MCA Syllabus NEW
MCA Syllabus NEW
MCA Syllabus NEW
E-I(a) : Managerial Economics
E-I(b) : JAVA Programming & Technologies
E-I(c) : Compiler Design
E-I(d) : Microprocessors & Interface
E-I(e) : Advanced Data Base Management System
E-II(a) : Modeling & Simulation
E-II(b) : Organizational Behavior
E-II(c ) : Soft Computing
E-II(d) : Networking Programming
E-II(e) : .Net Technology
E-III(a) : Distributed Systems
E-III(b) : Computer Vision & Digital Image Processing
E-III(c ) : Bio-informatics
E-III(d) : Embedded Systems
E-III(e) : Network Security
Basic concepts of IT, concepts of Data & Info, data processing, history of computers (generation, type of
languages), organization of computers, I/O devices, storage devices, system software, application
software, utility packages, numerical based on storage devices.
Assembler : Elements of assembly language programming, a simple assembly scheme, pass structure of
assembler, design of two pass assemblers, a single pass assemblers.
Macros & Macro Processors : Macro definition & Call, Macro expansion Nested macro calls, advanced
macro facilities, design of macro processors.
Compilers & Interpreters : aspects of compilation, memory allocation, compilation of expression
compilation of control structures, code optimization, interpreters.
Software Tools : Software tools for program development, editors, debug monitors, programming
environment, user interfaces.
Linker & Loaders : Relocation & linking concepts, design of linkers, self relocating programs, a linker for
MS DOS, linking for overlays, loaders : A two pass loader scheme, Relocating loaders, subroutine
linkage, Direct linkage loader, Binders overlays.
Sequential file organisation, random file organisation, index structure, indexed file organisation, alternate
key indexed sequential files, multi key organisation, multi key access, multi list file organisation, inverted
files & their definitions, insertion, deletion, operations with optimum utilization of memory, comparison
of various type of file organisation.
1. D.M. Dhamdhere “ System Programming & O.S.” 2nd Ed., Tata Mc. Graw Hill.
2. J. Donovan “System Programming” THM.
3. Rajaraman V. “Fundamental of Computers” (4nd edition.) Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi
4. Sardes D.H. “Computer’s today” McGraw Hill 1988.
5. S.Jaiswal, “Fundamental of Computer & IT”, Wiley dreamtech India..
Sets, Relations and Functions:
Sets, Subsets, Power sets, Complement, Union and Intersection, Demorgan’s law Cartesian products,
Relations, relational matrices, properties of relations, equivalence relation, functions ,Injection, Surjection
and Bijective mapping, Composition of functions, the characteristic functions and Mathematical
Proportions & Lattices :
Proposition & prepositional functions, Logical connections Truth-values and Truth Table, the algebra of
prepositional functions-the algebra of truth values-Applications (switching circuits, Basic Computer
Partial order set, Hasse diagrams, upper bounds, lower bounds, Maximal and minimal element, first and
last element, Lattices, sub lattices, Isotonicity , distributive inequality, Lattice homomorphism, lattice
isomorphism ,complete lattice ,complemented lattice distribution lattice .
Groups and Fields:
Group axioms ,permutation group, sub group, co-sets, normal subgroup, semi group, Lagrange theorem,
fields, minimal polynomials, reducible polynomials, primitive polynomial, polynomial roots, applications.
Finite graphs, incidence and degree, isomorphism, sub graphs and union of graphs, connectedness, walk,
paths, and circuits Eulerian graphs ,tree properties of trees, pendant vertices in tree, center of tree
,spanning trees and cut vertices, binary tree ,matrix representation of graph, incidence and adjacency
matrix and their properties, applications of graphs in computer science.
Discrete Numeric function and Recurrence relation:
Introduction to discrete numeric functions and generating functions introduction to recurrence relations
and recursive algorithms, linear recurrence relations with constant coefficients, homogeneous solutions,
particular solutions and total solutions
1. J.P.Trembley & R.P.Manohar “Discrete Mathematical Structure with applications to Computer
2. Kenneth H. Rosen-203 “Discrete Math & its Applications” 5th ed.
3. K.A. Ross and C.R.B. Writht “Discrete Mathematics “.
4. Bernard Kolman & Robert C. Busby “Discrete Mathematical Structures for Computer Science”.
An overview: Problem identification, analysis, design, coding, testing & debugging, implementation,
modification & maintenance; algorithms & flowcharts; Characteristics of a good program - accuracy,
simplicity, robustness, portability, minimum resource & time requirement, modularization; Rules/
conventions of coding, documentation, naming variables; Top down design; Bottom-up design.
Fundamentals of C Programming: History of C; Structure of a C Program; Data types; Constant &
Variable, naming variables; Operators & expressions; Control Constructs – if-else, for, while, do-while;
Case switch statement; Arrays; Formatted & unformatted I/O; Type modifiers & storage classes; Ternary
operator; Type conversion & type casting; Priority & associativity of operators.
Modular Programming: Functions; Arguments; Return value; Parameter passing – call by value, call by
reference; Return statement; Scope, visibility and life-time rules for various types of variable, static
variable; Calling a function; Recursion – basics, comparison with iteration, types of recursion- direct,
indirect, tree and tail recursion, when to avoid recursion, examples.
Advanced Programming Techniques: Special constructs – Break, continue, exit(), goto & labels; Pointers -
& and * operators, pointer expression, pointer arithmetic, dynamic memory management functions like
malloc(), calloc(), free(); String; Pointer v/s array; Pointer to pointer; Array of pointer & its limitation;
Function returning pointers; Pointer to function, Function as parameter; Structure – basic, declaration,
membership operator, pointer to structure, referential operator, self referential structures, structure within
structure, array in structure, array of structures; Union – basic, declaration; Enumerated data type;
Typedef; command line arguments.
Miscellaneous Features: File handling and related functions; printf & scanf family;C preprocessor –
basics, #Include, #define, #undef, conditional compilation directive like #if, #else, #elif, #endif, #ifdef
and #ifndef; Variable argument list functions.
1. Kerninghan & Ritchie “The C programming language”, PHI
2. Schildt “C:The Complete reference” 4th ed TMH.
3. Cooper Mullish “The Spirit of C”, Jaico Publishing House, Delhi
4. Kanetkar Y. “Let us C”, BPB.
5. Kanetkar Y.: “Pointers in C” , BPB
6. Gottfried : “Problem Solving in C”, Schaum Series
7. Jones, Harrow Brooklish “C Programming with Problem Solving”, Wiley Dreamtech India.
Representation of Information: Number systems, integer and floating-point representation, character codes
(ASCII, EBCDIC), Error detection and correction codes : parity check code,cyclic redundancy
code,Hamming code . Basic Building Blocks: Boolean Algebra, Simplification of Boolean Function.
Combinational blocks: gates, multiplexers, decoders,Implementation of Boolean Function in form of
gates etc. Sequential building blocks: flip-flops, Registers : Buffer register, Right &Left Shift register,
Bidirectional Shift register. Counters : Ripple counter,Binary Counter,MOD-10 Counter,Ring Counter.
ALU, Random access memory etc.
Register Transfer Language and Micro-operations: concept of bus, data movement among registers, a
language to represent conditional data transfer, data movement from/to memory. Design of simple
Arithmetic & Logic Unit & Control Unit, arithmetic and logical operations Along with register transfer,
timing in register transfer.
Architecture of a simple processor: A simple computer organization and instruction set, instruction
formats, addressing modes, instruction cycle,instruction execution in terms of microinstructions, interrupt
cycle ,concepts of interrupt and simple I/O organization,Synchronous & Asynchronous data transfer,Data
Transfer Mode : Program Controlled, Interrupt driven, DMA(Direct Memory Access). implementation of
processor using the building blocks.
Assembly Language programming: Pin Diagram of 8086, Architecture of 8086,Addresing Mode of
8086,detailed study of 8086/8088 assembly language, instruction set of 8086, loops and Comparisons,
conditions and procedures, arithmetic operations in assembly language. Simple Assembly Language
program of 8086. illustrations using typical programs like: table search, subroutines, symbolic and
numerical manipulations and I/O.
Memory organization: Secondary Memory, Primary Memory :Random access memory, Read Only
memory basic cell of static and dynamic RAM, Building large memories using chips, Concept of
segmentation & Paging, Associative memory, cache memory organization, virtual memory organization.
1. M. Morris Mano, “Computer System Architecture”, PHI, 3rd edition, 1993
2. Govindarajalu “Computer Architecture & Organisation”.
3. Liu and Gibson, “8086/8088 Micro processor Assembly Language”.
4. M.Mano “Digital Logic & Computer Design”
5. Malvino, “Digital Computer Electronics”.
Meaning and process of communication, importance of effective communication, communication
situation, barriers to communication. Objectives of communication, types of communication, principles
of communication, essentials of effective communication.
Media of Communication
Written, oral, face-to-tace, visual, audio-Visual, merits and demerits of written and oral communication.
Communication Skills:
Developing communication skills; Listening; Speaking; Reading-Writing (Oral & Written). Body
language; Utility of aids in Communication.
Spoken Skills
Preparing for oral presentation, conducting presentations; Debates; Seminar; Speeches; Lectures;
Interviews; Telephonic Conversation; Negotiations; Group Discussions.
Written Skills:
Preparing of bio-data, seminar, paper, bibliography, and official correspondence; Mechanics of writing;
Formal & Informal writings, letters; paragraphing, precise, report writing, technical reports, length of
written reports, organizing reports, writing technical reports; Creative writing; Common Errors in
1. Rajendra Pal and J.S. Korlahalli “Essentials of Business Communication” , Sultan Chand & Sons
Publishers, New Delhi.
2. U.S.Rai & S.M. Rai “Business Communications” , Himalaya Publishing House.
3. Menzal and D.H. Jones “Writing a technical Paper”, Mc Graw Hill, 1961.
4. Strategy and Skill “Business Communication”, Prentice Hall New Jersey, 1987
5. Scot Ober “Contemporary Business Communication”, Wiley India.
Introduction: Evolution of operating systems (History of evolution of OS with the generations of
computers), Types of operating systems, Multitasking, Timesharing, Multithreading, Multiprogramming
and, Real time operating systems, Different views of the operating system, System Programmer’s view,
User’s view, Operating system concepts and structure, Layered Operating Systems, Monolithic Systems.
Processes: The Process concept, The process control block, Systems programmer's view of processes,
Operating system services for process management, Scheduling algorithms, First come first serve, Round
Robin, Shortest run time next, Highest response ratio next, Multilevel Feedback Queues, Performance
evaluation of scheduling algorithms stated above
Memory Management : Memory management without swapping or paging, Concepts of swapping and
paging, Page replacement algorithms namely, Least recently used, Optimal page replacement, Most
recently used, Clock page replacement, First in First out (This includes discussion of Belady’s anomaly
and the category of Stack algorithms), Modeling paging algorithms, Design issues for paging system,
Segmentation, Segmented Paging, Paged Segmentation
Inter-process Communication and Synchronization: The need for inter-process synchronization,
Concept of mutual exclusion, binary and counting semaphores, hardware support for mutual exclusion,
queuing implementation of semaphores, Classical problems in concurrent programming, Dining
Philosopher’s problem, Bounded Buffer Problem, Sleeping Barber Problem, Readers and Writers
problem, Critical section, critical region and conditional critical region, Monitors and messages.
File System: File systems, directories, file system implementation, security protection mechanisms.
Input/output: Principles of I/O Hardware: I/O devices, device controllers, direct memory access.
Principles of I/O software: Goals interrupt handlers, device drivers, and device independent I/O
software. User space I/O Software.
Disks: Disk hardware, Disk scheduling algorithms (namely First come first serve, shortest seek time first,
SCAN, C-SCAN, LOOK and C-LOOK algorithms) Error handling, track-at-a-time caching, RAM Disks.
Clocks: Clock hardware, memory-mapped terminals, I/O software.
Processes and Processors in Distributed Systems: Threads, System models, processor allocation,
scheduling. Distributed File Systems: Design, Implementation, and trends. .Performance Measurement,
monitoring and evaluation Introduction, important trends affecting performance issues, why performance
monitoring and evaluation are needed, performance measures, evaluation techniques, bottlenecks and
saturation, feedback loops.
Case Studies: WINDOWS and LINUX /UNIX Operating System.
1. Deitel, H.M. "An Introduction to Operating Systems". Addison Wesley Publishing Company 1984.
2. Milenkovic, M., "Operating Systems - concepts and Design" McGraw Hill International Edition-
Computer Science series 1992.
3. Galvin P., J.L. Abraham Silberschatz. "Operating System Concepts". John Wiley & Sons Company,
4. Tanenbaum, A.S. "Modern Operating System", Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.1995.
5. William Stallings “Operating Systems” , Prentice Hall of India Pvt. Ltd.
6. Joshi R.C. “Operating System” Wiley India.
Introduction: Advantage of DBMS approach, various view of data, data independence, schema and sub-
schema, primary concepts of data models, Database languages, transaction management, Database
administrator and users, data dictionary, overall system architecture.
ER model: basic concepts, design issues, mapping constraint, keys, ER diagram, weak and strong entity
sets, specialization and generalization, aggregation, inheritance, design of ER schema, reduction of ER
schema to tables.
Domains, Relations and Keys: domains, relations, kind of relations, relational database, various types of
keys, candidate, primary, alternate and foreign keys.
Relational Algebra & SQL: The structure, relational algebra with extended operations, modifications of
Database, idea of relational calculus, basic structure of SQL, set operations, aggregate functions, null
values, nested sub queries, derived relations, views, modification of Database, join relations, DDL in
Functional Dependencies and Normalization: basic definitions, trivial and non trivial dependencies,
closure set of dependencies and of attributes, irreducible set of dependencies, introduction to
normalization, non loss decomposition, FD diagram, first, second, third Normal forms, dependency
preservation, BCNF, multivalued dependencies and fourth normal form, Join dependency and fifth normal
Database Integrity: general idea. Integrity rules, domain rules, attribute rules, relation rules, Database
rules, assertions, triggers, integrity and SQL.
Transaction, concurrency and Recovery: basic concepts, ACID properties, Transaction states,
implementation of atomicity and durability, concurrent executions, basic idea of serializability, basic idea
of concurrency control, basic idea of deadlock, failure classification, storage structure types, stable
storage implementation, data access, recovery and atomicity- log based recovery, deferred Database
modification, immediate Database modification, checkpoints.
Distributed Database: basic idea, distributed data storage, data replication, data fragmentation-
horizontal, vertical and mixed fragmentation
Emerging Fields in DBMS: object oriented Databases-basic idea and the model, object structure, object
class, inheritance, multiple inheritance, object identity, data warehousing- terminology, definitions,
characteristics, data mining and it’s overview, Database on www, multimedia Databases-difference with
conventional DBMS, issues, similarity based retrieval, continuous media data, multimedia data formats,
video servers.
Storage structure and file organizations: overview of physical storage media, magnetic disks-
performance and optimization, basic idea of RAID, file organization, organization of records in files, basic
concepts of indexing, ordered indices, basic idea of B-tree and B+-tree organization
Network and hierarchical models: basic idea, data structure diagrams, DBTG model, implementations,
tree structure diagram, implementation techniques, comparison of the three models.
1. A Silberschatz, H.F Korth, Sudersan “Database System Concepts” –, MGH Publication.
2. C.J Date “An introduction to Database Systems” –6th ed.
3. Elmasri & Navathe “Fundamentals of Database systems” – III ed.
4. B.C. Desai. “An introduction to Database systems” BPB
5. Raghurama Krishnan “Database Systems” TMH
Prerequisites: Array, Structure, pointers, pointer to structure, functions, parameter passing, recursion.
Stack and Queue: contiguous implementations of stack, various operations on stack, various polish
notations-infix, prefix, postfix, conversion from one to another-using stack; evaluation of post and prefix
expressions. Contiguous implementation of queue: Linear queue, its drawback; circular queue; various
operations on queue; linked implementation of stack and queue- operations
General List: list and it’s contiguous implementation, it’s drawback; singly linked list-operations on it;
doubly linked list-operations on it; circular linked list; linked list using arrays.
Trees: definitions-height, depth, order, degree, parent and child relationship etc;
Binary Trees- various theorems, complete binary tree, almost complete binary tree;
Tree traversals-preorder, in order and post order traversals, their recursive and non recursive
implementations; expression tree- evaluation; linked representation of binary tree-operations. Threaded
binary trees; forests, conversion of forest into tree. Heap-definition.
Searching, Hashing and Sorting: requirements of a search algorithm; sequential search, binary search,
indexed sequential search, interpolation search; hashing-basics, methods, collision, resolution of collision,
chaining; Internal sorting- Bubble sort, selection sort, insertion sort, quick sort, merge sort on linked and
contiguous list, shell sort, heap sort, tree sort.
Graphs: related definitions: graph representations- adjacency matrix, adjacency lists, adjacency multilist;
traversal schemes- depth first search, breadth first search; Minimum spanning tree; shortest path
algorithm; kruskals & dijkstras algorithm.
Miscellaneous features Basic idea of AVL tree- definition, insertion & deletion operations; basic idea of
B-tree- definition, order, degree, insertion & deletion operations;
B+-Tree- definitions, comparison with B-tree; basic idea of string processing.
1. Kruse R.L. Data Structures and Program Design in C; PHI
2. Aho “Data Structure & Algorithms”.
3. Trembly “Introduction to Data Structure with Applications”.
4. TennenBaum A.M. & others: Data Structures using C & C++; PHI
5. Horowitz & Sawhaney: Fundamentals of Data Structures, Galgotia Publishers.
6. Yashwant Kanetkar, Understanding Pointers in C, BPB.
Numerical approximation, Representation of integers and real numbers in computers, fixed and floating
point arithmetic, normalized floating point numbers, Round off and truncation errors, relative and absolute
errors. Iterative methods: Zeros of single transcendental equations and zeros of polynomials using
bisections, false position, Newton Raphson methods. Convergence of solutions.
Unit – II
Interpolation : Forward, Backward, central (Striplings) and divided difference formulas, lagrangie’s
interpolation, Inverse interpolation for equal and unequal intervals.
Numerical Integration : Newton Cote’s formula, Simpson’s 1/3 rd and 3/8th rule. Gauss Legendre (two and
three points) integration formula.
Unit – III
Simultaneous linear equations: Solutions of simultaneous linear equations – Gauss elimination method
and pivoting, ill conditioned equations and refinement of solutions, Gauss-seidal iterative methods.
Solution of differential equation: Runge-Kutta fourth order method. Euler’s method, Picard’s, Taylor’s
Unit - IV
Distributions : Binomial distribution, Poisson distribution and normal distribution, 2 distribution,
Rectangular distribution, hypergeometric distribution.
Unit -V
Hypothesis testing for sampling: Small samples, t, z and f tests. Chi-square test.
Large samples : Comparision of large samples, testing the significance of the difference between the
means of two large samples.
1. E. Balaguruswamy “Numerical Methods” , TMH, ISBN – 07-463311-2, 1999.
2. B.S. Grewal “Numerical Methods in Engineering & Science”.
3. Miller “Mathematical Statistics with applications” 7 ed, Pearson.
4. Gupta & Kapoor, Introduction to Statistics, Chand & Co.
5. V. Rajaraman “Computer Oriented Numerical Methods”.
6. M.Ray and Har Swarup Sharma “ Mathematical Statistics”.
1. Iyengyr M.K. Jain & R.K. Jain “Numerical Methods for scientific and engineering computation”,
Wiley Eastern (New Age), 1995
2. E.V. Krishnamurthy & S.K. Sen “Computer Based Numerical Algorithms”.
3. Miller & Freund’s “Probability and Statistics for Engineers”.
Note : Paper is to be set unit wise with internal choice & emphasis is to be given on computerized
Meaning and objects of accounting, accounting concepts and conventions, accounting equations, rules of
Journalizing; Cash-book, Ledger posting, preparation of trial balance,
Trading and profit and loss account and balance sheet with adjustments relating to closing stock ,
outstanding expenses, prepaid expenses , accrued income depreciation, bad debts, provision for bad debts,
provision for discount on debtors and creditors .
Inventory pricing , FIFO and LIFO methods; Simple problems of funds flow statement, cost volume,
profit analysis.
Standard costing, computation of material and labour variances, budgetary control, preparation of cash
budget and flexible budget.
Management control and its characteristics, goals and strategies, structure and control.
Responsibility centers and control centers: concepts of Responsibility centers, revenue centers, profit
centers and investment centers, transfer pricing, Responsibility reporting.
1. Bhattacharya S.K. and Deardan John “Accounting for Management” PHI
2. Chadwick “The essence of financial accounting” PHI
3. Chadwick “The essence of Management accounting” PHI
4. Grewal “Introduction to Book – keeping”
5. Subhash Sharma “Management control systems” TMH
Introduction of operation research. LP Formulations, Graphical method for solving LP’s with 2 variables,
Simplex method, Duality theory in linear programming and applications, Integer linear programming,
dual simplex method,
Transportation problem, Assignment problem.
Dynamic Programming : Basic Concepts, Bellman’s optimality principles, Dynamics programming
approach in decision making problems, optimal subdivision problem.
Sequencing Models: Sequencing problem, Johnson’s Algorithm for processing n jobs through 2 machines,
Algorithm for processing n jobs through 3 or more machines, Processing 2 jobs through n machines.
Project Management : PERT and CPM : Project management origin and use of PERT, origin and use of
CPM, Applications of PERT and CPM, Project Network, Diagram representation, Critical path calculation
by network analysis and critical path method (CPM), Determination of floats, Construction of time chart
and resource labelling, Project cost curve and crashing in project management, Project Evaluation and
review Technique (PERT).
Queuing Models : Essential features of queuing systems, operating characteristics of queuing system,
probability distribution in queuing systems, classification of queuing models, solution of queuing M/M/1 :
Inventory Models : Introduction to the inventory problem, Deterministic Models, The classical EOQ
(Economic Order Quantity) model, Inventory models with deterministe demands(no shortage & shortage
allowed), Inventory models with probabilistic demand, multiitem determinise models.
1. Gillet B.E. : Introduction to Operation Research, Computer Oriented Algorithmic approach - Tata
McGraw Hill Publising Co. Ltd. New Delhi.
2. P.K. Gupta & D.S. Hira, “Operations Research”, S.Chand & Co.
3. J.K. Sharma, “Operations Research: Theory and Applications”, Mac Millan.
4. S.D. Sharma, “Operations Research”, Kedar Nath Ram Nath, Meerut (UP).
5. S.S. Rao “Optimization Theory and Application”, Wesley Eastern.
6. Tata Hamdy, A “Operations Research - An Introduction”, Fifth Edition, Prentice Hall of India Pvt.
Ltd., New Delhi.
7. Taha H.A. “Operations Research an Introduction” McMillan Publication.
Note : Paper is to be set unit wise with internal choice & emphasis is to be given on computerized
System concepts and Information system environment:
The system concept, characteristics of system, elements of system, The System Development Life Cycle,
The Role of System Analyst. Introduction system planning & initial investigation, various information
gathering tools feasibility study conretions & structures tools of system analysis, various methods of
process design, form design methodologies, introduction to information system testing, quality assurance
security & diastruct computer various (deleting recovery)
Software Process, Product and Project:
The Product : Software, Software Myths, The process : Software Engineering : A Layered Technology,
Software Process Models, The Linear Sequential Model, The Prototyping Model, The RAD Model,
Evolutionary Software Process Models, Component – Based Development, Fourth Generation
Techniques, Software process and Project Metrics : Software measurement
Software Project Planning and Design:
Software Project Planning : Project planning objectives, Decomposition Techniques, Empirical estimation
models, The Make/Buy Decision., Risk analysis.
Software Design: Design Principles, Cohesion & Coupling, Design notation and specification, structure
design methodology.
Software Quality Assurance and Testing:
Software Quality Assurance : Quality Concepts, The Quality Movement, Software Quality Assurance,
Software Reviews, Formal Technical Reviews, Formal Approaches to SQA, Statistical Software Quality
Assurance, Software Reliability, Mistake Proofing for Software, Introduction to ISO standard.
Testing Strategies: A strategic approach of software testing strategic issues, unit testing, integration
testing, validation testing, system testing, the art of debugging. OOA, OOD.
Advanced Topics:
MIS & DSS:Introduction to MIS, long range planning, development and implementation of an MIS,
applications of MIS in manufacturing sector and in service sector.
Decision Suppost System concepts, types of DSS.
Object Oriented Software Engineering: Object Oriented Concepts, Identifying the Elements of an Object
Model, Management of Object Oriented Software Projects.
CASE tools, Re-engineering
1. R. S. Pressman, “Software Engineering – A practitioner’s approach”, 6 th ed., McGraw Hill Int. Ed.,
2. Pankaj Jalote “Software Engg” Narosa Publications.
3. Ian Sommerville : Software Engineering 6/e (Addison-Wesley)
4. Richard Fairley : Software Engineering Concepts (TMH)
5. Elis Awad, "System Analysis & Design", Galgotia publications
6. W.S. Jawadekar: Management Information Systems, TMH Publication, India
7. Hoffer “ Modern System Analysis & Design” 3e, Pearson Edition
C++ basics, loops and decisions, structures and functions, object and classes, object arrays, constructor
and destructor functions.
Operator and function overloading, pointers, pointers to base and derived classes inheritance, public and
private inheritance, multiple inheritance.
Polymorphism, virtual functions, abstract base classes and pure virtual function, friend function, early and
late binding.
C++ I/O system, formatted I/O, creating insertors and extractors, file I/O basis, creating disk files and file
manipulations using seekg(), seekp(), tellg() and tellp() functions, exception handling: try, catch and
UML concepts, object-oriented paradigm and visual modeling, UML diagrams, UML specifications,
object model, object oriented design, identifying classes and object, object diagrams.
1. Lafore R. “Object Oriented Programming in C++”, Galgotia Pub.
2. Lee “UML & C++ a practical guide to Object Oriented Development 2 ed, Pearson.
3. Schildt “C++ the complete reference 4ed, 2003.
4. Hans Erit Eriksson “UML 2 toolkit” Wiley.
5. Balagurusawmy “Object Orienter Programming with C++”.
6. B.G., Boach “Object Oriented Analysis & Design with Applications”, Addision Wesly.
7. S. Parate “C++ Programming”, BPB.
8. Boggs “Mastering UML” BPB Publications.
Review of Mathematical Priliminaries : Set, Relations and functions, Graphs and trees, string, alphabets
and languages. Principle of induction, predicates and propositional calculus.
Theory of Automation : Definition, description, DFA,NFA, Transition systems,2DFA, equivalence of
DFA & NDFA, Regular expressions, regular grammer, FSM with output (mealy and moore models),
Minimisation of finite automata.
Formal Languages : Definition & description, Pharse structured grammars & their classification,
Chomskey classification of languages, closure properties of families of language, regular grammar,
regular set & their closure properties, finite automata, equivalence of FA and regular expression,
equivalence of two way finite automata, equivalence of regular expressions.
Context-Free grammar & PDA : Properties unrestricted grammar & their equivalence, derivation tree
simplifying CFG, unambiguifying CFG, -productions, normal form for CFG, Pushdown automata, 2
way PDA, relation of PDA with CFG, Determinism & Non determinism in PDA & related theorems,
parsing and pushdown automata.
Turing Machine : Model, design, representation of TM, language accepted by TM, universal turing
machine, determine & non-determinism in TM, TM as acceptor/generator/algorithms, multidimentional,
multitracks, multitape, Two way infinite tape, multihead, Halting problems of TM.
Computability : Concepts, Introduction to complexity theory, Introduction to undecidaibility, recursively
enumerable sets, primitive recursive functions, recursive set, partial recursive sets, concepts of linear
bounded Automata, context sensitive grammars & their equivalence.
1. Hopcroft & Ullman “Introduction to Automata theory, languages & Computation” , Narosha
Publishing house.
2. Lewish Papadimutrau “Theory of Computation” , Prentice Hall of India, New Delhi.
3. Peter linz, “An Introduction to formal language and automata”, Third edition, Narosa publication.
4. Marvin L. Minskay “Computation : Finite & Infinite Machines”, PHI.
5. Mishra & Chander Shekhar “Theory of Computer Science (Automate, Language & Computations),
Introduction: Computer Network, Layered Network Architecture-Review of ISO-OSI Model.,
Transmission Fundamentals-, Communication Media-Conductive Metal (Wired Cable), Optical Fiber
links, Wireless Communication-Radio links, Setellite Links, Communication Services & Devices,
Telephone System., Integrated Service Digital Network (ISDN)., Cellular Phone., ATM, Modulation &
Demodulation-, Digital to Analog Conversion-Frequency Modulation (FM), Amplitude, Modulation
(AM), Phase Modulation (PM)., Analog to Digital Conversion-Pulse Amplitude Modulation(PAM), Pulse
Code Modulation (PCM), Differential Pulse Code Modulation, (DPCM)., Modem & Modem Types.,
Multiplexing-, Frequency Division Multiplexing (FDM)., Time Division Multiplexing (TDM), Statistical
Time Division Multiplexing (STDM)., Contention Protocol-, Stop-Go-Access Protocol, Aloha Protocol-
Pure aloha & Slotted aloha, Carrier sense multiple access with collision detection (CSMA/CD)
Data Security and Integrity: Parity Checking Code, Cyclic redundancy checks (CRC), Hemming Code,
Protocol Concepts –, Basic flow control, Sliding window protocal-Go-Back-N protocol and selective
repeat protocol, Protocol correctness- Finite state machine
Local Area Network: Ethernet : 802.3 IEEE standard, Token Ring : 802.5 IEEE standard, Token Bus :
802.4 IEEE standard, FDDI Protocol, DQDB Protocol, Inter Networking, Layer 1 connections- Repeater,
Hubs, Layer 2 connections- Bridges, Switches, Layer 3 connections- Routers, Gateways.
Wide Area Network: Introduction, Network routing, Routing Tables, Types of routing, Dijkstra’s
Algorithm, Bellman-Ford Algorithm, Link state routing, Open shortest path first, Flooding, Broadcasting,
Multicasting, Congestion & Dead Lock, Internet Protocols, Overview of TCP/IP, Transport protocols,
Elements of Transport Protocol, Transmission control protocol (TCP), User data-gram protocol (UDP).
Network Security, Virtual Terminal Protocol, Overview of DNS, SNMP, email, WWW, Multimedia.
1. A.S.Tanenbaum, “Computer Network”, 4th addition,PHI
2. Forouzan “Data Communication and Networking 3ed”, TMH
3. J.F.Hayes, “Moduling and Analysis of Computer Communication Networks”, Plenum Press
4. D.E.Comer, “Internetworking with TCP/IP”, Volume Ist & IInd, PHI
5. Willium Stalling, “Data & Computer communications”,Maxwell Macmillan International Ed.
6. D.Bertsekas and R.Gallager,”Data Networks”, 2nd Ed. ,PHI.
7. G.E. Keiser ,”Local Area Networks “, McGraw Hill, International Ed.
General Issues and Overview of AI
The AI problems, what is an AI technique, Characteristics of AI applications. Introduction to LISP
programming: Syntax and numeric functions, Basic list manipulation functions, predicates and
conditionals, input output and local variables, iteraction and recursion, property lists and arrays.
Problem Solving, Search and Control Strategies
General problem solving, production systems, control strategies forward and backward chaining,
exhausive searches depth first breadth first search.
Heuristic Search Techniques
Hill climbing, branch and bound technique, best first search & A* algorithm, AND / OR graphs, problem
reduction & AO* algorithm, constraint satisfaction problems.
Knowledge Representations
First order predicate calculus, skolemization, resolution principle & unification, interface mechanisms,
horn's clauses, semantic networks, frame systems and value inheritance, scripts, conceptual dependency.
Natural Language processing
Parsing techniques, context free grammer, recursive transitions nets (RNT), augmented transition nets
(ATN), case and logic grammers, symantic analysis.
Game playing
Minimax search procedure, alpha-beta cutoffs, additional refinments.
Overview an example domain the block word, component of planning systems, goal stack planning, non
linear planning.
Probabilistic Reasoning and Uncertainty
Probability theory, bayes theorem and bayesian networks, certainty factor.
Expert Systems
Introduction to expert system and application of expert systems, various expert system shells, vidwan
frame work, knowledge acquisition, case studies, MYCIN.
Rote learning, learning by induction, explanation based learning.
1. Elaine Rich and Kevin Knight “Artifical Intelligence” - Tata McGraw Hill.
2. “Artifical Intelligence” 4 ed. Pearson.
3. Dan W. Patterson “Introduction to Artifical Intelligence and Expert Systems”, Prentice India.
4. Nils J. Nilson “Principles of Artifical Intelligence”, Narosa Publishing House.
5. Clocksin & C.S.Melish “Programming in PROLOG”, Narosa Publishing House.
6. M.Sasikumar,S.Ramani etc. “Rule based Expert System”, Narosa Publishing House.
Overview of OSI Model : Significance of layered Model , PDUs, SDUs,IDUs, Higher layer Protocols.
Switching and Components. Introduction, Applications, history, of wired & wireless Communication
systems. Radio Transmission: frequencies ,signal propagation, antenna , types of modulation, FHSS,
DSSS. Multiple Access technology for Wireless Communication : FDMA,TDMA,CDMA
Cellular System: Introduction, types.
Mobile Data Communication: Cellular Telephony, Structure, Fading, Small scale fading, Multi-path
Fading, Speech Coding, Error Coding and Correction, Hand off Management, Switching and
authentication, MTSO interconnections, frequency hopping, frequency reuse. Circuit Switched Data
Services & Packet Switched Data Services on Cellular Networks, Personal Communication Systems
(PCS) Architecture, Digital Enhanced Cordless Telecommunications (DECT,) Personal Access Comm.
System (PACS).
Digital Cellular Systems and Standards: GSM System overview, Architecture, GSM Protocol Model,
GSM Mobility Management, SMS security aspects. Broadcast System overview. General Packet Service
(GRPS) Architecture, GRPS Network, Interfaces and Procedures (2.5 G), 3G Mobile Services: UMTS and
International Mobile Telecommunications (IMT-2000), W-C DMA and CDMA 2000,Quality of service in
3G .
WLAN : Components and working of Wireless LAN, Transmission Media for WLAN, Infrastructure &
types of WLAN, IEEE 802.11 Standards , Protocols for WLAN ,MACA,MACAW, Infrared technology.
Wireless Application Protocol (WAP) model, architecture, Gateway, WAP protocols and WML
Introduction to Bluetooth technology. Wireless in Local Loop (WLL) architecture, products.
Satellite as a switch, Components of VSAT system, VSAT topologies, access schemes.
1. Jochen Schiller “Mobile Communication”, Pearson Education.
2. Yi –Bing Lin and Imrich Chlamtac “Wireless and Mobile Network Architectures”, Wiley India.
3. Raj Pandaya “Mobile and Personal Communication System & Services”.
4. Uwe Hansmann, Lothar Merk “Principles of Mobile Computing” 2nd Ed. Wiley India.
5. Roger L. Freeman “ Telecom Transmission handbook” 4 th ed. 1998 John Wiley & Sons Inc. New
6. Lee “Mobile Cellular Telecom” 1995 Mc Graw Hill.
Computer Graphics : definition, classification & Applications, Development of Hardware & Software for
Computer Graphics. Display devices, Hard copy devices. Interactive Input devices, display processor,
Line drawing; various algorithms and their comparison, circle generation- Bresenham’s mid point circle
drawing algorithm, mid point ellipse drawing algorithm.
Attributes of output primitives, line style, color and intensity, Area filling algorithms, Scan line algorithm,
boundary fill flood fill algorithm, Antialiasing techniques. Two dimensional transformations; translation,
scaling, rotation, reflection sheering, composite transformation, transformation commands, character
Viewing coordinates, Window, view port, clipping, Window to view port transformation, line clipping
algorithm; Cohen Sutherland, polygon clipping; Sutherland hodgman algorithm, 3D clipping : Normalized
view volumes, view port clipping, clipping in homogeneous coordinates.
Illumination model: Light sources, diffuse reflection specular reflection, reflected light, intensity levels,
surface shading; phong shading ground shading, color models like RGB, YIQ, CMY, HSV etc.
3-D Viewing: Three-dimensional concepts, 3D display techniques, 3D representation polygon & curved
surfaces. Design of curves & surfaces- Bezier’s Method, B-spline methods, 3D transformation transition,
scaling, composite transformation rotation about arbitrary axis, projections: Parallel & Perspective,
Hidden surface and line removal; back face removal, depth buffer and scan line methods.
Introduction to multimedia, multimedia components, multimedia hardware, SCSI, IDE, MCI, Multimedia
data and file formats, RTF, TIFF, MIDI, JPEG, DIB, MPEG, Multimedia tools, presentations tools,
Authoring tools, presentations.
1. D.Hearn and M.P. Baker “Computer Graphics” (2nd ed), PHI.
2. S. Harrington – “Computer Graphics - a Programming approach” (2nd ed) McGrawhill.
3. New Mann & Sprovl- “Principles of interactive computer graphics” (2nd ed) McGrawhill.
4. Roger S. David “Procedural Elements for Computer Graphics”, McGraw Hill.
5. Roger S David “Mathematical Elements for Computer Graphics”, McGraw Hill.
6. Foley & Vandan “Computer Graphics Principles & Practice in “C” “Addision Wesly.
7. Tay Vaugham “ Multimedia Making it Work” 5th Ed. 2001, Tata McGraw Hill.
8. Prabhat K. Andleigh & Kiran Thakur “Multimedia System Design”, PHI
9. Drew, “Fundamentals of Multimedia”, Pearsons.
10. Nigel Chapman, J. Chapman “Digital Multimedia” Wiley India.
Pre-requisites: Data structure & Discrete structures, models of computation, algorithm analysis, order
architecture, time space complexities average and worst case analysis.
Divide and conquer: Structure of divide-and-conquer algorithms: examples; Binary search, quick sort,
Strassen Multiplication; Analysis of divide and conquer run time recurrence relations.
Graph searching and Traversal: Overview, Traversal methods (depth first and breadth first search)
Greedy Method: Overview of the greedy paradigm examples of exact optimization solution (minimum
cost spanning tree), Approximate solution (Knapsack problem), Single source shortest paths.
Branch and bound: LC searching Bounding, FIFO branch and bound, LC branch and bound application:
0/1 Knapsack problem, Traveling Salesman Problem, searching & sorting algorithms.
Dynamic programming: Overview, difference between dynamic programming and divide and conquer,
Applications: Shortest path in graph, Matrix multiplication, Traveling salesman Problem, longest
Common sequence.
Back tracking: Overview, 8-queen problem, and Knapsack problem
Computational Complexity: Complexity measures, Polynomial Vs non-polynomial time complexity;
NP-hard and NP-complete classes, examples.
Combinational algorithms, string processing algorithm, Algebric algorithms , set algorithms
1. Ullman "Analysis and Design of Algorithm" TMH
2. Goodman “Introduction to the Design & Analysis of Algorithms, TMH-2002.
3. Sara Basse, A. V. Gelder, “ Computer Algorithms,” Addison Wesley
4. T. H. Cormen, Leiserson , Rivest and Stein, “Introduction of Computer algorithm,” PHI
5. E. Horowitz, S. Sahni, and S. Rajsekaran, “Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms,” Galgotia
Nature and scope of managerial economics, objectives of firm, management and behavioral theories of the
Concepts of opportunity cost , incremental, time perspective, principles of discounting and aquamarine,
demand analysis purpose and concepts, elasticity of demand, methods of demand forecasting.
Product and cost analysis: short run and long run average cost curves.
Profits: nature and measurement policy, break even analysis, case study.
Law of supply, economies and diseconomies of scale, law of variable proportions.
Production functions: single output isoquants.
Pricing: prescriptive approach, price determination under perfect competition, monopoly, oligopoly and
monopolistic competition, full cost pricing, pricing strategies
1. Dean J. Managerial Economics PHI, New Delhi
2. Mote V.L. et al Management Economics Concepts and Cases TMH, New Delhi
3. Boyes and Melvin “Text book of Economics” Wiley India.
4. Berry Keating & Wilson “Managerial Economics” Wiley India.
The Java Environment: History of Java: Comparison of Java and C++; Java as an object oriented
language: Java buzzwords; A simple program, its compilation and execution; the concept of CLASSPATH;
Basic idea of application and applet;
Basics: Data types; Operators- precedence and associativity; Type conversion; The decision making – if,
if ..else, switch; loops – for, while, do…while; special statements–return, break, continue, labeled break,
labeled continue; Modular programming methods; arrays; memory allocation and garbage collection in java
Object Oriented Programming in Java: Class; Packages; scope and lifetime; Access specifies;
Constructors; Copy constructor; this pointer; finalize () method; arrays; Memory allocation and garbage
collection in java keywords
Inheritance : Inheritance basics, method overriding, dynamics method dispatch, abstract classes.
Interfaces : defining an interface, implementing & applying interfaces, variables in interfaces, extending
Multithreading and Exception Handling: Basic idea of multithreaded programming; The lifecycle of a
thread; Creating thread with the thread class and runnable interface; Thread synchronization; Thread
scheduling; Producer-consumer relationship; Daemon thread, Selfish threads; Basic idea of exception
handling; The try, catch and throw; throws Constructor and finalizers in exception handling; Exception
Applets: Applet security restrictions; the class hierarchy for applets; Life cycle of applet; HTML Tags for
The AWT: The class hierarchy of window fundamentals; The basic user interface components Label,
Button, Check Box, Radio Button, Choice menu, Text area, Scroll list, Scroll bar; Frame; Layout managers-
flow layout, Grid layout, Border layout, Card layout.
The Java Event Handling Model: Java’s event delegation model – lgnoring the event, Self contained
events, Delegating events; The event class hierarchy; The relationship between interface, methods called,
parameters and event source; Adapter classes; Event classes action Event, Adjustment Event, Container
Event, Focus Event, Item Event, Eey Event, Mouse Event, Text Event, Window Event.
Input/Output : Exploring Java i.o., Directories, stream classes
The Byte stream : Input stream, output stream, file input stream, file output stream, print stream, Random
access file, the character streams, Buffered reader, buffered writer, print writer, serialization.
JDBC: JDBC-ODBC bridge; The connectivity model; The driver manager; Navigating the resultset object
contents; java.sql Package; The JDBC exception classes; Connecting to Remote database.
Networking & RMI: Java Networking : Networking Basics : Socket, Client server, reserved sockets, proxy
servers, Inet address, TCP sockets, UDP sockets.
; RMI for distributed computing; RMI registry services; Steps of creating RMI Application and an example.
Collections: The collections framework, collection interfaces, collection classes.
1. Naughton & Schildt “The Complete Reference Java 2”, Tata McGraw Hill
2. Deitel “Java- How to Program:” Pearson Education, Asia
3. Horstmann & Cornell “Core Java 2” (Vol I & II ) , Sun Microsystems
4. lvan Bayross “Java 2.0” : BPB publications
5. Ivor Horton’s “Beginning Java 2, JDK 5 Ed., Wiley India.
Introduction to Compiling and one pass compiler : Compilers and translators, phases of compilers,
Structure of a compiler, compiler writing tools, bootstrapping, overview of one pass compiler, Error
Finite Automata & Lexical Analysis : Role of lexical analyser, specification of tokens, recognition of
tokens, regular expression, finite automata, form regular expression to finite automata, DFA and NFA,
implementation of lexical analyser, tools for lexical analyser, only introduction to LEX.
Syntax Analysis & Parsing Techniques : Context free grammers, Phase tree, ambiguity of parse tree,
bottom up parsing and top down parsing, shift reduce parshing, operator precedence parsing, elimination
of left recursion, recursive descent parsing, predictive parser construction, Transition diagram.
LR parsers, constructing SLR and canonical LR parsing tables, using ambiguous grammer, Introduction to
YACC, LR(1) & LALR Parsers.
Syntax Directed Translation : Syntax directed translation scheme, construction of syntax trees, SDT
with inherrited and synthesized attributes, symbol tables.
Intermedicate code generation : Intermedicate languages, prefix notation, three address code,
quadruples and triples, translation of assignment statements, boolean expression, procedural calls and
iterative statements.
Run time Environment : Source language issues, storage organisation and allocation strategies,
parameter passing, implementation of block structured languages.
Error Detection and Recovery : Errors, sources of errors, Lexical & syntactic phase error, semantic
errors:panic mode error recovery & pharse level error recovery mechanisms.
Code Optimization : Optimization of basic blocks, loop optimization, global data flow analysis, loop
invariant computations and other related optimization techniques.
Code Generation : Issues in design of code generation, simple code generaton techniques.
1. Alfred V. Aho, Ravi Sethi and J.D. Ullman “Compilers- Principles, Techniques and tools” Addison
Wesley. A
2. Alfred V.Aho and J.D. Ullman “Principles of Compiler Design” Narosa Publishing House.
3. Tremblay, “Theory and Practice of compiler writing”, Mc Graw Hill.
4. Holuv, “Compiler Design in C”, PHI.
5. Dhamdhare D.M., “Compiler Construction Principles and Practice”, Macmillan India.
Intel 8086 Microprocessor: 8086 Architecture, Pin out diagram and pin description, Addressing Modes,
bus transfer techniques with read/write cycle, 8086 Interrupts and Interrupt Responses.
Interfacing of 8086 with Memories, PPI (8255), Keyboard Controller (8279), DMA Controller (8257)
Interfacing of 8086 with Programmable Interval Timer (8254) and Programmable Interrupt Controller
Introduction to Intel 80286, comparison of 80286 with 8086,80286 Architecture signal and system
connection, Real and Virtual Addressing Modes, Memory Management Scheme, 80286 Protection
Mechanism, 80286 Interrupts.
Introduction to Intel 80386,comparison of 80386 with 8086,80286,Difference between 80386SX and
80386DX, Memory and I/O system of 80386,Special 80386 Registers, 80386 Memory Management
Scheme, memory Paging Scheme
Introduction of 80486, Difference between 80486DX and 80486SX,Basic 80486 Architecture, 80486
Memory and I/O system, 80486 Memory Management Scheme, Introduction to Pentium, Pentium
Memory and I/O system, Special Pentium Registers, Pentium Memory Management, Difference between
Pentium and Pentium Pro.
1. D.V.Hall: “ Microprocessor and Interfacing, Programming and Hardware” TMH
2. D.V.Hall: “ Microprocessor and Interface Programming” TMH
3. Barry. B. Brey : “ The Intel Microprocessors Architecture, Programming and Interfacing” Pearson
Education (6th Edition)
4. James L. Antonakos : “The Pentium Microprocessor” Pearson Education.
5. V.Korneev,A.Kiselev “Modern Microprocessor” 3rd Edition , Wiley Dreamtech Publication
Objected Oriented and Object Relational Databases
Modeling Complex Data Semantics, Specialization, Generalization, Aggregation and Association,
Objects, Object Identity and its implementation, Clustering, Equality and Object Reference, Architecture
of Object Oriented and Object Relational databases, Persistent Programming Languages, Cache
Coherence. Case Studies: Gemstone, O2, Object Store, SQL3, Oracle xxi, DB2.
Deductive Databases
Data log and Recursion, Evaluation of Data log program, Recursive queries with negation.
Parallel and Distributed Databases
Parallel architectures, shared nothing/shared disk/shared memory based architectures, Data partitioning,
Intra-operator parallelism, pipelining. Distributed Data Storage – Fragmentation & Replication, Location
and Fragment Transparency Distributed Query Processing and Optimization, Distributed Transaction
Modeling and concurrency Control, Distributed Deadlock, Commit Protocols, Design of Parallel
Databases, and Parallel Query Evaluation.
Advanced Transaction Processing
Advanced transaction models: Savepoints, Nested and Multilevel Transactions, Compensating
Transactions and Saga, Long Duration Transactions, Weak Levels of Consistency, Transaction Work
Flows, Transaction Processing Monitors, Shared disk systems.
Active Database and Real Time Databases
Triggers in SQL, Event Constraint and Action: ECA Rules, Query Processing and Concurrency Control,
Recursive query processing, Compensation and Databases Recovery, multi-level recovery.
Image and Multimedia Databases
Modeling and Storage of Image and Multimedia Data, Data Structures – R-tree, k-d tree, Quad trees,
Content Based Retrieval: Color Histograms, Textures, etc., Image Features, Spatial and Topological
Relationships, Multimedia Data Formats, Video Data Model, Audio & Handwritten Data, Geographic
Information Systems (GIS).
WEB Database
Accessing Databases through WEB, WEB Servers, XML Databases, Commercial Systems – Oracle xxi,
1. Elmarsi, “Fundamentals of Database Systems”, 4 th Edition, Pearson Education
2. R. Ramakrishnan, “Database Management Systems”, 1998, McGraw Hill International Editions
3. Elmagarmid.A.K. “Database transaction models for advanced applications”, Morgan Kaufman.
4. Transaction Processing, Concepts and Techniques, J. Gray and A. Reuter, Morgan Kauffman..
5. S. Abiteboul, R. hull and V. Vianu, “Foundations of Databases”, 1995, Addison – Wesley Publishing
Co., Reading Massachusetts.
6. W. Kim, “Modern Database Systems”, 1995, ACM Press, Addison – Wesley.
7. D. Maier, “The Theory of Relational Databases”, 1993, Computer Science Press, Rockville, Maryland
Motivation, importance, Data type for Data Mining : relation Databases, Data Warehouses, Transactional
databases, advanced database system and its applications, Data mining Functionalities: Concept/Class
description, Association Analysis classification & Prediction, Cluster Analysis, Outlier Analysis,
Evolution Analysis, Classification of Data Mining Systems, Major Issues in Data Mining.
Data Warehouse and OLAP Technology for Data Mining: Differences between Operational Database
Systems and Data Warehouses, a multidimensional Data Model, Data Warehouse Architecture, Data
Warehouse Architecture, Data Warehouse Implementation, Data Cube Technology.
Data Preprocessing: Data Cleaning, Data Integration and Transformation, Data Reduction, Discretization
and Concept Hierarchy Generation. Data Mining Primitives, Languages, and System Architectures,
Concept Description: Characterization and Comparison, Analytical Characterization.
Mining Association Rules in Large Databases: Association Rule Mining: Market Basket Analysis, Basic
Concepts, Mining Single-Dimensional Boolean Association Rules from Transactional Databases: the
Apriori algorithm, Generating Association rules from Frequent items, Improving the efficiency of
Apriory, Mining Multilevel Association Rules, Multidimensional Association Rules, Constraint-Based
Association Mining.
Classification & Prediction and Cluster Analysis: Issues regarding classification & prediction, Different
Classification Methods, Prediction, Cluster Analysis, Major Clustering Methods, Applications & Trends
in Data Mining: Data Mining Applications, currently available tools.
1. J. Han and M. Kamber, “Data Mining: Concepts and Techniques”, Morgan Kaufmann Pub.
2. Berson “Dataware housing, Data Mining & DLAP, @004, TMH.
3. W.H. Inmon “ Building the Datawarehouse, 3ed, Wiley India.
4. Anahory, “Data Warehousing in Real World”, Pearson Education.
5. Adriaans, “Data Mining”, Pearson Education.
6. S.K. Pujari, “Data Mining Techniques”, University Press, Hyderabad.
General Overview of the System: System structure, user perspective, O/S services assumption about
Hardware The Kernel and buffer cache architecture of Unix O/S, System concepts, Kernel data Structure,
System administration, Buffer headers, Structure of the buffer pool, Scenarios for retrieval of the buffer,
Reading and writing disk block, Advantage and disadvantage of buffer cache.
Internal Representation of Files: INODES, Structure of regular, Directories conversions of a path name
to an inode, Super block, Inode assignment to a new file, Allocation of disk blocks.
System Calls for the System: Open read write file and record close, File creation, Operation of special
files change directory and change root, change owner and change mode, STAT and FSTAT, PIPES
Mounting and unmounting files system, Link Unlink.
Structures of Processes and process control: Process states and transitions layout of system memory,
the context of a process, manipulation of process address space, Sleep process creation/termination. The
user Id of a process, changing the size of a process. The SHELL
Interprocess Communication and multiprocessor system: Process tracing system V IPO network
communication sockets problem of multiprocessors systems, solution with master and hare process, and
solution with semaphores.
Introduction to shell scripts: shell Bourne shell, C shell, Unix commands, permissions, editors, filters sed,
grep family, shell variables, scripts, metacharacters and environment, if and case statements, for while and
until loops. Shell programming.
Awk and perl Programming: Awk pattern scanning and processing language, BEGIN and END patterns,
Awk arithmetic and variables, Awk built in variable names and operators, arrays, strings, functions, perl;
the chop() function, variable and operators, $_ and $. , Lists, arrays, regular expression and substitution,
file handling, subroutines, formatted printing.
History & Features of Linux, Linux structure, various flavours of linux.
1. M.J. Bach “Design of UNIX O.S. “, Prentice Hall of India.
2. Y.Kanetkar “Unix shell programming”, BPB Pub.
3. B.W. Kernighan & R. Pike, “The UNIX Programming Environment”, Prentice Hall of India, 1995.
4. S. Prata “Advanced UNIX: A Programming's Guide”, BPB Publications, New Delhi.
5. Vikas/Thomsaon “Jack Dent Tony Gaddis “Guide to UNIX using LINUX” Pub. House Pvt. Ltd.
6. Linux complete, BPB Publications
7. Linux Kernel, Beck Pearson Education, Asia.
8. Sumitabha Das “ Unix concepts and Applications”.
Motivation for internetworking, the TCP/IP internet, internet service, internet protocol and
standardization, Ethernet, FDDI, LAN, WAN, ATM, application and network level interconnection,
properties of internet, internet architecture, inter connection through IP routers, Internet addresses.
ARP, RARP, internet protocol : connectionless datagram delivery, routing IP datagrams ,subnet and
supernet address extensions.
The TCP/IP internet layering model, the protocol layering principle, boundaries in the TCP/IP model,
UDP: the user datagram protocol, format of UDP message, UDP pseudo-header, UDP encapsulation
and protocol layering, layring and the UDP checksum computaion, UDP multiplexing, demultiplexing,
and ports, reliable stream transport service: properties of the reliable delivery service, transmission
control protocol, response to congestion, establishing and closing TCP connection, Routing: Cores,
peers and algorithms, an exterior gateway protocol.
The domain name system, applications, Telnet, FTP, SMTP, POP3, IMAP-4, MIME, SNMP, internet
security and firewall design,.
Good web design, the process of web publishing, document overview, header elements, heading, image,
forms, tables, website hosting, HTTP & URL, search engines, Javascript, ASP, servlets.
1. Douglas E. Comer “Internetworking with TCP/IP”, Volume-I, PHI.
2. Thomas A. Powell “The Complete reference HTML”, TMH.
3. Douglas Comer “The Internet Book - Pearson Education”, Asia
4. K.Kalata “Internet Programming Thomson learning”.
5. E.Stephen Mack & Janan Platt “HTML 4.0”, BPB Pub
6. Joel sklar “Principles of Web Design”, Vikas Pub. House.
Systems: Models types, principles used in modelling, system studies, interacting subsystems and example,
simulation definition, examples, steps in computer simulation, advantages and disadvantages of
simulation, simulation study, classification of simulation languages.
System Simulation : Techniques of simulation, monte carlo method, comparision of simulation and
analytical methods, numerical compution techniques for continuous and descrete models, distributed leg
models, cobweb models.
Continuous system simulation : Continuous system models, differential equation, analog computer
analog methods, digital analog simulators, CSSLS, CSMPIII language.
System Dynamics : Historical background, exponential, Growth and decay models, modified
exponentical growth models, logistic curves and generalization of growth models, system dynamics
diagrams, dynamo language.
Probability concepts in simulation : Stochastic variables, discrete and continuous probability function,
continuous uniform distributed and computer generation of random numbers, uniform random number
generator, non uniform contineously distributed random numbers, rejection method.
Discrete system simulation : Discrete events, representation of time, generation of arrivel patterns,
simulation of telephone system, delayed calls, simulation programming tasks, gathering statistics, discrete
simulation languages.
Object Oriented approach in simulation, simulation in C++, Introduction to GPSS, general description,
action times, choice of paths, simulation of a manufacturing shop, facilities and storage, program control
statements, priorities and parameters, numerical attributes, functions, simulation of a supermarket
transfer models, GPSS model applied to any application, simulation programming techniques like entry
1. G.Gordan “System Simulation” , 2nd Ed, 2002 PHI.
2. T.A. Payer “Introduction to Simulation”, McGraw Hill.
3. W.A. Spriet “Computer Oriented Modeling and Simulation”.
4. Narsingh Deo “System Simulation with Digital Computers”, PHI.
5. V. Rajaraman “Analog Simulation”, PHI
6. Law & Kelton “Simulation Modelling and Analysis” 3rd Ed., 2000, McGraw Hill.
Organizational Behavior Today: What is Organizational Behavior, shifting paradigms of organizational
behavior, organizational behavior and diversity.
Learning about Organizational Behavior: Organizational Behavior and learning imperactive scientific
foundations of organizational behavior.
Challenge and Opportunities for organizational behavior: Towards improving quality & productivity,
improving people skills from management control to empowerment, from statrility of flexibility,
improving ethical behavior, organizational social responsibility work and quality of life.
A Micro Perspective of Organizational Behavior: The perception process, personality and attitudes,
motivation: motivating performance through job design and goal setting, learning: processes rewards
systems and behavior management.
Micro and Macro Dynamics of Organizational Behavior: Graph dynamics and teams, interactive conflict
and negotiation skills, stress: cause effects and coping strategies, leadership styles, activities and skills.
A Macro Perspective of Organizational Behavior: Communications, decision-making, Organizational
Theory & Design, Organizational Culture.
Horizons for Organizational Behavior: International Organizational Behavior(IOB), the impact of culture
on IOB, Communication in IOB, motivation across culture, managerial leadership across cultures
Organizational Change & Development: Learning objectives, the changes facing organizations, managing
change and organizational development, future of organizational Behavior.
1. Fred Luthans “Organizational Behavior”, McGraw Hills international Edition, Management &
Organization series.
2. Schermerhorn, Hunt & Osborn “Organizational Behavior” (7th Edition), John Wiley & Sours Inc.
3. Stephen P. Robbins “Organizational Behavior: Concepts controversies applications”, PHI
4. A.J.Robertson Lvan T. and Cooper, Cary.L. “Work Psychology Understanding Human Behavior in
the workplace” Macmillan India Ltd. Delhi 1996.
5. M.N. Mishra “Organizational Behavior”, Vikas Pub. Co.
Introduction, Soft Computing concept explanation, brief description of separate theories.
Neural Networks and Probabilistic Reasoning; Biological and artificial neuron, neural networks and their
classification. Adaline, Perceptron, Madaline and BP (Back Propagation) neural networks. Adaptive
feedforward multilayer networks. Algorithms: Marchand, Upstart, Cascade correlation, Tilling. RBF and
RCE neural networks. Topologic organized neural network, competitive learning, Kohonen maps.
CPN , LVQ, ART, SDM and Neocognitron neural networks. Neural networks as associative memories
(Hopfield, BAM). Solving optimization problems using neural networks. Stochastic neural networks,
Boltzmann machine.
Fundamentals of fuzzy sets and fuzzy logic theory, fuzzy inference principle. Examples of use of fuzzy
logic in control of real-world systems.
Fundamentals of genetic programming, examples of its using in practice. Genetic Algorithms Applications
of GA's – Class.
Fundamentals of rough sets and chaos theory. Hybrid approaches (neural networks, fuzzy logic, genetic
algorithms, rough sets).
1. Cordón, O., Herrera, F., Hoffman, F., Magdalena, L.: Genetic Fuzzy systems, World Scientific
Publishing Co. Pte. Ltd., 2001, ISBN 981-02-4016-3
2. Kecman, V.: Learning and Soft Computing, The MIT Press, 2001, ISBN 0-262-11255-8
3. Mehrotra, K., Mohan, C., K., Ranka, S.: Elements of Artificial Neural Networks, The MIT Press, 1997,
ISBN 0-262-13328-8
4. Munakata, T.: Fundamentals of the New Artificial Intelligence, Springer-Verlag New York, Inc., 1998.
ISBN 0-387-98302-3
5. Goldberg : Introduction to Genetic Algorithms
6. Jang, “ Nero-Fuzzy & Soft Computing”, Pearsons
Communication protocol, Internet Protocols, Novell, System Network Architecture, UUCP, IPX/SPX for
LANS, protocol comparisons.
Berkeley sockets
Overview, unix domain protocols, socket address, socket system call, reserved ports, passing file
descriptions, I/O asynchronous and multiplexing, socket implementation.
Winsock programming
Using windows socket, API window socket and blocking I/O, other window extension, network dependent
UNRI, DLL. sending and receving data over connection/termination.
Novell IPX/SPX
Novell’s windows drivers, netware C interface for windows, IPX/SPX procedure, datagram
communication, connection oriented communication with SPX,IPX/SPX implementation of DLL.
Programming Applications
Time and data routines, trivial file transfer protocol, remote login.
1. Davis R, Windows Network Programming, Add Wesley.
2. Steven R, Unix Network Programming, (Vol I & II) PHI.
Introduction to .NET Technology, Introduction to VB.NET, Software development and Visual Basic
.NET, Visual Basic .NET and .NET frame.
Visual Basic fundamentals: The Visual Basic .NET Development Environment, The element of VB.NET,
VB.NET operators, Software design, Conditional structure and control flow, Methods.
Classes and Objects: Types, Structure and Enumeration, Classes, Interfaces, Exception handling and
Classes, Collections, Arrays and other Data Structure.
Advance design concepts, Patterns, Roles and Relationships, Advanced Interface Patterns: Adapters and
Delegates and Events Data Processing and I/O.
Writing Software with Visual Basic .NET, Interfacing with the End User, Introduction to ASP.NET and
C#.NET and their features.
1. Jeffrey R. Shapiro “The Complete Reference Visual Basic .NET” Tata Mcgraw Hill (2002 Edition).
2. Rox “Beginner and Professional Edition VB.NET” Tata Mcgraw Hill.
3. Steven Holzner “Visual Basic .NET Black Book” Wiley Dreamtech Publication.
4. Alex Homer, Dave Sussman “Professional ASP.NET1.1” Wiley Dreamtech
6. Bill Evzen,Bill Hollis “Professional VB.NET 2003” Wiley Dreamtech
7. Tony Gaddis “Starting Out VB.NET PROG.2nd Edition” Wiley Dreamtech
8. Chris Ullman, Kauffman “Beg. ASP.NET1.1 with VB.NET 2003” Wiley Dreamtech
9. Chris Ullman, Kauffman “Beg ASP.NET1.1 with VC#.NET 2003” Wiley Dreamtech
Introduction to Distributed Systems : Goals of Distributed Systems, Hardware and Software concepts,
the client server model, Remote procedure call, remote object invocation, message and stream oriented
Process and synchronization in Distributed Systems : Threads, clients, servers, code migration, clock
synchronization, mutual exclusion, Bully and Ring Algorithm, Distributed transactions.
Consistency, Replication, fault tolerance and security : Object replication, Data centric consistency
model, client-centric consistency models, Introduction to fault tolerence, process resilience, recovery,
distributed security architecture, security management, KERBEROS, secure socket layer, cryptography.
Distributed Object Based and File Systems : CORBA, Distributed COM, Goals and Design Issues of
Distributed file system, types of distributed file system, sun network file system,.
Distributed shared memory, DSM servers, shared memory consistency model, distributed document
based systems : the world wide web, distributed co-ordination based systems: JINI
Implementation: JAVA RMI, OLE, ActiveX, Orbix, Visbrokes, Object oriented programming with SOM
1. Andrew S. Tanenbaum, Maarten Van Steen “Distributed Systems Principles and Paradigms”
Pearson Education Inc. 2002.
2. Lui “Distributed Computing Principles and Applications”.
3. Harry Singh “Progressing to Distributed Multiprocessing” Prentice-Hall Inc.
4. B.W. Lampson “Distributed Systems Architecture Design & Implementation”, 1985 Springer
5. Parker Y. Verjies J. P. “Distributed computing Systems, Synchronization, control &
Communications” PHI.
6. Robert J. & Thieranf “Distributed Processing Systems” 1978, Prentice Hall.
7. George Coulios, “Distribute System: Design and Concepts”, Pearson Education
Introduction: The role of Computer Vision, applications, successes, research issues; its relationship to
natural vision, basic image properties. Digital image representation, fundamental steps in image
processing, elements of digital image processing systems digitization, Display and recording devices.
Digital Image fundamentals: A simple Image model. Sampling and quantization, Relationship between
pixel, imaging geometry, image transformation, introduction to fourier transformation, Discrete fourier
transformation, fast fourier transformation.
Image Enhancement: Histogram processing, image subtraction, image averaging, smoothing filters,
sharpening filters, enhancement in frequency domain, low pass filtering, high pass filtering.
Image Encoding & Segmentation: Segmentation, detection of discontinuation by point detection, line
detection, edge detection. Edge linking & Boundary Detection: Local analysis, global by Hough transform
& Global by graph theoretic techniques.
Image Representation and Description: Chain codes, polygonal approximation, signatures, boundary
segments, boundary descriptors, regional descriptors, introduction to image understanding.
Motion Tracking , Image differencing, Feature matching, Optic flow
1. Gonzalez and Woods “Digital Image Processing”, Addition Wesley
2. Gonzalez and Woods “Digital Image Processing using MATLAB”, Addition Wesley
3. SchalKoff: Digital Image Processing & Computer Vision, Addition Wesley.
4. M. Sonka : Image Processing and Machine Vision, Prentice Hall.
5. Ballard & Brown: Computer Vision, Prentice Hall.
6. Jain A. K. Fundamentals of Digital Image Processing, PHI
7. Boyle and Thomas, ``Computer Vision - A First Course'' 2nd Edition, ISBN 0-632-028-67X,
Blackwell Science 1995.
8. Low, "Introductory Computer Vision and Image Processing", McGraw-Hill 1991, ISBN 0-07-
Fundamentals of Bioinformatics and Information Technology : Introduction to bioinformatics,
experimental sources of biological data fundamentals of molecular biology available databases operating
system, inclusing windows and Unix networks-including the intranets and the Internet.
Analytical science and Bioinformatics : High throughput sequencing, experimental determination of
protein structures, Gene expression monitoring, proteomics, metabiomics.
Protein Information resources : Introduction, biological databases, primary sequence databases,
composite protein sequence database, secondary databases, composite protein pattern databases, structure
classification databases, web addresses.
Genome information resources : Introduction, DNA sequence databases, specialised genomic resources.
DNA Sequence analysis : Introduction, why analyse DNA, Gene structure and DNA sequences, features
of DNA sequence analysis, issues in the interpretation of EST searches, two approaches to gene hunting,
the expression profile of a cell, cDNA libraries and ESTs, different approaches to EST analysis, effects of
EST data on DNA databases.
Pairwise alignment techniques : Introduction, database searching, alphabets and complexity, algorithms
and programs, comparing two sequences a simple case, sub-sequences, identity and similarity, the dotplot,
local and global similarity, global alignment the needleman and wunsch algorithm, local alignment the
smith waterman algorithm, dynamic programming, pairwise database searching.
Multiple sequence alignment : Introduction, the goal of multiple sequence alignment, multiple sequence
alignment a definition, the consensus, computational complexity, manual methods, simultaneous methods,
progressive methods, database of multiple alignment, searching databases with multiple alignments.
Secondary database searching : Introduction, why bother with secondary database searches, what is a
secondary database.
Bioinformatics tools : Visualisation of sequence data, sequence alignment, homology searching,
inclusing BLAST, gene expression informatics, introduction to gene finding.
Building a sequence search protocol : Introduction, a practical approach, when to believe a result,
structural and functional interpretation.
Analysis packages : Introduction, what’s in an analysis package, commerical databases, commerical
software, comprehensive packages, packages specialising in DNA analysis, intranet packages, internet
Applications and commercial aspects of Bioinformatics : Drug discovery, genetic basis of disease,
personalised medicine and gene-based diagnostics, legal, ethical and commercial ramifications of
Perl Programming : Data manipulation, file maintenance, pipelining, packaging and interfacing system
Macromolecular Modelling and Chemoinformatics : Acquisition of chemical information, including
molecular structure from databases visualisation of molecules simulation of molecular interaction
introduction to industry standard modelling software.
1. Attwood TK & Parry-smith DJ
“Introduction to Bioinformatics” 2001, Pearson Education Asia.
2. Setup Joao & Meidanis Joa
“Introduction to computational Molecular Biology” PWS Publishing Company, 1997 (An
international Thouson publishing company).
8. Andreas D. Baxevan’s & B.F. Francis Quellette, “Bio Informatics: A Practical guide to the analysis
of Genes & Proteins”, Second edition 2001, A John wiley & Sons.
9. Martin Tompa Lechre notes on Biological sequence Analysis, Department of Computer Science &
Engineering, university of wasnington, seattle USA http:/
courses / 527/ oowi/
Princeton (Von Neumann) and Harvard Architecture, CISC and RISC architecture, General-purpose
processor, microcontroller, Embedded processor, Digital Signal processor, Application specific
processor, Super scalar, VLIW, pipelined Architecture. Definition of Embedded System, classification of
embedded system, skills required for an Embedded System Designer, Trends in embedded system various
examples of an embedded system, Challenges to design embedded system, embedded system
development design methodology.
Hardware units required to design embedded system like power source, clock oscillator circuit, Real time
clock and timer, reset circuit, watchdog timer, memories, interrupts, DAC and ADC, LCD and LED
display,PWM, Keypad/keyboard, pulse dialer, modem and transceiver.
Embedded Software: Development tools for embedded software, Assemblers, Compilers, Editor,
Interpreter, Cross Assembler, Simulator, Emulator, Locator, Linker, Profiler, Coding strategies for
obtaining optimized time and space requirements, Debugging Embedded Software, Software in high level
language, coding of software in machine language, Software for Device drivers and device management.
Introduction to Real Time Operating System, comparison of RTOS with O.S., Tasks and Task States,
Task and Data, Semaphores and Share data, Interrupt, Interrupt handler, Share data problem, Messages,
Queue, Mailboxes and pipe. Introduction to U-COS II Real time operating system, main features of U-
Embedded Communication System: Standard for Embedded Communication, USART, SPI, I2C, CAN,
USB, Firewire, Ethernet, Wireless communication like IRDA, Bluetooth, 802.11,PCI Bus, SoC, IP Core,
Case Study of Digital camera
1. Frank Vahid & Tony Givargis “Embedded System Design” John Wiley & Sons.
2. Dr. Rajkamal “Embedded System” TMH
3. David E.Simon “An Embedded Software Primer”Addison Wesley Longman Publication.
4. Prasad..K.V.K.K.:“Embedded/Real Time System Concept & Design Black Book” Wiley
Dreamtech Publication.
5. Mark miller “VoIP” Wiley Dreamtech Publication
Classical Encryption Techniques: Symantec Cipher model, substitution Techniques, tranposition
techniques, rotor machines, steganography.
Block Ciphers and the Data Encyption standards: Simplified DES, block cipher principles, the data
encryption standard, the strength of DES, differential and linear cryptanalysis, block cipher design
principles, block cipher modes of operation.
Advanced Encryption Standard: Evaluation Criteria for AES, the AES cipher.
Contemporary symmetric ciphers: Triple DES, blowfish.
Confidentiality using symmetric encryption: Placement of Encryption function, traffic confidentiality, key
distribution, and random number generation.
Public key Encryption and Hash functions : Prime numbers, Fermat’s and Euler’s Theorems, testing for
primality, the chinese remainder theorem, discrete logarithms.
Public key cryptography and RSA: Principles of Public key cryptosystems, the RSA algorithm.
Key Management other public key cryptosystems: Key management, diffie-Hallman key exchange,
elliptic curve arithmetic, and elliptic curve cryptography.
Message authentication and Hash function : Authentication Requirements, Authentication functions,
message authentication codes, hash functions, security of hash function and MACs.
Hash Algorithms: MD5 message digest algorithm, secure Hash algorithm, ripemd-160, HMAC.
Digital Signature and Authentication protocols: Digital signatures, Authentication protocols, and digital
signature standard.
Authentication Applications: Kerberos, X.509 Authentication service.
Electronic Mail Security: Pretty Good privacy, S/MIME.
IP Security: IP Security overview, IP security architecture, authentication header, encapsulating security
payload, combining security associations, key management.
Web Security: Web security considerations, Secure sockets layer and transport layer security, secure
electronic transaction.
Part four system security: Intruders, intrusion detection, and password management.
Malicious software: Viruses and related threats, virus countermeasures.
Firewalls: Firewall Design Principles, Trusted systems.
1. William Stallings “Cryptography and Network Security”, 3 ed, Pearson Education.
2. W.Stallings “ Network security Essential “ Applications & Standards”, Pearson ed.
3. Kanfren “Network Secirity : Private Communications in a public world 2/e
4. Eric Maiwald “ Network Secirity : A Preginner’s Guide, second ed.”, Tata Mcgraw Hill.
5. Roberta Bragg “ Mark Rhodes, Ousley & Keith Strassberg Network Secirity : The Complete
Reference “ Tata McGraw Hill.
6. Eric Maiwald “Fundamentals of Network Security” Wiley India.