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Big Data Information Governance by Accountants: Emily M. Coyne Joshua G. Coyne Kenton B. Walker

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Big Data
Big Data information governance information
by accountants governance
Emily M. Coyne
School of Information, San Jose State University, Jose State, California, USA, and
Joshua G. Coyne and Kenton B. Walker
School of Accountancy, University of Memphis, Memphis, Tennessee, USA Received 30 January 2017
Revised 7 April 2017
Accepted 2 May 2017

Purpose – Big Data has become increasingly important to multiple facets of the accounting profession, but
accountants have little understanding of the steps necessary to convert Big Data into useful information. This
limited understanding creates a gap between what accountants can do and what accountants should do to
assist in Big Data information governance. The study aims to bridge this gap in two ways.
Design/methodology/approach – First, the study introduces a model of the Big Data life cycle to
explain the process of converting Big Data into information. Knowledge of this life cycle is a first step toward
enabling accountants to engage in Big Data information governance. Second, it highlights informational and
control risks inherent to this life cycle, and identifies information governance activities and agents that can
minimize these risks.
Findings – Because accountants have a strong ability to identify the informational and control needs of
internal and external decision-makers, they should play a significant role in Big Data information governance.
Originality/value – This model of the Big Data life cycle and information governance provides a first
attempt to formalize knowledge that accountants need in a new field of the accounting profession.
Keywords Big data, Information governance, Information life cycle
Paper type Technical paper

1. Introduction
We present the life cycle by which Big Data becomes useful information and to explain how
accountants can and should become involved in the governance of this process. We follow
three steps in the pursuit of this goal. First, we review the traditional information life cycle
as a foundation for the process by which data becomes information. Second, we identify
modifications to the information life cycle to address the idiosyncrasies of Big Data. Third,
we introduce the concept of information governance and explain the role of accountants in
the information governance process. A proper understanding of the Big Data life cycle and
information governance will allow accountants to continue in and expand their role as
information custodians in the current Information Era.
Previous studies show that information governance is important to the accounting
profession. Poor data governance standards impact accounting information quality (Song,
2016) and simply adopting previously successful models does not guarantee a positive
governance outcome (Ji et al., 2015). Also, good internal governance reinforces external
governance mechanisms to create firm value (Huang and Boateng, 2016). Furthermore,
corporate governance research from Taiwan suggests that independence of boards of International Journal of
Accounting & Information
Vol. 26 No. 1, 2018
pp. 153-170
This work was supported in part by a grant from the Fogelman College of Business & Economics at © Emerald Publishing Limited
the University of Memphis. DOI 10.1108/IJAIM-01-2017-0006
IJAIM directors increases market-to-book ratios (Lin and Liu, 2015). Taken together, these studies
26,1 bolster the view that accountants have a vested interest in information governance
structures and policies.
The information life cycle has governed the creation, use and maintenance of data since
before the proliferation of digital information systems at a time when business data were
more uniform and shared along predetermined channels (Leahy, 1949). However, Big Data is
154 different. Big Data’s primary differences were characterized by the 3-D model proposed by
Doug Laney (2001), sometimes referred to as the three Vs of Big Data[1]. Volume is the
reason that Big Data is referred to as “Big” as businesses receive large amounts of data from
machines, transactions and social media interactions. Velocity references the high rate at
which large amounts of data are both created and become obsolete; real-time transaction
processing in e-commerce has been a big driver of the competitive acceleration in the
velocity of data processing. Variety describes the lack of uniformity in data sources
containing text, audio, video, image and other data types. We propose a life cycle model that
addresses the differences between traditional business data and Big Data. To our
knowledge, this is the first attempt to develop an information life cycle that is specific to Big
Our primary motivation for introducing a revised life cycle is the current interest in Big
Data analytics. However, more than a life cycle is necessary to convert Big Data into useful
information. Information governance assigns business, legal and IT specialists the task of
developing and maintaining information systems that meet consumers’ informational and
control needs (Smallwood, 2016). Collaboration among these parties stands juxtaposed to the
traditional model of siloed IT departments, which model has come under increased criticism
in recent years (Zetlin, 2014). Accountants, in their capacity as business specialists, have
unique expertise in business intelligence, regulatory compliance and internal controls, which
make them valuable collaborators in information governance. As a result, in addition to
introducing a Big Data life cycle, we describe the activities that accountants can engage in to
increase their participation in information governance. Despite this appeal to accountants,
we also recognize that information governance is a shared responsibility and that IT
specialists must also increase their willingness and ability to work with accountants on
information system solutions that will result in improved collection and analysis of Big
This paper has implications for both business and academia. First, business leaders have
used popular IT and business media outlets in their appeal for added collaboration between
business and IT specialists. We support this effort by encouraging accountants to become
involved in information governance. Second, by proposing a new life cycle model to
accommodate the idiosyncrasies of Big Data, we push the frontiers of both academic and
business knowledge regarding sound treatment of Big Data in the current Information Era.
This paper proceeds as follows. In Section 2, we review the steps in the traditional
information life cycle. In Section 3, we identify necessary modifications to convert the
information life cycle into the Big Data life cycle. In Section 4, we discuss the role of
accountants in the governance of the Big Data life cycle. In Section5, we conclude.

2. A review of the traditional information life cycle

The information life cycle is the process by which data become usable information; it covers
all aspects of the data’s use from their creation to their deletion. This is the core of the
information science discipline, and its principles govern the design of information systems
(Hoke, 2011). The steps in the information life cycle are needs assessment, data acquisition,
classification, conversion, ingestion, storage, indexing, refreshing, interpretation, searching, Big Data
analytics, reporting and disposition (Coyne et al., 2016; Dederer and Dmytrenko, 2015)[2]. information
Although a life cycle connotes linearity, the information life cycle is first a blueprint for
information systems and only then a sequence of steps. Before the execution of any step in
the life cycle, the information system should be able to perform all steps in the life cycle.
Furthermore, as the information system repeatedly operationalizes the information life
cycle, the system will not always execute the steps in the same order (Upward, 1997).
Consistent with this notion, we portray the information life cycle as containing three phases: 155
creation, maintenance and use. Within each phase, the individual steps occur sequentially,
but the life cycle can transition back and forth between phases in a nonlinear fashion[3].
These phases group similar steps together, and the three labels provide a succinct overview
of the primary roles of the information life cycle. Figure 1 displays this representation of the
information life cycle.
Creation is the first phase, and the activities in the creation phase are the first to occur in
the information life cycle. These activities are needs assessment, acquisition, classification,
conversion and ingestion. Needs assessment is the first and arguably most important step. It
is the systematic analysis of an organization’s information, reporting and data needs. This
analysis can then be expanded to describe not only the information required, but also the
data used to create that information and the forms it can and should take. Acquisition of
data from internal departments or external counterparties follows. Classification involves
the application of proper metadata to each data item to give the data clear meaning and
context. Conversion is modification of a data item’s format to become consistent with the
current or expected needs of the information system and to fit into the existing storage
infrastructure. The final step is the ingestion of the data into the organization’s information
system (i.e. manual or automated data entry). These steps, taken together, prescribe the
appropriate ways to ensure that the data entering into the system is clean and usable[4].
The second phase is maintenance. Maintenance activities are vital to ensure long-term
access and to discard information that no longer holds value. These activities are storage,
indexing, refreshing, interpretation and disposition. Storage involves the selection of
appropriate formats, media and locations for data. There are a variety of storage options,
and the choice should take into account the type of data being stored and its life expectancy.
Indexing maps data objects to their location in a data set to expedite searching. Refreshing is
the updating of data stores to ensure data and metadata currency and to prevent

Figure 1.
Information life cycle
IJAIM degradation. Interpretation is the selection and preservation of hardware and software
26,1 necessary to convert data sets into human- and computer-readable formats. Finally,
disposition refers to any activity that marks the final resting place of information, such as
returning data or intellectual property to a party from which it is licensed, archiving data
into a long-term storage facility or destroying it.
Use is the third and final phase, and searching, analytics and reporting make up the
156 activities in this phase. The use phase highlights the goals of the creation and maintenance
phases and the fundamental purpose of an information system: to access and
analyze information to assist decision-makers. The steps in this phase are not all preceded
by the activities of the maintenance phase (e.g. storage precedes use, but disposition follows
use), and in this respect, the life cycle is not linear (Upward, 1996). Searching is a simple but
vital step that is supported by the activities in the other phases of the information life cycle.
As an example, finding information quickly is only possible if the information has been
properly classified and stored. Analytics, a prominent focus of both the academic and
business world, involves a large number of activities that are used to derive useful
information from stores of data. Reporting is the step in the information life cycle that is
most familiar to accountants. It is the communication of information to internal and external
Combined, these steps serve to convert data into useful information for decision-makers.
This life cycle has accurately depicted this process since before the introduction of digital
information systems, and it continues to have relevance for many forms of data (Hoke, 2011).

3. Big Data life cycle

Organizational needs for managing Big Data have proven sufficiently different from the
needs for managing traditional data to require a modified life cycle, the Big Data life cycle, to
effectively use Big Data to create value (Dumbill, 2012). Big Data itself is fundamentally
different from traditional data in a number of ways. A closer examination of these
characteristics, the three Vs of Big Data, highlights the need for a distinct Big Data life cycle
(Laney, 2001).
The first “V” is volume. Big Data first and foremost is big and has the potential to grow
even bigger (Wall, 2014). It is tempting for some organizations to attempt to address the
issue of this ever-increasing volume of data by choosing to store everything as digital
storage costs have fallen significantly in the twenty-first century:
Contrary to what many believe about storage costs getting cheaper, the exact opposite is true for
organizations today, (which rely on online access to enterprise storage), due to rapidly increasing
volumes (Smallwood, 2016).
The vastness of the data available to organizations, as well as the size of the data that is
constantly created within their organizations, can easily overwhelm the information system
in place.
The second “V” is velocity. On average, Big Data is created more quickly than traditional
data, but it also varies more than traditional data in its rate of creation (SAS, 2016)[5]. For
example, trending on social media drives “peaks” in information search and acquisition
volume and “valleys” that result as interest declines. The increased rate has demonstrated
the need for increased processing, and the variation has generated a need for scalable
processing, or processing that can readily increase or decrease to accommodate demand
while minimizing cost and drain on resources. Additionally, regardless of the current rate of
Big Data creation, all Big Data requires immediate analysis to avoid obsolescence (Laney,
The third “V” is variety. Big Data is notorious for non-uniformity. It can arrive in any Big Data
digital format, from text-based log files to audio or video, and many organizations deal with information
several different formats simultaneously (Arthur, 2013). However, variety extends beyond
data type to include variation in cleanliness and structure (e.g. duplicate data or inconsistent
metadata classification; Dumbill, 2012). In-place information systems, such as traditional
relational databases, may struggle to integrate Big Data with existing business data owing
to this lack of data uniformity (Coyne et al., 2016).
Volume, velocity and variety limit the applicability of the information life cycle to Big 157
Data. The inability to store all data necessitates evaluation of data prior to ingestion; the rate
of data generation and obsolescence requires additional processing, as well as revisions to
analysis and reporting practices; and the inconsistency in data formats demands data stores
with increased flexibility (Dumbill, 2012). Addressing the issues caused by Big Data traits is
the purpose of the revised Big Data life cycle. These revisions include the following:
 five steps dropped from the traditional information life cycle: acquisition,
classification, conversion, indexing and searching;
 five steps added: collection, sifting, synchronization, preprocessing and monitoring;
 three steps modified: needs assessment, storage and analytics.

We highlight these revisions as we explain the complete Big Data life cycle. Figure 2
provides a graphical representation of this life cycle.
The creation phase of the Big Data life cycle, such as the information life cycle, contains
five steps, but the tasks in the Big Data creation phase differ significantly from those in the
traditional information life cycle. The five steps for Big Data are needs assessment,
collection, sifting, ingestion and synchronization[6]. Needs assessment is the foundation of
both life cycles, and is arguably the most important step in both of them (Hoke, 2011;
Praminick, 2013). A needs assessment is the process in which managers evaluate the
existing information within the organization and compare it with their informational needs.
The assessment identifies data sources, information technologies and employee training
necessary to satisfy internal and external reporting requirements. The needs assessment

Figure 2.
Big Data life cycle
IJAIM aids in the design of an information system, which is necessary before data collection,
26,1 especially for Big Data. A system that is not equipped to handle Big Data will not provide
business value. “Gather business requirements before gathering data” is first in the list of
Big Data best practices (Praminick, 2013). A manufacturer would not acquire every item
offered by a supplier in the hopes that some will prove useful. Similarly, data is an asset only
if they satisfy specific business goals.
158 The next step in the Big Data life cycle is collection. In the information life cycle, an
organization ideally acquires only data that are relevant and useful within the context of the
information system’s goals. This is not always possible with Big Data. The problematic
volume and velocity of Big Data require a broader approach, because organizations cannot
always know in advance which Big Data will prove useful. Instead of using informational
needs to identify specific data for acquisition, organizations use informational needs to
identify potential data sources. They then evaluate the various pools of data from each
source and collect all of the data from the pools that are most likely to provide useful
information. This information will then undergo sifting, cleaning and analysis to create said
useful information (Hoch, 2014)[7].
The decision to collect larger amounts of data leads to the following two steps in the
creation phase of the Big Data life cycle to separate useful business data from irrelevant data
(Press, 2016). The first step following collection is sifting. Sifting is essentially an evaluative
process. The broader perspective required by Big Data means that organizations will likely
acquire more data than will be useful and whose business value may be minimal:
We can amass all the data in the world, but if it doesn’t help to save a life, allocate resources
better, fund the organization, or avoid a crisis, what good is it? (Davenport, 2014).
Sifting ensures that of the data collected, an organization keeps only that which will prove
useful within the context of organizational goals, and disposes the rest. This step prevents
the retention of too much data, but it can also exclude data that are incomplete or full of
errors, potentially minimizing a future need to clean the data, which occurs during the
Maintenance phase (Horodyski, 2014). Only sifted data should enter the information system
through the next step: ingestion, which is identical to the step of the same name in the
information life cycle.
Synchronization is the final step in the Creation phase of the Big Data life cycle. This step
takes collected, sifted and ingested Big Data, and pairs it with existing business data:
To unleash the value of big data, it needs to be associated with enterprise application data.
Enterprises should establish new capabilities and leverage prior investments in infrastructure,
platform, business intelligence, and data warehouses, rather than throwing them away. Investing
in integration capabilities can enable knowledge workers to correlate different types and sources
of data, to make associations, and to make meaningful discoveries (Praminick, 2013).
Synchronization serves as a bridge, linking what an organization already knows to what
they would like to know, creating situational insights that rely on data integration (Grimes,
The steps in the maintenance phase of the Big Data life cycle are storage, preprocessing,
refreshing, interpretation and disposition. While the name and concept behind the storage
step are comparable to the same step in the information life cycle, the reality has proven
different from the traditional practice of storing all business data in relational databases
(Dumbill, 2012).
Because of the variety of Big Data, non-relational (i.e. NoSQL) databases of various types
(e.g. key-value stores, column stores, document stores, graph stores) have emerged that not
only accommodate data variety, but that also promote synchronization by storing Big Data
and related traditional business data together (Patel, 2016; Zhang et al., 2015). One example Big Data
of data synchronization using a NoSQL solution would be to integrate online customer data, information
such as clicks and page views tied to geographic location, with foot traffic and sales data in
physical stores. Although no individual NoSQL offering may currently address Big Data
variety fully, future developments may shortly lead to a single platform being able to
provide multiple processing functionalities (Patel, 2016). One of the valuable benefits of
NoSQL stores are their superior scalability (Henschen, 2013). Because of the volume and
velocity of Big Data, as well as the variability of velocity, data stores must grow and, in 159
some cases be reallocated to accommodate higher, more volatile levels of data flow [Amazon
Web Services (AWS), 2016][8].
The next maintenance step is preprocessing. Data cleaning and manipulation, if
necessary, occur during this step. Not all data are subject to preprocessing if it is clean and
ready for analysis, and adherence to the steps in the creation phase, especially sifting, will
minimize preprocessing time. Preprocessing can include normalization, removing
duplicates, checking for integrity violations and filtering, sorting, and grouping appropriate
data (Bansal and Kagemann, 2015). Preprocessing also involves pre-calculation and
reduction, in the case of Online Analytical Processing (OLAP) or MapReduce, which are
useful for deep analysis of data sets that are not subject to frequent change, such as
examining long-term business trends (Patel, 2016). However, with an increase in processing
capabilities, the rate of Big Data obsolescence has discouraged the use of analytical tools
that require pre-calculation in favor of real-time analytics (Satell, 2015). It is likely that pre-
calculation will, in the near future, cease to play a role in preprocessing as modeling and
analytics become increasingly ad hoc.
Refreshing and interpretation are similar to their corresponding steps in the information
life cycle. For the former, the goal is again to update data stores with current data for
analysis; for the latter, the goal is to acquire and maintain the hardware and software
necessary to render compiled data human- and computer-readable. However, these steps
also differ slightly from their information life cycle counterparts. First, a primary goal of
refreshing and interpretation in the information life cycle, as well as the maintenance phase
in general, is long-term preservation, whereas Big Data reaches the end of its useful life
quickly. Second, many sources of Big Data, especially social media, require continuous
refreshing because of the rate of data generation (Nemschoff, 2013).
The last step in the maintenance phase is also the last step in the life of Big Data, and that
is disposition. Disposition has the same motivation in the Big Data life cycle as in the
traditional information life cycle: to free storage, satisfy privacy and confidentiality
requirements and reduce exposure to potential data breaches (Smallwood, 2016). However,
one difference is that the vastness of Big Data, as well as its velocity, necessitates a high rate
of deletion relative to traditional data that may be subject to archiving (Smallwood, 2016).
The last phase of the Big Data life cycle is use. Just as with any other data, the ultimate
goal of collecting, preparing and analyzing Big Data is to discover insights that will enhance
business value. In the information life cycle, searching is the first part of use. Although real-
time analytics is on the rise, non-automated searching of Big Data remains rare and
automated monitoring of trends and outliers is more common (Reeves, 2011). Recent studies
in accounting have begun to discuss the implications of automated monitoring of client data
in continuous auditing (Zhang et al., 2015). One reason for monitoring, instead of searching,
is that unlike traditional business and accounting data, managers will frequently not know
what story Big Data tells or even what to look for (Bayer and Taillard, 2014). By using
automated monitoring, employees with programming, data manipulation and analysis skills
can find the message hidden within Big Data and respond accordingly.
IJAIM Perhaps the most widely publicized difference between the information life cycle and the
26,1 Big Data life cycle is the execution of the analytics step. Analytics is the use of software and
programming tools to derive valuable decision-making information from data, and since the
rise of Big Data, data analytics has become a hot topic (Menon, 2014). The reason for the
current level of corporate investment in data analytics is the same as the reason for
including monitoring as a step in the use phase: managers believe that Big Data has
160 valuable information, and they will pay for the skill to find the message in the data. The
form of the data, as well as the answers sought, influences the choice of analytical tools and
techniques, but one part of Big Data analytics that is constant is modeling:
In a world that’s flooded with data, it becomes harder to use the data; there’s too much of it to
make sense of unless you come to the data with an insight or hypothesis to test (Bayer and
Taillard, 2014).
Iteratively modeling and mining using methods already familiar to archivalists promotes
the discovery of valuable information for decision-making. Conceptually, modeling is about
developing hypotheses; mining involves identifying and extracting data used to test
The final step, reporting, is comparable to the reporting step in the information life cycle
in that it involves using the fruits of data analytics to convey information to decision-
makers. “Organizations succeed with analytics only when good data and insightful models
are put to regular and productive use by business people in their decisions and their work”
(Morison, 2014). One notable trend is that Big Data reporting has begun to rely heavily on
visualizations. These modern visual displays of information go beyond traditional charts
and graphs, relying on those pre-attentive characteristics that human vision can distinguish
at lightning speeds, such as color, size, tilt and flicker (Healey and Enns, 2012). Unlike
traditional accounting information, Big Data reporting is almost exclusively for internal
consumption, so there are no restrictions on the visualization process and the primacy of
user needs is fully recognized. However, because current regulatory reporting requirements
are adapted to Big Data, this could change (Edinger, 2014). Regulatory reporting is heavily
dominated by financial information but the increasing availability of other forms of
information of interest to the public (e.g. social media data) may expand legal reporting
requirements and subsequently regulator interest in Big Data applications for external use.
One recent example of this is the implementation of IFRS 9, requiring financial institutions
to identify, acquire and analyze data to predict which loans face a future risk of default and
reflect this information on financial statements (Kimner, 2017).
Just as proper implementation of the information life cycle has allowed internal and
external decision-makers to benefit from the intellectual product of an information system,
adherence to this revised Big Data life cycle will provide decision-makers with valuable
insights from the rapidly expanding amount of data available for consumption.

4. Information governance
A well-defined Big Data life cycle is not sufficient to convert Big Data into relevant and
reliable information. Proper governance of that life cycle is also necessary. Smallwood (2016)
defines information governance as “the activities and technologies that organizations
employ to maximize the value of their information while minimizing associated risks and
costs”. In other words, information governance pairs the Big Data life cycle with processes,
information technology and controls to create a functional information system. Without this
component, the Big Data life cycle is no more than an idea. It’s important to note that
information governance encompasses all data activities, not just those involving Big Data.
The governing principles behind traditional data and Big Data are the same, but the volume, Big Data
velocity and variety of Big Data can exponentially increase the risks as well as complicate information
the activities and technologies required to derive maximum value.
Without proper information governance, organizations are open to risks at various
stages of the Big Data life cycle. Information governance provides the means to maximize
value, minimize risk and achieve effective coordination, which is required to successfully
implement the Big Data as well as the traditional information life cycles. Although the
specific set of risks varies by organization, we highlight three common symptoms of a
poorly governed maintenance phase. We select this phase because it is the primary focus of
the Information Governance Initiative (2015), whose report details the consensus definitions
of information governance and reports anecdotal and statistical evidence of what
information governance professionals are currently doing. With each risk, we also identify
specific governance activities to address the risk.
The first risk affects the storage step. The primary purpose of storing information
within an organization is to render it accessible in the future. However, without proper
governance, data can become irretrievable. This applies to traditional data as well as
Big Data, but the risk is amplified by Big Data’s innate characteristics of volume,
velocity and variety. The primary consequence of this risk is the inability to derive
financial benefit from inaccessible data (Information Governance Initiative, 2015).
However, in addition to the obvious flaw that irretrievable data is useless, additional
penalties arise from the inability to supply data for legal proceedings or contractual
obligations. For example, Morgan Stanley was found guilty of discovery abuses owing
to its inability to locate information; as a result, a jury awarded the plaintiff in the case,
Coleman (Parent) Holdings, Inc., $1.4 billion in damages (LexisNexis, 2007). Although
this example involved traditional data, and not Big Data, these penalties apply to
digital data of any form (Fed. R. Civ. P., 2018). However, the volume of Big Data relative
to its traditional counterpart, as well as the high velocity with which it arrives,
dramatically increases the risk of irretrievability and the resulting importance of
information governance of data storage.
To address this risk, an organization should implement consistent storage practices to
ensure that instead of being siloed, disorganized or inaccessible, all business data is
organized according to a company standard, rendering it catalogued and retrievable. To
achieve consistency, IT leaders must develop a detailed architecture for how and where
assets will be stored and organized. Then, working with the digital assets directly, IT staff
can ensure compliance with established storage schemes, rendering all assets identified and
retrievable (Tandberg Data, 2011).
However, this alone is insufficient to ensure that as-yet uncreated data will be findable in
the future, as many members of an organization outside of the IT function create new data
on a daily basis. As with all aspects of information governance, the most meaningful
solution is education. Efforts to educate all employees in proper data creation and storage,
underscored by the ownership of the education task by company executives across multiple
business functions, will help instill and reinforce the knowledge and buy-in necessary to
preserve the findability of corporate resources (Wambler, 2013).
The second risk affects the disposition step. Interestingly, this risk involves keeping too
much retrievable data:
Some information is ore that we should spend tremendous amounts of time and money refining
and exploiting [. . .] while other information (some would say most) is just an industrial byproduct
that represents potential cost, risk, and pain (Information Governance Initiative, 2015).
IJAIM The informational risk of under-disposition and over-storage is, on the one hand, the
26,1 exacerbation of the retrievability problem described earlier and, on the other hand, the
increased likelihood of outdated data. Consistent storage practices require resources and
time. However, over time, data becomes outdated or corrupted. This informational risk is
also not limited to Big Data, but the large volume of Big Data significantly increases the
amount of time and resources to manage, and in the meantime, data can become unwieldy,
162 inaccessible, irrelevant or even misleading (Ferguson, 2012). Additionally, from a cost
perspective, retaining all data is both unwise and infeasible (Rosenthal et al., 2012). Counter
to this, some believe that because the unit cost of storage has fallen and continues to fall,
complete data retention is a cost-effective solution; however, just as the volume and velocity
of Big Data reduce the retrievability of stored data, they also negate even the possibility of
complete retention of stored data.
Over-storing also represents a severe control risk. In 2014, Sony Pictures Entertainment
faced a prolonged attack by hackers to obtain a large cache of information including e-mails,
digital films and employees’ identifying information (Krebs, 2014). Sensitive but no longer
useful, and in Sony’s case damning, information such as outdated e-mail exchanges between
executives should not have existed anywhere in the system at the time of the hack. This is
not a risk unique to Big Data, but the risk is significantly amplified by the volume of Big
Data and the difficulty in managing its velocity and variety. Furthermore, because much of
Big Data is consumer data, compliance with expectations of privacy is critical. While
scrubbing data to remove personally identifying information is one solution, it isn’t always
enough to avoid the appearance of a privacy breach as individuals become aware that their
personal habits or choices have been recorded. The use of lengthy privacy notices may be
legally sufficient to acquire the right to collect and analyze user data, but in the eyes of
consumers, it also may not be enough. Regardless of the legality of collecting user data,
consumer outrage can have negative effects on a company’s bottom line. In 2016, Uber,
Pokemon Go and WhatsApp, three well-known smartphone applications, came under fire
for a perceived over-collection of private data (Hautala and Kerr, 2016). The Pew Research
Center found that 88 per cent of American adults say that “not having someone watch you
or listen to you without your permission” is important to them (Madden and Rainie, 2015).
This is consistent with the President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology,
which “believes that the responsibility for using personal data in accordance with the user’s
preferences should rest with the provider rather than with the user” (Executive Office of the
President, President’s Council of Advisors on Science and Technology, 2014).
Proper information governance requires scheduled review and disposition of data that
poses risks and holds little or no current or future value (McDonald and Léveillé, 2014).
Disposition schedules create a formula that is used to ascertain whether and when
information should be purged from a system. As regards penalties for data irretrievability,
while some organizational leaders favor keeping everything just in case of lawsuit or
government investigation, there is no legal penalty for documents or data that are
undiscoverable because they were disposed according to an appropriate retention schedule
(LexisNexis, 2007). On the other hand, all data that is retained, including Big Data, is
discoverable in litigation, sometimes to an organization’s detriment (Salvarezza, 2015).
Putting in place policies to assess which data no longer adds value and following prescribed
processes to purge it protects an organization from the need to store useless data that poses
unnecessary risk.
The third risk affects the preprocessing step. The use phase represents the ultimate
purpose of Big Data: to create useful knowledge from data. The biggest challenge that data
analysts face in this endeavor is the fact that 80 per cent of their time is spent not on analysis
or the creation of new knowledge, but rather on collecting data and cleaning it prior to use Big Data
(Lemieux et al., 2014). This “data-wrangling” may be necessary to ensure accurate, useful information
and complete data exists to analyze, but these activities are tedious and time-consuming,
especially in an uncontrolled information environment. Furthermore, dirty data can result in
incomplete or erroneous reporting, consistent with the widely referenced “garbage in,
garbage out” principle. Any data source can suffer from unclean data, but the variety of Big
Data formats (e.g. log files, emails, audio, video, etc.) exacerbates the frequency of unclean
data, especially when attempting analysis that relies on data from multiple sources. 163
There are two solutions to the collection of dirty data. The first is to address internal data
collection (i.e. the data that are generated from within the organization). Many organizations
generate their own Big Data on a daily basis; examining how this data are generated, while
keeping in mind how data analysts will use it, can reduce dirty data. When data analysts
collaborate with those responsible for creating or collecting internal data, it is possible for
them to improve the current system, allowing for the collection of cleaner data that are
organized in a manner that minimizes the need for analysts to preprocess (Hadidi, 2015). The
second is to address external data collection. Unstructured data from Web sources such as
webpages or social media platforms is an example of a popular source of Big Data. The use
of appropriate data collection tools allows IT staff to convert it from unstructured data to
structured data before storing it. This can reduce the amount of labor required to create
usable data for analysis, although it does not eliminate the need for cleaning because issues
such as duplicate data and incomplete data will still exist (Williams, 2013). Additionally,
when new data come into the organization, IT staff can integrate it with existing data,
improving analysts’ ability to extend company knowledge (Ashutosh, 2012).
Information governance addresses not only proper life cycle governance activities, but
also proper governing agents. Figure 3 displays the parties involved in the governance of
the Big Data life cycle.
The rounded shape surrounding the Big Data life cycle implies that information
governance manages (governs) the implementation of the life cycle principles. The parties
listed on the left of Figure 3 beside the heading “Maintainers” are those who collaborate to
develop and maintain a controlled system that converts Big Data into information. Because

Figure 3.
IJAIM of the complexity of information technologies, businesses have historically relied on the
26,1 focused expertise of IT specialists to design and maintain information systems to support
business measurement and reporting needs. However, the understanding of measurement
and reporting needs lies with business specialists, including accounting, finance, operations,
HR and legal. A longstanding lack of comprehension of IT by business specialists, and vice
versa, as well as a lack of understanding of the business value of well-governed information
164 systems and processes, has prevented the communication and collaboration necessary to
develop information systems that consistently capture relevant data in an efficient manner,
convert that data into accurate, useful information for decision-making purposes and secure
it against compromise (Congdon, 2015; Zetlin, 2015). “The top barrier to information
governance progress is not a lack of money, but rather a set of factors including a lack of
institutional education, communication, and leadership” (Information Governance Initiative,
2015). The siloing of business information and processes has long been a hindrance to the
management of an organization’s data, and it continues to be a primary barrier to progress
in the implementation of information governance policies that successfully maximize the
value of data and minimize risk (Information Governance Initiative, 2015). Historically, this
siloing has not affected organizations sufficiently to evoke change in the level of
collaboration, but with the speed of innovation inherent to the current economic
environment, businesses no longer have the luxury of being able to miss out on information
about market forces and customer behavior (Whitehurst, 2015).
Improved information governance is the answer to the need for better information and
decision-making, and enhanced collaboration between business specialists and IT
specialists is the answer to improved information governance. “The more coordination that
occurs, the more effective the overall IG can be”. (Information Governance Initiative, 2015).
Accountants have particular expertise as business specialists. As a result,
accountants are valuable collaborators with IT specialists in information systems
design and maintenance, not only as end-users of business information, but also as
advocates for other internal and external decision-makers. Additionally, accountants
are very familiar with governance issues relating to control objectives and regulatory
compliance, which along with data and information management, is an important
aspect of information governance. The focus of the accounting profession on controls
reinforces the value of increased collaboration between accountants as business
specialists and IT specialists in designing and maintaining systems that satisfy not
only informational needs, but also control objectives as dictated by internal and
external decision-makers[9].
In addition to accountants and IT, Figure 3 also includes an additional agent as a
maintainer: legal. Accountants are experts on regulatory compliance, but legal specialists
are experts on contracts. Because many control objectives, and some informational needs,
serve to satisfy contractual obligations, legal specialists are valuable information
governance partners (Smallwood, 2016)[10]. One straightforward example of how legal
specialists can assist in the IT governance process is to facilitate discovery, along with the
required supervision of any informational holds during proceedings, in the case of legal
action against an organization. Another example is the need to ensure adherence to
government mandated privacy laws such as HIPAA and FERPA, as well as an
organization’s own privacy policy.
Consumers of information, including internal and external users, also play an important
role in information governance. In 2001, software developers created the Agile Manifesto to
improve flexibility, speed and value in software development by creating cross-functional
teams that include business specialists, developers and customers (Beck et al., 2001).
Additional movements in the development community, especially DevOps, have increased Big Data
the number of players on these cross-functional teams to include not only those who develop information
the information system, but also those who deploy and maintain it (van Orman, 2014).
All the while, the emphasis on needed collaboration with business partners and internal and
external stakeholders has increased (Zetlin, 2015).
On the right-hand side of Figure 3, beside the heading “Consumers”, are the internal
and external decision-makers who rely on the information system. First and foremost
are managers in their capacity as internal decision-makers. These are the primary 165
consumers of business information, and they rely the most on a correct application of
the Big Data life cycle. Although this observation would apply to the Big Data life cycle
and the traditional information life cycle alike, it especially applies to Big Data because
unlike other forms of business data, much of the collection, maintenance, and use of Big
Data are not governed by regulation (yet), and much of the resulting information is not
shared with external agents.
These internal decision-makers represent many business functions, such as operations
and marketing, as well as accounting itself because accountants interface with IT to develop
systems that meet the informational needs of other stakeholders, as well as their own
informational needs. The importance of accountants’ own informational needs are reinforced
by a recent observation by a representative of a Big-4 accounting firm that accountants are
the largest internal consumer of business information[11].
Despite the significance of internal decision-makers with respect to the consumption of
Big Data, regulators and other stakeholders, such as customers, vendors, auditors and
equity and debt holders also matter. In the first place, the controls that the system
maintainers select satisfy requirements stipulated by consumers. From that perspective,
consumers consume not only information, but also the benefits of internal controls. These
parties may also consume the informational outputs of the system, but the degree to which
this will occur depends on influence – debt holders can place considerable pressure on
borrowers to share private information – and trends in the regulatory environment;
regulators can begin to require additional disclosure of information derived from Big Data.
Already research has begun to investigate the implications of increasing the pool of data
used by external auditors, as well as the amount of data to make available in financial
disclosures. The response by regulators to the rapid growth in Big Data will affect what
external stakeholders will be able to consume in the future (Cao et al., 2015; Krahel and
Titera, 2015).
With proper collaboration and processes, information governance can preserve the
quality of Big Data throughout its life cycle. Accountants are already familiar with many
internal control practices, especially those that govern financial reporting, but additional
practices become necessary to handle the risks unique to the volume, velocity and variety of
Big Data.

5. Conclusion
In this paper, we build on the traditional information life cycle to model a life cycle that
accommodates the idiosyncrasies of Big Data. We then apply the concepts of information
governance to the principles of a Big Data life cycle. The resulting model circumscribes an
information system that converts Big Data into information in a manner that satisfies the
informational and control needs of both internal and external decision-makers. Also, we
make a case for accountants to play an important role in Big Data governance.
The recent upsurge in the creation of structured and unstructured data has encouraged
businesses to increase their ability to extract business intelligence from previously
IJAIM underutilized data sources. This endeavor requires modifications to existing information
26,1 systems or the creation of new information systems to address the characteristics of Big
Data that render both the data and the process of converting it into information distinct from
existing business data. In addition, the availability of new and non-traditional information
increases demands on internal and external reporting and exposes organizations to new
risks and attention from regulators that must be addressed. Reporting and control
166 responsibilities are typically the purview of accountants.
The design of efficient and effective systems requires more than a sequence of life cycle
steps, and businesses cannot assume that IT expertise endows IT specialists with all
necessary knowledge to design a useful information system. The volume, velocity and
variety of Big Data give rise to both informational and control risks, and IT specialists
cannot address these risks alone. Instead, individuals and teams with expertise in the
informational needs of internal and external decision-makers and regulatory and contract
compliance with respect to reporting and internal controls should collaborate with IT
specialists to develop and maintain information systems. Much of the necessary expertise
resides with accounting professionals; however their education and training will need to be
expanded to adequately fulfill these new roles.
Finally, we highlight some of the risks connected with the big data environment, but our
list is far from comprehensive. Much future research is necessary to explore the risks that
Big Data creates, investigate the potential for new kinds of reports, new roles for regulatory
bodies, document information governance policies from practice and study factors that lead
to effective governance structures and policies.

1. Some have proposed additional Vs, such as veracity, value, variability, viability and victory.
However, unlike the original three Vs that are inherent characteristics of Big Data, these other
attempts to rely on a convenient mnemonic (aka “wanna-vs”) “mistake interpretive, derived
qualities for essential attributes” (Grimes, 2013). As a result, we restrict our perspective to the
original three Vs.
2. Some information life cycle models include fewer steps or combine multiple steps into one. We
choose this expanded list to provide a thorough review of the activities necessary to convert data
into information. An expanded list also allows us to highlight the differences between the
information and Big Data life cycles with increased granularity.
3. It is infeasible to portray a perfectly linear information life cycle because no conceptual
prescription exists dictating the amount of time between data acquisition and information
reporting. Additionally, the same data could be used and reused on a repeated basis within a sub-
loop of the steps on the information life cycle (Upward, 1996).
4. Data analysts report that 60 per cent of their time is spent cleaning data before analysis (Press,
2016). One reason for this need is a lack of correct application of the steps in the creation phase of
the information life cycle. “Lack of data quality can be thought of as a polluted lake. The lake
represents the databases, water is the data, and streams are the sources of new data. Data
pollution in this metaphor is caused by breaks in business processes” (Redman, 2014). However,
in the presence of Big Data, even a well-defined system may require data cleaning. We discuss
this issue below in the context of the Big Data life cycle.
5. “Variability” in creation rate is a commonly cited “wanna-v.” Although we exclude variability
from our list of Big Data characteristics, we reference it as a “derived quality” of velocity: the
increase in average creation rate has opened the door for increased variability in creation rates
(Grimes, 2013).
6. One glaring absence from the Big Data life cycle is the classification step and its assignment of Big Data
metadata. Big Data is an accumulation of data objects individually governed by the traditional information
information life cycle. These data objects received metadata assignment previously during their governance
respective classification steps, and when they are used, essentially reused, by the Big Data life
cycle, they require no assignment of new metadata (Horodyski, 2014). For example, a form on a
customer-facing website assigns metadata to each field when a customer creates a new record.
However, Big Data, which is the accumulation of customer records, receives no additional
metadata. Machine-generated data, the fastest growing Big Data source, provides another 167
example (EMA, 2014). Each communication between digital devices has metadata attributes and
values. Big Data, as a collection of these communications, needs no additional classification.
7. Value is another one of the derived traits of the inherent characteristic of volume (a “wanna-V”),
which helps to mediate the amount of data collected and retained during the creation phase of the
Big Data life cycle (Grimes, 2013).
8. This need for storage that readily expands, as needed, is a primary motivator for current cloud
computing initiatives and the associated transition to on-demand, cloud-based storage solutions
(AWS, 2016).
9. Despite this preexisting familiarity with informational needs and responsibility for control
issues, accountants require additional understanding of information technology and training in
technical skills. As the introduction of SOX, accountants have occupied themselves with the
audit of IT controls, the responsibility for the implementation of these controls has rested
squarely on the shoulders of IT specialists (Desmond, 2016). An increased knowledge of IT
would increase accountants’ ability to engage in not only information governance, but also in the
more traditional IT audit function, which despite the importance of IT controls, has not been a
core competency of many accounting professionals (Coyne et al., 2016).
10. It would be possible to add additional business specialists to the list of maintainers. We limit the
number of maintainers to these three, not in an attempt to exclude other business specialists, but
rather to highlight a core minimum of collaborators. Attempts to expand the network of
collaborators will likely have additional positive consequences for information governance.
11. This statement was part of a presentation at the 2016 American Taxation Association Midyear

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Corresponding author
Joshua G. Coyne can be contacted at: jgcoyne@memphis.edu

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