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Gov. A. QuibranzaProv’l Gov’t Compound
Pigcarangan, Tubod, Lanao del Norte



Name: _______________________________________ Grade & Sec. _________________

Date: ______________________________________ Score: ________________________
TEST I: Multiple choice
Directions: Read the statement carefully and ______9. A dozen of jumbo eggs weighted a
choose the letter that best describes your minimum of _____.
answer.Write your answer on the space before the a. 30 ounces b. 27 ounces
numbers, not following instructions minus 5pts. c. 14 ounces d. 7 ounces
______1.Fresh fish caught and taken from the water.
These are transported and marketed alive.
______10 . Which of the following is not true about
a. Whole round b. fillet
a. Eggs are graded for quality and size.
c. Steak d. Dressed fish
b. To test an egg for freshness, place the egg in
a bowl of hot water.
______2. Whole or round fish with scales, fins, c. Beaten whole eggs or egg yolk results in
entrails and head are removed. lemon colour.
a. Whole round b. fillet d. Eggs deteriorate quickly if not properly
c. Steak d. Dressed fish stored.

______3. The sides of the fish cut away from the ______11. Why vegetable should be cooked in a short
backbone and are ready to cook. They are usually period of time?
boneless, with no waste a. It stops the acidity. b. It maintains shape.
a. Whole round b. butterfly fillet c. It maintains the color. d. It enhances the texture.
c. Steak d. fillet
______12. It is a vegetable cut by stacking herbs or
______4. Two sides of the fish cut lengthwise away leafy vegetables, roll up the item producing a cigar-
from the backbone shape roll and slice nicely.
a. Whole round b. butterfly fillet a. Chiffonade b. Batonnet c. Julienne d. Large Dice
c. Steak d. fillet
______13. The following are the importance of proper
______5. Ready-to-cook, cross-sectional slices of vegetable cuts except one?
large fish. a. Uniformity in cutting ensures even cooking time.
a. Whole round b. fillet b. Aesthetics have a visual appeal in the cooked dishes.
c. Steak d. Dressed fish c. People eat with their eyes and a large percentage of
the satisfaction that people get from food comes from
______6. Most written recipes calling for fresh shell the eyes.
eggs are based on what size egg? d. If the vegetable must be cooked ahead, under cook
a.large b. average size c. overcooked d. white slightly and chill rapidly.
______7. Chef Princes wants to make an omelet with
______14. What should you avoid regarding seasoning
the frozen eggs that were delivered to his kitchen this
a vegetable dish?
morning. She will have a problem doing this because
a. It is more appropriate to used artificial seasonings.
b. Seasonings should be highlighted.
a. the eggs will take approximately two days to
c. Seasonings should mask the natural flavors
thaw in the refrigerator
d. All of the above.
b. they can lose as much as one grade in a day
if they are stored at room temperature
______15. It is the healthiest method of cooking
c. it needs to cook in a high temperature
because the nutritional, value, flavour and texture is
d. the internal temp of custards must exceed
185 F (85 C)
a. Baking b. Braising c. Sauteing d. Steaming
______8. Eggs cooked slowly over low heat have a ______16. Referred to as produce and are sold in the
better texture in general. market, grocery store, supermarkets, market stalls and
a. true b. false c. somewhat true d. large direct from the market farm.
a. frozen vegetables b. dried vegetables
c. fresh vegetables d. canned vegetables

______17. sold in the market are dehydrated using different TEST II: Identify the following statements right
methods like drum drying, air and sun drying. your answer on the space provided. (2points
a. frozen vegetables b. dried vegetables each)
c. fresh vegetables d. canned vegetables
______18 items are heated in stem pressure before packed ______1. It is a thick open-faced egg pancake.
in boxes and crates. ______2. It is made of whole eggs, whipped with a fork or
a. frozen vegetables b. dried vegetables wire whisk to blend.
c. fresh vegetables d. canned vegetables
______19. undergo several steps to ensure quality before ______3. Hard-cooked yolks can be frozen to be used as
they are actually frozen. ____
a. frozen vegetables b. dried vegetables
c. fresh vegetables d. canned vegetables
______4. Brushing bread or any pastry before baking with
______20. is a foot- ball shape cut with seven sides. an egg wash like beaten egg mix with water, milk or cream
a. Rondelle b. Tourne c. oblique d. lozenge will impart a shiny surface.
______21.type of cut that is cut diagonally
a. Rondelle b. Tourne c. oblique d. lozenge ______5.It is the egg yolk that contains much of the
protein, vitamins, minerals and cholesterol.
______22. is cut in circular rounds or disc like shape.
a. Rondelle b. Tourne c. oblique d. lozenge ______1.Fresh fish caught and taken from the water.
These are transported and marketed alive.
______23.type of cut that is a diamond shape cut.
a. Rondelle b. Tourne c. oblique d. lozenge ______2. Whole or round fish with scales, fins, entrails
and head are removed.
______24 is a vegetable cut by stacking herbs or leafy
vegetables, roll up the item producing a cigar-shape roll and ______3. The sides of the fish cut away from the backbone
slice nicely to produce a chiffonade. and are ready to cook. They are usually boneless, with no
a. Rondelle b. Tourne c. chiffonade d. lozenge waste.
______25. is slightly larger than brunoise with the
______4. Two sides of the fish cut lengthwise away from
the backbone
dimension of 3mm x3mm x3mm ( 1/8 in x 1/8 in x 1/8 in )
a. Macedoine b. Tourne ______5. Ready-to-cook, cross-sectional slices of large
c. chiffonade d. lozenge fish.

______26 is a smallest dice with uniform size coming from

julienne cut with the dimension of 2mm x 2mm x 2mm
( 1/16 x 1/16 x 1/16 )
a. Macedoine b. brunoise
c. chiffonade d. lozenge

______27 is a flat, thin square with a dimension of 12mm

x12mm x 3mm ( ½ in x ½ in x 1/8 in ).
a. Macedoine b. brunoise
c. chiffonade d. Paysanne

______28 measures 6mm x6mm x 6cm (1/4 in x ¼ in x 2 in

a. Macedoine b. brunoise c. batonnet d. baton

______29 is thicker than julienne and jardinière and

measure 12mm x 12mm x 6cm (1/2 in x ½ in x 2 ½ in )
a. Macedoine b. brunoise c. batonnet d. baton

______30. has a dimension of 2mm x 2mm x 4cm ( 1/16 x

1/16 x 2 inch ). Julienne fine is an even finer version with
the dimension of 0.5mm x 1.5mm x 3-5 cm. If you are
working with a carrot, cut into half. Trim off one end to
secure a base to work on. Cut off little blocks and slice into
even little sticks known as julienne.
a. Macedoine b. julienne c. batonnet d. baton

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