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CEPF Wallacea Profile-Update-2020

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Ecosystem Profile

Marine Update
Wallacea Biodiversity Hotspot

September 2020
Prepared by:
Burung Indonesia

On behalf of:
Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund

Drafted by the ecosystem profiling team:

Adi Widyanto Ria Saryanthi

Jihad Pete Wood
Lalu Abdi Wirastami Yudi Herdiana

With the assistance of:

Burung Indonesia CEPF

Andi Faisal Alwi Dan Rothberg
Ratna Palupi
Vincentia Ismar Widyasari

BirdLife International
Andrew Plumptre
Mike Crosby
Gill Bunting

With additional assistance from 96 individuals in Indonesia

Baileo Rony J Siwabessy

Baileo Nus Ukru
Balang Institute Adam Kurniawan
BARAKAT Benediktus Bedil
Burung Indonesia Muhammad Meisa
Burung Indonesia Agung Dewantara
Burung Indonesia Amsurya Warman
Burung Indonesia Tiburtius Hani
Burung Indonesia Dwi W
Central Sulawesi Marine Affairs and Fisheries
M. Edward Yusuf.
Conservation International Abraham Sianipar
Coral Triangle Center Marthen Welly
Dept. of Fisheries Utilization, IPB University Budy Wiryawan
Dinas Lingkungan Hidup Banggai Kepulauan Ferdy Salamat
Hasanuddin University Abigail Mary Moore
IMUNITAS Shadiq Maumbu
Japesda Gorontalo Ahmad Bahsoan
Khairun University Ternate M Nasir Tamalene
Komunitas Teras Imran Tumora
LPPM Maluku Piet Wairisal

Maluku Province Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Maluku Province Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Elin Talahatu
Manengkel Solidaritas Viando Emanuel Manarisip
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Toni Ruchimat
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Andi Rusandi
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Pingkan Roeroe
Muhammad Subhan
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Amehr Hakim
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Suwardi
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Erina Nelly
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Muhammad Saifullah
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Yudit Tia Lestari
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Firdaus Agung
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Agus Sapari
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Noberta Oktaviani
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Bustamin
Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries Ihsan Ramli
Muhammadiyah University Luwuk Abdul Gani
Pattimura University James Abrahamsz
Perkumpulan OASE Andi Adriadi
Perkumpulan WALLACEA Basri Andang
Perkumpulan YAPEKA Efra Wantah
Perkumpulan YAPEKA Topan Cahyono
RARE Indonesia Stuart Campbell
Relawan Orang dan Alam Mochammad Subarkah
SALANGGAR Ellyas Palalas
SIKAP Institute Muhammad Akib
Sustainable Fisheries Partnership Dessy Anggraeni
Tadulako University Samliok Ndobe
USAID SEA Project Rudyanto
USAID SEA Project Noora Febrianie
WCS Indonesia Irfan Yulianto
Wildlife Conservation Society - Indonesia
Shinta Pardede
Yayasan Konservasi Laut Indonesia Nuryamin
Yayasan Panorama Alam Lestari Fadhil Abdullah
Yayasan Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Sosial Melky Koly Baran
Yayasan Pengkajian dan Pengembangan Sosial Magdalena Rianghepat
Yayasan Rumah Ganeca Marsel Ivan Korompis
Yayasan SEMANK Sri Endah Widiyanti
Yayasan SEMANK Mufti murhum
Yayasan Tananua Hironimus Pala

Yayasan Tananua Metty
independent Ahmad Wahyudi
independent Ariq Naufal Trisarjono
independent Eveline Wahyuningtyas
independent Hazman Fillin
independent Yusran Nurdin Massa
independent Pemela Loupatty
independent Robi Ricardo
independent Yogie Chrisswarsono
independent Muhammad Eka Rahman
independent Christopel Paino
independent Nila Olfia Rahmawati
independent Hadi Purwanto
independent Dodik Afriyanto
independent Nirwan
independent Hj Rahmah
independent Benyamin Gosa
independent Abd Habir
independent Muhammad Korebima
independent Ruwaidah
independent Gusti Dianda Sari
independent Aprelia Martina
independent Bas Wurlianty
independent Hulwatun Nibras Saidah
independent Fret Ariyanto Tokandari
independent Wigatiningsih
independent Supeno Surija
independent Sonny Lahati
independent Junaedi H
independent Erlyn Manuel
independent Juanita Sopahel
independent Wawan AG
independent Venika Satria
independent Ikhsan
independent Armin Lestaluhu

Table of Contents
1. INTRODUCTION ............................................................................................... 7
2.1. THE INVESTMENT STRATEGY FOR PHASE 1 (2014 – 2020) ............................................................. 7
2.2. OVERVIEW OF CEPF INVESTMENT IN PHASE 1 ............................................................................10
2.3. MARINE PORTFOLIO OVERVIEW .............................................................................................11
2.4. SUMMARY OF IMPACTS OF GRANTS ..........................................................................................14
2.5. LESSONS FROM PHASE 1 TO APPLY TO PHASE 2 ..........................................................................17
2.6. THE UPDATING PROCESS ....................................................................................................21

3. BIOLOGICAL IMPORTANCE OF THE HOTSPOT ................................................ 22

4. CONSERVATION OUTCOMES DEFINED FOR THE HOTSPOT .............................. 22
4.1. METHODOLOGY................................................................................................................22
4.1.1 Methodological Limitations and Improving the Analysis ............................................................ 23
4.2. CONSERVATION OUTCOMES .................................................................................................24
4.2.1 Species Outcomes ............................................................................................................... 24
4.2.2 Site Outcomes .................................................................................................................... 29
4.2.3 Corridor Outcomes .............................................................................................................. 32

5. SOCIOECONOMIC CONTEXT OF THE HOTSPOT ............................................... 42

6. POLICY CONTEXT OF THE HOTSPOT ............................................................... 42
6.1. INDONESIA ....................................................................................................................42
6.1.1 Overview of the National Political Situation ............................................................................. 42
6.1.2 Natural Resource Policies and Laws........................................................................................ 42
6.1.3 Institutions for Implementation of Resource Management Policy ................................................ 44
6.1.4 Land Tenure ....................................................................................................................... 46
6.1.5 Marine Tenure ..................................................................................................................... 46
6.1.6 Spatial and Land-Use Planning .............................................................................................. 47
6.1.7 Development Policies and Programs ....................................................................................... 48
6.1.8 Decentralization and Natural Resource Management ................................................................ 48
6.1.9 Good Governance in the Hotspot ........................................................................................... 49
6.1.10 Indonesia’s Commitments Under Global Agreements .............................................................. 49 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD) ........................................................................... 50 Ramsar Convention ......................................................................................................... 50 Biosphere Reserves ......................................................................................................... 50 World Heritage Convention............................................................................................... 50 Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals ................................... 50 Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora ................. 50
6.1.11 Indonesia’s Commitments Under Regional Agreements ........................................................... 51

7. CIVIL SOCIETY CONTEXT OF THE HOTSPOT ................................................... 52

7.1. INDONEISA ....................................................................................................................52
7.1.1 Civil Society Organizations in Indonesian Wallacea .................................................................. 52
7.1.2 Operating Environment for CSOs in Indonesia ......................................................................... 52
7.1.3 Civil Society Programs and Activities in Indonesian Wallacea..................................................... 53
7.1.4 Civil Society Capacity in Indonesian Wallacea.......................................................................... 58

8. THREATS TO BIODIVERSITY IN WALLACEA.................................................... 64

8.1. OVEREXPLOITATION OF NATURAL RESOURCES.............................................................................64
8.1.1. Unsustainable fishing and overexploitation of marine natural resources ..................................... 64
8.1.2. Pollution and Sedimentation ................................................................................................ 65
8.1.3. Climate Change .................................................................................................................. 66
8.2. INDIRECT CAUSES OF THREATS .............................................................................................67
8.2.1. Poorly enforced marine spatial planning ................................................................................ 67
8.2.2. Uncertainty around rights and licensing for the exploitation of marine resources ........................ 67
8.2.3 Weak Institutions for the Management of Protected Areas and Enforcement of Conservation
Regulations ................................................................................................................................. 67
8.3. THREATS TO MARINE CORRIDORS IN WALLACEA ..........................................................................67

9. CLIMATE CHANGE ASSESSMENT ..................................................................... 71
10. ASSESSMENT OF CURRENT CONSERVATION INVESTMENT ............................. 72
10.1. INVESTMENT BY SOURCE .....................................................................................................72
10.1.1. Central Government Funding.............................................................................................. 72
10.1.2. Bilateral Funding .............................................................................................................. 74
10.1.3. Multilateral Funding .......................................................................................................... 75
10.1.4. Foundations and Funds ...................................................................................................... 78
10.1.5. Private Sector .................................................................................................................. 79
10.2. FUNDING GAP ANALYSIS ......................................................................................................79

11. CEPF INVESTMENT NICHE .............................................................................. 82

12. CEPF INVESTMENT STRATEGY AND PROGRAM FOCUS .................................... 84
12.1. MARINE SPECIES PRIORITIES ...............................................................................................84
12.2. MARINE SITE PRIORITIES ....................................................................................................87
12.3. MARINE CORRIDOR PRIORITIES .............................................................................................89
12.4. CEPF STRATEGIC DIRECTIONS AND INVESTMENT PRIORITIES ..........................................................93
Strategic Direction 1: Address threats to high-priority species ........................................................... 95
Strategic Direction 2: Improve management of sites (KBAs) with and without official protection status .. 96
Strategic Direction 3: Support sustainable natural resource management by communities in priority sites
and corridors............................................................................................................................... 97
Strategic Direction 4: Strengthen community-based action to protect marine species and sites ............. 99
Strategic Direction 5: Engage the private sector in conservation of priority sites and corridors, in
production landscapes, and throughout the hotspot ........................................................................100
Strategic Direction 6: Enhance civil society capacity for effective conservation action in Wallacea .........100
Strategic Direction 7: Provide strategic leadership and effective coordination of conservation investment
through a regional implementation team .......................................................................................101

13. SUSTAINABILITY ......................................................................................... 105

14. CONCLUSION ............................................................................................... 106
Annex 1. Wallacea Logical Framework: 2020-2024 ........................................................................107
Annex 2. Abbreviations Used in the Text ........................................................................................110
Annex 3. References ...................................................................................................................112
Annex 4. List of Trigger Species ....................................................................................................115
Appendix 1. Information from the 2014 Ecosystem Profile ..............................................................125

1. Introduction
CEPF works for the conservation of biodiversity in globally important hotspots, through
empowerment of local civil society to take action. An ecosystem profile published in 2014
presented a detailed analysis of the priorities and context for a CEPF program in Wallacea,
and a grants program was implemented in the region from 2014 to 2019. Over that period,
108 grants were made totaling US$ 5.2 million. Grant-making was accompanied by a
capacity building program which support local civil society organizations to develop
organizations their technical knowledge and organizational strengths.

CEPF is in the process of securing an additional US$ 2.5 million to fund the conservation of
coastal and marine ecosystems and species in Indonesian Wallacea. To support the strategic
and effective use of these funds, CEPF engaged a team to update the original ecosystem
profile of 2014 in the document that follows. This document reflects new data and the
experience of the last five years in Wallacea. The revision involved consultation with marine
experts, government officials, and a range of CSOs and others in Wallacea.

As this document is an update to the 2014 ecosystem profile, it follows the outline used at
that time.

2. Background: Lessons from Phase 1 and the Updating

2.1. The investment strategy for Phase 1 (2014 – 2020)

The ecosystem profile (EP) that guided the first phase of CEPF investment in the Wallacea
Hotspot was formulated in 2013-2014, through a process that engaged people from across
the region representing more than 301 organizations from civil society, national and local
Government, academia and research institutes, business, media and donors including UN
agencies. The ecosystem profile defined:

• species outcomes for 560 species in Wallacea, based on the IUCN Red List as
updated on 1 November 2013. Of these, 254 species are marine, including three which
are classified as ‘critically endangered’ (CR) and 25 as ‘endangered’ (EN). This list of
marine species outcomes is revised and updated in chapter 4.

From this list of species outcomes, 207 marine species were identified as high priorities
for CEPF funding because they are especially vulnerable to targeted hunting or by-
catch. This list includes 5 sea turtle species; 10 marine fish species threatened by
over-fishing (e.g. shark-finning, hunting rays for their gill-rakers) as well as accidental
by-catch; and 176 coral and 10 sea cucumber species potentially threatened by
collection. The priority list is reviewed and updated in Chapter 12 of this report.

• site outcomes, comprised of 251 terrestrial KBAs and 74 marine KBAs, plus an
additional 66 ‘candidate marine KBAs’ where locality data was insufficient to prove
that the site met the criteria. Of the 140 confirmed and candidate marine KBAs, 12
(7 confirmed, 5 candidate) are in Timor-Leste and 128 (67 confirmed, 61 candidate)
in Indonesia.

The 74 marine KBAs are confirmed sites for 186 of the 254 globally threatened
marine species. No sites were identified for the remaining 68 species.

Species data was inadequate to prioritize individual marine KBAs, and so the KBAs
within the priority marine corridors (see below) were prioritized for CEPF support.
Both the corridors and the prioritization of KBAs is reviewed in Chapter 12 of this

• corridor outcomes, defining 10 terrestrial and 16 marine corridors, with one

marine corridor in Timor-Leste and 15 in Indonesia. The marine corridors represent
all 5 of the marine ecoregions defined for the hotspot. The corridor analysis was
reviewed and expanded as part of this update (see Chapter 4).

Data limitations meant that it was not possible to prioritize marine corridors on an
objective measure of biological importance. For the purposes of CEPF investment in
Phase 1 they were ranked based on (a) expert ranking of biological importance; (b)
proximity to a terrestrial KBA cluster which has been selected for funding; and (c)
high funding need. The ranking is revised and re-applied in Chapter 12 of this report.

The CEPF investment strategy for the first phase comprised 25 investment priorities
grouped under seven strategic directions, one of which (SD7) was dedicated to the Regional
Implementation Team (Table 2.1).

Table 2.1: Strategic Directions and Investment Priorities for Phase 1 of CEPF
investment in the Wallacea Hotspot (2014-2020)

CEPF Investment Priorities

1.1 Provide information to promote species outcomes and allow for

1. Address threats monitoring and improved policies and programs of local and national
to high priority government and other stakeholders
species 1.2 Change behavior of trappers, traders or buyers through appropriate
enforcement, education, incentives and alternatives

2.1 Facilitate effective collaboration between CSO, local and indigenous

communities and park management units to improve planning and
management of official protected areas
2.2 Develop and implement management approaches that integrate
2. Improve sustainable use by business or local stakeholders with conservation of
management of ecosystem values in KBAs outside official protected areas
sites (KBAs) with
and without official 2.3 Support surveys, research, and awareness campaigns to create
protection status new protected areas or better manage KBAs without protection status
2.4 Work with central and local governments on specific legal and
policy instruments, including land use plans and development plans, for
better site management, and build a constituency of support for their
promulgation and implementation

CEPF Investment Priorities

3.1 Support community institutions to secure adequate rights over

3. Support resources, and to develop and implement rules on resource use
sustainable natural
3.2 Develop alternatives for livelihoods otherwise dependent on
unsustainable resource management practices and enhance markets
management by
for sustainably produced products and services
communities in
priority sites and 3.3 Propose specific legal and policy instruments to address obstacles
corridors to effective community based natural resource management at local or
national level

4.1 Support the identification and establishment of new local marine

protected areas
4. Strengthen 4.2 Strengthen local institutions and mechanisms for management and
community-based monitoring of marine protected areas
action to protect 4.3 Support the engagement of local government to increase the
marine species and financial sustainability and legal effectiveness of local marine protected
sites areas
4.4 Facilitate the sharing of lessons and experiences between
stakeholders involved in marine conservation initiatives

5.1 Engage with the private sector, business associations, and

chambers of commerce so that corporate social responsibility (CSR)
funding supports the goals of the Ecosystem Profile
5. Engage the
private sector in 5.2 Encourage mining and plantation companies and their funders and
conservation of buyers, to consider conservation values in management of concessions
priority sites and and rehabilitation of production areas
corridors, in 5.3 Establish links between CSOs and organizations undertaking
production campaigns with consumers, financiers, and consumer-facing companies
landscapes, and to create market-related incentives and disincentives for private sector
throughout the to support conservation actions
hotspot 5.4 Support efforts for mediation or formal engagement with mining
and other industry to reduce threats from unlicensed operators or
those operating with an illegitimate license

6.1 Enhance the capacity of civil society to identify, plan and undertake
surveys, planning, implementation, and monitoring of conservation
6. Enhance civil actions
society capacity for
6.2 Catalyze networking and collaboration among community groups,
NGOs, private sector, and other elements of civil society
conservation action
in Wallacea 6.3 Increase the volume of sustainable funding available to civil society
for conservation actions via capacity building and appropriate

CEPF Investment Priorities

7.1 Operationalize and coordinate CEPF’s grant-making processes and

procedures to ensure effective implementation of the investment
7. Provide strategic strategy throughout the hotspot
leadership and 7.2 Build a broad constituency of civil society groups working across
effective institutional and political boundaries towards achieving the shared
coordination of conservation goals described in the ecosystem profile
7.3 Engage governments and the private sector to mainstream
investment through
biodiversity into policies and business practices
a Regional
Implementation 7.4 Monitor the status of biogeographic and sectoral priorities in
Team relation to the long-term sustainability of conservation in the hotspot
7.5 Implement a system for communication and disseminating
information on conservation of biodiversity in the hotspot

2.2. Overview of CEPF Investment in Phase 1

Burung Indonesia was engaged by CEPF to form the Regional Implementation Team (RIT) to
manage Phase 1 grant-making. Grants were solicited through open requests for proposals
(RFP). Before RFPs were issued, however, the RIT carried out seven pre-RFP outreach
workshops to encourage the participation of local CSOs, involving 270 participants from 194

In line with standard CEPF procedures, the RIT handled the award of small grants (up to
US$ 40,000), while for large grants (>US$ 40,000) the RIT reviewed the proposals and
made a recommendation, for final decision and award by the CEPF secretariat. In the 4
years from January 2015 to August 2018, the RIT team released 12 RFPs, receiving 393
letters of inquiry and made 108 grants. Table 2.2 summarizes the calls for proposals and
response received.

Table 2.2: Calls for proposals issued during Phase 1 of the CEPF Wallacea Program,
2014 - 2019

Deadline for
No. Geographic Focus Grant size Received
Large Small
1 February 9, 2015 Entire hotspot Large only 18
2 June 26, 2015 Northern Sulawesi, Southern Maluku Small + Large 1 30
3 August 31, 2015 Northern Sulawesi, Southern Maluku Large only 13
December 1,
4 Central Sulawesi, Flores-Solor-Alor Small + Large 24 47
5 March 3, 2016 Southern Sulawesi, Northern Maluku Large only 16
6 April 8, 2016 Southern Sulawesi, Northern Maluku Small + Large 21 51
7 Sept 30, 2016 Togean Banggai Small + Large 6 10
8 Dec 13, 2016 Timor-Leste Large only 4
9 January 31, 2017 Priority sites KBAs/Corridors only Large only 33

Deadline for
No. Geographic Focus Grant size Received
Large Small
February 20,
10 Priority sites KBAs/Corridors only small only 67
February 28,
11 Priority sites KBAs/Corridors only Large only 17
12 August 20, 2018 All Wallacea small only 35
Total 153 240

Of the 108 grants made during the first phase, the RIT awarded 75 small grants directly,
and provided input for the award of 33 large grants by CEPF. The total grant investment
was US$ 5,249,543. US$ 3,816,145 (73%) was awarded as large grants to 6 international,
2 national and 20 local CSOs. US$ 1,433,398 (27%) was awarded as small grants to 1
national and 49 local CSOs. Overall, CSOs based in Wallacea received 95 grants totaling
US$ 3,729,035, or 71% of funding.

2.3. Marine Portfolio Overview

Thirty-one grants totaling US$ 1.64 million were made for marine-focused projects,
comprising 19 small grants (total value US$ 335,041) and 12 large grants (US$ 1.3 million).
This means that marine projects accounted for 31% of all grants by value, or 29% by
number. Marine conservation grants made up 25% of the small grants, and 36% of the
large grants.

Marine grant-making covered both countries, with 2 marine grants in Timor-Leste and 29 in
Indonesia. Grants were made for work in 6 of the 16 Marine corridors, including the 4
highest priority ones (Table 2.3).

Table 2.3: Summary of Phase 1 marine grants (in order of sum granted per

# grants # grantees
Corridor Theme and SD addressed
(value) (status)
Timor-Leste 2 2 (1 local, 1 SD2 – management capacity building and SD4
marine (US$ 470,398) international) - strengthening of MPA management

SD4 – awareness raising, community-based

conservation including capacity building for
Sulawesi 7 4 (3 local, 1 local management groups, action for Dugong
Utara* (US$ 341,801) international) and Turtle conservation
SD6 – capacity building

6 SD2, SD4 – community-based conservation,

4 (local) with a focus on strengthening customary
Laut Buru (US$ 304,563) management

8 SD2 – awareness raising, SD4 - community-

Togean- 5 (4 local, 1
based management, management group
Banggai* (US$ 240,845) international)
capacity building

4 SD4 – awareness raising, community-based

Solor-Alor* 2 (local) conservation, economic empowerment and
(US$ 204,109) marine biodiversity rescue

# grants # grantees
Corridor Theme and SD addressed
(value) (status)
Halmahera SD4 – community-based conservation of sites
3 (US$ 45,337) 2 (local)
* and species in 2 communities
1 SD4 - dissemination of lessons on community-
no corridor 1 (local)
(US$ 36,501) based management at conference

TOTAL 19 (16 local, 3 Represents 29% by number and 33% by value
MARINE (US$ international) of all grants made during Phase 1 in Wallacea
*: Highest priority marine corridors according to the 2014 Ecosystem profile

Geographic focus of marine grant-making

The geographic distribution of grants for marine conservation action broadly reflected the
priorities outlined in the Ecosystem Profile. The Sulawesi Utara and Togean-Banggai marine
corridors both received significant levels of investment, in line with their status as high
priority corridors. The number and value of grants in the Halmahera marine corridor was
lower than might have been expected, because of lack of CSO capacity and suitable
applications in the region, despite the RIT running a workshop on proposal development.
Conversely, the Bentang Laut Buru marine corridor received a significant investment despite
not being included in the 4 highest priority corridors, a result of the relatively high level of
CSO capacity in the region, with two successful grantees each receiving 2 grants. Grantee
capacity has been sustained in the corridor because of other funding opportunities (e.g.
from USAID APIK and SEA programs). Investment in Solor-Alor was limited, despite the
very high biological importance of the corridor, because significant funding was already
available in the region, and because the region is expensive and difficult to access for small
CSOs from Flores and Lembata.

There was no grant support to three marine corridors identified in the ecosystem profile
(based on expert opinion) as of ‘high’ value for biodiversity: Bentang Laut Banda, Bentang
Laut Lucipara, and Laut Sawu. These corridors did not meet the criteria for prioritization, of
being adjacent to a priority terrestrial corridor. The decision to exclude them also reflected
an absence of CSOs with capacity to work on marine issues, and the expense and difficulty
of accessing these areas. The remaining seven corridors which did not receive support were
assessed to be of ‘medium’ biodiversity value.

Thematic focus of grant-making

For the purposes of monitoring and analysis, grants were allocated to the SD where they
made the largest contribution. Twenty-seven of the 31 marine grants (87% of the number
of marine grants and 80% of the funding) address SD4 (Strengthen community-based
action to protect marine species and sites). This emphasis is in line with the ecosystem
profile, which noted that community-based approaches, and especially those based on
customary resource management mechanisms, were known to be highly relevant (Sulawesi
Utara, Togean-Banggai, Bentang Laut Buru, Solor-Alor, Timor-Leste marine) or likely to be
relevant, pending further investigation (Halmahera). It also reflected an administrative need
to be able to distinguish funds contributed by MACP foundation, which were ear-marked for
community-based marine conservation.

A smaller fraction (3 grants, 10% of the number and 20% of the value of marine grants)
contributed mainly to SD2 (Improve management of sites (KBAs) with and without official
protection status). This does not mean that only 10% of grants contributed to strengthening
site management, however, since the majority of grants classified under SD4 also

addressed site management. Rather, the grants classified as SD2 focused on general
awareness and capacity-building of PA managers, rather than community-based
approaches. In addition to the marine-focused grants, one grant under this SD addressed
conservation of coastal habitats and Komodo Dragons, and another the protection of
coastal-nesting Moluccan scrubfowl.

The need for capacity strengthening was a major theme of the ecosystem profile, reflected
in the chapter on civil society and the section on sustainability (13.1). Although only one
marine grant (3% by number and 0.3% by value of all marine grants) addressed SD6
(Enhance civil society capacity for effective conservation action in Wallacea), another grant
for US$ 319,009 (6% of all grants) addressed capacity building for grantees across the
program. Despite this investment, as noted above, the limited number and capacity of CSOs
constrained grant-making in a number of high-priority corridors, especially Halmahera,
Solor-Alor and the Savu Sea.
No marine grants were classified as mainly contributing to the following SDs:
SD1 (Address threats to high priority species): a large number of marine species were
identified in the ecosystem profile as being vulnerable to targeted over-exploitation (e.g.
turtle egg-collecting, collecting coral and reef fish for the marine aquarium trade, hunting
for shark fins or ray gill rakers), and the ecosystem profile notes that the solution for some
species may be sustainable harvest, but that for others (customary or formal) regulation
and official protection are required. Two grants classified as ‘terrestrial’ but in fact
addressing coastal species and habitats (one for Komodo dragon, one for Moluccan
scrubfowl) were classified under SD1. One marine grant, combining in situ protection of
Banggai cardinalfish with ex situ breeding to reduce pressure on wild populations and to
provide income for local people, could have been classified under SD1 but was classified
under SD4. Many other grants classified under SD4 included a component of community-
based MPA creation and management, and it can be assumed they indirectly contributed to
reducing the pressure on vulnerable species.
SD3 (Support sustainable natural resource management by communities in priority sites
and corridors): in Phase 1 this SD was treated as the terrestrial equivalent of SD4, and so
marine grants would not be expected to address this SD. However, two grants classified as
terrestrial addressed coastal habitats and species: one on the conservation of Moluccan
scrubfowl, another on ridge-to-reef management.
SD5 (Engage the private sector in conservation of priority sites and corridors, in production
landscapes, and throughout the hotspot): Grant-making under this SD was less than
planned overall, with only 4 grants (less than 4% of the total portfolio by number and
value) mainly addressing this SD. Three of these grants – on sustainable practices for
industry, sustainable mining and business-community partnership, are potentially relevant
to marine as well as terrestrial sites and species. The ecosystem profile identified some
potential opportunities in this area (for example, with mining companies, tourism operators
or cacao growers), but recognized that opportunities were limited, and that the CEPF grants
program might not be the appropriate format for developing relationships with private
sector stakeholders.
Accessibility of marine grants to local stakeholders
The ecosystem profile emphasizes that local community and civil society engagement is
central to sustainable conservation outcomes in the region, but that national and
international NGOs or universities may play a role as an intermediary. Nineteen CSOs were
the recipients of the 31 marine grants, with 14 of them local (i.e. based in Wallacea), 2
national and 3 international.

2.4. Summary of impacts of grants

Strengthening the role of CSOs

The end-of-phase assessment by the organization contracting to deliver capacity building for
grantees concluded that, overall, the combined CEPF program of funding and capacity
development had:
• increased capacity for human resources, financial resources, management system,
strategic planning, and achievements, as measured by a self-assessment tool in
comparison with a baseline established at that start of the project
• created a shift in orientation towards a greater understanding of the role of
conservation and sustainable natural resources management
• created opportunities for cooperation between CSOs and Local Governments
(Districts) for the establishment of new conservation areas. In 6 of the 7 priority
funding regions this included examples of securing financial support from
Government for conservation
• strengthened the contribution of CSOs as promoters and mediators to reduce conflict
between communities, government and the private sector and thereby support
conservation and economic activities.
• strengthened the role of local community organizations in managing fisheries and
sustainable agriculture in support of KBA conservation.
• strengthened cooperation between CSOs on protected areas advocacy and policy
• supported the emergence of social entrepreneurship including agriculture, agro-
forestry and ecotourism which contributes to reduced ecosystem damage and
increased community economic activity.

Further information on the capacity-building program and its impacts is in Chapter 7 (civil

Increased community capacity and action

Grantees work with communities

The nineteen grantees worked with communities in 44 villages through 31 grants on marine
issues. The villages generally had a small population (less than 1000 people), and at least
25 of them identify as indigenous. Twenty-three were classified as having a subsistence
economy, suggesting a high-level of reliance on natural resources, with only two classed as

The grantee projects overwhelmingly addressed the conservation of marine resources

through the establishment or strengthening of community-based marine protected areas (9
projects) or conservation of the wider coastal and near-shore marine environment, including
mangroves (9 projects). Some incorporated a focus on a charismatic species, such as
dugong (1 project) or turtles (2 projects) while others put particular emphasis on the re-
vitalization of traditional knowledge as a basis for management (1 project). These
approaches were backed up through awareness creation and dissemination of lessons and
results (each the focus of one project). A regional project focused on legal protection for
species in trade, covering terrestrial and marine species.

As part of their projects the grantees ran 86 training and capacity building events which
involved over 5000 people (at least 3195 men, 1865 women). Capacity building for
natural resource conservation covered issues such as coastal zone management and
marine protected areas (16 events); coastal patrol and survey methods (7); identification

and monitoring of key species such as turtles, dugong (4); and mangrove management (8).
In many cases the improved management introduced through the project was
consolidated and reinforced through regulations and awareness-raising, including
through capacity building on the development of village regulations (11 events), exploration
and reinforcement of customary knowledge (5) and broader environmental awareness (8). A
third set of activities addressed livelihoods, including enterprise development (4 events)
and practical skills and techniques for livelihoods such as fish and crab cultivation, salt
production, composting and permaculture (6). Finally, some projects provided capacity
building to enable communities to tap into the tourism economy, with training on language
skills, dive guiding and tour guiding (4).

Community responses
Communities responded to the grantee projects by forming resource management groups,
passing local regulations for marine conservation and allocating funding from their own
resources. Twenty-five community marine protected area management groups were
formed, with a further 12 groups responsible for more general monitoring and patrol for
coastal areas. Three groups were formed specifically to support conservation of key species
(e.g. turtles, Banggai cardinalfish) or to promote sustainable fishery, and at least one group
was formed to promote local enterprise development.

Twenty of the villages also adopted regulations creating or strengthening local marine
protected areas, and 16 established a legal basis for their MPA management groups. There
were five village regulations issued on wider coastal environmental management issues, and
3 regulations establishing coastal protection groups. On the island of Buano, the community
collaborated at the level of a customary territory, covering several villages, and adopted a
ruling confirming the traditional sasi approach as the basis for management.

Many villages also made funding commitments by incorporating their coastal and MPA
planning and programming into their village development plan and village budgets
(anggaran dana desa, ADD). There were 13 examples of MPA management being integrated
into village planning and budgeting, with support for patrolling, monitoring and protection
(e.g. for nesting turtles) in five communities, and investment in capacity for marine-based
livelihoods (ecotourism, salt production) in another five.

Finally, a sub-set of villages took specific action to boost their local economy on the basis of
sustainable resource management. A village-owned company became involved in
ecotourism in the MPA, there were efforts to improve the value-chain and secure increased
income for fishers in another community. On Lembata, several villages improved their salt
production and marketing, with a particular focus on women’s groups, while in Banggai, an
enterprise was established to cultivate and export the endemic cardinal fish, which is in
demand in the aquarium trade.

Wider impacts on communities

The impacts reported by the communities reflect the emphasis on developing mechanisms
and institutions for community-based resource management. Of the approximately 44
communities which participated in projects, 20 reported an improvement in local decision
making and representation, 15 improved access to public services, and a further 15
improved access to ecosystem services. Increased food security (14 communities),
increased resilience to climate change (12 communities) and greater recognition of
traditional knowledge (10) were also widely reported. Three types of benefits that were
reportedly widely by communities involved in terrestrial projects - improvements in access
to clean water, energy and improved land tenure - were reported by only one community

involved in a marine project. This reflects the focus of the projects and also the legal
difficulty of establishing formal tenure rights over marine ecosystems under Indonesian law.

Mobilizing support from government

The success of local-level initiatives to promote and institutionalize community-based
marine conservation action enabled grantees and communities to approach district and
provincial level authorities for recognition and support. At least one village group secured
recognition (and thus potentially funding and the support of other agencies) from District
agencies, becoming a ‘community surveillance group’ (Pokmaswas). In addition, the coastal
and marine zoning plans which governments are required to development by law, RZWP3K,
were issued for North Minahasa District (Sulawesi), Maluku province and Sulawesi Tengah
province with input from grantees. East Nusa Tenggara completed a marine zoning plan,
and the Lembata community MPA was recognized and given legal status at Provincial level.
Several projects assisted communities to register their local marine protected areas as
‘protected waters zones’ (KKP), as mandated under the RZWP3K, thereby integrated their
local initiative with formal planning processes.

In a few cases grantees and communities were successful in securing financial support from
District agencies for their activities, including for coastal/MPA monitoring and awareness
(four communities) and livelihood development such as ecotourism and salt production (five

Support from Government also took less concrete forms, for example grantees reported that
participation in project workshops created opportunities for them to engage with
Government representatives. In some cases, this led to action, such as a decision by the
Wildlife Authority in Maluku to patrol the seaport in Maluku, leading to arrests and
confiscation of illegally traded wildlife products.

A few projects worked to influence policies and programs at national level, with one notable
achievement being the addition of 16 species, including 4 marine species, to the list of
protected species under the national Biodiversity Protection law. In addition, the Ministry of
Fisheries and Marine Affairs regulated the exploitation of Banggai cardinalfish (a focal
species for a grantee project), and added several species (a coral, Isis spp; Oceanic White-
tip and Hammerhead sharks) to the list of legally protected species as a result of a grantee

Impacts on species
The majority of marine projects focused on the conservation of ecosystems, and thus
indirectly the conservation of species. 207 priority species are expected to have benefitted
from the establishment of local MPAs (see below).

In terms of projects directly focused on specific species, monitoring of the Banggai cardinal
fish at 16 sites over 3 time periods showed a consistent pattern of stable or increasing
population at the project site, while other sites showed fluctuations and in some cases
decline. Eleven other projects included a focus on species - either dugong and corals. Action
for dugong conservation included awareness, integration of dugong conservation into local
MPAs, and registration of MPAs as protected waters (KKP) under the regional coastal and
marine zoning plan. Actions on coral included awareness raising, prohibitions on collection
of corals and patrols to enforce protection. Overall, the program contributed to maintaining
stable levels of coral cover across 27,424 hectares of reef.

Impacts on KBAs
Working with communities and Government agencies, the program leveraged the
designation and establishment of more than 1 million hectares of official national- and
district-level MPAs. The largest was the 860,000 ha Banggai Dalaka MPA.

Nineteen grantees addressed the conservation of locations within 19 of the 74 marine KBAs.
By the end of the program, Atauro Island (Timor-Leste) was protected by an official MPA
covering 13,251 ha, and there were 54 local MPAs that effectively stopped destructive
fishing in a combined area of 36,405 ha. The newly created local MPAs are expected to have
wider positive effects on biodiversity and livelihoods in the surrounding waters.

Data for strengthened management of KBAs shows improvements at 28 locations in 15 of

the 19 KBAs targeted by grantee projects. The areas with improved management cover
10,550 ha, demonstrating the impact of the strengthening of institutions and mechanisms
for coastal ecosystem management beyond the boundaries of KBAs.

2.5. Lessons from Phase 1 to Apply to Phase 2

Portfolio level
Setting geographic priorities is important for efficient implementation of the
Any small-grants program faces the challenge of funding local civil society organizations to
implement effective projects without incurring unacceptably high transaction costs. Phase 1
of the CEPF program for Wallacea focused on priority areas, funding action in 6 of the 16
marine corridors, with the rationale that promotion, capacity building and post-award
support to grantees could be delivered more efficiently to multiple grantees within a
restricted geographic area. This approach was largely borne out, as shown by the success in
disbursing the funds, the number of proposals received and the high levels of success in
delivering the planned projects.

Efficiency cannot be the sole determinant of geographic and thematic focus, however, but
has to be balanced with the need to work in areas which are a very high priority from a
conservation perspective, even if the CSO community is limited. The 2014 ecosystem profile
proposed a mixed portfolio of priorities, including work in some areas known to have a
diverse and generally well-capacitated community of CSOs (e.g. North Sulawesi), and some
areas where the CSO community was weak, or unknown (e.g. Halmahera).

During Phase 2, CEPF will continue this approach, establishing clear geographic priorities
and defining a portfolio which balances areas where CSO capacity is strong with those
where greater capacity building effort will be needed. However, there are now CSOs with
experience of working with CEPF which have shown themselves to be effective, and the
portfolio should be flexible enough to allow opportunities for these CSOs with a good track-
record, even if they are outside the priority areas.

Working with an independent, specialist capacity-building provider delivers

effective capacity building
While capacity-building is integral to the relationship between CEPF, the RIT and grantees,
there is an inherent tension between providing funding, and establishing the trusting
relationship with grantees which is required to facilitate effective reflection and learning.
Phase 1 addressed this by providing a grant to an independent, specialist capacity-building
organization, Penabulu, to work with grantees. This approach was effective, but is

dependent on regular communication between the RIT and the capacity building provider to
ensure that the impact of capacity building translates into more effective and sustainable
project outcomes. Penabulu has extensive experience in building CSO capacity for project
and organizational management, but for more technical issues other organizations were
brought in lead training events – for example WCS (wildlife trade), Rainforest Alliance
(commodity supply chains), YAPEKA (MPA design) and IDEP (permaculture). This model
worked well.

In Phase 2, it is expected that some grantees will already be ‘graduates’ of Penabulu’s

capacity building, and so will require less support. New corridors and new grantees,
however, will require levels of support similar to Phase 1. In addition, a shift in focus – for
example towards small-scale fisheries in addition to MPAs – will introduce new areas of
technical competence which will be required for successful projects.

During Phase 2, CEPF will consider a similar model for capacity-building, using an
independent provider and experienced CSOs as resource organizations. Trainings should be
designed with a specific focus on regions where capacity is weak and on the themes that are
needed to implement the revised investment priorities. Networking and learning-through-
collaboration should be integrated as a core part of the capacity building program.

Community-based management of marine and coastal resources has proved to be

an effective approach and should be continued
As noted above, the majority of marine-sector grantees in Phase 1 focused on community-
based management of resources, often through the establishment of MPAs or similar local
no-take arrangements. In a limited time and with small budgets, these grantees achieved
measurable impacts on community livelihoods and resources. Similar results have been
reported, e.g. by RARE, which found that the creation of community-managed marine areas
resulted in increased fish biomass inside and outside reserves, and in improvement
community livelihoods (RARE, 2018). In Phase 2 this approach might be broadened to
include more work on small-scale fisheries in addition to the site-based protection. Other
aspects of marine conservation, such as aquaculture or the management of pelagic fisheries
play a vital role in the conservation of marine ecosystems and species, but are not generally
feasible within the constraints of a small-grants program and the capacity of the CSOs in
Wallacea. Larger donor projects investing in these areas (such as those funded by World
Bank or USAID) often struggle to effectively deliver support to local communities and
groups in a timely and appropriate way, but may represent an opportunity to secure
additional funding.

The CEPF model is well positioned to support the type of community-level work that has
been shown to be effective, and this should continue to be the central focus of Phase 2. The
focus on protection of KBAs through MPAs and wider coastal resource management can now
be broadened to include small-scale fisheries. This will allow projects to address over-fishing
in more ways and create opportunities for work on community livelihoods.

Project/site level lessons

Considerable experience has accumulated from the projects funded under Phase 1. The
lessons below draw largely on the information on projects described in the booklet Program
Kemitraan Wallacea.
For both terrestrial and marine species and sites, a consistent theme is action to support
a transition from unregulated, open-access exploitation of resources towards
regulated and sustainable use. The lessons from Phase 1 reinforce general principles on

institutions and mechanisms for the management of natural resources which are recognized
in the literature (e.g., for marine work, Halim et al, 2020).

Participatory planning is key to producing credible local resource management

plans with broad community acceptance and support
Involvement of representatives of stakeholder groups or even the entire community was a
key element of many of the grantee projects. Participatory planning plays a key role in
developing a shared community vision for the management of natural resources, and is the
basis for the creation of a legitimate management group which can then make and
implement rules for harvesting or protection. In many cases, this included reference to
customary resource management rules, reviving their use or adapting them to new
resources or circumstances.

A shared understanding of a problem and its causes underpins a successful participatory

planning process. Several projects succeeded in blending discussion of customary
approaches embedded within the community with new information, for example on the
presence of unique species or the principles of sustainable management. This helped to
create an agreement on problems and solution, and to motivate engagement and support
from the community for action.

Addressing immediate practical needs felt by the community, and linking them to longer-
term environmental issues, was an important element in some projects. In some cases,
addressing ‘quick win’ community priorities enabled a grantee to establish a positive
relationship with the community which allowed them to go on to deal with more intractable
problems which are the higher priority for conservation.

Strong, sustainable local management institutions are key

In many cases the key to addressing open-access over exploitation is the establishment of a
credible, representative and respected user group, which can set and enforce limits on
harvest. In much of Wallacea, customary resource management institutions are recognized
and still exist, although they may have become less effective. Several projects re-vitalized
these institutions, or adapted the principles on which they were based to address new

Establishing and maintaining authority is critical for the success of a management group.
While an effective participatory process is key to securing wider community support,
external support may be needed to allow the group to deal with external pressures – such
as fish bombers or turtle egg collectors from outside their own community. Recognition of
the group by the local Government can help, for example through acceptance as a
community surveillance group (pokmaswas). Once recognized, groups can request
assistance from the authorities to enforce rules, and may be able to receive financial and
practical assistance from Government agencies, though experience shows that to be
effective this often requires that a CSO play a bridging role between community and local
Government. Creating dependence on government funds alone is not sustainable, as
availability of funding varies from year to year. There are examples of pokmaswas running
small enterprises (e.g. snorkeling gear rent, small restaurant, banana boat attraction) and
allocating a portion of the profits to the costs of patrols.

Management groups (and wider communities) require the capacity to plan and implement
sustainable resource management. In many projects, the most effective starting place for
building this capacity was the traditional knowledge already present within the community -
it is striking how many projects involved the re-discovery of traditional resource

management norms, and how these re-vitalized and sometimes adapted norms became the
basis for widely accepted rules on resource management. In other cases, ideas from
external sources – other communities, researchers, Government extensionists – are
valuable, and need to be introduced and communicated in ways that are appropriate and

Leadership – both within the wider community and the management group itself – is
essential for effective decision making and resolution of problems. There is a risk where
projects depend on the influence and authority of traditional leaders without considering
how a new generation will be developed. At least one project explicitly addressed this by
involving youths in shadowing the work of leader involved in resource management.

Action may be needed to address short-term economic needs which drive

unsustainable exploitation and are a barrier to change
While sustainable use may be an economically rational option in the longer term, the short-
term costs of abandoning open-access exploitation and participating in time-consuming
management activities can be a significant barrier to participation. Where the long-term
objective was a sustainable income from a resource (such as scrubfowl eggs or fisheries),
several projects provided short-term assistance to ensure that immediate needs did not
undermine the establishment of a sustainable system. Other projects emphasized the
development of alternative economic activities to reduce the need to exploit threatened
species - including permaculture and fish breeding. In some cases, alternative economic
opportunities were created by training the exploiters – for example by training trappers to
become tourist guides.

Validation of community-level plans by government helps address external

problems and creates opportunities to secure support
In many cases, participatory processes result in plans and resource management
agreements which have the support of the community, but may be undermined by the
actions of government or private sector actors. In several projects, these issues were
anticipated by securing recognition of the village plan – first within the villages’ own official
development plan and budget, and in some cases within the district spatial plan.
Communities were also able to use legal recognition of their existence and rights to resolve
a conflict with a national park over land rights and access, and to address conflicts with
private sector interests. Finally, communicating the results of community-level planning can
encourage local government to address gaps in local regulations or perverse regulations
which undermine sustainable use.

Communities can be the best ‘messengers’ to encourage replication of successes

Learning and communication were critical in scaling the impact of projects. Direct
observation and informal communication between community members were key to the
many cases where a successful initiative in one village was adopted, with or without project
support, in neighboring ones. Instances of government support for projects – through
regulation, incorporation into official plans and mechanisms, or funding – also depend on
effective communication of results to decision makers, often directly by involved community

Ridge-to-reef approaches are difficult but important in high potential areas

The 2014 ecosystem profile identified 64 terrestrial KBAs contiguous with 58 marine KBAs.
The Phase 1 targets included at least one ridge-to-reef approach in each of the 4 marine
corridors which are contiguous with terrestrial corridors: Halmahera, Seram-Buru, North
Sulawesi (islands) and Wetar-Timor.

In practice, the administrative, institutional and legal differences between marine and
terrestrial ecosystems proved too complex to address in the context of most of the small-
scale projects funded by CEPF. Integrated approaches were only successful in areas with
exceptional circumstances – such as strong and holistic customary management practices
(as on Buano island), or marine and terrestrial conservation authorities which were already
looking for opportunities to collaborate (such as on Wakatobi). On larger islands the larger
area of the watersheds and intensive, sometimes urbanized, land use creates large-scale,
complex problems beyond the scope of a short-term CSO intervention. Nevertheless, land-
based degradation is a key threat to coastal marine ecosystem in many areas, and ridge-to-
reef remains an important concept. Based on the lessons from Phase 1, it is recommended
that areas identified for ridge-to-reef approaches (a) are small islands with small water
catchments, (b) do not have dense or urbanized population, and (c) have strong support
from local and national agencies.

2.6. The Updating Process

In 2020, CEPF was invited to submit a concept note to three private philanthropies for a
combined US$ 2.5 million with a focus on coastal-marine management issues in the
Indonesian portion of Wallacea. To program the use of the funds, CEPF commissioned a
small team to update the marine components of the ecosystem profile over July-August
2020. Almost all internal and external meetings took place over the internet, as the ongoing
COVID-19 pandemic made travel and physical meeting difficult. The team compiled new
data on conservation and marine species in Wallacea and reviewed and updated the key
chapters on policy, civil society, threats, and investment. They consulted with officials from
the key ministries, and with a group of marine experts which included input from the MMAF
research institute, RARE, Conservation International, Coral triangle Centre and Wildlife
Conservation Society. Lessons from Phase 1, the revised corridors and the plans for a
second phase were presented and discussed through an online public meeting which had 79

Key points in the consultation are summarized in Table 2.4, below.

Table 2.4: Summary of the ecosystem profile revision process

Date Type of consultation Participants

International CSO (6)
National CSO (2)
Marine experts – to review corridor
12 August 2020 University (1)
Government (1)
Government – to seek information on Government (MMAF) (13)
19 August 2020
policy and ensure coordination TOTAL: 13
Provincial Government (3)
District Government (1)
Stakeholder consultation – to inform Regional University (5)
participants from the region about Local CSO (23)
25 August 2020
the new program and respond to National CSO (9)
questions about the plans International CSO (1)
No organization given (34)

3. Biological Importance of the Hotspot
There was no update to this section of the ecosystem profile. Please refer to the 2014

4. Conservation Outcomes Defined for the Hotspot

4.1. Methodology

CEPF defines conservation outcomes as “the entire set of conservation targets in a hotspot
that needs to be achieved in order to prevent species extinctions and biodiversity loss.”
Conservation outcomes are defined in terms of species, and more specifically, species that
are threatened with extinction globally. Action to address the threats may be focused on the
species themselves (i.e., the fate of individual members of a population), on sites where a
species lives in significant populations, or for some species, on larger landscapes or
corridors used by the populations. Conservation outcomes are thus described for specific
species at three levels — species, site and corridor.

The first step in identifying conservation outcomes is the compilation of a list of globally
threatened species in the hotspot. The global status of species is assessed by IUCN
taxonomic specialist groups applying standard criteria on a species population, population
trends, life cycle and threats. CEPF defines conservation outcomes for species that are
considered critically endangered, endangered or vulnerable by IUCN. 1

The list of threatened species presented in the 2014 Ecosystem profile was updated for this
analysis. Data was downloaded from the IUCN Red List website (www.iucnredlist.org) for
Indonesia, and the sub-set of marine species identified. For species already on the trigger
species list for Wallacea, the Red List status was confirmed, and where necessary updated.
The remaining list of threatened marine species in Indonesia was then reviewed to identify
species which occur in Wallacea and have been added to the list of threatened species since
2014. The final list used for this profile is data available on the IUCN Red List website on
August 19, 2020, and is contained in Annex 1.

Species outcomes are the complete list of globally threatened species found in the

Site outcomes are based on the identification of key biodiversity areas (KBAs), as defined
in IUCN (2016) and KBA Standards and Appeals Committee (2019). In summary, a KBA is
an area that contains a significant population of a globally threatened species or ecosystem,
a globally significant proportion of the population of an endemic species or an assemblage of
species that are unique to a particular biome. The criteria for the identification of KBAs have
been extensively revised since the first ecosystem profile – they now cover all species and
ecosystems and are driven by the application of clear quantitative thresholds for the
presence of threatened species. Table 4.1 summarizes the new criteria for KBA
identification, and section 4.2.2 discusses application of these in Wallacea.

Detailed definitions of these categories are avalable at www.iucnredlist.org/technical-documents/categories-and-

Table 4.1. Criteria for the Definition of KBAs

Criteria Relevant species/groups A site may be a KBA if it regularly holds:

>0.5% global population + >5 reproductive
A1 threatened species CR and EN
>1% global population + >10 reproductive
A1 threatened species VU
Threatened ecosystems –
A2 >5% of the global extent of the ecosystem
A2 Threatened ecosystems – VU >10% of the global extent of the ecosystem
>10% of the global population + >10
B1 All non-threatened species
reproductive units
Non-threatened restricted >1% global population of 2 or more restricted-
range species range species in the same taxonomic group*
>0.5% of global population or >5 reproductive
Geographically restricted
B3 units of a number/proportion of the
assemblage of species*
Geographically restricted
B4 >20% of global extent
Site is one of <2 per ecoregion with wholly
C Intact ecosystems
intact ecological community
an aggregation representing >1% of global
population over a season of key life-cycle stage
D1 Aggregatory species
OR is among the 10 largest aggregations
support >10% global population at times of
D2 Any species
ecological stress
propagules, larvae or juveniles which maintain
D3 Any species >10% of the global population produced at the
irreplaceability criteria: based on quantitative
*see IUCN (2016) for further details

Marine corridors are defined as large areas that contain critical populations or processes
(such as spawning sites or feeding concentrations) and were defined on the basis of
consultations with experts. Identification of marine corridors helps to overcome some of the
uncertainty associated with marine KBAs (lack of species data and the problem that many
marine species are highly mobile), because it allows the definition of large areas of marine
habitat where specific sites are not adequately known and individual animals are mobile.
The boundaries of marine corridors are approximate, typically following the limits of near-
shore reefs, shallow seas divided by deep ocean trenches (e.g., the outer and inner Banda
Arcs) or other marine ecosystems. The 2014 corridor analysis was reviewed in 2020 and a
number of revisions made.

4.1.1 Methodological Limitations and Improving the Analysis

The following actions are priorities for improving the effectiveness of the definition of
conservation outcomes. They were identified in the 2014 Ecosystem profile and remain valid
in 2020:

• As is noted in section 4.2.2, the existing data is inadequate to apply the revised KBA
criteria. Given the lack of species-level data, it is important to test the application of
ecosystem-based criteria for the identification of KBAs, as data for some ecosystems
(e.g. coral reefs) is more complete and reliable than that for species

• Implement studies, and publish existing studies, to describe new species and clarify
the taxonomic status of many known species.
• Complete Red List assessments for more species in the Wallacea region, with special
emphasis on (a) those species groups that have not yet been widely assessed, and
(b) data-deficient species, especially those which apparently have limited ranges and
small populations.
• Carry out field work to improve knowledge of the status and distribution of
threatened species, particularly those known only from a single to a few KBAs.
• Review the distribution of nonglobally threatened endemic species within Wallacea.
Identify further restricted range species, and review how well these are covered in
the existing network of KBAs.
• Develop a mechanism to locate, store and facilitate access to relevant data, and use
this to periodically re-evaluate the conservation outcomes.

4.2. Conservation Outcomes

4.2.1 Species Outcomes

The 2014 list of threatened marine species in Wallacea included 254 marine species. In 2020
this increases to 282. Table 4.2 summaries the changes from 2014, and the current
breakdown of CR, EN and VU species.

Table 4.2: Total number of threatened species by taxonomic group and threat
category, 2014 and 2020

2014 Ecosystem 2020 update: number of 2020 update:

Profile: total threatened species by category total number of
Group number of
threatened CR EN VU species
Marine mammals 5 0 2 3 5
Marine mollusks 2 0 0 2 2
Marine fish 54 10 18 51 79
Marine reptiles 5 1 1 3 5
Sea cucumbers 10 0 4 5 9
Marine decapods 0 0 1 1 2
Corals 176 1 10 167 178
Plants (marine) 2 1 1 2
Total all groups 254* 12 37 233 282
*The 2014 gives a figure of 252 marine species, as the 2 mangrove trees were not included in the

The following section summarizes the species outcomes by taxonomic group.

Coral: 178 hard coral species in Wallacea are classified as globally threatened, most on the
basis of their sensitivity to temperature change and susceptibility to bleaching (Carpenter et
al. 2008). One, Millepora boschmai, is critically endangered, because it is only known from a
few locations in Indonesia and Panama. Ten corals are classified as endangered, including
one species endemic to Wallacea, Acropora suharsonoi, which occurs in the waters around
Lombok, Sumbawa and Sumba. 168 corals are classified as vulnerable. Information on the

distribution is patchy, and many species are difficult to identify without microscopic

The total number of threatened corals listed for Wallacea list has increased from 176 in
2014 to 178 in 2020. The changes are:
• the corals Lobophyllia flabelliformis (vulnerable); Acropora suharsonoi (endangered,
Wallacea endemic) and Alveopora minuta (endangered, coral triangle endemic) are
added to the list. All three were originally red-listed in 2008 and appear to have been
omitted from the 2014 ecosystem profile in error.
• The coral Favia rosaria is deleted from the Wallacea list as a review of its range
confirmed that it is not found in the region.

Marine fish: Indonesia has about 2,112 marine fish species (Huffard et al. 2012), and a
high proportion of them are expected to occur within Wallacea. There are around 110
endemic marine fish species within Wallacea (Allen and Adrim 2003; Allen and Erdmann,
pers. comm. 2013). Seventy-nine marine fish are classified as globally threatened. Ten are
classified as critically endangered, including seven shark species, two sawfish and Southern
bluefin tuna. A further 18 are endangered, including five rays and nine sharks. The
remaining 51 species, including 13 rays, 12 sharks and eight seahorse species, are classified
as vulnerable. Two blenny species, 2 goby species and the Sulawesi coelacanth (all
vulnerable) are endemic to Wallacea.

The list of threatened marine fish in Wallacea has increased from 54 in 2014 to 79 in 2020.
This is a result of the following changes:
• three species have been removed from the list after a review of their range, as there
are no confirmed records in Wallacea: common thresher shark Alopias vulpinus,
golden threadfin bream Nemipterus virgatus, and dwarf sawfish Pristis clavate.
• three species have been removed from the list after IUCN downlisted them from
threatened to non-threatened categories: Black-saddled coral grouper Plectropomus
laevis, downlisted to least concern, barramundi cod Cromileptes altivelis, downlisted
to data deficient, and giant grouper Epinephelus lanceolatus, also downlisted to data
• thirty-one species have been added to the list because they have been listed as
globally threatened by IUCN since 2014. These include: 10 ray and seven shark
species, added because of intense exploitation and slow recovery of populations (and
in one case because of a taxonomic change); five fish which are dependent on
Acropora corals, and so are impacted by the decline of these corals across the
region; three species endemic to Wallacea and known from only a few localities; two
species which form spawning aggregations that are targeted by fishers, and others
that are vulnerable to over-fishing and by-catch (including ocean sunfish).

Marine mammals: Five marine mammals are threatened – four whales and dugong.
Important populations of sperm whale (Physeter macrocephalus) and blue whale
(Balaenoptera musculus) breed in the region, and there are important populations of
dugong (Dugong dugon), especially in the Lesser Sundas.

The list of threatened marine mammals remained the same from 2014 and 2020, but fin
whale Balaenoptera physalus was downlisted from endangered to vulnerable as a result of
increasing population and threats being brought under control.

Marine reptiles: There are seven sea turtle species in the world, with five recorded in the
Wallacea region. All of them are classified as globally threatened species. One of them, the
hawksbill sea turtle (Eretmochelys imbricata), is classified as critically endangered. The

green sea turtle (Chelonia mydas) is endangered, while the loggerhead sea turtle (Caretta
caretta), leatherback sea turtle (Dermochelys coriacea) and the Olive Ridley sea turtle
(Lepidochelys olivacea) are vulnerable2.

The list of threatened marine reptiles remained the same from 2014 and 2020, but the
loggerhead sea turtle Caretta caretta has been downlisted from endangered to vulnerable
based on a re-assessment of its global status.

Vascular plant species: Two threatened plant species are associated with coastal and
marine habitats – the mangrove trees Camptostemon philippinense (Endangered) and
Avicennia rumphiana (vulnerable). Both were included in the 2014 ecosystem profile.

Mollusks: Two marine bivalves, both Tridacna spp. are classified as globally threatened:
the giant clam (Tridacna gigas), and the southern giant clam (Tridacna derasa). Both of
them are classified as vulnerable. Further data and information of these species is needed
for updating their status. There has been no change since the 2014 ecosystem profile.

Decapods: Two crabs, the tri-spine horseshoe crab Tachypleus tridentatus and the coconut
crab Birgus latro are classified as vulnerable. These species were not on the 2014 trigger list
for Wallacea as they were previously listed as data deficient by IUCN, but were uplisted to
vulnerable in 2020.

Sea Cucumber (echinoderms): Sea cucumbers are threatened by overharvesting to

supply the large Asian food market for beche-de-mer. Nine species in Wallacea are globally
threatened – four of them endangered, and five vulnerable.

The endangered sea cucumber Holothuria nobilis was included in the previous ecosystem
profile but after review has been deleted as its range does not include Wallacea.

Critically endangered marine species in Wallacea

Twelve critically endangered marine species are recorded in Wallacea (Table 4.3). Ten of
them are fish – seven sharks, two sawfish and a tuna species. None of these are endemic to
the hotspot, and all are expected to be distributed widely if scarcely across the region,
except for the Southern bluefin tuna (Thunnus maccoyyi) which is found in the southern
waters of East Nusa Tenggara (Indian Ocean). Specific locality records for those species are
scarce or not available, although records from government’s fisheries landing data might
exist (e.g. for tuna and sharks) but without fishing ground information that could indicate
the extent of their habitats. The Hawksbill turtle is also widely distributed. The coral
Millepora boschmai which is distributed only in West and East Nusa Tenggara (and outside
Wallacea in the greater Sundas, and in Panama).

The IUCN Red List recommends assessing Loggerhead Turtle at sub-population level. The turtles in Wallacea are
part of the south-east Indian Ocean population, and are classified as near-threatened.

Table 4.3: Critically endangered species in Wallacea, August 2020

Single Site


Red List
No Scientific Name Common Name Range

Carcharhinus Possibly throughout

1 Pondicherry shark CR No No
hemiodon Wallacea
Carcharhinus Ocean whitetip Possibly throughout
2 CR No No
longimanus shark Wallacea
Eretmochelys Hawksbill sea Possibly throughout
3 CR No No
imbricata turtle Wallacea
Possibly throughout
4 Glaucostegus typus Giant guitarfish CR No No
Possibly throughout
5 Pristis pristis Largetooth sawfish CR No No
Possibly throughout
6 Pristis zijsron Green sawffish CR No No
Bowmouth Possibly throughout
7 Rhina ancylostoma CR No No
Guitarfish Wallacea
Rhynchobatus Whitespotted Possibly throughout
8 CR No No
australiae guitarfish Wallacea
Scalloped Possibly throughout
9 Sphyrna lewini CR No No
hammerhead shark Wallacea
Great hammerhead Possibly throughout
10 Sphyrna mokarran CR No No
shark Wallacea
Southern Bluefin Southern of Sumba
11 Thunnus maccoyii CR No No
Tuna and Timor
West and East Nusa
12 Millepora boschmai Coral CR No No

Two critically endangered bird species are not included in this list of marine species, but are
associated with marine habitats for part of their life-cycle: Chinese crested tern (Sterna
bernsteini), a very rare, nonbreeding visitor to the region, and Christmas Island frigatebird
(Fregata andrewsi) which is a scarce non-breeding visitor to Wallacea waters when roaming
from its breeding grounds on Christmas island.
Endangered marine species in Wallacea
There are 37 marine species classified as endangered in Wallacea (Table 4.4), including two
whales, one turtle, ten corals and 18 fish. Only the coral Acropora suharsonoi is endemic to
Wallacea, where it is known from Lombok, Sumbawa and Sumba.

Table 4.4. Endangered Marine Species in Wallacea

Red List

No Scientific Name Common Name Range

1 Anoxypristis cuspidata Narrow sawfish EN Possibly throughout Wallacea

2 Argyrosomus japonicus Dusky meagre EN West Nusa Tenggara

Red List
No Scientific Name Common Name Range

3 Cheilinus undulatus Napoleon fish EN Possibly throughout Wallacea

4 Pterapogon kauderni Banggai cardinalfish EN Banggai Islands
5 Balaenoptera borealis Sei whale EN Possibly throughout Wallacea
6 Balaenoptera musculus Blue whale EN Possibly throughout Wallacea
Longhorned pigmy
7 Mobula eregoodoo EN East Seram to Bird's head
8 Mobula kuhlii Shortfin devilray EN Possibly throughout Wallacea
9 Mobula mobular Spinetail devilray EN Possibly throughout Wallacea
10 Mobula tarapacana Sicklefin devilray EN Possibly throughout Wallacea
11 Mobula thurstoni Bentfin devilray EN Possibly throughout Wallacea
12 Alopias pelagicus Pelagic thresher shark EN Possibly throughout Wallacea
Savu sea, southern Indian
13 Carcharhinus obscurus Dusky shark EN
14 Cetorhinus maximus Basking shark EN Restricted in Lombok Strait
Restricted in Makassar strait
15 Eusphyra blochii Winghead shark EN
(eastern of Sulawesi)
16 Isurus oxyrinchus Shortfin mako EN Possibly throughout Wallacea
17 Isurus paucus Longfin mako EN Possibly throughout Wallacea
18 Lamiopsis temminckii Broadfin shark EN Possibly throughout Wallacea
19 Rhincodon typus Whaleshark EN Possibly throughout Wallacea
20 Stegostoma tigrinum Zebra shark EN Possibly throughout Wallacea
21 Holothuria lessoni Sea cucumber EN Possibly throughout Wallacea
22 Holothuria scabra Sea cucumber EN Possibly throughout Wallacea
23 Holothuria whitmaei Sea cucumber EN Halmahera, North Sulawesi
24 Thelenota ananas Sea cucumber EN Possibly throughout Wallacea

Restricted in Northern coast of

Tri-spine horseshoe
25 Tachypleus tridentatus EN North Sulawesi, Gorontalo, and
Central Sulawesi

26 Chelonia mydas Green turtle EN Possibly throughout Wallacea

Camptostemon EB\
27 Plant Possibly throughout Wallacea
philippinense N
Acropora suharsonoi is endemic
28 Coral spp (10 spp) Coral EN
to Wallacea

Wallacea endemics
Five fish species (Ecsenius randalli, Eviota pamae, Gobiodon aoyagii, Meiacanthus abruptus,
and Latimeria mandoensis) are listed as vulnerable and are possibly endemic to Wallacea.

In addition, two species of ‘walking shark’, Hemiscyllium trispeculare and the newly
identified species Hemiscyllium halmahera are so far known only from Wallacea3, although
they are not evaluated under IUCN Redlist. The Acropora suharsonoi coral is listed as
endangered and also endemic to Wallacea. Endemic species are listed in Table 4.5.

Table 4.5. Possibly endemic marine species in Wallacea

Species IUCN
No Species Remarks
Group Status
1 Ecsenius randalli Fish VU Restricted in Halmahera; endemic Wallacea
2 Eviota pamae Fish VU Restricted in Tual; endemic Wallacea
Restricted Savu Sea and Timor; endemic
3 Gobiodon aoyagii Fish VU
4 Meiacanthus abruptus Fish VU Restricted Lombok Strait; endemic Wallacea
5 Latimeria manadoensis Fish VU Record only found in North Sulawesi
6 Hemiscyllium trispeculare Sharks NE Restricted in Halmahera; endemic Wallacea
Possibly endemic to Wallacea region;
7 Hemiscyllium halmaherae Sharks NE
distribution data not available in IUCN
8 Acropora suharsonoi Corals CR Restricted in West Nusa Tenggara

4.2.2 Site Outcomes Marine KBAs

Since the preparation of the 2014 ecosystem profile, new global KBA guidelines have been
adopted with requirements to demonstrate that a site has a significant proportion of the
global population of a threatened species or ecosystem (see section 4.1 for a summary of
the criteria). Lack of data on marine biodiversity was a constraint for the 2014 ecosystem
profile process and remains a challenge. As a result, no overall revision of KBAs could be
undertaken, and only one KBA was confirmed under the new criteria. However, some steps
were made towards the application of the new criteria, and these are documented in this
section with the intention that this important work will be progressed in the near future.

The 2014 Ecosystem profile identified 74 marine KBAs on the basis of locality records for
186 of the 254 globally threatened marine species listed at that time. No localities were
identified for 66 species. Experts confirmed that the KBAs identified on this basis were
clearly not representative of the distribution and richness of marine sites in the region. To
overcome this problem, a list of potential additional KBAs was generated from existing
marine prioritization exercises. Because these are not confirmed locality records, they are
referred to as “hypothetical records” and the sites are known as “candidate KBAs.” An
additional 66 candidate marine KBAs were identified using this method.

Application of criteria A1 (globally threatened species)

The existing KBA where the species data is adequate to assess it against the revised KBA
criteria is Perairan Peleng-Banggai, where population data on the endemic and endangered
Banggai cardinal fish Pterapogon kauderni justified listing of the site under criteria A1a.

IUCN guidance states that in the absence of data on either the global population or a
population at the candidate KBA, extent of suitable habitat (ESH) may be used as a proxy
for population. The steps for the identification of a KBA using this approach are:


To determine the ESH:
• map the global occurrence of suitable habitat for a threatened species.
• overlay the map of suitable habitat with the range map available from IUCN
• determine the ESH – the areas of suitable habitat available within the range of the
• based on the ESH, establish thresholds for KBA identification: a site may qualify as a
KBA is it contains >0.5 of the ESH for a CR or EN species, or > 1% of the ESH for a
VU species.
• determine the area of suitable habitat available in the candidate KBA.
• in addition, to qualify as a KBA, there must be data to demonstrate that the site
holds >5 reproductive units (= mature individuals in the case of species considered
here) for CR and EN species, or >10 reproductive units for VU species.

In practice, application of this approach requires that:

• the species in question is clearly associated with a specific habitat (e.g. coral reef,
sea grass) for the mature phase of its life cycle.
• the habitat can be mapped.

In addition, for species with a large global range, the extent of ESH will be so large that
there is little chance of a single KBA containing 0.5 or 1% of the ESH.

The team therefore identified threatened species which have a limited range (Coral Triangle
or smaller), and which are associated with a habitat for which spatial data exists in Wallacea
(coral reefs, sea grass or mangrove). This allowed the generation of thresholds that
individual sites would need to meet to qualify as a KBA. The table below shows an estimate
of ESH and KBA threshold for four candidate KBA trigger species.

Table 4.6: Species for which extent of suitable habitat and ecosystem thresholds
were calculated

Species name Habitat Range (ha) ESH (ha) threshold
Acropora suharsonoi coral reef EN 4,925,598 19,468 97
Argyrosomus japonicus estuarine EN 256,433,557 21,724 109
Eviota pamae coral reef VU 1,014,488 904,698 9,047
Gobiodon aoyagii coral reef VU 803,240 3,652 37

However, a preliminary review of existing KBAs did not reveal any that met the threshold
for the area of habitat within the range of the species above. This analysis requires further
work to verify and expand the results.

Application of A2 (globally threatened ecosystems)

The revised KBA criteria include identification of KBA based on the presence of threatened
ecosystems. The threshold for a site to quality as a KBA under this criterion is that it
contains >5% of a CR or EN ecosystem, or >10% of a VU ecosystem.

To apply this criterion requires:

• a clear definition of an ecosystem that can be mapped.
• that the ecosystem in question has been assessed and qualifies as threatened under
the relevant IUCN criteria.

To clarify the issue of an ecosystem definition, the team consulted with the KBA team at
BirdLife International, with the IUCN Ecosystem Red List team, and with scientists currently
working on red listing in the Western Indian Ocean marine regions. The conclusion is that an
acceptable definition of an ecosystem for the purposes of threat assessment and KBA
identification would be to use the ecosystem functional groups defined by Keith et al.
(2020). Relevant ones for Wallacea include:
• FM1.2 Permanently open riverine estuaries and bays
• FM1.3 Intermittently closed and open lakes and lagoons
• M1.1 Seagrass meadows
• M1.3 Photic coral reefs
• M1.6 Subtidal rocky reefs
• M1.7 Subtidal sand beds
• M1.8 Subtidal mud plains

Maps of the ecosystems are under development and available at https://global-


For Wallacea, these broad ecosystem types could be sub-divided according to the marine
ecoregions identified by Spalding (2007),4. Of 232 marine ecoregions defined globally, five
cover Wallacea (Sulawesi Sea/Makassar Strait, Northeast Sulawesi/Tomini Bay, Halmahera,
Banda Sea, Lesser Sunda; Fig. 4.1)

Figure 4.1. The twelve marine ecoregions in Indonesia (Map source: Huffard et al.
(2012), recreated from Spalding et al. (2007))

As an example, using this approach, the area of photic coral reef (ecosystem functional
groups M3.1) in the Banda Sea (Ecoregion 131) would be calculated using existing mapping,
and a site would meet the threshold for a KBA of it contained at least 5% or 10% of this

This approach was discussed with Dr Charlotte Boyd, chair of the KBA Standard and Appeals Committee, and Dr
Emily Nicholson and Dr David Keith of the IUCN Red List of Ecosystems team

To identify KBAs with the approach also requires a second step, the assessment and
classification of an ecosystem as threatened. No ecosystems in Wallacea have yet been
assessed by the IUCN ecosystem Red List process, and indeed relatively few marine
ecosystems have been assessed globally5. Completing a Red List assessment was beyond
the scope of this updating process, but given the importance and threat to the region’s reefs
and other marine ecosystems, should be a priority. Examples of coral reef assessments are
available from the Caribbean (Keith, D. A., 2013) and Meso-America (Bland, L. M., 2017),
and in mid-2020 a team was working on an analysis for the western Indian Ocean (David
Obura, Mishal Gudka at CORDIO6). There is also reported to be relevant work underway in
South Africa7. Ridge to Reef KBAs

The 2014 ecosystem profile identified 64 terrestrial KBAs contiguous with 58 marine KBAs.
In 37 cases, the terrestrial and marine KBAs share a border, while in 27 cases the terrestrial
KBA is an island entirely within the marine KBA. In both situations, land management in the
terrestrial KBA can be expected to influence the conservation status of the marine KBA.

A target was set for a small number of ridge-to-reef initiatives during Phase 1 of the CEPF
program in Wallacea, but it proved difficult to meet. The challenges and lessons are
discussed in Chapter 2.

4.2.3 Corridor Outcomes

Marine corridors encompass an area that is important for groups of wide-ranging or
migratory species, or for critical ecosystems and ecological processes, such as coral reefs
and fish spawning grounds. In the 2014 ecosystem profile, marine experts helped identify
16 marine corridors where boundaries are approximations of the limits of the conservation
value contained by the corridor. The Beyer et al 2018 analysis of priority reefs

Since the 2014 ecosystem profile, a global analysis by Beyer et al (2018) has identified a
set of reefs using indicators of past, recent and predicted future thermal stress, larval
connectivity and vulnerability to cyclone damage. That analysis divides reefs into regions
(bioclimatic units, BCUs) containing approximately 500km2 of coral, then identifies the top
fifty percent of those that perform best in relation to the indicators of stress. The analysis
identifies 162 BCUs world-wide, 50 of which optimize or maximize conservation outcomes.
The 50 BCUs overlapping Wallacea are shown in Figure 4.2.

See a list of available assessments at https://iucnrle.org/assessments/
Contact David Obura <dobura@cordioea.net and Mishal Gudka <mgudka@cordioea.net
contact Kerry Sink (k.sink@sanbi.org.za)

Figure 4.2: Map of bioclimatic units (BCUs) in Wallacea, from Beyer et al (2018)

Note 1: West Nusa Tenggara is also included in Beyer (2018), but does not appear on this

Note 2: The Gulf of Tomini is the large C-shaped gulf formed by Northern and Central
Sulawesi. Updating the corridor analysis

The 2014 ecosystem profile named 16 corridors. Experts reviewed these in relation to the
Beyer et al (2018) BCUs and updated information from the past six years. Based on this,
the experts advised to extend the boundaries of three corridors [from the 2014 ecosystem
profile] and add five new corridors (Figure 4.3, Table 4.7).

Fig. 4.3: Marine corridors in Wallacea in 2014 and updated in 2020
Table 4.7. Rationale for new and amended marine corridors in Wallacea

No Justification Input
Makassar This marine corridor is proposed based on recent studies from
Strait Hadi et al. (2020) and Simeon et al. (2018) on shark distribution. Irfan
1 Those studies found that this corridor is a key migration area for Yulianto /
(new two protected sharks: silky sharks (Carcharhinus falciformis), WCS
corridor) Scalloped hammerhead (Sphyrna lewini)
A widely-scattered archipelago, this area is included in the list of
50 priority reefs by Beyer et al. (2018). This area is already
Kepulauan Toni
defined as important area in national marine spatial plan
2 Ruchimat /
(Rencana Tata Ruang Laut Nasional; RTRLN) for conservation. In
(new MMAF
addition, this area also defined as important fisheries area (main
fishing ground) for the fisheries management area (FMA) 714.
Recent findings showed that this corridor is important habitat for
green turtle, hawksbill turtle, and leatherback sea turtle. Studies Marthen
showed high abundance of the three species, including high rate Welly
of encounter during underwater survey. The reefs at the western /CTC-
end of Sula Island are included in the list of 50 priority reefs by USAID SEA
Beyer et al. (2018) (as part of the central Sulawesi BCU).
Pulau Obi
The Halmahera corridor is extended to encompass the reefs and Marthen
(Extension seas around Obi Island, which are important habitat for golden Welly
of the sea fan (Isis hippuris) and important corridor for cetacean /CTC-
Halmahera migration. USAID SEA
Halmahera The Halmahera corridor is extended to encompass the reefs and
seas of all of Halmahera and Morotai island, including reefs which
5 (Extension are important habitat for Wallacea-endemic walking sharks. This
of the is aligned with the list of 50 priority reefs by Beyer et al. (2018)
Halmahera (North Maluku BCU).
An extension of this corridor is proposed, with the aim of Budy
6 including deep sea habitat (sea mounts) which support Wiryawan /
populations of tuna and other large pelagic species. IPB
Proposed as corridors based on recent studies from Beyer et al. Irfan
7 (2018) and Hoegh-Guldberg et al. (2018) and because of national Yulianto /
and international priority. WCS.
Sumbawa Proposed as corridors based on recent studies from Beyer et al. Irfan
8 (2018) and Hoegh-Guldberg et al. (2018) and because of national Yulianto /
(new and international priority. WCS.
corridor) Relationship between CEPF corridors, Beyer et al. (2018) BCUs and VOI

The CEPF corridors often cover the same regions as the BCUs identified by Beyer et al.
(2018). The relationship between the two is shown in fig 4.4. Many of these reefs have also
been identified as priorities by the Vibrant Oceans Initiative. Table 4.8 clarifies the
relationship between the three sets of information.

Fig 4.4: Overlap of reefs identified by Beyer et al. (2018) and CEPF corridors
Table 4.8: Summary of the relationship between CEPF Wallacea marine corridors
and Vibrant Oceans Initiative priority reefs, with reference to Beyer et al. 2018

CEPF Marine
VOI priority reef Notes
The Beyer “Northern and Central
Sulawesi” BCU extends along the entire
North Sulawesi,
North Sulawesi west coast of Sulawesi, while the CEPF
West central
corridors are focused on sub-sets. The
Sulawesi, South
Makassar southern end of the BCU, around
Sulawesi (part)
Makassar, is in the South Sulawesi
The Beyer “Central Sulawesi” BCU
Togean-Banggai, includes reefs at the western end of Sula
Banggai to Gulf of Tomini
Sula Island island. For CEPF, the whole of Sula is a
separate corridor.
The gulf of Tomini coastline outside of the
[no corridor] Gulf of Tomini
Togean-Banggai area
The Beyer “Southeast Sulawesi” BCU
extends along the entire eastern flank of
Southeast SE Sulawesi, but does not include all the
Southeast Sulawesi
Sulawesi reef areas around Buton and Wakatobi.
The CEPF corridor includes these areas,
but does not extend as far north.
The Beyer “South Sulawesi” BCU
encompasses the western shore of the
Gulf of Bone Gulf of Bone, while the corridor includes
the reefs to Makassar (which are in the
South Sulawesi Taka Bonerate
Northern and Central Sulawesi BCU), and
Makassar does not extend as far up the Gulf of
Bone. Taka Bonerate is a separate BCU,
but is included in the corridor
The Beyer “Flores Sea” BCU is near
contiguous with the CEPF corridor. The
Sabalana Islands Sabalana Islands reef reef falls within this
corridor and the the Makassar Strait
Solor-Alor, Timor-
The Beyer “Nusa Tenggara -East Timor”
Leste Marine,
BCU is largely contiguous with the four
Inner Banda Arc Flores/Timor
corridors, but the BCU extends further
(part), Outer
west along the north coast of Flores
Banda Arc (part)
The corridor is located at the western end
[none] of the Nusa Tenggara BCU and may
partially overlap
Overlaps with the Beyer “West Nusa
Lombok- Sumbawa [none]
Tenggara” BCU
CEPF Marine
VOI priority reef Notes
The corridor covers Ambon, West Seram
Birds Head (Maluku part
Buru Seascape and Buru, a subset of the Beyer “Maluku-
included in the corridor)
West Papua” BCU
The corridor, which includes Obi Island, is
Halmahera marine Halmahera / Obi Island otherwise contiguous with the Beyer
“North Maluku” BCU
A section of the Sabalana reef is within
Makassar Strait Sabalana Islands
the Makassar Strait corridor
Corridors identified for non-reef priorities;
Lucipara Seas [no reef]
do not feature in the BCU analysis
Corridors identified for non-reef priorities;
Banda Seas [no reef]
do not feature in the BCU analysis
Corridors identified for non-reef priorities;
Sulawesi Sea [no reef]
do not feature in the BCU analysis
Corridors identified for non-reef priorities;
Timor Trench [no reef]
do not feature in the BCU analysis
Corridors identified for non-reef priorities;
Savu Sea [no reef]
do not feature in the BCU analysis

The main argument from the above table is that there is overlap between the sets of
priorities. Where there is inconsistency, it is often due to naming conventions or lack of
clarity on geographic detail for the BCUs. Biological ranking of corridors

Ranking corridors objectively for their biological importance is difficult because relatively
detailed surveys are only available in four corridors: North Sulawesi, parts of Southeast-
South Sulawesi, Timor-Leste, and the Banda Sea-Halmahera. These corridors have between
60 and 140 of the globally threatened marine species. The absence of species-level survey
work in other corridors means that very few globally threatened species have been recorded
there. However, expert informants ranked the corridors for biological importance using a
simple scale (medium, high, very high).

The results (Table 4.9) suggest that the Togean-Banggai, Solor-Alor and Halmahera marine
corridors are of highest biological priority, while the others are almost equal in species
richness. Two corridors, Timor Trench and Sulawesi Sea, do not have coral reef or other
near-shore habitats and so are assumed to have a far smaller complement of globally
threatened species. These corridors were identified because of their importance for pelagic
fish and whales.

Table 4.9. Summary of revised marine corridors

Corridor Name Change with the 2020 update Biological ranking

Sulawesi Utara no change High
expanded to include Obi island and
Perairan Halmahera Very High
northern Halmahera
Timor-Leste Marine no change Medium
Barat Sulawesi Tengah no change Medium
Togean–Banggai no change Very High
Laut Sawu no change Medium
Solor–Alor no change Very High
Busur Banda Luar no change Medium
expanded to include the coastal
Lombok-Sumbawa (was Selat Lombok) Medium
waters of Lombok and Sumbawa
Komodo–Selat Sumba no change Medium
Bentang Laut Banda no change High
Bentang Laut Buru no change Medium
Busur Banda Dalam no change Medium
Bentang Laut Lucipara no change High
Laut Sulawesi Expanded to the east Medium
Palung Timor no change Medium
Selat Makassar new corridor added Medium
Pangkajene Kepulauan new corridor added High
Sulawesi Selatan new corridor added Medium
Sulawesi Tenggara new corridor added High
Kepulauan Sula new corridor added Medium

Figure 4.5: Marine Corridors in Wallacea
5. Socioeconomic Context of the Hotspot
There was no update to this section of the ecosystem profile. Please refer to the 2014

6. Policy Context of the Hotspot

This 2020 update covers changes in policies, laws and institutions which are significant for
marine conservation in Indonesian Wallacea. Sub-heading numbering used in the original
ecosystem profile is retained to allow reference to the original text.

6.1. Indonesia
6.1.1 Overview of the National Political Situation
The 2014 Presidential election was won by Joko Widodo, a candidate notable for his lack of
connection with previous regimes and the military, his anti-corruption stance and his
support for ‘the little people’. His electoral platform included commitments to address land
tenure issues and the rights of indigenous groups. His campaign and his first term in office
was based around nine visions for Indonesia (the ‘nawacita’), which included “building
Indonesia from the periphery through strengthening regional and village areas within the
unitary state framework”. The nawacita was translated into the National Medium-Term
Development Plan for the 2014-2019 period, which underpinned a shift towards greater
attention to the needs of farmers and fishers in rural areas. The Plan also emphasized
national self-reliance and sovereignty, including economic competitiveness based on the
natural resources, human resources and enhanced scientific and technological capabilities
(Satria et al. 2017).
Joko Widodo won a second term in 2019, and took the unusual step of bringing his main
rival for president into the Government as Minister of Defense. In this second term the focus
of his policies has shifted somewhat, with a much greater emphasis on removing the
barriers to investment and driving economic development. In some cases, environmental
and social safeguards and procedures are perceived as being among the ‘barriers to
investment’ and have been the target of efforts to remove or simplify them. The impact of
the changes on the environment for CSOs is noted in Chapter 7.

6.1.2 Natural Resource Policies and Laws

Marine Protected Areas and National Parks
Indonesia had established a total of 196 marine protected areas (MPAs) by the end of 2019,
covering 23.14 million hectares. This is equivalent to 7.12% of the countries marine area.
The country exceeding its target of 20 million hectares of MPAs by 2020 in 2018 (Green et
al. 2020), and is now working towards a target of 10% of the exclusive economic zone, or
32.5 million hectares of MPAs, by 2030 (Campbell et al. 2019).

Although this is a significant achievement in policy terms, many of these MPAs are not yet
managed effectively. To start to address this problem, back in 2012 the MMAF issued a
decree No.44/KP3K/2012 from Directorate General of Kelautan, Pesisir dan Pulau-pulau
Kecil, the technical guidelines for evaluating and improving management effectiveness of

MPAs (i.e. E-KKP3K). Furthermore, at the 2018 Our Ocean Conference in Bali, MMAF
launched a strategic document to accelerate the improvement of the 20 million hectares
MPA management effectiveness (MMAF, 2018), as well as the ongoing development of ‘MPA
Vision’ document which provide more detailed strategy and roadmap (based on MMAF 2018)
to improve management effectiveness of the 20 million hectares MPA and achieving 32.5
million ha of MPA by 2030 (Coral Triangle Center, 2020a).
MPAs may be established by central or local Governments. About 57% of the total – 13.2
million ha - of MPAs have been established by district/municipal government (Green et al.
2020). However, the implementation of the “recentralization” Law No 23/2014, starting in
2016 (see section 6.1.8), has moved the authority for managing marine resources between
0 and 12 nautical miles from the coastline, including these MPAs, from the district to
provincial government. This institutional shift provides provinces with authority for
conservation, marine spatial planning, and other management tasks of marine resources.
The remaining 9.9 million ha of MPA were established and are managed by the Ministry of
Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) (5.3 m ha) and the Ministry of Environment and
Forestry (MoEF) (4.6 m ha). MMAF is responsible for 10 ‘National Marine Protected Areas’,
with four in Wallacea: Kapoposang (South Sulawesi); Gili Matra (West Nusa Tenggara);
Banda (Maluku) and Sawu (East Nusa Tenggara). MoEF is responsible for seven national
parks which were entirely or largely created to preserve marine biodiversity, four of them in
Wallacea: Bunaken, Wakatobi, Taka Bonerate and Togean.
After years of poor coordination and confusion over the division of marine conservation
areas between the MMAF and MOEF, the Government issued a Presidential Instruction
(56/2019) on ‘National Action Plan for the Integrated Management of National Parks and
National Marine Protected Areas, 2018-2025’8, specifically aimed at improving the
management of the seventeen marine protected areas under the direct management of the
two Ministries. Through the development of an action plan, the Instruction provides a
framework for integrating the role of National and local Government, community groups and
private sector within the management of the areas. It specifically emphasizes the
involvement of communities, and need for a sustainable funding mechanism and the
possibility of creation of new Marine protected areas. Importantly, it also mandates that the
Action Plan be incorporated into the National Medium-Term Development Plan.
In addition to the government-created protected areas, communities have established
Locally Managed Marine Areas. Of 51 LMMAs in Indonesia, 7 are in Maluku (in the Kei and
Banda islands).
At the time of the first ecosystem profile, marine and coastal management regulated
through a 2007 regulation (Law27/2007) on management of coastal areas and small
islands. This act has now been amended through Act 1/2014, and has importance for
marine tenure (see 6.1.5).
Another important legislative change affecting marine resources is the enactment of the
maritime law 32/2014, which replaces Law 6/1996 concerning Indonesian Waters. The Law
covers the management of Indonesian Maritime resources in an integrated and sustainable
manner, including (i) defining the area of Indonesian seas, (ii) marine sector development,
(iii) maritime management, (iv) marine spatial management and protection, (v) defense,
security, law enforcement and safety at sea, and (vi) governance and institutions. Over the
subsequent years, regulations have been issued under this law including:

See https://kkp.go.id/an-component/media/upload-gambar-

• Presidential Regulation 178/2014 concerning Maritime Security Agency,
• Presidential Regulation 16/2017 concerning Indonesian Maritime Policy,
• Presidential Regulation 83/2018 concerning Marine Waste Management
• Presidential Regulation 56/2019 concerning the National Action Plan for Integrated
Management of Marine National Parks and Marine Protected Areas 2018-2025
(described above).
• Government Regulation 32/2019 concerning Marine Spatial Plan (see section 6.16)
The Village Law 6/2014 has re-shaped the states relationships with local communities,
providing greater opportunities for independent planning, decision making and funding at
the village level. This has potentially important implication for the sustainability of resource-
management projects, creating the opportunity for successful interventions to be continued
and expanded within the framework of the official village development plan and budget, as
happened in several cases during Phase 1 of the CEPF program in Wallacea. Realization of
these opportunities is often constrained by lack of capacity at village level, however.
Finally, the Law 7/2016 on the Protection and Empowerment of Fishermen, Fish Raisers and
Salt Farmers establishes the requirements to be satisfied in order to benefit from financial
assistance to perform fisheries, aquaculture and salt exploitation activities.
6.1.3 Institutions for Implementation of Resource Management Policy
The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries (MMAF) has two main technical implementing
units that have responsibility for marine resources management: the National Marine
Protected Areas Authority (Balai Kawasan Konservasi Perairan National, BKKPN) and the
Coastal and Marine resources Management Authority (Balai Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Pesisir
dan Laut, BPSPL). The BKKPN manage the 10 national marine protected areas, while the
BPSPL has wider role in marine resources management, covering (i) protection,
preservation, and sustainable utilization of coastal, marine and small island resources, and
their ecosystems; (ii) disaster mitigation, rehabilitation and handling of pollution in coastal,
marine and small islands; (iii) conservation of marine habitat, species, and genetic; (iv)
control of the traffic of protected fish species; (v) coastal and small island community
empowerment; and (vi) marine spatial planning.
The MMAF has also established a sub-directorate for Indigenous Peoples. To date, this sub-
directorate has been active in capacity building for coastal indigenous communities in
Talaud (North Sulawesi), Haruku (Maluku) and Banggai. A site where Phase 1 of the CEPF
program supported participatory planning by indigenous groups, on Buano island (Maluku),
was assessed by the Ministry and 2019 and scheduled for support in 2020. Work by a
community on Lembata (East Nusa Tenggara) supported by the CEPF program was also
endorsed by the Ministry.
Marine National Parks under the authority of the Ministry of Environment and Forestry are
managed by a National Park Authority (Balai Taman Nasional) for each park. While the
structure remains unchanged since the first ecosystem profile, the Ministry has initiated a
policy of community partnerships across all its National Parks in response to conflicts over
land and access to resources. This has created opportunities for National Park Directors to
negotiate use zones within National Parks.

Table 6.1. Central, Provincial and District Government Agencies Active in
Biodiversity Conservation in Indonesian Wallacea

Central Government Provincial/District

Role and Responsibility
Agency Agency
National Development Provincial and District Biodiversity policy, spatial planning,
Planning Agency Planning Agency coordination and implementation of
(Bappenas) (Bappeda) development planning
Coordination of environmental policy
Provincial and District
Ministry of the and impact assessments, monitoring
Environment Agency
Environment and compliance with regulations,
including marine environment
National Park
Management Units (based
in the regions, report National Park management
directly to Jakarta)
Ministry of Forestry
Natural Resource
Directorate General of Conservation Units (based Enforcement of wildlife laws, protection
Natural Resources and in the regions, report and management of non-national park
Ecosystem Conservation directly to Jakarta) protected areas (nature reserves,
wildlife reserves)
Directorate for Production; Water catchment
Directorate for Forest management units (BP- Promote sustainable watershed
Rehabilitation and Social DAS) (based in the management through cross-sectoral
Forestry (planning and regions, report directly to coordination, land and forest
licensing of exploitation of Jakarta) rehabilitation
the national forest estate)
Provincial and District Administrative and control of state
Department of Forestry forest reserves and timber exploitation
(report to
District/Province head)
Provincial and District
Department of Marine and
Fisheries (may be
combined with
agriculture, plantations
Management of marine and fisheries
and forestry); District
Ministry of Marine Affairs resources, conservation of marine and
Fisheries Office
and Fisheries coastal areas including marine
National Marine Protected protected areas
Areas Authority
Coastal and Marine
resources Management
Regional development policy, planning,
and coordination from national
Ministry of Home Affairs
perspective responsible for the
environment agencies (BLH).

Table 6.2. Agencies and offices involved in marine conservation and management
in Wallacea

Technical Implementing
Role Jurisdiction
TNP Laut Sawu
TWP Gili Matra
Management of national TWP Kapoposang*
National Marine Protected
marine protected areas TWP Laut Banda*
Areas Authority (Balai
(Kawasan Konservasi TWP Padaido
Kawasan Konservasi Perairan
Perairan Nasional) under the
Nasional, BKKPN) Kupang
MMAF Outside Wallacea:
SAP Raja Ampat
SAP Waigeo Sebelah Barat
SAP Aru Bagian Tenggara
Coastal and Marine resources
Management Authority (Balai
Pengelolaan Sumberdaya All provinces in Sulawesi
Pesisir dan Laut, BPSPL)
Protection, management and Makassar
sustainable utilization of Wallacea: West Nusa
coastal, marine and small Tenggara, East Nusa
island resources, and their BPSPL Denpasar Tenggara
ecosystems Outside Wallacea: East
Java, Bali,
Wallacea: Maluku, North
Loka Pengelolaan
Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Laut
Outside Wallacea: Papua,
(LPSPL), Sorong
West Papua
TNP: Marine National Park, Taman Nasional Perairan
TWP: Marine Tourism reserves, Taman Wisata Perairan
SAP: Marine Nature Reserve, Suaka Alam Perairan

6.1.4 Land Tenure

There was no update to this section of the ecosystem profile. Please refer to the 2014
6.1.5 Marine Tenure
Law 27/2007 on Coastal and Small Islands Management established a Coastal Waters Use
Right, which was open to individuals and indigenous communities as well as commercial
enterprises. The relevant articles of the Law were subsequently annulled by the
Constitutional Court as they were held to be in conflict with the Constitution, which states
that ‘The land and water and the natural resources contained therein shall be controlled by
the state and shall be used for the greatest prosperity of the people’. The revised Law
introduced a new form of management permits for a number of activities (salt production;
marine bio-pharmacology; marine biotechnology; sea water utilization other than energy
harvest; marine tourism; installation of underwater pipes and cables; removal of cargo
from sunken ship) but also states that the management of coastal and marine natural
resources will be regulated through further presidential regulations (Halim et al. 2020).

Customary tenure
Many traditional local management systems dealing with marine resources are known to
persist in Wallacea. Among them are Sasi in the Maluku islands (Nikijuluw 1994), Para of
North Sulawesi (Mantjoro 1996), Awig-awig in Bali and Lombok and to some extent the
Ponggawa-Sawi relationship in South Sulawesi (Yusran 1998). The system is particularly
strong in parts Maluku, where exclusive communal rights combined with limits on resource
extraction (use of gear or seasonal closure) remain important in the management of marine
The post-1998 ‘reformation’ era of Indonesian government saw a shift towards more
decentralized forms of resource management, including greater recognition of the role of
local and indigenous communities and their customary wisdom and systems of tenure and
management. Practical progress in making changes has been slow, however, but since 2014
there have been attempts to set targets and drive forwards the recognition of local land and
resource rights and to integrate them into the existing governance framework of marine
resource management.
Several of the new and amended Laws mentioned in section 6.1.2, notably Law 1/2014 on
management of coastal areas and small islands, Maritime Law 32/2014, Law 23/2014 on
Regional Governments, and the Village Law 6/2014, have created opportunities to
strengthen the role of traditional local management systems in marine resources
management (Satria et al. 2017). This includes A Ministerial Regulation (8/2018) from
MMAF on the ‘Procedure for Declaration of Management Area of Adat Community in Spatial
Utilization of Coastal and Small Island’. The regulations describe procedures to link mapping
of the rights of coastal indigenous communities into official spatial plans including the
coastal and small-islands zoning plan and national strategic areas zoning plan (Halim et al.
In response to the overall direction of regulation and policy which was more sympathetic to
local and traditional management systems, various attempts have been made by
government agencies to strengthen these systems and integrate them into formal planning
and management processes. In 2016 the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries started a
program to strengthen indigenous communities to promote sustainable marine resources,
with actions including identification of existing indigenous groups in Indonesia, capacity
building, and assisting customary institutions in carrying out their roles in marine resources
management9. To date, 12 coastal communities have secured recognition of their presence
and rights from their District Government, in line with the procedures for recognition of
indigenous rights laid down in Law: eight in Wallacea and four in Papua. In Wallacea, two
are in Buton and one in Wakatobi (both South-east Sulawesi), one in Talaud (North
Sulawesi), and four in Maluku – in Haruku, Seram, Tanimbar and Tual.
6.1.6 Spatial and Land-Use Planning
At the time of writing the first ecosystem profile, marine spatial planning was particularly
weak, with most local governments prioritizing terrestrial planning and lacking any mapping
and zoning for marine areas. Since then Law 23/2014 concerning Regional Governments
has moved the mandate for the planning and management of marine natural resources up
to 12 miles from the coast from district to provincial governments. In 2017, in response to a
Presidential Regulation (16/2017) the Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and the
Ministry of Home Affairs gave mandate to 34 provincial governments to complete their
Coastal and Small Island Spatial Plans (Rencana Zonasi Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau-pulau
Kecil or RZWP3K). The development of these plans is mandated in Law 27/2007 (as


amended by Law 1/2014) on the Management of Coastal Areas and Small Islands, and in
National Medium-Term Development Plan, which requires each province to have an RZWP3K
as the basis for development planning in coastal and marine areas. The plans are to be
legalized through provincial regulations, and are valid for 20 years with a five-year review
The RZWP3K is a reference in the preparation of the provincial Medium-term and Long-term
Development Plans, which lay down guidelines for the use, management, investment and
administration of coastal areas and small islands.
As of June 2020, the Coordinating Ministry of Maritime and Investment (CMoMI) notes that
27 provinces have completed their RZWP3K 10, but only 21 of these plans are accessible to
the public11. Of these 21 provinces, the ten in the Wallacea region all have legally adopted
plans (Table 6.3). In preparing (and reviewing and revising) these plans the provinces face
constraints including lack of supporting data, limited human resource capacity, as well as
time and cost limitations12. A number of projects funded during Phase 1 of the CEPF
program in Wallacea were able to work with the relevant agencies to improve the quality of
data, analysis and public participation in plan preparation.

Table 6.3. Dates of legalization of RZWP3K in the Wallacea Region

No Province Provincial Regulation

1 North Sulawesi Perda No. 1/2017
2 Gorontalo Perda No. 4/2018
3 West Sulawesi Perda No. 6/2017
4 Central Sulawesi Perda No. 10/2017
5 South Sulawesi Perda No. 2/2019
6 Southeast Sulawesi Perda No. 9/2018
7 North Maluku Perda No. 2/2018
8 Maluku Perda No. 1/2018
9 West Nusa Tenggara Perda No. 12/2017
10 East Nusa Tenggara Perda No. 4/2017

6.1.7 Development Policies and Programs

There was no update to this section of the ecosystem profile. Please refer to the 2014

6.1.8 Decentralization and Natural Resource Management

The 2014 Ecosystem Profile notes that the decentralization of Government in Indonesia has
far-reaching effects on natural resource management, with tensions between the various
levels of Government. Since the ecosystem profile was written, central Government has
enacted Law 23/2014 on Local Government, which had changed the relationship between
central and sub-national governments. The most important issue for natural resource
management is the re-centralization of authority for natural resources management from
district/municipal governments to provincial governments. This has caused some legal
uncertainty in the management of natural resources, including in marine and fisheries


sectors, and has impacted on the configuration and structure of institutions, public services,
finance, and guidance and supervision related with marine and fisheries. It has also created
some legal uncertainty due to conflicts with other laws and regulations in the marine and
fisheries sectors (Dapu 2016).
The ‘recentralization’ also has made a significant postponement in MPA management actions
on the ground since district/municipal governments were no longer allowed to allocate
funding and resources for marine and coastal management, while in the other hand
provincial government were not ready and have no capacity to take over the
responsibilities. In addition, administrative processes to handover assets (infrastructures,
equipment, and human resources) and authorities from district/municipal to provincial
government were also took a significant amount of time. This is also due to lack of
coordination between MMAF and MoIA in proactively providing guidelines to local
governments for handing over the authority in marine and coastal management.

6.1.9 Good Governance in the Hotspot

There was no update to this section of the ecosystem profile. Please refer to the 2014

6.1.10 Indonesia’s Commitments Under Global Agreements

At the Our Oceans Conference in Norway in 2019, Indonesia made commitments to:
• designate 700,000 hectare of marine conservation areas in 2020
• allocate US$ 6.68 million in its national budget to support the creation of new MPAs
and enhance management effectiveness of existing MPAs through activities such as
capacity building, biophysics and socio-economic monitoring, control and
surveillance, as well as facilities and infrastructure improvement.
• US$ 73.3 million for marine and fisheries surveillance activities include patrol vessel
and airborne surveillance, command center operation, marine and fisheries crime
investigation, MPA surveillance, enhancement community-based surveillance
participation, combating destructive fishing, and any other related activities
Indonesia is a signatory of various multilateral environmental agreements (Table 6.5),
although implementation has been very uneven.

International policy commitments which play a role in shaping aquatic and fisheries law in
Indonesia, include:
• The United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea (UNCLOS)
• The United Nations Convention on the International Trade of Endangered Species of
Wild Fauna and Flora (CITES), and related permitting regulations
• The United Nations Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)
• Regional Fisheries Management Organizations (RFMOs)
• The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), particularly Goal 14: Life
Below Water.

49 Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD)

The 2014 ecosystem profile reported on the NBSAP. No update has been submitted since. Ramsar Convention

There was no update to this section of the ecosystem profile. Please refer to the 2014
document. Biosphere Reserves

Biosphere Reserves are areas designated under UNESCO’s Man and the Biosphere (MAB)
Program to serve as places to test different approaches to integrated management of
terrestrial, freshwater, coastal and marine resources and biodiversity. In 2014 there were
eight biosphere reserves in Indonesia, among them three national parks in Wallacea:
Komodo (East Nusa Tenggara), Wakatobi (Southeast Sulawesi) and Lore Lindu (Central
Sulawesi). Komodo and Wakatobi are primarily marine national parks.

Since 2014 Indonesia has declared an additional eight biosphere reserves, including two
marine areas in Wallacea: Taka Bonerate – Kepulauan Selayar (South-east Sulawesi) and
Togean Tojo Una-Una (Central Sulawesi). The Saleh-Moyo-Tambora Biosphere reserve, in
West Nusa Tenggara, also contains small islands, mangrove and other coastal ecosystems. World Heritage Convention

This convention has 187 member countries and its aim is to identify and conserve cultural
and natural monuments and sites of outstanding universal value. There is only one World
Heritage site in the hotspot, Komodo Island, with five other sites on the “tentative” list.
There has been no change since the 2014 ecosystem profile. Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals

The Convention on the Conservation of Migratory Species of Wild Animals (also known as
CMS or the Bonn Convention) aims to conserve terrestrial, marine and avian migratory
species throughout their range. Indonesia is not a party to the convention, but it has signed
the Indian Ocean–Southeast Asian Marine Turtle Memorandum of Understanding (IOSEA
MOU). Indonesia is a range state for CMS programs on Dugong, and submitted a national
report on the species in 2017. Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna

and Flora

The Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and Flora is a
multilateral treaty to regulate international trade in plants and animals. Indonesia became a
party to CITES in 1979. The Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature
Conservation (PHKA) of MOEF and the Directorate of Conservation and marine Biodiversity
of MMAF are the management authorities and enforcement focal points, responsible for the
monitoring and enforcement of CITES regulations in Indonesia. The Indonesian Institute of
Science, LIPI, is the scientific authority.

6.1.11 Indonesia’s Commitments Under Regional Agreements

In addition to the global environmental agreements outlined above, Indonesia is a member

of or partner in two significant regional organizations that have an influence on the parts of
the hotspot: ASEAN and the Coral Triangle Initiative. The Coral Triangle Initiative

The Coral Triangle Initiative on Coral Reefs, Fisheries and Food Security (CTI-CFF) is a
multilateral partnership of six countries formed in 2007 to address the urgent threats facing
the coastal and marine resources of one of the most biologically diverse and ecologically rich
regions on Earth. This region encompasses portions of two biogeographic regions: the
Indonesian-Philippines Region and the Far Southwestern Pacific Region. The former overlaps
with Wallacea. The Coral Triangle covers six countries: Indonesia, Timor-Leste, the
Philippines, Malaysia, Papua New Guinea and the Solomon Islands.

In 2009 Indonesia and 5 other coral triangle countries endorsed a 10-year (2010-2020)
Regional Plan of Action (RPOA). The plan includes the expansion of MPAs as a primary goal,
establishing a target that ‘A region-wide Coral Triangle MPA System (CTMPAS) in place and
fully functional’.

Indonesia is a member of the 14-country Partnerships in Environmental Management for the

Seas of East Asia (PEMSEA). PEMSEA adopted a Sustainable Development Strategy for the
Seas of East Asia (SDS-SEA) in 2003, and the latest implementation plan under the
strategy, for 2018-202213, is underway. The Priority Management Programs include: a)
Biodiversity Conservation and Management; including MPA management and networking,
migratory marine species conservation, and blue carbon; b) Climate Change and Disaster
Risk Reduction and Management; and c) Pollution Reduction and Waste Management. The
cross-cutting Governance Programs include: a) Ocean Governance and Strategic
Partnerships; b) Knowledge Management and Capacity Development; and c) Blue Economy
Investment and Sustainable Financing. Association of Southeast Asian Nations

Indonesia is a member of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN), which aims
to promote peace and stability and accelerate economic growth and social progress in
Southeast Asia. Environmental issues have traditionally not been at the top of its agenda,
but this appears to be changing given the growing importance of trans-boundary issues,
such as haze from forest fires, illegal logging and wildlife trafficking. In 2010 ASEAN
acknowledged the high biodiversity value of Southeast Asia and the potential impacts of
rapid economic growth (ASEAN 2010). It has identified 10 priority issues of regional
importance as mentioned in the ASEAN Socio-Cultural Community (ASCC Blueprint) 2009-
2015 (ASEAN 2009). These include environmental education; harmonizing environmental
policies; and promoting the sustainable use of coastal and marine environment, natural
resources and biodiversity, and freshwater resources. These are to be enhanced through
greater regional cooperation and the setting of regional standards, e.g., for water quality.

In addition to these broad policy statements, ASEAN has established three focused
programs related to biodiversity conservation. The ASEAN Wildlife Enforcement Network
(ASEAN WEN) is the world’s largest wildlife law enforcement network that involves police,
customs and environment agencies of all 10 ASEAN countries (ASEAN WEN 2009). It is


designed to provide training and capacity building to agencies across the region and
improve collaboration and coordination between member states.
The ASEAN Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), Philippines, is a clearing house for biodiversity
data and a center for capacity building on biodiversity conservation throughout the ASEAN

ASEAN maintains a list of ‘heritage parks’, nominated by member states and which have
unique regional importance. The only ASEAN heritage site in Indonesian Wallacea with a
marine focus is Wakatobi.

ASEAN has a program of co-operation on coastal and marine environments, guided by a

working group. Recent initiatives under this work program include tackling marine debris
and marine biodiversity conservation. The marine debris work include collaboration with
Norway and the EU.

7. Civil Society Context of the Hotspot

This 2020 update covers changes in civil society context which are significant for marine
conservation in Indonesian Wallacea. Sub-heading numbering used in the original
ecosystem profile is retained as far as possible to allow reference to the original text.

7.1. Indoneisa
7.1.1 Civil Society Organizations in Indonesian Wallacea

CEPF defines civil society as the entire group of nongovernment actors who have an interest
in conservation and sustainable management of resources in the hotspot. This includes
international, national and local actors; conservation NGOs; economic and community
development NGOs; scientific research and academic institutions; professional
organizations; producer and sales associations; religious organizations; media; advocacy
groups; and groups working on outreach, awareness, education, social welfare, indigenous
rights and land reform. It also includes the parts of the private sector concerned with the
sustainable use of natural resources.

7.1.2 Operating Environment for CSOs in Indonesia Legal Framework

There was no update to this section of the ecosystem profile. Please refer to the 2014
document. Political Space

Indonesia has a diverse and increasingly effective civil society which plays an important role
in channeling issues and information into Government policy and law-making processes.
However, as noted in Chapter 6, the second term of President Joko Widodo’s government
has taken a strongly pro-investment and pro-business approach. This has provided an
opportunity for some parties to argue that social and environmental agendas, safeguards,
and the organizations that promote them, are an obstacle to economic growth and therefore
to the country’s development. This line of argument has already secured a number of
regulatory changes, for example to reduce the requirements for environmental impact
assessments, limiting the opportunity for public involvement and removing criminal

sanctions for non-compliance. The changes are in parallel with moves to limit the powers of
the national Anti-Corruption Agency (KPK) and to regulate expression of critical views on
social media, including through the Electronic Information and Transaction law.

This shift has been accompanied by statements and actions from the Government which
have been interpreted as showing reduced tolerance for criticism and opposition 14 and a
narrowing of the ‘space’ for civil society to develop and operate. Some prominent
campaigning CSOs are being scrutinized more intensively by the authorities, as some of
their work is seen as being damaging to Indonesia’s reputation or negatively affecting
investment. Non-Indonesian organizations and funding sources are particularly - but not
uniquely - vulnerable to being labelled as advancing a foreign agenda, and there are moves
to tighten up control of funding to civil society from outside the country, as well as actions
against foreigners in the country perceived as critical of Government and powerful actors.

The work supported by the CEPF program in Wallacea on community-based marine

conservation is less likely to be perceived negatively by Government than the work of, for
example, CSOs working to influence powerful sectors such as oil palm and timber.
Nevertheless, access to fisheries and coastal resources can be highly controversial and
sensitive political issues locally, and there may be a need to support grantees to be
prepared for opposition to their activities. Actions which can be taken in support of grantees
• Raising grantees’ awareness of legal risks (for example, the threat of legal action for
defamation under the Electronic information law) and how to avoid them.
• Providing information on sources of shared experience from other CSOs and legal
advice where required
• Raising grantees’ awareness of basic security issues, including mitigating the risks to
data, property and personal safety
• Providing support on communications, both to build alliances and to manage and
respond to negative media coverage Funding Availability

No update from the 2014 ecosystem profile. Availability of funding for conservation in the
region is covered in the update of Chapter 10 (investment).

7.1.3 Civil Society Programs and Activities in Indonesian Wallacea Major Conservation and Development Organizations at the National Level

International and national organizations working in marine conservation in Wallacea include

WWF, TNC, WCS, Burung Indonesia (as the RIT for the CEPF grant program), Rare, and the
Wetlands International-Indonesia Program, Kehati and the Samdhana Institute. Major
development organizations whose work is often integrated with conservation issues include
Oxfam GB, Oxfam Australia, Swisscontact, World Vision, CARE, World Neighbors, Save the
Children and Threads of Life. Table 7.1 summarizes the main organizations, their areas of
interest and main activities in Wallacea.

See for example, the cases of harassment against environmental activists documented in Madani Berkelajutan

Table 7.1. Summary of Main CSOs and Activity Areas in Indonesian Wallacea

Areas of Interest in Wallacea Focus of activity in Wallacea

(marine sector) (marine sector)
As RIT of the CEPF small grants CSO small-grants for community-
Burung Indonesia
program, throughout Wallacea based conservation
Banda Islands, Maluku Marine protected area creation and
Buano Island, Maluku support
Lease Island, Maluku Capacity building and learning
Coral Triangle Centre
Sula Islands, Maluku network facilitation for MPA
Atauro Island, Timor-Leste managers, local government,
Liquica, Timor-Leste women leaders,
Small grants to local CSOs for
community-based coastal and forest
GEF Small grants Semau island, Savu Sea
resource management
program Wakatobi, SE Sulawesi
CSO capacity building
Pangkep, Maros, Barru, Pinrang,
Luwu, Makassar (S Sulawesi) Food security and sustainable
Bau-bau, Wakatobi, Kendari, value-chains for coastal and small
Konawe Selatan (SE Sulawesi) island communities, sustainable
Oxfam Sigi (Central Sulawesi) agriculture, youth enterprise, CSO
Lombok (NTB) and local Government capacity
Dompu (Sumbawa, NTB) building for SDG monitoring,
Flores, Kupang, Timor Tengah emergency disaster response
Selatan (NTT)
N Sulawesi
community-based marine resources
RARE Wakatobi, Take Bonarate (SE
management and MPAs
Small grants to local CSOs for
resource rights, livelihoods and

Community capacity building and

Samdhana Institute Throughout Wallacea

Implementation of the World Bank-

Direct Grants Mechanism for
indigenous and local communities
Save the Children Nusa Tenggara Timur Child health and nutrition
Wakatobi (SE Sulawesi)
Halmahera (N Maluku)
Marine protected area creation and
Buru, Lucipara islands, Banda
TNC support, regulation of live fish
seascape and islands (Maluku)
Lombok (NTB)
Savu sea (NTT)
North Sulawesi
Makassar – Taka Bonarate (SE
community-based marine resources
WCS Sulawesi)
management and MPAs
Halmahera (N Maluku)
Lombok strait (NTB)
Community development (not
World Neighbors East and West Nusa Tenggara
specifically coastal)
World Vision/ Wahana Central Sulawesi, East Nusa
Community development
Visi Indonesia Tenggara, North Maluku
Buru, Lucipara, Banda seascapes Marine protected area creation and
WWF (Marine) and islands (Maluku) support
Lombok and NTB

Areas of Interest in Wallacea Focus of activity in Wallacea
(marine sector) (marine sector)
Komodo-Sumba Strait Species-focused campaigns on
Solor-Alor (NTT) sharks and rays
Sulawesi Sea - Makassar Strait

Donor programs (e.g., Ausaid and USAID) are described under the “conservation
investment” chapter, although many of the local partners they work with are described in
this chapter. Networks and Partnerships

There was no update to this section of the ecosystem profile. Please refer to the 2014
document. CSOs in Sulawesi

CEPF made fifteen grants to ten CSOs for marine projects in Sulawesi during Phase 1 (Table

Table 7.2: Grants for marine conservation in Sulawesi during Phase 1

CSO name amount Project name/description
Alliance of
Independent Campaign to raise public awareness on conservation of
Journalists of biodiversity in the Togean islands and Togean marine KBAs
Gorontalo Town
Community preparation for sustainable management of
JAPESDA Gorontalo 89,783
mangroves and coastal resources
Yayasan Alam
Community-based conservation and coastal resource
Indonesia Lestari 61,772
management in the Banggai Islands
Community-based conservation of marine ecosystems and
Manengkel 17,071
coastal habitat in Bahoi Village, North Sulawesi
Strengthening community-based coastal and marine resources
Manengkel 49,257 management in Minahasa, North Minahasa, and Talaud Districts
of North Sulawesi Province, Indonesia
Perkumpulan Relawan Management Workshop for Banggai Dalaka Marine Protected
untuk Orang dan Alam Area
Perkumpulan Relawan Strengthening action for coastal and marine ecosystem
untuk Orang dan Alam conservation and protection of species in Balantak Waters KBA
Strengthening initiatives for marine and coastal biodiversity
conservation in the Balantak Waters KBA through strengthening
Perkumpulan Relawan
23,103 management capacity and regulation of MPA protection in
untuk Orang dan Alam
Talang Batu village and expanding Initiation of MPAs to Luok
Supporting initiatives for the conservation of coral reef
ecosystem in Peleng-Banggai through planning of sustainable
SIKAP Institute 16,102
community-based MPAs in Bone Look village, Banggai Laut
Synergizing and integrating sustainable management of coastal
SIKAP Institute 10,741
resources and protection of species in Peleng Banggai KBA
Wildlife Conservation Strengthening community-based coastal and marine resource
Society management in the North Sulawesi corridor

CSO name amount Project name/description
Improving protection of dugong habitat through development of
YAPEKA 99,100 community-based marine protected areas and ecotourism in
Indonesia's Sangihe Islands
YAPEKA 5,043 Workshop on coastal and marine conservation in North Sulawesi
Implementing the RZWP3K (marine spatial plan) through
YAPEKA 31,559 community-based management of coastal zones in the coastal
villages of Sangihe district
Yayasan Rumah
Strengthening the role of communities in the conservation of
Ganeca, Sulawesi 15,522
turtles on the coast of Karor village

As a result of grant-making and capacity building during Phase 1, CSOs in Sulawesi which
normally focus on community development, agrarian reform and advocacy have effectively
engaged and integrated conservation into their programs. Strengthened grantees include
Balang, Payo-payo, Wallacea and SCF. There are several NGOs working on marine related
issues in South Sulawesi including Yayasan Konservasi Laut, PPHL Puntondo, and Blue
Forest. YKL attended our public consultation and provided useful inputs related to Makassar
– Pangkep – Takabonerate corridors. CSOs in Maluku

CEPF made nine grants to six CSOs for marine projects in Maluku during Phase 1 (Table

Table 7.3: Grants for marine conservation in Maluku during Phase 1

CSO name amount Project name/description
Conservation of coastal ecosystems based on Sasi Local Wisdom,
Baileo Maluku 18,283
Haruku Village, Haruku Island, Central Maluku District
Traditional marine protected area management in Maluku,
Baileo Maluku 102,952
Partisipasi Conservation of coastal areas based on local wisdom in Buano
Pembangunan island
Partisipasi Revitalization of local wisdom for sustainable management of
Pembangunan natural resources in Buano island, Indonesia
Lembaga Pesisir
Community-based mangrove and coastal resource management
dan Lautan Kie 12,630
in Guruapin Village
Collaborative and Sustainable Natural Resources Management in
Pattimura Lembaga 15,955
Kassa Island
Yayasan Studi
Etnologi Action to improve sustainability through supporting the
Masyarakat management of mangrove forest in Gotowasi village
Nelayan Kecil
Yayasan Studi
Etnologi Strengthening the management of the Gotowasi village MPA for
Masyarakat the protection of priority species
Nelayan Kecil
Community Capacity Building to Protect Turtle Population
Yayasan Wallacea 53,153
through Ecotourism in Buru, Indonesia

Despite the relatively small size of the CSO community in the Maluku region, there were
different experiences with CSOs in Maluku and Maluku Utara during Phase 1. In Maluku
Province, CSOs are typically small but with experienced personnel. Some have strong
grassroots networks, while others have good experience in policy advocacy and networking
or expertise in community organizing and advocacy. During the first phase, the grantees
spontaneously established links and collaborated with each other – this was helped by their
proximity, in the city of Ambon, and their experience of networking, but also reflected their
professional outlook, recognizing that there were benefits from collaboration even while
they were potential competitors for funding.

In Maluku Utara Province, the CSOs are typically small, and are dispersed geographically.
They have limited experienced compared to CSOs in Maluku, and there were challenges to
ensure that they adhered to basic administrative and management requirements in the
implementation of projects. These CSOs have a more spontaneous and unstructured way of
planning and executing their activities, and weaker management skills. CSOs of this type
could be excellent for mass mobilization for social change, but were not able to handle the
structured approach to project and grant management.

57 CSOs in Nusa Tenggara

CEPF made four grants to two CSOs for marine projects in Nusa Tenggara during Phase 1
(Table 7.4).

Table 7.4: Grants for marine conservation in Maluku during Phase 1

CSO name amount Project name/description
Marine biota conservation by fishermen at Hadakewa Bay,
BARAKAT 17,930
Strengthening the protection of a site: KBA economic
BARAKAT 72,644 empowerment through regulations and coastal
communities, Indonesia
Yayasan Pengkajian dan
89,566 Rescue marine biodiversity in South Beach, Lebau
Pengembangan Sosial
Deepen and broaden learning on the monitoring and
Yayasan Pengkajian dan
23,969 management of marine ecosystems in southern Solor
Pengembangan Sosial

Finding CSOs who could work on marine issues in the priority corridor of Solor-Alor was
challenging, but CSOs with relevant community experience from neighboring Flores were
able to take on the work.

7.1.4 Civil Society Capacity in Indonesian Wallacea Capacity Required

The 2014 ecosystem profile identified major threats to KBAs on the basis of information
from stakeholder workshops and questionnaire results (see Chapter 8 for details). The key
threats to marine KBAs (reported from over 25% of marine KBAs where data was available)
• Unsustainable small-scale fishing (reported at 74% of marine KBAs)
• Hunting and collecting (reported from 36% of KBAs)
• Mining, oil and gas production (reported from 31% of KBAs)
• Pollution and sedimentation (reported from 29% of KBAs)

The impacts of the Phase 1 projects (Chapter 2, lessons from Phase 1) suggests that the
small grants to local CSOs can have an impact on unsustainable fishing, which is by far the
most widespread threat, and also on hunting and collecting, as this is also predominantly an
issue of local management.

As noted in the 2014 ecosystem profile, the threats from extractive industry and from
pollution and sedimentation require a different set of skills and experience from the
facilitation of community-based processes, including:

Investigation or research capacity to form a clear understanding of the issues before

designing any interventions.
Advocacy capacity, which includes:
• The capacity to understand the legal framework that facilitates or limits activities
such as mining and unsustainable land use in vulnerable coastal catchments

• The capacity to build networks and alliances, divide roles, define and implement a
campaign using advocacy and public communications
Technical capacity to provide alternatives to destructive land and resource use

Experience from Phase 1 suggests that the CEPF model is most successful in addressing
issues at community- and field-level, while there are relatively few CSOs with the capacity
and experience to take on complex and difficult campaigns to influence decisions on mining
or land use across terrestrial catchments. Capacity building during Phase 1

Baseline assessment
A baseline capacity assessment carried out in 2017 (using the PERANTI+ approach) formed
the basis for the design of the training program and for post-training evaluation. One of the
important findings was that 95% of grantees did not have a clear enough perspective on the
environment and conservation, confirming the statement in the ecosystem profile that there
are few CSOs in the region which see their mission as conservation. This confirmed the
conclusion of the 2014 ecosystem profile, on the basis of CSO questionnaires and
interviews, that

‘Lack of technical capacity in conservation issues hinders the CSOs in making the
links between CSO experience and activities with conservation activities. This
includes a limited awareness about conservation, which leads to an understanding of
it as a mere restriction rather than an opportunity to sustain people’s livelihoods.
Such problems constrain the CSOs to creatively analyze problems and formulate
conservation measures.’
As a result, the links between conservation and livelihoods, through culture, economy and
livelihoods, became a key focus of the capacity building program.
In addition to the PERANTI+ assessment carried out by Penabulu, CEPF’s civil society
tracking tool (CSTT) was used by grantees to assess their own at the beginning and end of
their projects. The tool assesses performance in five broad areas of organizational capacity,
each with 5 criteria: human resources, financial resources, management system, strategic
planning, and achievements15. At the start of their projects, grantees assessed their scores
for human resources and financial resources to be just over 50% on average, but with a
range from 25% to 90%. Management system, strategic planning, and achievements were
all assessed as averaging 65%. This confirmed the conclusion of the ecosystem profile that:

The capacity to develop project plans and proposals are very unequal between
urban-based NGOs and small NGOs working in remote areas. This includes a low
capacity in fund-raising and sustainable financing of programs.

And also that:

There is a lack of knowledge of laws, regulations and their implementation, which is

very important to support their capacity in defining problems and determining

The 2 International CSOs (WCS and Conservation International) are excluded from this summary of the analysis.
Two organisations, Coral Triangle Centre and Centro de Desenvolvimento Communitario (CDC) from Timor-Leste,
were excluded because no baseline assessment was available. This analysis is based on the responses of 16 marine
sector local grantees, therefore.

Both of these points were addressed in the capacity building program, which included
modules on project cycle management for conservation projects, and on legal issues and
enforcement for species conservation.

The capacity building program

Capacity building for CSOs was delivered by a specialist capacity building provider, Yayasan
Penabulu, over three years (2017-2019) and with a focus on seven priority clusters.
Capacity building was centered on the delivery of training modules which were designed to
reflect the needs of the CSO community and the strategic directions of the CEPF ecosystem
profile. Penabulu foundation describes the key elements of their approach as: building
equality, creating a comfortable learning atmosphere, a human rights approach and
appreciation for experience. The training delivered is summarized briefly here, based on
Penabulu’s reports:

PCM: Project Management Cycle Training for ecosystem-based conservation

program. The training module provided a 10 Step Guide to Management of Conservation
Programs Based on Ecosystem Approaches. Training included topics such as
institutionalization of biodiversity, protection and observation of marine biodiversity and
business planning in conservation areas. One of the principal outcomes of the training was
the ability to submit a suitable proposal to CEPF, and this was supported through a follow-
up proposal coaching clinic via email.

Thematic training modules on conservation.

Penabulu delivered modules which were aligned with the strategic directions of the CEPF
strategy. The training emphasized on sharing experiences and expertise between grantees,
with a focus on practical issues. It was hosted by a resource organization, at their field site,
and was 40% theory and 60% practice, centered around field visits. Themes covered were:

• SD1: Wildlife and Illegal Trade Law Advocacy (resource organization: WCS)
• SD2: Area Conservation (resource organization: Burung Indonesia)
• SD3#1: Advancing Sustainable Commodity Marketing (resource organization:
Rainforest Alliance)
• SD3 #2: Permaculture Towards Sustainable Life (resource organization: IDEP)
• SD4: Ecosystem-Based Coastal Management Initiation (resource organization:
Manengkel Solidaritas and Yapeka)
• SD5: Business Planning: Community Based Local Natural Resource Utilization
(resource organization: CCPHI)

Program management training

The training was based on reflection on:
• CSO characteristics
• changes in the external environment and its effects on each organization
• identification of milestones (organizational successes and assets)
• shift in position and role of the organization
• new growth opportunities for the organization

Each CSO participant formulated a change strategy for Institutional Governance, Human
Resource Management, Data Management and Utilization of Information and
Communication Technology, and Public Campaign and Communication / Public Policy
Advocacy. They also produced a draft plan and strategy for the sustainability of
conservation programs and activities at the level of each partner and at the level of the
priority region.

Financial management training
Financial management training aimed to increase capacity and thus organizational
transparency and sustainability in the long term. It covered basic financial operations and
the development of financial standard operational procedures and consolidated financial

Resource mobilization training

The training defined ‘resources’ broadly, including financial resources but also public
participation. Partnerships, networks and alliances were discussed as means to mobilize
resources. The training included a mapping of funding opportunities in Wallacea, interviews
with various sources and analysis related to existing funding in Indonesia and funding
opportunities for Wallacea. A document, Funding opportunities for sustainable conservation
in Wallacea, was produced to support participants.

Impact of the capacity building program

Penabulu repeated their capacity assessment using PERANTI+ in October 2019. The impact
assessment addressed four areas: organizational foundation, governance, management,
and sustainability. Of 43 grantees surveyed for the baseline, 27 also completed the baseline
evaluation. Their main findings were:
- CSOs showed a measurable increase in their interest in and understanding of conservation
and environmental issues, including an appreciation that the area they live and work is
globally recognized and that the livelihoods of present and future generations partly depend
on the quality of this environment. They also increasingly recognized that biodiversity and
the environment offer opportunities for alternative, sustainable enterprise and value chain
approaches. The assessment concludes that conservation was successfully mainstreamed by
many of the grantees, with improvements in
• awareness and skills in building relationships between culture and conservation;
• awareness and skills on strengthening the link between economics and conservation;
• awareness and skills in advocating and strengthening relations between the village
government and conservation as a multi-stakeholder partnership
- CSOs increasingly recognized that they face strategic choices about what they do, and that
they need to take responsibility for their roles in the context of the environment and
- There was an improvement in the ability of CSOs to translate their plans and strategic
aims into workplans with verifiable targets that they can use to monitor their own progress.
- There was an improvement in the performance of routine activities for managing the
organization’s programs / projects, administration, finance, human resources, data-
information, and partnerships
- Funding and resources remain a challenge for CSOs, but there was an improvement in
their ability to mobilize resources, including through proposal writing and product
development. Communication skills to lobby and negotiate were also developed as part of
this capacity building
- these changes are borne out by the end-of-project assessment using the PERANTI+ tool.
Table 7.5 shows the aggregated scores and improvements in all four areas assessed.

Table 7.5: Aggregated scores from PERANTI+ self-assessment pre- and post-

Areas assessed 2017 score 2019 score % increase

organizational foundation 2.79 3.66 31
governance 2.05 2.99 46
management 2.17 2.97 37
sustainability 1.81 2.97 64

- when the CSOs are categorized by the seven priority funding areas targeted for grant-
making, the pattern of improvement in all areas of organizational capacity remained
consistent, though with local variation in the extent of improvement
- further evaluation of 5 key areas of organizational management found increases in all
these areas (Table 7.6)

Table 7.6: Detailed evaluation of 5 areas of organizational management based on

PERANTI+ scores from pre- and post-project assessment

Areas assessed 2017 score 2019 score % increase

program and service provision 2.52 3.30 31
administration and financial management 2.24 2.88 29
human resources 2.27 3.09 36
data, information and knowledge, 1.74 2.67 53
public communication and partnerships 2.08 2.95 42

- the assessment of sustainability found an overall increase in the diversity of funding sources
being accessed by the grantees in 2019
- as a result of these capacity improvements, grantees were able to produce tangible
results, especially in participatory planning, resource mobilization management, and
leadership in lobbying and advocating for the government to save endangered biodiversity
on Wallacea
The CEPF civil society tracking tool (CSTT) was also used at the end of the grantee projects,
again as a self-assessment, and confirms the results of the PERANTI+ assessment. Overall,
average scores had increased by between 11 and 21% for each area of capacity. The
greatest improvement was for human resources and financial resources (both around 21%
increase in average score), followed by strategy (17%), with smaller improvements for
management (13%) and delivery (11%).

The overall positive trend in the CSTT results hides a large variation in performance,
however. Two grantees reported increases in total capacity scores of over 50%, and seven
more increases of less than 50%. Over a third of grantees – 6 of the 16 – reported no
change in any of the criteria. One grantee, Yayasan Wallacea, reported a decline in
performance across all criteria, with the organization’s overall total capacity score declining
from 59% to 52%. This was associated with specific internal management problems
experienced by the organization. Penabulu does not report the level of variation in the
aggregated PERANTI+ scores.

Learning and Networking

Penabulu facilitated a conservation discussion forum between grantees, organizing meetings
in all of the priority funding regions, with the aim of encouraging cooperation between
grantees. Penabulu reports that the forums contributed to grantee collaboration on:

• revitalization of the role of culture and customary institutions for sustainable
conservation (Seram/Buru);
• optimization of the Village Fund for sustainable development and the conservation of
• development of a marine protected zone (DPL) zone integrated with village planning
(Banggai, East Nusa Tenggara);
• development of CSO collaboration with the National Park;
• catalyzing multi-stakeholder collaboration for the Malili lakes (central Sulawesi);
• increased income in conservation areas through the development of alternative
livelihoods, including ecosystem services and NTFPs, in cooperation with village-
owned business units (BUMDes) (Seram/Buru and South Sulawesi);
• increased community participation in conservation management (all regions).
• Ridge to Reef as a "whole ecosystem" approach that conserves biodiversity
throughout the island. This approach is especially relevant in Wallacea’s small
• Involving district and provincial governments as partners for development of policies
that protect biodiversity.
• Development and designation of Essential Ecosystem Zones (KEE) in several CEPF
partner CSO working areas
Partnership meetings
Partnership meetings were held once or twice in each priority funding area. They allowed for
sharing of progress and learning between grantees, initiation of a learning platform, and
provided an opportunity for grantees to develop collaborative approaches, for example to
advocacy (including how to finance through government budget), community-based
conservation models (and its outcome harvesting). Each event was different as it was
adjusted to the needs of the partners and the funding region. Capacity-Building for Phase 2

In corridors where grant-making occurred during Phase 1, capacity building is likely to be
required once grantees have been selected. The ‘learning by doing’ approach using more
experienced grantees as hosts work effectively. It is likely that there will have been changes
in staff of some grantees, and so even with organizations that received grants in Phase 1,
basic training on project management and key technical areas will be valuable.

In corridors which were not included in Phase 1, a pre-proposal process is required to

inform potential grantees and other stakeholders about the objectives of CEPF and the
process for developing an appropriate proposal.

Strategically targeted support for sharing learning, thematic discussions, and networking
was valuable in the first phase and should be continued.

On the basis of the end-of-program evaluation, Penabulu recommended:

• ongoing efforts are required to increase the capacity of CSOs in all aspects of
organizational management. Particular areas for attention include conservation
knowledge, office and project management, management of public communications and
partnerships, and knowledge management.
• Alternative strategies need to be developed to mobilize resources for CSOs
• PERANTI+ can be used (for example, annually) by organizations to self-assess their

63 Management of the Phase 2 Grant-Making Program

There was no update to this or subsequent elements of Section 7. Please refer to the 2014

8. Threats to Biodiversity in Wallacea

8.1. Overexploitation of Natural Resources
8.1.1. Unsustainable fishing and overexploitation of marine natural resources

Unsustainable harvest of marine biota – fish for consumption, sea cucumber, clams, shark
and rays and many others – can be broadly divided into unsustainable small-scale fishing,
and illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. The former is undertaken largely by
local people and is often the mainstay of livelihoods and the local economy. It can be highly
damaging, especially where bombs and poison are used. Solutions focus on a communal
interest in moving towards more sustainable harvesting which guarantees long-term
livelihood security and the survival of the species and ecosystems. IUU fishing, on the other
hand, often takes place on a large scale, with the operators having little interest in the
sustainable management of fish stocks in any particular location. Regulation and
enforcement are often the most important solutions. There are overlaps and interactions
between small-scale and IUU fishing – fishers in local communities may be involved in both,
and IUU fishing may degrade stocks which could otherwise be managed sustainably by local
small-scale methods.

Unsustainable Small-scale Fishing

Small-scale fishing may be for local consumption, regional food markets or specialist global
trade. The capture and trade of Napoleon wrasse (Cheilinus undulatus), the bump head
parrotfish (Bolbometopon muricatum), sea cucumber, sharks and rays, and live ornamental
reef fish has intensified as a result of improved transport and access to specialist markets
globally. It becomes unsustainable when the catch is greater than the ability of the
population to recover, when immature individuals are taken out of the population, or when
the methods used cause widespread damage to other biota and the marine environment, as
is the case with fish bombing and poisoning.

Over-fishing changes the relative abundance of different groups of fish (e.g. those which eat
plants and algae, coral, invertebrates, or other fish) and so impacts on the dynamics of the
ecosystem. In coral reef areas, pressure from destructive fishing interacts with climate
change impacts and other pressures, such as sedimentation, to stress the coral to the point
where disease and bleaching result, and this may be followed by the physical erosion of the

Unsustainable fishing was identified in the 2014 ecosystem profile as the most prevalent
threat to marine KBAs, reported at 36 of 49 sites (74%). New research based on surveys of
622 reefs across 17 regions of Indonesia provides further evidence of the impoverished
state of coral reefs across the region, using fish biomass (Campbell et al. 2020), but also
measures the effectiveness of conservation efforts. Open access reefs close to markets and
populations centers averaged reef fish densities of only 309.8 kg/ha, while the reefs in
remote sites were 4.6 times higher, on average, 1432 kg/ha. Biomass in no-take reserves
and gear restricted sites was ∼1.4 times higher than open access sites. Gear-restriction and
no-fishing zones were found to have a similar impact on biomass, but the study notes that

most of the no-fishing zones are relatively new (<10 years) and that their performance is
likely to improve with time. The study concludes that (a) to be more effective, gear
restrictions and no-fishing zones need to be better targeted and more effectively enforced,
and (b) that the high biomass of remote reefs means they should be protected as a
precaution against future exploitation. Remote reefs are probably also important sources of
larvae for re-stocking over-exploited reefs elsewhere.

Root causes of destructive small-scale fishing include lack of economic alternatives and
dependence on marine resources for food security, lack of information on stocks and the
erosion of traditional management systems. Fish stocks may also be reduced by over-
fishing from commercial boats, impacting on local fisheries.

Illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing and fisheries by-catch

Unregulated commercial fishing is a threat to the region’s pelagic fish populations, including
sharks and rays. It includes by-catch from trawling for shrimp, prawn and red snapper.
Bottom trawling causes significant damage to marine ecosystems and species.

The Arafura Sea Fisheries Management Area (FMA 718), which forms the south-eastern
boundary of the seas in Wallacea, is judged to be one of the most heavily exploited regions
in Indonesian waters, with industrial scale fishing fleets from Indonesia and other countries
such as Taiwan and China who operate using fish trawls, shrimp trawls, gillnets and bottom
long lines. Studies in the region (Wagey et al. 2009; Purwanto, 2011), have identified (1) a
decline in the abundance index for economically important shrimp, as well as decline in
average size of individuals; (2) an increase in sailing days of the commercial fishing fleet;
and (3) a shift in species composition towards non-economic bycatch and small crabs per
catch unit.

Abandoned fishing gear results in marine debris including ‘ghost nets’, which are a cause of
mortality for many species, including turtles, marine mammals and marine birds as well as
fish and coral.

8.1.2. Pollution and Sedimentation

Land based pollution and sedimentation are significant threats for marine ecosystems,
causing water turbidity and algal blooms which reduce the light and nutrients available to
coral reefs and sea grass beds. These threats are especially prevalent around larger islands,
where bigger water catchments and more intensive agriculture and urbanization results in
greater intensity of rainwater run-off and pollution.

Marine mining is generally locally based, for aggregates and sand for infrastructure. It
causes physical damage to shallow-water ecosystems, and creates sediment plumes which
can affect reefs and sea grass beds in the same ways as land-based sedimentation.
Shallow-water mining in Wallacea has not reached the levels of Bangka, in Western
Indonesia, where hundreds of locally produce pontoons work alongside commercial dredgers
to extract tin-rich sand. Up to 70% of coastal reefs, mangroves and sea grass beds have
been degraded16 in the area.

Disposal of mining waste at sea may be an important threat around mining locations. Nickel
mining takes place at a number of locations in Indonesia. In Wallacea, the Batu Hijau mine
on Sumbawa disposes waste into the sea, and in 2020 applications were made by nickel
smelting companies to do the same on Obi Island (Halmahera marine corridor) and at


Morowali, in central Sulawesi (close to both the Banggai-Togean and South-east Sulawesi
corridors) (Morse, 2020). Data on the impact of deep-sea tailing is scant, but concerns have
been raised that upwellings could bring toxic waste back up into shallow water and affect
marine life and fisheries.

Noise pollution is believed to impact marine life, with evidence that marine mammals and
fish avoid areas of noise disturbance. Marine mining, oil extraction and especially under-sea
seismic surveys are the main sources of noise pollution.

8.1.3. Climate Change

Some models predict that coral reefs will disappear by the end of the 21 st century, possibly
more quickly, under even relatively optimistic models of climate change (e.g. Heron et al.
2017). The loss of coral is a consequence of bleaching, ocean acidification and storm
damage, combined with other pressures such as sedimentation and nutrient pollution. The
impacts are not uniform, however, and coral reef areas that are less affected by bleaching
will form vital sources of replenishment for re-colonization of degraded reefs in future.

Bleaching occurs when a temporary rise in water temperature of one to two degrees causes
the coral polyps to expel the symbiotic algae living in their tissues. Bleaching has been
reported locally for over a century, but a global bleaching events have been reported since
1979 (Hoegh-Guldberg, 2017). A three-year global coral bleaching event, the third ever
recorded and most severe to date, occurred from 2014-2017. It was exacerbated by an El
Niño event in 2015-16 and a La Niña into 2017. The event affected more reefs than any
previous global bleaching event and was worse in some localities, including the Great
Barrier Reef, which experienced its worst ever bleaching (NOAA, 2018). In 2020 the great
barrier reef again experienced widespread bleaching, and bleaching was detected in the
Lease Islands (Maluku) (Coral Triangle Center, 2020b) Corals can recover from some
bleaching, but prolonged or repeated bleaching results in coral death.

Climate change also causes acidification of ocean surface waters, as increasing

concentration of CO2 from the atmosphere is dissolved into the ocean. The greater acidity
reduces the available of carbonates which coral polyps extract from sea-water to form their
‘skeletons’, and so reduces the speed at which they can recover from storm damage and
erosion. At the same time, the more acid sea water accelerates bioerosion and dissolution of
reefs. The patterns of impact are complex, as there are local variations in coastal sea water
chemistry influenced by rainfall and drought over coastal catchments – factors which are
themselves changing as the climate changes.

The third effect of climate change on reefs is increased frequency and intensity of storms,
which is leading to greater physical damage to reefs which may already be fragile because
of other climatic or local factors. Wallacea’s reefs are somewhat protected from this impact,
as cyclones are concentrated north and south of 80 of latitude. Regions to the north (e.g.
Philippines) and south (e.g. the great barrier reef) suffer more impacts from cyclones.

While much of the focus of climate change impacts has been on coral reefs, impacts are also
expected on sea grass and mangroves (Short and Heckles, 1999). The distribution and
productivity of these ecosystem will be affected by storm events, changed sedimentation
and eutrophication patterns as a result of changes in rainfall patterns over terrestrial
catchments and sea level rise.

8.2. Indirect Causes of Threats
8.2.1. Poorly enforced marine spatial planning

Chapter 6 noted that provincial government are now required to produce spatial plans
(RZWP3K) for the waters up to 12 nautical miles from the coastal. While all provincial
governments in Wallacea have now completed their plans, implementation has been patchy.

8.2.2. Uncertainty around rights and licensing for the exploitation of marine

The system of licensing marine areas for exploitation is in flux, as noted in chapter 6, and
one of the key problems faced by communities wishing to manage their resources
sustainably is that it is difficult for them to legally assert their ownership and exclude other
actors from harvesting the same resources. A previous law (Law 27.2007) which allowed for
communities and other stakeholder to seek recognition of their rights over marine resources
was struck down by the constitutional court, and subsequent regulations have only created
licensing mechanisms for a narrow range of uses. There is still no clear pathway for
communities to assert control over fishing rights or other rights over natural resources,
although a number of more recent Laws have created opportunities (See section 6.1.5 in
Chapter 6).

8.2.3 Weak Institutions for the Management of Protected Areas and Enforcement
of Conservation Regulations

Chapter 6 noted the rapid expansion of marine protected areas in Wallacea in the last five
years, but also that many of them lack any effective monitoring or patrolling. Agencies
under both the Ministry of Fisheries and Marine Affairs, and the Ministry of Environment and
Forestry lack adequate resources, with operational funding to cover the high recurrent costs
of patrols and field work often particularly limited. Similar problems apply to the provincial
agencies charged with managing MPAs, a situation made more complex by the recent legal
change (Law No 23/2014, only enforced since 2016) that moved responsibility for protected
area management from districts to provinces.

Some agencies have responded creatively to these constraints, collaborating with local
communities and private sector interests. These approaches are increasingly recognized and
valued by the Ministries responsible.

8.3. Threats to Marine Corridors in Wallacea

Analysis by WCS used global datasets and modelling to predict the relative intensity of threats to
reefs, including fishing/market pressure, tourism pressure, sedimentation, nutrient pollution, and
coastal development. Figure 8.1 show the predicted pressure for each of six threats in eight of the reef
bioclimatic units (BCU) identified by Beyer et al. (2018). These broadly coincide with some of the
marine corridors identified for CEPF support, thus are useful indicators of the pressure these reefs are

In the figures below, each orange dot represents a 5 square kilometer pixel from the reef. The position
of the dot shows the modelled level of threat relative to the global level of threat for that type of
pressure. The black line shows the average for the reef.

Figure 8.1: Threat modelling for selected reefs in Wallacea (Source: Darling et al. (2020))

BCU: North Sulawesi

CEPF marine corridors: North Sulawesi, West Sulawesi

BCU: Gulf of Tomini

CEPF Marine corridor: none

BCU: Banggai to Gulf of Tomini

CEPF corridor: Togean-Banggai

BCU: Central Sulawesi
CEPF Marine corridor: South-east Sulawesi

BCU: Taka Bonarate

CEPF Marine corridor: South Sulawesi

BCU: Sabalana
CEPF Marine corridor: Pangkajene Kepulauan

BCU: Halmahera
CEPF Marine corridor: Halmahera

BCU: Obi
CEPF marine corridor: Halmahera

BCU: Flore/Timor
CEPF Marine Corridor: Solor-Alor, Timor Leste marine

The above figures show the overall greater level of pressure on reefs around large islands: all the
pressures in North Sulawesi, Central Sulawesi and Gulf of Tomini are on average higher than the value
for 75% of the world reefs (with one exception: the slightly lower value for tourism in the Gulf of

Tomini). Halmahera also has a value greater than 75 percent for three threats. By contrast, none of
the threats at Sabalana and Taka Bonarate exceed 75 percent.

The large water catchments, dense population and intensive agriculture of much of Sulawesi results in
high predicted levels of sedimentation, nutrient pollution and coastal development for the reefs
fringing the main island. Pollution and sedimentation are also the highest -rated threats for
Flore/Timor, perhaps a function of topography and a drier, more seasonal climate rather than intense
agricultural development. Halmahera experiences less pressure because the island is smaller with
lower population densities and less agriculture, and the small islands of Taka Bonarate and Sabalana
least of all.

Fishing pressure is predicted by the size of surrounding population centers and hours of travel from
the site. North Sulawesi is expected to experience intense pressure, with Central Sulawesi and Gulf of
Tomini only slightly less. Fishing and tourism are the two highest pressure for Taka Bonarate and
Sabalana, with lowest fishing pressure in the more remote islands of Obi and Halmahera.

Tourism pressure is concentrated in a small number of pixels in most sites, with highest pressure in
North Sulawesi, which has several international marine tourism destinations, and least in the
inaccessible islands of Obi and Sabalana. The relatively high score for Halmahera includes the impact
of Raja Ampat in Papua, which is included in the BCU.

Note that these modelled threats to reefs are ranking reefs in comparison to the modelled global
intensity of the same threat, and do not allow comparison of the impact of different threats at a site.
Further evidence of the threats to Wallacea marine ecosystems comes from the threats reported by
stakeholders for individual KBAs, noted in the 2014 ecosystem profile, where it was found that:

• the most prevalent problem by far was unsustainable local fishing, reported for 73 percent of
marine KBAs.
• hunting and collection of coral and other biota were threats at one-third of the marine KBAs.
• land-based threats were also significant, with mining a problem at one-third of the marine
KBAs, pollution and sedimentation at over a quarter of the sites, and settlement and tourism
development reported to be a threat to just under a quarter.

The contrast between the large-scale analysis and specific detail from a set of KBAs underscores the
importance of understanding specific local threats and their drivers. Local but extreme impacts, such
as sea-floor mining or mining tailing disposal, are not captured by the BCU level analysis, but may
have extreme impacts on individual KBAs.

9. Climate Change Assessment

There was no update to this section of the ecosystem profile. Please refer to the 2014

10. Assessment of Current Conservation Investment
10.1. Investment by Source
10.1.1. Central Government Funding

The Ministry of Environment and Forestry funds the management of four marine
national parks and seven regional-level Natural Resource Conservation Units (Balai KSDA) in
Wallacea. The BKSDA’s duties include monitoring wildlife trade, and so impacts on marine
as well as terrestrial species, and they employ ecosystem management staff, extension staff
and forest police.

The Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries funds the operations of two agencies:
National Marine Protected Areas Authority (Balai Kawasan Konservasi Perairan National,
BKKPN) and the Coastal and Marine resources Management Authority (Balai Pengelolaan
Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Laut, BPSPL). The BKKPN manage 10 national marine protected
areas, while the BPSPL has wider role in marine resources management. Table 10.1 shows
the 2019 budgets for these agencies.
Table 10.1: 2019 budgets for agencies under the Ministry of Marine Affairs and

National Park/Regional Unit Budget 2019 (US$)

Balai PSPL Makassar 1,067,685
Balai KKPN Kupang 1,177,821
Loka PSPL, Sorong 669,169

The Ministry also provides support to Provincial and some District Marine and Fisheries
Agencies, and funds research and educational institutions in the region.
Special Allocation Funds (Dana Alokasi Khusus) channel funding from central
Government to Provincial and District Governments for specific tasks and sectors. Physical
Special Allocation funds (DAK fisik) are for buildings, facilities, services and other
investment, while non-physical funds (DAK- nonfisik) are for operational costs in the priority
sectors. Education, health and infrastructure are normally the highest spending areas. Of
relevance to CEPF’s priorities, DAK-fisik includes allocation for marine, environment and
forestry sectors.

In 2019 the total allocation of DAK-fisik nationally was US$9.5 billion (IDR 138 trillion 17).
The provinces and districts in Wallacea received US$34 million for marine and
environment/forestry activities (Table 10.2). 60% of the funding went to Sulawesi, with the
balance divided more or less equally between Nusa Tenggara and Maluku. 63% of the
funding was for marine activities, 37% for environment and forestry.

Figures for DAK allocation from Finance Ministry http://www.djpk.kemenkeu.go.id/wp-

Table 10.2: Special allocation funds for Wallacea for marine and
environment/forestry sectors, 2019

Region Marine (US$) Total (US$)
Forestry (US$)
Sulawesi 11,875,347 8,627,800 20,503,147
Nusa Tenggara 3,823,399 2,224,896 6,048,295
Maluku 5,943,059 1,593,986 7,537,045
total 21,641,805 12,446,681 34,088,486

Another important form of central government support to the regions is Village Funds (dana
desa), which are allocated via districts for spending by village governments on the basis of
agreed plans and budgets. Village funds totaled US$ 4.8 billion 2019 (IDR 70 trillion), with
US$ 970 million allocated to the regions of Wallacea (Table 10.3) 18. Just over half went to
Sulawesi, 30 percent to Nusa Tenggara and less than a fifth to Maluku.

Table 10.3 Allocation of village funds (dana desa) in Wallacea, 2019

Region Village fund allocation (US$)

Sulawesi 544,603,514
Nusa Tenggara 288,191,636
Maluku 138,142,200
Total 970,937,350

The Indonesian Government created the Indonesian Climate Change Trust Fund
(ICCTF) in 2013. The fund manages US$ 14 M, consisting of grant contributions from
USAID, UKCCU, DANIDA. The funds are managed by the national planning agency
(Bappenas) under the guidance of a board of trustees.

Grants are awarded to NGOs for projects which are aligned with the fund’s geographic and
technical priorities. Grantees are typically to larger NGOs, which can demonstrate a track
record of successful project implementation and the ability to handle grants over US$1

Of nine current marine sector projects, two are in Wallacea (in Sulawesi), with others in Bali
and Papua. Other projects of relevance to the marine and coastal sector in Wallacea include
work on Pangkajene Kepulauan on sustainable dryland farming and prawn farms, and food
security on Rote island. It is expected that the grants will allow implementation at the
local/community level including support to improve the management of coral reef and
coastal ecosystems.


10.1.2. Bilateral Funding

Indonesia has been classified as a middle-income country since the late 1980s, and
continued growth in per capita income had resulted in an overall downwards trend in aid
receipts. Despite this, figures for both gross and net ODA receipts increased from 2014 to
2018 (Table 10.4), partly connected with aid related to natural disasters (the 2018 Lombok
earthquake and Palu tsunami). Aid has also declined as proportion of gross national income,
and has been less than 0.1% of GNI since 2011.

Table 10.4: ODA receipt for Indonesia, 2016-2018 (US$ million)19

Figure 2016 2017 2018
Net ODA* -108 280 949
Gross ODA 2,127 2,483 3,229
*Net ODA is gross ODA minus debt repayments

The main contributors of bilateral aid in 2018 were Germany (US$ 768.4 million); Japan
(US$ 579.2 million) and France (US$ 401.5). Other bilateral donors include the USA,
Australia, Norway and the UK.

German bilateral aid is focused on energy, sustainable economic development and

environment (including climate change). The bilateral program has supported multiple forest
and resource management projects, including in Wallacea, but none involve marine
resources. The German development bank KfW has also provided a US$ 8.2 million (EUR 7
million) grant for long-term protection of marine habitats, primarily off the coast of the
Indonesian island of Sulawesi, but also in North Maluku, West Nusa Tenggara and Aceh
provinces. The project is implemented by Wildlife Conservation Society.

Japan is involved in technical cooperation projects in the fields of education, health,

governance, and provide ODA loans for infrastructure development, water resources and
disaster management. The loans program includes infrastructure development for local
fisheries, including at Morotai (Halmahera corridor) in Moa and Saumlaki (Outer Banda Arc
corridor) in Wallacea.

France is a major bilateral donor to Indonesia, and recognizes environment as one of its
core areas, but the projects of the development agency AFD are mostly in Jakarta. The only
current project in Wallacea is concerned with the resilience of coastal communities in the
Palu Bay area, Sulawesi, part of long-term tsunami recovery work.

Relevant Australian support to Indonesia includes an allocation of US$ 4.6 million over five
years to support implementation of the strategic action plan for the Arafura and Timor Seas,
in partnership with MMAF. The country has a long history of support to communities in Nusa
Tenggara, but has done little work specifically on marine issues.

Economic and political ties between the two countries have strengthened with the signing of
the Indonesia-Australia Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement in March 2019,
and a Maritime Cooperation Plan of Action for 2018-2022, which includes a Maritime
Capacity Building Initiative.

Data from OECD,

USAID is a long-standing supporter of climate and marine projects in Indonesia, with
previous large projects including Indonesia Marine and Climate Support program (IMACS),
which focused on the Lesser Sunda–Banda seas and the Marine Protected Areas Governance
(MPAG) project. Currently, USAID is implementing the Sustainable Ecosystem Advanced
(SEA) program. The program is for 5 years (2016 – 2021) and works with local
Governments and communities around Fishing Management Areas 715, which covers much
of northern Wallacea, from Tomini Bay to Halmahera and east to Papua. It focuses on MPA
management and illegal, unreported and unregulated (IUU) fishing. The program has
funded some large NGOs, but does not provide funds for small-scale community work by
CSOs with the exception of the formation of community surveillance groups under the
government’s PokWasMas scheme. The project has created opportunities which could be
filled by local CSOs, however - for example the legal establishment of three MPAs in Buru
island which lack management capacity or stakeholder engagement.

USAID also supports the Supporting Nature and People – Partnership for Enduring
Resources (SNAPPER) project, implemented by TNC and in partnership with MMAF. The
project works with communities and fishing companies to agree limits on the intensity of
fishing effort in 6 of Indonesia’s fisheries management areas, collecting data and providing
input to sustainable management policies.

The UK’s bilateral engagement with Indonesia includes the Newton fund, launched in 2014,
which aims to strengthen science and innovation capacity in partner countries. In total the
fund has GBP 735 million for the period 2019-2021. In 2018 the Newton Fund, the UK
Natural Environment Research Council and the Indonesian Ministry of Research, Technology
and Higher Education launched a program ‘Wallacea region – understanding biodiversity and
evolutionary responses to environmental change’ 20 which has made research grants worth
GBP 3.65 million for seven collaborative research projects.

The Blue Forests initiative is a US$ 13.5 million (GBP 10.2 million), 10-year mangrove
conservation project implemented in Madagascar and Indonesia, with a focus on sustainable
livelihoods and disease resilience. The project has carried out scoping assessments and
work in Wallacea in Gorontalo, Central, South-east and South Sulawesi and in Sumbawa. It
is implemented through Yayasan Hutan Biru, with funding from DFID channeled through
Blue Venture. The initiative is also supported by USAID.

The UK runs an Illegal Wildlife Trade Challenge Fund which funds projects working on the
issue globally. Several projects focus on terrestrial wildlife in Indonesia, with only one of
relevance to marine conservation in Wallacea: a Building capacity to reduce illegal trade of
shark products in Indonesia, implemented by the Centre for Environment, Fisheries and
Aquaculture Science (Cefas), a US$ 468,000 (GBP 353,832) project implemented from 2018
to 2021 which focuses on DNA testing to support control of trade.

10.1.3. Multilateral Funding

The World Bank, GEF and Asian Development Bank both support elements of the
CoreMap program. Initiated by the Indonesian Government in 1998, this long-term coral
reef management program has now entered its third phase, institutionalization, and has
allied with Coral Triangle Initiative to create the COREMAP-CTI program, which is expected
to continue until 2022. The WB part of the program is financed through a US$ 47 million
loan, a US$10 million grant from Global Environment Facility, and a US$ 5.7 million


contribution from the Government of Indonesia 21. The program was re-structured (in 2017
and 2019) to involve the Indonesian Institute of Sciences (LIPI), the National Development
Planning Agency (Bappenas) and the Indonesian Climate Change Trust Fund (ICCTF).

Coremap-CTI is implemented at 39 sites across Indonesia, including three in Wallacea: the

Savu Sea MPA and two MPAs in Lombok. Objectives include:
- strengthening institutions for monitoring coastal and marine ecosystems, including
establishment of standards (including the Indonesian Reef Health Check system),
certification and training for monitoring personnel
- demand-driven applied research
- management of marine and coastal ecosystem in priority marine protected areas

The World Bank’s Oceans for Prosperity Program - LAUTRA Phase 1 program is currently
under preparation, with appraisal expected in 2021. The overall aim of the program is ‘to
improve management of fisheries and coastal ecosystems in target fisheries management
areas and to improve the livelihoods of target coastal communities’. It is funded by a US$
166 million loan. Phase one will focus on fisheries management areas 714, 715, and 718
and the Savu Sea and within these areas the target provinces would be Maluku, Northern
Maluku, Nusa Tenggara Timur (NTT). The project thus covers the majority of Wallacea seas,
from Sulawesi east to Maluku and Papua, and south to Nusa Tenggara and Timor. Planned
areas of activity include sustainable fisheries management, coastal community livelihoods
and enterprise, marine spatial planning, and community-based resources management and

The Global Environment Facility is currently in its seventh replenishment cycle (2018-
2022). Indonesia has an allocation of US$78.8 million for the period under the STAR
system22, third largest globally after China and India. The allocation consists of US$64
million for biodiversity, by far the largest of any country in the world, $12 million for climate
change, and $2 million for land degradation, reflecting a significant shift towards
biodiversity and away from the other two sectors compared to previous funding cycles.

Planned and ongoing GEF projects of relevance to marine conservation in Wallacea are
shown in table 10.5.

Table 10.5: Planned and ongoing GEF projects of relevance to marine conservation
in Wallacea

Title Amount Relevance to Wallacea

Public-Private Partnerships Regional: Indonesia, Philippines,
(PPPs) for Coral Reef Solomons. Focus on climate
US$1.2 million, ADB
Insurance in Asia and the change adaptation for coastal
Pacific fishers’ communities.
Indonesia and Philippines,
(NGI) The Meloy Fund: A
US$ 6 million, providing financial incentives for
Fund for Sustainable Small-
Conservation sustainable coral-reef fisheries,
scale Fisheries in Southeast
International linked to the RARE Fish Forever
Covers FMAs which include the
Eco-system Approach to US$ 10.1 million,
coastline of North Sulawesi (FMA
Fisheries Management WWF-US with Kehati
717), the Outer Banda Arc (FMA
(EAFM) in Eastern Indonesia and MMAF
715). FMA is largely Papua.


Title Amount Relevance to Wallacea
(Fisheries Management Area
(FMA)- 715, 717 & 718)
Implementation of the
Arafura and Timor Seas
Relevant to Wallacea. Regional –
Regional and National US$ 9.7 million, UNDP
Indonesia, Timor-Leste, PNG.
Strategic Action Programs
relevant to Wallacea: Joint
Enabling Transboundary Indonesia – Timor Leste project
Cooperation for Sustainable for ecosystem-based management
US$ 4 million, FAO
Management of the of the Indonesian Seas Large
Indonesian Seas Marine Areas, capacity building,
fisheries planning a pilot site
Sustainable management of coral
LME-EA Coral Triangle US$ 10 million, GEF +
reef ecosystems, 4 priority MPAs:
Initiative Project World bank loan of
Savu sea (Wallacea) and 3 in
(COREMAPIII-CTI) US$ 46 million
CTI: Coral Reef
Sustainable management of coral
Rehabilitation and US$ 8 million GEF +
reef ecosystems: 10 target Marine
Management Program-Coral ADB loan of US$ 45
Protected Areas (MPAs), including
Triangle Initiative, Phase III million.
2 in Wallacea (NTB)
EAS: Scaling up the
Implementation of the
Regional East and SE Asia, in
Sustainable Development GEF US$ 10.6
support of the SDS-SEA
Strategy for the Seas of East
Sustainable Management of
Regional SE Asia, focus on
Highly Migratory Fish Stocks
GEF US$ 2.2 million management of migratory fish
in the West Pacific and East
Asian Seas
includes sustainable fisheries
Global Sustainable Supply
platforms in 4 countries inc.
Chains for Marine GEF US$ 5.5 million
Indonesia, direct relevance to
Wallacea not clear
LME-EA: Applying Knowledge
Management to Scale up East and SE Asian multi-country,
Partnership Investments for US$ 1 million to focused on capacity and
Sustainable Development of PEMSEA experience sharing for large
Large Marine Ecosystems of marine ecosystems
East Asia and their Coasts
Enhancing the Conservation
Effectiveness of Seagrass
Ecosystems Supporting Multi-country across the Indian
Globally Significant US$5.8 m to Mohamed and Pacific oceans, including
Populations of Dugong bin Zayed Species Indonesia and Timor-Leste. MMAF
Across the Indian and Pacific Conservation Fund in Indonesia is a partner.
Ocean Basins (Short Title: Relevance to Wallacea not clear.
The Dugong and Seagrass
Conservation Project)
World Bank/GEF Partnership
Investment Fund for multi-country, focused on land-
Pollution Reduction in the based pollution hotspots, probably
US$ 70-80 million
Large Marine Ecosystems of with only indirect relevance to
East Asia (Tranche 1, 2nd Wallacea

Title Amount Relevance to Wallacea
Komodo National Park
Sustainable terrestrial and coastal
Collaborative Management US$5m, World Bank
reef management

10.1.4. Foundations and Funds

The Bloomberg foundation launched phase II of its Vibrant Oceans Initiative (VOI) in
2018, with a focus on ten countries, including Indonesia. The initiative aims to:

• Promote adoption of high-impact, science-based fisheries and marine protection

policies in at least 10 countries.
• Protect at least 50 reef geographies that are projected to be less vulnerable to long-
term climate impacts and can repopulate other reefs over time.
• Support at least 20 countries to achieve fishing activity transparency in their national

The priorities are guided by the analysis of priority reefs found in Beyer et al. (2018),
discussed previously.

Under the umbrella of the VOI, Bloomberg, Margaret A. Cargill Foundation and the
Walton Family Foundation support:

• WCS: community-based work in W. Nusa Tenggara, and N. Sulawesi, Timor - MPA

development and improvement, near-shore fisheries improvement, alternative
livelihoods, capacity-building.
• RARE: Southeast Sulawesi work at provincial level and in 22 districts on managed
access areas, MPA development and improvement, near-shore fisheries
improvement, alternative livelihoods, capacity-building.

In addition, the Margaret A. Cargill Foundation is supporting the following work in

Wallacea through the close of 2021:

• WWF: community-based work throughout the Sunda Banda Seascape – MPA

development and improvement, near-shore fisheries improvement, alternative
livelihoods, sustainable tourism, capacity-building. US$6 million, 3 years.
• TNC: community-based work in SE Sulawesi and Timor - MPA development and
improvement, near-shore fisheries improvement, alternative livelihoods, seaweed
aquaculture, capacity-building. US$2 million, 3 years.
• Coral Triangle Center: capacity building for effective management of MPAs and
small-scale fisheries – Sunda Banda Seascape, W. Nusa Tenggara, US$650,000, 3
• RARE: community-based work in SE Sulawesi -.US$600,000, 3 years.

In addition to its support for the Vibrant Oceans initiative, the Walton Family Foundation

• The USAID SNAPPER program.

• TNC and Yayasn Masyarakat dan Perikinan Indonesia (known as MDPI) to support
tuna management across the western central pacific, including these in Maluku and
North Maluku provinces. This involves collecting data on tuna landings, working with
district and provincial fisheries agencies to utilize this data to manage tuna, and

working with communities to establish Fair Trade communities so that tuna can be
labeled and sold as Fair Trade.
• Blue Ventures, which regrants to smaller organizations to implement local
management of octopus through seasonal closures in North Sulawesi, Banggai,
Wakatobi, Lombok, Flores, Ambon and Seram.

The David and Lucille Packard Foundation supports sustainable fisheries and
aquaculture, with their activities in the sector in Indonesia focused on developing examples
of good fisheries management, informing policy reform and building capacity. The Packard
foundation co-funds the USAID SNAPPER program.

The John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation has made several grants over the
last five years to support community-based marine protected areas, fisheries management
and livelihoods of coastal communities, including:

• Conservation Strategy Fund: to promote the application of economic tools and

analysis in support of sustainable fisheries management, providing support and
training to policy makers, academics, and government officials at national and sub-
national levels. US$ 325,000, 3 years.
• Indonesia Locally Managed Marine Areas Foundation (LMMA): to promote effective
management of community MPAs in eastern Indonesia, securing district government
approval of established LMMAs, implementing learning exchanges, establishing
sustainable livelihood options, and documenting the role of LMMAs in improving
fisheries management. US$ 175,000, 2 years.

The Waitt Foundation is funding the initial five years (2014–2019) of a long-term global
“Fish Forever” initiative, implemented by RARE and University of California Santa Barbara.
Indonesia is one of RARE’s focal countries, with pride awareness-training programs running
in Indonesian. RARE has campaign managers in four locations in South-east Sulawesi and
two in Lombok. Past campaigns have been in North Sulawesi and East Nusa Tenggara.

In addition, many of these funders collaborate via the twelve-member Indonesian Marine
Funders Collaboration group and via Oceans 5 to improve compliance of fishing boats in
support of the Government’s campaign against illegal-unreported-unregulated fishing.

10.1.5. Private Sector

There was no update to this section of the ecosystem profile. Please refer to the 2014

10.2. Funding gap analysis

To identify funding gaps and thus delineate a niche for CEPF, experts considered the
eighteen ongoing, large, multi-year funding programs with relevance to marine conservation
in Wallacea. All have total values of more than $1 million. CEPF did not consider small
grants programs (e.g., GEF small grants, Samdhana Institute, Kehati) in the gap analysis,
as the work that these do is not wide-spread enough to suggest there is no need for CEPF.

The eighteen large programs are funded by nine donor organizations, of which three are
bilateral donors (four programs), three are multilateral (five programs), and four are
foundations (ten programs) (Table 10.6).

Geographically, the terrestrial programs are concentrated in the Sulawesi mainland and
Nusa Tenggara. In Sulawesi, they are in the north, south and southeast but absent from
central areas (e.g., around the biologically important freshwater KBAs in Central Sulawesi)
and the eastern arm of the island. A number of programs are in West and East Nusa
Tenggara, while Maluku has only one program, in Seram, and the province of North Maluku
has none. Marine programs are concentrated in the Banda and Lesser Sunda seascapes,
specifically southern Sulawesi, the Lesser Sundas and the Banda Seascape.

Thematically, the programs are focused on the management of commercial fisheries and
sustainable small-scale fisheries.

Geographically, the programs vary between those with a very broad geographic scope,
usually addressing a specific theme over a wide area, and those with which are much more
focused geographically. Simple summing of the number of projects in each corridor gives a
misleading impression of the level of support available.

The analysis suggests that, while marine funding is now much more widely available
throughout Wallacea than it was at the time of the 2014 ecosystem profile, there are
marked differences:

Relatively high levels of funding, including from projects specifically focused on

community-based MPAs and small-scale fisheries, are found in:
• Lombok-Sumbawa
• Savu Sea
• Outer Banda Arc
• Buru Seascape
• Halmahera
• North Sulawesi
• South-east Sulawesi

Low to medium levels of funding are available in:

• West central Sulawesi
• South Sulawesi
• Pangkajene Kepulauan
• Togean-Banggai
• Lucipara seascape
• Banda seascape
• Inner Banda Arc
• Komodo-Sumba strait
• Solor-Alor
• Sula

Table 10.6: Donor-Funded Programs in Wallacea Analyzed for the Gap Analysis

West Central Sulawesi

Komodo-Sumba strait
South-east Sulawesi

Lombok - Sumbawa
Lucipara Seascape

Outer Banda Arc

Inner Banda Arc


Banda Seascape

Makassar strait
South Sulawesi
North Sulawesi

Buru Seascape
Sulawesi Sea


Savu sea
Project name or
Funding organization Type

JICA Bilateral Fisheries infrastructure

KFW Bilateral WCS
USAID Bilateral SEA
Bilateral +
USAID, WFF, Packard TNC - SNAPPER project
WWF - Sunda-Banda
MACP Foundation
seascape MPA
MACP Foundation TNC - community MPA
CTC - capacity building for
MACP Foundation
WFF Foundation TNC + MDPI
WFF + MACP Foundation Blue Venture - SG
WFF, MACP, Bloomberg Foundation WCS - North Sulawesi, NTB
WCS - Taka Bonarate,
WFF, MACP, Bloomberg Foundation
WFF, MACP, Bloomberg Foundation RARE - North Sulawesi
WFF, MACP, Bloomberg Foundation RARE - SE Sulawesi
GEF Multilateral ATSEA 2
GEF Multilateral GEF small grants program
GEF, World Bank Multilateral COREMAP-CTI
World Bank Multilateral LAUTRA Phase 1

11. CEPF Investment Niche
CEPF’s investment niche is defined by existing threats and opportunities, placed within the
context of ongoing work by government and donors, informed by the capacity of Indonesian
civil society, and built on experience from the first phase of implementation.

The threats faced by the marine environment are multi-dimensional. Phase 1 demonstrated
that local grantees can successfully work with local communities and local governments to
address unsustainable exploitation of marine resources, including destructive small-scale
fishing. In doing so they support the aims of local Governments, which are required to
implement marine spatial planning and respond to national targets for the creation of more
marine reserves. This community-based work, grounded in participatory approaches
and an understanding of local culture, should be the central focus of CEPF’s
program in Wallacea. Other threats to marine environments, including IUU fishing, land-
based pollution and sedimentation, require long-term change over a larger geographical
scale and a diverse group of stakeholders. Problems on this scale are unlikely to be tackled
through small grants to local CSOs, and will remain outside the scope of CEPF intervention,
except (as on some small islands) where the problems are local and manageable. Several
other large donor projects are addressing these issues with Indonesian authorities, and
CEPF grantees should always be encouraged to look for opportunities for synergy with these
projects. Monitoring and investigation of illegal trade in marine species and products will
sometimes be suitable for CEPF funding. In many cases the issue is too complex and distant
to be effectively tackled by a local CSOs, but in some, local action can make a critical
difference, especially in coordination with others working on the problem.

CEPF is committed to empowering local CSOs to take action, and to leaving behind a legacy
of increased capacity within the CSO community. While there is a temptation to continue
funding grantees which were successful in Phase 1, achieving CEPFs mission requires
that new groups also can participate. Re-focusing of the priority corridors for grant-
making will achieve this, but even in the corridors where work is continued from Phase 1,
the opportunity to participate should be promoted to organizations that were not involved

Achieving wide-ranging local CSO participation is not just a question of offering grants. The
first ecosystem profile identified that most CSOs were focused on human welfare and rights
issues, and that understanding and capacity for connecting these issues with environmental
ones was limited. Before any grants were made, the RIT embarked on a program of
promotion which helped local CSOs to articulate the links between their priorities and those
of CEPF, and the result was many creative and successful projects. Once grants were made,
CSO capacity was reinforced by capacity building delivered by CSOs with extensive practical
experience and by a CSO specializing in organizational development. The design of the
capacity building program was responsive to the needs of local CSOs and was different in
each funding area. Capacity building was closely linked to networking and encouraging
collaboration between grantees. Pairing grant support with dedicated capacity
building in this way was is crucial to helping deliver successful projects and to
increasing the long-term sustainability of local CSOs. A key focus for capacity building
in Phase 2 will be to promote lessons from Phase 1 on the role of a grantee as a catalyst for
collaboration, within a community or between communities and local authorities. Facilitating
inclusive approaches within communities allowed agreement on local rules and practices,
often leading to on-going support through village regulations and budgets. Building trust

and opening communication channels between communities and authorities – for example,
to report illegal fishing or mining – can lead to the community being consulted, involved and
supported by local authorities.

The geographic focus of CEPF’s work in this phase is determined by consideration of

biodiversity priority, existing funding and opportunity – which includes consideration of
political support, CSO capacity and the strength of customary practices and institutions. The
analysis of corridors has been expanded with the input of marine experts and consideration
of new data. While there are currently more projects funded for marine work in Wallacea
than there were in Phase 1, most address large scale issues such as regulation of
commercial fisheries and IUU fishing, and have little or no opportunity for local CSOs and
communities. Assessment of political support from local government, CSO capacity and
strength of customary practice can now draw on five years of experience in the region, and
played a decisive role in the determination of priority corridors.

12. CEPF Investment Strategy and Program Focus
12.1. Marine Species Priorities

Section 4.2.1 identified 282 threatened marine species in Wallacea. Some of these species
will be effectively conserved through site-based approaches, such as marine protected
areas. Others, however, are directly targeted for exploitation, or are vulnerable for other
reasons. In these cases, species-specific action may be needed. This might include passing
regulations, enforcement, gear-restrictions to control by-catch, or campaigns to reduce

To identify priority species for conservation action, this update used (i) IUCN Red List
status, (ii) listing on a CITES appendix, (iii) legal protected status in Indonesia and
government priority, and (iv) mobility. Mobility refers to the ecological characteristics of the
species in terms of its mobility or limitation to one or a few habitats. It is assumed that less
mobile species will be more effectively protected through site-based conservation action,
and so are a lower priority for species-focused action.

A simple scoring system was applied, and the scores summed for each species (Table 12.1,

Table 12.1: Scoring for prioritization of species for CEPF

Criteria Score 1 Score 2 Score 3

CITES appendix App II App I
Government priority No Yes
Mobility low high

Using this approach, 57 species were identified as high-priority (priority score >7), from the
282 on the trigger species list. An additional 2 species (walking shark Hemiscyllium
Halmahera), and gorgonian bamboo coral (Isis Hippuris) do not have Red List status but are
included on the basis of their protection status under Indonesian regulations.

Table 12.2. High priority species selected for Wallacea

Species priority score
Government priority
CITES appendix
IUCN Status

Species Proposed conservation actions


Marine mammals
Balaenoptera borealis EN I Y Y 11
Investigation of extent and severity of threat
from local hunting, and threat from
Balaenoptera musculus EN I Y Y 11
disturbance by submarine mineral exploration
and exploitation, and shipping
Balaenoptera physalus VU I Y Y 10

Species priority score
Government priority
CITES appendix
IUCN Status
Species Proposed conservation actions

Physeter macrocephalus VU I Y Y 10
Protection of its main habitat (seagrass)
through MPA management. Protection and
Dugong dugon VU I N Y 8
awareness to reduce hunting, by-catch and
boat collisions
Marine fish
Strengthen protection of habitat; protection
Anoxypristis cuspidata EN I N Y 9 and awareness to reduce hunting and by-
Cheilinus undulatus EN II N Y 8 Strengthen local and export traffic control.
Protection and awareness to reduce fishing
Latimeria menadoensis VU I Y Y 10
and by-catch.
Pristis pristis CR I N Y 10 Strengthen protection of habitat; protection
and awareness to reduce hunting and by-
Pristis zijsron CR I N Y 10 catch.

Strengthen and monitor the implementation of

Thunnus maccoyii CR - Y N 8
fishing regulation
Mobula eregoodoo EN II N Y 10

Mobula kuhlii EN II N Y 10
Protection and awareness to reduce fishing
Mobula mobular EN II N Y 8
and by-catch.

Mobula tarapacana EN II N Y 8

Mobula thurstoni EN II N Y 8

Alopias pelagicus EN II Y Y 10

Alopias superciliosus VU II Y Y 9

Carcharhinus falciformis VU II Y Y 9
Monitor and regulate fisheries, including
species-specific catch details, landings and
Carcharhinus hemiodon CR - Y N 8
bycatch and fisheries independent surveys of
population (biomass and abundance)
Carcharhinus longimanus CR II Y Y 11

Cetorhinus maximus EN II Y Y 10

Glaucostegus typus CR II N Y 9

Species priority score
Government priority
CITES appendix
IUCN Status
Species Proposed conservation actions

Isurus oxyrinchus EN II Y Y 10

Isurus paucus EN II Y Y 10
Strengthen national regulations. Monitor and
Rhina ancylostoma CR II N Y 9
regulate fisheries, including species-specific
catch details, landings and bycatch and
Rhynchobatus australiae CR II N Y 9 fisheries independent surveys of population
(biomass and abundance)
Strengthening regulations and increase
Rhincodon typus EN II Y Y 10 awareness to reduce local hunting,
disturbance from boat collisions and tourism
Sphyrna lewini CR II N Y 9 Strengthen implementation of national plan of
action for this species, including CITES
Sphyrna mokarran CR II N Y 9 regulation

Sea cucumber
Actinopyga echinites VU - N Y 8

Actinopyga mauritiana VU - N Y 8

Actinopyga miliaris VU - N Y 8

Holothuria fuscogilva VU II N Y 9
Monitoring of collection and export trade,
Holothuria lessoni EN - N Y 9
awareness and enforcement
Holothuria scabra EN - N Y 9

Holothuria whitmaei EN II N Y 10

Stichopus herrmanni VU - N Y 8

Thelenota ananas EN - N Y 9
Tachypleus tridentatus EN - Y Y 9 Protection and awareness to reduce poaching
Marine reptiles
Caretta caretta VU I Y Y 10
Action against hunting of adults, egg collection
Chelonia mydas EN I Y Y 11
and trade

Dermochelys coriacea VU I Y Y 10

Species priority score
Government priority
CITES appendix
IUCN Status
Species Proposed conservation actions

Eretmochelys imbricata CR I Y Y 12

Lepidochelys olivacea VU I Y Y 10

Bigus latro VU - Y Y 8
EN Improved monitoring of harvesting based on
CR CITES export quotas, especially for EN
Coral spp species. Input to quota setting and monitoring
(1 CR, 10 EN, II N Y of domestic trade. Protection through marine
169 VU spp) protected area and law enforcement against
destructive fishing and other anthropogenic

12.2. Marine Site Priorities

As noted in Chapter 4, data on marine species did not allow for prioritization using the
presence of globally threatened species. Instead, marine corridors form the basis for
prioritization of marine conservation outcomes (see Section 12.4). Priority marine KBAs are
those that fall within the priority marine corridors (Table 12.3).

Table 12.3. Priority Marine KBAs for CEPF Funding in Indonesia


KBA Area Marine KBA

KBA Name Bioregion
Code (ha) Corridor Status

Perairan Kepulauan Togean–

IDN077 341,275 Sulawesi Y Confirmed
Togean Banggai
IDN079 Perairan Pagimana 1,071 Sulawesi No Confirmed
IDN081 Perairan Peleng–Banggai 509,722 Sulawesi PP Confirmed
IDN087 Perairan Balantak 6,218 Sulawesi No Candidate
IDN105 Teluk Lasolo–Labengki 89,022 Sulawesi PP Confirmed
IDN107 Pulau Hari 43,834 Sulawesi PP Confirmed
IDN112 Pesisir Tinanggea 18,809 Sulawesi No Candidate

KBA Area Marine KBA
KBA Name Bioregion
Code (ha) Corridor Status

IDN113 Selat Tiworo 26,064 Sulawesi Y Confirmed
IDN117 Wabula 47,140 Sulawesi PP Confirmed
1,325,1 South-east
IDN119 Perairan Wakatobi Sulawesi Y Confirmed
68 Sulawesi
IDN121 Pulau Batu Atas 32,042 Sulawesi Y Confirmed
IDN122 Basilika 204,895 Sulawesi PP Confirmed
IDN125 Kepulauan Sagori 20,832 Sulawesi PP Confirmed
IDN132 Perairan Pallime 35,694 Sulawesi Y Candidate
Kapoposang–Pangkep– South
IDN136 376,797 Sulawesi PP Confirmed
Bulurokeng Sulawesi
IDN139 Kepulauan Selayar 313,197 Sulawesi PP Confirmed
IDN141 Taka Bonerate 569,397 Sulawesi PP Candidate
IDN142 Perairan Tana Jampea 565,327 Sulawesi No Candidate
IDN307 Pantai Selatan Lebau 1,770 No Solor–Alor Confirmed
IDN310 Flores Timur 2,974 No Solor–Alor Candidate
IDN311 Perairan Lembata 37,527 No Solor–Alor Confirmed
IDN314 Selat Pantar 55,071 PP Solor–Alor Confirmed
IDN316 Pantar Utara 3,282 PP Solor–Alor Candidate
IDN318 Perairan Gunung Muna 3,525 PP Solor–Alor Confirmed
IDN320 Perairan Alor Utara 5,417 PP Solor–Alor Candidate
IDN191 Liliali 47,617 Maluku No Candidate
IDN197 Perairan Teluk Kayeli 16,007 Maluku No Candidate
Kelang–Kassa–Buano– Buru
IDN198 215,045 Maluku PP Confirmed
Marsegu marine
Perairan Gunung Buru
IDN206 816 Maluku No Candidate
Salahutu marine
IDN208 Leihitu 13,766 Maluku No Candidate
Perairan Haruku - Buru
IDN209 47,985 Maluku No Confirmed
Saparua marine

Protection: Y – yes, PP – Partially protected, N – No

KBA status: Confirmed: confirmed as a KBA in the 2014 ecosystem profile on the basis of
species locality records, candidate; recognized as a candidate KBA in the 2014 ecosystem profile
on the basis of the hypothetical occurrence of globally-threatened species

12.3. Marine Corridor Priorities

Chapter 4 identified 21 marine corridors. It would not be feasible or effective to implement a

grants program with limited funding across all these corridors; thus, they are prioritized on
the basis of biological importance and practical considerations linked to the feasibility of
achieving successful conservation outcomes.

First, corridors were considered in terms of whether the issues they face are relevant for
Phase 2 of the CEPF program in Wallacea. On this basis, five corridors were excluded from
further consideration:

• Selat Makassar, Laut Sulawesi and Laut Savu – excluded because the issues
here are primarily commercial over-fishing by larger ships operating far from land,
and the solutions (patrol, enforcement, legislation) are outside the scope of a CEPF
grant program.
• Timor-Leste Marine and Palung Timor – excluded because this update is limited
to Indonesian Wallacea.

The remaining corridors were scored, and then weighted to give greater priority to biological
importance and CSO capacity (Table 12.4)

Table 12.4: Scores and criteria for ranking corridors

Criteria (highlighted word used in Table 12.5) Low Medium High Weighting
Biological importance, as judged by expert
2 3 4 x4
Funding need, based an assessment of funding
available for community-based marine resource 1 2 3 x2
Political support from local Government and
1 2 3 x2
other authorities
CSO capacity to absorb funding and implement
1 2 3 x3
successful projects
The presence of customary rules and practices for
1 2 3 x2
marine and coastal resources ‘adat’

Table 12.5 and Fig. 12.1 show shows the marine corridors scored and ranked against these
criteria, with the selected priority corridors highlighted. The ecosystem profile updating
team reviewed this ranking and made a final decision on the selection of priority corridors
taking in account the information available and relevant factors, as explained in the section

Table 12.5. Prioritization of Marine Corridors for CEPF Funding in Indonesia
(Priority corridors for funding are shaded)

Name Biological Funding Political CSO Adat

Togean–Banggai 4 3 3 2 2 38
Solor–Alor 4 2 2 2 2 34
Sulawesi Utara 3 1 3 3 2 33
Sulawesi Tenggara 3 1 3 2 3 32
Pangkajene Kepulauan 3 3 3 2 1 32
Bentang Laut Buru 2 2 2 3 3 31
Sulawesi Selatan 2 3 3 3 1 31
Perairan Halmahera 4 1 3 1 1 29
Lombok - Sumbawa 2 2 3 2 2 28
Bentang Laut Banda 3 2 2 1 1 25
Busur Banda Dalam 2 2 2 1 3 25
Busur Banda Luar 2 2 2 1 3 25
Kepulauan Sula 2 3 3 1 1 25
Komodo–Selat Sumba 2 2 3 1 1 23
Barat Sulawesi Tengah 2 3 2 1 1 23
Bentang Laut Lucipara 3 2 1 1 1 23

Figure 12.1: Marine Corridors Prioritized for CEPF Funding

The following section summarizes the rationale for the selections:

Togean-Banggai emerges as highest priority, with outstanding biological importance, a

high need for funding and strong political support combined with moderate levels of CSO
capacity and adat customary resource management institutions and norms. The corridor
was the site of several successful projects in Phase 1, and there are opportunities for
continued progress.

Solor-Alor emerges as high priority because of its exceptional biological importance, even
though other factors are rated medium. It is also the only representative of Nusa Tenggara
region in the priority list. There is limited CSO capacity in the region, meaning that it is
expected that CSOs from neighboring Flores will work in the area, as happened during
Phase 1. As a result, it is anticipated that the number and volume of grants will be limited,
unless a larger CSO, for example from Makassar or from outside Wallacea, chooses to work
in the region.

Sulawesi Utara: a high biological priority, with strong political support and CSO capacity.
This corridor was the location of many of the most successful projects in Phase 1. However,
there is a relatively high availability of funding for CSOs working on marine issues in this
area, which means that CEPF support should be limited to projects that can demonstrate
that they are leveraging funding and impact, for example through engaging with
government, donors or private sector.

Sulawesi Tenggara is a newly identified corridor and so was not a target for investment in
Phase 1. There is already significant marine conservation activity in Wakatobi national park,
but less on Buton and the mainland of Sulawesi, and so grant-making is likely to be focused
on these less well-resourced regions. Work by VOI grantee RARE at provincial level has
contributed to strong political support for marine conservation, and it is expected that there
will be opportunities for the results of successful field projects to influence government
decision making.

Pangkajene kepulauan: this newly identified corridor includes the important Sabalana
archipelago, and is a high biological priority, with strong political support and high funding
need. Threat levels may be lower here because of the remoteness of the island (15 hours by
boat from Makassar), and this also poses challenges for access by CSOs wishing to work
there and for supervision and delivering capacity building. While CEPF should explore the
opportunities for grant-making in this challenging locality, it is not expected that it will
absorb large amounts of funding.

Bentang Laut Buru is an important corridor in its own right, but was also selected because
it is the highest scoring representative of the Maluku region. The region was a target for
investment in Phase 1, leading to innovative projects working with traditional leaders and
customary resource management rules to establish sustainable coastal resource
management. There are opportunities to expand this work in the corridor.

Sulawesi Selatan is a newly identified corridor and so was not a target for investment in
Phase 1. It encompasses the city of Makassar, and the Kapoposang, Selayar and Taka
Bonarate island groups. Political support, CSO capacity and funding need are all high. It is
likely that funding will be focused away from Taka Bonarate, which is already the focus of
some donor support.

Non-corridor funding

In addition to funding CSO action in priority corridors, the RIT will accept strong proposals
from other corridors, possibly through calls for proposals which target specific themes, or
which have a wider geographic focus. It is unlikely that it will be possible to support
grantees in these corridors with the same level of capacity building and accompaniment that
will be offered to those in priority corridors. Perairan Halmahera is particularly important
in this category. This corridor has been expanded to include the island of Obi and the whole
of the Halmahera archipelago. Despite being a very high biological priority, it was not
selected as a priority because it has a low need for funding, low CSO capacity and low levels
of customary management of resources. The corridor was a priority during Phase 1, but
grant-making there proved difficult, with a limited number of good proposals and few
successful projects. Nevertheless, strong proposals fro the region should be considered.

12.4. CEPF Strategic Directions and Investment Priorities

Sections 12.1–12.3 have identified a series of priority conservation outcomes for species,
sites and corridors to be addressed with the support of CEPF. This section defines how CEPF
will address the challenges of conservation to achieve these outcomes.

The seven strategic directions provide an all-encompassing framework for organizing CEPF
grant-making which remains unchanged from Phase 1 (Table 12.6). However, the
investment priorities addressing each strategic direction have been revised to reflect the
updated analysis in this ecosystem profile, and the specific priorities of marine conservation.
One strategic direction, #5 on engagement with the private sector, does not have any
investment priorities identified. Instead, private sector engagement has been included
among the relevant IPs under other strategic directions. Further information on the
investment priorities and the changes from Phase 1 can be found in the section below.

Table 12.6. Strategic Directions and Investment Priorities for CEPF in Wallacea,
CEPF Strategic Directions CEPF Investment Priorities
1.1 Targeted monitoring of exploitation and trade of high-
1. Address threats to high priority species
priority species 1.2 Change behavior of trappers, traders or buyers through
appropriate enforcement, education, incentives, and alternatives

2.1 Facilitate effective collaboration between CSO, local and

2. Improve management of indigenous communities, private sector and MPA management
sites (KBAs) with and units to improve planning and management of official protected
without official protection areas
status 2.2 Work with central and local governments on legal and policy
instruments to improve management effectiveness, including
land use plans and development plans, for better site

CEPF Strategic Directions CEPF Investment Priorities
3.1 Support community institutions to secure adequate rights
over resources, and to develop and implement rules on resource
3.2 Support sustainable management of small-scale fisheries
through increased capacity, improved local regulation and
3. Support sustainable strengthened local institutions
natural resource 3.3 Develop alternatives for livelihoods otherwise dependent on
management by unsustainable resource management practices and enhance
communities in priority markets for sustainably produced products and services
sites and corridors
3.4 Engage with private sector to support sustainable practices
3.5 Consolidate and sustain the impact of community-based
initiatives through integration into Government plans, policy and
regulations, including identification of customary rights over
marine resources

4.1 Support strengthening and extension of existing locally

managed MPAs, and the identification and establishment of new
4.2 Strengthen local institutions and mechanisms for
4. Strengthen community- management and monitoring of local marine protected areas
based action to protect
4.3 Support the engagement of local government to increase
marine species and sites
the financial sustainability and legal effectiveness of local marine
protected areas
4.4 Facilitate the sharing of lessons and experiences between
stakeholders involved in marine conservation initiatives

5. Engage the private

sector in conservation of [Private sector work for marine under Phase 2 is integrated into
priority sites and corridors, other SDs – see section **]
in production landscapes,
and throughout the hotspot
6.1 Enhance the institutional and technical capacity of civil
society to identify, plan and undertake surveys, planning,
6. Enhance civil society implementation, and monitoring of conservation actions
capacity for effective
conservation action in 6.2 Catalyze networking and collaboration among community
Wallacea groups, NGOs, private sector, and other elements of civil society
6.3 Strengthen local CSOs capacity for creative approaches to
entrepreneurship, securing financial resources and influencing
allocation of funds by other agencies

7.1 Operationalize and coordinate CEPF’s grant-making

processes and procedures to ensure effective implementation of
7. Provide strategic the investment strategy throughout the hotspot
leadership and effective
coordination of 7.2 Sustain and expand a broad constituency of civil society
conservation investment groups working across institutional and political boundaries
through a Regional towards achieving the shared conservation goals described in
Implementation Team the ecosystem profile
7.3 Monitor the impact of grants towards conservation
outcomes, disseminate lessons to encourage mainstreaming of
biodiversity conservation by government and private sector

Strategic Direction 1: Address threats to high-priority species

This SD focuses on actions to address the conservation status of threatened species,

particularly those identified as priorities for action in section 12.1. The list includes 180
species of corals, 19 shark and ray species, and nine sea cucumbers, as well as heavily
traded fish species such as Banggai cardinalfish.

While the 2014 SD1 had an investment priority which encompassed a broad agenda of data
collection to support conservation action, IP 1.1 is now re-worded to focus on the
opportunity that targeting monitoring of threatened fisheries produces data which can be
communicated to fishers themselves and to government regulators, and which is therefore
of immediate value as a basis for conservation action. IP1.2 remains relevant and is

In line with CEPF priorities, monitoring and research will only be funded where it is the
direct foundation for conservation action. Examples of applied research funded under Phase
1 included population studies of the Moluccan Scrubfowl, to establish baselines for
sustainable harvesting of eggs, and on the ecology of threatened tree species, yielding
information essential for cultivation in a nursery.

Investment Priority 1.1: Targeted monitoring of exploitation and trade of

high-priority species

For species which are primarily threatened by over-fishing, a critical first step may be to
establish a monitoring program, working with the fishers who target the species. Simple
data on fishing location and effort, fish size and catch volume gathered from one of two
locations within a fishing ground can provide vital information to advocate for change and
monitor the impacts of conservation action.

Investment Priority 1.2 Change behavior of trappers, traders or buyers

through appropriate enforcement, education, incentives and alternatives

Information gathered from fisheries surveys or other sources forms the basis for advocating
changes in fishers’ behavior, including for example seasonal or spatial limits to fishing, catch
quotas or limits on fishing gear. Approaches such as these are especially needed on critical
sites – for example, catch data shows that there is an important hammerhead shark
pupping area off Lombok. Protecting this site may have important positive impact on the

Behavior change is a product of availability of information, alternative technologies or skills,

and removal of other constraints to change, often backed up by Government regulations,
and in some areas customary rules and sanctions. CEPF will fund projects where there is
evidence that changing the behavior of fishers/collectors will improve the conservation
status of a threatened species, and where there is a clear opportunity. An opportunity might
be where a positive community practice can be strengthened through a local regulation, or
conversely where implementation of a local regulation requires development of knowledge
and skills of fishers.

Behavior of fishers and the effectiveness of local protection efforts may be strongly
influenced by market signals. For species which are legally protected, and especially those
under pressure from international trade and listed under CITES, scrutiny of legal trade and

investigation of illegal trade can reduce demand and thus the incentive for unsustainable
exploitation. CEPF will fund monitoring and investigation of the trade in threatened species
where there is a clear opportunity for follow-up – for example a commitment from the
relevant authorities to take action once they have the data.

Communicating the results of any monitoring program is an important part of achieving

impact. Communication of the results of monitoring of Banggai Cardinalfish, for example,
contributed to the decision by Government to list the species under CITES. Any monitoring
work funded by CEPF will be expected to have a clear, targeted plan for communication of
the results of the work.

Strategic Direction 2: Improve management of sites (KBAs) with and without

official protection status

In the 2014 ecosystem profile, this SD covered a broad range of actions for conservation of
terrestrial KBAs. In this update, the scope is marine ecosystems, and specifically official
protected areas. In IP 2.1, ‘private sector’ has been added as a stakeholder in recognition of
the important role that businesses have to play in some protected areas. The original IP’s
2.2 and 2.3 concerned wider research and action outside protected areas, which are now
covered under SD3 and SD4, and so are deleted here. The new IP 2.2 maintains the
emphasis on the importance of government support, with specific mention of management
effectiveness, in recognition that it is a critical issue and a priority for government.

Annex 5 shows that 57 new marine protected areas covering 8.2 million hectares have been
created in Wallacea since the beginning of 2014. The represents a very significant effort by
government, especially local governments, almost doubling the number and tripling the
area of MPAs. However, at least initially, the emphasis on expansion of number and area of
MPAs was without adequate regard for resources and management effectiveness. As a
result, many of these MPAs do not currently protect the ecosystems within them.

The need to improve management effectiveness is increasingly recognized, however,

including by the provinces which are now responsible for MPAs (see Chapter 6, Policy).
MMAF has prioritized funding of MPA management in its MPA vision document, and
BAPPENAS has confirmed that Indonesia’s post-2020 biodiversity conservation agenda
under the CBD will emphasize management effectiveness, and not only hectares protected.
These developments present an important need and opportunity for CEPF support, with the
potential for sustained long-term funding if local government and other stakeholders can be
assisted to put in place plans and institutions. The creation of new MPAs is also a priority,
however, where there is proactive support from local stakeholders and government.

Investment Priority 2.1: Facilitate effective collaboration between CSOs, local

and indigenous communities, private sector and MPA management units to
improve planning and management of official protected areas

An important need and opportunity exist to support protected area management agencies to
work with communities, private sector and civil society to put in place a basic level of
protection and management in the MPAs created in the last five years (and some older
ones). Some existing grantees have highly relevant experience in the management of MPAs,
and CEPF will support them to provide capacity building support to MPA managers and their

In several localities, MPAs managers are making their limited resources stretch further by
involving the private sector in supporting MPA management. Companies offering marine
tourism or marketing marine products are an obvious beneficiary from improved protection
and thus potential partners. MPA managers are also collaborating with community groups,
sharing the responsibility for patrolling and monitoring. These models could be replicated
more widely.

CEPF will fund projects where the MPAs is clearly of biological importance (e.g. includes a
KBA or candidate KBA) and where there is a clear exit strategy through building capacity
and putting in place funding to sustain improvements in management. Projects are likely to
involve building the capacity of MPA managers, training on management effectiveness, and
facilitating networking and collaboration between MPA and local stakeholders.

Investment Priority 2.2: Work with central and local governments on legal
and policy instruments to improve management effectiveness, including land
use plans and development plans, for better site management

Integration of MPAs into regional and national spatial and development plans, including the
marine spatial plan (RZWP3K) which local governments must produce, is a key strategy to
reduce threats (for example, from infrastructure development) and to secure funding and
personnel for the management of the site. CEPF will fund projects where grantees work with
local governments to ensure that MPAs are integrated into relevant plans and policies.

Strategic Direction 3: Support sustainable natural resource management by

communities in priority sites and corridors

In Phase 1, projects under this SD were terrestrial, with virtually all marine projects
classified under SD4. For Phase 2, the scope of the two SDs is re-defined: SD3 addresses
the conservation of coastal and marine resources and ecosystems, working through
mechanisms such as local zoning plans and limits on the types of gear used for fisheries.
SD4 focuses on the creation and management of community-based MPAs. MPAs will often
be part of a wider program of sustainable resource management at community level, and
SD3 and SD4 are highly complementary.

The updated IPs retain the emphasis of the original document on the importance of clear
rights (IP 3.1) and on the crucial role of alternative and enhanced livelihoods (now IP 3.3)
as a basis for sustainable management. There are new IPs on small-scale fisheries, in
recognition of the important role they play in local economy and that they are a key
component of coastal resource management. A new IP 3.4 specifically addresses the role of
markets play in driving both positive and negative actions by the fishers who sell to them.
There are a number of models where criteria established by buyers has encouraged a switch
towards more sustainable practices in local fisheries. Finally, IP 3.5 recognizes the role that
government plans and budgets can play in strengthening and expanding these approaches.

Investment Priority 3.1: Support community institutions to secure adequate

rights over resources, and to develop and implement rules on resource use

Securing recognition of the rights of indigenous communities is a critical issue for

sustainable resources management which is making some (slow) progress in terrestrial
habitats. At the time of the 2014 ecosystem profile, securing recognition for indigenous
marine tenure was considered legally difficult, but this has now changed and there are
opportunities for indigenous groups to claim management rights over their coastal

resources. As described in Chapter 6, the MMAF has established a Directorate specifically to
identify and support indigenous marine and coastal resource management, with a focus on
Sulawesi, Maluku and Nusa Tenggara. While the Directorate has only worked in a limited
number of pilot sites to date, this represents a pathway to recognition for indigenous coastal
communities which could be used with the support of CEPF grantees.

Investment Priority 3.2: Support sustainable management of small-scale

fisheries through increased capacity, improved local regulation and
strengthened local institutions

Phase 1 did not have a strong focus on sustainable fisheries, but given that over-fishing and
destructive fishing is by far the most widely reported threat to marine KBAs (see Chapter
8), it is a priority for greater investment. Work on small-scale fisheries also offers the
opportunity to work directly on local livelihoods, which may have more tangible short-term
benefits to communities than, for example, the creation of a no-take zone. In practice, no-
take zones and local MPAs are likely to be part of a wider community-based strategy for
fisheries management.

While marine species targeted by fisheries are generally not globally threatened, they may
play a key role in coral and near-shore marine ecosystems which include threatened species
and habitats. Some threatened species may also suffer from being caught as by-catch.
Work on small-scale fisheries therefore contributes directly to maintaining the health of
marine ecosystem in KBAs, and indirectly to the conservation of threatened species.

Investment Priority 3.3: Develop alternatives for livelihoods otherwise

dependent on unsustainable resource management practices

While IPs 3.1 and 3.2 emphasize the sustainable use of marine resources, there may be
target species where sustainable exploitation is too costly or technically difficult. In Phase 1,
several projects were successful in developing alternative livelihoods sources, to enable
community members to move away from dependence on unsustainable exploitation. CEPF
will continue to support these kinds of interventions where the target group is clearly
identified, the conservation benefits are clear, and the viability and sustainability of the
alternative livelihoods can be demonstrated.

Investment Priority 3.4: Engage with private sector to support sustainable

practices, including through markets for sustainably produced products and

Where fisheries production is commercialized, the private sector has an important role to
play in setting standards for the marine produce which it buys. Work by other organizations
in Wallacea (e.g. MDPI, Sustainable Fisheries Partnership) have demonstrated that fishers
can receive premium prices for sustainably produced marine products when these are linked
with the right markets. CEPF will support projects which aim to make linkages between
markets and the standards for marine products, including building the skills and institutional
capacity of fishers to enable them to participate in certification and sustainable fisheries

Private sector standards can also be important in influencing the development of enterprises
outside of small-scale fisheries, including marine tourism for example.

Investment Priority 3.5: Consolidate and sustain the impact of community-
based initiatives through integration into Government plans, policy and
regulations, including identification of customary rights over marine

Planning and implementation of the sustainable management of coastal resources depends

in part on the ability and right of a community to exclude ‘free riders’ who exploit resources
without sharing the burden of management. Experience from Phase 1 showed that, while
many communities successfully reached internal agreement on resource management rules,
exclusion of outsider required the support of local government regulation and agencies. This
might be secured through a specific local regulation, or integration of community managed
areas into official zonation plans (primarily the RZWP3K).

Strategic Direction 4: Strengthen community-based action to protect marine

species and sites

As noted under SD3, this SD is interpreted to focus specifically on the establishment and
management of community-based marine protected areas. This proved one of the most
widespread and effective strategies implemented by grantees in Phase 1, and this justifies
expansion of the approach to new corridors and to KBAs which are not yet protected. The
IPs retain the structure from 2014, addressing establishment of community-based MPAs,
strengthening management institutions, securing government support and disseminating
results. Minor changes reflect the fact that a large number of community-based MPAs were
initiated in Phase 1, and so some of the projects under Phase 2 will focus on strengthening
their management, in parallel with other projects encouraging the establishment of new

Investment Priority 4.1: Support the strengthening and extension of existing

locally managed MPAs, and the identification and establishment of new ones

Data in Annex 2 shows that 79 KBAs are at least partially protected in official MPAs, while
49 KBAs are entirely unprotected. This is a substantial change from the situation in 2014,
when the great majority of KBAs were unprotected. Anecdotally, there are several examples
of community approaches being adopted by neighboring communities, or of the expansion
of MPAs to cover more than one community. There is a now a significant body of experience
on the facilitation of participatory processes leading to the creation of no-take zones,
community MPAs and coastal management among CEPF grantees. CEPF will support the
strengthening of existing MPAs, their extension, and the creation of new ones at priority
sites, with an emphasis on sharing experience and building capacity so that communities
take the lead in the process.

Investment Priority 4.2: Strengthen local institutions and mechanisms for

management and monitoring of marine protected areas

As noted in Chapter 2, the effectiveness of management institutions is key to the success of

MPA approaches. Best practice in Phase 1 projects included building local institutions based
on existing customary roles and practices and facilitating ‘shadowing’ of key roles by
younger members of the organization to encourage regeneration in the longer term. The
legitimacy of management groups may be enhanced by recognition from local government,
for example as a ‘community surveillance group’ (PokWasMas). There are also useful
examples of groups ensuring their financial sustainability by running a small business (such

as snorkel hire in tourist areas) which also contribute to the costs of patrol and

Investment Priority 4.3: Support the engagement of local government to

increase the financial sustainability and legal effectiveness of local marine
protected areas

As noted for small-scale fisheries (SD3), the management of local MPAs may be enhanced if
they are recognized and integrated within government plans. These include the village’s
own development plan and budget, funded through the dana desa system, and the marine
zoning plans and sectoral plans developed at district and provincial levels. Encouraging local
government to take these steps is an important role of a grantee, as community group
members may lack the experience or network to make the required connections.

Investment Priority 4.4: Facilitate the sharing of lessons and experiences

between stakeholders involved in marine conservation initiatives

Networking between grantees was highly successful under Phase 1, and sharing of lessons
and information on specific themes, including community-based MPA management, will
remain a priority for Phase 2.

Strategic Direction 5: Engage the private sector in conservation of priority sites

and corridors, in production landscapes, and throughout the hotspot

SD5 was the area which under-performed during Phase 1. Reflection on this result
recognized that this was a result of limited capacity of the part of grantees to engage with
the private sector, lack of an available network to tap into, inability of industry
representatives in Wallacea to take decisions which are the preserve of a head office in
Jakarta, and also lack of interest or a ‘need’ on the part of industry in the Wallacea to
engage with conservation. There is no doubt that the private sector plays a key role in
resource management and conservation in specific areas – including small-scale fisheries,
marine tourism, and as a source of threats including from mining and intensive agriculture.
Rather than establishing a standalone SD for work with the private sector, therefore,
engagement during Phase 2 has been integrated into each SD where it is relevant (see IPs
2.1 and 3.4). No IPs are identified under SD5.

Strategic Direction 6: Enhance civil society capacity for effective conservation

action in Wallacea

The Phase 1 approach to civil society capacity building (see chapter 7) involved experienced
NGOs to share their experience on technical subjects, from biodiversity to permaculture,
while a specialist capacity-building organization, Penabulu, implemented a program of
institutional capacity building which helped grantees with strategy, resources and internal
management. Clustering grantees geographically and on the basis of themes was found to
be an effective way to deliver training which encouraged cross-learning. The role of the
RIT’s three regional coordinators was also critical in maintaining close contact with grantees
during the implementation of their projects.

Although there is now a much wider understanding of CEPF and community based
conservation in the region than there was in 2014, a similar capacity building effort will be
needed in Phase 2 as (a) some re-grantees will require refresher or repeat training, (b) new

grantees will be involved, and (c) in new corridors, whole new communities of CSOs may
become involved. IPs 6.1 and 6.2, focused on capacity building for individual CSOs and on
networking, are unchanged. IP 6.3 is re-worded to shift the focus away from the
establishment of a funding mechanism for conservation in Wallacea, which proved difficult
to advance within the context of the CEPF program, and towards encouraging creativity in
resource mobilization and entrepreneurship amongst CSOs.

Investment Priority 6.1: Enhance the institutional and technical capacity of

civil society to identify, plan and undertake surveys, planning,
implementation and monitoring of conservation actions

As in Phase 1, a needs assessment should form the basis of detailed planning for delivery of
capacity building. However, needs which can be anticipated are (a) general environmental
literacy, especially for potential grantees which have not worked extensively in the sector;
(b) enhancement of technical skills to address key themes in these IPs, such as
collaborative management of protected areas, community-based MPAs, participatory
management of coastal resources, and small-scale fisheries, and (c) core institutional
capacity, as mentioned above.

Investment Priority 6.2: Catalyze networking and collaboration among

community groups, NGOs, the private sector and other elements of civil

Phase 1 was successful in creating ‘communities of practice’ around key themes, and linking
grantees based in the same geographic area. With the support of social media and online
communication, the RIT was able to create a high level of communication between grantees
which led to opportunities for sharing experience and collaboration. This approach will be
continued under Phase 2, adapted to the revised focus of the strategy.

Investment Priority 6.3: Strengthen local CSO capacity for creative

approaches to entrepreneurship, securing financial resources and influencing
allocation of funds by other agencies

Sustainable funding remains a challenge for civil society in Wallacea. Preliminary work was
done on the idea of a ‘wallacea fund’ during Phase 1, but the level of support and financial
commitment required will not be achieved in the near future, and the initiative is currently
on hold. More promising solutions for local CSOs include building capacity for developing
their own enterprises, including possibly collaboration with the communities which they
serve. There are also opportunities to build capacity to use existing resources more
efficiently, including through network and partnership. Finally, there are significant
opportunities to achieve progress by influencing the spending the large sums of money
which flows from central Government (and to a lesser extent, in donor projects) to local
government and villages.

Strategic Direction 7: Provide strategic leadership and effective coordination of

conservation investment through a regional implementation team

CEPF will implement its grant program through a regional implementation team (RIT). The
RIT will promote and administer the grant-making process, undertake key capacity-building,
maintain and update data on conservation outcomes, and promote the overall conservation
outcomes agenda to government and other stakeholders. The 2014 included five IPs for the
RIT’s role, including government and private sector engagement, monitoring and

communication. All these functions remains important, but will be scaled-back in Phase 2,
as appropriate for the marine focus and the smaller scale of resources. Thus the IPs are
revised from five to three, covering implementation of the grants program, catalyzing CSO
networking and collaboration and monitoring and dissemination of grant impacts.

Investment Priority 7.1: Operationalize and coordinate CEPF’s grant-making

processes and procedures to ensure effective implementation of the
investment strategy throughout the hotspot

As in Phase 1, guided by the 2014 ecosystem profile and this update, the RIT will promote
the grant opportunity to civil society through announcement tailored to specific issues and
geographies. At the beginning of Phase 1, a pre-proposal ‘tour’ to explain CEPF, provide
training in project development and information on the proposal process was vital in
encouraging the participation of a high proportion of local CSOs. While understanding of
CEPF is now far greater in the region, there remains a need to ensure that CSOs are not
prevented from participating by barriers such as language or lack of information on the
process. This will especially important in corridors where CEPF has not previously made

Investment Priority 7.2: Sustain and expand a broad constituency of civil

society groups working across institutional and political boundaries towards
achieving the shared conservation goals described in the ecosystem profile

The RIT will continue the networking and facilitation of lesson-sharing which was successful
in Phase 1.

Investment Priority 7.3: Monitor the impact of grants towards conservation

outcomes, disseminate lessons to encourage mainstreaming of biodiversity
conservation by government and private sector

Monitoring will be carried out by individual grantees, with the RIT consolidating data and
conducted targeted evaluation of specific indicators. The RIT will use this data to inform the
relevant provincial and national agencies about the progress and lessons from the program.

12.5. Linking Strategic Direction and Priority Geographies for CEPF


This section provides further guidance on the relevance of the different strategic directions
in the priority marine corridors.

Togean-Banggai Marine Corridor (Central Sulawesi)

• SD1 (species): The endemic Banggai cardinal fish was the subject of successful
projects in Phase 1 and there are opportunities to continue this work
• SD2 (sites): large areas of this corridor are included in the Togean Islands national
park and the Banggai islands marine protected area. These protected areas are
occupied and exploited by fisher communities throughout the islands, and there is a
need for effective collaboration on planning and conservation action.
• SD3 (NRM + small-scale fisheries): coastal and marine resources are highly
important for the local economy and livelihoods, with a small marine tourism sector.

Sustainable resource management is expected to provide an effective entry-point for
community-based work.
• SD4 Community based MPAs: multiple opportunities, especially within the context of
the zoning and management of the protected areas.
• SD6 (capacity-building): CSOs working in the corridor in Phase 1 mainly came from
mainland Sulawesi. There may be opportunities to encourage the growth of local
CSOs within the region.

Sulawesi Tenggara marine corridor (south-east Sulawesi)

• SD1 (species): no specific actions identified

• SD2 (sites): multi-stakeholder collaboration to reduce the impact of the growth and
development of tourism and fisheries within and outside the protected areas
• SD3 (NRM + small-scale fisheries) in addition to small-scale fishers, expand the
promotion of seaweed aquaculture and involve producers in management and
protection of the coastal ecosystems that their livelihoods depend on
• SD4 Community based MPAs; integrate zonation and management of coastal
resources and community-based MPAs with tourism, cultural sites and fisheries.
• SD6 (capacity-building): there was no grant-making in the corridor in Phase 1. There
are a number of CSOs in the region, and a hub of conservation activity around the
Wakatobi national park. Capacity building may focus on informing potential grantees
about CEPF and facilitating sharing of the experience from Wakatobi more widely
within the region.

Sulawesi Selatan marine corridor (South Sulawesi)

• SD1 (species): monitoring of marine wildlife trafficking given Makassar port’s

importance in the transport of goods across the region. Many cases involving
terrestrial species were proven to use Makassar as hub.
• SD2 (sites): Improved planning and monitoring of land use to reduce destructive use
and conflict over of coastal natural resources which is an obstacle for conservation.
• SD3 (NRM + small-scale fisheries) recognition of rights of traditional fishers, tighter
enforcement of large-scale fishing and community-based monitoring of marine and
coastal resources.
• SD4 Community based MPAs: mapping of management areas and community
conserved areas, management and protection plans and capacity building for
community institutions
• SD6 (capacity-building): there was no grant-making in the corridor in Phase 1. CSO
capacity in the city of Makassar and the region is strong, so capacity building may
focus on informing potential grantees about CEPF and the approaches it can support,
and on facilitating networking and experience sharing within the corridor, including
with on-going projects in Taka Bonarate.

Sulawesi Utara marine corridor (North Sulawesi)

• SD1: Monitoring of fisheries and wildlife trade through the region is important.
• SD2 (sites): the corridor has important MPAs and marine national parks, with
opportunities to use them as examples of best practice.
• SD3 (NRM+ small-scale fisheries): especially important in the small islands in the
north of the corridor, where ridge-to-reef approach could link short rivers and small
catchment areas with reef health and fisheries

• SD4: (MPAs): customary resource management rules are still used in many parts of
the region and have already formed a strong basis for community-based protection
at some sites during Phase 1
• SD6: (capacity building) CSO capacity is relatively strong, and the corridor benefitted
from support in Phase 1. Capacity building will be focused on new grantees and new
technical areas 9such as small-scale fisheries management)

Pangkajene kepulauan (South Sulawesi province)

• SD1 (species): local fisheries and pelagic threatened species such as sharks and rays
• SS2 (sites): Potential for increased community involvement in proposed and existing
official MPAs
• SD3 (NRM and small-scale fisheries): fisheries are central to livelihoods on the
islands, and this is likely to be a key entry point to any work
• SD4 (MPAs): Likely to be relevant given the opportunity
• SD6 (capacity): CSO capacity is unknown, presumed to be low. Capacity building will
be challenging to deliver because of the remoteness of the islands.

Solor-Alor Marine corridor (Nusa Tenggara Timur)

• SD1 (species): except for Lamalera, little is known about apparently excessive
exploitation of marine wildlife for illegal trade.
• SD2 (sites): continue working with provincial marine and fisheries office on
identification of priority sites
• SD3 (NRM + small-scale fisheries): very potential using higher capacity grantee
(from phase1) provided not many local CSOs engaged in the issue
• SD4 Community based MPAs: remains potential for with integration of livelihood
aspect (fisheries-SD3) as a strong alternative to destructive practices
• SD6 (capacity-building): CSO capacity in the region is limited. Phase 1 projects were
implemented by CSOs from Flores. Capacity building in Phase 2 may focus on
encouraging the growth of local CSOs through partnerships and involvement in

Bentang Laut Buru Marine corridor (Maluku)

• SD1 (species): turtle eggs and clam hunting are reported from various sites in Buru
and small islands. Several grantees in Phase 1 worked to tackle this issue
• SD2 (sites): continue working with provincial marine and fisheries office on
identification of priority sites
• SD3 (NRM + small-scale fisheries): small scale & sustainable fisheries could be
exercised in this particular corridor with strong traditional system
• SD4 Community based MPAs: evidence from Phase 1 suggested high relevance and
• SD6 (capacity-building): Phase 1 saw successful projects in the corridor building on
the strong customary institutions and norms. Capacity building may focus on sharing
the lessons of these approaches to encourage replication and wider recognition.

13. Sustainability
As noted in the 2014 ecosystem profile, sustainability of the impact of CEPF program in
Wallacea will depend, on the extent to which:

• The capacity of institutions and networks improves.

• Resources are mobilized and directed toward sustainable, rather than destructive,
• Models of better ways of doing things are developed and adopted as formal policies
and regulations or informal norms.

13.1 Capacity Building for Sustainability

Increased capacity among both community groups managing resources and the CSOs which
support them is a pre-requisite for sustained impacts post-CEPF intervention.

Chapter 2 (Lessons learned) summarized the impacts of projects on communities. There is

considerable evidence of strengthening of individual and institutional capacity as a direct
result of the projects funded, including the formation of new groups, successful engagement
with local authorities, and increasingly effective protection and management of target sites.
The revised Investment Priorities emphasize the need to continue and expand this model of
conservation action through building local capacity.

Chapter 7 summarized the process and impacts of the capacity building program for
grantees, which was rolled out in parallel with grant-making in priority regions during Phase
1 of the program. The capacity building responded to the needs identified during the first
ecosystem profile preparation. Self-assessment of capacity at the end of the process found
evidence of increases in both technical capacity and organizational management, though
impacts varied widely across grantees, as would be expected with such a diverse range of
organizations. Phase 2 will continue this approach, adapted to take account of the fact that
some corridors have already been targets for CEPF funding, while others are new. Phase 2
will also have stronger focus on entrepreneurship and innovative ways of raising funds,
recognizing that donor funding for CSO work is not guaranteed to continue to be available

Capacity building under the program will contribute to long-term sustainability of CSOs
when it translates into effective organizations successfully raising funds and implementing
projects independently of CEPF support. While some grantees reported an increased
diversity of funding sources, it is too soon to measure the long-term impact.

13.2 Sustainable Financing

CSOs themselves may never be in a position to guarantee long-term financing for specific
conservation measures. Achieving sustainable financial support for sites and species
therefore involves influencing budgeting and spending decisions made by others. Villages
throughout Indonesia have increasing autonomy and budgetary authority and, as noted in
Chapter 2 (Lessons), in several communities’ activities initiated by CSOs with CEPF support
were adopted and financed through the village budget. In a smaller number of cases,
villages succeeded in securing funds from district Governments to support their activities.
These models of achieving local financial sustainability need to be reinforced and replicated
in Phase 2.

Changes in policy now allow greater community participation in the management of National
Parks under both relevant Ministries, and this provides another opportunity to indirectly
influence how Government resources are used for conservation.

13.3 Sustaining Change Through Norms and Regulations

The 2014 ecosystem profile noted that decision-making for sustainable management of
resources should be institutionalized at the lowest possible level to give the greatest chance
of local ownership and sustainability. The projects funded in Phase 1 had considerable
success in used existing social norms, including sasi and similar customary practices, as a
basis for community action on resource management. The local ownership this provides
strengthens the prospect of sustained impact, but it cannot be taken for granted – local
custom is by its nature flexible and adaptable to changing circumstances. In most cases a
combination of local norms, local (village or district) regulation and support within the
framework of higher-level legislation gives the best chance of long-term impact.

14. Conclusion
The Wallacea hotspot is unusual in that both terrestrial and marine ecosystems are among
the world’s most diverse and unique. The 2014 Ecosystem profile reflected that by covering
both terrestrial and marine ecosystems. Nevertheless, the relatively better data and greater
CSO capacity available to focus on terrestrial species meant that marine ecosystems only
benefitted from a relatively small proportion of funding and effort. Phase 2 intends to
correct that imbalance, focusing solely on marine ecosystems and increasing the emphasis
on productive systems – small-scale fisheries – as well as marine protected areas.

Annex 1. Wallacea Logical Framework: 2020-2024

Objective Indicators Means of Verification Assumptions

At least 20 KBAs are better managed Grantee assessment of threats,
or protected by the end of the standardized indicators of management
Status of globally threatened
program effectiveness
biodiversity in Wallacea is more
At least 10,000 ha of production
secure as a result of action by civil Grantee assessment of threats,
landscape (marine and coastal
society organizations standardized indicators of management
ecosystems) under improved/
effectiveness, maps of zoning, regulation
sustainable management practices
Intermediate Outcomes
1. Threats to high priority species are The main threats to at least three Action to reduce threats at key
reduced priority marine species have been Priority species list, grantee reports including sites contributes to improving
reduced at one key site for each catch data, survey or monitoring results the overall conservation status
5% species (GI1) of the species
List of MPAs in Wallacea (Annex 5)

Management of at least ten legally Data on MPA budgets, management plans

established MPAs is enhanced and personnel from regional government
through capacity building and
collaboration with community or Grantee reports, capacity building training
2. Globally important sites are private sector stakeholders (GI5, GI2) reports
managed to conserve global
biodiversity values Collaborative management agreements
List of marine KBAs and protection status
10% (Annex 2)
Central Government maintains
At least five unprotected marine
its commitment to 30 million ha
KBAs are protected through the Documentation of grantee submissions to
of MPAs and does not stop
establishment of new official MPAs government (e.g. survey reports, community
regional government from
(GI3, GI2) consultation reports)
creating more
Official documents establishing MPAs
Pre-project assessment of resource
3. Indigenous and local natural
management threats, institutions and
resource-dependent communities are Community management institutions
engaged with integrated strengthened, and plans for
management of key sites and management of coastal and marine
Grantee reports and documentation of
corridors resources adopted, by communities
community plans and agreements
in at least 15 sites (GI2, GI4)
Data from monitoring of key indicators

Objective Indicators Means of Verification Assumptions
pre-project assessment of resource
exploitation levels and options for
sustainable harvest
At least five communities apply limits
to promote the sustainability of supply
Grantee reports and documentation of
of marine resources (e.g. gear limits,
community plans and agreements
quotas, zoning) (GI2, GI4)
Data from monitoring of key indicators (e.g.
catch volume, catch size)
Documentation of private sector actions for
At least three private sector
companies agreed to support Partnership agreement to support
conservation actions for MPA conservation actions between private sector
management and species protection with MPA management unit/authority,
community groups or customary institution

Pre-grant identification of existing

community MPAs and management
Management and protection of at
least 10 existing community-based
Documentation of community action to
MPAs is strengthened (GI2, GI5 [if
4. Indigenous and local communities improve management
community MPA=PA])
dependent on marine resources are
engaged with integrated Data showing the impact of the management
management of key sites and changes on key threats and resources
corridors Pre-grant assessment of resource
exploitation issues
20% At least 15 communities create new
MPAs/no-take zones to protect key Documentation of community decisions,
marine resources (GI2, GI3 [if including maps
community MPA=PA])
Data showing the impact of the MPAs on
key threats and resources
5. Private sector actors take action to
mitigate negative impacts and to
support conservation of globally
important sites and species in [none defined] [none defined]
production landscapes


Objective Indicators Means of Verification Assumptions
75% of new grantees show an Grantee self-assessment before and after
improvement in management project
6. Civil society in Wallacea has the capacity as a result of engagement
capacity to identify, implement and with CEPF (GI6) reports on capacity building events
sustain actions for maintenance of Analysis of gender issues and proposed
global conservation values At least 75% of approved grants for action in proposals
community-based work specifically
address the gender implications of Grantee reports, including data on
the project (GI7) participation and impacts disaggregated by
Identification of current networking platforms
and intensity from capacity assessment
There is active networking between
Documentation of plans for networking, e.g.
grantees on at least one key themes
from capacity building events
in at least three of the priority
corridors (GI8)
Data on networking intensity (frequency,
content) from monitoring communication
platforms and contacts between grantees
CEPF grantees share ideas and
Grantee reports and post-project interviews
7. Incorporation of CEPF-identified collaborate on shared objectives
on continuing networking and collaborative
priorities into key stakeholder policies outside the context of program-
and programs results in more, better facilitated networking (GI8)
targeted funding for conservation in Good practice/lessons documents designed
the hotspot, as addressed by the RIT Key government and donor to target specific issues and agencies
or appropriate entities stakeholders recognize and adopt
good practice lessons from CEPF- Documentation of dissemination of good
funded projects practice/lessons to relevant government and
donor stakeholders
Funding Summary Amount
Total Budget ***

Note: GI* refers to the relevant global indicators in the CEPF Global Monitoring Framework

Annex 2. Abbreviations Used in the Text

ADB Asian Development Bank

AFD Agence Française de Développement
AusAID Australian Agency for International Development
ASEAN Association of South-east Asian States
Bappenas National Development Planning Board
Bappeda Regional Development Planning Board
BCU Bioclimatic unit (area of coral reef, Beyer et al. 2018)
BKKPN Balai Kawasan Konservasi Perairan National (National Marine Protected Areas
(B)KSDA Natural Resources Conservation Agency
BPSPL Balai Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Pesisir dan Laut (Coastal and Marine
resources Management Authority)
BUMDes Badan Usaha Milik Desa (village-owned business unit)
CBD Convention on Biological Diversity
CBO Community-based Organization
CSO Civil Society Organization
CEPF Critical Ecosystem Partnership Fund
CI Conservation International
CITES Convention on International Trade in Endangered Species of Wild Fauna and
CR Critically Endangered (red list status)
CSO Civil Society Organization
CSTT civil society tracking tool
CSR Corporate Social Responsibility
CTC Coral Triangle Center
CTI Coral Triangle Initiative
DAK Dana alokasi khusus (special allocation fund)
DKP Office for Fisheries and Marine Affairs
DPL Daerah Pelindungan Laut (Marine protected area)
EIA Environmental Impact Assessment
EN Endangered (red list status)
ENSO El Niño/Southern Oscillation
EP Ecosystem Profile
EU European Union
ESH Extent of suitable habitat
FAO Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations
FMA fisheries management area
GEF Global Environment Facility
GHG Greenhouse Gas
ICCTF Indonesian Climate Change Trust Fund
IDR Indonesian rupiah
IPB Institut Pertanian Bogor (Bogor Agricultural Institute)
IUCN International Union for the Conservation of Nature
IUU Illegal, unregulated and unreported (of fishing)
KBA Key Biodiversity Area
KEE Kawasan ekosistem essential (Essential Ecosystem zone)
KfW German state owned development bank
KKP Kawasan Konservasi Perairan (Marine protected area)
KKP3K Kawasan Konservasi Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil (Coastal and small island
marine protected area)

KPK Komisi Pemberantasan Korupsi (Anti-Corruption Commission)
LMMA locally managed marine area
LOI Letter of Interest (pre-proposal)
LIPI Lembaga Ilmu Pengetahuan Indonesia (Indonesian Scientific Insitute)
MACP Margaret A Cargill Philanthropies
MoU Memorandum of Understanding
MOEF Ministry of Environment and Forestry
MOIA Ministry of Internal Affairs
MMAF Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries
MPA Marine Protected Area
NBSAP National Biodiversity Strategy and Action Plan
NE Not evaluated (red list status)
NGO Nongovernmental Organization
NOAA National Oceanographic and Atmospheric Administration
NTFP non-timber forest product
NTB Nusa Tenggara Barat (West Nusa Tenggara)
NTT Nusa Tenggara Timor (East Nusa Tenggara)
ODA Official development assistance
PA Protected Areas
PEMSEA Partnerships in Environmental Management for the Seas of East Asia
PHKA Directorate General of Forest Protection and Nature Conservation
PNG Papua New Guinea
RIT Regional Implementation Team
RFP Request for Proposal
RZWP3K Rencana Zonasi Wilayah Pesisir dan Pulau-Pulau Kecil (Coastal and small
island spatial plan)
SAP Suaka Alam Perairan (Marine Nature Reserve)
SD Strategic direction
SDG Sustainable development goal
SEAs Strategic Environment Assessments
STAR System for Transparent Allocation of Resources (GEF)
TNC The Nature Conservancy
TNP Taman Nasional Perairan (Marine National Park)
TWP Taman Wisata Perairan (Marine Tourism reserves)
UKCCU United Kingdom climate change unit
UNEP United Nations Environment Program
UNDP United Nations Development Program
UNESCO United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization
USAID United States Agency for International Development
VOI Vibrant Oceans Initiative
VU Vulnerable (red list status)
WCMC World Conservation Monitoring Center
WCS Wildlife Conservation Society
WRI World Resources International
WWF World Wide Fund for Nature

Annex 3. References

Beyer et al. (2018) Risk-sensitive planning for conserving coral reefs under rapid climate
change. Conserv Lett. 2018;11:e12587. https://doi.org/10.1111/conl.12587
Bland, L. M (2017) Using multiple lines of evidence to assess the risk of ecosystem collapse.
Proc. R. Soc. B 284: 20170660. http://dx.doi.org/10.1098/rspb.2017.0660
Campbell, S. et al (2019) Fishing restrictions and remoteness deliver conservation outcomes
for Indonesia’s coral reef fisheries. Conservation Letters, Conservation Letters.
2020;13:e12698. DOI: 10.1111/conl.12698
Campbell, S. J. et al (2020) Fishing restrictions and remoteness deliver conservation
outcomes for Indonesia’s coral reef fisheries. Conservation Letters, 13. DOI:
Coral Triangle Center (2020)a https://www.coraltrianglecenter.org/2020/01/28/supporting-
Coral Triangle Center (2020)b Coral Watch: Bleaching Observed In Lease Islands
Darling, E. et al (2020) Interpreting Local Contexts and Identifying Top Threats for the 50
Reefs. Wildlife Conservation Society, New York. Further information at
Dapu YM. (2016). Implikasi UU No. 23 tahun 2014 terhadap kewenangan urusan
pemerintahan daerah di bidang kelautan dan perikanan. Lex et Societatis, Vol. IV/No.
Green, A.L., et al (2020) A Guide, Framework and Example: Designing Marine Protected
Areas and Marine Protected Area Networks to Benefit People and Nature in Indonesia.
Report prepared by The Nature Conservancy (TNC) for the USAID Sustainable
Ecosystems Advanced Project, 90 pp. Available at: https://www.sea-indonesia.org/a-
Hadi et al. (2020). Genetic connectivity and diversity of endangered species the scalloped
hammerhead shark Sphyrna lewini (Griffith & Smith 1834) population in Indonesia and
Western Indian Ocean. bioRxiv 2020.03.10.985465; doi:
Halim, A. et al (2020) Transforming traditional management into contemporary territorial-
based fisheries management rights for small-scale fisheries in Indonesia. Marine Policy
116. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.marpol.2020.103923
Heron et al. (2017) Impacts of Climate Change on World Heritage Coral Reefs : A First
Global Scientific Assessment. Paris, UNESCO World Heritage Centre
Hoegh-Guldberg, O. et al (2017) Coral reef Ecosystems under Climate Change and Ocean
Hoegh-Guldberg et al (2018) Securing a Long-term Future for Coral Reefs. Trends Ecol Evol
33(12):936-944. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.tree.2018.09.006
Huffard, C.L., M.V. Erdmann, T.R.P. Gunawan (Eds) (2012). Geographic Priorities for Marine
Biodiversity Conservation in Indonesia. Ministry of Marine Affairs and Fisheries and
Marine Protected Areas Governance Program. Jakarta-Indonesia. 105 pp.

IUCN (2016) A Global Standard for the Identification of Key Biodiversity Areas, Version 1.0,
Gland, Switzerland, IUCN. Available at:
KBA Standards and Appeals Committee (2019). Guidelines for using a Global Standard for
the Identification of Key Biodiversity Areas. Version 1.0. https://doi.org/10.2305/
Keith et al. (2020). The IUCN Global Ecosystem Typology v1.01: Descriptive profiles for
Biomes and Ecosystem Functional Groups. Available at
Keith, D. A (2013) Scientific foundations for an IUCn red List of Ecosystems. PLoS ONE
Supplemntary Material. https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0062111.s002
Madani Berkelajutan (2020) Madani Monthly Updates on Indonesian Political Situation.
MMAF. 2018. Our MPAs: ‘Sharing plans, investments, and responsibilities’. Strategies for
effective management of 20 million hectares MPAs in Indonesia. Ministry of Marine
Affairs and Fisheries, Jakarta, 24 pp.
Morse, I. (2020) Indonesian miners eyeing EV nickel boom seek to dump waste into the sea
NOAA (2018) Coral Bleaching During & Since the 2014-2017 Global Coral Bleaching Event
Purwanto. 2011. A compromise solution to the conflicting objectives in the management of
the Arafura Shrimp Fishery. Indonesian Fisheries Research Journal. 17 (1): 37-45
RARE (2018) Stemming the Tide of Coastal Overfishing: Fish Forever Programme Results
2012 – 2017. Available at: https://rare.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/Fish-
Satria et al. (2017). Laut dan Masyarakat Adat. Penerbit Buku Kompas. Jakarta. 240
Short, F. T. and Heckles, H. A. (1999) The effects of global climate change on seagrasses
Simeon et al. (2018). Increasing Abundance of Silky Sharks in the Eastern Indian Ocean:
Good News or a Reason to be Cautious? Fishes 2018, 3(3), 29;
Spalding et al. (2007). Marine Ecoregions of the World: a bioregionalization of coast and
shelf areas. BioScience 57: 573-583
Wagey, G.A., S. Nurhakim, V.P.H. Nikijuluw, Badrudin, and T.J. Pitcher. 2009. A study of
Illegal, Unreported and Unregulated (IUU) fishing in the Arafura Sea, Indonesia.
Research Centre for Capture Fisheries, MMAF. Jakarta, 54 pp
UNEP-WCMC, WorldFish Centre, WRI, TNC (2018). Global distribution of warm-water coral
reefs, compiled from multiple sources including the Millennium Coral Reef Mapping
Project. Version 4.0. Includes contributions from IMaRS-USF and IRD (2005), IMaRS-

USF (2005) and Spalding et al. (2001). Cambridge (UK): UN Environment World
Conservation Monitoring Centre. URL:http://data.unep-wcmc.org/datasets/1

Annex 4. List of Trigger Species

See notes below the table for description of changes from 2014

Priority protected species in Indonesia

Number of KBA Confirmed Presence

Restricted to single Ecosystem

Red List category 2020

change from 2014 list*

Site based protection
Wallacea Endemic

CITES appendix
Scientific name Common Name

Marine mammals
Balaenoptera borealis Sei whale No 0 N EN I N Y
Balaenoptera musculus Blue whale No 2 N EN I N Y
Balaenoptera physalus Fin whale No 0 N VU I N Y
Dugong dugon Dugong No 31 Y VU I Y Y
Physeter macrocephalus Sperm whale No 3 N VU I N Y
Marine reptiles
Caretta caretta Loggerhead seaturtle No 1 N VU I N Y
Chelonia mydas Green Ssea turtle No 12 N EN I N Y
Dermochelys coriacea Leatherback sea turtle No 1 N VU I N Y
Eretmochelys imbricata Hawksbill sea turtle No 14 N CR I N Y
Lepidochelys olivacea Olive Ridley sea turtle No 1 N VU I N Y
Marine fish
Aetobatus ocellatus no N VU - N N 1
Aetomylaeus nichofii Banded eagle ray No 1 N VU - N N 1
Albula glossodonta Shortjaw bonefish No 0 N VU - Y N
Alopias pelagicus Pelagic thresher shark No 0 N EN II N Y 3
Alopias superciliosus Bigeye thresher shark No 0 N VU II N Y
Amblyglyphidodon batunai no Y VU - Y N 1
Amblyglyphidodon ternatensis no Y VU - Y N 1
Anguilla borneensis no N VU - Y Y 1
Anoxypristis cuspidata Knifetooth sawfish No 0 Y EN I Y Y
Argyrosomus japonicus no Y EN - Y N 1
Bolbometopon muricatum Bumphead parrotfish No 12 Y VU - Y N
Carcharhinus albimarginatus no N VU - N N 1
Carcharhinus falciformis no N VU II N Y 1
Carcharhinus hemiodon Pondicherry shark No 0 N CR - N N

Priority protected species in Indonesia
Number of KBA Confirmed Presence

Restricted to single Ecosystem

Red List category 2020

change from 2014 list*

Site based protection
Wallacea Endemic

CITES appendix
Scientific name Common Name

Carcharhinus longimanus Oceanic whitetip shark No 0 N CR II N Y 3

Carcharhinus obscurus Dusky shark No 0 N EN - N N 3
Carcharhinus plumbeus Sandbar shark No 2 N VU - N N
Carcharhinus tjutjot no N VU - N N 1
Cetorhinus maximus no N EN II N Y 1
Chaenogaleus macrostoma Hooktooth shark No 0 N VU - Y N
Cheilinus undulatus Humphead wrasse No 28 Y EN II Y Y
Ecsenius randalli Yes Y VU - Y N 1
Epinephelus fuscoguttatus no N VU - Y N 1
Epinephelus polyphekadion no N VU - Y N 1
Eusphyra blochii no N EN - N N 1
Eviota pamae Yes Y VU - Y N 1
Glaucostegus typus Common shovelnose ray No 0 N CR II Y Y 5
Gobiodon aoyagii Yes Y VU - Y N 1
Gobiodon erythrospilus no Y VU - Y N 1
Hemigaleus microstoma no N VU - Y N 1
Himantura leoparda Leopard whipray No 0 N VU - Y N
Himantura uarnak Honeycomb stingray No 0 N VU - Y N
Himantura undulata Bleeker's variegated whipray No 1 N VU - Y N
Hippocampus barbouri Barbour's seahorse No 0 Y VU II Y Y
Hippocampus comes Tiger tail seahorse No 1 Y VU II Y Y
Hippocampus histrix Spiny seahorse No 0 Y VU II Y Y
Hippocampus kelloggi Great seahorse No 0 Y VU II Y Y
Hippocampus kuda Common seahorse No 0 Y VU II Y Y
Hippocampus mohnikei no Y VU II Y Y 1
Hippocampus spinosissimus Hedgehog seahorse No 0 Y VU II Y Y
Hippocampus trimaculatus Flat-faced seahorse No 0 Y VU II Y Y 5
Isurus oxyrinchus Shortfin mako No 0 N EN II N Y 3
Isurus paucus Longfin mako No 0 N EN II N Y
Lamiopsis temminckii Broadfin shark No 0 N EN - N N 1

Priority protected species in Indonesia
Number of KBA Confirmed Presence

Restricted to single Ecosystem

Red List category 2020

change from 2014 list*

Site based protection
Wallacea Endemic

CITES appendix
Scientific name Common Name

Latimeria menadoensis Sulawesi coelacanth yes 3 N VU I N Y

Maculabatis gerrardi Whitespotted whipray No 0 N VU - N 4
Makaira nigricans Blue marlin No 0 N VU - N N
Meiacanthus abruptus yes N VU - N N 1
Mobula alfredi Coastal manta ray No 2 N VU II Y Y 4
Mobula birostris Giant manta ray No 2 N VU II Y Y 4
Mobula eregoodoo no N EN II Y Y 1
Mobula kuhlii no N EN II Y Y 1
Mobula mobular no N EN II Y Y 1
Mobula tarapacana no N EN II Y Y 1
Mobula thurstoni no N EN II Y Y 1
Mola mola ocean sunfish no N VU - Y Y 1
Nebrius ferrugineus Tawny nurse shark No 2 N VU - Y N
Negaprion acutidens Sharptooth lemon shark No 0 N VU - Y N
Odontaspis ferox Herbst's nurse shark No 0 N VU - N N
Oxymonacanthus longirostris no Y VU - Y N 1
Pateobatis fai no N VU - Y N 1
Pateobatis jenkinsii no N VU - Y N 1
Plectropomus areolatus Squaretail leopardgrouper No 10 N VU - Y N
Pristis pristis Largetooth sawfish No 0 N CR I Y Y
Pristis zijsron Narrowsnout sawfish No 0 N CR I Y Y 5
Pterapogon kauderni Banggai cardinalfish Yes 5 Y EN - Y Y 5
Rhina ancylostoma Bowmouth guitarfish No 0 N CR II Y Y 3
Rhincodon typus Whale shark No 9 N EN II N Y 3
Rhinoptera javanica Flapnose ray No 0 N VU - Y N
Rhynchobatus australiae White-spotted Guitarfish No 0 N CR II Y Y 3
Sphyrna lewini Scalloped hammerhead No 2 N CR II Y Y 2
Sphyrna mokarran Great hammerhead No 0 N CR II Y Y 2
Squalus montalbani no N VU - Y N 1
Stegostoma tigrinum Leopard shark, zebra shark No 0 N EN - N N 3,4

Priority protected species in Indonesia
Number of KBA Confirmed Presence

Restricted to single Ecosystem

Red List category 2020

change from 2014 list*

Site based protection
Wallacea Endemic

CITES appendix
Scientific name Common Name

Taeniurops meyeni Black-blotched Stingray No 1 Y VU - Y N

Thunnus maccoyii Southern bluefin tuna No 0 N CR - N N 5
Thunnus obesus Bigeye tuna No 0 N VU - N N
Urogymnus asperrimus no N VU - Y N 1
Urogymnus granulatus no N VU - Y N 1
Tachypleus tridentatus tri-spine horseshoe crab no N EN - N Y 1
Birgus latro coconut crab no N VU - N Y 1
Acanthastrea bowerbanki Coral No 0 Y VU II Y Y
Acanthastrea brevis Coral No 7 VU
Acanthastrea faviaformis Coral No 6 VU
Acanthastrea hemprichii Coral No 12 VU
Acanthastrea ishigakiensis Coral No 3 VU
Acanthastrea regularis Coral No 11 VU
Acropora abrolhosensis Coral No 3 VU
Acropora aculeus Coral No 10 VU
Acropora acuminata Coral No 6 VU
Acropora anthocercis Coral No 7 VU
Acropora aspera Coral No 9 VU
Acropora awi Coral No 3 VU
Acropora batunai Coral No 3 VU
Acropora caroliniana Coral No 4 VU
Acropora dendrum Coral No 4 VU
Acropora derawanensis Coral No 3 VU
Acropora desalwii Coral No 5 VU
Acropora donei Coral No 6 VU
Acropora echinata Coral No 10 VU
Acropora elegans Coral No 4 VU
Acropora globiceps Coral No 7 VU

Priority protected species in Indonesia
Number of KBA Confirmed Presence

Restricted to single Ecosystem

Red List category 2020

change from 2014 list*

Site based protection
Wallacea Endemic

CITES appendix
Scientific name Common Name

Acropora hoeksemai Coral No 6 VU

Acropora horrida Coral No 7 VU
Acropora indonesia Coral No 7 VU
Acropora jacquelineae Coral No 2 VU
Acropora kimbeensis Coral No 4 VU
Acropora kirstyae Coral No 0 VU
Acropora kosurini Coral No 0 VU
Acropora listeri Coral No 7 VU
Acropora loisetteae Coral No 0 VU
Acropora lokani Coral No 4 VU
Acropora lovelli Coral No 1 VU
Acropora microclados Coral No 11 VU
Acropora multiacuta Coral No 1 VU
Acropora palmerae Coral No 3 VU
Acropora paniculata Coral No 9 VU
Acropora papillare Coral No 8 VU
Acropora plumosa Coral No 2 VU
Acropora polystoma Coral No 9 VU
Acropora retusa Coral No 1 VU
Acropora russelli Coral No 2 VU
Acropora simplex Coral No 1 VU
Acropora solitaryensis Coral No 7 VU
Acropora speciosa Coral No 6 VU
Acropora spicifera Coral No 4 VU
Acropora striata Coral No 3 VU
Acropora suharsonoi Coral yes EN 1
Acropora tenella Coral No 3 VU
Acropora turaki Coral No 4 VU
Acropora vaughani Coral No 7 VU
Acropora verweyi Coral No 5 VU

Priority protected species in Indonesia
Number of KBA Confirmed Presence

Restricted to single Ecosystem

Red List category 2020

change from 2014 list*

Site based protection
Wallacea Endemic

CITES appendix
Scientific name Common Name

Acropora walindii Coral No 0 VU

Acropora willisae Coral No 5 VU
Alveopora allingi Coral No 2 VU
Alveopora daedalea Coral No 1 VU
Alveopora excelsa Coral No 0 EN 5
Alveopora fenestrata Coral No 3 VU
Alveopora gigas Coral No 5 VU
Alveopora marionensis Coral No 1 VU
Alveopora minuta Coral no EN 1
Alveopora verrilliana Coral No 2 VU
Anacropora matthai Coral No 4 VU
Anacropora puertogalerae Coral No 5 VU
Anacropora reticulata Coral No 3 VU
Anacropora spinosa Coral No 3 EN 5
Astreopora cucullata Coral No 10 VU
Astreopora incrustans Coral No 3 VU
Australogyra zelli Coral No 0 VU
Barabattoia laddi Coral No 10 VU
Catalaphyllia jardinei Coral No 1 VU
Caulastrea curvata Coral No 4 VU
Caulastrea echinulata Coral No 2 VU
Cyphastrea agassizi Coral No 10 VU
Cyphastrea ocellina Coral No 8 VU
Echinophyllia costata Coral No 3 VU
Echinopora ashmorensis Coral No 4 VU
Euphyllia ancora Coral No 11 VU
Euphyllia cristata Coral No 10 VU
Euphyllia paraancora Coral No 2 VU
Euphyllia paradivisa Coral No 4 VU
Euphyllia paraglabrescens Coral No 1 VU

Priority protected species in Indonesia
Number of KBA Confirmed Presence

Restricted to single Ecosystem

Red List category 2020

change from 2014 list*

Site based protection
Wallacea Endemic

CITES appendix
Scientific name Common Name

Favites spinosa Coral No 1 VU

Fungia curvata Coral No 0 VU
Fungia taiwanensis Coral No 1 VU
Galaxea acrhelia Coral No 5 VU
Galaxea astreata Coral No 7 VU
Galaxea cryptoramosa Coral No 3 VU
Goniastrea ramosa Coral No 4 VU
Goniopora albiconus Coral No 7 VU
Goniopora burgosi Coral No 3 VU
Goniopora planulata Coral No 2 VU
Goniopora polyformis Coral No 1 VU
Halomitra clavator Coral No 5 VU
Heliofungia actiniformis Coral No 14 VU
Heliopora coerulea Coral No 17 VU
Isopora brueggemanni Coral No 10 VU
Isopora crateriformis Coral No 4 VU
Isopora cuneata Coral No 9 VU
Isopora togianensis Coral No 0 EN 5
Leptastrea aequalis Coral No 0 VU
Leptoria irregularis Coral No 2 VU
Leptoseris incrustans Coral No 8 VU
Leptoseris yabei Coral No 6 VU
Lobophyllia dentatus Coral No 5 VU
Lobophyllia diminuta Coral No 2 VU 5
Lobophyllia flabelliformis coral no VU 1
Lobophyllia serratus Coral No 2 EN 5
Millepora boschmai Coral No 0 CR 5
Montastrea multipunctata Coral No 0 VU
Montastrea salebrosa Coral No 9 VU
Montipora altasepta Coral No 2 VU

Priority protected species in Indonesia
Number of KBA Confirmed Presence

Restricted to single Ecosystem

Red List category 2020

change from 2014 list*

Site based protection
Wallacea Endemic

CITES appendix
Scientific name Common Name

Montipora angulata Coral No 2 VU

Montipora australiensis Coral No 1 VU
Montipora cactus Coral No 4 VU
Montipora calcarea Coral No 7 VU
Montipora caliculata Coral No 14 VU
Montipora capricornis Coral No 1 VU
Montipora cebuensis Coral No 7 VU
Montipora cocosensis Coral No 3 VU
Montipora corbettensis Coral No 6 VU
Montipora crassituberculata Coral No 7 VU
Montipora delicatula Coral No 3 VU
Montipora florida Coral No 3 VU
Montipora friabilis Coral No 2 VU
Montipora gaimardi Coral No 2 VU
Montipora hodgsoni Coral No 5 VU
Montipora mactanensis Coral No 4 VU
Montipora malampaya Coral No 4 VU
Montipora meandrina Coral No 2 VU
Montipora orientalis Coral No 1 VU
Montipora samarensis Coral No 2 VU 5
Montipora setosa Coral No 0 EN
Montipora turtlensis Coral No 7 VU
Montipora verruculosus Coral No 3 VU
Montipora vietnamensis Coral No 9 VU
Moseleya latistellata Coral No 0 VU
Mycedium steeni Coral No 1 VU
Nemenzophyllia turbida Coral No 1 VU
Pachyseris involuta Coral No 0 VU
Pachyseris rugosa Coral No 6 VU
Pavona bipartita Coral No 7 VU

Priority protected species in Indonesia
Number of KBA Confirmed Presence

Restricted to single Ecosystem

Red List category 2020

change from 2014 list*

Site based protection
Wallacea Endemic

CITES appendix
Scientific name Common Name

Pavona cactus Coral No 11 VU

Pavona danai Coral No 0 VU
Pavona decussata Coral No 11 VU
Pavona venosa Coral No 14 VU
Pectinia alcicornis Coral No 4 VU
Pectinia lactuca Coral No 18 VU 5
Pectinia maxima Coral No 4 EN 5
Physogyra lichtensteini Coral No 14 VU
Platygyra yaeyamaensis Coral No 13 VU
Plerogyra discus Coral No 0 VU
Pocillopora ankeli Coral No 5 VU
Pocillopora danae Coral No 9 VU
Pocillopora elegans Coral No 1 VU
Porites aranetai Coral No 1 VU
Porites attenuata Coral No 8 VU
Porites cocosensis Coral No 1 VU
Porites cumulatus Coral No 3 VU 5
Porites eridani Coral No 0 EN 5
Porites horizontalata Coral No 10 VU
Porites napopora Coral No 1 VU
Porites nigrescens Coral No 18 VU 5
Porites ornata Coral No 1 EN 5
Porites rugosa Coral No 4 VU
Porites sillimaniana Coral No 3 VU
Porites tuberculosa Coral No 8 VU
Psammocora stellata Coral No 1 VU 5
Seriatopora aculeata Coral No 3 VU
Seriatopora dendritica Coral No 6 VU 5
Stylocoeniella cocosensis Coral No 0 VU 5
Symphyllia hassi Coral No 7 VU

Priority protected species in Indonesia
Number of KBA Confirmed Presence

Restricted to single Ecosystem

Red List category 2020

change from 2014 list*

Site based protection
Wallacea Endemic

CITES appendix
Scientific name Common Name

Turbinaria bifrons Coral No 0 VU

Turbinaria heronensis Coral No 0 VU
Turbinaria mesenterina Coral No 15 VU
Turbinaria patula Coral No 1 VU
Turbinaria peltata Coral No 7 VU
Turbinaria reniformis Coral No 12 VU
Turbinaria stellulata Coral No 7 VU
Tridacna derasa Giant clam sp No 2 Y VU II Y Y
Tridacna gigas Giant clam sp No 4 Y VU II Y Y
Sea Cucumbers
Actinopyga echinites Brownfish, deep water redfish No 0 N VU - Y Y
Actinopyga mauritiana Surf redfish No 0 N VU - Y Y
Actinopyga miliaris Blackfish, hairy blackfish No 0 N VU - Y Y
Holothuria fuscogilva White teatfish No 4 N VU II Y Y
Holothuria lessoni Golden sandfish No 2 N EN - Y Y
Holothuria scabra Golden sandfish, sandfish No 0 N EN - Y Y
Holothuria whitmaei Black teatfish No 0 N EN II Y Y
Stichopus herrmanni Curryfish No 0 N VU - Y Y
Thelenota ananas Prickly redfish No 1 N EN - Y Y
Avicennia rumphiana mangrove sp No 1 Y VU - Y N
Camptostemon philippinense mangrove sp No 1 Y EN - Y N

Notes for ‘change from 2014’:

1: species added to threatened species list in Wallacea since 2014
2: uplisted from EN in 2014
3: uplisted from VU in 2014
4: name change since 2014
5: Red List status in 2014 ecosystem profile is not consistent with history of assessment in Red List

Appendix 1. Information from the 2014 Ecosystem Profile

The information included below is directly from the 2014 ecosystem profile. It is included here for
reader convenience.

Map of KBAs in Northern Sulawesi

Map of KBAs in Central Sulawesi

Map of KBAs in South and Southeast Sulawesi

Table. Marine KBAs and Candidate KBAs and protected areas in Sulawesi


PA Area
Name of overlapping protected area

map KBA Name Area Marine Corridor

(PA) name

Code (ha)

IDN001 Kepulauan Nanusa 33,439 North Sulawesi CON
Perairan Karakelang North Sulawesi CON
IDN002 32,434
Perairan Talaud North Sulawesi CON
IDN006 47,250
IDN008 Kawaluso 342,413 North Sulawesi CON
IDN009 Perairan Sangihe 132,752 North Sulawesi CON TPK Kepulauan Tatoareng dan Perairan
DKP 167,398
IDN013 Mahangetang 33,683 North Sulawesi CON sekitarnya
IDN014 Perairan Siau 77,152 North Sulawesi CON
IDN016 Perairan Tagulandang 21,793 North Sulawesi CON KKPD Kepulauan Sitaro DKP 44,110
IDN017 Perairan Biaro 16,946 North Sulawesi CON
IDN018 Perairan Likupang 55,690 North Sulawesi CON TWP Kab Minahasa Utara DKP 26,525
IDN020 Molaswori 55,559 North Sulawesi CON TN Bunaken KLHK 89,065
IDN023 Selat Lembeh 17,589 North Sulawesi CON KKPD Kota Bitung DKP 9,647
IDN026 Tulaun Lalumpe 1,392 North Sulawesi CON KKP Daerah Minahasa DKP 10,976
Perairan Arakan North Sulawesi CON
IDN032 15,134 89,065
Wawontulap TN Bunaken KLHK
IDN033 Amurang 24,347 North Sulawesi CON KKLD Kab. Minahasa Selatan DKP 26,000
Perairan Tanjung
IDN039 1,618 No corridor CAN
IDN040 Pantai Modisi 3,353 No corridor CON
KKPD Gorontalo Utara DKP 469
IDN044 Perairan Molonggota 2,304 No corridor CON
KKPD Popaya DKP 1,267
Perairan Mas Popaya KKPD Monduli DKP 7,380
IDN045 59,068 No corridor CON
Raja KKPD Tanjung Panjang DKP 2,953
IDN051 Perairan Panua 44,248 No corridor CAN KKPD Maruagi - Mabasar DKP 6,866
Perairan Tanjung
IDN056 21,769 No corridor CON
West central
IDN059 Teluk Dondo 211,621 CAN
Sulawesi KKP3K Donggala, Buol, Tolitoli dan
DKP 60,043
West central Perairan Sekitarnya
IDN063 Perairan Maputi 13,127 CON


PA Area
Name of overlapping protected area

map KBA Name Area Marine Corridor

(PA) name

Code (ha)

West central
IDN065 Tanjung Manimbaya 27,657 CAN
West central
IDN068 Perairan Kayumaloa 7,968 CON
Sulawesi KKPD Mamuju DKP
KKP3K Parigi Moutong, Poso, Tojo Una-
IDN070 Perairan Tambu 16,320 No corridor CAN 128,690
Perairan Kepulauan CON
IDN077 341,275 Togean-Banggai 362,605
Togean TN Kepulauan Togean KLHK
IDN079 Perairan Pagimana 1,071 Togean-Banggai CON
Perairan Peleng– CON KKP3K Banggai, Banggai Kepulauan,
IDN081 509,722 Togean-Banggai DKP 856,649
Banggai Banggai Laut
IDN087 Perairan Balantak 6,218 Togean-Banggai CAN
IDN100 Perairan Lamiko–Miko 10,620 No corridor CAN KKL Kabupaten Luwu Utara DKP 606
KKPD Kabupaten Kolaka DKP 120,800
IDN102 Kepulauan Padamaran 33,036 No corridor CON
TWA Kepulauan Padamarang KLHK 72,000
South-east CON
IDN105 Teluk Lasolo–Labengki 89,022 81,800
Sulawesi TWA Teluk Lasolo KLHK
South-east CON
IDN107 Pulau Hari 43,834 21,786
Sulawesi KKPD Sulawesi Tenggara DKP
IDN112 Pesisir Tinanggea 18,809 CAN
South-east CON KWL Selat Tiworo dan Pulau-pulau
IDN113 Selat Tiworo 26,064 27,936
Sulawesi sekitarnya DKP
South-east CON
IDN117 Wabula 47,140 10,130
Sulawesi KKPD Kabupaten Buton DKP
1,325,16 South-east CON 1,390,00
IDN119 Perairan Wakatobi
8 Sulawesi TN Kepulauan Wakatobi KLHK 0
South-east CON
IDN121 Pulau Batu Atas 32,042
KKPD Buton Selatan DKP 182,147
IDN122 Basilika 204,895
KKPD Kabupaten Buton DKP 121,339
IDN125 Kepulauan Sagori 20,832 CON 19,177
Sulawesi KKPD Kabupaten Bombana DKP
IDN128 Perairan Mamuju 11,032 No corridor CAN KKPD Mamuju DKP


PA Area
Name of overlapping protected area

map KBA Name Area Marine Corridor

(PA) name

Code (ha)

IDN132 Perairan Pallime 35,694 South Sulawesi CAN KKPD (SA Perikanan) Bone Sinjai DKP 423,942
CON KKPD Liukang Tupabiring (KKPD
Kapoposang–Pangkep– 66,870
IDN136 376,797 South Sulawesi Pangkep) DKP
TWP Kepulauan Kapoposang KKP 50,000
IDN139 Kepulauan Selayar 313,197 South Sulawesi CON KKLD Pulo Pasi Gusung DKP 5,018
IDN141 Taka Bonerate 569,397 South Sulawesi CAN TN Taka Bonerate KLHK 530,765
IDN142 Perairan Tana Jampea 565,327 South Sulawesi CAN

Map of KBAs in Northern Maluku

Map of KBAs in Southern Maluku

Table. Marine KBAs and Candidate KBAs in Maluku


PA Area

KBA map Marine Name of overlapping protected area

KBA Name Area
Code Corridor (PA)


IDN090 Perairan Taliabu Utara Sula islands CON KKP3K Kepulauan Sula DKP 117,960
IDN094 Pulau Lifamatola Sula islands CON
Pulau-pulau Pesisir 62,79 Halmahera KKP P. Rao - Tanjung Dehegila
IDN146 CON DKP 65,521
Morotai 0 marine Kabupaten P. Morotai
14,63 Halmahera
IDN148 Loloda CON
5 marine
Pulau–Pulau Pesisir 20,05 Halmahera
Tobelo 9 marine
IDN152 Jara-Jara 6,910 CON
20,99 Halmahera
IDN155 Teluk Wasile CAN
7 marine
152,2 Halmahera
IDN157 Teluk Buli CON
28 marine
IDN159 Tanjung Bobo 1,174 CON
IDN162 Ternate–Hiri 6,216 CON
IDN166 Weda Telope 8,880 CON
14,93 Halmahera
IDN168 Perairan Dote-Kobe CAN
8 marine
126,2 Halmahera KKPD Kepulauan Guraici dan Laut
IDN169 Kayoa CON DKP 6,386
94 marine Sekitarnya
41,01 Halmahera KKPD Gugusan pulau Widi sebagai Suaka
IDN175 Kepulauan Widi CON DKP 7,690
7 marine pulau kecil
IDN176 Libobo 686 CAN
17,63 Halmahera
IDN180 Perairan Mandioli CAN
6 marine
Selat Obilatu– 18,76 Halmahera
Malamala 3 marine


PA Area

KBA map Marine Name of overlapping protected area

KBA Name Area
Code Corridor (PA)


40,10 Halmahera
IDN187 Selat Obi CAN
6 marine
IDN189 Perairan Pulau Obit 6,432 CAN
65,15 Halmahera
IDN190 Jorongga CAN
4 marine
IDN191 Liliali Buru marine CAN
IDN197 Perairan Teluk Kayeli Buru marine CAN
Kelang–Kassa–Buano– 215,0 TWA Pulau Kasa KLHK 1,100
IDN198 Buru marine CON
Marseg 45 TWA Pulau Marsegu KLHK 11,000
Perairan Gunung
IDN206 816 Buru marine CAN
IDN208 Leihitu Buru marine CAN
Perairan Haruku - 47,98
IDN209 Buru marine CON KKPD Kep. Lease DKP 81,573
Saparua 5
IDN215 Perairan Tanah Besar No corridor CAN
Perairan Kepulauan 39,62 Banda KKPD Pulau Ay dan Pulau Rhun DKP 47,969
Banda 3 marine TWP Laut Banda KKP 2,500
IDN224 Perairan Pulau Manuk 120 CAN
101,1 Outer Banda KP3K Pulau Koon, Pulau-Pulau Kecil dan
IDN216 Kepulauan Gorom CAN DKP 9,901
47 arc Sekitarnya
Perairan Kepulauan 228,6 Outer Banda
Tayandu 03 arc
TW P. Baeer di dusun Duroa kecamatan
DKP 82
167,0 Outer Banda P. Dullah Utara
IDN221 Perairan Tual CAN
40 arc KKP3K P. Kei Kecil, Pulau-pulau dan
DKP 150,000
perarian sekitarnya
Perairan Kepulauan 133,0 Outer Banda
Lemola 61 arc
197,7 Outer Banda
IDN330 Kepulauan Sermatang CAN
41 arc


PA Area

KBA map Marine Name of overlapping protected area

KBA Name Area
Code Corridor (PA)


304,3 Outer Banda
IDN333 Kepulauan Babar CAN
11 arc
Outer Banda
IDN335 Perairan Angwarmase 1,583 CON
38,26 Outer Banda
IDN337 Selat Yamdena CON
3 arc KKPD Yamdena Kabupaten Maluku
DKP 783,806
Kepulauan Larat– 58,66 Outer Banda Tenggara Barat
Fordata 1 arc
337,2 Outer+Inner
IDN326 Kepulauan Kisar CAN
00 Banda arc
131,8 Inner Banda
IDN331 Kepulauan Damar CAN
58 arc
43,20 Lucipara
IDN225 Kepulauan Lucipara CON
9 marine

Map of KBAs in Western Lesser Sundas (West Nusa Tenggara)

Map of KBAs in Eastern Lesser Sundas (Including Timor-Leste)

Table/ Marine KBAs and Candidate KBAs in Nusa Tenggara


PA Area
KBA map KBA Area Name of overlapping

KBA Name Marine Corridor
Code (ha) protected area (PA)

Lombok – W Nusa
IDN228 Perairan Batu Gendang 6,103 CAN
Tenggara TWP Gili Tangkong, Gili
DKP 21,566
Lombok – W Nusa Nanggu dan Gili Sundak
IDN229 Lombok Barat 592 CAN
Lombok – W Nusa TWP Pulau Gili Ayer, Gili
IDN230 Gili Ayer–Meno–Trawangan 2,514 CON 2,954
Tenggara Meno dan Gili Trawangan KKP
Lombok – W Nusa TWP Gili Sulat dan Gili
IDN232 Gili Sulat–Gili Lawang 603 CAN 10,000
Tenggara Lawang DKP
Lombok – W Nusa
IDN233 Perairan Bumbang 34,762 CAN 6,310
Tenggara TWP Teluk Bumbang DKP
TP Penyu Lunyuk DKP 70,000
Lombok – W Nusa
IDN236 Lunyuk Besar 9,612 CAN
TPK Gili Balu dan TP Penyu
DKP 723
Lombok – W Nusa Tatar Sepang
IDN239 Sumbawa Barat 5,785 CAN
Taman Pulau Kecil P.
Lombok – W Nusa
IDN240 Pulau Panjang 11,085 CAN Keramat, P. Bedil, P. 2,000
Temudong DKP
Lombok – W Nusa KLH
IDN243 Perairan Pulau Moyo 7,884 CAN 6,000
Tenggara TWA Pulau Moyo K
Lombok – W Nusa KLH
IDN245 Perairan Pulau Satonda 749 CAN 2,600
Tenggara TWA Pulau Satonda K
Lombok – W Nusa
IDN247 Nisa–Teluk Saleh 1,249 CAN
Lombok – W Nusa
IDN249 Perairan Empang 15,231 CAN
SAPerikanan Teluk Cempi DKP 39,000
Lombok – W Nusa
IDN250 Perairan Parado 4,097 CAN
IDN251 Teluk Waworada 35,648 CAN
IDN252 Perairan Bajo 165 CAN
IDN253 Pulau Ular 880 CAN


PA Area
KBA map KBA Area Name of overlapping

KBA Name Marine Corridor
Code (ha) protected area (PA)

IDN254 Sangiang 9,282 CAN
IDN255 Gili Banta 4,038 CAN 43,750
strait TWP Gili Banta DKP
IDN281 Perairan Komodo–Rinca 124,748 CON
IDN256 Pero 3,043 Savu sea CAN
IDN269 9,105 Savu sea CAN
IDN270 Perairan Tarimbang 3,579 Savu sea CAN
Pantai Mananga Aba–Pantai
IDN263 7,393 Savu sea CON
Pulau Salura–Mangkudu–
IDN276 4,904 Savu sea CON
IDN278 Perairan Tanjung Ngunju 6,403 Savu sea CAN 3,355,3
TNP Laut Sawu KKP
IDN351 Perairan Rote Utara 25,788 Savu sea CON 53
IDN354 Rote Barat Daya 53,884 Savu sea CON
IDN355 Perairan Pulau Dana 35,119 Savu sea CAN

IDN348 Perairan Teluk Kupang 79,114 Savu sea CON

TWA Teluk Kupang K
CA Riung K
IDN295 Riung 17 Pulau 23,314 No corridor CON
TWA Tujuh Belas Pulau K
IDN299 Paga 3,907 No corridor CAN KKPL Kabupaten Sikka DKP 42,250
IDN301 Gunungsari 593 No corridor CAN TWA Gugus Pulau Teluk KLH
IDN302 Teluk Maumere 47,822 No corridor CON Maumere K
IDN307 Pantai Selatan Lebau 1,770 Solor–Alor CAN 150,00
SAP Kabupaten Flores Timur DKP
IDN310 Flores Timur 2,974 Solor–Alor CAN 0
KKPD Lembata DKP 0
IDN311 Perairan Lembata 37,527 Solor–Alor CON
SAP Kabupaten Flores Timur DKP 0


PA Area
KBA map KBA Area Name of overlapping

KBA Name Marine Corridor
Code (ha) protected area (PA)

IDN314 Selat Pantar 55,071 Solor–Alor CON
IDN316 Pantar Utara 3,282 Solor–Alor CAN SAP Selat Pantar dan laut
IDN318 Perairan Gunung Muna 3,525 Solor–Alor CON sekitarnya
IDN320 Perairan Alor Utara 5,417 Solor–Alor CAN

Abbreviations used in the names of conservation areas

Abbreviations Indonesian English

KKPD Kawasan Konservasi Perairan Daerah Regional Marine Conservation Area
TN (P) Taman Nasional (perairan) (Marine) National Park
SAP Suaka Alam Perairan Marine Nature reserve
TW(P) Taman Wisata (perairan) (Marine) tourism park
SAPerikanan Suaka Alam Perikanan Fisheries Nature reserve
TPK Taman Pulau Kecil Small Island Park
TP Taman Pesisir Coastal Park
KKP3K Kawasan Konservasi Perairan, Pesisir dan Pulau-pulau Kecil Marine, coastal and small island conservation area
DKP Dinas Kelautan dan Perikanan Regional Agency for marine and fisheries
KKP Kementerian Kelautan dan Perikanan Ministry of Marine Affairs and fisheries (MMAF)
KLHK Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup dan Kehutanan Ministry of Environment and Forestry

Table. Marine Corridors (CEPF priorities in bold)

# of
No. Corridor Name Province /country Area (Ha) KBAs Species

IDN001, IDN002, IDN006, IDN008, IDN009,

1 North Sulawesi North Sulawesi 6,006,005 IDN013, IDN014, IDN016, IDN017, IDN018, 140
IDN020, IDN023, IDN026, IDN032, IDN033
North Sulawesi,
2 Sulawesi Sea* 7,888,060 None 0
West Central West Sulawesi,
3 2,319,590 IDN059, IDN063, IDN065, IDN068 2
Sulawesi North Sulawesi
4 Togean– Banggai Central Sulawesi 1,909,669 IDN077, IDN079, IDN081, IDN087 4
Sulawesi South-East IDN105, IDN107, IDN112, IDN113, IDN117,
5 6,626,670 no data
Tengarra Sulawesi IDN119, IDN121, IDN122, IDN125
6 Sulawesi Selatan South Sulawesi 4,636,985 IDN132, IDN136, IDN139, IDN141, IDN142 no data
7 South Sulawesi 2,640,576 no KBA no data
8 Selat Makassar West Sulawesi 14,144,548 no KBA no data
IDN228, IDN229, IDN230, IDN232, IDN233,
9 Lombok - Sumbawa West Nusa Tenggara 2,050,317 IDN236, IDN239, IDN240, IDN243, IDN245, 4
IDN247, IDN249, IDN250
Komodo–Sumba IDN251, IDN252, IDN253, IDN254, IDN255,
10 East Nusa Tenggara 754,100 5
Strait IDN281
East Nusa IDN307, IDN310, IDN311, IDN314, IDN316,
11 Solor–Alor 3,043,621 2
Tenggara IDN318, IDN320
IDN256, IDN263, IDN269, IDN270, IDN276,
12 Sawu Sea East Nusa Tenggara 2,540,129 4
IDN278, IDN348, IDN351, IDN354, IDN355
IDN146, DN148, IDN151, IDN152, IDN155,
Halmahera IDN157, IDN159, IDN162, IDN166, IDN168,
13 North Maluku 5,396,683 152
Seascape IDN169, IDN175, IDN176, IDN180, IDN181,
IDN187, IDN189, IDN190
14 Kepulauan Sula Maluku 1,435,607 IDN090, IDN094 no data
IDN191, IDN197, IDN198, IDN206, IDN208,
15 Buru Seascape Maluku 2,213,436 1
16 Lucipara Seascape Maluku 1,930,038 IDN225 1

# of
No. Corridor Name Province /country Area (Ha) KBAs Species

17 Banda Seascape Maluku 2,113,838 IDN217, IDN224 76

18 Inner Banda Arc Maluku 2,580,733 (IDN326), IDN331 no data
IDN216, IDN219, IDN221, IDN328, IDN330,
19 Outer Banda Arc Maluku 5,973,386 5
IDN333, IDN335, IDN337, IDN339, (IDN326)
20 Timor Trench Timor-Leste 912,028 None 0
TLS002, TLS004, TLS008, TLS011, TLS012,
21 Timor-Leste 544,149 TLS019, TLS023, TLS025, TLS026, TLS030, 89
TLS031, TLS034

Table. Protected Areas in Indonesian Wallacea

Area Year
Province Protected area name Designation KBAs Marine Corridor
(ha) Declared

Sulawesi Utara TN Bunaken Taman Nasional 89,065 1991 yes North Sulawesi
Sulawesi Utara KKLD Kab. Minahasa Selatan KKPD 26,000 2007 yes North Sulawesi
Sulawesi Utara KKPD Minahasa KKPD 10,976 2013 yes North Sulawesi
TPK Kepulauan Tatoareng dan Perairan
Sulawesi Utara Taman Pulau Kecil 167,398 2017 yes North Sulawesi
Sulawesi Utara TWP Kab Minahasa Utara Taman Wisata Perairan 26,525 2018 yes North Sulawesi
Sulawesi Utara KKPD Kepulauan Sitaro Taman Pulau Kecil 44,110 2018 yes North Sulawesi
Kawasan Konservasi
Sulawesi Utara KKPD Kota Bitung 9,647 2014 yes North Sulawesi
Perairan Daerah
Gorontalo KKPD Biluhu Timur KKPD 105 2019 no none
Gorontalo KKPD Botubarani KKPD 35 2019 no none
Gorontalo KKPD Dulangka KKPD 3,419 2019 no none
Gorontalo KKPD Gorontalo Utara KKPD 469 2019 yes none
Gorontalo KKPD Mabasar Maruangi KKPD 1,164 2019 no none
Gorontalo KKPD Maruagi - Mabasar KKPD 6,866 2019 yes none
Gorontalo KKPD Monduli KKPD 7,380 2019 yes none
Gorontalo KKPD Pantai Olele KKPD 479 2019 no none
Gorontalo KKPD Popaya KKPD 1,267 2019 no none
Gorontalo KKPD Sumalata KKPD 14,308 2019 no none
Gorontalo KKPD Tanjung Panjang KKPD 2,953 2019 no none
Gorontalo KKPD Tolinggula KKPD 2,097 2019 no none
Sulawesi Barat KKPD Majene KKPD no info 2016 no none
West central
Sulawesi Barat KKPD Mamuju KKPD no info 2016 yes
Sulawesi Barat KKPD Polewali Mandar KKPD no info 2016 no none

Area Year
Province Protected area name Designation KBAs Marine Corridor
(ha) Declared

KKLD Pulo Pasi Gusung KKPD 5,018 2011 yes South Sulawesi
KKL Kabupaten Luwu Utara KKPD 606 2010 yes none
KKP3K Kab Barru KKP3K 606 2014 no South Sulawesi
KKPD Bone Sinjai Suaka Perikanan 423,942 2018 yes South Sulawesi
Sulawesi Pangkajene
KKPD Liukang Tangaya KKPD 500,738 2018 no
Selatan Kelpulauan
Sulawesi KKPD Liukang Tupabiring (KKPD
KKPD 66,870 2018 yes South Sulawesi
Selatan Pangkep)
KKPD Pulo Kauna Kayuadi KKPD 3,983 2011 no South Sulawesi
TN Taka Bonerate Taman Nasional 530,765 2001 yes South Sulawesi
TWP Kepulauan Kapoposang Taman Wisata Perairan 50,000 2014 no South Sulawesi
Sulawesi KKP3K Kecil Banggai, Banggai
KKP3K 856,649 2019 yes Togean-Banggai
Tengah Kepulauan, Banggai Laut
Sulawesi KKP3K Donggala, Buol, Tolitoli dan West central
KKP3K 60,043 2019 yes
Tengah Perairan Sekitarnya Sulawesi
Sulawesi KKP3K Morowali, Morowali Utara, dan
KKP3K 292,910 2019 no none
Tengah Perairan Sekitarnya
Sulawesi KKP3K Parigi Moutong, Poso, Tojo Una-
KKP3K 128,690 2019 yes none
Tengah Una
TN Kepulauan Togean Taman Nasional 362,605 2004 yes Togean-Banggai
KKPD (SAP) Kolaka Utara SAP 37,320 2015 no none
Sulawesi South-east
TWP Pulau Wawonii Taman Wisata Perairan 28,340 2016 no
Tenggara Sulawesi
Sulawesi KKPD (KWL) Selat Tiworo dan Pulau- Kawasan Konservasi South-east
27,936 2004 yes
Tenggara pulau sekitarnya Perairan Daerah Sulawesi

Area Year
Province Protected area name Designation KBAs Marine Corridor
(ha) Declared

Sulawesi 1,390,00 South-east

TN Kepulauan Wakatobi Taman Nasional 2002 yes
Tenggara 0 Sulawesi
Sulawesi Kawasan Konservasi South-east
KKPD Buton Selatan 182,147 2016 yes
Tenggara Perairan Daerah Sulawesi
Sulawesi South-east
KKPD Kabupaten Bombana Taman Wisata Perairan 19,177 2011 yes
Tenggara Sulawesi
Sulawesi South-east
KKPD Kabupaten Buton Taman Wisata Perairan 10,130 2005 yes
Tenggara Sulawesi
KKPD Kabupaten Kolaka Suaka Perairan 60,400 2013 yes none
Sulawesi Kawasan Konservasi South-east
KKPD Kabupaten Muna 76,417 2014 no
Tenggara Perairan Daerah Sulawesi
Sulawesi Kawasan Konservasi South-east
KKPD Sulawesi Tenggara 21,786 2014 yes
Tenggara Perairan Daerah Sulawesi
TWA Kepulauan Padamarang Taman Wisata Alam 36,000 2003 no none
Sulawesi South-east
TWA Teluk Lasolo Taman Wisata Alam 81,800 1999 yes
Tenggara Sulawesi
KKP3K Pulau Kei kecil, pulau-pulau dan
Maluku perairan sekitarnya di Kabupaten Taman Pulau Kecil 150,000 2016 no Outer Banda arc
Maluku Tenggara
Maluku KKPD Kep. Lease KKP3K 81,573 2016 yes Buru marine
Maluku KKPD Pulau Ay dan Pulau Rhun KKPD 47,969 2016 yes Banda marine
KKPD Yamdena Kabupaten Maluku Kawasan Konservasi
Maluku 783,806 2016 yes Outer banda arc
Tenggara Barat Perairan Daerah
KP3K Pulau Koon, Pulau-Pulau Kecil dan
Maluku Sekitarnya di Kabupaten Seram Bagian Taman Pulau Kecil 9,901 2018 yes Outer banda arc
Maluku TWP Laut Banda Taman Wisata Perairan 2,500 2014 no Banda marine
TW Pulau Baeer di dusun Duroa
Maluku KKPD 82 2016 yes Outer banda arc
kecamatan Pulau Dullah Utara
Maluku TWA Pulau Kasa Taman Wisata Alam 1,100 1978 yes Buru marine
Maluku TWA Pulau Marsegu Taman Wisata Alam 11,000 1999 no Buru marine

Area Year
Province Protected area name Designation KBAs Marine Corridor
(ha) Declared

Maluku TWA Pulau Pombo Taman Wisata Alam 998 1996 no Buru marine
KKPD Kepulauan Guraici dan Laut Halmahera
Maluku Utara KKPD 6,386 2012 yes
Sekitarnya marine
Maluku Utara KKPD Kota Tidore Kepulauan KKPD 2,810 2012 no
KKP (TWP) Pulau Rao - Tanjung
Maluku Utara Taman Wisata Perairan 65,521 2018 yes Halmahera
Dehegila Kabupaten Pulau Morotai
Maluku Utara KKP3K Kepulauan Sula Taman Pesisir 117,960 2018 yes Sula islands
KKP3K Pulau Makian Kabupaten Halmahera
Maluku Utara Suaka Pulau Kecil 42,799 2018 no
Halmahera Selatan marine
KKPD Gugusan pulau Widi sebagai
Maluku Utara KKPD 7,690 2015 yes Halmahera
Suaka pulau kecil
Maluku Utara SPK Kabupaten Halmahera Tengah Suaka Pulau Kecil 192 2013 no
Nusa Tenggara Lombok –
TWP Gili Sulat dan Gili Lawang Taman Wisata Perairan 10,000 2016 yes
Barat Sumbawa
Nusa Tenggara Lombok –
KKPD Pulau Lipan dan Rakit Suaka Alam Perairan 26,641 2018 no
Barat Sumbawa
Nusa Tenggara Lombok –
TPK P. Keramat, P. Bedil, P. Temudong Taman Pulau Kecil 2,000 2016 yes
Barat Sumbawa
Nusa Tenggara Lombok –
TP Penyu Lunyuk Taman Pesisir 70,000 2016 yes
Barat Sumbawa
Nusa Tenggara TWP P. Gili Ayer, Gili Meno, Gili Lombok –
Taman Wisata Perairan 2,954 2014 yes
Barat Trawangan Sumbawa
Nusa Tenggara Kawasan Konservasi Komodo–Sumba
TWP Gili Banta 43,750 2016 yes
Barat Perairan Daerah strait
Nusa Tenggara Lombok –
TWP Pulau Liang dan Pulau Ngali Taman Wisata Perairan 33,461 2016 no
Barat Sumbawa
Nusa Tenggara Lombok –
TWP Teluk Bumbang Taman Wisata Perairan 6,310 2016 yes
Barat Sumbawa
Nusa Tenggara Lombok –
SAP Teluk Cempi Suaka Alam Perikanan 39,000 2016 yes
Barat Sumbawa
Nusa Tenggara TPK Gili Balu dan TP Penyu Tatar Taman Pulau Kecil dan Lombok –
723 2016 yes
Barat Sepang Taman Pesisir Sumbawa

Area Year
Province Protected area name Designation KBAs Marine Corridor
(ha) Declared

Nusa Tenggara Lombok –

TWA Pulau Moyo Taman Wisata Alam 6,000 2001 yes
Barat Sumbawa
Nusa Tenggara Lombok –
TWA Pulau Satonda Taman Wisata Alam 2,600 1998 yes
Barat Sumbawa
Nusa Tenggara TWP Gili Tangkong, Gili Nanggu dan Gili Lombok –
Taman Wisata Perairan 21,556 2016 yes
Barat Sundak Sumbawa
Nusa Tenggara
CA Riung Cagar Alam 2,000 1996 yes none
Nusa Tenggara
KKPL Kabupaten Sikka KKPD 42,250 2010 yes none
Nusa Tenggara
SAP Selat Pantar dan Laut Sekitarnya Suaka Alam Perairan 276,693 2015 yes Solor–Alor
Nusa Tenggara Kawasan Konservasi
KKPD Lembata 225,620 2012 yes Solor–Alor
Timur Perairan Daerah
Nusa Tenggara Kawasan Konservasi
SAP Kabupaten Flores Timur 150,000 2013 yes Solor–Alor
Timur Perairan Daerah
Nusa Tenggara
TNP Laut Sawu Taman Nasional Perairan 3,355,35 2014 yes Savu sea
Nusa Tenggara
TWA Gugus Pulau Teluk Maumere Taman Wisata Alam 59,450 1987 yes none
Nusa Tenggara
TWA Teluk Kupang Taman Wisata Alam 50,000 1993 no Savu sea
Nusa Tenggara
TWA Tujuh Belas Pulau Taman Wisata Alam 9,900 1996 no none


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