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Course Course Name of Course

L T P Credit
Type Code (Session)
Compulsory PEC- Petroleum Production Operations-II 3 1 0 7

Course Objective
i. To provide the basic knowledge and skills of the overall surface production operations
ii. To provide the basic knowledge and skills in oil and gas separation and freatment
iii. To provide the basic knowledge and skills in the storage and transportation of oil and
iv. To provide the basic knowledge and skills in well stimulation techniques
v. To provide the basic knowledge and skills in Cash flow analysis
Learning Outcomes
Upon successful completion of this course, students will:
i. Learn various surface equipment for processing of oil and gas after flow from wells.
ii. Have the ability to operate the surface equipment installed in GGS/ CTF/ GCS.
iii. Learn the basic fundamentals of surface production operations such as processing,
storage, measurement and transportation of oil and gas.
iv. Acquire knowledge about the safety issues and control measures of the equipment and
v. Learn the candidate well selection for different well stimulation techniques as well as
different well stimulation operations.
vi. Learn the basic economic indicators for cash flow analysis

Unit L-T-
Topics to be Covered Learning Outcome
No. P
1. Gathering and collection of oil and 5-1-0 This unit will help the students in
gas: GGS, CTF and GCS - layout, understanding the basic purpose and
sequential treatment, and safety features operations of GGS, CTF and GCS
on installations. and their safety features
2. Field Processing of Oil & Gas: Basic 8-4-0 This unit will help students in
theory of separation of oil and gas from understanding the basic fundamentals
the wellhead fluids- Flash and stage of field processing of oil and gas
separation of oil & gas; Oil & gas after flow from well and before their
separators, Vertical and horizontal transportation to the refineries / end
separators, metering separators, mist users.
extractor, fluid level and pressure
control system.. Working pressure and
safety feature in oil & gas separators.
Special problems in oil and gas
separation. Removal of suspended solid
& water from oil & gas. Scrubbers and
wash tank. Demulsification and
3. Storage of Petroleum and Petroleum 6-2-0 This unit will help student in
Products: Different types of storage understanding the different modes of
system, Types & features of storage storage systems for petroleum and
tanks, fixed roof and floating roof tanks. petroleum products
Specification, maintenance and
operation of tank batteries, Vapour
recovery system.
4. Metering and Measurements: 6-2-0 This unit will help students in the
Metering of oil & gas, Sampling and understanding the different
Testing of Crude oil, water and measurement systems for petroleum
sediment determination, Gauging and petroleum products.
equipment and methods, orifice and
other metering devices and their
5. Transportation of Petroleum and 4-0-0 This unit will help student in
Petroleum Products: Basic understanding the different modes of
transportation systems, Specific features transportation of petroleum and
of pipelines & pipeline networks, rail petroleum products.
tank cars, tank trucks, marine tankers &
barges, Basic pipeline operations, Risk
associated with transportation systems
and their safety features.
6. Well Stimulation Techniques : Design 8-3-0 This unit will help student in
& Selection: Type and description, understanding the well stimulation
Design of matrix acidizing- sandstone techniques used in the oilfields and
and carbonate reservoirs, Design of their selection.
hydraulic fracturing
7. Cash Flow Analysis related to 2-1-0 This unit will help student in
petroleum economics, concepts of understanding the basic fundamentals
payout NPV ,IRR etc. of cash flow analysis

Text Books:
i. Petroleum production Handbook Bradly, H.B

ii. Standard Handbook of Petroleum & Natural Gas Engineering, 2 nd Edition by Lyons,
W.C. and Plisga, G.J.

Reference Books:

i. Surface Production Operation , Arnold, Ken and Stewart, Maurice

ii. Petroleum Production Systems-Michael J. Economides, A. Daniel Hill and Christine
iii. Production and Transport of Oil & Gas by Szilas
iv. Acidizing Fundamentals – SPE Monograph

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