names in the system.

Service Waiting List Use this facility to document clients for waiting list on a certain service.

Class Waiting List Use this facility to document clients for waiting list on a certain class.

Client Alert List This facility is used to create client alerts in the system. When linked to a certain
client, this will show whenever this client is selected.

Sell Selecting this facility opens the screen where selling of commodities are
conducted. This transaction requires the client profile in order to avail.

Casual Sell This facility works similarly with the regular sell transaction (Sell), only that client
profile is not required on this.

Casual Client History This facility manages casual transactions in the business.

Select Client Use this facility to manage client’s information in the system. Further discussions
on this are provided on its respective screen.

Open Accounts This facility is used to manage owings in the business.

Pay Use this facility to manage multiple payments for the owings made.

Regret Booking To document a regret booking that occurred in the business use this facility in the
Client screen.

Transfer Series Using the Transfer Series facility enables the services in a purchased series to be
availed by another person.

Family List

Reporting Column

Standard Reports Activating this facility generates a screen where pre-designed reports are shown.

Chart Reports Selecting this facility opens a screen wherein graphical charts are produced.

Custom Reports This facility enables the user to create custom designed reports in the system.

Appendix - 364 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Client Select Screen

To open the Client Select screen go to the Clients screen first by clicking Administrator > Clients
from the menu. In the Clients screen click the Select Client option under the Management
The Client Select screen is where the management of client takes place and is basically made up
of 5 Major parts: Filter Categories, Search Entry, Select Casual Client Button, Client Display
and Client Management Facilities.

The following table shows what these areas are for:

Areas Of The Client Select Screen

Areas Description

Filter Categories Provides category buttons for limiting the list of clients being displayed.

Search Entry Where the query of clients to show in the list is executed.

Select Casual Client Button This accessibility enables casual clients to be shown on display.

Client Display This is where clients being queried are shown.

Client Management Facilities This is where actions to perform on client information are provided.

In addition to this, this screen hosts different facilities in managing clients in the business as
shown in the following table:

Client Management Facilities

Facilities Description

New Client This brings up a blank Client Detail form to enter a new client into the system.

Client Detail When accessed this opens the Client Detail screen of a currently selected client.

Client History This brings up the Client History screen of a currently selected client

Waiting List Clicking this enables the selected client to be included in the waiting list.

Booking This shows the Booking Details screen of the currently selected client.

Appendix - 365 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Client Details Screen

The Client Details screen is brought up by clicking either the New Client or Client Detail button
from the Client Select screen (Administrator > Clients > Select Client).
This screen is where all of the information about the client is entered and stored. The table below
shows the description of the areas in this screen:

Client Details Areas

Area Description

Client Data This area is where the basic information of the client is found. Take note that the
fields with red asterisks are required parameters and must be appropriately filled.

Contact Media This contains buttons for contacting customers. Clicking any of these opens an
interface wherein communication (via email, SMS (text messages), or phone call to
the currently displayed client can be made.

Extended Client Details This area provides further details to establish the client’s profile in the business.
The description for each of these buttons is discussed in the following table.

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GSI Sys t e m User Guide

Extended Client Details

Facilities Description

Documents Clicking this button opens a screen wherein external documents relating to the
currently selected client is specified.

Preferred Staff This opens an interface wherein the client’s preferred staff are indicated.

Credit Card This brings up a facility where the client’s credit card information are entered.

Contraindication This facility is where the client’s current health problems are specified.

Client Forms This facility is where we fill-up client forms to the client. Client forms are created in
the Setup Client Forms screen (Administrator > Clients > Client Forms).

Family This opens a facility wherein a client is defined to a certain “Family” in the
business. This information is used for PhilHealth Insurance.

Reports This opens a facility to generate reports specific to the currently selected client.

Add To Client Alert List Clicking this button opens a screen wherein a currently selected client is provided
with a client alert that pops up anytime this client is selected for a certain

Images This facility is where images are entered for this client.

Client History This opens the Client History screen for the currently selected client. This facility is
where client’s activities in the business are recorded

Multi-Purpose Tag This brings up the facility wherein preferences are indicated for the selected client.

Aus. Medical Info This opens the client’s Australian Medical Info form.

Appendix - 367 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Client History

The Client History screen of a certain client is viewed by clicking the Client History button in the
Client Detail screen (Administrator > Clients > Select Client).
This window shows the history of transactions undergone by a certain client in the business.

The screenshot below shows the major parts of its interface as described in the table below.

Client History Areas

Area Description

Property Selection Options Select from these whether to display transaction histories of the Current Property
only or of All Properties.

Client History Categories This has buttons that displays the histories of a particular aspect of the client’s
transactions. See next table for the description of each transaction category.

Client Transaction Details Under each transaction shown in the generated list, it contains further information
about that transaction. To view this information just click on the collapse button
provided for each transaction.

Action Buttons This provides facility buttons for processing a selected transaction in the system.

Expand/Collapse Views This provides the expand and collapse buttons that are used to switch the
display views of the transactions in the list from compacted view (without
transaction details) to expanded view (with transaction details).

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GSI Sys t e m User Guide
The following table discusses the client history categories that can be viewed in this screen.

Client History Categories

Categories Description

Payment History Clicking this shows the payment transactions of the client.

Deleted Payments Clicking this shows the deleted payments of the client.

Purchased Items Clicking this shows the purchases made by the client.

Owing Items Clicking this shows the current standing owings (debts) of the client.

Deleted Invoices Clicking this shows the deleted invoices of the client.

Audit Logs Clicking this shows the accesses made on this client.

Gift Vouchers Clicking this shows the client’s Gift Voucher usage.

Credit Clicking this shows the client’s Credit usage.

Membership Clicking this shows the client’s membership activities in the business.

Series Clicking this shows the client’s utilization of a purchased series service.

Prescriptions Clicking this show the client’s given prescriptions.

The next table explains the provided action buttons to use in processing a selected transaction.
Take note that in using this, a transaction has already been selected.

Client History Action Buttons

Action Buttons Description

Do Not Bank Clicking this will prevent this transaction from being banked rendering this to be

Reverse Payment Clicking this, processes the selected transaction for reverse payment.

Refund Clicking this, processes the selected transaction for refund/return item. The
Refund checkbox of the transactions to refund should be ticked in order to

Print Receipt When clicked, the selected transaction will then be printed to the set printer.

Print Docket When clicked, the selected transaction will then be printed to the set docket printer.

Change Payment Type Click this button to change the previously entered payment type for the selected

Appendix - 369 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Billing Screen

The Billing screen serves with two purposes in this system, as a means to pay for availed services
and a way to purchase commodities (including regular booking services).
Likewise, you might be able to open this screen by conducting a Regular Sell (Administrator >
Clients > Sell) and a Casual Sell (Administrator > Clients > Casual Sell) transaction or by
paying for an availed service.

The Billing screen is composed of the following areas as shown on the table below:

Billing Screen Areas

Categories Description

Client Details Area This shows details about the client together with his/her privileges.

Transaction Details This display the particulars of the commodities availed or purchased.

Commodities This provides buttons of available products that can be ordered in the business.

Total Amount Due Display This shows the total amount to pay for the ordered commodities.

Select Payment Method This provides payment method options for paying for the ordered commodities. In
using more than one payment methods for paying orders use Multiple payment

Pay Button This executes the payment process. With this activated a Change Calculation
screen will then open to enter your payment and compute its change.

Appendix - 370 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
The following table shows the payment methods that can be used in this business system.

Payment Methods

Categories Description

Cash This is a fixed payment amount in the form of bills or coins.

Cheque This is a bill of exchange drawn on a bank by the holder of a current account.
Selecting this brings up a form wherein the details of the cheque are entered.

Gift Voucher This serves as a token of amount created by the business to pay for its
commodities. When selected as payment method this brings up the Gift
Voucher Redeeming form wherein the gift voucher code to use is entered.

Credit Used Another token that can be used to pay for ordered commodities is the credit.
Credits are similar to cash in that it can be used to pay for items just as cash did
and it has an equivalent exchange with cash. These are obtained through a
regular sell transaction in this business system.

Bill To Account This payment method is used for those orders that will be owed. Working exactly
as a means to tag the payment transaction as a debt, the business can then use
this to postpone payment.

Room Charge This payment method is used together with a Hotel PMS system. This payment
requires the client room number where this charge will be billed.

AR Posting This payment method is used together with a Hotel PMS system. Using this
payment the client will be required to enter his/her account number.

Web Used on an online booking transaction. The resulting bill for this will then be
forwarded to the payment gateway, by which amount will be collected from the
client’s bank account.

Credit Card If using credit card in paying for orders, this payment method should be used. In
doing so this will require the client’s credit card information.

Series Redeem Use this payment type when paying for services in a series.

Multiple To use more than one payment method for payments (i.e. credits and cash, credits
and cheque, or credits, cash and cheque, etc.) use this payment method. When
using this payment method the cheque or credits should be entered first before the
cash for the system to compute how much is needed to complete the payment.

The next table shows the commodities that can be ordered or added in the billing.

Commodities For Sale

Commodities Description

Services Book a Regular Service

Packages Book a Package Service

F&B Purchase Food & Beverages

Stock Purchase a Stock Item

Gift Vouchers Purchase a Gift Voucher

Memberships Apply for a Membership

Series Purchase a Series

Credit Purchase a Credit

Discounts Apply Discounts

Tips Include Tips

Owing Items Include previous Owings

Appendix - 371 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Appointment Book Screen

This screen is where the management of the appointment book is performed. To go to this
screen just click Administrator > Appointment Book option from the menu.

Just like in the Clients screen the Appointment Book screen is subdivided into three major areas:
the Setup, Management and Reporting. Options under these are discussed in the table below:

Appointment Book Options

Options Description


Cancellation Reasons This opens a facility where reasons for cancelling bookings are entered.

Appointment Notes This opens a facility where appointment notes are entered.

Comment Notes This opens a facility where comment notes are entered.

Specialities This opens a facility wherein specialities or service experties are defined.

Equipment This opens a facility where equipments for use in the business are entered.

Rooms and Facilities This opens a facility where rooms and facilities of the business are entered.

Room Types This opens a facility where the room types that the business can recognized are

Appendix - 372 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide

Appointment Book Options

Options Description


Messages This opens an interface where alert messages that shows everytime that the
appointment book is accessed, are created.

Regret Booking This opens an interface where a regret booking is entered for further processing
and for documentation purposes as well.

Appointment Reminder This opens an interface where appointment reminders to the clients (either by
email or SMS) are composed and sent at the time a booking is made.

Appointment Confirmation This opens an interface where appointment reminders to the clients (either by
email or SMS) are composed and sent on the set appointment date.

Appointment Reminder This opens a facility where the details of all appointment reminder messages are
SMS History documented and viewed.

Appointment Mail Merge This opens a facility where the mail merge template to use in generating email or
SMS messages is defined.


Standard Reports Activating this facility generates a screen where pre-designed reports are shown.

Chart Reports Selecting this facility opens a screen wherein graphical charts are produced.

Custom Reports This facility enables the user to create custom designed reports in the system.

Appendix - 373 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Specialities Screen

Another important window to take note of is the Specialities screen. This is where the specialities
or service experties in the business are defined.
The Specialities screen is opened through the Appointment Book screen (Administrator >
Appointment Book) by clicking the Specialities option from the menu.

The following table discusses the different accessibilities in this screen.

Specialities Screen

Parts Description

Specialities textbox Enter in this column the specialities to define in the system.

Staff buttons Clicking this opens a facility where the staffs to conduct the speciality are specified.

Rooms buttons Clicking this opens a facility where the rooms to use for the speciality are indicated.

Equipment buttons Clicking this opens a facility where the equipments to use for the speciality are

Is Facility checkbox Ticking this makes a particular speciality a facility service. A facility is a service
that doesn’t require a staff to avail. Examples of this include swimming pool, steam
bath, and gym.

Appendix - 374 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Staff Screen

This screen is where staff management is carried out in the GSI System. This is brought out by
clicking Administrator > Staff from the menu.

The Staff screen has the following facilities in its management of staffs in the business:

Staff Screen

Options Description


Departments Clicking this option opens a facility upon which departments to recognize into the
system are entered.

Staff List This option opens a facility wherein staffs to recognize in the system are defined.

Funds This brings up a facility wherein funds or other means to finance a treatment are
entered. These commonly refer to health funds that are used to pay for treatments.

Roster Reasons Entries in this facility are used in the appointment book to provide reasons why a
certain staff is not available.

Commission Formulae This facility works together with Commissions By Type facility, in that the formula
selected in this will be the basis for the commission to apply in the business.

Commissions by Type This is where commission schemes are created. Computation applied on this is
based on what has been selected in the Commission Formulae facility.

Privilege Groups Clicking this option opens a facility wherein groups are defined with accessibility
rights for using the GSI System. In defining these, you could then easily assign the
same access privileges for staff with the same status in the business.

Web Roster This opens a facility that sets the availability of the system’s web booking.

Group Commissions This opens a facility wherein groups are defined for a certain commission. These
are then assigned to each staff with the same status in the business.

Group Commissions by Visits This opens a facility wherein groups are defined for a certain commission based on
the frequency of visits for service.

Staff Designation Clicking this accessiblity allows for the entry of staff designations that are to be
recognized in the system.

Appendix - 375 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide

Staff Screen (...continued)

Options Description


Change Password Using this facility enables you to change the password of the currently set user
login in the system.

Wages Entry This opens a facility where a staff’s wage is computed. It obtains the hours worked
entry of the staff as entered in the Clock In/Clock Out facility. However, entries in
this can be done manually.

Wages Maintenance This facility lists down the staff wages computed on a set range of date.

Staff Log Hours The facility that will open in accessing this displays the log hours of the staffs (as
entered in the Clock In/Clock Out screen) that are covered in the date range
specified by the From and To date entries.

Messages Accessing this option brings up a facility that serves as a communication panel to
the staffs. Businesses can use this to send messages from one staff to another.
This works even on a real-time mode.

Staff Roster When selected, this opens a facility where the schedules of every staff are shown.

Clock In/Clock Out This opens a facility wherein staff log hours are entered (similar to a Bundy clock).
In using this, the staff to make a time log is required to enter his/her assigned pin


Standard Reports Activating this facility generates a screen where pre-designed reports are shown.

Chart Reports Selecting this facility opens a screen wherein graphical charts are produced.

Custom Reports This facility enables the user to create custom designed reports in the system.

Appendix - 376 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Staff List Screen

This screen hosts the different facilities in setting up a staff’s identity and function in the business.
To show this screen, go to the Staff screen by clicking Administrator > Staff from the menu. In
the screen that will show, click the Staff List option.

The Staff List screen is subdivided into three major parts as discussed in the table below:

Staff List Screen

Parts Description

Display Filters This area of the Staff List screen contains buttons that facilitates display of staffs
based on certain conditions such as the following:
Working Staff: Shows only those staffs that has Active status.
Not Working Staff: Shows only those staffs with Active status disabled.
Linked Staff: Shows only those staffs that are just linked to the current branch.
All: Shows all the staffs defined in the system.

Staff List This is where details of staffs are shown.

Staff Details Facilities This area provides accesses for setting up the functionality of the staff in the

The following table discusses the different facilities provided in this screen to set the functionality
of the staff in the business.

Staff Details Facilities

Facilities Description

Privileges This opens a facility where specific privileges are given to a selected staff.

Copy Privileges The facility that will open in accessing this assigns privileges to a selected staff by
copying it from another staff.

Roster Clicking this provides a facility to set the currently selected staff’s roster/schedule.

Branch In the facility that will open for this, it will link a certain staff to any of the available
branches in the business.

Funds This opens a facility where a selected staff’s available funds are indicated.

Budget This opens a facility where a selected staff is set for a certain budget (quota target).

New Clicking this opens a facility where the details of a new client are entered.

Edit Clicking this opens the details screen of a certain staff for updating.

Appendix - 377 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Staff Detail Screen

This screen contains all information regarding the staff together with other facilities that manages
staff accessibility in this system.
To access this screen, go to the Staff screen by clicking Administrator > Staff from the menu
then click in it the Staff List option under the Setup column. In the Staff List screen generate a
list of clients then select the one to edit then click the Edit button. You could also generate this
screen by creating a new client by just clicking the New button.

The Staff Detail screen is basically made up of 3 major parts: the Staff Details, the Accessibility
Management Facilities, and Staff Contact Media. These are described in the table below:

Parts of the Staff Details Screen

Major Parts Description

Staff Details This contains the information about the staff and his/her function in the business.

Accessibility Management This provides accessibilities for managing the access credentials of the staff.

Staff Contact Media This area has buttons to open facilities to communicate with the clients.

Provided also in this screen are the different media to use in communicating to a client.

Staff Contact Media

Facilities Description

Email (button) Activates the email service via available outlook for sending email to staff.

SMS (button) Activates the text messaging interface for sending SMS to this staff.

Call (button) Activates the phone service for sending calls to this staff

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The table below shows the fields provided for each staff in this screen.

Staff Details Screen Fields

Fields Description

Staff ID (textbox) This is a user defined field for entering a staff’s assigned ID number (or code).

Surname (textbox) Enter here the last name of the staff.

Given Name (textbox) This is where the first name of the staff is entered.

Title (pick list) Indicate in this the title to use for this staff as provided in the list.

Sex (option button) Select here the gender of this staff.

Address (textbox) Enter in this the staff’s residence.

State (pick list) Enter here the state where this client’s address is located.

Postal Code (textbox) Indicate in this the staff’s zip code.

Email (textbox) Enter here the email address of the staff.

Phone Book (textbox) This is where you enter the phone numbers of a certain staff.

Password Admin (checkbox) When ticked, this alerts the staff that the password being used is about to expire.

Pin Admin (checkbox) When ticked, this alerts the staff that the pin code being used is about to expire.

Work Cover No. (textbox) Enter here this staff’s professional license code.

APA Registration No. (textbox) Enter here the Australian Physiotherapy Association accreditation number of staff.

Login Name (textbox) Provide in this the login name of this staff in accessing the GSI system.

Language (pick list) Indicate here the language being used by this staff.

Room Selection (pick list) Enter here the assigned room for this staff.

Department (pick list) Indicate in this the department upon which this staff belongs.

Not Working (checkbox) Check this to remove this staff from the list of available staff.

Provider No. (textbox) Enter here the assigned provider number for this staff as recognized by the health
insurance company.

Seniority Level (pick list) Consists of 10 levels with 10 as highest; indicate here the staff’s expertise level.

Hourly Rate (textbox) Enter here the per hour pay for this staff.

Weekend (textbox) Enter here the weekend pay for this staff (usually higher than the regular rate)

Max Working (textbox) Enter in this the maximum allocated number of minutes for working of this staff.

Commissions by Type (pick list) Indicate here the Commission type to use for this staff.

Group Commissions (pick list) Indicate in this the Commission Group to use for this staff.

Group Comm by Visits (pick list) Indicate here the Commission Group By Visits to use for this staff.

Bonus (textbox) A fixed amount value to be added on commission in billing.

Show In App Book (checkbox) Tick this if you want to make this staff available in the Appointment Book.

Billing Name (pick list) Indicate here the Name to use for billing.

Privilege Group (pick list) Indicate in this the Privilege Group to assign for this staff.

Designation (textbox) Enter here the designation or position of the staff in the business.

Appendix - 379 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
For the details of every buttons provided in this screen the following table summarizes this:

Accessibility Management Facilities

Facilities Description

Reset Password (button) Clicking this removes the currently assigned password for this staff enabling login
without the requirement of a password. Use this to assign a new password for this staff.

Reset PIN (button) Performs a refresh of the staff’s Pin ID to assign a new one. This is commonly
used for new staff entry to determine his/her assigned Pin ID. Remember to take note of
the newly generated PIN code before closing the message window.

Unlock Acct (button) Available only for staff with Super User privilege (esp. Gumnut User and
Branch Admin). This enables the user’s account from being locked.

Finger Print (button) Clicking this facility activates the interfaced fingerprint scanner device and records it
into the computer.

Appendix - 380 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Setup Staff Privilege Group Screen

This facility is used in creating staff access privileges that will be generic for all staff with the same
status in the business. This is commonly used to easily assign accessibility rights to staffs in
using the GSI system.
To bring up this screen open the Staff screen by clicking Administrator > Staff from the menu.
With this in view, click the Privilege Groups option.

This screen is subdivided into certain sections as described in the following table:

User Privilege Setting Screen

Facilities Description

Credential Groups A pick list of the system’s accessibility areas. In setting up privileges to a certain staff, you
should select the necessary credential group first to show its specific accessibilities.

Accessibilities These are specific functions on those areas of the system. These will be shown depending
on what has been the currently selected Credential Group.

Multiple Use these to select or deselect all accessibilities to enable for this privilege group. This
Selection/Deselection saves the user the effort of setting all of the accessibilities in a credential group.

In creating privilege groups, the manager/administrator should first key-in the privilege group
names to create then click Save. Open this one more time, selecting a currently entered privilege
group on the list then click the Privileges button. Then in the User Privilege Setting screen (1)
indicate the credential group (2) and tick the accessibilities in that group to enable for this privilege
group. You could use the Check All button to tick all accessibilities in that credential group. Do
these for all accessibilities to assign for this privilege group then click the Save button. Going
back on the Setup Staff Privilege Group, click Save again to enter this new setting into the

Appendix - 381 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Individual Staff Roster Screen

This screen is used for setting the availability of the staff in the business.
Access this facility by going to the Staff screen (clicking Administrator > Staff) and opening the
Staff List screen (clicking Staff List). After selecting a staff from the list in this screen, click the
Roster button.

The typical way of setting up a staff roster is by (1) clicking a date in the calendar upon which a
roster will be made. (2) Take note that the blank roster that will be given always starts with
Monday. (3) Having selected this, a Generate Roster screen for the staff will open. Provide in
this the availability of the staff in a week and also indicating the reason for those days wherein the
staff won’t be around. You could click the Set Every Day Same As Monday button to just copy
for the rest of the days the set time schedule on Monday. (4) With the necessary settings for the
staff’s roster already done, click the Save button.
Take note also of the different accessibilities in this facility for managing this staff setting as
shown on the screenshot above.

Appendix - 382 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Staff Wages Screen

This is where the wage of the client is computed based on his/her hours worked. Although this
uses the logged in hours entered in the Clock In / Clock Out facility of the system (Administrator
> Staff > Clock In / Clock Out) you could also manually enter here the hours worked (Std.
Hours) of the staff.
To open this facility go to the Staff screen (clicking Administrator > Staff) and clicking the
Wages Entry option under the Management column.

In computing for a staff’s pay the following steps should be observed:

1. Select the staff to compute a wage by selecting this on the Staff pick list.
2. Indicate the date coverage (From and To date fields) for the wage computation.
3. Then enter the required details for this computation as shown in the table below.

Staff Wage Required Fields

Fields Description

Std. Hours Enter in this the duration of work rendered in the regular days. This also gets its data from
the logged in hours using the Clock In/Clock Out facility. THIS IS A MANDATORY FIELD.

Weekend Hours Enter in this the duration of work rendered during the weekends (Saturday and Sunday).

Overtime 1 Enter in this the duration of work rendered for the 1st overtime.

Overtime 2 Enter in this the duration of work rendered for the 2nd overtime.

Overtime 3 Enter in this the duration of work rendered for the 3rd overtime.

Commission Enter in this the commission amount to pay for this staff.

Other Income Enter in this the other amount to be included in the staff’s pay.

Appendix - 383 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide

Staff Wage Required Fields (continued...)

Fields Description

Sick Days Enter in this the number of sick days of the staff.

Holidays Enter in this the number of holidays of the staff.

Leave Without Pay Enter in this the number of leave days without pay of the staff.

Leave With Pay Enter in this the number of leave days with pay of the staff.

Tax Enter in this the applied Tax for the staff.

Allowances Enter in this the given allowances for the staff.

Deductions Enter in this the other deductions to apply for this staff.

SuperAnnuation Enter in this the amount to be cut for superannuation (for declaration purposes only).

Payment Date Enter into this the date wherein this wage will be given (pay day).

Notes Write in this any important notes you want to include for this staff’s wage.

4. Upon entering the necessary requirements for this wage, click the Calculate Wage button.
5. This will in turn processes the previously entered information and generates the output for the
following fields:

Staff Wage Result Fields

Fields Description

Std. Pay This shows the amount to pay for the staff based on the entered Std. Hours and Weekend

Overtime Hours This shows the total number of overtime hours based on the entered overtime hours
(Overtime 1, 2, & 3).

Overtime Pay This shows the total amount of overtime pay to be given to the staff as reflected in the
amount of Overtime Hours.

Gross Pay This is where the total of Std. Pay and Overtime Pay is displayed.

Total Income This displays the Gross Pay plus Commission and Other Income if available.

Net Pay This field shows the Total Income minus the Tax.

Pay Amount What will be shown in this field is the actual wage to pay for this staff. Most of the time this
is the same as what can be obtained as a Net Pay.

6. Having done with its review, finalize the wage computation process of this staff by clicking the
Save button. With this action this wage computation will then be documented into the
Perform these steps for all the staff in the company. To view the details of every staff wage
computed in the system just open the Staff Log Hours screen (by clicking Adminstrator > Staff
> Staff Log Hours from the menu).

Appendix - 384 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Staff Roster Screen

The Staff Roster screen is where one can view the time assignment of all the staff in the business
within the week. For most businesses, they use this to track the set rosters of every staff in the
company and through this make the necessary adjustment on it when needed.
This screen can be brought up by opening the Staff screen (clicking Administrator > Staff) then
in the screen that will open click the Staff Roster option.

In using the Staff Roster screen the following should be performed:

1. As the Staff Roster screen opens indicate the Start Date of the rosters to display then click
the Display button.
2. To browse the rosters set throughout the weeks just click on the Previous (<<) and Next (>>)
3. To edit the roster of a certain staff just click on the time grid to edit then key-in the schedule
to replace it.
4. Click Save to update the changes made here.

Appendix - 385 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Stock Screen

The Stock screen contains with the facilities that are relevant in managing stocks in the business.
In bringing up this screen just click Administrator > Stock options from the menu.

The following table summarizes the functions of each facility that will open when accessed in this

Stock Screen

Options Description


Stock Groups This option opens a facility wherein stock groups are defined. Stock groups are being used
as the major classification entity of stocks in the system.

Lists When clicked, this option brings out the Stock Setup screen of the system upon which
stocks being offered and used in the business are entered.

Suppliers This accessibility opens a screen by which suppliers of stocks are entered into the system.

Manufacturers This accessibility opens a screen by which Manufacturers or Brand Name of the stocks are
specified in the system.

Units Clicking this option opens a screen wherein units that are recognized by the system are

Promotions This option opens a facility wherein stock promotions are defined.

Appendix - 386 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide

Staff Wage Result Fields (continued)

Options Description


Variance Clicking this option opens a facility that enables tracking of the available stocks which
is very important in carrying out inventory check.

Order Generation This option, when clicked, brings out the Stock Reorder screen wherein stocks that
needs to be ordered are being displayed.

Order Maintenance This option opens a facility wherein stock orders are being managed.

Transfer Clicking this option brings up the facility upon which stocks can be transferred from
one branch to another.

Professional Stock Control Accessing this option brings up the Professional Stock Control screen upon which
manual decrementing of available professional stocks are conducted.

Barcode Printing Clicking this option opens the facility that prints out barcodes of the selected stocks.


Standard Reports Activating this facility generates a screen where pre-designed reports are shown.

Chart Reports Selecting this facility opens a screen wherein graphical charts are produced.

Custom Reports This facility is where custom designed reports can be created in the system.

Appendix - 387 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Stock Variance Screen

Opened by clicking Administrator > Stock > Variance from the menu, this facility is used
generally to cross-check current stock counts in the system with the actual count. Doing so
establishes a more accurate inventory of stocks.

This screen consists of major parts as shown in the table below:

Stock Variance Screen

Major Sections Description

Display Filters Use this to limit the stocks being shown in the list.
Clicking the Retail button displays only stocks that are being sold in the business. Likewise,
clicking the Professional button generates only those stocks that are used in performing
services. Clicking All generates all of the stocks regardless of its type.
You could also choose to display stocks based on the Stock Group by which it is classified
into, otherwise, click the All button to show all stocks.
Using the Supplier filter is another way of generating a list of stocks and clicking the All
button shows all of it.

Actual Amount Entry Enter in this column the actual count of the stocks in the inventory as checked.

Management Facilities This provides buttons that manages the actions to take on the result of the inventory check.
Click the Update Stock button to update the System Count to the Actual Amount of stock
on hand.
Click Clear button to remove the entries made in the Actual Amount column.
To generate an export file to be used in other GSI System click the Export button.
Click the Print button to generate a printout of this result.
To save the result of variance check click the Save button.

Appendix - 388 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Stock Promotion Setup Screen

The Stock Promotion screen is where company promos to encourage sales of its available stocks,
are created. In this screen the admin indicates what kind of perk or benefit that a certain client
will get (percentage discount, fixed amount discount, a free stock or a gift voucher) for a quota
amount reached for a certain stock.
The Stock Promotion screen is obtained by going to the Stock screen (Administrator > Stock)
and clicking the Promotions option under the Setup column.

In creating stock promos in this screen take note of the following:

1. As the Stock Promotion Setup screen shows indicate the details of the promo (Promo, Start
Date, End Date, Discount Reason) by keying these into this screen.
2. Click on the Details button below to open the specification screen for this newly created
promotion scheme. Provide the details for this then click the Save button.
3. Following this, indicate the supplier(s) from whom these stocks are obtained by entering this
in the facility that will be generated in clicking the Suppliers button below. Be sure to save
your entries before leaving this screen by clicking the Save button.
4. Click Save again to save and exit from the Stock Promotion Setup screen.
Please refer to the Promotions discussion in Chapter 2 for further details on how to design a
stock promo in the system.

Appendix - 389 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Order List Screen

This screen is where the refilling of the business’s stocks is done. By default, this is set to
automatically receive orders from the Order Generation screen if the stock count autodetection is
enabled. However, orders can also be created here manually.
This screen can be obtained by going to the Stock screen (click Administrator > Stock) and
clicking the Order Maintenance option under the Management column.

Purchase orders are thoroughly

discussed in the Order Generation
and Order Maintenance topic in
Chapter 3. Please refer to this
section for details.

Professional Stock Control Screen

This screen is used to manually enter the amount used on a certain stock in its application to the
service being conducted. Through this the business has a much closer track on the usage of its
professional stocks unlike when being done automatically through the enabling of the Automatic
Stock Control feature of this system.
The Professional Stock Control screen is opened by going to the Stock screen (clicking
Administrator > Stock) and clicking the Professional Stock Control option under the
Management column.

Details on the use of this facility are discussed thoroughly in Chapter 3 under the topic
Professional Stock Control.

Appendix - 390 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
Stock Transfer Screen

This screen is used in supplying stocks to the other branches of the business. One important
condition in conducting this process is that the stocks must be provided with Part Numbers and
similar stocks to other branches must be adopting the same part numbers.
The Stock Transfer screen is brought up by first opening the Stock screen (clicking Administrator
> Stock) and clicking the Stock Transfer option under the Management column.

Details on the use of the Stock Transfer facility are discussed in the Stock Transfer topic in
Chapter 3.

Stock Setup Screen

This is where stocks are entered and can be viewed in the system, which is aside from the use of
the Import Stock utility program. This screen is subdivided into three major sections: the Display
Filter area, the Stock List area and the Stock Setup Facilities area.
The Display Filter area consists of accessibilities that limit the stocks being displayed in the list
depending on the set criteria in it.
The Stock List area is where the list of stocks is being generated.
While the Stock Setup Facilities area is where the extended settings of a certain stock are

The Stock Setup screen is accessible by going to the Stock screen and clicking in this the Lists
option under the Setup column.

Appendix - 391 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide
The following table shows the description of each field in this screen:

Stock Setup Fields

Fields Description

Type (or Stock Code) Indicate on this list whether the product is for selling (Retail) or used in
performing a service (Professional).

Stock Name Enter in this the assigned name for the product.

Order This shows the status of the stock reordering process whether it has been received already
(with a YES tag here) or not.

Retail Price Provide here the price amount for this stock when sold per piece.

Wholesale Price Provide here the price amount for this stock when sold in bulk.

Warning Level The value entered here determines the amount that when reached will automatically
generate an alert informing the staff that the quantity of the stock is running low.

Reorder Level The value entered here determines the time when ordering should be made to replenish the
stocks. This automatic reordering works in such a way that when the value provided in this
field has been exceeded (lower than the assigned Reorder Level value as this tend to
decrease over time), this stock will then show on the Stock Reorder screen where ordering
is performed.

Stock Count This indicates the currently available quantity of stocks.

Size Enter in this the capacity content of a certain stock (e.g. 350, 1.5, 500).

Unit Enter in this the unit measurement used for the stock (e.g. ml, pk, ea, oz, mg). Together
with the value entered into the Size field, these determine the content capacity of this stock.

Supplier Select from this list the supplier from whom this stock is ordered.

Stock Group Select from this list the Stock Group into which this stock belongs.

Sub Group Select from this list the Sub Group into which this stock belongs.

Bar Code Enter into this the Bar Code to assign for this stock. Once printed, this will serve as a much
easier way of entering stock data via barcode reader scan.

Part# Specify here the Part Number to assign to the stock.

Manufacturer Enter here the manufacturer or brand of this stock.

Points Earned Specify in this field the number of points to get when this stock is purchased. Earned points
can be used to pay for certain items or services in the business when available. The point
system is commonly used in many businesses to boost consumer purchase.

Points Redeemed Specify in this field the required number of points to buy this stock.

PMS Code Enter in this the code of an interfaced PMS system being used.

Budget Group Select from this list the Budget Group to use in selling this stock.

Stock Control This is used to tell the system to monitor the stock count and to auto-decrement it if a stock
is sold or used in a service.

Commission Amount Provide in this field the amount to give as a commission for selling this stock.

Active By default this is enabled or ticked. Unticking this, will keep this stock from showing in the
store which is the same as removing this from the system.

Web Ticking this enables this stock on being accessible through web access.

Bulk Ticking this enables the stock to be ordered in bulk.

Number This field works hand in hand with the Bulk field. If the Bulk checkbox is ticked the value
specified here determines the quantity for each bulk when ordered. That is when reordered
as 5 and the set amount on this field (Number) is 10, the quantity that will be obtained is 50.

Type (or Stock Code) Indicate from this list whether the product is for selling (Retail) or used in
performing a service (Professional).

Appendix - 392 -
GSI Sys t e m User Guide

Stock Setup Fields (...continued)

Fields Description

Bulk Retail Barcode Enter in this the barcode to assign for this stock when sold in retail.

Bulk Retail Price Enter in this the price for this stock when sold in retail.

Bulk Retail Size Indicate in this textbox the amount in size of this bulk.

Bulk Retail Unit Indicate in this the unit to use for this bulk item.

Medication Ticking this textbox enable the stock to be recognized as a medication such that this will
appear in a list of available items when composing a prescription.

Rack# For those companies that implements warehousing, this data is being used to indicate the
location of the stocks.

Batch Process When ticked, this tags the stock to be sold in a batch. Through this stocks are sold
according to the sequence by which they are received when ordered. Such that items of
first batch will be sold first before the succeeding batches and so on.

FDANN/HSR No. Indicate here the given registration number of the government agency that certifies the
safety of the stock. (for Philippine setting only)

FDA Expiry Date Enter in this the food and drug regulatory agency’s registration expiration date.

GBM Expiry Date Enter in this the production expiration of the product.

Freight Cost Specify here the amount charge for transporting the stock.

Brokerage Cost Enter in this the imputed charge for broker’s fee.

Category Code Provide in this the group upon which this product belongs to.

Import Duty

Barcode With Weight Indicate here the barcode that includes the weight specification of the stock.

Appendix - 393 -
GSI System© User Guide

Contact Details
As a supplement to the purchase of the GSI System software we offer to our clients the Annual Maintenance program that
includes unlimited access to our 24/7 Helpdesk Resources and Software Upgrades throughout the year. This provision also
includes requests for training(s) if needed so.
The Gumnut Helpdesk is exclusively accessible to our clients who have availed our Support Membership program, which is
payable annually. It utilizes the latest technologies that can access our client’s computers (PC) remotely via Internet to analyze
and fix issues. We are providing this support at no extra cost to our clients.
The Helpdesk is accessible thru Skype messenger, and utilizes calls and chat sessions. We also provide an FTP service to our
members for downloading or, uploading of information.

Helpdesk Support

Skype ID: gumnuthelpdesk_01

Phone : +63 2 856 5396
Fax : +63 2 501 5823
Web : www.gumnuts.com

Technical Support

eMail: support@gumnutsoftware.com
Administration Inquiries

eMail: admin@gumnutsoftware.com

Sales Inquiries

eMail: sales@gumnutsoftware.com

Postal Address:

Gumnut Software International

PO Box 584
Avalon NSW 2107
Phone: +612 8011 4780
+612 8011 4996
+612 9011 8182
Fax: +612 8678 1098
United Kingdom
Phone: +442 0719 33685
+442 0812 33727
+448 7047 96871

Contact Details

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