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Reservoir Engineering Bundle Seat: License and Module Description

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Reservoir Engineering Bundle Seat

License and Module Description

A. Modeling Environment
1. Petrel Reservoir Engineering
a. Advanced Gridding and Upscaling
b. Petrel Production Interpretation
c. RE Extension Suite (Material Balance, Geoscreening, EOR Screening and Decision, Hydraulic
Fracture modeler and Schedule Table Tool)
d. Ocean
B. Simulators
1. ECLIPSE Core Simulator
a. ECLIPSE Block Parallel (16)
b. Local Grid Refinement
c. Advanced Wells (MSW)
2. INTERSECT Enabler

A. Modeling Environment
1. Petrel Reservoir Engineering
Reservoir Engineering Core The Reservoir Engineering core is the entry level module to Petrel for reservoir engineers conducting simulation workflows.
Base module for reservoir engineers The RE core contains features that allow users to take static 3D geological models and add dynamic data to create simulation
models. This includes modeling of PVT behaviour of reservoir fluids; fluid-rock properties - relative permeability & capillary
pressure; modeling initial equilibrium fluid distributions in the reservoir, completions modeling and support for segmented well
models in the simulator, scheduling of historical production data and well events, and creating production schedules for
performance prediction.
Simulation cases can be validated for the INTERSECT and ECLIPSE simulators and executed on a variety of hardware
systems. Cases can be reconstructed from imported existing ECLIPSE keyword input files to a large extent. Petrel exported
ECLIPSE cases can be further extended using the keyword editor tool; INTERSECT cases can also be extended from within
Petrel with user written input files. Simulation results can be viewed as line plots and overlayed with historical observed data or
as 3D properties and superimposed with geological or geophyscial data using standard Petrel 2D/3D visualization tools,
streamline visualization and the simulation results charting & analysis tool. Synthetic logs can be created from simulation
results and displayed with observed RFT/PLT data. Basic sensitivity workflows in the Uncertainty & Optimization process can
be run and visualized in tornado charts, and simple production optimization objective functions can be defined.
The RE core includes access to the basic Petrel environment (Windows, Trees, Data I/O, Online help, Petrel GURU etc.) and
tools. Pillar gridding, 3D grid editing, contact definition, scale up of zones and geometric properties, calculators for logs,
surfaces and points, the workflow editor for automating workflows and creating multiple realizations of simulation cases, and
the sensitivity & uncertainty tasks within the Uncertainty & Optimization process are some of the features the RE core shares
with the Geoscience core. The RE core also provides access to the following legacy pre-post applications - ECLIPSE Office,
FloViz, FloGrid, Schedule and GRAF.
Starting from 2015 Petrel RE includes a set of tools for working with analytical models and production data (diagnostic plots
RTA and PTA, analytical models’ creation and calibration against PTA and RTA data, VFP tables generation and Nodal analysis
(using the built-in PIPESIM engine).

Advanced Gridding and Upscaling This module contains several advanced features for improving grids, mainly for use in simulation studies. Local gridding allows
Local grid refinement / coarsening, advanced creation of small cells (including unstructured) around features such as wells for improved resolution during dynamic simulation.
properties re-scaling Upscaling techniques for resampling fine-scaled geological models to coarser-scale simulation models are extended to include
a flexible tensor upscaling function for determining effective permeability in each simulation cell. Stair Step faulting allows
combining pillars and IJK faults for the creation of more orthogonal grids for simulation even when faults are highly inclined.

Petrel RE Extension Suite This package serves as an extension to existing Petrel RE / Combined Core license with active maintenance by providing
A package of additional modules to benefit from the access to the following tools:
Petrel RE license usage • Material Balance – creation and analysis of Material Balance models inside Petrel using the MBX engine;
• EOR Screening and Decision (EOR S&D) – quick screening of potentially feasible EOR based on several criteria:
microscale sweep efficiency, fluid and agent compatibility, geological properties and experience of application of
similar fields (more than 2700 project around the world)
• Hydraulic Fracture Modeler – explicit modeling of HF and MSHF by creation of dedicated local grid refinement with
complex geometries on the reservoir grids. This method is usually most applicable for reservoir managements
systems with high density of horizontal wells and frac stages.
• Geoscreening – quick assessment of the reservoir connectivity based on simplified streamlines generation on top of
each of the geological realizations. This can be done for further selection of the best representative geological cases
in terms of both the static volumes and dynamic connectivity for further hydrodynamic modeling.
• Schedule Table Tool is dedicated to generating and exporting the tabulated data to the ECLIPSE cases
SCHEDULE section. The tables are associated with the ECLIPSE keywords format and stored as user-defined
templates. The plugin can work with a large amount of data and enables prompt edits or deletion of the entered data.
The plug-in supports importing data from Excel and txt files.

Ocean Store Ocean is a software development framework that gives oil and gas companies the freedom to create advantage. By
building or integrating specialized technologies and workflows directly inside the Schlumberger software platform.

The E&P companies can profit from proprietary technology and ideas, and immediately put innovation in the hands of
their interpreters. These capabilities can be developed internally, or by working with Ocean partners, to rapidly
incorporate new science- plug-ins into company workflows.

Leveraging the Ocean framework with the Schlumberger software platforms, users can create best-in-class workflows
without the disadvantages and inconvenience of fragmented multiple software solutions. Experienced company
geoscientists and engineers, as well as new hires, are immediately able to access new technology in a familiar software
environment to help accelerate project timelines. New software requirements can be deployed to support operations
and key decision-making processes faster than ever before.

B. Simulators
1. ECLIPSE Core Simulator

ECLIPSE Core Simulator ECLIPSE – the industry standard reservoir simulator with the most comprehensive set of modeled processes in the reservoir
ECLIPSE BlackOil base simulator
Fully implicit, three-phase, three-dimensional, multifunctional black oil reservoir simulator.

The ECLIPSE black oil simulator is the industry standard for reservoir modeling and is used for solving the variety of tasks
requiring reservoir simulation. The black oil model assumes that the reservoir fluid consists of three phases: oil, water, and gas
(with gas dissolving in oil and oil vaporizing in gas).

The main tools included in the core license:

• Support of different grid geometries

• Modeling of mixing density via the API-tracking option
• Chemical EOR (polymers, surfactants, alkalines, foams)
• Dual porosity/dual permeability
• Group control, automated workovers during simulation
• User defined quantities (UDQ) and conditional operators (ACTIONX)
• Miscible displacement
• Non-Darcy flow
• Temperature option (temperature as a traccer)
• Recovery mechanisms assessment
• Tracer modeling, relative permeability, rock compaction hysteresis etc.

Local Grid Refinement / Coarsening The Local Grid Refinement (LGR) option allows enhanced grid definition in areas needing a higher level of simulation accuracy,
Local grid refinement / coarsening such as near wells or in areas of complex geology. Grid coarsening may be used to amalgamate cells in regions of the reservoir
which are less important to speed up simulation run times.

Advanced Wells (MSW) Realistic modeling of highly deviated, horizontal, and multilateral wells with advanced completions and inflow control devices.
Advanced modeling of complex wells
• Improved handling of multilateral topology - the well trajectory is discretized into a series of segments that are linked
together into branches. Branches can, if required, have sub-branches.
• Improved modeling of multiphase flow - use of the drift-flux model or precalculated pressure drop tables can produce
more accurate pressure gradients than the homogeneous flow treatment used in other well models. The pressure
gradient can vary from segment to segment throughout the well and is calculated fully implicitly in each segment using
the local flowing conditions.
• The number of connections to the reservoir simulation grid can vary per segment, allowing the choice between using
many segments for greater accuracy or fewer segments for faster computation.
• Modeling of flow control devices - specific segments can be configured to model flow control devices, such as chokes
and valves. The ECLIPSE simulator contains many built-in devices such as flow limiting valves, labyrinth devices, and
downhole separators—other devices can be modeling by providing a pressure drop table which describes its pressure
loss characteristics.
• Include flow paths in both the annulus and the tubing- branches can be defined in both the annulus and the tubing and
segments can be joined into looped flow paths to represent multiple contact points between the two.
• Improved modeling of crossflow - crossflow can be modeled more realistically as the fluid mixture can vary throughout
the well. Complex crossflow regimes may potentially occur in multi-lateral wells, including branch-to-branch crossflow
and crossflow within individual branches.

Improved wellbore storage modeling - wellbore storage effects can be modeled more accurately using the segment structure.
The drift-flux model allows phases to flow in opposite directions at low flow rates so that phase redistribution within the wellbore
can occur during shut-in well tests.

ECLIPSE Block Parallel This module allows easy parallelization of a single ECLIPSE run on up to 32 MPI processes. This module was created to
Parallel simulation of modern workstations efficiently utilize the modern workstation hardware capacities in order to benefit to the speed of reservoir simulations. The key
differences between this license and the classic Parallel/MR licenses are the following: multiple ECLIPSE Block Parallel 32
licenses do not merge, a single ECLIPSE Block Parallel 32 licenses is not splitted, no Multiple Realization functionality possible

2. INTERSECT Enabler for ECLIPSE Core Simulator

INTERSECT Enabler INTERSECT – high performance reservoir simulator for solving modern challenges of petroleum industry
Base module for INTERSECT running in addition to
ECLIPSE license This license allows running INTERSECT with the access to all the features of INTERSECT Core Simulator license by
consuming also an existing active ECLIPSE Core Simulator license (INTERSECT is run as an upgrade to ECLIPSE)

Differentiating features of the INTERSECT simulator are the following:

• Effective and innovative algorithm of 3D parallelization, allowing to achieve the maximum simulation performance either
on the modern workstations (8-20 cores) or HPC systems
• Specialized solver, better handling problems with complex geology (permeability contrast, dual media models, small
cells, local grid refinements, non-neighboring connections etc.)
• Unique innovative developments in simulation performance, such as hybrid-parallel mode (for better scalability and
reduced memory footprint), MultiScale (for enhanced performance of large models) etc.
• Unique models for chemical EOR processes (UTCHEM polymer model, surfactant model with microemulsion)
• Implementation of flexible field management strategies with object oriented approach to work with the entities (wells,
completions, groups etc.), running optimizers on the flow, advanced wells modeling scenarios, and custom scripts
using Python for infinite capabilities of reservoir simulation reporting and controls.
Pre- and post-processing of INTERSECT models is fully supported via the Petrel RE interface, or by automated conversion
from existing ECLIPSE DATA decks, the base license encompasses the instruments analogous to ECLIPSE Core Simulator
with the addition of local grid refinements, multisegmented wells. Besides base INTERSECT licenses allows parallelization on
48 MPI process.


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