Nitobond SBR TDS
Nitobond SBR TDS
Nitobond SBR TDS
Substrate priming Note: these mix designs are based on the use of dry sand
The substrate should be thoroughly soaked with clean water and aggregate. Adjustments must be made to the water demand
and any excess removed prior to commencement. A slurry relative to the moisture content of the sand and aggregate
primer should be prepared consisting of 1 volume Nitobond used.
SBR to 1 volume clean water to 3 volumes fresh cement. To It should also be noted that, due to the frequent inconsistencies
obtain a smooth consistency, the cement should be blended of site-stored materials and variable conditions, actual yields
slowly into the premixed liquids. The slurry primer should be and results may differ from those published above.
stirred frequently during use to offset settlement.
Weigh the cement, sand and, where required, aggregate into
The slurry primer should be scrubbed well into the surface of
the mixer and dry blend together for 1 minute. With the machine
the concrete. Avoid applying too thickly and avoid ‘puddling’.
in operation, add the pre-mixed Nitobond SBR and clean
The repair mortar, topping or render must be applied on to
water. Continue mixing for 3 minutes to ensure complete
the wet slurry primer. If the slurry primer dries before application
dispersal into the sand and cement. Make any small adjustment
of the mortar, it must be removed (ground off) and the area
to the quantity of clean water but do not significantly exceed
reprimed before continuing.
the litreage shown above.
In exceptional circumstances, e.g. where a substrate/repair
barrier is required or where the substrate is likely to remain Additional water should be kept to a minimum. Continue mixing
permanently damp, Nitobond EP bonding aid should be used. up to a maximum of 5 minutes until a smooth and fully
Contact Fosroc for further information. homogeneous consistency is achieved with the required
workability and application properties. It is critical that allowance
Mixing is made for the moisture content of the sand and aggregate,
particularly where they are stored on site.
Care should be taken to ensure that Nitobond SBR mortars
are thoroughly mixed. A forced-action mixer is essential. Mixing
at a slow speed (400/500 rpm) in a suitably sized drum using Application
appropriate equipment such the Ransom 140 x 600 M14 For application to all surfaces, Nitobond SBR mortars, toppings
Helical mixing paddle (product code: N4020892-UNIT) fitted and renders must be well-compacted on to the primed substrate
to a heavy-duty 1600W mixer, such as Ransom 1602 E (product by trowel. It is frequently beneficial to work a thin layer of the
code: NP7EV160-UNIT) or equivalent is acceptable for small mortar into the slurry primer and then build the mortar on to
mixes. this layer. Exposed steel reinforcement should be completely
A wide range of mix designs is achievable using Nitobond encapsulated by the mortar.
SBR. Nitobond SBR mortars can be applied at a minimum thickness
Typical designs are detailed below: of 6mm and up to 40mm thickness, dependent on the location
and configuration of the repair zone. The thickness achievable
1. Patching and repair mortar: 20kgs GP Cement + 60kgs in overhead locations without the use of formwork is largely
grade 16/30 sharp sand + 4 litres Nitobond SBR + 3 litres dependent on the profile of the substrate. Refer to the
(approximately) clean water. Yield 38 litres. Recommended recommended thicknesses shown in the ‘Mix design’ section
thickness: 6mm - 40mm above. If the recommended thickness is exceeded and sagging
2. Heavy-duty floor screed: 20kgs GP Cement + 30kgs occurs, the affected section must be completely removed and
3mm to 6mm crushed rock + 30kgs grade 16/30 sharp reapplied in accordance with the procedure described above.
sand + 2.5 litres Nitobond SBR + 2.5 litres (approximately) The use of formwork may facilitate achieving the required
clean water. Yield 37 litres. The screed should be of a build. If formwork is used, it should have properly sealed faces
semi-dry cohesive consistency. Recommended thickness: to ensure that no water is absorbed from the repair material.
10mm - 40mm Where thicker sections up to a total thickness of 40mm are
3. Render: 20kgs GP Cement + 60kgs grade 16/30 sharp to be built up by hand or trowel application, the surface of the
sand + 2.5 litres Nitobond SBR + 2.5 litres (approximately) intermediate layers should be scratch-keyed and cured with
clean water. Yield 37 litres. The render should be of a diluted Nitoprime 330. Application of the slurry primer and a
semi-dry cohesive consistency. Recommended thickness: further application of Nitobond SBR mortar may proceed as
6mm - 9mm soon as this layer has set.
Nitobond SBR should be removed from tools, equipment and
mixers with clean water immediately after use. Cured material
can only be removed mechanically.
Nitobond SBR mortars, toppings and renders should not be
applied when the temperature is 5°C and falling. Neither
should they be exposed to moving water during application.
Exposure to heavy rainfall prior to the final set may result in
surface scour. If any doubts arise concerning temperature or
substrate conditions, consult Fosroc.
Important notice
A Safety Data Sheet (SDS) is available from the Fosroc website. Read the SDS and TDS carefully prior to use as application or performance data may change from time to time. In emergency,
contact any Poisons Information Centre (phone 13 11 26 within Australia) or a doctor for advice.
Product disclaimer
This Technical Data Sheet (TDS) summarises our best knowledge of the product, including how to use and apply the product based on the information available at the time. You should read
this TDS carefully and consider the information in the context of how the product will be used, including in conjunction with any other product and the type of surfaces to, and the manner in
which, the product will be applied. Our responsibility for products sold is subject to our standard terms and conditions of sale. Parchem does not accept any liability either directly or indirectly for
any losses suffered in connection with the use or application of the product whether or not in accordance with any advice, specification, recommendation or information given by it.
*Manufactured and sold under license from Fosroc Parchem Construction Supplies Pty Ltd
International Limited. Fosroc and the Fosroc logo are trade 7 Lucca Road, Wyong NSW 2259
marks of Fosroc International Limited, used under license. Ph: 1800 812 864 ABN 80 069 961 968
Distributed in New Zealand by: Concrete Plus Ltd
constructive solutions 150 Hutt Park Road Gracefield Ph: 0800 657 156
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