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Title: Strategies for effective communication

Question no.1: Identify different channels of communication used by VIACK. Which

according to you is the most effective channel and why?
Communication channels means the medium through which one can communicate. As it works
on large scale so they have different departments and number of employees to which they have
to convey their messages. For communication with their employees and to implement on their
policies they used the following two channels:
 Face to Face communication:
The company uses face to face communication channel to interact with their employees though
they have their own developed software for communication. But when there is some challenging
situation arises, they interact with each other physically. As lower management and top
managers can interact with each other at time when company wants to introduce a new product
in the market. They exchange their ideas and new policies with each other. Also the working
staff asked for the queries if they have some.
When there is face to face interaction between workers and the management, it leads to boost
their morals as they are encouraged to express their opinions and they feel supported and valued
by higher management.
 Electronic-media / online communication:
VIACK company has their own software to communicate online with their employees.
Employees uses webcam and headset during this online meeting. As it has large number of
employees from various localities so by using this mode, they can access at one click. As
employees are from different localities so it is difficult for them to attend time to time meetings
of company physically, so all be able to attend online. Is also convenient for the company, as it
reduces administrative expenses, and enhanced the productivity.
They developed a system through which they connect 14 people at time. By using this they share
their ideas and views. And different strategies are adopted to improve the working of company.
Effective communication channel:
In my opinion face to face communication channel is effective for communication. As company
is divided functionally and geographically. When there is online interaction between employees
it may have miscommunication between the employees. And employees may not get the same
point which is delivered by company. Face to face interaction have following benefits:
 Team Building:
When there is online interaction it is not possible to build a team and to motivate employees to
work as a team. Because employees may not have interest for others and there is less
coordination between them. By meeting personally enables employees to know each other apart
from their working roles. So it leads to team building and develops sense of coordination and
 Accountability:
By using this channel working by each employee can easily be checked. And workers are
answerable to owners on part of their duties, which is sometimes not possible in online
communication. As workers become irresponsible in terms of their duties, and may not pay
attention to their duties.
 Prevents from miscommunication:
It prevents from miscommunication as people belong from different regions so they have
different meaning of convention. If they miscommunicate the message it can easily be corrected
at the spot.
 Prevents from wrong decisions:
When employees interact or communicate face to face with each other at any matter, they
discuss all the points. As all the participants take active part in decision making and all views
observed by using this channel. In online communication employees may lack of interest which
leads to wrong decisions.

Question no.2: Which are the communication barriers you see in the above case? How to
overcome them?
Barriers means the hurdles because of which message can not be delivered or it may wrongly
interpreted, which leads to miscommunication. It may occurs from any side like from sender as
well as from receiver.
Communication Barriers:
Following are the barriers which occurs in this organizational communication.
 Semantic Barriers:
Semantic barriers means to misunderstand the languages and symbols used in communication.
As this company have employees from different regions, so they used different languages and
interpret the meanings on their own.
 Physical Barriers:
Physical barriers include environmental conditions like time, medium and place. As company
uses online communication channel so some of the people mat have internet errors and issues.
There are some time zone clashes as well, people belongs to different regions. And company
interact with different people at different time.
 Perceptual Barriers:
There are different workers in company and perceptions vary from person to person. Every
individual has its own perception. Each person's mental filter is unique. People may abstract,
infer and evaluate differently which leads sometimes to miscommunication.
 Attention Barriers:
When people or employees interact through online system they may can't concentrate on the
meeting as their surroundings may divert their attention. And information may overloaded so
employees may not interpret and understand the messages conveyed by officials.
 Psychological Barriers:
It means there is a difference between values, attitudes, opinions and emotions. Employees have
different opinions and views so they interpret the message according to their own. Employees
emotions sometimes may lead to wrong decisions, if messages are not interpreted correctly.
 Accessibility Barriers:
Accessibility Barriers may disturb the communication chain. As this company communicate by
using two different modes, so it has effect on both. But in online communication it has major
influence because employees may not able to access. This is sometimes because of inaudibility
and sometimes message is not effective or information may overloaded.
Solutions to Barriers:
 Use Simple Language:
Managers must try to use simple and easy language while they are communicating with their
employees. As all the employees are not of same caliper and all have not the same understanding
level. So words chosen by both parties must be easy and understandable.
 Improve Software programs:
As this company have their own online system to interact they should improve their system. As
now, they just connect 14 people at a time and they communicate at different time to different
people which leads to communicate differently. And also by developing this time clashes of
employees resolved, because more people can connect at same time.
 Encourage collaboration and team building:
Company must encourage collaboration and team building among the employees as they belongs
to different areas and they have different mind sets. When they collaborate with each other they
may share many useful ideas which is beneficial for company.
 Ensure Accountability:
The company must have a strong accountability system to check on their employees. This is for
the smooth and effective working, and for accomplishment of tasks in time. And it removes
attention barriers. As employees become about their workings.
 Celebrate Accomplishments:
When there is distinct communication and have some physical barriers like time clashes then it is
much needed to motivate your employees on their efforts or achievements. So they get motivate,
work hard and try to manage according to company policies instead of complaining. It removes
psychological barriers by changing their attitudes.

This company works at large scale and it is divided by functions as well as geographically. There
are two communication channels and the effective one is face to face interaction. Employees
may directly ask hard questions to CEO which shows that there is healthy environment for the
employees but still it may lead to leniency from employees. To sum it up company have to
improve their online system if wants to make effective communication as most of the meetings
conducted through it.

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