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Continuous Roll Casting of Aluminium

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LELA ISSN 0543-5846

METABK 49(2) 115-118 (2010)
UDC – UDK 669.715:621.74.047=111


Received – Prispjelo: 2008-12-24
Accepted – Prihva}eno: 2009-09-10
Preliminary Note – Prethodno priop}enje

The main goal of the paper was to present the influence of casting parameters on casting conditions and inter-
ference of casting parameters on the final strip characteristics such as constant strip thickness, surface quality
and roughness of aluminum alloys sheet 6,30 to 6,50 mm thick.
The study shows that casting speed, roll force and roll gap should have the greatest influence on the final strip
thickness, and that the examined parameters agree well with the theoretical standpoints.
Key words: continuous roll casting, aluminum alloys, strip casting process, casting parameters
Kontinuirano lijevanje aluminijskih slitina – analiza parametara lijevanja. Temeljni cilj ~lanka je prika-
zati utjecaj parametara lijevanja na uvjete lijevanja i njihov me|usobni utjecaj na postizanje konstantne deblji-
ne trake, kvalitetu i ravno}u povr{ine aluminijskih traka debljine 6,30 do 6,50 mm. Rezultati rada pokazuju da
su glavne utjecajne veli~ine na debljinu trake brzina lijevanja, sila valjanja i razmak valjaka, {to potvr|uju teorij-
ske osnove.
Klju~ne rije~i: kontinuirano lijevanje trake, aluminijske slitine, postupk lijevanja trake, parametri lijevanja

The continuous roll casting process (CRC), consist-
ing of continuous strip casting between rolls, is now
well known. It was introduced by the SCAL Company
(Pechiney Ugine Kuhlmann Group) 60 years ago [1].
The process consists of solidifying aluminum or alumi-
num alloys between the water-cooled rolls of a duo roll-
ing mill. From the moment when solidification is com-
pleted to the moment when the strip is no longer in con-
tact with the rolls, aluminum is submitted to reduction
leading to hot working which is essential for the final Figure 1. View details of solidification and rolling during
quality of the product [1, 2]. the CRC procedure [1-4].
The cast strip is produced horizontally out of the 2,5-5·103 kN/mm. Lubricant is sprayed on the rolls to
caster and is directly coiled while it is still hot. The size prevent the strip from sticking to the roll. The molten
of the coil is adapted to the cold rolling operation. The metal solidifies against the roll and is immediately
strip thickness ranges from 4 to 12 mm.
hot-rolled into the solid strip [1, 2, 5, 6].
Figure 1 shows the principle of the CRC process
In order to produce flow disturbance in the alumi-
num melt at the solidification front, while keeping the
In the aluminum continuous roll casting process
stability of rheological interface, the configuration and
(Figure 1), both solidification and deformation are com-
parameters of this zone are determined through experi-
pleted in a narrow gap between a pair of opposite rotat-
ment and theoretical analysis.
ing rolls.
The testing materials are Al99,2 (AA1235) and
Therefore, the valid zone of this process is the solidi-
fication-deformation zone in the roll gap. Al99,5 (AA8011) aluminum alloys. Their chemical com-
Conventional twin-roll casters for aluminum alloy position measures up to the international deformation
have steel rolls, which have a separating force of aluminum alloys standard. All these materials are able to
form coarse crystals in the roll-casting process. The
E. Krsti} Vukelja, Dental Clinic Zagreb, Zagreb, Croatia,
Al-Ti-B grain refiner in a form of wire was applied. This
I. Duplan~i}, B. Lela, Faculty of Electrical Engineering, Mechanical En- original process, attractive for its well-known operating
gineering and Naval Architecture, University of Split, Croatia simplicity was able to cast strips of about 1 to 2 m wide.

METALURGIJA 49 (2010) 2, 115-118 115


EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURES per hour) for roll shell quality I and per one roll pair, and
3,13·106 t/(m·h) for roll shell quality II and per one roll
The present casting work was carried out using a hori- pair [1-11].
zontal twin roll caster designed and built by Pechiney, Expected finite strip quality refers to its thickness,
France [1,2]. Strip production in this facility was carried profile and flatness. The research work was focused on
out by horizontal continuous casting process for alumi- achieving the listed quality characteristics by changing
num casts between pairs of cooled and powered rolls. the casting parameters in respect to the alloy composi-
Working rolls affect rapid melt solidification (crystalliza- tion, and the casting regime and finally comparing these
tion), as well as calibration solidified strip at the default parameters with each other [1-9].
strip thickness by means of hot rolling process.
Strip production process begins in melting furnace
and ends at the strip coiler. For the purposes of cold roll- THE CONTINUOUS ROLL
ing mills, this facility produces strip width from 1020 to CASTING PROCEDURE ANALYSIS - STRIP
1520 mm, and thickness from 6,5 to 8 mm. PRODUCTION ON TWIN ROLL CASTER
The roll diameter is 690 mm at the start, and working During the period of production monitoring, related
width of the roll is about 1740 mm. The metal is fed into to this research, four types of working rolls were used
the rolls by pouring the liquid metal in refractory tip. A AI, BI, CI and DI for steel shell quality I, and AII, BII, CII
tip setback (the distance from the end of the tip to mini- and DII for steel shell quality II. Each of the four types
mum roll separation), of 35-55 mm has been selected listed was used with six roll pairs marked by numbers 2,
depending on the casting configuration. The tip is nar- 3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.
rower than the roll face width and soft side dams are The rolls marked by numbers 2, 3 and 4 have a steel
used to prevent sideways flow of the liquid metal. The shell grade of rolls CMYV (roll shell quality I), and rolls
gap between the bearing chocks is controlled; the size of marked by numbers 5, 6 and 7 have a steel shell grade of
which can be changed during the course of a run. rolls MO22 (roll shell quality II). Chemical composition
Typically, strip cast is 1200-1600 mm wide, and this al- of these two roll shells are shown in Table 2, [7, 8, 12, 14].
lows a total load of 5·103 kN/mm (kilo Newton per milli-
meter in strip width) to be applied. Strip can be cast at Table 2. General roll shell data [7, 8, 12, 14]
rates from 0,95 to 1,50 cm/min and gauges varying from
Roll shell grade Roll shell chemical composition
5,25 to 5,45 mm. Each casting regime has been carried
C Mn Ni Cr Mo V
out with two different alloys Al99,2 (AA1235) and
Al99,5 (AA8011). Casting conditions, for mentioned Rolls 2, 3 and 4 0,1 – 0,6 – 1,0 – 1,0 – 0,1 –
Steel shell grade -
alloys, and strip dimensions are shown in Table 1, [7]. I (CMYV) 0,3 0,8 2,0 2,0 0,3

Rolls 5, 6 and 7 02 – 0,4 – 0,2 – 2,0 – 0,8 – 0,1 –

Table 1. Strip casting parameters for the CRC plant and Steel shell grade
casting alloys Al99,5 (AA8011) and Al99,2 II (MO22) 0,4 0,6 0,4 4,0 1,2 0,3
(AA1235) [7]
Strip dimension Aluminum alloy The activities were divided into four phases, with
Al99,5 Al99,2
each phase corresponding to one of the casting width of
6,3x1200(x1520) 6,3x1200(x1520)
aluminum plant production program (1050, 1150, 1600
and 1700 mm). Each phase covers the following: defin-
Contact angle/mm 50 47
ing the casting parameters, developing the casting oper-
Roll gap/mm 5,2 5,2
ator’s ability and autonomy to produce material under
Temperature/oC 685 ± 5 685 ± 5 stable casting conditions, improving the cast strips ge-
Strip speed/cm/min 1,30 1,25 ometry (longitudinal gauge variations over the coil
Graphite/l 2 l on 75 l water 2 l on l water length below ± 2 %, longitudinal gauge variations over
Modifier/cm/min 35 28 one roll revolution below ±1 %, cross profile between 0
and 1 %, tilting between two edges limited to 1 %), and
The amount of sprayed lubricant has been carefully improving the cast strip surface quality, taking into ac-
controlled during the CRC cast. The rate of applications count the feedback from the rolling mill regarding the
depends on roll speed, strip thickness and alloy compo- end products (foil production).
Keeping in mind that the final quality characteristics RESULT AND DISCUSSION
are the main objective to fulfill, the materials selected for – PARAMETERS ANALYSIS
this study had to be produced at casting regime recom-
mended by the industrial set up, usually at low casting The analysis of parameters was conducted in a
speed. Evaluated average productivity was approxi- steady state casting process, but for better understanding
mately 2,86·106 t/(m·h) (tones per meter in strip width of the procedure it was necessary to specify the start of

116 METALURGIJA 49 (2010) 2, 115-118


rolling. Based on different rolls quality (steel shell

grades of rolls), and respect for roll-generation technol-
ogy needs, the influence of the following mutually de-
pendent parameters was examined:
– The influence of the strip width both on the contact
angle and rolling force (for the default alloy, an ap-
propriate roll shell quality and roll diameter),
– The influence of the strip thickness on the me-
chanical roll camber, rolling force, roll gap, con-
tact angle, casting speed (comparison of two al-
loys observed -each with its strip thickness, for the
appropriate roll shell quality, strip width and roll
Figure 3. Influence of the strip width on the rolling force
diameter). for the default alloys Al99,2 (AA1235) and
The analysis shows that the rolled strips produced Al99,5 (AA8011), and the corresponding roll pa-
with the individual roll pairs are grouped according to irs with steel shell grade I (CMYV): CI-3 and CI-4,
the diversity of their widths in classes up to 1000 mm, up and steel shell grade II (MO22): CII-5 and CII- 6 [7]
to 1200 mm, up to 1400 mm and up to 1600 mm. Data
for each of the analyzed alloys and used roll pairs were INFLUENCE OF THE STRIP
different. The mean values of the roll diameter, contact WIDTH ON THE ROLLING FORCE
angle, rolling force at the entrance and at the exit from
the roll were taken into account. Due to insufficient Figure 3, [7], shows a rolling force – strip width
number of data for all used rolls, the analysis does not arithmetic means diagram with correlation to steel shell
cover the results for the strip width of 1000 mm. grade at the same roll-casting cycle and casting speed.
The reduction in casting width is followed by rolling
INFLUENCE OF THE STRIP force increase. While casting with steel shell grade II
WIDTH ON THE CONTACT ANGLE (MO22) some lower rolling force values were noted.
According to cast strip widths no significant differences
The influence of the strip width on the contact angle in average rolling force values were noted.
for both alloys was analysed on data according to the
strip width and steel shell grades for all rolls. This sum-
marized influence is graphically shown in Figure 2 [7].
It can be concluded that roll-casting process under-
goes certain number of casting cycles. These cycles im-
ply a new start of the process at smaller roll diameter The dependence of casting parameters on as cast
from the previous one. Analyzing data and diagram on strip thickness was analyzed. Figure 4, [7], shows the
Figure 2, it can be concluded that every casting cycle is dependence of casting parameters for chosen roll pairs.
carried out from the greater width to the narrower. Ev- The influence of strip thickness upon dependence of
ery casting width decrease is followed by increase of casting parameters on as cast alloy and steel shell grade
contact angle. Besides, while casting with rolls with shows the following:
steel shell grade II (MO22) it is noticed that some lower Each strip thickness is associated with appropriate
average value of contact angle is achieved. Average alloy, Al99,2 (AA1235) with strip 6,3 mm thick and
value of contact angle was about 50 mm. Al99,5 (AA8011) with strip 6,5 mm thick. While cast-
ing strip thickness 6,3 mm and 6,5 mm with equal type
of working rolls and equal steel shell grade, it can be
noted that contact angle is greater while casting strip 6,3
mm thick. The same relation is valid while comparing
steel shell grades, that is, greater contact angle can be
noted while casting with steel shell grade I (CMYV)
than with steel shell grade II (MO22).
Figure 5, [7], shows the influence of strip thickness
on rolling force and roll shell quality for both alloys.
While casting strip 6,3 mm and 6,5 mm thick, with
equal type of working rolls and the same steel shell
grade, it is noted that rolling force is greater while cast-
Figure 2. Influence of the strip width on the contact angle
for the default alloys Al99,2 (AA1235) and ing strip 6,3 mm thick. The same relation is valid while
Al99,5 (AA8011), and appropriate rolls with ste- comparing steel shell grades, that is, greater rolling
el shell grade I (CMYV): CI-3 and CI-4 , and steel force can be noted while casting with steel shell grade I
shell grade II (MO22): CII-5 and CII-6 [7] (CMYV) than with steel shell grade II (MO22).

METALURGIJA 49 (2010) 2, 115-118 117


Optimal choice of each parameter individually and

of all together to achieve maximum productivity is not
possible without knowledge of the manufacturers’ refer-
ences and of equipment users experiences.

The authors are grateful to mr. M. Stipani~ev for collect-
ing, during almost 15 years, all data necessary for carry-
ing on with this research. The authors also wish to thank
for helpful discussions and is grateful to leadership of
Figure 4. Influence of strip thickness and roll shell quality TLM [ibenik, Croatia, for permission to spend a year as
on contact angle for both alloys [7] a visiting researcher at the TLM [ibenik, Croatia.

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[4] SCAL: Izrada injektora, Docum. technique, standard
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CONCLUSION [6] Ozgul Keles, Murat Dundar: Aluminum foil: Its typical qua-
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The roll casting producers include such rolling and sing Technology 186 (2007), 125-137.
cast conditions which depend on a large number of pa- [7] E. Krsti} Vukelja: Modeliranje procesa kontinuiranog lije-
rameters. These parameters may be divided into two vanja aluminijskih traka, magistarski rad, Fakultet Elektro-
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– nozzle geometry insurance control;
– providing good heat conduction between the melt Note: This paper was proofread by Jasmin Eleonor Vukelja, Professor of
and roll shell and toward the cooling media. English and Italian language Zagreb, Croatia

118 METALURGIJA 49 (2010) 2, 115-118

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