Review Related Literature Foreign Literature
Review Related Literature Foreign Literature
Review Related Literature Foreign Literature
Foreign Literature
investigate and develop a real-time face recognition system for the attendance
system based on the current scenarios. The proposed framework consists face
modules, The face and facemask detection performed using the haar cascade
classifier. Two techniques for face recognition are investigated, the eigenfaces
and local binary pattern histogram. The initial experimental results and
system. For future work, an approach that can perform masked face recognition
developed. Various algorithm has been proposed for face detection such as
The data augmentation is also done, which provides the better performance in
training. Haar cascade is used for extracting the features like eyes, nose length,
cheek, lips, etc. Initially using the web camera, the individual persons cropped
grayscale images are collected as database. Then the classifier trains the
images, the data augmentation is used when datasets of the person is not
enough. Using the web camera, the images are detected and recognized the
person and that information as message are sent to WhatsApp (Saravanan et al.,
made it possible for everyone to access or break into different houses easily. The
main purpose of our project is to build an advanced surveillance system that can
be used to detect the different faces or any movement that may occur while in
application that has unique features to make it more user friendly for the users.
Not only is the user notified when an unauthorized entity is detected, the user is
also allowed to add different faces or objects that will be ignored during the
process of theft detection. This has been achieved using unsupervised machine
learning where a given set of data is compared with the actual live feed from the
surveillance camera to check for any anomalies in its surroundings. The Dataset
or the data used in the proposed system are a few images in the format of. JPEG
and. JPG which can be stored in the given location manually by the user or
through the application itself. The proposed model recognizes the images in any
of the available formats. The modules used in this system are powered by a
strong python module named Open CV. This module supports various face
recognition algorithms such as Haar Cascade, Eigen Faces, Fischer Faces,
Local Binary Pattern Histogram (LBPH), etc and this module is responsible for all
from the dataset are real time Image frames obtained from the user webcam,
both are compared using the Face Recognition module in python which uses the
Real Time. This system also includes a message transmitting feature which
works with the help of the Simple Message Transfer Protocol (SMTP) module in
to the admin or the user using the SMTP message transfer module which
registers the mail address of the user when the initial setup of the system takes
place. Hence a robust, secure and user-friendly device is developed that can
interaction with humans. The way of living will be reflected if machines can read
our faces. The face recognition system will move the world in a new dimension. It
will be beneficial in many ways to find the identity and security. In this paper, a
will be based on face recognition which is further divided into three steps:
detection of face, extractions of the features and classification, and real time
recognition. Detection of face is recognized as the essential step of our system. It
detection algorithm that uses AdaBoost classifier with Haar and LBP features.
Local Binary Patterns (LBP) is utilized to extract the unique features of the face
like eyes, nose, and mouth in the feature extraction phase. The facial image is
correlated with the images available in the database for the classification. The
user interface and also to build executables for different platforms (Sharma,
Vision industry. Many algorithms have been developed to address the issue
of facial recognition during the last thirty years. Algorithms based on LDA,
PCA, ICA and Artificial Neural Networks have been used to try to address the
activities. In this paper, the researcher used the LBPH (Local Binary
find missing people using facial recognition. The major objective of the research
(Muyambo, 2018).
Local Literature
especially during the past few years. Facial recognition technology (FRT) has
features of the body, and the more familiar functionality of visual surveillance
systems. Face recognition technology may solve this problem since a face is
undeniably connected to its owner except in the case of identical twins. It's
A large number of people around the world are suffering from visual
impairment which is a global health issue. These visually challenged people face
person is one of the major problems faced by them. This document represents a
face recognition system with auditory output which can be beneficial for visually
creation, dataset training, and face recognition. Here, Haar Cascade Classifier is
used to detect face from a live video stream and then Local Binary Pattern
recognition using OpenCV-Python library. This system can detect and recognize
multiple people and is also capable of recognizing from both front and side face.
The overall face recognition accuracy is about 93%. Apart from visually
challenged people, old people with Alzheimer's disease can also be benefited
recognition approaches is discussed and conclude the paper with future research
Providing security to the citizens is one of the most important and complex
tasks for the governments around the world which they have to deal with. Street
crimes and theft are the biggest threats for the citizens and their belonging. In
identifying the criminal in the crowded area. This paper proposes a facial
for a drone to have in order to find or identify the person within the crowd. With
surveillance drone as well through which it can cover more area as compared to
the stationary system. As soon as the system identifies the desired person, it
tags him and transmits the image along with the co-ordinates of the location to
the concerned authorities using mounted global positioning system. Proposed
the past decade in computer vision. However, the law enforcement agencies are
inadequate to identify and recognize any person through the video monitoring
lighting are still the major problems in face recognition. Our proposed system
operates better at the minimum low resolution of 35px to identify the human face
in various angles, side poses and tracking the face during human motion. We
have designed the dataset (LR500) for training and classification. This paper
address the human face recognition in real time at the low level of resolution
Foreign studies
computer vision and pattern recognition, it can identify the identities and other
information according to the visual features of face image, having a very broad
on. It has wide application value and commercial value. As a biological feature,
facial features have the characteristics of good, direct and convenient compared
with other biological features. Therefore, face recognition is more acceptable for
users. Over the years, many scholars have developed a variety of kinds of face
the other two algorithms, the LBPH algorithm can not only recognize the front
face, but also recognize the side face, which is more flexible. In order to enhance
is proposed. The gray value of the pixel is replaced by the median value of its
neighborhood sampling valueˈand then creating the face database of our own,
extracting LBP feature and MLBP feature, and being trained in the face
block histogram, and compared with the database, and then printed the
illumination variations, and bad weather is very challenging and still needs
and Local binary pattern histogram (LBPH) algorithms. The result indicates that
LBPH FR is the optimal one compared to others due to its robustness in various
identify the best setting of four parameters of LBPH, radius, neighbors, grid, and
One of the most significant and extensively studied local texture
required in order to make sense of them all. Descriptors have been created using
using the different algorithm, which gets the face picture. With an updated
database, the training and recognition process will resume automatically. The
distance between a person and camera can be used for this facial recognition
bus terminals and other public locations can also be installed to reduce the risk of
system for airports, bus terminals and other public venues can be implemented
Facial recognition-based security solutions are offered by computer vision and its
system for homes and workplaces is described in this article. The Local Binary
Pattern Histogram (LBPH) algorithm was used in its development. For workplace
security, a Facial Recognition model based on LBPH has been created and
as illumination, variations in human face features, poses, and angles have been
chosen. This model exceeded 85% accuracy while successfully navigating the
two situations. This type of system can be utilized for video monitoring at airports,
busy areas, and on the streets. The outcome reveals that LBPH FR is superior to
Internet of Things (IoT) with deep learning (DL) is drastically growing and
systems. It can help users in this field get an advantage in terms of enhanced
available security systems, they suffer from one or more of issues, such as
identity fraud, loss of keys and passwords, or spreading diseases through touch
security factor of medical and healthcare places effectively. This work applies IoT
medical systems. We use Raspberry Pi (RPi) because it has low cost and acts as
Local Studies
This study shows how useful and feasible in facial recognition a triangular
feature of the face using the left and right Lateral Canthus, Nasal Bridge, and
Apex of the Nose. These features are sometimes overlooked by traditional facial
method for facial recognition utilizing DLIB and OpenCV to create the machine
learning model. It has been found that the approach can be viable only with a
certain distance of the camera to the face. With a 92% accuracy of the machine
learning model, the research has concluded that the approach is feasible but has
manpower and barangay patrol roaming around the barangay. This study aims to
features via SMS. LBPH (or Local Binary Pattern Histogram) algorithm is
implemented in the study. The system was successful in recognizing faces that
are registered to the system. The challenge that the researchers encountered
was the range of facial recognition is limited. People that are far away cannot be
recognized by the system. Also, that the face should be facing the camera.
Having any angle with the camera will make the % confidence of the recognition
lower. The system has great recognition with the face facing directly at the
Adaptive facial recognition includes the features of artificial intelligence
(AI) technology, internet of things (IoT) devices, and wireless fidelity (Wi-Fi)
connection. The application of Artificial Intelligence was used to detect faces from
the captured images. Using video image to extract features from the face, Local
Binary Pattern Histogram (LBPH) algorithm was used. The ideal distance
between the subject and the webcam must be 30 cm for minimum percent error.
that adapts through the changes of the features of the person by re-training the
where the local binary pattern histogram is applied. Based on the results, the
and an average processing time of 1.4 seconds. The output shows very
promising results for face detection devices in the field of face recognition
important information such as breed, date of birth, and gender. Plastic tags on
water buffaloes (Bubalus Bubalis) are prone to damage and in order to be read,
they should be restrained. The main objective of the study is to create a portable
device that can identify the buffalo by taking its facial image. This study shows
that with the use of Linear Discrimant Analysis (LDA), the water buffaloes can be
identified by just taking a photo of its face for training images and testing images.
results compared to other algorithms such as Principal Component Analysis
and LDA alone. The output of the simulated training images and testing images
show favourable results indicating effectiveness of the study (Cruz et al., 2019).
While network technology is convenient for our daily life, the problems that
are exposed are also endless. The most important thing for everyone is
and identify and detect faces, the method used in this paper has improved
compared with the traditional AdaBoost method and skin color method. AdaBoost
method, the skin color method and the skin color + AdaBoost method. All
operations in the KPCA and KFDA algorithms are performed by the inner product
kernel function defined in the original space, and no specific non-linear mapping