Safed Guidelines June 2020.
Safed Guidelines June 2020.
Safed Guidelines June 2020.
Copyright is waived by SAFed in respect of Annex A - Certificate and Reports.
The purpose of this waiver is to enable the Competent Person to call for
additional site specific tests and to enable those responsible for carrying out
the tests as appropriate to adapt the reports accordingly.
All rights reserved. Except for normal review purposes, no part of this publication may be
reproduced, utilised, stored in a retrieval system or transmitted in any form by any means
electronic or mechanical, including photocopying, recording or by any information,
storage or retrieval system without the written permission of the publisher.
II Guidelines on the supplementary tests of in-service lifts LG1 Issue 04.1: June 2020
These revised Guidelines have been prepared by the Safety Assessment
Federation in consultation with other interested parties within the lift industry.
This publication should not be regarded as an authoritative interpretation
of the law; however, if the guidance provided is followed, it will normally be
regarded as sufficient to comply with health and safety law in respect of
supplementary testing in support of thorough examinations.
The Health and Safety Executive believes that the contents of this publication
represent good practice in the lift industry.
IV Guidelines on the supplementary tests of in-service lifts LG1 Issue 04.1: June 2020
These guidelines apply to supplementary testing in support of thorough
examination carried out on in-service lifts according to regulation 9(3)(a) of the
Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations.
The revised 2006 Guidelines for the supplementary tests of in-service lifts
were formulated by a Review Committee comprising owners, users, lift
manufacturers, lift maintenance companies, inspection bodies, lift consultants,
enforcement authorities and other professional bodies, chaired by the Health
and Safety Executive. At that point they superseded the original document
‘Lifts Guidelines (LG 1): Guidelines on the thorough examination and testing of
lifts, Volumes 1 and 2’, published by SAFed in December 1998, which was
withdrawn. The original 1998 Guidelines in turn replaced the earlier HSE PM7
“Lifts” which were withdrawn.
Please be aware, that the revised document from 2006 has now been updated
several times, refer to SAFed website for most up to date version.
For the purpose of these Guidelines the following terms apply.
1 ACOP paragraph 296 - HSE L113(2014): Safe Use of Lifting Equipment - Lifting Operations
and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 - ACOP and Guidance
2 Guidance paragraph 297 - HSE L113(2014): Safe Use of Lifting Equipment - Lifting
Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 - ACOP and Guidance
3 INDG339(rev 1): Thorough examination and testing of lifts - Simple guidance for lift owners
- Selecting a competent person
SECTION 1 Page 1.2 Guidelines on the supplementary tests of in-service lifts LG1 Issue 04.1: June 2020
‘thorough examination’ in relation to a thorough examination under
paragraph (1), (2) or (3) of regulation 9 -
4 Regulation 2 (1) HSE L113(2014): Safe Use of Lifting Equipment - Lifting Operations and
Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 - ACOP and Guidance
5 INDG 339rev1: Thorough examination and testing of lifts - Simple guidance for lift owners -
What is a thorough examination
6 Guidance paragraph 310/312 - HSE L113(2014): Safe Use of Lifting Equipment - Lifting
Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 - ACOP and Guidance
SECTION 1 Page 1.3 Guidelines on the supplementary tests of in-service lifts LG1 Issue 04.1: June 2020
2.1 Introduction
The law places duties on persons concerned with lifts, both those who
provide or make available lifts for use and those involved with work on
lifts. This Chapter outlines those legal duties and points the reader towards
further relevant guidance material.
PUWER places duties on any person who has control to any extent of:
• work equipment;
• a person at work who uses, supervises or manages the use of work
equipment; or
• the way in which work equipment is used at work.
PUWER requires that every employer shall ensure that work equipment
is maintained in an efficient state, in efficient working order and in good
repair. Also that every employer shall ensure that where any machinery
has a maintenance log, the log is kept up to date. NOTE: It is clear that
maintenance and thorough examination are separate activities.
‘LOLER only applies to work activities. It does not apply, for example, to
people who provide lifting equipment principally for use by members of
the public such as lifts provided for use by the public in a shopping centre.
In such circumstances owners will have to satisfy the requirements of the
HSWA, principally sections 3 and 4, but if they use the requirements of
LOLER as a guide they will probably satisfy these legal duties’.7
7 Guidance paragraph 43 - HSE L113(2014): Safe Use of Lifting Equipment - Lifting Operations
and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998 - ACOP and Guidance
SECTION 2 Page 2.3 Guidelines on the supplementary tests of in-service lifts LG1 Issue 04.1: June 2020
Note: Some of the issues are outlined in the HSE guidance booklet
‘Working Alone – Health and safety guidance on the risks of lone
working’ INDG73(rev3).
3.1 Scope
The purpose of these Guidelines is to inform Competent Persons
undertaking thorough examinations of examples of supplementary tests
which they could call for as part of their thorough examinations.
The following outlines a series of recommended supplementary tests of key
components and areas to be determined by the Competent Person through a
process of assessment.
The results of all supplementary tests and subsequent maintenance and repair
if required should be recorded on the Examination and Test Report(s). These are
contained within Annex A and are to be annotated in the covering Certificate
(Page 5.1).
The Examination and Test Certificate and Report(s) contained at Annex A are
available in electronic format on the SAFed website or the LEIA
website They are guidance on a format for reporting the results
of supplementary tests and are intended for use by companies and persons
competent to carry out the designated supplementary tests. Such companies or
persons may adjust or otherwise alter these reports for their own use and to
allow for company identity and any special particulars relating to the lift, the test,
the site and the company carrying out the test. However in all cases the reports
must contain the data required to identify the actual lift, the site, the date and
details of the test(s) carried out and the company or person carrying out the
supplementary test(s). Responsibility for and ownership of the Certificate of
Examination and Test(s) and of completed Report(s) lies wholly with the
company or person issuing the Certificate and Report(s) and not with the Safety
Assessment Federation, the Lift & Escalator Industry Association or its agents.
The fuse protection of the safety circuit should be tested by either a purpose
made device or by measuring the resistance of the circuit and calculating
the short circuit current. The safety circuit should not be checked by
grounding its furthest point. It is recommended that to be consistent with
BS7671 Requirements for Electrical Installations: IET Wiring Regulations
and IET Guidance Note 3, this supplementary test should be called for at 5
yearly intervals unless it can be demonstrated that more frequent tests are
required or that less frequent tests will be adequate to ensure safety .
The earth continuity should not exceed 0.5Ω but check the OEM manual for
any relevant information regarding earth testing methods and acceptable
values. Lower values may be actually needed to ensure adequate protective
device disconnection time and higher values might be acceptable.
It is important that both the building supply and lift circuits are tested,
further guidance can be found in Annex D of BS7255:2012 “Code of
Practice for Safe working on Lifts”.
Where the functional test of a safety device cannot be carried out by the
Competent Person where access is difficult or a test may not be possible for
a given reason, then that person should call for a supplementary test to be
made of the specific device(s) at least annually.
Where test techniques are not known e.g. PESSRAL devices, always refer to
the OEM manual for guidance on how these tests should be undertaken.
It is unlikely that the Competent Person will have the equipment or access
to carry out verification of the terminal speed reduction system, where
these are fitted, with the occasional exception of older mechanical systems.
It is therefore recommended that the supplementary test should be called
for at 5 yearly intervals, unless it can be demonstrated that more frequent
tests are required or that less frequent tests will be adequate to ensure
The normal slowing signals for the lift should be made inoperative and the
car driven at rated speed towards the terminal floor. It should be
determined that the lift slows down automatically to a speed not greater
than the buffer design impact speed.
Where the condition of any landing door lock cannot be verified by the
Competent Person, that person should call for a supplementary test of the
device. Any such supplementary test should ensure that the lock prevents
the door from opening when the lift is outside of the unlocking zone. It
should also be ensured that the lift will stop if the lock circuit is opened
SECTION 4 Page 4.4 Guidelines on the supplementary tests of in-service lifts LG1 Issue 04.1: June 2020
outside of the unlocking zone. All parts of the lock should be clean, not
excessively worn, without signs of burning and undamaged in any way.
In determining the need for and degree of any supplementary test which
may be required, the Competent Person should make an assessment that
takes into account some or all of the following:
In any case, after 10 years of use, any of the above parts, which cannot be
properly visually examined without dismantling should be subject to a
SECTION 4 Page 4.5 Guidelines on the supplementary tests of in-service lifts LG1 Issue 04.1: June 2020
Type B comprehensive test. If after taking into account low usage and
condition the Type B comprehensive test can be delayed but should not be
delayed beyond 15 years.
Shafts and bearings should not run hot or show signs of vibration or noise.
Load nut wear and chain extension should be within acceptable limits.
See Annex A.5 for report format of an investigatory test (type A).
See Annex A.6 for report format of a comprehensive test (type B).
Where a test of safety gear according to 4.6.2 or 4.6.3 is not carried out,
then the operation of the system and adequate pull-through force to
engage the safety gear should be checked by tripping the overspeed
governor with the empty car descending at reduced speed or manually. It
is recommended that this be included as a periodic test at 5 year intervals
unless there is evidence to suggest more frequent testing is required.
A visual check will be carried out by the Competent Person during the
thorough examination and further regular visual checks of the system
should be carried out by the maintenance company but it is
recommended that this be included as a periodic test at 10 year intervals
unless there is evidence to suggest more frequent testing is required.
SECTION 4 Page 4.8 Guidelines on the supplementary tests of in-service lifts LG1 Issue 04.1: June 2020
A visual check will be carried out by the Competent Person during the
thorough examination and further regular visual checks of the system
should be carried out by the maintenance company but it is
recommended that this be included as a periodic test at 10 year intervals
unless there is evidence to suggest more frequent testing is required.
A visual check will be carried out by the Competent Person during the
thorough examination and further regular visual checks of the system
should be carried out by the maintenance company but it is
recommended that this be included as a periodic test at 10 year intervals
unless there is evidence to suggest more frequent testing is required.
In some instances, the UCMP stopping device may be the lift machine
brake with suitable monitoring of brake operation and redundancy. Where
it is feasible, the UCMP system should be tested at every thorough
examination by the competent person. If this is not possible, then the
Competent Person should call for a supplementary test on an annual basis.
The complete system should be subject to verification and test every time
any modification or adjustment is carried out.
For UCMP systems where the stopping device is other than a machine
brake as above, the following applies.
A visual check will be carried out by the Competent Person during the
Thorough Examination and further regular visual checks of the system
should be carried out by the maintenance company.
SECTION 4 Page 4.11 Guidelines on the supplementary tests of in-service lifts LG1 Issue 04.1: June 2020
To ensure that the piston returns to its fully extended position after the
buffer has been compressed, energy dissipation buffers, whose effective
operation cannot be verified and which do not have a buffer return switch,
should be subject to a slow speed, empty car supplementary test.
Thereafter, a supplementary test should be called for at 12 monthly
intervals unless it can be demonstrated that a more or less frequent test will
be adequate to ensure safety.
Where there is excessive car floor area in relation to rated load e.g. for
carrying lighter more bulky objects such as hospital trolleys etc then this
test should carried out at periodic intervals of 5 years.
Devices that measure load to provide information to the lift drive and other
systems are not overload warning detection devices.
The test should consist of applying 200% of full load static pressure with an
empty car for a period of 15 minutes to the hydraulic system between and
including the non-return valve and the jack. The piston should be fully
extended and brought up to test pressure and allowed to rest for 10
minutes. The pressure should then be observed for a further 5 minutes. For
such a test to be considered successful there should be no loss of pressure
greater than 10% during the final 5 minute period.
In the event that the cylinder fails the pressure test and the cause of the
failure cannot be determined, the cylinder should be examined to
ascertain the cause of the problem. This may involve the removal of the
cylinder from its bore hole.
Unless there is evidence to show that such tests have been carried out
during routine maintenance, it is recommended that these tests should be
carried out at a periodic interval of 12 months unless it can be
demonstrated that more frequent tests are required or that less frequent tests
will be adequate to ensure safety.
On some modern brakes where the lift machine brake is used as the
stopping device for ascending carrier overspeed protection or UCMP, with
suitable monitoring of brake operation and redundancy, it might not be
possible to access all of the brake parts for examination. Reference should
be made to the testing procedure in the OEM manuals.
Generally, and especially in model lift designs under the Lifts Regulations,
an increase in car mass has implications for the suspension and safety
devices rating which may be exceeded. A reduction in car mass has
implications for traction which might be compromised.
For the minimum and maximum allowed car masses and counterweight
balance, reference should be made to the OEM manuals or
manufacturers guidance.
Any testing of the door systems should be done by referencing the OEM
manuals for guidance.
Unless there is evidence to show that such tests have been carried out
during routine maintenance, it is recommended that these tests should be
carried out at a periodic interval of 12 months unless it can be
demonstrated that more frequent tests are required or that less frequent tests
will be adequate to ensure safety.
SECTION 4 Page 4.17 Guidelines on the supplementary tests of in-service lifts LG1 Issue 04.1: June 2020
The Competent Person should specify the detail of any test required and
how they should be carried out taking account of the guidance in any OEM
manuals and guidance available e.g. BS 8899. See Annex A.25 for an open
format report of examination and test.
Periodicities detailed within this document are for guidance only and
all supplementary tests are to be carried out at the request and discretion
of the competent person. The report formats address the most common
lift arrangements. Where non-standard arrangements have been adopted,
all examination(s) and test(s) appropriate to the equipment installed and
any other test(s) instructed and detailed by the competent person should
be carried out and documented.
In cases where tests other than those specified in this document are required, the Competent
Person should detail exactly what is required and how the test(s) should be conducted.
Location of lift(s)
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
The report formats address the most common lift arrangements. Where non-standard
arrangements have been adopted, all examination(s) and test(s) appropriate to the
equipment installed and any other test(s) instructed and detailed by the Competent
Person should be carried out and documented.
Complete as applicable
• Has the fuse protection of the safety circuit been satisfactorily Yes No
tested by either a purpose made device or by measuring the
resistance of the circuit and calculating the short circuit current
or test according to the OEM manual?
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
Description and location of safety device(s) being inspected/tested and method of test:
Complete as applicable
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
• Does the terminal speed reduction system ensure that the lift Yes No
slows down automatically to a speed not greater than the buffer
design impact speed?
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
Gearbox Type/Model:
Complete as applicable
• Are gear wheel teeth markings even and approximately central Yes No
of the teeth?
• Are gear teeth free of steps, pitting or ridges? Yes No
• Are all rim bolts and shaft keys present and secure? Yes No
• Are all bearings and shafts running without signs of excessive Yes No
or unexpected heat, noise or vibration?
• For screw and nut drives is the wear on the load nut and any Yes No
chain extension within acceptable limits?
• Is the gearbox in a satisfactory condition? (If no, then detailed Yes No
reasons to be given)
Complete as applicable
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
Gearbox Type/Model:
Complete as applicable
• Does the machine run free from excessive or unexpected noise, Yes No
vibration or heat?
• Are gear wheel teeth markings even and approximately central Yes No
of the teeth?
• Are gear teeth free of steps, pitting or ridges? Yes No
• Are all rim bolts and shaft keys present and secure? Yes No
• Are all bearings and shafts running with no signs of excessive or Yes No
unexpected heat, noise or vibration?
• Is the gearbox in satisfactory condition? Yes No
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
Tick as appropriate
Governor type:
Serial number:
Complete as applicable
Complete as appropriate
Tripping speed
Marked Measured
Car up Car down
Electrical 1: m/s m/s
Electrical 2: m/s m/s
Mechanical: m/s m/s
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
Complete as applicable
• Are all linkages and moving parts free of any defects, deterioration Yes No
or wear that may prevent their free and effective operation?
• Are the surfaces of any friction elements free of any abnormal or Yes No
excessive wear that may prevent free and effective operation of
the safety gear system?
• Does the safety gear mechanism move freely and engage the Yes No
guide rails satisfactorily?
• Load in car? kg
• Speed at activation? m/s
Complete as applicable
• Did the safety gear operate and stop the car as required? Yes No
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
• Are all linkages and moving parts free of any defects, deterioration Yes No
or wear that may prevent their free and effective operation?
• Are the surfaces of any friction elements free of any abnormal or Yes No
excessive wear that may prevent free and effective operation of
the safety gear system?
• Does the safety gear mechanism move freely and engage the Yes No
guide rails satisfactorily?
• Load in car? kg
• Speed at activation? m/s
Complete as applicable
• Did the safety gear operate and stop the car as required? Yes No
Complete as applicable
• Did the safety gear operate and stop the car as required? Yes No
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
Complete as applicable
• Are all linkages and moving parts free of any defects, deterioration Yes No
or wear that may prevent their free and effective operation?
• Are the surfaces of any friction elements free of any abnormal or Yes No
excessive wear that may prevent free and effective operation of
the safety gear system?
• Does the safety gear mechanism move freely and engage the Yes No
guide rails satisfactorily?
• Load in car? kg
• Speed at activation? m/s
Complete as applicable
• Does the safety gear stop the car or counterweight in the Yes N/A* No
downward direction during dynamic testing?
• Was the floor of the lift car sloping less than 5° to the Yes N/A* No
horizontal after the safety gear has activated and before it
is released?
• After the test, confirm that no deterioration has occurred Yes N/A* No
that could adversely affect the safety of the lift and
correct operation of the safety gear system.
* Some safety gear systems (slack rope type) may not be possible to operate. In such
circumstances indicate above that a dynamic test has not been made and describe below
in detail what has been inspected, the condition of the device, the probability
of successful operation and why it could not be operated.
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
Complete as applicable
• Are all linkages and moving parts free of any defects, deterioration Yes No
or wear that may prevent their free and effective operation?
• Are the surfaces of any friction elements free of any abnormal or Yes No
excessive wear that may prevent free and effective operation of
the braking device?
• Does the device mechanism move freely and engage the ropes Yes No
or pulley etc. satisfactorily?
• Does the device operate satisfactorily during dynamic testing? Yes No
• After the test, confirm that no deterioration has occurred that Yes No
could adversely affect the safety of the lift and correct operation
of the system.
• Load in car? kg
• Speed at activation? m/s
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
Complete as applicable
• Does the device stop the lift car within the specified stopping Yes No
• Does the device operate satisfactorily during dynamic testing? Yes No
• After the test, confirm that no deterioration has occurred that Yes No
could adversely affect the safety of the lift and correct operation
of the system
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
• After compression does the piston return to its fully extended Yes No
position within 15 minutes?
• Does the buffer compress when the car is moved down onto it? Yes No
• After compression does the piston return to its fully extended Yes No
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
• State your observations from visual inspection of suspension means and anchorages
Complete as applicable
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
Complete as applicable
• Does the overload device and its car indicator operate correctly Yes No
to prevent use of the lift?
• Is the load at which it is set or calibrated satisfactory to prevent Yes No
• State the load at which the detection device operates kg
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
• After the above test, is the integrity of the hydraulic system Yes No
• Does the pressure relief valve operate satisfactorily? Yes No
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
Complete as applicable
Note: A restrictor valve should lower the car at a speed not exceeding 0.3m/s
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
Complete as applicable
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
Complete as applicable
• Are all linkages and moving parts free of any defects, deterioration Yes No
or wear that may prevent their free and effective operation?
• Are the surfaces of any friction elements free of any abnormal or Yes No
excessive wear that may prevent free and effective operation of
the braking device?
• Are the contact surfaces of any engaging components correctly Yes No
aligned, in good condition and free of any abnormal or excessive
wear that may prevent free and effective engagement?
• Does the device mechanism move freely and engage satisfactorily Yes No
with full load in the lift car?
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
Complete as applicable
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
Complete as applicable
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
Complete as applicable
• Where the car mass has been changed, state the empty car mass kg
• State the balance percentage as found %
• Is the mass of the empty car and balance correct as Yes No
OEM instructions?
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
Complete as applicable
• Is the force to prevent closing of the car and landing doors Yes No
150 N or less?
• Is the kinetic energy of the car and landing doors 10 J or less? Yes No
• If the doors are able to close with the reversal device deactivated Yes No
or having failed, is the kinetic energy no more than 4 J and
accompanied by an audible signal?
• For doors made from glass (except for vision panels) is the force Yes No
to prevent opening of the car and landing doors 150 N or less?
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
Complete as applicable
Complete as applicable
To be completed by the person or corporate body carrying out the supplementary test.
Signed Position
Print Name
It is not always evident that this feature is provided but if the overspeed governor
contract speed is greater than the maximum impact speed of the buffer or the
impact length of the buffer stroke is less than Table 1, such a feature should have
been provided and its operation should therefore be checked.
B.4 Developments in British Standards of the requirements for safety gear tests
Standard Summary of design Summary of test Comment
BS 2655-1 Safety gear to stop and hold car with • Test at site with full load at governor tripping speed • Instantaneous type safety gears used up to 160 fpm
100% load at governor tripping speed or
1958 • All electrical switches except governor switch operating • Governor trip speed not to exceed 200 fpm
at failure of suspension
• Check guide slide marks • Governor trip speeds and safety gear slide distance
defined in graphs
BS 2655-1 Safety gear to stop and hold car with • Testing not defined in BS2655 part 1 but in BS2655 part 7 Testing • Instantaneous type safety gears up to 150 fpm
100% load at governor tripping speed or
1970 • Test at site with full load at contract speed • Governor trip speed not to exceed 200 fpm
at failure of suspension
BS 5655-1 Safety gear to stop and hold car with • Instantaneous type or instantaneous with buffered effect test with full load at • Instantaneous type safety gears up to 0.63m/s
100% load at governor tripping speed or rated speed
1979 • Instantaneous with buffered effect up to 1m/s
at failure of suspension
• Progressive types, test with 125% load at levelling speed
• Governor trip speed not to exceed 200 fpm
BS 5655-1 Safety gear to stop and hold car with • Instantaneous type or instantaneous with buffered effect test with full load at • Instantaneous type safety gears up to 0.63m/s
100% load at governor tripping speed or rated speed
1986 • Instantaneous with buffered effect up to 1m/s
at failure of suspension
• BS5655 part 10 1986 addressed testing and required the following:
1 Instantaneous full load at rated speed
2 Progressive with type test, 125% load at levelling speed.
3 Progressive without type test, full load at governor tripping speed
BS EN 81 Safety gear to stop and hold car with • Instantaneous type or instantaneous with buffered effect test with full load at
100% load at governor tripping speed or rated speed
1998 at failure of suspension
• Progressive types test with 125% load at rated speed or at levelling speed
Amendments • British Standard PAS 32 addresses testing and requires the following:
1 Instantaneous full load at rated speed
2 Progressive with type test, 125% load at levelling speed
BS EN 81-20 Safety gear to stop and hold car with • Instantaneous type with rated load at rated speed
100% load at governor tripping speed or
2014 • Progressive types with 125% load at rated speed or lower
at failure of suspension
& 2020 • BS 8486-3 addresses testing and requires the following:
1 Instantaneous type at rated load at rated speed
2 Progressive types with 125% load at rated speed or lower
SECTION 6 Page 6.5 Guidelines on the supplementary tests of in-service lifts LG1 Issue 04.1: June 2020
In the case of ropes operating in sheaves other than cast iron or steel, the
Competent Person should be aware of the possibility of more advanced
internal deterioration occurring than that which might be visually obvious
from the outside.
Table 3 indicates the number of visible broken wires in the worst section
of a single layer rope with a fibre core within the set at which replacement
or next examination should take place within a specified period and at
which replacement should take place immediately. The values apply to
suspension ropes, governor ropes and compensating ropes.
In other instances, when 6 and 8 strand ropes are working over metal
pulleys, a reduction of more than 10% of the nominal diameter of the
rope is a guide for rejection.
B.5.2 Lubrication
Lubricants, applied during rope manufacture to provide corrosion
protection, are usually adequate for initial in-use service.
B.6.2 Replacement
When replacement of one chain is necessary, all chains on that lift must
be renewed. The maximum allowable face wear in respect of plate link
chain is 5%. Replacement of mating sprockets and/or pulleys should also
be considered when replacing the chains. Only chains, anchorages and
anchorage pins as specified by the original lift manufacturer, or those
manufactured to an equivalent specification, should be fitted. If any of the
other defects identified above are found, the severity of the defect and the
normal conditions in which use is envisaged, will be used by the
Competent Person to determine whether renewal of the chain is required.
B.6.3 Lubrication
At intervals recommended by the lift manufacturer/installer and with the
chain in-situ in a slack condition, chains, anchors and pins should be
lubricated. It should be confirmed that only lubricants approved by the lift
manufacturer/installer are being used. In a hostile environment, special
lubricants may be required; these should be agreed with the lift
manufacturer/installer and the chain manufacturer.
pre 1970
BS 2655 Cylinders rams, valves and pipes No test was defined in the
to withstand 2 x max normal standard as it was assumed that
1970 operating pressure if correctly designed the system
would withstand twice the
pressure under test
BS 5655-2 Cylinders rams, valves and pipes No test was defined in the
to withstand 2 x max normal standard as it was assumed that
1983 operating pressure if correctly designed the system
would withstand twice the
pressure under test
BS 5655-2 Proof test based on 2.3 x full Annex D called for 200% full
load pressure with a safety load static pressure test
1988 factor of 1.7
BS 5655 part 10 1986 called for
200% full load static pressure test
BS EN 81-2 Proof test based on 2.3 x full Annex D called for 200% full
load pressure with a safety load static pressure test
1998 &
factor of 1.7
Amendments PAS 32 and BS 8486-2:2007 call
for 200% full load static
BS EN 81-20 Proof test based on 2.3 x full Clause 6.3.10 of EN 81-20 calls
load pressure with a safety for 200% full load static
2014 factor of 1.7 pressure test
& 2020
BS 8486-3:2017 calls for 200%
full load static pressure test
SECTION 6 Page 6.12 Guidelines on the supplementary tests of in-service lifts LG1 Issue 04.1: June 2020
The three most common types of NDT used for in-service inspections
of hoists are:
• ultrasonic examination
• dye penetrant
• magnetic particle examination.
Carillion PLC
Chartered Institute of Building Service Engineers (CIBSE) City of Westminster
Independent National Inspection and Testing Association (INITA) Lift Forum
Transport for London (London Underground)
Section 8
(1) L21, Management of Health and Safety at Work Regulations 1999
- Approved Code of Practice.
(2) L22, Provision and Use of Work Equipment Regulations 1998
- Approved Code of Practice.
(3) L24, Workplace (Health, Safety and Welfare) Regulations 1992
- Approved Code of Practice and Guidance.
(4) L113, Lifting Operations and Lifting Equipment Regulations 1998
- Approved Code of Practice.
(5) INDG 73(rev3), Working Alone in Safety - Controlling the risks of
solitary work.
(6) INDG 339(rev1), Thorough examination and testing of lifts
- Simple guidance for lift owners.
(7) INDG 401(rev2) The Work at Height Regulations 2005 (as amended)
Safety Assessment Federation Limited
Unit 4, 70 South Lambeth Road, Vauxhall, London SW8 1RL
Tel: +44 (0)20 7582 3208 and