Developing A Face Recognition System Using Convolutional Neural Network and Raspberry Pi Including Facial Expression
Developing A Face Recognition System Using Convolutional Neural Network and Raspberry Pi Including Facial Expression
Developing A Face Recognition System Using Convolutional Neural Network and Raspberry Pi Including Facial Expression
Facial expression recognition systems have attracted much research interest within the field of artificial intel-
ligence. Many established facial expression recognition (FER) systems apply standard machine learning to ex-
tracted image features, and these methods generalize poorly to previously unseen data. This project builds upon
re-cent research to classify images of human faces into discrete emotion categories using convolutional neural
net-works (CNNs). We experimented with different architectures and methods such as fractional max-pooling
and fine-tuning, ultimately achieving an accuracy of 0.48 in a seven-class classification task. Detection of face
is a system used to determine any faces in a captured image and, if present, gives the image location and
content of each face. Security and surveillance are the two important aspects of human being. In this work we
tried to construct face detection and recognition system that will be capable of processing images very fast when
capturing with very high face detection rate with positive ratio. This paper describes a simple and easy
hardware implementation of face detection system using Raspberry Pi. The system is programmed using Python
programming language. A real time face detection and face recognition is carried out from specific images, i.e.
Object Recognition, is find out and the proposed system is tested across various standard face databases
,Emotional face databases with and without noise and blurring effects.
Key words : CN N, Max-pooling, Base line classifier, Haar pattern, Python, Open CV, Raspberry
One of the unique features of our brain is that it can think only in images not in words. Once you may forget to
keep your Car’s key but you will never forget to bring a face with you. God has given everyone a unique face.
Face is the most important part of our body, so that it can reflect many emotions of a person. From a long year
ago, we are using non living thing (plastic cards, keys, PINS, smart cards, tokens) for authentication and to get
grant access in restricted areas like NASA, DRDO and ISRO etc. There are two types of biometric as
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physiological characteristics (face, fingerprint, finger geometry, hand geometry, palm, iris, ear and voice) and
behavioral characteristics (gait, signature and keystroke dynamics). Sometimes your behavioural traits may
changes because of illness, fear, hunger etc. Face detection and recognition system is more expensive, exact,
easy to understand and non intrusive process as compare to other biometrics. The system will fall into two
categories as face detection (1:1) and face recognition (1:N).In the face detection we have to classify between
face versus non face region while in recognition process we have to compare that single face image with
multiple images from the input image. While capturing an images from a web cam we have to come across
some problems like pose (position of camera), presence of structural components (spectacles and beard), facial
expression, occlusion (obstructed by someone), image orientation (variation in rotation), imaging condition
(lightning and camera characteristics) etc. Face detection is a common feature of digital cameras since 2006.
Automatic face detection and recognition system is placed at New Zealand airport only for that citizen since
2010 while airport in Europe started to be equipped with similar systems from 2008 for security purpose. The
objective of this project is to classify images of hu-man faces into discrete emotion categories. Many estab-
lished facial expression recognition (FER) systems use stan-dard machine learning and extracted features, which
do not have significant performance when applied to previously unseen data [1]. Within the past few months a
few papers have been published that use deep learning for FER [2] [13] which have been successful at achieving
about .60 accuracy on the EmotiW and other publicly available data sets. Not-ing the success of CNNs in this
domain, our objective is to experiment with both new and existing network architec-tures to achieve similar
results on a new data set.Artificial intelligence systems to recognize human emo-tion have attracted much
research interest, and potential applications of such systems abound, spanning domains such as customer-
attentive marketing, health monitoring, and emotionally intelligent robotic interfaces.
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work of this project would be to future increases the precision of the system by improving algorithm to be more
robust to other environments [4].
Social platform and social media age and gender classification has become applicable. to an application. In this
paper use in convolutional neural systems and the end use in direct convolutional neural system which used in
measure of learning data is limited [5].This paper propose that face recognition based on fusing the near
infrared and visible images of face images with distributed sensing obtaining common component. Used
distributed compressive sensing and innovation component of near infrared and visible image [6]. Unsoojang
and Euichul lee proposed a methodology of pixel based face recognition method face recognition method are
used in appearance based, texture based, geometry based. For this used in principle component analysis, linear
discriminant analysis and local binary pattern [7].
Li Yong –Qiang and Panjin explain a one sample image recognition algorithm based on improved sub-pattern
principle component analysis. For this face divide some blocks and sub pattern then PCA is used and recognize
the face supports vector machine used. The results demonstrate that the proposed algorithm has improved the
recognition rate and speed of face and has robust [8]. Maryam Moghaddam and Aped Meshiqini are presented
automatic facial recognition for used the local directional pattern to represent the geometry and analyse the
performances. Template matching and support vector machine are used and improved algorithm used entropy
LDP+SVM [9]. Navin Prakash and Yashpal Singh presented support vector machine is the recent technology.
This technology gives the decent broad view performance and SVM can be extended in many other ways and
some ways SVM cannot gives better result than technology are extended in fuzzy support vector machine [10].
In this paper proposes an efficient head pose determination method. In face recognition variation related
problem solve then detect face by using ad boost. Then pre-processing on detected face. For this PCA based
face recognition approach depending on a single –pose face DB [11]. In this paper proposed that image
capturing technique in an embedded system based on raspberry implement purpose embedded platform is
very unique. In this use in image capturing and recognition algorithm. Raspberry pi and its peripherals and then
actualized embedded image capturing using raspberry pi system [12].
In this paper G. Ghinea propped the novel methodology to recognize the face images. For this use in Yale face
database and ORL face database and gradient orientation approach are used and also used in schurvectors for
subspace learning in future to improve the accuracy of face recognition [13]. Mounika B. R, Reddy proposed a
Neural Network based face detection by using Gabor Features. The complex classifier are used to better the
algorithm by representing Gabor faces use in distance measures in future improve the detection rate and speed
of the detection process [14].
Tudor BARBU proposed a novel approach of face recognition which based on Gabor filtering and supervised
classification. The 2D filter bank are used and then produces 3D robust face for vector average distance used in
supervised classifier and threshold based face verification method used by using this technique a high facial
recognition rate is obtained [15].
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3.1 Webcam
A webcam is video cameras that feeds or stream its image in real time to or through a computer to a computer
network. a webcam is generally connected by a USB cables, or similar cables built into computer hardware such
as laptop. Popular uses include security surveillance, computer vision and recording video.
• Edge feature
• Line feature
• Center-surround feature
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Yu and Zhang achieved state-of-the-art results in EmotiW in 2015 using CNNs to perform FER. They used an
ensemble of CNNs with five convolutional layers each [14]. Among the insights from their paper was that ran-
domly perturbing the input images yielded a 2-3% boost in accuracy. Specifically, Yu and Zhang applied
transforma-tions to the input images at train time. At test time, their model generated predictions for multiple
perturbations of each test example and voted on the class label to produce a final answer. Also interesting is that
they used stochastic pooling rather than max pooling because of its good perfor-mance on limited training data.
Kim et al. achieved a test accuracy of .61 in EmotiW2015 by using an ensemble based method with varying
network architectures and parameters [2]. They used a hierarchical decision tree and an exponential rule to
combine decisions of different networks rather than simply using a simply weighted average, and this improved
their results. They initialized weights by training networks on other FER data sets and using these weights for
Mollahosseini et al. have also achieved state of the art results in FER [1]. Their network consisted of two
convolu-tional layers, max-pooling, and 4 Inception layers as intro-duced by GoogLeNet. The proposed
architecture was tested on many publically available data sets. It received a lower test accuracy of 0.47 on the
Emotion data base
Figure 2. A sample of images from the data set, labeled with their corresponding emotions.
the-art test accuracies on other data sets (i.e. 0.93 on CK+). When compared to an AlexNet architecture, their
proposed architecture improved results by 1-3 percent on most data sets.
In [5], Graham proposes a specific type of stochastic pooling, called fractional max-pooling, that achieves the
regularization effect of standard max-pooling without dis-carding as much spatial information at each pooling
step. As this method is most suited for data sets with small im-ages, we experimented with it on our data set.
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Instead of reimplementing published networks, we de-cided to take the key insights from these papers and
experiment with different networks. All of the proposed papers used a network about 5 - 7 layers deep and
image perturbation.
3.4 Data
We trained and tested our models on the data set from the Kaggle Facial Expression Recognition Challenge,
which comprises 48-by-48-pixel grayscale images of human faces, each labeled with one of 7 emotion
categories: anger, dis-gust, fear, happiness, sadness, surprise, and neutral. We used a training set of 28,709
examples, a validation set of 3,589 examples, and a test set of 3,589 examples.
As illustrated in Figure 1, the data set’s images vary con-siderably in scale, viewpoint, and illumination.
We note that that all of the images are preprocessed so they form a bounding box around the face region.
However, there are differences in angle, lighting, and objects – for example, some faces are adorned with
glasses or covered by long hair.
We implemented three different classifiers from scratch:
(1) a baseline classifier with one convolutional layer, (2) a CNN with a fixed size of five convolutional layers,
and a (3) deeper convolutional layer with parameterized depth and filtered features. Filters are used to remove
noise and extract features. The above CNN architectures are experimented and compared with AlexNet
A deeper CNN with a paramaterizable number of con-olutional layers, filter dimensions, and number of filters.
For each of these models, we tuned parameters including learning rate, regularization, and dropout. We also
exper-imented with using batch normalization [6] and fractional max-pooling [5].
Finally, we implemented multiple classifiers using fine-tuning with variations on the number of layers retained,
the number of layers backpropagated through, and the initial network used. We experimented with fine-tuning
using two existing models: (1) VGG16, the model from Caffe’s Model Zoo which was trained on ImageNet, and
(2) VGGFace, a network trained on a facial recognition data set.
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Parametrized dropout rate, learning rate, and l2 regu-larization
Batch normalization (optional) after each layer Adam update rule
Weight initialization for using ReLU nonlinearities as presented by He et al.
3x3 convolutional filters with stride 1 and zero-padding to preserve spatial size
2x2 max pools with a stride of 2
Using this model, we also experimented with both traditional max-pooling and fractional max-pooling
(described below).
We obtain the these sequences by taking a random permutation of an appropriate number of ones and twos
which de-note the types of pooling regions, and then pooling within these stochastically determined regions.
We expected FMP to be useful since our data sets im-ages are small. Using FMP would allow us to form deeper
networks without as rapid data loss, at the expense of more computation. We experimented with random,
overlapping fractional max-pooling as described in [5].
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VGG16-trained network, and (2) using the entire VGG16-trained network. With both of these configurations,
we trained two fully con-nected layers at the end (on top) of the network.
In addition, we found a network trained on face images
– VGGFace – available from the Visual Geometry Group at the University of Oxford [12]. This network was
trained on a very large-scale data set (2.6M images, 2.6k people) for the task of face recognition. Since the data
set was trained for a similar application but on a much larger data set than ours, we tried fine-tuning with the
following configuration:
Figure 3
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4.3 Advantages
1 It is used in Real time processing.
2 It is cost effective.
3 LBPH is efficient as compared to PCA.
4.4 Limitation
If number of data base are increase then frames iteration are increase and hence system will work slow.
4.5 Application
1. Employment Attendance system.
2. Student Attendance system.
3. Social Networking.
The aim is to make a smart surveillance system using Raspberry Pi along with PIR sensor and Raspberry Pi-
Camera. PIR sensor is used to detect the motion whenever someone comes within its range. As soon as PIR
Sensor detects the motion, Pi-Camera activates and captures an image. This image is then stored in the system
and finds for a human face in the captured image using OpenCV and Python. The detected human face is then
compared with the faces stored in
the database using Local Binary Pattern algorithm. If the face matches with the ones in the database no alert is
generated else host gets a text message on his android mobile phone via Pushetta application using Wifi adapter.
In this way, this system helps to identify only unauthorised persons. This helps to overcome the drawback of
CCTV and Motion Detection systems which only monitor or alert host based on he motion detected whether it
is authorised person or not.
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Figure 5: Block Diagram of Processing System.
The system consists of Raspberry Pi, PIR Sensor, Raspberry Pi-Camera, Wifi adapter and Power Supply.
A. Raspberry Pi
Raspberry Pi is a low cost (35 dollar), credit card sized, computer that performs various applications. Some of
its main features include 1GB of RAM, 4 USB Ports, General Purpose Input Output pins, Linux support. These
features gives programmers a wide range for diverse applications.
B. PIR Sensor
Passive Infrared Sensor is an electronic sensor that measures infrared lights radiating from the objects in its
field of view. Its maximum range is about 10m which is suitable for motion detection applications.
C. RaspberryPi-Camera
Raspberry Pi-Camera module is a 8MP camera with full HD recording capability. This provides a perfect
solution for face recognition.
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5.1 Software Implementation.
This system is largely based on Python programming from detecting the motion to generating an alert. Various
Python libraries are used to control PIR Sensor for detecting the motion, Python is used for Pi-Camera to
capture and process
images. The captured image is then processed using OpenCV library that integrates with Python. The Face-
recognition part is carried out by the Local Binary Pattern(LBP) algorithm.
A. OpenCV
OpenCV (Open Computer Vision) is a library mainly aimed at real-time computer vision. It provides great
support for face detection and face-recognition techniques using Python.
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In this project, we addressed the task of facial expression recognition and aimed to classify images of faces into
any of seven discrete emotion categories that represent univer-sal human emotions. We experimented with
various tech-niques, such as fine-tuning and fractional max-pooling, and achieved our highest accuracy (0.48)
on a CNN trained from scratch with seven convolutional layers. Given more time, we would have liked to
combat overfitting and approach state-of-the-art accuracies of around 0.61. Surveillance system provides an
efficient way for monitoring suspicious activities. Traditional systems are efficient and have low maintenance
cost. However, energy consumption is more as the system is continuously powered on. Proposed IOT based
smart surveillance system provides energy management by turning the system ON, based on the occurrence of a
particular motion. System will sense the motion and depending on the detected motion system will switch on
the camera, capture the image of intruder, recognize it and send a notification on owner's smart phone if the
person is not recognized by the system.
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