DLL With Mastery
DLL With Mastery
DLL With Mastery
C. Learning 1. demonstrate how Describe the location of the Recognize that soil, 3rd Grading Examination
Competencies/Objectives places on Earth may Philippines with respect to water, rocks, coal, and
be located using a the continents and oceans other fossil fuels are
coordinate system; of the world. S7ES-IVa-2 Earth materials that
S7ES-IVa- people use as resources.
II. Content
The Philippine Environment.
III. Learning Resources
A. Learner's Material Pages Pg. 281-283 Pg. 283-285 Pg. 285-
IV. Procedure
a. Review Ask students to Ask students on the As you look around,
describe the location location of the earth using what natural resources
of the earth. the latitude and the do you see?
longitude. That it is located
15 degrees N and 30
degrees East.
b. Motivation From the earth’s Let students locate the What do you think
location, What can different continents and brought about by those
you observe in our oceans that locate the natural resources we
environment? Earth. had? For example, these
diverse living organisms
that we have.
Students should
realize that the
location of the
Philippines on
Earth brought
about the
different natural
that it has.
c. Presentation 1. Show a video on 1. For students to check if 1. Let students read
the Philippine their answers are correct. their book on the
environment. 2. Introduce Activity 2 on natural resources found
2. Using the globe “Where in the World Is the in the Philippines. Let
show them the Philippines” on page 283. them take note of it in
latitude and the their notebook.
longitude. Give 2. Ask students what are
places in the globe these natural resources
then let students that we have.
identify its location 3. Group students into
using the latitude and five and let them say
the longitude. something about these
3. Call for volunteers five natural resources
first then next will be that they had read.
selected students. Creative presentation of
4. Introduce Activity 1 the task given will also
on page 281. be considered.
4. Active participation of
the group should be
strictly observed.
d. Discussion Brief discussion on Processing the activity. The natural resources
what is latitude and Discussion on the we had includes soil,
what is longitude? landmasses and bodies of water, rocks, coal, and
Latitude is an water that surrounds the other fossil fuels. These
imaginary lines that Philippines. Earth materials are used
circles the Earth that by people in order to
is parallel to the survive.
equator. Longitude is
an imaginary lines
that circles the Earth
that goes from the
North pole to the
South pole.
f. Generalization Students will be able Students will be able to Answer the following
to describe the describe the location of the question.
location of the Philippines with respect to 1. What are the natural
Philippines using the surrounding landmasses resources that we have?
latitude and and bodies of water. 2. Why do we have
longitude. plenty of these natural
Evaluation Answer the guide Answer the guide questions Students will be
questions at the end at the end of the activity. evaluated on how they
of the activity. are going to present
their work, the content
of their presentation
and the relativity of it
with the topic.
h. Assignment Locate the following Research on other
places in the globe natural resources that
using the latitude and was not added in your
the longitude. activity such as the solar
1. Canada energy. and etc.
2. Malaysia
3. Europe
4. Atlantic
5. Indonesia
REMARKS Base from the result Students asks questions and Students had not finish
of the activity. The clarification on the activities yet their activity so they
students are able to they are doing. They were were given until
locate the different guided on the execution of Monday to present.
places asked from the the activity.
activity using the Almost all of the students
latitude and the was able to describe the
longitude. For some location of the Philippines
students whom was with respect to the
observed to not continents and oceans that
understand the lesson surrounds it.
well are encouraged
to orally state the
difference between
the longitude and the
latitude and be able
to locate some places
in the map in class.
80% of the students 90 % of the students 90 % of the students
mastered the lesson. mastered the lesson mastered the lesson.