Microsoft Access Practice Exam 1: Instructions To Download and Unzip The File Needed To Perform This Practice Exam
Microsoft Access Practice Exam 1: Instructions To Download and Unzip The File Needed To Perform This Practice Exam
Microsoft Access Practice Exam 1: Instructions To Download and Unzip The File Needed To Perform This Practice Exam
Instructions to download and unzip the file needed to perform this practice exam.
1. Create a Table:
Social Security Number Last Name First Name Date Hired Salary
000-00-0000 “Your Last Name” “Your First Name” 7/25/1980 $87,000
111-11-1111 Adler Liz 9/25/1982 $85,000
222-22-2222 Kinzer Jessica 3/12/1984 $68,500
333-33-3333 Patterson Tom 7/8/1986 $58,000
2. Create a Form:
Use the Form Wizard and choose the Products table to create a form having the following
3. Create a Report:
Use the Report Wizard and choose the Books table to create a report having the following
4. Create Queries:
Query 1: List all of the books that are published by Prentice Hall using the Title, Year,
ListPrice, and Publisher fields of the Books table. Sort the query in descending order
according to the ListPrice field. Save this query as Prentice Hall Books.
Query 2: List all of the books where the Author begins with a G using the ISBN, Title,
Author, Year, and ListPrice fields of the Books table. Save this query as Authors
beginning with a G.
Query 3: List all of the books that are published after 1995 or whose price is greater than 25
dollars using the Title, Year, ListPrice, and Publisher fields of the Books table. Sort the
query in descending order according to the published date. Save this query as New Books.
Query 4: List all of the products whose units on order is equal to 0 and whose unit price is
between 50 and 100 dollars using the ProductName, UnitsOnOrder, and UnitPrice fields
of the Products table. Save this query as Products costing between 50 and 100.