Head Injury V3.0
Head Injury V3.0
Head Injury V3.0
Civil Aviation
Authority Guidance
Version 3.0 May 2018
UK CAA Head Injury Certification Guidance
Assessment content
Classification* Criteria Fitness Assessment by Aircrew Medical Category Class 1 cases to be assessed by CAA apart from minimal (AME) Class 2
cases to be assessed by AME
All must be present
Any concussive or mild head injury symptoms which have
recovered within 48hrs
Initial Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) 15 Class 1, 2, 3 & LAPL
Medical report from attending doctor
Minimal OR
No loss of consciousness (LOC) Unfit until 7 days after full recovery without symptoms AME clinical assessment (if not seen by A+E or GP)
No post traumatic amnesia (PTA)
No focal neurological deficit
No seizure
The presence of 2 criteria in the most severe category determines the category to be used for certificatory assessment.
*Any early (<=7 days) seizure must result in a classification of severe
Any concussive or mild head injury symptoms lasting Class 1, 2 3 & LAPL Medical report from attending doctor including investigations
greater than 48hrs Unfit for 6 weeks after full recovery without symptoms Class 1& 3 applicants must be referred to CAA for decision
Mild Initial Glasgow Coma Score (GCS) 12-15
Class 1 AND
LOC less than 30 minutes
PTA less than 30 minutes Then OML for further year AME clinical assessment after resolution of symptoms
Class 1, 3
Unfit 6 months after full recovery without symptoms
Then Class 1 OML for 2 years, Class 3 unrestricted Medical report from attending specialist including investigations.
Initial GCS 9-12 CT/MRI mandatory before recertification
LOC 30 mins to 24 hours Class 2 Class 1& 3 applicants must be referred to CAA for decision
PTA 30 mins to 24 hours Unfit for 3 months after full recovery without symptoms
Then OSL for further 3 months AND
Linear Skull fracture
AME clinical assessment after full recovery without symptoms
Unfit for 3 months after full recovery without symptoms
Class 1,3 Class 1,3
Initial GCS less than 9 Unfit 2 years after full recovery without symptoms applicants must be referred to CAA for decision
LOC more than 24 hours Then Class 1 OML long-term, Class 3 unrestricted Medical report from attending specialist including investigations. CT/MRI
mandatory before recertification
PTA more than 24 hours
Class 2 Neurocognitive testing must be performed
Transient Focal neurological deficit
Unfit for 1 year after full recovery without symptoms or Satisfactory Medical Flight Test / Simulator Proficiency Check
Severe Brain contusion(s) on CT/MRI or Intracranial haemorrhage demonstration of stable, non-disabling symptoms Then
on CT/MRI OSL for 1 year
Complex skull fracture Class 2, LAPL
Any operative intervention LAPL Medical report from attending specialist including investigations. CT/MRI
Unfit for 6 months after full recovery without symptoms or mandatory before recertification
Early seizure*
stable, non-disabling symptoms AME clinical assessment
Then OSL/OPL for 6 months Satisfactory Medical Flight Test
Penetrating brain Injury Class 1 2 & 3
Medical report from attending specialist including investigations.
Significant parenchymal damage i.e. Brain contusion on Unfit long-term CT/MRI mandatory before recertification
Very Severe CT/MRI (NB multiple unilateral or bilateral increase risk) +/- LAPL AND
Intracranial haemorrhage on CT/MRI Satisfactory Medical Flight Test
Unfit 1 year after full recovery without symptoms or
Enduring focal neurological deficit demonstration of stable, non-disabling symptoms AND
Early* and /or late (>7 days) seizures Then OSL/OPL long-term AME clinical assessment