Catalyst Support Effects: Gas-Phase Hydrogenation of Phenol Over Palladium
Catalyst Support Effects: Gas-Phase Hydrogenation of Phenol Over Palladium
Catalyst Support Effects: Gas-Phase Hydrogenation of Phenol Over Palladium
The catalytic action of 10% w/w Pd supported on two forms of graphitic carbon nanofibers (GCN) has been assessed and compared with the
performance of 10% w/w Pd on SiO2 , Ta2 O5 , activated carbon (AC), and graphite. Palladium nitrate served as metal precursor in each case but
the role of the starting metal salt was also considered by examining the action of palladium acetate impregnated SiO2 . The activated catalysts
have been characterized by hydrogen chemisorption, high-resolution transmission electron microscopy, and scanning electron microscopy.
Phenol hydrogenation served as the test reaction, which proceeds in a stepwise fashion involving the partially hydrogenated cyclohexanone
as a reactive intermediate. The occurrence and ramifications of Pd/support interaction(s) are related to hydrogenation activity and selectivity.
The effects of contact time and reaction temperature (398–448 K) are reported and discussed in terms of phenol/catalyst interaction(s).
Hydrogenation kinetics have been adequately represented by a standard pseudo-first-order approximation. The specific activities exhibited
the following sequence of increasing values: Pd/AC < Pd/GCN < Pd/SiO2 ∼ Pd/graphite < Pd/Ta2 O5 . A diversity of product composition
responses to variations in reaction conditions points to the involvement of Pd particle size distribution, Pd particle geometry, and electronic
character in determining overall catalytic behavior.
2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Keywords: Graphitic carbon nanofibers; Phenol hydrogenation; Palladium; Catalyst support; Selective hydrogenation
overnight at 383 K and activated by heating (10 K min−1 , factor >0.99). Heat transport effects can also be disregarded
controlled using a Eurotherm 91e temperature programmer) when applying the criteria set down by Mears [47]; the tem-
in 60 cm3 min−1 (monitored using a Humonics Model 529 perature differential between the catalyst particles and bulk
digital flow meter) dry H2 (99.999% v/v) to 523 K, and fluid phase was <1 K. In a series of blank experiments,
this temperature was maintained for 2 h. Nitrogen BET passage of aqueous solutions of phenol in a stream of hydro-
surface area measurements were carried out at 77 K (Mi- gen through the empty reactor or over each of the support
cromeritics TriStar) on freshly reduced samples. Samples materials did not result in any detectable conversion. The
for off-line TEM analysis were cooled (in He) and pas- catalytic data quoted herein represent steady-state values ob-
sivated in a 2% v/v O2 /He mixture at room temperature. tained in the absence of any significant long-term catalyst
The latter step provided a protective oxide layer over the deactivation; repeated catalytic runs generated results that
Pd surface that prevented bulk oxidation upon exposure to were reproducible to within ±7%. The reactor effluent was
the atmosphere. High-resolution transmission electron mi- frozen in a liquid nitrogen trap for subsequent analysis which
croscopy (HRTEM) analysis was carried out using a Philips was made using an AI Cambridge GC94 chromatograph
CM200 FEGTEM microscope equipped with a UTW energy equipped with a flame ionization detector and employing a
dispersive X-ray (EDX) detector (Oxford Instruments) and DB-1 50 m × 0.20 mm i.d., 0.33-µm capillary column (J&W
operated at an accelerating voltage of 200 kV. The specimens Scientific), as described previously [3]. Quantitative analy-
were prepared by ultrasonic dispersion in 2-butanol, evapo- sis was based on relative peak area with acetone as solvent
rating a drop of the resultant suspension onto a holey carbon where analytical repeatability was better than ±0.1% and the
support grid. Selected area electron diffraction (SAED) con- detection limit typically corresponded to a feedstock conver-
firmed that the Pd distributed over each support was present sion less than 0.1 mol%. The overall fractional conversion of
in the metallic form and not as an oxide. The Pd particle phenol (xphenol) is given by
size distribution profiles (and mean Pd sizes) presented in
[phenol]in − [phenol]out
this study are based on a measurement of over 500 individ- xphenol = (2)
ual particles. The specific Pd surface area (SPd , m2 g−1 [phenol]in
Pd ) was
calculated from the relationship [45] while reaction selectivity (as a percentage) in terms of cy-
6 clohexanone formation (SC=O ) can be represented by
SPd = , (1)
ρdPd [C=O]out
SC=O = × 100 (3)
where dPd is the mean particle size and ρ is the Pd specific [phenol]in − [phenol]out
mass (11.97 g cm−3 ). Palladium dispersion was also mea- and percentage cyclohexanone yield (YC=O %) is given by
sured by pulse H2 chemisorption, employing the commercial
Quantachrome ChemBET 3000 unit; dispersion values were YC=O = × 100, (4)
reproducible to better than ±5%. [phenol]in
where [ ] denotes concentration and in and out refer to the
2.2. Catalytic reactor system reactant/product(s) entering and exiting the reactor. All the
reactants were Analar grade and were used without further
Each catalyst precursor was activated as above in a fixed purification.
bed glass reactor: ratio of catalyst particle to reactor diameter
= 90. The catalytic reactor approximated plug flow behav-
ior and has been fully described previously [5,7] but some 3. Results and discussion
details, pertinent to this study, are given below. A Model
100 (kd Scientific) microprocessor-controlled infusion pump 3.1. Catalyst characterization
was used to deliver aqueous solutions of phenol at a fixed
calibrated flow rate, carried through the catalyst bed in a The Pd-based catalysts considered in this study are listed
stream of dry H2 . The phenol molar feed rate was varied in Table 1, which includes TEM and H2 chemisorption-
from 5.2 × 10−4 to 9.4 × 10−3 h−1 in order to test adherence derived average Pd particle diameters and BET surface
to pseudo-first-order kinetics where H2 was maintained at areas. Representative Pd particle size distributions, based
least 12 times in excess of stoichiometric quantities; the gas- on TEM analysis, are presented in the histograms given
space velocity was kept constant at 3620 h−1 . The catalyst in Fig. 2. The activated Pd/SiO2 catalysts derived from
was supported on a glass frit and a layer of glass beads above the nitrate and acetate precursors, denoted Pd/SiO2 -A and
the catalyst bed served as a preheating zone to ensure that Pd/SiO2 -B, respectively, exhibit similar size distributions,
the reactants were vaporized and reached the reaction tem- albeit the average Pd diameter delivered by the nitrate pre-
perature (398–448 K) before contacting the catalyst; T was cursor is slightly larger. The low-resolution TEM images
constant to within ±1 K. The reactor was operated, using the provided in Fig. 3 serve to illustrate the nature of the
criteria outlined elsewhere [46], with negligible internal or metal dispersion. The Pd phase supported on SiO2 exhibits
external diffusion retardation of reaction rate (effectiveness a spherical morphology (Fig. 3a), suggestive of relatively
186 C. Park, M.A. Keane / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 266 (2003) 183–194
Table 1
Nitrogen BET surface areas, surface-weighted average Pd particle sizes based on H2 chemisorption (dH ) and TEM (dTEM ) measurements and the associated
specific phenol hydrogenation pseudo-first-order rate constants (k): T = 398 K
Catalyst N2 BET surface area dTEM (nm) dH (nm) 104 k
(m2 g−1 ) (mol h−1 (m2 gPd −1 )−1 )
Pd/SiO2 -Aa 148 8.3 9.7 1.7
Pd/SiO2 -Bb 156 7.8 9.3 1.6
Pd/Ta2 O5 15 11.6 12.9 2.5
Pd/AC 865 16.7 15.9 0.4
Pd/graphite 18 16.0 17.3 1.8
Pd/GCN-1 102 6.9 8.5 0.5
Pd/GCN-2 133 6.4 8.8 1.1
a Pd(NO ) precursor.
3 2
b Pd(C H O ) precursor.
2 3 2 2
(a) (b)
Fig. 3. Representative low-resolution TEM images of (a) Pd/SiO2 -A, (b) Pd/AC, and (c) Pd/GCN-1.
idealized structures as a visual aid. The GCN-1 product was The commonly accepted mechanism [68] involves reactant
predominantly of the “ribbon” form (Fig. 4a) with diame- (C2 H4 as the carbon source in this case) decomposition
ters in the range 50–125 nm (mean diameter = 85 nm) and on the top surface of a metal particle followed by a diffu-
lengths of up to 100 mm. In the ribbon form, the graphene sion of carbon atoms into the metal with precipitation at
layers are oriented parallel to the growing fiber axis [65, other facets of the particle to yield the fiber, which con-
67]. An alternative lattice arrangement, the “herringbone” tinues to grow until the metal particle becomes poisoned
or “fishbone” [65] structure (Fig. 4b) characterizes GCN-2, or completely encapsulated by carbon. The diameter of the
where the parallel carbon platelets are oriented at an angle nanofiber is governed by the dimensions of the seed metal
to the fiber axis. The diameter of GCN-2 extended from particle while the length depends largely on the duration of
50 to 150 nm (mean diameter = 105 nm) with an overall reaction [42,44]. The degree of crystalline order of the car-
length of up to 200 mm. The structure of the catalytically bon product is controlled by various factors including the
generated carbon fiber is largely governed by the crystallo- wetting properties of the metal with graphite and the crys-
graphic orientation of the exposed catalytic metal face(s). tallographic orientation of the metal faces that are in contact
188 C. Park, M.A. Keane / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 266 (2003) 183–194
Fig. 4. Schematic diagrams illustrating an idealized rendering of (a) “ribbon” (GCN-1) and (b) “herringbone” (GCN-2) configurations with representative
TEM images.
with the carbon deposit, features that are ultimately reliant as opposed to conventional graphite where the basal plane
upon the choice of catalyst [66,69,70]. It should be noted is available. Representative high-resolution TEM images are
that the TEM images presented in Fig. 4 correspond to the given in Fig. 5 that illustrate the lattice structure of isolated
GCN product taken directly from the reactor and the pres- Pd particles supported on GCN-1 (lattice fringes also evi-
ence of an amorphous carbon layer on the fiber edges is dent). Routine TEM analysis (Fig. 3c) revealed that the Pd
an artifact of the cooling stage, upon completion of the cat- particles were largely located along the GCN edge sites. Pal-
alytic step. A careful oxidation treatment (see Experimental) ladium supported on both GCN substrates is characterized
was employed to remove this amorphous carbon overlayer; (Fig. 2) by a narrow size distribution (>80% of the parti-
sample weight losses of ca. 5% were recorded during this cles <10 nm) and the smallest average particle diameters
mild oxidative step. The GCN fibers exhibited N2 BET sur- of all the supported Pd catalysts. Pham-Huu et al. [71] also
face areas that are intermediate in magnitude (Table 1) when noted a narrow (centered around 3–5 nm) size distribution
compared with the standard amorphous and graphitic carbon for a 5% w/w Pd loading on comparable GCN material.
supports. The “herringbone” GCN-2 possessed an overall This enhanced dispersion has been attributed to relatively
higher surface area due to the greater number of accessible strong metal/GCN interactions that limit particle growth dur-
edge sites in this more open structure. The GCN supports ing activation [71–73]. The highly crystalline faceted and
provide exposed edge sites for anchoring the Pd particles relatively thin Pd structures shown in Fig. 5 are morpho-
C. Park, M.A. Keane / Journal of Colloid and Interface Science 266 (2003) 183–194 189
Table 2
Cyclohexanone selectivities (SC=O ) at comparable phenol fractional con-
versions (xphenol ) over each catalyst: T = 423 K
Catalyst W/Fphenol (g mol−1 h) xphenol SC=O (%)
Pd/SiO2 -Aa 32 0.12 66
Pd/SiO2 -Bb 32 0.10 74
Pd/Ta2 O5 16 0.16 92
Pd/AC 64 0.13 96
Pd/graphite 24 0.07 74
Pd/GCN-1 16 0.07 26
Pd/GCN-2 24 0.11 56
Table 3
Rate constants for the partial (k1 and k2 ) and complete (k3 ) hydrogenation (see Fig. 6) of phenol over each supported Pd catalyst: T = 423 K
Catalyst k1 (mol g−1 h−1 ) k2 (mol g−1 h−1 ) k3 (mol g−1 h−1 ) k1 /k3
Pd/SiO2 -Aa 2.5 × 10−3 3.1 × 10−3 1.1 × 10−3 2.1
Pd/SiO2 -Bb 2.5 × 10−3 2.8 × 10−3 9.7 × 10−4 2.5
Pd/Ta2 O5 5.3 × 10−3 1.4 × 10−3 6.9 × 10−4 7.7
Pd/AC 2.1 × 10−3 6.0 × 10−5 6.1 × 10−5 36.5
Pd/graphite 2.4 × 10−3 2.0 × 10−3 6.9 × 10−4 3.5
Pd/GCN-1 1.1 × 10−3 2.3 × 10−3 3.3 × 10−3 0.3
Pd/GCN-2 2.7 × 10−3 7.1 × 10−3 2.4 × 10−3 1.1
a Pd(NO ) precursor.
3 2
b Pd(C H O ) precursor.
2 3 2 2
tion but the associated SC=O values were greater than those
recorded for Pd/GCN-1.
Applying pseudo-first-order conditions at quasi-steady
state for irreversible hydrogenation steps, three differential
equations describe the system
Fphenol = −(k1 + k3 )[phenol], (6)
Fphenol = k1 [phenol] − k2 [C=O], (7)
Fphenol = k3 [phenol] + k2 [C=O]. (8)
Integration of these rate equations provides the following
dependence of product mol fraction (α) on space time
Fig. 8. Experimental (symbols) and calculated (lines: based on a se-
αphenol = exp −(k1 + k3 ) , (9) ries/parallel scheme) product molar compositions (α) resulting from the
Fphenol hydrogenation of phenol over Pd/SiO2 -A (Q), Pd/Ta2 O5 (F), Pd/AC ("),
Pd/GCN-1 (a), and Pd/GCN-2 (e): T = 423 K.
k1 W
αC=O = exp −(k1 + k3 )
k2 − (k1 + k3 ) Fphenol
substituent [24]; the former is more likely to result in com-
− exp −k2 , (10) plete hydrogenation [7]. A one site dissociative adsorption of
both phenol and hydrogen on palladium has been proposed
αC–OH = 1 − αphenol − αC=O . (11)
by Chen et al. [4] to favor high cyclohexanone selectivi-
Taking the experimentally determined α values at various ties. In the case of interaction through the aromatic nucleus,
contact times (W/Fphenol ), the resultant nonlinear equations the ring may be coplanar with [76] or perpendicular to
were solved to yield values for the stepwise rate constants. [77] the surface. Cyclohexanone production can follow three
The applicability of this scheme can be assessed in Fig. 8 routes: (a) direct hydrogenation or addition of two hydro-
wherein representative experimental and calculated prod- gen molecules/four hydrogen atoms; (b) hydrogenation to
uct compositions are presented: the agreement is uniformly cyclohexanol followed by a dehydrogenation step; (c) for-
good. The rate constants for the partial (k1 and k2 ) as mation of cyclohexene-1-ol followed by a tautomerism. The
opposed to complete (k3 ) hydrogenation of phenol are pre- stronger the interaction of phenol with the surface the greater
sented in Table 3. The value of the k1 /k3 ratio signifies the likelihood of complete hydrogenation to cyclohexanol.
the relative importance of the two possible hydrogenation It is not possible, from the combination of catalyst char-
pathways, stepwise and concerted, respectively. The high acterization and catalysis data presented in this paper, to
value of this rate constant ratio recorded for the less ac- conclusively identify the predominant surface arrangement
tive Pd/AC is to be expected as are the significantly lower that leads to the observed cyclohexanone selectivity and how
values associated with both Pd/SiO2 catalysts. The surface this is dependent on reaction conditions. Certain features
requirement(s) for partial as opposed to complete phenol hy- should, however, be flagged that are suggestive of a sup-
drogenation has not been established in the literature and port effect in modifying phenol hydrogenation selectivity.
the reaction mechanism is not fully understood. Depend- While Pd/Ta2 O5 and Pd/graphite delivered the highest spe-
ing on the nature of the catalyst, phenol can interact with cific phenol consumption rate constants (k1 +k3 , see Table 1)
the surface through the aromatic ring and/or the hydroxyl the associated k1 /k3 ratios indicate a greater relative impor-
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