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Identify Different Channels Used by VICAK. Which According To You Is The Most Effective Channel and Why?

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Identify different channels used by VICAK.

Which according to you is the most

effective channel and why?
VIACK Corporation was founded in 1999. It has offices which are located in Washington,
D.C, and Arizona. So its offices are located at very distant places due to this VICAK use different
communication channels. Offices are located on the basis of talent and client basis. If
management makes plans, policies and programs they have to communicate that ideas, plans,
policies and program with their employees. For this purpose they use following channels which
are following:

Electronic Communication Channel;

For communicating with their employees VICAK uses the electronic
communication channel which is VIA3. VIA3 is software which collaborate the employees of
VICAK. VIA3 enables business and government professionals to communicate with each other
anywhere in the world. Through VIA3, VICAK can meet with staff and clients anywhere, share
information, ideas, plans, and policies and program as if they were in the same conference
room. VIA3 is an electronic channel which collaborate 14 people in one time.

Personal Communication Channel:

VICAK also uses the face to face communication channel. VICAK’s
management communicates with their employees by face to face communication especially in
emergency situations. If there is a problem of getting new product out CEO will go by himself in
engineering facility and try to understand the problem which is facing by engineering
department. It is said; Face is the index of mind. Face to face communication is very important
in VICAK Company. By face to face communication, employees confidently share their ideas,
plans, polices, views and programs with the top management. In face to face communication
gestures, postures and movements reveals the feedback promptly. Employees also feel
respected and supported.

Effective Communication Channel;

According to my point of view electronic communication channel is more effective
rather than face to face communication. In now a days; ‘’Technology is the mother of
invention.’’ VICAK’s employees are placed in different states so VIA3 is a best communication
channel for VICAK.

 Reasons:

Traveling Expense

Time Saving


Other reasons

Following are the reason that’s why I think electronic communication channel is more effective:

 Travelling expense:
VICAK’S offices are located are in different states of US. These are the states
which are on very distant places. In businesses, on every issue meeting is held by top
management. For VICAK’s employees it is very difficult to gather in one place. If they
will gather in one meeting room, they have to bear a lot of travelling expense but
through VIA3 they can connect with colleagues and top management without any
travelling cost.
 Time Saving:
If VICAK plans to conduct a physical meeting, it have to spend time on booking a
conference room, planning for the event its self and also have to wait for the late-
comers which will takes a lot of time and will cause to delay the meeting. But through
electronic communication channel everyone will be on time in meeting.
 Increase in productivity;
Through VIA3 management and staff can share screen and have feature of audio
and video. It helps to VICAK’s management for an effective conference with managerial
tools at hand. If upper management wants to share plans, policies and programs
through VIA3 can discussed with employees.
 Easy Access for Participants of choice:
If VICAK wants to invite some experts, it may not be possible in physical
meetings but through VIA3 top management can invite experts and can train their
employees which are located in different states. Through this channel they can train
their employees without cost.
 Structured Meetings:
In physical meetings people came from different places and times can extend
due to late comers but due to online meetings as VIA3 used for collaboration meeting of
time is fixed. This allows for a more concentrated discussion with less chit-chat and
participants are more likely to stay attentive and paying attention on what is discussed.
 Other Reasons;
 Recruitment of employees at anywhere
 More Flexible
 Shared Documents
 Recorded Meetings
In short, VIA3 is an effective communication tools which collaborates the employees of
VICAK. Although VICAK can communicate their employees more effectively if they use
any software through which they can communicate more than 14 employees.

Question #2:

Which are the communication barriers you see in the above case? How
to overcome them?
Communication barriers mean those specific items which may cause to miss
communicate. Or in other words, it means those items which may cause to disfigure or avoid
communication within organization. In VICAK there are many items which may cause of

It is said:

‘’ Communication removes walls and build bridges’’

Following are the communication barrier which are facing by VICAK


Limited Employees

Cultural barrier
Lack of trust

Time zones

Communication Barriers;

 Connect limited employees in one time:

VICAK collaborate its employees through VIA3. But through VIA3 only 14 employees
can collaborate on the screen with audio and instant messaging capabilities. There are a lot of
employees of VICAK in different states but can connect only 14 employees in one time due to
there may be change in sharing of ideas, plans policies and programs.

 Cultural Barrier:
VICAK’s employees are located in different states as in Arizona, Scottsdale and in
Washington. These states are on very distant and the people of every state follow
different culture and traditions which create communication barrier. Perceptions and
ways of thinking are different from each other.
 Time Zone Clashes:
VICAK’s employees are not located in one state of US. They are located in different
states of US that are why there may be difference in time zones. It can be a great
communication barrier because when the working hour in Arizona may be mismatch with

 Physical Barrier:
VICAK mostly conduct meetings with its employees through VIA3 rather than physical
meetings. Gestures, postures and movements play an important role in effective
communication. But due to VIA3 they cannot notice the other’s person body language.
It is said:

‘’ Body says what the words cannot.’’

 Failure to listen:
When the meetings are conducting through any software rather than physical
meetings, listeners are on distant areas. They may fail to listen due to internet
connectivity issues and they may not give attention on the plans, ideas, information and
programs of the speaker. It can be harmful for VICAK as well as for any organization.
 Other Barriers:
 VIA3 tool can’t be fruitful for discussion of important matters and in emergency
 VICAK’s confidential documents may need to be viewed and signed in person.
 VICAK is a flat organization without a structure. Mostly ideas shared by upper
management and due to connection of only 14 employees limited ideas are shared by
staff. This may cause also lack of innovation.
 Through VIA3 collaboration tool, VICAK may not be able to build strong relation. Due to
this employees may not freely share their ideas with management.

Remedial Measure:

 Open Minded Questions and Answers:

For overcoming the problem of not listening ask open minded questions and give
answers which are asked by the staff. It will also be a cause of building strong relationship and
sharing of ideas.

 Connect more employees:

VICAK should choose software through which it can communicate more employees
rather than VIA3.It may cause more fruitful rather than communicate 14 employees and cause
of smoothful ideas sharing.

 Use of charts and visual aids:

If VICAK’s manager or staff wants to share ideas, plans and programs they should
choose any visual aid such as charts or through whiteboard. It will eradicate any
type of confusion and idea will be cleared in the mind of listeners.
 Other Measures:
 Use active listening
 Use of body language
 There should be eye contact
 VICAK should create an atmosphere free of distractions and interruptions.
 There should be privacy while meeting.
In short, before delivering a message to the staff, idea, plans or policies should
be clear in the mind of VICAK’s management as well.

(Self thoughts and internet search)

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