Barriers in Communication
Barriers in Communication
Barriers in Communication
According to Devito (2009), there are several types of "noise,,-that might interfere
with the communication process:
o Physicalinterference;
o Physiologicalinterference;
o Psychological interference; and
o Semanticinterference.
These interferences or noise may distract and prevent the receiver from payrng
full attention to the message. IAtrhen this happens, the message may not ue neara
and interpreted fully or correctly. Similarly, interferenc"t
to lose -iy cause the speaker
concentration and this can lead to incompiete or urr6r,"o.r,
communication on the part of the sender. As a result, receivers will interpret the
messages wrongly and not as intended by the speaker.
ifa speaker delivers his message clearly and loudly, a listener who has hearing
problems will not be able to understand and receive the message fully. On the
other hand, if a sender speaks with a lisp and cannot pronounce the /r / and /s/
sounds properly, the listener may not be able to understand what has been said.