Val Nav Advanced Manual
Val Nav Advanced Manual
Val Nav Advanced Manual
The Customer hereby acknowledges that the Software and all patent rights, trademark rights,
service mark rights, copyrights, and any other intellectual property rights relating thereto are
and shall at all times remain the exclusive and valuable property of Aucerna, embody
substantial creative efforts and trade secrets, confidential information, ideas and expressions
which are proprietary trade secrets of Aucerna, and are furnished and disclosed, whether
verbal or written, by Aucerna to the Customer on a strictly confidential basis under their
relationship of utmost confidence and trust.
Except as otherwise provided in this Notice, the Customer will not disclose the Software or any
part thereof including any flow charts, logic diagrams, user manuals or screen shots, licensed
hereunder in any form to any third party without the prior written consent of Aucerna. The
Customer will take all reasonable steps to protect and safeguard the Software from
unauthorized use or disclosure and to assure that no person authorized to have access to any of
them will take any action with respect thereto which is prohibited herein.
The Customer will promptly report to Aucerna the occurrence of any prohibited action with
respect to the Software of which the Customer becomes aware.
Confidentiality Notice ii
Acknowledgement of Confidential Information ii
Non-Disclosure of Confidential Information ii
Notice of Actions ii
Project Setup 1
Folder Hierarchies 1
Project Options 2
General 3
Company Logo 4
Report Titles and Report Headers & Footers 4
Economics 5
Economics > Royalties and Taxes 7
Reserves 8
External Project Data 8
SI/IMP Conversion Factors 8
User Options 8
General 9
File Locations 9
Fit Settings 10
Fit Settings > Product Specific 11
Units 13
Connection Settings 13
Import Parameters 13
External Data Settings 15
External Data Settings > Data Sources 15
Common Reserves Category 15
Inherited Values 16
Override Inherited Values 16
Restore Inherited Values 18
Plans 22
Creating a New Stand-alone Plan 23
Merging Plans 24
Calculated Plans 25
Validation of the Well Set with Probability Analysis using Cross Plot Profiles 39
Cross Plot Options 39
Distribution Tab 41
Frequency Tab 42
Probability Tab 42
Appendix A 74
About Type Wells 74
Well Cut-off Point 74
Gap Wells and Shut In wells 75
Appendix B 76
Special Fitting Methods 76
1. From the View menu, select Entity Hierarchy > Edit Hierarchies.
2. Click Add Hierarchy to create a new hierarchy or Copy to copy an existing hierarchy.
a. Val Nav suggests that new hierarchies are always created, rather than modifying the
Default hierarchy. The unmodified Default hierarchy provides access to an
The project options are key to the evaluation of individual entities, groups of entities and to the
project as a whole.
Project Configuration includes:
• Specification of contents for Report Titles, Headers and Footers
• Setting project-level default parameters
• Defining the parameters for the economic evaluation of entities and the company
You can access Project Options during a data import by clicking the Edit button on the Import
dialog, or from Tools > Options within a project. Project Options are specific to a project and
can only be changed by an administrator. Project settings can be exported to a *.xml or
*.ValNavProjectOptions file and then imported into any other project database, or used in the
Default project data file User Option to set default project options for all new projects.
Company Logo
• Select an image file that contains your Company logo. Images are automatically resized,
if required.
• Use Logo position to determine the placement of the selected logo on your reports.
• Customize Reporting options such as report titles and headers and footers using fields in
the database, or by typing directly in one of the grid lines. Data entered directly into a
grid line is not dynamic and will appear on all reports.
• Reference Date is the effective date from which remaining reserves are calculated and
is the default date for reports and reserves forecasts to begin. Only capital spent after
this date will be included in the cash flow. NPV values are calculated to the Reference
• Economic Calculation Start Date is the date from which economics are calculated.
Changing this date may require manual updating of interest reversion balances, royalty
incentive balances and delayed abandonment/salvage amounts. It is recommended that
you do not move the Economic Calculation Start Date and use the Balance Effective
Dates instead for reversions and incentives, and change the inflation in your price deck
to the current year. The Economic Calculation Start Date and the Reference Date are the
same by default, but you can set the Economic Calculation Start Date before the
Reference Date. The Economic Calculation Start Date cannot be set later than the last
posted date in a posted database.
• Last year for monthly output is the last year for which monthly results values will be
stored. All subsequent data will be available as annual data. All results are calculated
monthly; it is only the storage of the results data that is impacted by this option. When a
well terminates during a yearly forecast, the fraction of the year and the calendar rate
for the fraction are calculated. Change this date to see more monthly data on the
economic detail reports. To generate reports with all annual data, set this option to the
year prior to the reference date, and set the month of the Reference Date to January.
• Select Enable tax pools to include tax pools in the economic evaluation of the company.
The company level of the entity hierarchy must be selected for use of tax pools.
• Use Book Tax (Standalone Tax) on corporate level only. The deductible amount is
limited to the project’s or entity’s available write-off. Book Tax limits the tax deductions
allowed in any year to be less than or equal to the taxable income. Therefore, Book Tax
does not allow the tax payable to be less than zero. Any available tax deduction
exceeding the taxable income in a given year is carried forward to the next year. If
applied at company level, Book Tax is applied only when running corporate-level
economics. If applied at all levels, book tax is calculated at the company level, as well as
each folder level and entity-level.
• Use book tax (standalone) on all levels.
• Use current tax. The full amount of the project’s or entity’s available tax deduction is
used, regardless of the amount of taxable income. This can result in a negative tax if the
deductions exceed the taxable income. The Current Tax approach allows negative tax
based on the assumption that this will be offset by other entities within the corporation
which have a positive tax payable in the same time period.
• Canadian tax settings
- Select Enable Sask. Capital Surcharge to apply the Saskatchewan capital surcharge.
• US company type
- Independent: Results in a two-year G & G depreciation and immediate IDC write-off.
- Minor integrated: Results in two-year G & G depreciation and a 70% IDC write-off
with the other 30% being depreciated over 5 years using the half-year rule.
- Major integrated: Results in five-year G & G depreciation and a 70% IDC write-off
with the other 30% being depreciated over 5 years using the half-year rule.
Automated reserves reconciliation (ARR), which is designed to simplify reconciliations by
eliminating the need to manually create a change record each time you modify an entity. With
ARR enabled, Val Nav detects the changes you made and creates the required change records
when you click Reconcile (Review > Change Records or Review > Waterfall).
Automated reserves reconciliation is enabled by default in any project created in Val Nav 2018
(you can still create change records manually using the Balance button). However, ARR is not
enabled by default in any project upgraded to Val Nav 2018 or later. For upgraded projects, you
must enable ARR manually in Project Options. You can only enable ARR on upgraded projects
with data in the Accepted plan.
User Options are user-specific global settings that control the auto-forecasting functions and
affect only the current user’s work environment. User Options can be accessed during a data
import by clicking the Edit button on the Import dialog, or from Tools > Options > User Options
within an open project.
• Reserves category display during entity selection determines which reserves category
to display when you select an entity.
- Keep current reserves category stays on the currently selected reserves category
when moving from one entity to another.
- Select first reserves category with data selects the first reserves category that has
data when moving from one entity to another.
• Play delay sets the amount of time Val Nav will remain on each entity when using the
Auto-play feature.
• Enable Use Sparse Reporting Logic to prevent reports that return no data from being
displayed in Batch Manager.
• Set the default Decline display settings for the Predictions tab to display and report
nominal (instantaneous) versus effective decline rates. Select either secant or tangent
for effective decline rates.
• Click Reset Suppressed Warnings to enable warnings that were previously turned off.
File Locations
• Report and Graph Definitions sets the location of custom report and graph files and
stores views created in Data View. The folder selected will contain three sub folders -
Reports, Graphs and Views - into which your custom reports, graphs and views will be
placed. The Shared files directory allows reports, graphs and views to be accessed by
multiple users by using the same path to the shared folder.
• Project Default Directories sets the location for your saved project files.
Fit Settings
A Val Nav Auto Forecast is created with an iterative selection of points to identify all possible
decline trends within the date range specified in User Options. The best exponent (N) and the
best decline rate (Di) to match the selection of production history are calculated. Based on
factors applied to the number of Points, to the Recency of the data and the Error of the trend
curve data points in comparison to the actual data points, the best of these trends is
Auto-forecast parameters are applied on import only. To update existing wells when Auto-
forecast settings are changed, select the top folder level in your Entity Explorer, then select
Best fit from the Predictions menu.
• Inclining or shallow decline transition (Oil & Gas) limits the length of inclining or very
shallow declines. If the auto-fit routine detects an inclining or shallow declining trend at
the end of production, then the forecast will begin with an inclining segment, or a very
shallow declining segment.
- Minimum decline (nominal slope) is used to determine whether the most recent
production produces a trend with a shallow decline, which will then be treated in a
similar manner to an incline and maintained for a specified period of time before
• The default values for Rate, Slope, Volume and Cumulative for each product (standard
and custom products) can be set here. The values will apply to graphs and data grids
where the product is used. Values for both Imperial and Metric (SI) units can be
Connection Settings
• Settings for Oracle and SQL Server connections. Contact your administrator for
assistance with these settings.
Import Parameters
The import parameters that the administrator has set when importing new production data are
applied to the Working reserves copy.
• General
- Enable Import latitude/longitude to populate entities with latitude and longitude
values from the data source. Disable to maintain existing latitude and longitude
values. These coordinates are used for locating entities on the Map view.
- Enable Recalculate depths for groups on import to have Val Nav recalculate the GCI,
measured, and/or true vertical depths on groups when importing new production
Use the Common Reserves Category to enter entity-level economic data, such as prices,
interests, operating costs, liquid ratios and gas analyses, that will be shared by all reserves
categories for a particular well. The reserves categories that have inputs in the current entity
will inherit common data, but can be overridden on each reserves category to allow a change in
values from the common values for that specific reserves category. It is not necessary to have
the Common reserves category selected when making changes. As long as the values being
entered are shared values and not overrides to a specific reserves category, the changed values
will be applied to Common, regardless which reserves category is actually selected.
Inherited Values
The Information Bar at the top of tabs that have inputs (Predictions and Economics), indicates
the source of inputs on the currently selected reserves category and the outcome of actions
performed. It is not necessary to have the Common reserves category selected when making
changes. As long as the values being entered are shared values and not overrides to a specific
reserves category, the changed values will be applied to Common, regardless which reserves
category is actually selected.
The source plan and reserves category are indicated in bold text and the color of the
information bar indicates the result of input values:
• Yellow – any edits done on this tab will be made to the Common category and those
changes will flow to any reserve category or plan that inherits data from Common.
• Green – any edits on this tab will be made to the currently selected reserves category
only. The information bar on the Common Reserves Category is always green.
• Grey – indicates that the user is looking at a plan other than the source plan.
3. Click Override to change the Information Bar to green and the input mode to the
selected reserves category. This Override will affect only the current tab in the selected
reserves category. Note that the Override button is now a Reset button.
4. All values that were present on the Common reserves category are copied to the
overridden reserves category. These values will no longer change if the Common
reserves category values are modified. Change the required value(s) that is to be applied
A warning will be displayed notifying you that the values entered will be removed to return to
the inherited values. Click OK to return to the Common Reserves Category values.
The information bar will once again be yellow, and the source input reserves category will be
displayed in the information bar.
1. From the Tools menu, select Global Project Data > Plans.
2. Click Add.
3. Give your new Plan a Name.
4. The default action is to create the new Plan as a child of the currently selected Plan,
thus inheriting all of the input from this Plan. To make the new Plan a stand-alone plan,
click the drop-down arrow in the Source Plan field and select the blank space above
5. Use the Secure checkbox to control who can enter data on a plan. The corresponding
Edit Secure Plan Data policy and the allowable Plans must also be assigned to users who
can modify secured plans. Access Security Policies from Administration > Security
Use the Merge Plans feature to merge economic and technical inputs between plans. You can
merge plans to perform tasks such as moving a budget plan into a reserves plan. Merging plans
will replace data in the destination plan with only the selected data from the source plan for the
selected entities.
When creating a stand-alone plan, data must be created manually for the new plan, or merged
from another plan.
1. In the Entity Explorer, select the entity for which you want to merge plan data.
a. To merge plan data for multiple wells, select the folder that contains the wells.
b. If the wells are not already in the same folder, filter to the required wells and select
the top folder level in the hierarchy.
2. From the Entity menu, select Data Manager.
3. Select Merge Plans in the Data Manager dialog.
4. Select the Source plan that contains the data to be merged.
5. Select the Destination plan that the data is to be merged into.
6. Select appropriate options
Calculated plans enable you to define calculations between plans and view the incremental
results in each reserves category.
1. From the Tools menu, select Global Project Data > Plans.
2. Click Add to select the plans to include in your calculation.
3. Provide a name for your plan and an option description of the calculation.
4. Plans can be added by leaving the Factor set to 1 for each plan, or subtracted by setting
one factor to -1.
5. Click Add Plans to add more plans to your calculation.
6. Click OK when you have completed the setup for your Calculated plan.
You can select specific wells, flag the wells, and filter the well list to display only these wells.
1. Highlight a well in the Entity Explorer and click Flag Current Hierarchy Selection ( ) on
the Standard toolbar.
2. Select a well in Data View, then select the check box in the Flagged column (if it is
visible), or right-click and select Set Flags from the menu.
You can access filters by selecting View > Filter Well List or the All Filters button ( ) on the
Standard toolbar. The selections made depend on the filter you wish to create.
1. From the View menu or the All Filters button ( ) on the Standard toolbar, select Filter
Well List.
2. In the Filter dialog, click Add Filter Item ( ) for each parameter you wish to use to
filter the well list.
a. Click the selector lists to select the required parameter, operator and value.
b. The asterisk symbol (*) is used as a wild card representing any letter. The operator
“Like” must be selected in the filter item whenever a wild card is being used.
3. Select Match all of the items (AND) or Match any of the items (OR), whichever is
appropriate for your filter.
4. Click Nested Filter ( ) to created nested parameters.
5. Click Save or Save As if you want to save the filter for future use.
6. Click Apply to filter the well list to match the created filter, leaving the Filter dialog open
for adjustments.
7. Click OK to filter the well list to match the created filter and close the Filter dialog.
8. Click Clear Active Filter to clear the parameter selections and start building a new filter.
Type Wells display an averaged representation of the production history for a sample of wells
with a forecast based on that history. Val Nav normalizes the start of each well’s production
history to time zero and calculates an average of the combined history starting from that date.
a. Method: Select Aggregation or Selected Well. This determines the type of statistical
analysis performed to calculate weighting factors. The Aggregation method
performs a Monte Carlo type calculation.
b. Future drill count: Specify the number of wells that will be forecasted using the type
well. Used to calculate weighting factors.
c. High/Low EUR: Number of extrapolation points used to extend the trend line on the
graph for high and low EUR.
d. Distribution: Select Smoothed or Actual data. Determines how the trend line is
calculated from source wells.
5. Click Calculate Factors to see the effect of the selected factors in the Probability Plot
6. Click OK to create the Type Well.
After creating a type well, Val Nav automatically changes to the Type Wells view and selects the
Type Well horizontal tab. This view can be accessed at any time from the main tool bar.
• To zoom in on the graph, draw a box around the area to zoom with your left mouse
• To zoom back out, right-click and select Zoom Out, or click the ‘z’ key on your keyboard.
• Right-click the graph to set the Plot Method (Rate/Time or Rate/Cum) and the Scale
(Linear or Semi-log)
• The displayed graph is the only graph available in the Type Wells view and the graph will
always report in Producing time
To see the calculated overall production profile of the Type Well and its reserve properties,
select the Predictions | Declines tab.
1. Click Recalculate after each change is made to apply the changes to the type well.
2. Select Options to display the Create Type Well dialog and review or change the original
settings used to create the type well.
3. Toggle Data Point Tracking on and off to click on specific points in the curve and see
values associated with that point.
4. To normalize the Type Well curve to the peak production of each child well, click the
Normalize to Peak Rates icon.
5. To normalize a source well’s history to a different data point in its history click the
Normalization Mode icon. Drag the well’s curve horizontally across the graph.
6. To normalize the Type Well curve to a selected range of data click on the Normalization
Range icon. Click the left mouse button and drag the cursor across the source well
traces to select the date range from within which you want to normalize by peak
7. After any manipulation of the source well data using the options outlined above, the
source wells can be set back to their original settings with the first month of production
for each well aligned to time zero by clicking on the Reset to Zero icon.
8. Wells can be removed from a type well, temporarily or permanently.
9. A new well can be created from a type well.
10. The type well can be quickly copied to a new type well with a different weighting factor.
Existing source wells can be temporarily or permanently removed from a Type Well and
additional wells can be added. After each operation, recalculate the Type Well to include the
change to the source data.
5. Click the enter key to produce the forecast as selected. The profile will be overlaid on
the existing Type Well curve and the Forecast start vertical line moved to the beginning
of the new profile. To redo the decline, repeat Steps 2 to 5.
1. Select the type well in the hierarchy, then select the Type Well tab.
2. Click Create Well … to open the Well Information dialog and enter the required values
for the new well.
3. Enter a Display Name for your new well. This is the well name that will appear in the
Entity Hierarchy. This can be any value as long as it is not the same as any existing well.
4. Make sure a Country and State/Province are selected if you will be running economics
on your new well so Val Nav knows which economic regime to use.
5. A Scaling Factor can be applied to the production of the new well.
6. Select a Start Date for the newly created well. This will default to the project Reference
7. If you have created more than one plan, you can select a particular Destination Plan to
assign the decline to. This may be useful when creating a drilling program.
8. Select a Reserves Category to create the decline in. If you will be creating a drilling
program or future drill, you may wish to select the TP reserves category.
9. To create a new folder for your new well in your current hierarchy, select the Custom
Fields tab and modify the appropriate custom field.
The lower half of the main pane is where wells can be deselected and selected by unchecking or
checking the Use checkbox against a well name. After amending the selection of source wells,
click Recalculate to update the Cross Plot data.
Choose the type of data that will be used to calculate the initial production values. Choices
• Average Calendar Rate – average calendar day rate over a specified number of months
(including or excluding the first month)
• Average Producing Rate – average producing day rate over a specified number of
months (including or excluding the first month)
• Peak Calendar Rate – the maximum calendar day rate
Months to use
A checkbox is available to include/exclude the first month of production from the calculations.
Note that if this check box is unchecked, the number of months used to calculate the IP will be
reduced by one from the value displayed, i.e. if Months to use is set to 3 and Include first month
is unchecked then only 2 months will be used to calculate the IP (months 2 and 3).
Choose from Oil, Gas, Oil Equivalent and Gas Equivalent.
This value is intended for a future enhancement. Currently, the only selection is Lognormal.
Always click this button after making any changes to options, in the grid, or on a graph to
update the Cross Plot.
If the display selection is Type Wells, this button will appear as Update Type Well. Any wells
previously included in the Type Well calculations that have subsequently had their Use
checkbox unchecked will be displayed as Excluded in the list of Type Well source wells and the
Type Well will be updated.
The Probability vertical tab displays a probability plot of the production rate type selected in
the grid below and a probability plot of the estimated ultimate recoverable (EUR) reserves.
Wells and individual data points can be selected or deselected on either of the Probability Plots.
Individual data points can be selected/deselected with a double mouse click. The solid circle
will display as hollow when unselected. When Recalculate is clicked to update the Cross Plot,
the associated well is removed from the calculations and the data point disappears from the
When you right mouse click on either of the two displayed graphs a number of additional
options are available for modifying the well selection.
The price deck to be used when evaluating entities in the project is set by an administrator and
applies to all entities in the project database. A Price Set can be selected from those in the price
deck currently in use. If you don’t see the price set you would like to select, click More …
Capital Costs
Capital costs can be entered on individual entities in Entity View on the Economics | Prices &
Costs | Capital Costs tab, or in bulk using the Data View grids or a spreadsheet import. Security
Operating Costs
Operating costs can be entered on individual entities in Entity View on the Economics | Prices
& Costs | Operating Costs tab or in bulk using the Data View grids or a spreadsheet import.
Security permissions are required to use some of the bulk editing tools. Contact your
administrator for access. The Input Copier in the Tools menu can be used to copy operating
costs to other wells.
The interest to be applied to the cost type that is entered is determined by the cost type
selected. If a Working Interest (WI) cost type is selected, the Capital Cost Interest value (set on
the Interests & Royalties tab) is applied. If a Facility Interest (FI) cost type is selected, the Facility
Interest (set on the Interests & Royalties tab) is applied. Gross costs are entered, and the
interest is applied when economics are generated. If you are using an incremental forecast on
the well, the Base cost assigned to the PDP reserves category will be displayed in the costs grid
on each reserves category.
The Operating Costs tab uses sparse data entry, which means that operating costs are entered
on the date they begin and do not need to be entered for subsequent dates. The same cost is
applied until another value is entered or the well becomes uneconomic.
1. The top Gas Properties table shows the gas composition for the Master Gas Analysis,
the Plant Inlet and Plant Outlet, and the Theoretical Yield calculation. The composition
that can be edited is determined by the Input Mode Selector menu. Selecting the Input
Mode will highlight the editable row in blue.
a. Royalties are always calculated using the Outlet Gas Analysis composition.
2. Plant data can be entered in one of three input modes, depending on the type of data
you want to enter. The manner in which the data is handled is determined by the Input
Mode selected.
a. Raw Ratios: Use this method to enter ratios based on raw gas into the Inlet Gas
Analysis or the lower grid. These ratios are applied to the Raw gas volumes and
result in Process Loss.
A seed well is any well whose input data will be used to create a schedule of wells to be drilled.
This well might not itself be included in the reserves reporting.
• The well should have a production forecast in at least one of the undeveloped reserves
categories, but may have production forecasts on more than one reserves category. For
example, Proved Undeveloped, Proved + Probable Undeveloped, etc.
• All economic parameters, including capital costs, should be entered on the seed well.
• The user should evaluate the entity to ensure that it is economical.
• All general well information, including any custom fields, should be appropriately
populated, particularly to ensure that the scheduled wells will be included in the
appropriate hierarchy folders.
The Bulk Well Generator uses a seed well to create a program of new wells that will be drilled
according to a schedule. All required parameters, including a forecast and all economic values,
should be entered on the seed well before using the generator.
The production forecast and all economic parameters for a single reserves category are copied
to create the program, shifting dates as specified in the program definition. By default, the date
used for the start of production on each well in the schedule is equal to the amount of time
between the last capital expenditure and the start of production in the source well.
You can specify:
• The number of wells to be drilled
• The number of rigs available for drilling
• The start date of each well
• A common production date for all wells in the row
• COS and COO factors for each well
• Production and Capital factors for each well
Definition Tab
Enter parameters on this tab to define the drilling schedule for the new wells. The initial data
displayed represents the data from the single seed well. The Start Date for the first entity will,
by default, be the Reference Date of the database. This date defines the first date of capital
expenditure on the seed well.
The Start Date can be revised to reflect the first date of capital expenditure for the earliest
entity in the program. This date does not have to be after the date of the seed well. All dates
related to the seed well (first date of capital expenditure, forecast start date, etc.) will be
adjusted by the number of months to reflect the difference between the month of the start of
forecast date of the seed well and the specified date.
The well count for a specific event can be edited to add or reduce the number of wells planned
for that date.
The number of rigs available for concurrent drilling and the time in days (or months) between
wells, can also be edited. This will take into account the number of rigs available when
scheduling start dates.
As the Add option is used, a single well based on the previously selected source well with a
single rig will be created with the Start Date calculated from the previous event. For each new
event added, the number of wells and the number of rigs can be edited.
Following the logic of scheduling the best wells to be drilled first, the Chance of Success (COS),
Chance of Occurrence (COO), Production Factor and Capital Factor can be modified for later
drilling events.
Timetable Tab
Once the schedule has been defined, it must be generated on the Timetable tab to create the
new wells. This tab displays the individual wells that will be created, each with a yellow sun
symbol beside the well name, denoting that the new wells have not been created.
To create the new wells, click the Generate Wells button.
The new wells can be viewed by either expanding the schedule name in the Entity Explorer
pane or by moving to the Wells and Groups view. Wells created via the Bulk Well Generator
can be edited independently. However, the link is maintained back to the source well and
when the Bulk Well Generator is updated the next time, all manual edits on any well in the
schedule will be overwritten. This link allows the editing of parameters on the seed well and
updating of the associated wells through the Bulk Well Generator.
Within the Bulk Well Generator
• Wells can be moved from one date to another.
1. In the Explorer, select the seed well and the undeveloped reserves category on the seed
well that contains the forecast and economic data for your future drills, then right click
and point to Create as, and select Bulk Well Generator. (You can specify other source
wells once you have created the schedule).
2. In the Create Bulk Well Generator dialog box, type a Name for the schedule.
3. Enter Entity Properties information, if required.
4. Enter text for the Custom Fields, if required (to organize the wells into a folder in the
Entity Hierarchy).
5. Select a Plan to Copy if you have created the source data on a specific plan.
6. Click OK to create the schedule.
The new schedule appears in the Explorer.
7. Select the new schedule in the Explorer and go to Bulk Well Generator | Definition. The
source well appears in the first row of the schedule.
8. Complete the following fields:
As the well name contains the bulk well schedule name and the sequence number by which it
was created, when a well is moved the sequence number may change. When a well is moved
to a date that had another well moved out of it, the sequence number on the end of the well
name may not be the next available number. It will be a number that has not yet been used at
any time. In essence, you are deleting one well from the row where the # of Wells was reduced
and creating a new one in the row where the # of Wells was increased. A well removed from
the schedule remains in the database, but not as part of the Bulk Well Generator (see below for
permanently deleting wells).
A well can be deleted or removed from the Generator. Deleting a well will permanently
remove the well from both the Generator and the project database, if there was no associated
opening balance. Removing a well from the Generator removes the well from the Generator
and severs the link to the seed well, but does not delete the well from the project. It will still be
available in the Entity Hierarchy. If you are starting over with your schedule and do not wish to
retain any of the wells created, select the option to Delete the wells.
1. Edit the # of Wells for an event on the Definition tab by reducing the well count.
a. A red dot indicates the source well has been modified but the related wells in the
schedule have not been updated with the modification(s).
b. A sunburst indicates a well has been added on the Definition tab and updating the
timetable will add a new well
c. A red X indicates a well has been removed on the Definition tab and updating the
timetable will remove the well.
d. If you do not wish to apply source well changes to particular wells, the wells can be
unchecked, or the Action can be changed to No Action.
To use the recently created new wells in a new Schedule, delete the Bulk Well Generator parent
entity. If the Bulk Well Generator parent entity is not deleted, any changes made to the Bulk
Well Generator will override changes made to the schedule.
Highlight the Bulk Well Generator entity, right mouse click and from the sub-menu select
Delete entity. Select the appropriate option, then click Yes to continue.
• Unlink child entities to remove the Bulk Well Generator object, but keep the wells
created by the bulk well generator available in the entity hierarchy. This is the
appropriate action if you are going to create a schedule, or want to keep the wells you
have generated.
• Permanently delete child entities will remove both the Bulk Well Generator parent
entity AND the wells created by it. This is the appropriate action if you no longer want to
keep the wells created by the Bulk Well Generator and want to start over from scratch.
Schedules are entities that sum the production and economics of their child wells and display
the wells on the Timeline tab so you can easily view the combined production and timing of the
wells. You can also move wells on the timeline to adjust their forecast start dates and other
dates such as capital and operating costs.
To view the schedule, change to Schedules view, where the Timeline tab will be displayed. The
Timeline tab is accessible from both Entity View and Data View. In the Layout Menu on the
right, make sure the correct product(s) are selected for the entities.
The graph will display the well count and total production rate over time for all child entities in
the Schedule, according to the selections made in the Layout Menu.
To adjust multiple entities simultaneously, select the first entity (as above), and then either
select additional non-contiguous entities by holding down the Ctrl key and selecting them, or
hold down the Shift key and select the last entity in a contiguous list.
Single or multiple constraint values can be added to the graph in the Schedule view.
Click the + Add Constraint button to select a constraint and value to add to the graph.
The constraint is displayed on the graph as a horizontal line, but does not adjust any well start
dates automatically. As wells are manually adjusted in the grid below, the graph dynamically
updates to show if an applied constraint is being exceeded at any point in the future.
Schedules are not automatically saved. Once a schedule has been satisfactorily adjusted it must
be saved manually. Click on the active Save Change button to apply the adjustments to the
Schedule. You can also select the Undo Changes button to restore the Schedule to the last save
point. These buttons are located at the top of the graph on the Timeline tab.
The View will switch back to Schedules and immediately below the graph will be text identifying
the additional well count that is contributing to overall production during the displayed
timeframe. The contributing wells are not added to the lower grid, but their production is
added to the graph. Further constraint adjustments may now need to be made based on the
additional production.
You can select wells, folders, plans and reserves categories to run as a one-off reports, or save
the selections for use in future report runs. Depending on the selections made, entity-level and
folder-level reports can be generated at the same time, in several reserves categories and
plans. If you select more than one batch to run simultaneously , you can also select Consolidate
Results to add the batch results together or subtract them from each other using factors.
Once you have run a batch, you can select reports or create customized report lists and use
them with your batches. Use caution when using Batch Manager - output tables can fill up
Calculation Options
The Batch Manager can be used to run economics, create economic cases appropriately
without creating the reports, or to generate reports from existing or new economic results.
Recalculation mode:
• Calculate if necessary (default): Only calculate economics if a change has been made to
the entity
• Do not calculate: Will not run new economics, just report on the currently run set of
After Calculation:
• Do not show reports: Just calculate the economics, do not display the Print Preview
windows after the scenario is calculated.
• Show print preview (default): Display the Print Preview after the scenario is calculated
so that reports can be selected and printed.
• Print selected reports: Automatically send all reports in the currently selected report list
to the default printer after the scenario is calculated.
10. To generate reports using the default project options, select the appropriate
Recalculation mode (default is Calculate if necessary), and After calculation mode
(default is Show print preview). Reports can be run from either the Quick Selection or
Select from batch list mode.
11. At the bottom right corner of the Batch Manager dialog, click Run.
1. Scenarios must be created before they can be run. Scenarios can be accessed from
multiple locations:
a. In the Tools menu, select Global Project Data > Scenarios.
b. On the Scenarios tab of the Batch Manager, select Edit Scenarios.
2. In the Scenarios dialog box, click Add.
3. Enter a name and click OK.
a. This name can be modified at any time.
4. Under Scenario visibility, select one of the following options:
a. Project Scenario: The scenario is part of the project and is available to all users.
Project Scenarios can be exported along with other Val Nav project data.
b. User Scenario: The scenario is only available to the user who created it, in the
current project. User Scenarios are not exported along with other Val Nav project
5. Under Scenario parameters, select one of the following options:
a. Shared: The scenario is applied to all plans.
b. Per Plan: The scenario is applied only to the specified plan. Select a Plan to apply the
scenario to.
6. Modify the Calculation Options, Calculation Dates, Risk, and Sensitivity variables as
7. Click OK to save the scenario.
Once you have run a batch, you can select reports or create customized report lists and use
them with your batches. Use caution when using Batch Manager - output tables can fill up
Calculation Options
The Batch Manager can be used to run economics, create economic cases appropriately
without creating the reports, or to generate reports from existing or new economic results.
Recalculation mode:
• Calculate if necessary (default): Only calculate economics if a change has been made to
the entity
• Do not calculate: Will not run new economics, just report on the currently run set of
• Force recalculation: Force all entities to be recalculated, whether or not a change has
been detected
After Calculation:
• Do not show reports: Just calculate the economics, do not display the Print Preview
windows after the scenario is calculated.
1. Scenarios can be run from the Batch Manager to apply the scenario to multiple wells or
folders or to consolidate and compare results. To open Batch Manager:
a. On the Tools menu, click Batch Manager.
b. On the toolbar, click the Batch Manager icon.
2. Under Entity Selection Mode, click Quick Selection to select the data that will be
included in the report run, or choose Select from batch list if a batch was previously
created and saved.
3. Change to the Scenarios tab.
10. Reports can be printed or exported using the Toolbar at the top of the Print Preview
In the graph above, at Time 1, Well 1 has run out of production data, but is not shut in and is
assumed to be producing. At Time 2, Well 3 is not producing and is considered a shut in well. At
Time 3, only Well 2 is producing, but Well 3 is still being used in the type well calculation with a
producing rate of zero.
If the forecasts of the child wells are included, the well count used in the type well calculation is
always the total number of wells.
If Value Navigator cannot find a fit for the method you selected, it falls back to other fit
methods as described below: · Duong and Stretched fall back to Arps
Set d-infinity Use this option to specify the d infinity term that is used in
the Power Law Loss Ratio fitting instead of allowing Value
Navigator to automatically calculate it when determining
the fit. You can set this term for oil and gas separately.